HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-12-20 REGULARLY ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD TUESDAY, DECEMBER ~0TH,1938. A regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of South San ~rancisco was held in the City Hall, Tuesday, December ~0th,1938. This meeting was called to order at V ;15 o'clock p.m. by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the City Council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The reading of the minutes of the pre~ious meeting was dispensed with. A communication was received by Mayor Eschelbach from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company conveying to the City of South San Francisco a Right-Of-Way-Deed to a Sarcel of land adjoining the property of Joseph A.Wheeler , who is to establish an auto .camp. ~Ir.Shaw explained that the granting of this easement deed is for the purpose of a public street to provide egress and ingress from the property purchased by Mr. Wheeler to the ~aden Townsite subdivision,~ and that Mr. Wheeler informed him that he and Mr.Nulkey are favorable t? a public dedication so as to maintain the right of egress and ingress to and from their property to the Baden Townsite, and that therefore , in order to accomplis~ this, the So.~. ~ F. Land & Improvement Company conveys to the city the necessary land, which is specifically described in the deed. On question by Councilman Ratto as to the the liability of the city in case of street 'improvement'City Attorney stated there would be no liability, that in case of street improvement it would be done under the assessment district system, and it took 51 per cent of the land involved to petition for street work. ThereupOn Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San ~¥ancisco accepting the deed of easement from the South San Francisco Co. Land and improvement' for the portion of land described in t~e deed, i~ediately south of "B" Street in the ~own of Baden. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows; - Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.Ninucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Co~:.ncilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. RecSrded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 215. Resolution NO.V14. ~iayo[r ~schelbach asked Mr. panattieri if he ha~ secured a lease for headquarters for s. his goods. ~Lr. ~anattieri handed City Attorney Coleberd a receipt from the Proprietor of the store at 701 Linden Avenue for ~one month's rent with the option of six months. Councilman ~'Linucciani mpved that the license be granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~atto and regularly carried. P~umb[ert .oaldini~ presented a claim in the amount of ~300 which he stated ~aa a ~alance due him for ~ainting in the Citp hall. ~Councilman l~linucciani stated the amount was more~ ,about ~310.~0, but t~ir. Oaldini had not cleaned the Chandeliers in the rooms ~e painted an advised that]the claim be rejected~until the chandeliers were cleaned. So ordered. Ther~e. being no further business before the council, Councilman Boido moved to adjourn at 8.p.m. until the ne~t regular meeting, iUesday,~anuary 3,1~39'. The motion was s~cond~d by Councilman Tibbetts and[ regularly carried. ~ime of adjournment 8;45 P.~,'~ Approved L Roll call found all members of the City Council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~i.~inucciani, D.W.~atto, Rod Tibbetts. The readiD~ of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. A communication was received by ~iayor Eschelbach from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company conveying to the City of South San Francisco a Right-Of-Way-Deed to a ~arcel of land adjoining the property of Joseph A.Wheeler , who is to establish an auto .camp. ~r.Shaw explained that the granting of this easement deed is for the purpose of a public street to provide egress and ingress from the property purchased by ~Ir. ~'~heeler to the ~aden Townsite subdivision,' and that ~ir. Wheeler informed him that he and Mr.M~lkey are favorable to a public dedication so as to maintain the right of egress and ingress to and from their property to the Baden Townsite, and that therefore , in order to accomplish this, the So.S~F. Land & Improvement Company conveys to the city the necessary land, which is specifically described in the deed. On question by Councilman Eatto as to the the liability of the city in case of street improvement'City Attorney stated there would be no liability, that in case of street improvement it would be done under the assessment district system, and it took 5l per cent of the land involved to petition for street work. ThereupOn Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San ~ancisco accepting the deed of easement from the South San Francisco Co. Land and improvement' for the portion of land described in t~e deed, i~medi~tely south of "B" Street in the ~own of Baden. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~I.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Co~ncilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Rec6rded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page ~lS. Resolution N0.Vl4. Nayo~r Eschelbach asked ~r. panattieri if he ha~ secured a lease for headquarters for s~ his goods. ~r. ~anattieri handed City Attorney Coleberd a receipt from the Proprietor of the ~tore at ~011 Linden Avenue for .one month's rent with the option of six months. Councilman ~inucciani moved that the license be granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman aatto and regularly carried. ~umb[ert Oaldini' presented a claim in the amount of ~300 which he stated ~waa a ~alance due him for ~ainting in the Citp hall. ~ouncilman ~inucciani stated the amount was more~ ,about ~310.~0, but ~r. Oaldini had not cleaned the Chandeliers ~ in the rooms ~e painted advised tha~the claim be rejected~until the chandeliers were cleaned. So ordered. Ther~e. being no further business before the council, Councilman Boido moved to adjourn at 8.p.m. until the ne~t regular meeting, iUesday,~anuary 3,1~39'. Thee motion was s~conded by Councilman Tibbetts and[ regularly carried. App r o v e d ~a.~ of South San Francisco SO REGUL~ MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F T~-E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, WAS HELD IN THE CITY HALL TUESDA5, JAh~JARY $,1939. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Tuesday e'.ening, January 3,19~9. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.~. by ~'~ayor A.J.Eschelbach. Roll Call. Roll call found all members of the counci.present, as follows, - Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.~Iinucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A ~ommunication was received from the Socisdad ~utualista Mexicana NORELOS,Inc., stating that representatives of the Planning Commission _reported to the State Board of Equalization that the society was conducting a saloon at ~l~ Baden ~Avenue, in a residential district, and requested that their license be cancelled. T~e City Clerk was requested to write the society and ascertain what Planning Commission had made the complaint to the State Board of Equalizatiom, and also to write .to this city's Planning Commission and ask if they had made the complaint to tZe State authorities. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company, stating that they had installem at their own e~pense, underground wiring for street lighting, and have erected three poles, in Cit~ Park Addition, and requested the city to authorize the Pacific Gas & Electric Company to turn the lights on. City~C~uncilman Tibbetts moved that the City Clerk Ue instructed to notify the gas & light company to have the light turned on. ~lmhe motion was seconded by Councilman Boi~o and re~larly carried.. A communication was received from the City Planning Commission ~ stating that no meetings were called by the commission during, the month of December, but that individual members have been investigating city problems, which will be discussed at the next meeting of the commission. A statement was received from P.D.Burns, Superintendent of the General Printing Ink Corporation , showing he had paid a part of his taxes, ~70.~6, under protest, and not accepting the Assessor's valuation. City attorney Coleberd advised that the protest was valueless, and the complaint-protest was placed on-~ file with the records of the Board of Equalization. An application for a bUsiness license was received from Antonio hamos for the Garcia place of business,il8 Grand Avenue, having purchased the business there. Permit granted. Notice fromthe State Board of Equalization showed that the following apolied for licenses, John Clements,~O Grand Ave., Q.Massaglia, and Chas.N.Jones. t~o action taken. An application for a business license was received from Leo Di ~"archi for a gasoline station at Armour and Linden. On motion by Councilman ~inucciani, seconded by Councilman Ratto and regu- !arly carried the application was granted. Angelo Fiore, apolied for a business license to conduct a Venition '~ltnds business at Grand Ave. On motion bY Councilman ~inucciani, seconded by Councilman Ra~to an8 regularly carried the ~esired permit was granted. Francesco Parenti applied for a license to sell cigars, tobaccos, jewelry and watchmaking at ~80 GranO Avenue. On motion by Councilman ~inucciani seconded by Councilman Tit0betts and regul arly carried the permit was granted. A communication was received from the Drivers of the Fire Department, requesting a raise ~ in salary. Councilman ~oido believed they are fairly well paid now. ~'-ayor ~schelbach stated t]ere is some criticism b~. taxpayers regarding heavy expenditures, and thou,'~ht the matter of salaries might best be se~tle~by the public voting on the subject at an election, tke same as is done in other cities. Councilman ~'iinucciani stated he was aware the firemen do not work hard but twelve hours a day is a lon~ day, and he believed they were entitled to more pay, according to his motion at a previous meeting,to raise the salary to $17~.00 per month. Councilman Ti.bbetts suggested the question be laid over for consideration. ~he communication was finally orde c'd filed. The monthly reports of the health Officer, Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire ~epartment, City Judge~Building Inspector,City Treasurel for the month ending December Z1,1938 were received, accepted and ordered placed on file. The building inspector submitted a report for the year 1938, from January to December 31, 19~8. Report accepted and ordered placed on file. Claims in the amount of $B,1~1.3~ were next presented to the council for payment: T. Pretzer Dudley Perkins General Production Company Bellt M°tor'Compauy Hazel Terragno Louis Belloni Brunton's Automotive SerVice Patrick Moise Klinkner Co. ,! II So. City Laundry and Linen Pacheco Electric A. J. Pacheco Fred. J. Lautze Fire Protection J. Montt C. Bollazzi W. L. Hickey and Son W. Looatelll E. Kozlowskt C. Begnal~- M. Castro F. Gamba J. Penna M. Nazzetti J. Huntington A. Johnson C. Rinehart 2 days labor Colma Creek Service motorcycle 1 police car desk repairs police cars Police matron - Louise Walker case expenses to Auburn' and Los Angeles repairs police radio ,, refill for stapling machine 3~0 vehicle and ~0 dog license plates Wash #1 fire house Dec. repairs traffic signal & police call system maintian street lights Dec.,Xmas lights, etc~ maintain fire alarm system Dec. 2 ~lenses for fog lamps - fire dep 1 years s~b. to Fire Protection 2 tires - 2 tubes fire dept. 1 chamois - fire dept. plumbing and repairs fir,e house, city hall attending fires Dec. $ 9.00 2.00 3.61 10.81 15.00 38.14 4.93 .72 43.78 6.30 47.03 163.02 52.00 1.03 1.00 39.86 1.80 14.57 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.0O 3.00 3. O0 3.50 4.00 4.00 tt~e State authorities. A communication was received from the South San B~rancisco Land & Improvement Company, stating that they had installe* at their own expense, underground wiring for street lighting, and have erected three poles, in C~tw Park Addition, and requested the city to authorize the Pacific Oas & Electric Company to turn the lights on. City ~C~uncilman Tibbetts moved that the City Clerk b'e instructed to notif~y the gas & light company to have the light turned on. The ~ motion was seconded by Councilman Boi~o and regu'larly carried.~ A conununication was received from the City Planning Commission ~ stating that no meetings were called by the commission during? the month of December, but that individual members have been investigating city problems, which will be discussed at the next meeting of the commission. A statement was received from P.D.Burns, Superintendent of the General Printing Ink Corporation , showing he had paid a part of his taxes, ~V0.56, under protest, and not accepting the Assessor's valuation. City attorney Coleberd advised that the protest was valueless, and the complaint-protest was placed on~ file with the records of the Board of Equalizstion. An application for a bUsiness license was received from Antonio Hamos for the Garcia place of business,il5 Grand Avenue, having purchased the business there. Permit granted. Notice fromthe State Board of Equalization showed that the following applied for l~.censes, John Clements,~0 Grand Ave., Q.Massaglia, and Chas.~.Jones. ~t~o action taken. An application for a business license was received from Leo Di ~archi for a gasoline station at Armour and Linden. On motion by Councilman Ninucciani, seconded by Councilman Ratto and regu- larly carried the applicstion was granted. ~ngelo Fiore, apolied for a business license to conduct a Venition Blinds business at 20~ Grand Ave. On motion by Councilman ~inucciani, seconded by Councilman Ra~to and regularly carried the ~esired permit was granted. Francesco Parenti applied for a license to sell cigars, tobaccos, jewelry and watchmakir~g at ~50 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman ~inucciani seconded by Councilman Ti~betts and regul arly carried the permit was granted. A communication was received from the Drivers of the Fire Department, requesting a raise in salary. Councilman ~oido believed they are fairly well paid now. ~0~ayor ~schelbach stated t]ere is some criticism b? taxpayers regarding heavy expenditures, and thou~ht the matter of salaries mi~!~ht best be settleJby the public voting on the subject at an election, t~e same as is done in other cities. Councilman Minucciani stated he was aware the firemen do not work hard but twelve hours a day is a lon~~ day, and he believed they were entitled to more pay, according to his motion at a previous meeting,to raise the salary to $175.00 per month. Councilman Tibbetts suggested the question be laid over for consideration. ~he communication was finally orde ed filed. The monthl~~ reports of the Health Officer, Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire ~epartment, City Judge ~ Building Inspector, City Treasure~m~for the month ending December 01,19~8 were received, accepted and ordered placed on file. The building inspector submitted a report for the year 1938, from January to December J1, l~JS. Report accepted and ordered ~laced on file. Claims in the amount of $2,151.3V were next presented to the council for payment: T. Pretzer Dudley Perkins General Production Company Belli M0tor'Compauy Hazel Terragno Louis Belloni Brunton's Automotive SerVice Patrick Moise Klinkner Co. I1 So. City Laundry and Linen Pacheco Electric II A. J. Pacheco Fred. J. Lautze Fire Protection J. Monti C. Bollazzi W. L. Hickey and Son W. Locatellt E. Kozlowskt C. Begnal~ M. Castro F. Gamba J. Penna M. Mazzettt J. Huntingt on A. Johnson C. Rinehart California ~ater Service 2 days labor Colma Creek Service motorcycle 1 police car desk repairs police cars Police matron - Louise Walker case expenses to Auburn and Los Angeles repairs police radio refill for stapling machine 350 vehicle and 50 dog license plates Wash #l fire house Dec. repairs traffic signal & police call system maintian street lights Dec.,Xmas lights, etc. maintain fire alarm system Dec. 2 ~lenses for fog lamps - fire dep 1 years sub. to Fire Protection 2 tires - 2 tubes fire dept. i chamois - fire dept. plumbing and repairs fire house, city hall attending fires Dec. , installing 3 hydrants City P~ark Addn park service Dec. hydrant rental Dec. fountain, fire house, W.P.A. & city dumps - service Dec. $ 9.00 2.00 3.61 10.81 15.00 38.14 4.93 .72 43.78 6.30 47.03 163.02 52.00 1.03 1.00 39.86 1.80 14.57 1.00 3.00 3. O0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3. O0 3.50 4.00 4.00 8.72 40.93 327. O0 12.53 National Recreation assn. The Enterprise Roy' s Service So. City Lumber Co. E. Souza A. ~.erri M. Laufer A. Carlisle Co, Simonds ~Machinery Co. Dr. J. 0. McMills Standard 0il Co, Fred J. Lautze Gilmore 0il Company. Andrew Hynding H. R.. Sharkey Jennings Pharmacy Humbert Baldini Bank of America " Safe deposit ~ent for 1939 League of Calif Suntgipalities - Dues for 1939 John Figoni cleaning windows and fountain 7/1738 to 12/31/38 Jack Welch removing dogs and cats Dec. Publications recreation dept. $ 500 post card notices to license holders 1000- 3/c envelopes city clerk building body on Chev for city pound i piece pine materials Cola Creek bank protection Materials W. P. A. storm sewer 3~ days labor Colma Creek 4 I! II 7 days labor Orange Avenue Park 6 forms - proof of debt 1 deming pump Jack phone health Dept, - Oct. Nov. Dec, oil for street sweeper overhaul ford truck gasoline August 1938 premium- city. property-Pol ~H714797 " " 635628 2 months salary- Secy Planning Com. Nov. andDec. 30 lbs poison wheat for dumps 10,75 9.12 40'0~ 25.25 .51 16.95 13.93 15.75 18.00 31,50 17,72 9.75 22.04 22.93 170,33 84.00 84.00 20.00 6.18 balance due painting city hall interior 310.50 Claim of Gordon Rowe Co. to 12/31/38 150~00 4.00 125.00 Total ...... 31.00 37.50 2,151'37 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd stated he exoected to be touch with the county'Slegislators at an early date,requesting them to use their-best endea~. to have the lighting system on the Bayshore highway extended trough South San Francisco to th. underpass. Acting on the request of the State Theatre management the city council authorized Citl Councilman Tibbetts to proceed to increase the li~hting fscilities on Oaden Avenue from ~aple Avenue down to Cypress Avenue. In the matter of the request of the State highway Commission to this city to cooperat~ with them in establishing a 30 foot set-back line on both sides of the Bayshore ~ighway, whic~ had been referred to the City Planning Commission, that body reported there was no meeting he~ in December. City Attorney Coleberd reported he had been in conference with ~r. F.J.~ain, low bid( on the resurfacing of South Linden Avenue,and had secured his consent to postpone the awardi~ of the contract t~ll January 16. ~'~r. Coleberd also stated he had been in consultation with the Union Pavi~'~g company President, ~r. Joe Dowling, regarding a~bitrating the matter of settl ment,and found him in a more talkative mood on the subject, but they did not come to an agree. ment. Engineer Klaseen reported t~at the improvement of the drainage system at Armour Aven~ and ~ayshore Boulevard would run into some money, probably several hundred dollars. ~e state( the city had a ~4 inch pipe and a 36 inch pipe there before the Oayshore construction began, during the construction these pipes were removed and a 30 inch pipe was installed, replacing the ~ inch and the 36 inch , which had taken care of the storm waters at that point previousl he was instructed to begin operat~ans on the city's side of the work while waiting permission the State ~ighway COmmission to enter, their territory. The City Clerk was inst~cted to write the highway Commission on the situation , recue: them to replace the pipes taken out by them by pipes of adequate size to take care of overflo~ waters. Referring to the request of the American Improvement Club to curb the building of chicl coops and rabbit hutches in front yards, Dr. Mc~ills pointed out that the situation should be controlled by ordinance, the present ordinances not covering all points to be considered. Cit Attorney ~oleberd suggested taking'the salient features from the present ordinances and addinl thereto sufficient r~lations to cover the entir~situation.j~/~ouncilman iibbetts, Df.Mci & .-oundman Arthur Johnson were instructed to a~s~~ the city attorney in framing t~e ordinance Councilman Tibbeths moved t!at tLe position of Poundmaster be vacated. '~e motion wa~ nded by Councilman .%RattO: and regularl~ carried. Councilman Tibbetts therupon moved to~ apoointArthur JohnSon t~:e new poundmaster. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~inucciant a~~U~ reg larly carried. Dr.Ec~ills called the council's attention to the matter of feeding pound dogs suspect of being rabid. L~J. ..... ~ These dogs, he stated,must be kept in pound 14 days. It was decide. that Councilman Tibbetts and tlc ooundman would provide ~or such emergencies. ~ayor Eschelbach called t~e board's attention to,matter of the billboard situation. ~e requested that the council meet again next .~onday, and take the m~tter up consideration. ~. ~he City Clerk reported that 15 license holders failed to pay the 1938 license,after ~ notices,,Mayor Eschelbach instructed the police department to go after the delinquents. Councilman .Boi, stated they should be cited to appear before the city judge and fined. There being no further business Councilman ~oido moved to adjourn until Monday evenil January 9th,1939, at 7 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjourrnuent,10;05 o'clock. P.M. Approved ~ayor of South San Francisco'S- Respec~tfully ~ubmi~d, ~ity Clerk.