HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-02-06 REGULAR I¥,~,ETING OF THE CITY COUI'~CiL _ OF T~!E CITY OF SOUTH SAN. FRANCISCO YELD i~ONDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1939. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South~ San Francisco was held in the City ~all, ~onday eveni~-~g, February 6,1939. The meeting wa~ called to order at z o'clock p.m., b~ I~ayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,~as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of~ the previous meeting ~er~e r~ad. There bein~ no errors or omissions the~ approved as read. A communication was received from the City Planning Commission stating that they had protested to the State Board of Equalization against the granting of a license to the Socied~ ~..~ut~alista Mexicana I¥i0ROLLOS,Inc., on Dhe groundthat the location,~l~ Baden Avenue ~ was a residential district~ Accepted and filed. in another contmunication the commission ststed that they had~ reco~mended that Mr. Theo~ ~/~ulke~.~ be granted a ~ermit to made additions to his auto-~l~ailer Court,?~d given the matter of pets,fowl ,livestock ,the widening of the Bayshore Highway,City Transportation, examinatio of plans for the new~postoffice, etc, much consideration,and decided to request the city to draft an ordinance coverin~ the regulation of pets,fowL, livestock,etc., permits for the con~ tion of building~,to~house the same, and the inspection .of such places by the health officer. Communication accepted and ~he city ~ttorney instructed to procare an ordinance for the next A further communication from the commission stat4ng they were unable to take any re,'ardin? the widenLug of the Bayshore Highway owing to the lack of maps and details, and_ su.~'ested that the city engineer procure maps, etc,. from the State Highway Commission, Accep~ A communication was received from the American Improvement Club stating theyhad sent a communication to tDe Board of Supervisors of San ~ateo County,recommending t~at a strip of Yellow or ~q~ite pain~t be placed on the ~"~ission Road from E1 Camino Real to South San Francisc Councilman Tibbette ~tated the work was taken care of. Fire Chief Nelte submitted the n~?.e of Sam Di Giorgio f~r a~pointme~t to the 6all Pc of the fire department to fill a v. acancy in No.2 Fi. re Station. Councilman I~inucciani mow that ~r. Di Ciorgio De appointed as r~equested. She motion was seconde~ bN Councilman Ratto regularly carried. A communication was rec. e~ived from Stanley~ halstead, applying for e pez~it to_ hold a dance, the "Queen's ~all", for the. girl representing South San Francisco at the PRIEI~iIERE at Treasure Island on February 19th,next. On motion by CouDc~lman ~oido,seconded by. Co.uncilman Tibbetts and. regularly carried 1?e desired permit was granted. ~"~ayor Eschelbach received a conm~nicati'on from the Federal Emergency Administration Washington,D.C. stating that examination of the city's application for funds with which to in financing the construction of certain municipal improvements approval was not recommende~ Communication accept.ed and placed on file. Pacific ~as & Electric Company applied for permission to open a trench in First Lane East of Orange Avenue, for the purpose of replacing 142' of ~" gas main. Referred to Council Tibbetts and the desired permission granted. A comm~mication from the Auditors, Gordan Rowe & Company stated they had concluded the ~egular Audit report to January ~1,1909, and submitted the same for the city files. Accepted and placed on file. An application for a d~n~.e ~ermit was received from Leo Eserini,Chairman of the Fies~ Committee, to hold a parade and dance SatUrda~ evening, February llth,1939, the proceeds to used as South San ~¥ancisco's part in celebrating the openin? of the Golden ~ate Exposition. On motion by Councilman ~!~inucciaui,seconded by Co~ncilman ~ ' ~_o~do and re~ularly carried the permit was granted. Notice of next meeting of the Peninsula Diwision of the League of California ~lunici~ ities was received from the secretary of the lea~ue. ~ihe meeting D!~ce w~s designated as San Thursday evening, ~ebruary 16,1939,at the ~enjamin Franklin Hotel, at 6;30 0'cloc~ p.m. Seven city officials signified their intention of being present. . The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, ~ity J~ City Treasurer,Healt~ Officer, and City Clerk, for the ~onth ending January 31,1939, ~ere re( and accepted, on motion by COuncilman Eatto, seconded b~ Councilma~~ ~iinucciani and re~gularly carried. Claims in the amount of ~$6,86~.53 were next presented to the council for payment;- Louis Bellont Dudley Perkins Bellt Motor Company Pac. Coast Bldg. Officials Conf. So. City Laundx.y a Linen Supply Railway express Agency A. Welte Tem~og~aph Sales Co. C. Rix~eha~t Thorsen Tool Co. American Fire Equipment Co. M. Greenberg's Sons State of California Superior Laundry Joe Pantaleoni Enox Hale Machinery Co. Golden West Quarry ~ed J. Lautze Pe~Lusula Welding Service Industrial City' Lumber Co. Miscellaneous expense service mot orc~cle service Buick 1 COl~ 1938 edition wash- fire dept. January freight - fir~ dept. 1 copy "Fire Oollege Lectures" S~$eedoscope, stencils, etc. ~ days relief driver fire dep. 2 sets socket tools 1 guage and 6 qts. fire ext. fluid 1 lb. hydrant packing materials - fire dept. 1 book - fire training wash #2 house Jan. retread tires - 1 casing refill brooms - street sweeper " II 34020.yds. Crc ~ start truck- 1 coil repair street sweeper § gals. comax supplies fire dept. ~ supplies relief ~lministration supplies recreation dept. su~olies - ~ark 8.85 2. O0 5.80 4.12 7.89 1.VO 2.70 33.75 7.50 55. O0 53.46 1.03 13.91 .31 4.59 21.37 48.41 45.84 26.42 2.25 15.15 7.91 14.9~ 13.33 5.66 ~'ne minutes o.. ~ie' p~ev~o~s mee~mng ~er~ r~a~- · '~'ne~-e being ~ e~o~ o~-omissions approved as ~ead. A co~unication was meceived fPom ~he Ci~- Pls~ninf' Co~ission sta%in~ tt'~at ~he~ had protested %o the State Board of Equalization a~ainst the ~antinc of a license ~o the Socieda~ ~';iutualista Mexic~a i'~iOEOLLOS Inc. on ~he ~moundtha% the location,51~ baden Avenue , was a ~esidential district, Accepted and filed. in anothem co~nfcation the co~ission stated that the~ he~ ~eco~mended %hat ~v. Theod~ ~.,.~ulke)~ be ~manted a pe~mt~ ~o made additions to his autD-~l~aile~ Couv%,?ad ~iven ~he of pets,fowl ,livestock ,the wideni~ of %he ba~shoPe ~iKhwa~,Cit~ T~anspoPtstfon, ex~inatfo] of plans fo~ the new. postofffce, etc, much consideration,and decided to Pequest the city to draft an ov~nance cDvemin;~ the ve~ula~ion of pets,fowl, livestock,etc., Devmits ~ov the cons %ion of buildinC~,tO~house tke same, ~d the InspeD~ion Df such places by the health officem. Co~unica%to~ accep~d and he cit~ ~ttovne~ fnst~uc%~ %o, p~epave an o~dinan~e Coy the nex~ A further oomuni os% ion from the co~ission stating they were unabl~ to take any re~'ardin~ the widen~ of the Bayshore Highway owing to the lack of maps and details, an~ su,~:ested that the c~ty enKineer procure maps, etc,. f~om the State Highwa~ Oo~ission, Accept A co~unicat~on was received from the American ~provement Club stating the~ad sent a comunication to t~e Board of Supervisors of ~an ~ateo County,reco~endin~ ttat a strip of Yellow or ~ite painD be placed on the Mission Road from E1 C~ino Real to South San Francisc. Counci~ Tibbette stated t~e work was taken care of. Fire C~ef ~elte submitted the n~:e of Sam Di Giorgio f~r a~pointme~t to the 6all Fo'. of the fire department to fi~ a v. ac~cy in No.2 Fire Station. Councilman i~inucciani move that ~r. Di Ciorgio De appointed as r~ested. ~he motion was seconde~ b:{ Counci~an Ratto a re~larly carried. A co~ica~ion was rec. e~ved from St~ley. halstead, applying for e permit to_ hold a dance, the "~een's ~all", for the. girl representing South San Francisco at the PRIEI~IE~ at Treasure Island on Feb~ary 19th,next. On motion by CouDc~lman ~oido,seconded by. Co.~cilman Tibbetts and regularly carried ih. desired permit was granted. "'ayor Eschelbach received a co~nicati'on from the Federal ~ergency A~inistration a Washington,D.C. stating that ex~ination of the city's application for funds with which to a in fin~cing the construction of certain municipal improvements approval was not reco~ended Co~unication accepted and placed on file. Paci~c ~as & Electric Company append for pe~ission to open a trench in First L~e East of Orange Avenue, for the purpose of replacing 14~' of ~" gas main. Heferred to Counci~ Tibbetts and the desired pe~ission granted. A co~unication from the Auditors, Gordan Rowe & Company stated they had concluded the ~e~lar Audit report to January 31,1939, and submitted the same for the city files. Accepted and placed on file. An application for a dsn-,e ~e~it was received from Leo Eserini,Chai~an of the Fiest Co~ittee, to hold a parade and d~ce SatUrdaF evening, February llth,1939, the proceeds to used as South San ~ancisco's part in celebrating the openin~ of the Golden ~ate Exposition. On motion by Counci~an ~,~inucciani,seconded by Councilman Boido and rey~ularly carried the permit was granted. Notice of next meeting of tt:e Peninsula Diwision of the League of California ~iunicip ities was received from the secreta~ of the leavue. 'ihe meeting plane was designated as San Thursda~~ evening, Feb~ary 16,1939,at the ~enj~in Franklin Hotel, ~ at 6;30 O'clock p.m. Seven city officials signified their intention of being present. The m~nthly reports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, ~ity Ju City Treasurer,Eealth Officer, and City Clerk, for the month ending January 31,1939, ~ere rec and accepted, on motion by CO~ci~ Eatto, seconded b7 Counci~ ~iinucci~i and ref~larly carried. Claims in the ~o~t of $6,86M.53 were next presented to the council for pa~ent;- Louis Belloni Dudley Perkins Belli Motor Company Pac. Coast Bldg. Officials Conf. So. City Laundry & Linen Supply Railway express Agency A. Welt. Tem~ograph Sales Co. C, Rinebe_~t Thorsen Tool Co. American Fire Equipment Co~ M. Greenherg's Sons State of California Buperior Laundry Joe Pautaleoni Knox Hale Machinery Co. Golden West Quarry F~ed J. Lautze Peninsula Welding Service Industrial City Lumber Co. # Union Paving Company Miscellaneous expense service motorcycle service Buick 1 COl~ 1~38 edition wash- fi~e dept. January freight - fir~ dept. 1 copy "Fire College Lectures" Speedoscope, stencils, etc. days driver dep. 1~ relief, fire 2 sets socket tools 1 guage and 6 qts. fire ext. fluid 1 lb~ hydrant packing materials - fire dept. 1 book - fire training wash #2 house Jan. retread tires - 1 casing refill brooms - street sweeper 34.20.yds. ct. z~zn start truck- 1 coil repair street sweeper 5 gals. comax ~ supplies fire dept. supplies relief sdministration supplies recreation dept. supplies - park supplies - street dept. paym't on acct. Linden Ave, 8.83 2. O0 5.80 4.12 7.89 1.70 2.70 33.75 7.50 55. O0 53.46 1.03 13.91 .31 4.59 21.37 48.41 45.84 26.42 5.35 2.25 15.15 7.91 14.94 13.33 5.66 4.41 1065. O0 M. Laufer L, C, Smith R. R. Sharkey Enterprise Press Pacheco Electric I! M. Baldasseroni A. 0arlisle Co, Pe Ge & e· So..0ity Lumber # California Water 0o· H. L. Hanker #_ 8tam~lar~ 0il Co· Rio O'~ande Oil (Joe Linden Avenue Garage GOOe Ae I~l. eose Pac. Tel·. & Tole. Co· Oerth Enollin Advertis- 6 days labor Orange Ave. Park 16 tu~s· rental power shovel sal. JanuarT - Secy. Planning Corn/ printing - city pound service traffic signals, etc. maintain fire system & new con- struct ion wiring at corporation yards repai~ 3 fountain pens - clerk 500 envelopes- city clerk street lights January misce'llaneous service Jan. materials W· P. A. sewer supplies street dept. # 'park materials - dog pound " fire dept· # for tool shed at ball park playground sex, ice W. P. A. project & city dump fountain and fire house hydmant rental Jan ins, prem. on city buildings add· prem. Ford truck prem. public liability add· prem· Fox~t truck pr.em, general liability city automobiles 340 gals · gas gas· Sept· battery, etc. for dog exterminator Engineering various projects phone sex, ice January 2V·O0 128.00 10·00 36.72 42.16 239.51 70.00~ 1.45 .98 740.V7 180.70' 84.23 51.41 51.95 4.84 4.04 52..70 9,75 2..0'7 13.66 32"g, O0 85·90' 52.'45 40.00 2·73 779.99- 1535.48 ' 52.'70 176.79' 10.00 160.40- 76,65 ing A~ency on acct. advertising S. F. Pen. 95.63 Sprouse ~eitz Co. games, recreation dept. 3.82 Spiro's supplies - recretationd ·pt. 4.45 G. Penna candy, etc. reef·ration dept. 1.69 Wobber's I_nc, supplies reef·ration dept. 3.91 H. E. Conner bal. due construction sewer city park addition 190'$6 J. P. Quinlan 1000 ~2~envelopesl~ 22.88 " 500 envelopes 9.30 Total ..... $ 6862.53 The claims havin~ been audited by the finance Co~mnittee councilman Tlbbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported that he was try- lng to get in touch with Senator ~arkman and Assembl~.-nan Call wfti' reference to securing their , ~ , assistance in installing ligtts ou mayshore Lighway to the underpass. Councilman Tibbetts reported the work of mendinp the drainage system at A~our Avenue : Avenue and hayshore ~ighway ha~ been com~J, leted. Regarding the a~':plication of Walter A.C.Ryan for an exclusive jitney license City attorney Coleberd stated he was giving the matter further study. 'lt-.e report of the city engineer on the L.C.Smith contract to excavate in the channels CoLma Creek showed the balance due ~;~57.60 , and on i'ebruary 10, the 10~S held for thirty-five days. Councilman hatto moved the ~ounts be paid as due. The motion was seconded by councilman ~,!inuccia:~ and reg:ularly carried. The 10/~ balance ~ounts to ~V88.0V. Th~' recommendations of t?'e Fire Chief for improvements in the fire department were laid OVG~. tn the matter of the Co~a Creek Hog ~,anc~ effluent, City Attorney Coleberd stated that' he had had a conference with I~ir. Harry D~-er and Assistant Diatrict Attorney Sullivan. }e stated Byer learned that Dr. GeiFer,Health Officer of San Francisco County, was opposed to the p~ping of the hog sewage over the hills to the ~'acific oce~ on account of the beaches. ~';lr. Sullivan thought the problem could be settled without too much difficulty. Mayor Eschelbach advised the cit~ attorney,' to begin legal action against the offenders at once. i~r. Coieber~ stated there would be ~lenty of , infomation and fdcts to secure and plenty expense, khe City Clerk was instructed to infom tk~e San Rateo County moard of Supervisors of the City Council's intention in the matter. ~ , Under ~he head of n~w busihess ~fayor Bschel~ach stated that w~ile he appreciated the enJineer- ~in~' ability of End-in·ers Knees· and Klassen, he believe8 the city could ,be saved so~ money by ~oloyin~'C~u~~eT~~r~o~~ ~%e~h~O~f~i~t~nC~~ v~a~4~ebof~ice of C~tw Bn~ineer. /~ ~ ' - · ' ' · -'~ - ' Y ';' F' e eclared ~a~ant~the ~btioa wa~ /Seconded by Counci,~an Boido.0n roll call Counci~en Boido Eschelbach g:~ Tibbetts voted ."Aye'Jand Councz~en '.~ Ratto and ~!~cci~ voted ,".NO" , %,~2er~moR:., Co~ci~an Doido.moved tp appoint Engineer U.S :h"~arshall City Engineer' .'~$"950:per mon~h.~"'~he'~0~i0~ W~s S~cOnSed by c0unCitman:Tibbetts. ,0n ro~l call Councilmen 5omdo,.gs~helbach and T~hbet.t,s ~'oted. Aye , and. Co~ncflmen.~atto ann ~,~tn~cc~ani.voted N0 . In votfn~ ND ,Councilman ~,lnucclan~ stated he,.v~as, not d~outlng t~e ab~l~by-~pf-~ngi~eeF:m.a~shai!, ~ut fel~ ~hat the ~it~ Was~ ~t~ih~ t~ej.'e~i~e~ing ~6Sb~Pr~t~Y~he~]:. ' 'in 'vo~i~'''~',[~C~~n ~tt6'sta~ed h~ felt ~he/citY ~nginesr~ng 6oS%s~were"loW',~th~t the m~tt~' smells like"o°!iti, cS~ t~t,'%he.ci.t~,had..tr,~bie in se service from ~,ir. ?~avshall,thOu~h he said, nathing.: against his abil~tY,%he, records will Show the costs at th and of yea$i~ ~he matter of the claim el~ ti e ~;nion ~avi~: qomoany 'or the talance due them for the work done on South Linden Avenue, City AttorneF~ Soleberd stated he had been in touch with the company, he stated the co, any wished the pa~ent of the sum of ~1065,on account,leaving a bal- and, of ~[~1000,due -them when a settlement is made. he stated the city enFineer was of the opfnion the balance df ~1000 was sufficient to repair the road. Councilman Boido moved the s~ of .$1065 be paid the comPany. The motion was seconded, by Councilman Tfbbetts and regularly carried., The city attorney stated there is hope that the dispute between the company and the city settled setiseacto~ilv. Ric Venturi asked that t, ridsN,Sat a Sun.th, e,~lV~18;~9.?be~ deciared Flag:-,~ays,So or ~ An aopropr~ation.' - for .... exDenses request was oeferrem untml'' 'luesday' evening,Fab.7,at V O'Clock p.',. There ~ing no ~rther business before the board Councilman ~,,'~inucciani moved to adjourn-until Tuesday evening, February Vth,1939,at V o'clock P.I<. ihe motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and reFularly carried. " " 'park 51.95 " materials - dog pound 4.84 " " fire dept. # # for tool shed at ball park 52.70 California Water Co. playground service " W.P.A. project & city d~P 2~ " fo~t~n ~d fi~ house 1~.88 ~ hyatt rent~ J~ 3~.00 H. L. Haa~ ~s. p~em. on city ~ild~s 85.90' " add. p~em. Fo~ t~ck 52.~5 ~- prem. ~blic liabtli~ 40'00 " add. p~em. Fo~ t~ck " prem. general liabili~ ~V9.99~ " " city automobiles 1535.~ ' St~~ Oil Co, 340 gals, gas 52.70 Rio ~e Oil Ccc gas. Septe L~den Avenue Garage battery, etc. for dog exte~i~to= 10.00 Geo. A. ~eese Engineeri~ v~io~ projects 160.40. Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co. phone semite J~~ ~6.65 Ge~h ~o11~ ~ve~is- ing A~ency on acct. advertising S. F. Pen. 95.63 SprouseReitz Co. games, recreation dept. 3.82 Spiro' s supplies - recretati on dept. 4.48 G. Penna candy, etc, recretation dept. 1.69 Wobber' s Inc. supplies recretation dept. 3.91 H. E. Connor bal. due construction sewer city park addition 190' $6 J. P. Quinlan 1000-_~. envelopes 22.88 " 500 -1~ envelopes 9.30 Total ..... $ 6862.53 The claims having been audited by the 'finance Co~;~nittee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and re~'ularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported that he was try- lng to get in touch with Senator ~arkman and Assemblyman Call wit~ reference to securing their : assistance in installing lights on ~ayshore Highway to the underpass. Councilman Tibbetts reported tLe work of mendin~ the drainsge system at A~our Avenue Avenue and ~ayshore ~fighway ha~ been comN:,leted. Regarding the a~v:plication, of Walter A.C.Ryan for sn exclusive ..~itney license City attorney Coleberd stated he was giving tLe matter further study. 'lie report of the city engineer on the L.C.Smith cc, ntr~ct to excavate in the channels CoLma Creek showed the balance due ,;~5~.60 , and on l, ebruary lO, the lO~s held for thirty-five days. Councilman hatto moved the ~ounts be paid as due. The motion was seconded by councilman ~,!inuccia~ and re2:ularly carried. The lO~ balance ~ounts to ~V88.0V. Th? recommendations of tYe Fire Chief for improvements in the fire department were laid ove~. in the matter of the Co~a Creek Hog ~anch effluent, City Attorne~ Coleberd stated that' he had had a conference with I~ir. ~mrry Dyer and Assistant District Attorney Sullivan. ~e stated ~r, Byer learned tl':at Dr. Geisler,Health Officer of San Francisco County, was oppose5 to the p~ping of the i:,og sewage over tl~e hills to the ~acific oce~ on account of the beaches. Mr. Sullivan tho~glat the problem could be settled without too much difficulty. Mayor Eschelbach advised the cit~ attorney to begin legal action against the offenders at once. f~,r. Coteber~ stated there would be r~lenty of , infomation and fdcts to secure and plenty expense. ~he City Clerk was instructed to info~ thee San ~ateo County ~oard of Supervisors of the City Council's intention in the matter. Unde~ ~he head of new busfness ~s. yor Bschel~ach stated that while he appreciated the en?ineer- kin~' ab~.lity o~ En~'ineers Kneeae and Klassen, he believe6 the city could-be sa'ved so~ money by ~oloyin~'~a ~~me~,e~fi~er, ~n~ 9~e~ for~a, motiQn~9 v~cs.~e the, of~ic~ of~C~ty B~g~eer~.. /L~ ~ 'uounc~man liooe~s m'o~e~ ~nat the ore,ce cz uz~y Enp-zneer ce aec~area ~.acan~.t~e mo~o~ was ~econoed' b~r Councilman' moido .On-' ro]. 1 call Counci~en, Boido Eschelbach ~,., Tibbetts voted. ."A~e"and~ , Counci~en Ratto and ~cci~ voted~, ~0 ~ t.~ere~po~ ...Co~ci.~a~ ~oido moved tp~appoint Engineer U.S.~arshall , ~ . " ,~ ' ~ ~ :" ' ~ ' ':' 'e m-tio~ W~~' s~cOnded b csuncilman~Tibbetts. On ro~l call Councilmen C~y En,ineer, ~ :~250 pier month, ~,h ..o ¢,: . ~ .. ~ .~ , .~. ,.~.., ,. ~ .. . ~6ido'i~$~Heiba~h and Tibbetts 'voted.. "Aye". snd, Councilmen Hatto aha ~tin~cc~ani v~ted."NO". In.vo~ng "NO"Councilman~ ~[inucciani~ ~ stated he .v~as~, not. dzsouting~ ~ ~ tt:e. ~ ab~l~by ~ of~ ;. ~ . ,~ngi~ee~ ..~.a~shal!, ~ut~ .. .~ . ,~ . . fel~ ~ ~hat~ the cit~ was ~etti~ the~,en~ineer~n~ costs ~rett~.chea~. In ~.otzng :~0 .Co~ei~an Ratto stated hp ~elt ~e~city ~ngin~r~ng Costs were~'loW,~.th~t.th~m~tber smells~like'~ootiti~cs; th~t~[~he.c~t~hmd~.tro~ble in sec' ~ervice frOm ~,ir. ~arshall,th°U~h he Said.~athing-~gainst his abilitY,The.records will ~how ~he~costS'~at the nd~'°f yea$~ ~he matter of the claim ol' tie Union ~avi~~ qo~psny ~or the ~alance due them for the work done on Sou~ Linden Avenue, City Attorne~~ Coleberd stated he had been in touch with the company, h.e stated the co, any wished the pa~ent of the sum of ,~61068,on account,leaving a bal- and~of ~lO00~due -them when a settlement is made. he stated the ~ity engineer was of the oo~nion the balance df ~lO00 was sufficient to repair the road. Councilman Boido moved the s~ of ,I~1065 be paid the comPaay. The motion was seconded, by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carrieS. The city attorney~ stated there is hope that the dispute between the company and the city ~will~b~ ~ett~ed sstisfacto~tly. Ric Ventur~ ~sked that t. rid~Sat ~ Sun.the l~';~8;~9'be~ deciared Flag~Days,So ord n aV~propriation. for exoenses request was ~eferred un~ml 'luesday eventg,Fab.7,at 7 o'Clock p',. There ~ing no ~rther business before the board Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn~until Tuesday evening, February 7th,1939,at V o'clock P.I~. ihe motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and rey~ularly carried. Time of adjour~ent, lO.~O O'Clock p.m. ~ Approved~ ~ . '( ~ $~Or of ~°uth San B~ancisco. le-r~~