HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-12-12REGD~LARLY ADJOURNED ~'~' ~ -'~ f ~' ,,~E~ii.~,; OF i~;E CITY COUi~CIL 0F T~[E CITY OF SOUTI[ SAN FRANCISC0, HELD ~0NDAY DECF~BER 1~, 1938. A regularly adjourned meeting o~~ the City Council of the Cit~ of gouth San Prancisco was held in the City Hall ~'~onday evening, December 12,19~8. This meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.~,~. by ~ayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL C~LL. Roll call found ~t4e following members of the council present;- V.Boido, A. J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Ab s ent, ~;I. Minu cci ani. <'~ 4~. The reading of tLe minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. A communication was received from John H.Skeggs, District Engineer of the Division of ~ighways] requesting the cooperation of. this~city in widening the~Bayshore Boulevard b~ passing an ordinance calling for JO' set-back lines. The City Council and City Attorney Coleberd were of the opinion that this would work a hardship on a nur~ber of businessmen on both sides of the highway in South San ~rancisco, and be very costly to the State. Cit},. Attorney Coleberd suggested that it would be cheaper for the gtate to build an aamitiona- highway about~ half a mile east of the present Bayshore Highway. After considerable discussion it was decided to b~ve the clerk write the L~istrmct, t~n. gineer, Mr. Skeggs,~and request that Le send a representative of his office to 9ne of ~ur meetings for a conference. A letter written to the local 1.ibrary board b.~ Architect Henry H.Gutterson was submitted t6 tY~·e city council. ~e letter included a request for the payment of the sum of for plans and specifications and labor furnished by ~r. Outterman in making application to the P.W.A. for f~nances to help build a wing to the library. Councilman TibOetts moved that bill be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Botdo and regularly carried. i¥iiss'Rue Clifford, Secretary ?~ the Library ~,oard submitted reports for the period from November 1,1939 to October 31,1~38. · The report was accepted and ordered filed. The yearly report of LibrarianE~roner for the period November 1937 to November 1938 was received, accepted and placed on file. .~. c Mayor Eschelbach received an invitation from ~abel Jensen,Auditor of the City of Berkeley, Do attend a meeting of th~ ~dunicipal Finance Officers' Association of the United States and Canada. The invitation was ~ent to former ~(ayor r~atto, who submitted it to Mayor Esuhelbach. The i',i;ayor bein~j unable to attend he referred it tc Councilman Ratto as Chair- man of the finance co~nnittee. Cou~cilman t~atto aslo stated he would not havethe time to accept the invitation. Under the head of unfinished business Chief of Police Belloni stated the request of the American Improvement Club for improvement in traffic re~ula6ions was postponed till later. The request of the American Improvement Club for the enactment of an ordinance prohibit- ing the building of chicken coops, rabbit hutches,etc, in front yards. Referred to the health de~artment~ and oostponed till a later meeting. ' Councilman Tibbetts reported that he ha.d ordered~maps made of the city for .the Planning Commission. Under the head of new business City Attorney reported t~at be contacted Assistant District Attorney Sullivan on the ~natter of 'the ~5000 the Board of ~upervisors -a~reed to pay as their siare of reconstructing South Linden Avenue, and was informed the moard of Superv~isors had passed the resolution ordering the payment. ~'he Cit~/ attorney also reported that I¥~r. Wilson is tr?finj to arrange a meeting with ~,/[r. Dowling of the Union Paving Company with a view to making a settlement concernin? tLe resurfacing of South Linden Avenue, and expected to have word the next day. Chief of Police ~elioni reported that five persons had been bitten by dogs recently, Councilman ~ibbetts su~-gested that a poundman be selected as soon as possible,and suggested t~.at frthur Johnson be ~'iven the job at a salary of ab~out' ~i~50 a month. Councilman tlatto believed that be should be well instructed in the duties of this position before ts.~-::ng over the work, tb~at the San Prancisco Pound be asked to sen'd bhe Cit~mopies of t?e po~.~nd ordinance,rules, regulations, forms for reports of dogs coming in, their ultimate disoosal, and report blanks for monthly r~ports. Accordingly the City Clerk was instructed to cormnunicate with I¥~r. Fredericks of the San Francisco pound and ask for copies as suggested.. Hugh t'~cHellis, Peck's Lots,appeared before the Council and inquired as the ·status of the ~,~aco ~rothers Bond during the removal of ground from Peck's Lots. ~.ie was assured by Cit~. Attorney Coleberd tLat tt~e bond is good for four .wears and will not be surrendered b.~ the city ~mtil ail and any damage done by the company's blasting in his tract has been full~ paid for, 'to the · city'ssatisfaction, f.myor Eschelbach and the City Council were asked by f¥~r. ?dci',iellis ii' ti~ey would als© assure him tle people's interest would by protected by the city for any damage done in Peck's Lots to habitations there. 'lhe f4ayor and council assured hi~~, t~e bonds will be held untili all damage is paid for. Claims in the amount ~1349.81 were next presented to the council ior payment;- Belli ~ otors So.S.F.Hospital Union Oil Company Standard Oil Company Seagrave Corporation Superior Laundry Robe rt L. Law San ~.ateo Co.Title Co., repairs to ~uick cars Examin. N.La~ari sobriet~~ tests battery service balance due on motor oil parts fire truck wash No.M house tax collector supplies daily reports 8.94 ~ .50 5. O0 1.75 s.~4 90.00 5.05 ~. 60 i.5o So.Cit?~ Lumber g SuppiT Co., Rsl dus rental motor grader~ 7.40 Fred J.Lautze Kau ffmann ~ros ~ndrew ~!iynding Geo. ~_. Knee se gas tank cap 1 Ford £~mp ~ruck freight city clerk bond engineerin~~ services Baker Hamilton g: the Pacific one step lad'der Walter i.,artin gi,~ns painting signs Total ,$ "1.79 $93V .~1 .45 ,~ 5. O0~ $331.82 ~ '3'.86 ~ ~.50 ~1349.81 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Ratt© mo.ved they be paid'. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and re~:m~larlv carried. Roll call found t~;e following members of the couucil present;- V.Boido, A. J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Absent, }~. },~inucciani. v~,~. v.~, The reading of ti.,e minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. A communication was received from John E.Skeggs, District Engineer of the Division of lighways] requesting the cooperation of~this~city in widening the_hayshore Boulevard b~ passing an ordinance calling for 30' set-back lines. The City Council and City Attorney Coleberd were of the opinion that this would work a hardship on a nur~ber of businessmen on both sides of the highway in South ~an ~'rancisco, and be very costly to the State. Cit?,, Attorney Coleberd suggested that it would be cheaper for the State to build an aaditiona- highway about half a mile east of the present Ba~shore PLighway. After considerable discussion it was decided to b~ve the clerk write the Listrzct. En, gineer, ~r. Skeggs,~and request that Le send a representative of his office to one of ~.,.ur meetings for a conference· A letter written to the local librar~ board by Architect Henry H.Gutterson was submitted t5 t~e city council, i~e letter included a request for the payment of the sum of .$438.V1, for plans and specifications and labor furnished by Er. 3utterman in making application to the P.W.A. for f'nances to help build a win? to the library. Councilman Tib0etts moved that sic bill be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. }~,'iiss'Rue Clifford, becretary o~~ the Library Board submitted reports for the period from November 1,195V to October Zl,l~8. · The report was accepted and ordered filed. The yearly report of LibrarianE~roner for the period November 19~7 to Novembor 19~8 was received, accepted and placed on file. .~-~'~ ~ayor Eschelbach received an invitation from ~abel Jenson,Auditor of the City of B k · er cloy, ~o attend a meeting of th8 ~]un~cipal Finance Officers' Association of the United States and Canada. T?e invitation was rent to former Eayor ~atto, who submitted it to Mayor Es~helbach. The ~iayor beinfl unable to attend he referred it t~ Councilman Ratto as Chair- man of the finance co~nnittee. Cou~cilman katto aslo stated he would not havethe time to accept the invitation. Under the bead of unfinished business Chief of Police Belloni stated the request of the American Improvement Club for improvement in traffic re~ula6ions was postponed till later. The request of the American Improvement Club for the enactment of an ordinance prohibit- ing the building of chicken coops, rabbit hutches,otc, in front yards; Referred to the health de~artment~ and oostooned till a later meeting. Councilman Tibbetts reported that he had ordered maps made of the city for ,the Planning Commission. Under the head of new business City Attorney reported t~at h~e contacted Assistant District Attorney Sullivan on the ~natter of~the ~000 the Board of ~upervisors ~agreed to pay as their s~are of reconstructing South Linden Avenue, and was informed the ~oard of Superv~isors had passed the resolution orderin? the payment. ~'he Cit~ attorney also reported that }~r. Wilson is trying to arrange a meeting with Lr. Dowling of the Union Paving Company with a view to making a settlement concernin? the re surfacing of South Linden Avenue, and expected to have word the next day. Chief of Police ~elioni reported that five persons had been bitten by dogs recently, Councilman ~ibbetts suFgested that a poundman be selected as soon as possible,and suggested that ~rthur Johnson be given the job at a salary of ab~out' ~0 a month. Councilman Ilatto believed that ~e sBould be well instructed in the duties of this position before tsk:ng over the work, that the San Francisco Pound be ask-ed ito sen'd ithe Citycopies of tYe po~nd ordinance,rules, regulations, forms for reports of dogs coming in, their ultimate disposal, and report blanks for monthly re~orts. Accordingly the City Clerk was instructed to con~nunicate with I;ir. Fredericks of the San Francisco pound and ask for copies as su~2gested.. t~ugh ~c~ellis, Peck's Lots,appeared before the Council and inquired as the status of the ~aco F, rot~ers Bond during the removal of ground from Peck's Lots. ~ie was assured by Cit~ Attorney Coleberd t~at the bond is good for four years and will not be surrendered b.~ the city ~ntil all and an? damage done by the compan~"s blasting in his tract has been fully paid for, 'to the ~ city,ssatisfaction. ~,.~ayor Eschelbach and the City Council were asked by Mr. i'dci~ellis ii~ t~ey would also assure him ti e peoole's interest would by protected by the city for any damage done in Peck's Lots to habitations there. ~he ~¥~ayor and council assured him t~e bonds will be held untili all dsar~age is paid for. Claims in the amount ~1~9.81 were next presented to the council ~or payment;- Belli ~Lotors So.S.F.Hospital Union 0il Company Standard 0il Company Seagrave Corporation Superior Laundry Robert L. Law San }~ateo Co.Tttle Co., repairs to ~uick cars Exsmin E.Lam~ari sobriety tests battery service balance due on motor oil parts fire truck wash No.~ house tax collector supplies daily reports 8.94 2.50 5. O0 1.~5 ~ 20.00 ;,$5.05 ,-"~ ~ .60 1. o Kauf fmann Dros ~ndrew ~ynding Ge o. ~. Knee se So.Citt,.- Lumber a Supply Co., Bal dus rental motor yrader,~ Fred J.Lautze gas tank cap " " " 1 Ford ~mp ~'ruck frei ght city clerk bond engineerin~~ services Baker Hamilton 8~ the Pacific one step la~der Walter i,~artin ~a~ns painting signs Total 7.40 1 .~9 $93V .~1 · 45 5. O0 ~33t '3'. 86 7.bO ~1349.81 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Ratto moved they be paid'. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and re;mlarly carried. There being no further business before the council Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, ~onday, December 19,1i~38. 8 P.~. Respectfully s~u~it~d Approved ~_a_?.r___.o_._f S_ o~_th~.a~n____.F_r, an.c_isc~o.-