The regular meeting of the city council of the city of South San Fran-
ci]sco was held in the City Hall Monday evening December 5, ~938.
The meeting was call.ed to order at 8 o'clock p. m. by Mayor A. J. Eschelbach.
Roll call found all members of the council present as follows: Councilmen
V.~ Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto, M. Minucciani.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or
omissions they were approved as read. ~
Acbion Democrata Espanola requested permission to hold a benefit dance in
Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, December 10, 1938, from 8 o'clock p. m.
tO one o'clock a. m. On motion by Councilman Minuccaini seconded by Council-
ma~ Ratto and duly carried permission granted.
The SocLedad Mutualista Mexicana Morelos, Inc. requested permission to give a
concert at Grand Avenue School Auditorium, Saturday, December 17, 1938. On
motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Boido and duly carried
permission granted.
A ~oummunication was received from the Peninsual League of California Muni-
cipalities, advising the city of a meeting of the League in Villa Mateo,
Daly City, Thursday, December lB, 1938, at 7 o'clock p.m. All city official
expressed a willingness to attend if possible.
A Oommunioation was received from the Garden Section of the Women's Club offer
ing suggesstions for the beautification of the city for th~ holiday season,
s~ch as wreaths in the windows of the city hall and library building and color
liEhts strung across Grand Avenue rather than lights on the city buildings.
The com~aunication was laid over.
A oommunication was received from Joseph P. Quinlan, Postmaster, advising the
city that the United States Government h~d purchased portions of Lots 9, l0 an
l~' and all of Lot ll Block 139, South San Francisco, setting forth certain in-
formation in connection with the possession of this property and stating that
the Government is exempt from all taxation, assessments or other charges levie
by any state, county or municipality. Mayor Eschelbach requested the city
clerk to write Mr. Quinlan to the effect the board will co-operate and on the
first ~onday in March next year will take steps to remove the assessment from
the roll.
A communication was received from The Enterprise asking the city to participat
in'their annual Good Will Edition of the Enterprise for 1938, to be published
on December 16. Logan Franklin appeared before the council and hdvised them
the cost of the ad would~be $100.00. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, second
by Councilman Boido and regularly carried, the council subscribed to the ad.
C.~Costa addressed a communication to the city Council asking a refund of
personal property tax charged on his lots 3,4,8,6,V,8,9,10 and ll Block ~
Town of Baden, stating the equipment and machinery had been removed from the
~uilding since June l, 1937. Referred to the city attorney.
Communicationswere received from J. V. Ron asking for a weed refund of $1.~5
and from Martin L. Eby asking for a weed refund of ~5.01. communicatiom ordere
The monthly reports for the month ending November 30, 1938, were received from
the Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, City Treasure
Health Officer and City Planning Commission. The reports were accepted as rea
and ordered placed on file..
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City of Sou~h san Francisco
for the purchase~of a Ford dump truck for ~he street department of the city.
The resolution was adopted by a vote of all members of ~he city council as
~yes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratio,
M. Minucciani
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None
· Attest: Daniel McSweeney~ City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield,Deputy ~
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3 at page ~15.
COmmunications· were received from the State Department of Public Works advisi~
the city of the approval of plans and specifications for the cleaning and repa~
of Colma Creek channel and the approval of the contract between' the City ahd
~. C. Smith, also~ asking the oity to designate, by resolution, a representativ
of the city to have authority to handle all matters relative to the contract.
Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the ~ity
of South San Francisco, designatingR. A. Klassen as sole repreSenative of said
city with respect to the wo~ of excavating the channel of Colma Creek. The
resolution was.adopted by a vote of all members of the city council as follows
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. j. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto,
~. Minucciani
Noes, Councilmen None Absent Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenf~eld, ~eputy
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 2 at page 216.
V.~B°ido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto, M. Minucctani.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read.
omissions they were approved as read.
There being no errors or
Action Democrata Espanola requeste~ permission to hold a benefit dance in
Fraternal Hall, Saturd'ay evening, December 10, 1938, from 8 o'clock p. m.
to one o'clock a. m. On motion by Councilman Minuccaini seconded by Council
man Ratto and duly carried permission granted.
The Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana Morelos, Inc. requested permission to give
concert at Grand Avenue School Auditorium, Saturday, Oecember 17, 1938. On
mo~ion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Boido and duly carrf
permission granted.
A ~oummunication was received from the Peninsual League of California Muni-
cipalities, advising the city of a meeting of the League in Villa Mateo,
Daly City, Thursday, December 1S, 19Z8, at 7 o'clock p.m. All city offici
expressed a willingness to attend if possible.
A ~ommunication was received from the Garden Section of the ~omen's Club off
lng suggesstions for the beautification of the city for the holiday season,
s~ch as wreaths in the windows of the city hall and library building ~d col
liEhts strung across Grand Avenue rather than lights on the city buildings.
Th~ con~unication was laid over.
A oommunication was received from Joseph P. Quinlan, Postmaster, advising th~
cfty that the United States Government had purchased portions of Lots 9, l0
12° and all of Lot ll Block 1~9, South San Francisco, setting forth certain
formation in connection with the possession of this property and stating tha~
the Government is exempt from all taxation, assessments or other charges lew
by any state, county or municipality. Mayor Eschelbach requested the city
clerk to write Mr. Quinlan to the effect the board will co-operate and on th~
first Monday in March next year will take steps to remove the assessment fro:
the roll.
A communication was received from The Enterprise asking the city to particip~
in'their annual Good Will Edition of the Enterprise for 1938, to be publishe~
on'December 16. Logan Franklin appeared before the council and advised then
the cost of the ad would'be $100.00. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seco~
by Councilman Boido and regularly carried, the council subscribed to the ad.
C.~Costa addressed a communication to the city Council asking a refund of
personal property tax charged on his lots 3,4,~,6,7,8,9,10 and ll Block 2
Town of Baden, stating the equipment and machinery had been removed from the
~uilding since June l, 1937. Referred to the city attorney.
Communicatlonswere received from J. V. Ron asking for a weed refund of $1.2~
and from Martin L. Eby asking for a weed refund of ~S.01. communicatiom order
The monthly reports for the month ending November ~0, 1938, were received fro
the Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, City Treasur
Health Officer and City Planning Commission. The reports were accepted as re
and ordered placed on file..
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City of Sou~h san Francisc.
for the purchase of a Ford dump truck for the street department of the city.
The resolution was adopted by a vote of all members of ~he city council as
~yes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratio,
M. Minucciani
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None
By Elizabeth 0tbenfie , p y ~
Recorded in BOOk of Hesolutions Vol. 3 at page 215.
Co~nunications were received from the State Department of Public ~orks advisiz
the city of the approval of plans and specifications for the cleaning and reps
of Colma Creek channel and the approval of the contract between~ the City ahd
~. C. Smith, also asking the city to designate, by resolution, a representati~
of the city to have authority to handle all matters relative to the contract.
Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the ~ity
of South San Francisco, designatingR. A. Klassen as sole represenative of said
city with respect to the wo~c of excavating the chan~el of Colma Creek. The
resolution was adopted by a vote of all members of the city council as follows
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Hod Tibbetts, ~. J. Eschelbach, D. ~. Ratto,
M. Minucciani
Noes, Councilmen None Absent Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McS~eeney~ City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenf~eld, ~eputy
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 2 at page 218.
Claim,s in the amount of SJ,76J.89
were next presented to the council for pay.
County Tax Collector
California Water SerVice
Pacheco Electric- Co.
A. J. Pacheco
Pacheco Electric
Enterprise Press
L. C. Smith
Belli Motor Co.
Louis Belloni
John Daly
J. Welch
California Cut Stone
Armour and Co.
California State Auto Service
Enterprise Foundry Co.
E. 0tten£ield
Patrick and i~ioise Klinkner
P. G. and E.
Franl~ Gamba
C. Begnal
V. Ullery
M. Castro
C. Schurk
F. Gamba
J. Penna
M. Laufer
J. Ma's ciovecchio
Fred Brown
N. C-uidotti
C. Cornell
H. Troxell
C. Stuerman
W. Ekstrom
E. Carrero
W. Perry
R. R. Sharkey
P. Magnaghi
R. Quinlan
Linden Avenue Garage
A. Carlisle Co.
So. City Auto Service
Brunton's Automotive Service
Peninsual Welding Service
Roy' s Service
H. L. Haaker
Schwabacher Frey
Chamber of Commerce
Cook' s 0il
South City Lt~mber and Supply
Pacific Tele and Tele Co.
South City Laundry and Linen
Taxes on 2 city lots $ 7.34
water service 39.76
" 8.19
" 8.97
" 6.45
" 327. O0
" 4.04
hauling 3.41
maintain fire system & install lines 186.71
"~treet lights,' etc. 46.44
building Permits
500 mimeograpt~ sheets
supplies planning commission
truck rental Colma Creek
service Buicks
miscellaneous expense
material street dept.
material for tennis coubt
empty salt sacks
stop signs
assigned claim of Attilio Ratto
office material
various accounts
street lighting
relief driver
attending fires
lab§r Ball park
filing saws
carpenter work fire house #2 garage
labor colma creek
gas tank lock
minute book planning commission
material fire dept.
work onBuick
material police dept.
repairs motorcycle
insurance prem
" " buick
"poundmaster' s bond
"building inspector's bond
"deputy clerk's bond
"street sweeper
"chief of p~lice' s bond
v~oodburning outfit - recreation
" m~terial' "
advertising December
~oil for Orange Avenue Park
materials - par~~
" street dept.
phone #401 and 626
wash #1 house Nov.
80. O0
20. O0
27. O0
48. O0
27. O0
Total $ 3 763.89
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Council~_~n Ratto moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
ii.: lng to co-op~rate with the city.
Under the head of unfinished business the matter of the permit of J. A. Wheeler
for permission to erect an auto and trailer court was brought up. Mayor Eschel-
bach asked if there were an written objections or anyone in the house to object
to the granting of the permit. There were none. On motion by Councilman
Minucciani seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the permit was
Assistant Engineer Klassen discussed the Colma Creek situation stating that the
petition submitted from the district came b~fore the Board of Supervisors and was
sent to Sacramento and nothing has been done in the matter and he suggested the
preparation of a new act to come before the legislature, for if nothing is done
the sand will continue to come down. City.Attorney C01eberd'said he would talk
with Mr. Sulltvan with a view of trying to ~)et something before the Legislature.
0ity Attorney Coleberd said he would have a report on the ,Lindmn Avenue matter
,next week. He said Mr. Wilson, representing the Union Paving Company, is will-
He also said he would see Mr. Sullivan re-
Belli Motor Co.
Louis Belloni
John Daly
J. Welch
California Cut Stone
AEnour and Co.
California State Auto Service
Enterprise Foundry Co.
E. 0ttenfield
Patrick and Moise Klinkner
P. G. and E.
Fran~ Gamba
C. Begnal
V. Ullery
M. Castro
C. Schurk
F. Gamba
J. Penna
M. Laufer
J. Ma'sciovecchio
Fred Brown
N. Guidotti
C. Cornell
H. Trozell
C. Stuerman
W. Ekstrom
E. Carrero
W. Perry
R. R. Sharkey
P. Magnaghi
R. Quinlan
Linden Avenue Garage
A. Carlisle Co.
So. City Auto Service
Brunton's Automotive Service
Peninsual Welding Service
Roy' s Service
H. L. Haaker
Schwabacher Frey
Chamber of Commerce
Cook' s Oil
South City L~mber and Supply
Pacific Tele and Tele Co.
South City Laundry and Linen
miscellaneous expense
material street dept.
material for tennis coubt ·
empty salt sacks
stop signs
assigned claim of Attilio Ratto
office material
various accounts
street lighting
relief driver
attending fires
labSr Ball park
filing saws-
carpenter work fire house #2 garage
labor colma creek
gas tank lock
minute book planning commission
material fire dept.
work on'Buick
material police dept.
repairs motorcycle
insurance prem
" " buick
"poundmaster's bond
"building inspector's bond
"deputy clerk's bond
"street sweeper
"chief of p-lice's bond
woodburning outfit - recreation
" material ~ "
advertising December
~oil for Orange Avenue Park
materials - park~
" street dept.
phone #401 and 626
wash #1 house Nov.
80. O0
20. O0
1. O0
1. O0
27. O0
48. O0
27. O0
Total $ 3 763.89
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Ratto moved they
be paide The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the matter of the permit of J. A. Wheeler
for permission to erect an auto and trailer court was brought up. ~ayor Eschel-
bach asked if there were an written objections or anyone in the house to object
to the granting of the permit. There were none. On motion by Councilman
Minucciani seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the permit was
grant ed.
Assistant Engineer Klassen discussed the Colma Creek situation stating that the
petition submitted from the district came b~fore the Board of Supervisors and was
sent to Sacramento and nothing has been done in the matter and he suggested the
preparation of a new act to come before the legislature, for if nothing is done
the sand will continue to come down. City Attorney C01eberd said he would talk
with Mr. Sullivanwith a view of trying to get something before the Legislature.
.City Attorney Coleberd said he would have a report on the .Lindmn Aven~e matter
,next veek. He said Mr. Wilson, representing the Union Paving Company, is will-
ing to co-operate with the city. He also said he would see Mr. Sullivan re-
garding the $5000.00 to be paid by the County in this matter.
Under the head of new business Mayor EschelbaGh said Edward Borba, in charge
of the Boy Scouts Drum Corps, is preparing his boys for participation in the World's
Fair, and in order to practice they would like to have lights installed in the Boy
Scout house at the park. Councilman Tibbetts said he had planned in using the build-
ing for a tool house. Councilman ~inucciani said it had already been designated as a
Scout House and thought it should be kept as such. Councilman Tibbetts was asked to
get the cost of wiring the building and also the cost of running 'an underground wire
on Orange Avenue to serve all the Orange Avenue Park.
Mr. Ouerrero, Secretary of Morelos Inc. appeared before the city council regarding the
holding of private dances at their club rooms, 312 Baden Avenue. Chief Belloni said
the club wanted to dance till 2 o'clock and complaints may arise. Councilman Ratto
said no permit was necessary since the dances were private, until complaints came in.
F. D. Minucciani addressed the city council regarding the Christmas lights and said
the Merchants Association would meet Wednesday night to discuss the matter. Councilm
Tibbetts asked Mr. Robbins,of the P. G. & E., what the rate would be for the Street
lights for the Xmas decorations, and he said as far as he knew this service was metere
and billed to the city, but suggested addressing a letter to the company, giving the
number of lights.
Councilman Boido brought up the matter of a new policeman to patrol the highway from
about 6;30 p. m. to about 3.30 a. m. He said he recommended Nello Lazzari for the
job starting the first of the month at $150.00 per month. Mayor Eschelbach asked if
Lazzari was to be put on for a six.months' trial. Councilman Boido said it was 0. K.
with him for a six months' trial. Councilman Boido made a motion to appoint Nello
Lazzari to the police force on six months trial. The motion was seconded by Councilm
Tibbetts. Mayor Eschelbach asked for roll call on the motion and Councilmen Boido,
Tibbetts, Eschelbach voted yes and Councilmen Ratto and Minucciani voted No. Council-
man Ratto stated his reason for voting no was that several months ago examinations wet
given~for police officer and police clerk and the man getting the highest was to get t
Job. He said the police clerk was given to a man who came in third or fourth and
Lazzari came in 17th or 18th. He said he had nothing against Lazzari but believed
the man with the highest rating should ~et the job. Councilman Minucciani said the
examinations should be taken over again, that he had nothing against Lazzari but that
the Job should be given to the high man and that Lazzari was low man in the examinati
Councilman Boido said the men he had the pleasure of appointing to the police force
have made good on the job. Mayor Eschelbach ~aid the man at the head of the depart-
ment should be capable of appointing a man and Councilman Boido is willing to give
Lazzari a six months trial.
Councilman Minucciani discussed the salary of th~ firemen, stating they are the lowest
paid on the peninusla. He made a motion to raise the Fire Chief's salary to $225.00
a month and the firemen to ~175.00 a month. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Ratto. Mayor Eschelbach asked for roll call on the motion and Councilmen Boido,
Tibbetts, Eschelbach voted no and Councilmen Ratto and Ninucciani Yes. Councilman
Tibbetts said he would be in favor of a raise of $5.00 a year. Councilman Boido said
he would be in favor of a raise a little at a time but thought ~15.00 too much at one
There being no further business before the council, Councilman Ratto moved to adjourn
to Monday evening December 12th, 1938 at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9.30 o'clock p. m.
Respectfully submitted
Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
Mayor City of South San Francisco.