The regula~ meeting of the city council of the City of SOuth San Francis'co ~was held in
the City Hall Monday evening, January 16t~, I939.
Roll Call found all members of the city couficil.present, as follows:
CounciLmen V. Bo~do, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani, D. W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they
were approved as read.
An application was received from the Night 0wls for permission to hold a dance in Frate:
nal Hall, Saturday evening, February 4, 1939, from 9 o'clock p. m. to I o'clock a. m. On moti4
by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried permission was gra~
Not,es were received from the State Board of Equalization of the applications of E.
Pellegrini, John Faurado and John Caputo and Theresa Fontana for beer~ wine and liquor licens.
asking the city if there were any objections to the granting of these licenses. There v~e non.
John Clements applied for a business license for the hotel 220 Grand Avenue, having
acquired the business from Pete Dress. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Council.
man Boido and regularly carried the license was granted.
The Sacket Extract Company applied for a license to m~nufacture coffee juice at
Linden Avenue. On ~otton by CounciLman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly
carried the license was granted.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company applied for permission to extend their 2" gas main in
Orange Avenue and Circle Court, City Park Addition. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and
permission granted.
Engi~n~er Klassen submitted a statement of the amount due L. C. Smith for the excavation
of the m~.ntenance channels of Colma Creek, the same $57.60 and $784.07 retained until
February 10, 35 days f~om date. On motion by CounciLman Ratto, seconded by Councilman
Minuccian~/the report Was accepted and the amount ordered paid.
Engineer Klassen submitted a report pursuant to the Escrow~ agreement between the South
San Francisco Land Company and the Bank of SoUth San Francisco with reference to the con-
struction and completion of certain sanitary sewers and storm sewers in the South Industrial
Area, showing the ,~ork had been completed according to the plans ~and specifications. The cos
of the project toJ the city was ~18,670.95 and the cost to the Federal government $50,800. Th.
estimated cost was $16,822.00 to the city and $42,511 to the Federal government.. Report
A reply was received from the Market Street Railway Company to the city's notice that tl
Wig-Wag at Orange Aven,,~e crossing was out of order, stating that repairs were made to the
wig-wag the same day./~~
Fire Chie$ ~elte satmnitted a list of recommendations to the couhcil for: Engine; 1000
gallon per minute pumpiu$ engine, retire No. 2 engine to reserve. Aerial Truck Ladder;
Ladder equipment badly needed as well as means for transportation, tools, etc., ~ian Power;
Add two additional firemen to the department, etc. After considerable discussion the matter
was laid over.
CounciLman Ratto suggested that it was time for the underwriters to comply with the
proposed reduction in the city insurance rates, and requested that the city clerk write them
a~ain for the reduction. So ordered.
An application was received from Vir.~il Ringue for a dance permit for a dance to be hel(
in Fraternal Hall on January 28. 1939. On motion by Councilman Ratto seconded by Councilman
~inucciani, and carried, the desired permit was granted.
A communication Was received from San Mateo County General Contractors Association ad-
vising the City Council of this bit¥ to disapprove of a plumbing ordinance understood to t~ve
originated with the Master Plumbers and Journe~nuen Plumbers, asserting there are clauses in it
which are unsatisfactory to the General Contractors Association. Co~uunication ordered filed~
A resolution authorizing the city tax collector to file a claim in Bankruptcy against
Stearman-Hammond Aircraft corporation, a bankrupt, was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts. The
resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of~the city council as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen~ V. Boido, A. J. Eschelbach, N. ~inucciani, D. ~. Ratto~ Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, CounciLmen None Absent~ Councilmen None
Recorded in Dock of Resolutions, Vol. 3 at page 216.
Daniel ~IcSweeney
City Clerk
Claims in the amount of $1125.22 were next presented t6 the council for pa~nnent:
C. E. Bush, Workman Packing Co.
Arndt's Department Store
Frank Rust
Golden Nest Quarry
Standard 0il Company
Fred J. Lautze
W. L. Hickey and Son
Joe Pantaleoni
01d Reliance Garage Enterprise Press
Geo. A. Kneese
M. Laufer
Belli Motor Co.
So. S. F. Chamber of Commerce
F~ed Brown
1000 ca~m
materials, fire dept.
sheet iron - pound
crushed rock
repairing street dept. tire
retread tire
labor on Chevrelet
health dept. circulars
5 license receipt books
engineering & supt. streets Dec. 38 289.~4
Orange Avenue labor 18.00
labor police car 5.85
January advertising 25.00
building pound 24.00
Not,eS were received from the State Board of Equalization of the applications of E.
Pellegrini, John Faurado and John Caputo and Theresa Fontana for beer, wine and liquor licens~
asking the city if there were any objections to the granting of these licenses. There v~re non~
John Clements applied for a business license for the hotel 220 Grand Avenue, having
acquired the business from Pete Dress. On motion by Councilman Tibbet~s, seconded by Council-
man Boido and regularly carried the license was granted.
The Sacker Extract Company applied for a license to m~nufacture coffee juice at 517
Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly
carried the license was granted.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company applied for permission to extend their 2" gas main in
Orange Avenue and Circle Court, City Park Addition. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and
permission granted.
Engine~er Klassen submitted a statement of the a~.~unt due L. C. Smith for the excavation
of the m~.~tenance channels of Colma Creek, the same $57.60 and $784.07 retained until
Februaryl0, 35 days from date. 0nmotion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman
Minuccian~i/the report Was accepted and the amount ordered paid. ~
Engineer Klassen submitted a report pursuant to the Escro~ agreement between the South
San Francisco Land Company and the Bank of SoUth San Francisco with reference to the con-
struction and completion of certain sanitary sewers and storm sewers in the South Industrial
Area, showing the~ork had been completed according to the plans ~and specifications. The cos
of the project t~ the city was $16,670.95 and the cost to the Federal government $50,800. T~
estimated cost was $16,822.00 to the city and $42,511 to the Federal government., Report
A reply was received from the Market Street Railway Company to the city's notice that tl
Wig-Nag at Orange Aven~e crossing was out of order, stating that repairs were made to the
wig-wag the same day./~
Fire Chie~elte s~mnitted a list of recommendations to the couhcil for: Engine; 1000
gallon per minute pumpin$ engine, retire No. 2 engine to reserve. Aerial Truck Ladder;
Ladder equipment badly needed as well as means for transportation, tools, etc., Man Power;
Add two additional firemen to the department, etc. After considerable discussion the matter
was laid over.
Councilman Ratto suggested that it was time for the underwriters to comply with the
proposed reduction in the city insurance rates, and requested that the city clerk write them
aqain for the reduction. So ordered.
An apPlication was received from Vir.~il Ringue for a dance permit for a dance to be hel
in Fraternal Hall on January 28. 1939. On motion by Councilman Ratto seconded by Councilman
l~inucciani, and carried, the desired permit was .~ranted.
A communication Was received~from San Mateo County General Contractors Association ad-
vising the City Council of this bity to disapprove of a plumbing ordinance understood to t~ve
originated with the Master Plumbers and Journeymen Plumbers, asserting there are clauses in i
which are unsatisfactory to the General Contractors Association. Co~uunication ordered filed
A resolution authorizing the city tax collector to file a claim in Bankruptcy against
Stearman-Hammond Aircraft corporation, a bankrupt, was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts. The
resolution was adopted by the votes of all bhe members of the city council as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, A. J. Eschelbach, ~. Minucciani, D. ~. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None
Recorded in Dook of Resolutions, Vol.3 at page 216.
Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
Claims in the amount of $1125.22 were next presented t6 the council for pa~nent:
C. E. Bush, Workman Packing Co.
Arndt's Department Store
Frank Rust
Golden Nest Quarry
Standard 0il Company
Fred J. Lautze
W. L. Hickey and Son
Joe Pantaleoni
01d Reliance Garage Enterprise Press
Geo. A. Kneese
M. Laufer
Belli Motor Co.
So. S. F. Chamber of Commerce
F~ed Brown
Sears Roebuck Co.
Industrial City Lumber Co.
1000 cans
materials, fire dept.
sheet iron - pound
crushed rock
repairing street dept. tire
retread tire
labor on Chevrelet
health dept. circulars
5 license receipt books
engineering & supt. streets Dec. 38 289.~4
Orange Avenue labor
labor police~car
January advertising
building pound
street sweeper materials
pruning shears
8 shovels
18. O0
25. O0
2~. O0
B. F. McDonald Co. Tonis acld, fire dept. 3.19
Dept. California, D.A.¥.W.W. 'Americanism program 60.76
R. G. Clifford shaping spoil bank 204.00
L. C. Smith bal. due on contract except
amount~to be retained for 35 days,
$784.07 57.~0
Total $~125.22
The claims~having been audited by t'he finance committee Councilma~ Ratto moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by CounciDaan Minucciani and regularly? carried.
Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported that he
had not gotten in contact with Senator Parkman and Assemblyman Call with reference
of the suggested extension Of the lighting system on the Bayshore Highway to the
No report of ~i~ ~lanning Commission in re the proposed set-back lines on
the Bayshore Highway.
Engineer Klassen reported that the work of improving the drainage system
at Armour and Bayshore Highway was proceeding and would soon be finished.
The proposed ordinance re~?ulating the keeping of chickens and rabbits in
yards was not ready.
The application of Ragnold Rodvold for a Jitney license, laid over from a
previous meeting, was denised, there being no bond submitted to the council.
Thews everal applications of Walter A' C, R~an, to rhn a'jitney .service from
South San Francisco Junction to the industrial area was taken up and considered. As
to the amount of the bond which would be required the city athorney and the city
council took the matter under advisement.
Under the head of new business city attorney Coleberd was asked by Mayor
Eschelbach as to the statum of the hog ranchers in Colma Creek, whether proceedings
could or should be institutem against them for the Colma Creek nuisance flowing into
South San Francisco. T~e City Attorney stated he believed proceedings could be start-
em, that he would confer with Angelo Lochesi on the subject, and also with Assistant
District Attorney Sullivan. Ea~or Eschelbach instructed him to begin at once, say-
ing the people of Baden and the South.~Linden Avenue areas suffer fr6m the odor of the
effluent from the hog ranches in the warm weather, and all protests against the con-
dition has beenunavailing. Councilman Boido declared that an immense amount of money
has been spent in the region to control the situation and nothing effective has been
ac~complished, and believed in aggressive action till the' city has been relieved of
the burden¥
Mayor Eschelbach suggested that a man from the street department be registered
to remain in the citv on Saturdays and Sundays subject to call in case of washouts or
street or sewer trouble ~.uring tae week ends. The matter was left to bhe jurisdiction
'x~f Councilman Tibbetts.
~ Mayo~ Eschelbacn b~ou~ht up the subject' of tho engineering expense to the '
~i~_ in the past 2 years, sta~ing he had no reflection to cast upon Mr. Klassen or his
engineering ability, but believed the cit~? would save some money by employing, a full
time engineer, by the month, ne stated some ~8600. a year is too much for a city of
the size of South San Francisco. Engineer Klassen had prepared somefigures on the
city's expenses in his department, and stated he considered them very reasonable for
the volume of work performed. Councilman Ratto pointed out that the city would have
to provide an office and equipment for an incoming engineer, together with a clerk
or stenographer, and the cost would be about the same, or probably more. Following
further discussion the city clerk was instructed to sec~zethe expense account of the
city engineer for the calendar years 1937 and 1938, ihclusive, and Tuesday, January
24th. at o clock p. m. was set as-a date to receive the enoineer s.reoort of his
~ha~es against the city for t he period specified, ~nd other ~data whzch~might have
bearing on the subject, together with the clerk's report. ·
There being no further business before~ the councml', Councilman na~ tto moved
to adjourn until Monday, February 6th, 1~39, at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Bodio and regularl~ carted.
Time of adjournment - 9:45 o'clock p. m.
Mayor of South San Francisco.
Respectfully ~ubm~ted