The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Soutj San Francisco was heSd
in the city hall Monday evening November 21, 1938.
The meeting was called to order at 8 O'clock p. m. by Mayor A. J. Eschelbach
Roll call found all members of the council present as follows:
V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani, D. W. Ratto
The mintues of the meeting of November 14, 1938, were re. ad.
or omissions they were approved as read.
There being no errors
A commUnication was received from American Improvement Club asking 9he~ci~l council
to take up the matter of traffic regulation i$ the city. After discussion as to t~
correct method of parking the matter was referred to the cAief of police,
~ communication was received from American Improvement Club calling attention to
chicken coops, rabbit hutches, etc. being built in front yards, asking the council
to enact an ordinance regulating ~am~. After much discussion the matter was referr,
to the health department.
A communication was received from Tippecanoe Trib~ #lll Improved Order of Redmen
asking permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall November 23, 1938. On motion
by Councilman Ratto~ seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried permissi(
was granted.
A communication was received from the Night 0wls asking permission to hold a dance
in Fraternal Hall December 3, 1938. 0n motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded
by Councilman Boido and regularly carried permission was granted.
Ida Fiorentini made request for refund of $1.25 charged for weed cleaning on this
year's tax bill. The communication was ordered placed on file to be taken up at a
later date.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company requested permission to extend their 2" gas main
in t~ne souhterly sidewalk area of Circle Court east of Eucalyptus Aven~e. The
matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts.
On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly
carried a new check was ordered issued to A. Coruccini and Son in the amount of
$360.00 in lieu of check in a like ~mount issued November l, 1@38. for the building
of dug-outs at the park.
BashfOrd Smith submitted prices for making a new map or putting the old map on
rollers for the use of the Planning Commission. The matter was referred to Council
Tibbetts. Arthur Johnson made application to the city council for the job of poun~
master. The communication was ordered filed.
Under the head of unfinished business the City Planning Commission reported on
the application of J. A. Wheeler for a permit to build an auto and trailer court in
hhe Town of Baden. They recommeded the issuance of a permit with the understanding
Mr. Wheeler invest approximately $20,000.00 in the improvement and that he carries
out his plans as presented.' On motion by Councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilmm
Ratto and duly carried the city clerk was instructed to post notices in the distric~
of the improvement and to notify the property owners within five hundred feet of
the proposed improvement, of the meeting set for December 5, 1938~ at 8 p. m., for
the hearing on this application.
Councilman Tibbetts recommended, as being most servicabl~ the purchase of a Ford
truck for the street department. The city attorney was requested to have the neces:
papers ready for the next meeting.
Claims in the amount of $1,598.32 were next presented to the city council for payme~
Standard Fence Co.
J. N. Hedberg
Frank Pariani
Mrs. R. Magnaghi
Dudley Perkins
Brunton's Automotive Se~ce
So. City Dumber Co.
G. Arresta
P. Magnaghi
W. Ekstrom
H. Troxell
C. Cornell
C. Stuerman
F. Mandoli
M. Laufer
J. Masci6vecchio
Pacific Tele and Tele. Co.
J. S. Baker
Unde~ood Elliott Fisher Co.
Linden Avenu Garage
Western Pipe and ~teel Co.
Labor & material stretching fabric $
1 siren and repairs to police siren
repairs police car
police matron
repairs motorcycle
brake lining fire truck
Supplies st. improvement fund
materials recreation dept.
" Colma creek bank protection
labor "
=~ days
9._ " ,~,
II ti
' it 'i
7 days trim trees
5 "labor trim trees
11 days labor Orange Ave. Park
Service Not.
grading, etc. hauling loan to city
rental typewriter - 2 mos
repealers streettruck
18 feet 24' culvert for end of Mag-
nolia Avenue
V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani, D. W. Ratto
The mintues of the meeting of November 14, 19~8,
or omissions they were approved as read.
were read.
There being no errors
A commUnication was received from American Improvement Club asking 6he'ci6~ council
to take up the matter of traffic regulation i$ the city. After discussion as to the
correct method of parking the matter was referred to the chief of police,
~ communication was received from American Improvement Club calling attention to
chicken coops, rabbit hutches, etc. being built in front yards, asking the council
to enact au ordinance regulating ~am~. After much discussion the matter was referre
to the health department.
A commUnication was received from Tippecanoe Tribe~ #l~ll Improved Order of Redmen
asking permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall November 23, 1938. On motion
by Councilman Ratto~ seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried permissio
was granted.
A communication was received from the Night 0wls asking permission to hold a dance
in Fraternal Hall December 3, 1938. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded
by Councilman Boido and regularly carried permission was granted.
Ida Fiorentini made request for refund of $1.25 charged for weed cleaning on this
year's tax bill. The communication was ordered placed on file to be taken up at a
later date.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company requested permission to extend their 2" gas main
in tene souhterly sidewalk area of Circle Court east of Eucalyptus Aven~e. The
matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts.
On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly
carried a new check was ordered issued to A. Coruccini and Son in the amount of
$360.00 in lieu of check in a like amount issued November l, 1@38. for the building
of dug-outs at the park.
Bashford Smith submitted prices for making a new map or putting the old map on
rollers for the use .of the PlarAning Commission. The matter was referred to Councilm~
Tibbetts. Arthur Johnson made application to the city council for the job of pound-
master. The com~unication was ordered filed.
Under the head of unfinished business the City Planning Commission reported on
the application of J. A. Wheeler for a permit to build an auto and trailer court in
hhe Town of Baden. They recommeded the issuance of a permit with the understanding 1
Mr. Wheeler invest approximately $20,000.00 in the improvement and that he carries
out his plans as presented. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilman
Ratto and duly carried the city clerk was instructed to post notices in the district
of the improvement and to notify the property owners within five hundred feet of
the proposed improvement, of the meeting set for December 5, 1938~ at 8 p. m., for
the hearing on this application.
Councilman Tibbetts recommended, as being most servicabl~ the purchase of a Ford
truck for the street department. The city attorney was requested to have the necess~
papers ready for the next meeting.
Claims in the amount of $1,598.32 were next presented to the city council for paymen~
Standard Fence Co.
J. N. Hedberg
Frank Pariani
Mrs. R. Magnaghi
Dudley Perkins
Brunton's Automotive Se~ce
So. City Lumber Co.
G. Arresta
P. Magnaghi
W. Ekstrom
H. Troxell
C. Cornell
C. Stuerman
F. Mandoli
M. Laufer
J. Masci6vecchio
· Pacific Tele and Tele. Co.
J. S. Baker
Underwood Elliott Fisher Co.
Ltnden Avenu Garase
Western Pipe and ~teel Co.
Highway Blacksmith Shop
Payne's Bolt Works
A. Coruccini & Son
G. Arresta
Labor & material stretching fabric $
1 siren and repairs to police siren
repairs police car
police matron
repairs motorcycle
brake lining fire truck
Supplies st. improvement fund
materials recreation dept.
" Colma creek bank protection
=~ days labor "
II l..l
7 days trim trees
5 "labor trim trees
ll days labor Orange Ave. Park
Service Not.
grading, etc. ~hauling loam to city
rental typewriter - 2 mos
repSrs streettruck
18 feet 24' culvert for end of Mag-
nolia Avenue
repairing tools
bolts, etc. for Colma Creek
issued in lieu of check# 231~8 /~*~
~ days labor Colma Creek
74. O0
58Q. :1,,5
24.75 $1598
The claims havi~ been audited by the finance committee, Councilman Ratto moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carriede
Mr. Kost, director of the recreation department addressed the council regarding the
activities of his department. He suggested the dug-outs be protected with screening
to prevent players, ~when chasing the ball~ from falling into them; also that enough
ground be leveled off for the football field so that it could be used for outdoor
basketball when the season arrives; that 3 or 4 temporary horseshoe pits be butlt~
He recommended a back stop of rice straw-for archery, and also to avoid accident at the
Linden Avenue playground that the ground be covered with tan bark or for the ~ esent
that the gravel be swept elf. He said that December 15 has been set for a Christmas
party at Fraternal Hall and the recreation department will take part in conjunction
with the P. T. A~ by displaying the work being done by the youngsters and putting on
of a play. He said they would also like to help the city with their annual Ch~ist-
mas Tree Party. He then introduced Mr. Boden, Superintendent of the Daly City Water
Workse Mr~ Boden said he was down to admire the city hall and said he would be
pleased to b~_ve the city officials present at the dedication of their new city~all~
There being no further business before the council, Councilman Ratto moved to adjourn to
Monday evening December 8, 1938, at 8 o' clock p. m. The motion was~ seconded by Council-
man Minucciant and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9 o'clock p. m~
Respectfully submitted~
Dani~l~McSw~eeney, City Clerk
Mayor of South San ~'rancisco