HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-11-07REGULAR MEETI~G OF ThE CITY COuNCzL OF TEE CITY OF SOUTE SAN FI~,A~,~CISC0,HELD I'~'~"~ '~' I~M~ER V,1938. The re&~lar meeting of the Cit~. Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City ~all ~onday evening, Eove~ber ~th,19~8. The meeting was called to order ~t 8 o'clock P.~. by ~yor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Eoll call found all members of the council present~ as follows,- Councilmen, V.Doido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Thc minutes of the previous meetings were read. There bein!, no errors or omissions the~ were approved as read. ~ communication was received from Joseph A.'~eeler, ll?Z ~cAlliater Street, San Francisco requesting a permit to establish and operate a permanent auto court and trailer park on the E1 C~ino Eeal 1VS.S1 feet southerly from ~lock 10, ~ov~ of ~aden. ~eferred to the Planning C°mmission. A communication was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company requesting permission to install a ~" gas main in the ~esterly sidewalk ~rea of Eucalyptus ~venue between ~nd ~ne and Circle Co~.~rt.Referred to Councilman Tibbetts. ^ reply was received from the Market Street Eailway Company to the city's letter requesting them to move the schedule of their morning car leaving Lipsic Junction to enable workers to get to the trains and plants some~mt earlier. The company stated they sere willing to do this if the city would pass an ordinance prohdbiting jitneys from operating on the city streets. Referred t~ City Attorney Coleberd. A stetement was received from Engineer Klassen showing the amount of work done by the L.C Smith Company in excavating the maintenance channels of Colma Creek. He showed the amount payable to the company to be ~38~0.50 and the balance to be ~4~4.50. The amount payable was ordered paid. A communication was received from the ~lartin Primary Parent Teacher~ Associaction requesting permission to hold a Christmas festival in Fraternal Eall December, where various article will be sold, and to hold an entertainment in the evening for which a small admission charge would be made. On Motion by Councilman Ratto seconaed by Councilman ~ibbetts and regularly carried the desired permission was granted. RESOLUTIOi: NO Vll. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of thee City of South San Francisco vacating and setting aside a resolution of the City Council passed and adopted on the ~nd day of November for the purchase of an Austin-Western Patrol Sweeper at a price of ~3950. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSwee~ey City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page ~14. RESOLUTIOi~i NO.VI~. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of ~outh alan Francisco for the purchase of Knox-Eale ~achinery Company,one Austin-Western Patrol Sweeper at a price of ~3,835.00. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as follows;*- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto, Dor Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest__ Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. This being the date ~:et for the opening of bids for two Buick cars Councilman Boido moved the bids be ooened. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. The following bids were mibmitted;- Belli ~otor Company ~ cars as per soecificatio~s ~!3,06~.V4, Allow on old 1939 ~uick car ~600, balance ~46~.V4 Howard Buick Company ~ ouick cars ~3,0VS.~0,allowance on old ~uick ~5V5,bal~503.~¢ J.A.Baker Inc/ submitted a bid for ~ Desota cars for ~9~500," " "~8~5, ~a1,~1695. Belli & Company bein;:-~i the lo?~est bidders on tle ~ Juick cars Councilman i~,~linucciani moved the bid be awarded to the Belli ~,[otor Company. %he motion was seconded by Councilman ~iboetts and regularly carries~ and Councilman I~inu~ciani introduced a resolutio~l of award. NO.V10. The resolution wa~ adopted by the votes of all tbs members .of the City ouncil, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A. d .Eschelbach,M. ~,{inuc ciani, D .W .Ratto ,Rod Tibbetts. Noe s, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attests_ Daniel ~,f. cSweene.~~ City Clerk. Recorced in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page $14 This being the date set for opening ~ bids for the purchase of a truck for the city street department,councilman Tibbetts moved ~hat the bids be opened .The motion ~as seconded by Cosncilman Boido and regularly· carried. The followin?, bids were then Opened;- Fred J.Lautze, one Ford Truck as per specifications ;~;l~98,o, 6,allowanc'e on old truck ,:~400, ~alance ,i~898. ~6 ~lario Volonte I International ~ruck .~10V0,allowance on old truck ~4~5,balance ~;~695.00 Bellt ~'~otor Co., One Chevrolet Truck ~l~V1 ,allowance on old truck .~500 1~alance;i~VVl.l__O, Beili ~f_o~or Co.proposition No ~$135V.64,allowance on old 2r~ck ,$500, oalance,~85V.54 Arata Motor Co i International 'lruck ~1411.~0 allowance on 01d truck ~450,Balanc~i;SV4.48 Reo Sales Corp. Reo Truck,.~14?~V.6V,allowance on ol:i truck ~i~550 ~alance~SVV.6V Action on award was postponed. 'lhe monthly reports of the tity Treasurer City Judge Chief of Police }-~ealth OfficerFire Chief and Building Inspector and City Clerk..:~for the month ending October 31,193g~ were submitted and accepted. Claims in the amount of ~11,~4V.69 were next presented to the City Council for payment;- Dudley Perkins repairs to motorcycle Brunston's auto I;~otor, Set, materiala police dept Nello Lazzari special police service Robinson Drugs Rulvex for ,jail Louis Belloni meals for prisoners,etc Sout; City Laundry fire house wash Superior Laundry " " " 2, Bureau ~rade Industrial Educator materials fire dept }vIutual ~gineering Co ~.Jreenberg's Sons De ~erry,s Service E .ROssi' L. Savaras C ,Rinehart P. Smi th ~,,. Ullery G. 01ms t e d R. Smi th J. Pambrini k:. Barney J.Huntin ton J'. ~,~e rri A .Robinson E .Kozlowski W .Locatelli A. Johnson F. Gamba ~]anu el Castro C. ~e gnal ~L~':'.. ~¥~inuc c i ani O .Pe~a ~he Enterprise Rio Grande 0il Co Union Oil Co. L. ~. Smith W.a .Wettenall Southern Pacifif Co. grinding one valve 1 hydrat boSy tube fire dept attending fires tl tt tl It tt ti tt It tt It tt tl tt It It tt fl tl tt It tl ti i; ,, Pacific ?as 8,: Electric Co. tt t! I! ~ank of America Schawabacher Prey Co ~ .Welch State Compensation Ins.>~nd San ~Viateo Count) Title Co ~O.S.F.Chamber of Co~m~erce Pac.Lel & ~el Co. California Water Service Co ti ti I! tt ti tt tt tt tl t! tt l! Arndt's Dept Store Fred Lautze Linden Ave ~ara~e Golden West Quarry M. ~'~o ~o 0. ~ianc chini d .D.Wright L~. Laufe r C .Cornell M. ~t cher J.Mas ciocecchio F.Mandoli Sout~ City Lumber ~, Supply Co ti fl ~t t~ G,_ ,bishop CO Peters a Wilson g~prout s, Iii ts drinking fountain repair city hall urinal W.P.A.Project rat bread legals on Buicks ,~ truck ~0 check books Eythl gas ~a soline ne ls ~188. o0 progress payment exc.chan~89~0.80 truck rental ~ .08 sewer pip~ ,~176.~6 sewer construction ~n~er tracks So. Industrial Area ~$~98~466 misc service street lighte Gordon Rowe claim in re new installation system suop lie s removin~ deFs,cata prem to~ ll/i9 September reports $ Oct 94.57 6.89 5.00 1.25 3.28 6.68 3.90 12.12 4. O0 ~59.48 14. ~8 2.50 2.50 2.50 .5o 3.00 3. O0 ~.oo 3. O0 .oo 3.50 5.00 5.00 6.00 7.50 8. O0 8.50 ga. 40 6 .g5 25.00 .75 21. O0 19.05 6.2V ~102 .~7 ~ 722.41 ,~400.00 ~ 5 .s~ ~!,~ 39.00 ~10V3.08 ~ 3. O0 November ads ph~ ne ~--~1 Oct water cit~ hall " library " W .P .A. " city dump " fountain 6: fire house " hydranta ,, playgrounds raincoats,boots overhaul street truck repair Dodge battery,dog exterminator crushed, run labor on storm sewer " ao~a ~reek "Orange A~,e Park sewer laterals " Orange Ave Park " trin~ming trees tviaterials cement mix repair lawn mower cotten seed meal books ~5. O0 2 · 50 16.64 13. O0 3 ;23 1.25 3.60 ~3~3.00 V7.83 26.45 ~3.0~4 12.10 2.50 19.16 27.OO 2V.O0 '~Z1.50 40.50 81. O0 81.00 $44 .s5 49.92 V. 11 1.55 .6~ Total ~$11247.69 Th.e claims havin~ been audited by the finance committee Councilman I~iIinucciani moved they be maid. The motion was seconded by Councilman R~tto and re~ularl]i,~carried. Mayor Eschelbach proposed that Bendo Papini be appointed poun~aster ~a salary of ~60.00 per month, and a pound site be put in shape st fire house No.~. Councilmen Ratto and Minucciani stated this was the first they had headr d of the proposition. Councilman Ratto stated Mr. Papini was an itinerant resident and any such job should be c:iven to a local m~. No ~rth. er action was taken. Counci~ Tibbetts stated the work of constructing a pound house was proceedin~ rapidly. Councilman Ratto reported that a service station man here received a letter from a traveler who stopped in Soutl San ~rancisco , and the letter was addressed "Billboard moulevard and i~,iller Avenue". he declared it was time the city did some- thing to restrict the building of sign boards,and the city is beinC called "billbos~ City. Considerable discussion followed, but no further action was taken· Counci~an hatto proposed that the city take an option on the South San Franc beach property on account of the proposed deep water harbor, tie stated lhat if the harbor was developed the land would become i~ensely valuable,that the city could use it for a playground, or donate or sell it to factories. City attorney Coleberd sai~ that if the city squires the property i~ would have to be for a specific ~se, and not an investment· There was no ~rther action taken. Fire Chief Welte was aurthorized to have windshields installed on engine N~. 1. ~ilio Cortesi of Peck's Lots appearec~ appeared before the council and protested against the blasting' in his vicinity, which he stated was d~aging his property. He was ~ that the contractor was under heavy bonds,and all d~age would be taken care of. There being no further business before the council Counci~an Boido moved to adjourn until ~onday, Nove~.ber lq, 1938. Qbe motion wa~ seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and re~' arly carried. Time of adjour~ent 9;15 o'clock ~.M. A~proved ~:ayor of Sout] kan Francisco lie sp~t fully ~it~ed, ,