HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-02-20REGULAR MEETING OF TP~~ CIT)' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD ~i0NDAY, ~EBRUARY ~0,1939. The regular meeting qf the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was hel_d in the City Hall.,Monday evening, February 20th,1939. ROLL CALL. Roll c~ll found eS1 members of the City Council present,as follows;- "~ ' A.J.Eschelbach, ~.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Council.'men, V.~ o~_do, The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they wer~ approve~ as read. A Communication was received from the American ImprovementClu.b,stating autos and trucks are driven through this city at all hours of the night and day at from 40 to 70 miles per hour particularly from the hosoital to the ~,'~i,~sion Road, and asked that the matter be given attenti. Referred to Chief Of Police Belloni. R.N.I~rphy, Adjutant, Bernard ~ieCaffrey Post No.355, South San Francisco, requested ~n behalf of the post,the city select a place for t~e two-~-~guns the cost has on hand. The communication su?gested that the old ~un be brou?bt down by the S~AR in the South East corner of the lot, and that the salute gun be placed near the Flag Pole. ~ioved and carried that the request be referred to Councilman Tibbetts. ~ Eugene Jordan,Diaabled World War Veteran, applied for a free permit to sell fruits :and vegetables from door to door.. Lis application was acco~panied by certificate from the Veterans Welfare Board stating he was entitled to a permit under the rules and regulations of the Boa: Councilman ~inucciani moved the permit be granted. The motion was seconded, by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. An application for a dance permit was received from the "THE ~RIENDLY Ti IRTY*EINf~iRE", to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, April ~0,,1939. On motion by Councilma~Ratto, seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and resularly carried the desired permit was granted. ~ con~nunicati'on and complaint was received From Enrichetta Fregosi, 103 Green Avenue, Pack's Lot~, stating her property is being damaged b'y the blasting and excavations in the dist: '~hat the walls are cracked inside and outside, the paint destroyed partially and general ds~r~ag~ done,and requested the city to take action to assure proper adjustment of the damages. The Ma~,~or,City Attorney and Cit~' Council assured the owner t?~at damages would be paid by' the truck ...... when the work is finished. The Cit7 Clerk was instructed to so inform iUrs. Fregosi. ........... A communication was receive~ from the ~"anufacturers Association of South San I~'rancisco requesting the city to take action to restore the pavement where the I¥~arket Street Railway Co abandoned the tracks'on East Orand Avenue. They also .called the Cour~cil's attention to the serious condition prevailing in front of the United Packing Plant,brought about b~ the lack of drainage and the trucking of refuse material in a wet state, whO. ch causes the ground to become muddy in rainy weather, for approximately half tire highway for some distance from t?e plant. · ,.~rsaall a~'~d Co~ncilman Tibbetts. In t?e matter of the removal of the Referred to Ctt~j Engineer ~'~.- - tracks west of the S.P.Company Engineer .",arshal stated it could be made a W.P.A.Job,with the ; railroad company sustaining part of the costs. T~e mai'ret will be looked into. Councilman Ratt. asked the cit~~ attorney if the railroad company in abandorin~ the tracks would abandon th, right-of-way east of t~e S.P.,and ~ to whom would it belong in that event. Mr~ Colebe: stated the right of way is lost and the land company owns .the land. A communication from the Business and Professional Women's Club of South San Francisc. invited the city officials and their wives to its "Public Relations Dinner" to be held at St. Paul's Auditorium,W~dnesday, I~[arch 1,1939. ~'.ayor Eschelbach asked how many officials wished to attend. Seven signified their intention to be on hand. Director of Public ~ealth,Charles C.Gans, submitted a statement inviting the city to place its public service under the direction of the County Director . The conmunication was la overe A communication and statement were received from the Department of Public Works, Sacramento,California, showing the amounts due cities and counties in this district under the January 1939 quarterly payment of the ~ cent gas tax allocation. Souti: San Francisco's share is listed as $146V.3~. Communcation accepted and filed. The kacific ~as ~ Electric Company applied for a permit to install a ~' gas main in the easterly sidewalk area of Walnut Avenue between Tamarack ~ i~;ille, r Avenue, and a permit to open a trench 14" in width in i~liller Avenue E. of i~aple Avenue. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired permits granted. The Certificate of Appoint~ent of Cit.v Engineer l~!arshall was submitted to the City Council for approval. His appointment was aooroved and tt.e d~te of Commencement of salary was set as Februar~~ 13,1939. He was sworn in b,~ the clerk. Councilma. n ~inuccian~_. introduced an ordinance Entitled" AN ORDINANCE RE'~LLA~ING~ ~ ~ THE ](EEt~t~'~,_i OF Ct:~ICKENS~ ~' ,]-~'~!~, G~SE~W?~, PIGE0i(S AiD 0%] ER [.~O'~%S,OOAqS AND RABBITS ~-I'N Tt(E ~IT?.~ OF SOU SAN P~ANCISCO" . TLc proposed ordinance ~:~ad its first r~ading. After discussion the ordina: was laid over for consideration. City Attorney Coleberd stated he would submit a copy to each o. vhe councilmen for their 'e~.sal. Claims in the amount of ~ were next submitted to the council for pa,vment;- $4095.10 So. San Francisco HoSpital Alcoholic examinations $ 5.00 Railway Express Agency express - police dept. .69 Bx~mtbn's Automotive Service motor for police radio 10.V1 Belli Motor Ccc repairs police Buick 5.45 J. Ce Penny Co. 16 curtains - fire house ~2 11.34 Ax, ndt' s Dept. Store 11 blankets - fire dept. 4. OV So. City Auto service repairs Seagrave truck #1 30.6V, Western Pipe and Steel 48' culvert and ~coupling 88.45 ' " 82 ~ " '~' 49.44 ~andu~ci - tailor repairs on flags' 2.0o Frank Robinson supplies- clerk's office 3.44 PaCific Tele. & Tele. Co. phone sex-vice Feb. 71.77 So. City D,~-ber Ccc pine ~attice for flag 2.27 So. City Lumber Ccc top sand and cement 6.44 u 150 redwood stakes 30.71 ' materials for tool house 216.0~ Sprouse-Reitz Co. supplies recreation dept. Chamber of Commerce Dalesee Sign CCc " .26 repairs mimeograph used by recreat, dep 5.00 repairs Neon signs 92.81 ........ , ~....~a~o, nod 'l~lbbetts. , ,~v ~,:~es' O1~ the previous m~e~tlng'Were read. There being no errors or omissions were approved as read. A Communication was r~ceived from the ~erican I~rovementClU~,st~ting ~utos and tr~ are driven through this city ~t all ~urs of the night and day ~t from ~0 to V0 miles per p~rticularly from the hosoit~l to the ~?!~msio~ Eo~d, and asked that the m~tter be given att Eeferred to Chief 0f Police Belloni. R.N.Murphy, Adjutent, Bernard ~Caffrey Post No.~, South San Francisco, requested behalf of the post,them city select a place for t~e two-~-~ns the oost h~s on hand. The co~un!cation su~gested t~t the old ~un be brou~t ~own by the S~R in the South East co of the lot~ and that the salute gun be placed near the Flag Pole. ~oved and c~rried that t recuest be referred to Councilm~ Tibbetts. Eugene Jord~,Disabled World War Veteran, applied for a free pe~it to sell fruits vegetables from door to door..Eis application w~s accompanied by certificate from the Vete~ Welfare ~oard stating he w~s entitled to a permit under the rules and regulations of the Councilm~ Minucciant moved the pe~it be g~r~nted. The motion was seconde~ by Counci~ ~atto ~nd regularly carried~ ~ application for a dance petit was received from the "TME PRIEEDL~ T~IRTT*~INL.~RE" hold ~ dance in ~ternel ~all Saturday evening, ~oril ~19Z9. 0n ~otion by Councilm~Eai seceded by Co~ci~ ~inucciani ~nd re~larly c~rried the desired oer~It was granted. ~ con~unicati'on ~nd complaint w~s received fro~ Enrichetta Fregosi, 10~ Green Avenue~ Peck's Lot~, stating her property is being d~aged by the blasting and excavations in the ~hat the walls are cracked inside and outside, the paint destroyed partiall~ and general d~ done,and requested the city to take action to assure proper adjustment of t~e damages. The L~a~or, C~ty Attorney ~d Cit~' Council assured the o~er t~at damages would be .paid by the tz when the work is finished. The Cit]/ Clerk was inst~cted to so info~ ~,irs. Fregosi. ........ ~ com~nication was received from the ~"anufacturers Association of South San I~'rancis requesting the city to take action to restore the pavement where the ~,'larket Street Railway abandoned the tracks on East Stand Avenue. They also .called the Council's attention to th serious condition prevail~nf~ in front of the United Packing Plant,brought about by the lack drainage and the t~cking of refuse material in a wet state, which causes the ground to bec ~ddy in rainy weather, for approximately half tt:e highway for some distance from t~e plan' Referred to CitF Engineer Yarshall a~'~d Co~.ncilman Tibbetts. In t?e matter of the removal of · tracks west of the S.P.Company Engineer ~'..arshal stated it could be made a W.P.A.Job,with tb~ railroad company sustaining part of the costs. The matter will be looked into. Councilman R, asked the city attorney if the railroad company in abandorfng the tracks would abandon right-of-way east of ~e S.P.,and ~. to w~:om would it belong in that event. Mri. Col~ stated the right of way is lost and the land company owns .the land. A co~uni cat ion ~om the Business and Professional Women's Club of South San Franc~ invited the city officials and their wives to its "Public Relations Dinner" to be ~ld at Paul's Auditori~,Wcdnesday, ~iarch 1,1939. Z/ayor Eschelbach asked how many officials wishe~ to attend. Seven signified their intention to be on hand. Director of Public ~ealth,Charles C.Gans, submitted a statement inviting the city tc place its public service ~der the direction of the County Director . The communication was A co~unication and statement were received from the Department of Public Works, Sacramento,California, showing the amounts due cities and counties in this district under th January 1939 quarterly pa~ent of the -~ cent gas tax allocation. SoutL San ~ancisco's shat is listed as $1~V.3V. Co~uncation accepted and filed. The kacific ~as ~. Electric Company applied for a permit to install a ~" gas main in the easterly sidewalk area of Wa~ut Avenue between Tamarack ~ l~ille, r Avenue, and a pe~it ' open a trenCh 14" in width in I~iller Avenue E. of l~'~aple Avenue. Referred to Councilm~ Tibbetts and the desired pe~its granted. The Certificate of Appointment of CitN EnFineer Earshall was submitted to the City Council for approval. His appointment was aooroved and t~,e d~te of Co~encement of salary set as Feb~ary 13,1939. ~Te was sworn in b~ the clerk. Councilman Ninucci~n~ introduced an ordinance Entitled" AN ORDINANCE RE';ULATING 'w~'~ PIGEOn,TS A.,D OS'~ ER FO~S,~OA~S AND RABBITS TN T~-E CTT~ OF KEEI: IN..~ OF C}:~IC~NS, D~TS'~:S, G~=tSE, SAN 9~ANCISCO" . TLc pr~osed ordinance had its first reading. After discussion the ordir was laid over for consideration. City Attorney Coleberd stated he would submit a copy to each zhe councilmen for their ~e~.sal. Claims in the s~r~ount of ~ were next submitted to the council for payment;- $4095.10 So. San F~ancisco HoSpital Railway Express Agency Brunt0n's Automotive Service Belli Motor Co. J. C. Penny Co. Ax-ndt's Dept. Store So~ City Auto sex-vice Western Pipe and Steel Landucct - tailor Frank Robinson Pacific Tele.& Tel.. Co. So. City Lumber Co. ~o. City Lumber Sprouse-Reitz Co. CDamber of Con~nerce Dalesco Sign Co. Enox Hale Machinery Co. Walter N~t~ Signs Wo H. Dinning Alcoholic examinations express - police dept. motor for police radio repairs police Buick 16 curtains - fire house ~2 11 blankets - fire dept. repairs Seagrave truck #1 48' culvert and coupling 82~ . ,, repairs on flags ~ supplies- clerk's office phone service Feb. pine ~attice for flag top sand and cement 150 redwood stakes materials for tool house supplies recreation dept. 5.00 .69 10.71 5.45 11.34 - 4.07. 30.67~ 88.45 49.44 2.00 3.44 71.77 2.27 6.44 30.71 216.0~ .26 repairs mimeograph used by recreat, dep 5.00 repairs Neon signs 92.81 bal. due on Street Sweeper 3258,3~ lettering on motorcycle ] 7~.50 postage, etc. city Judge '~ 9.80 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried; Lazza~i and Son Ohamber of Commerce Mo L~ufer M. Minuociani Standard Oil Company Burroughs Adding Machine F~ed Brown San Mateo County Title Co. Bashford Smith cases dog food $ February advertislngA 4 days labor Orange ye. Park attending League dinner San Mateo gasoline maintenance to 8/7/39 filing 4 saws · repairs city hall reports January mounting maps 4.53 25' O0 18'00 3.75 100.73 5.55 3.10 1.50 20.79 $4095.10 Under the head of unfinished business the application of-~r~alter A.C.~.~/an for a jitney license to operate on schedule from the street car line to the factories was taken up. City Attorney Coleberd ~tated he did not think tb_e council had power to restrict the number of licenses to one,thou,~h l~,e would look the nlatter uo more thoroughly. The Council will meet -with him and l~r. Hyan. and study the problem. No further report on the hog nuisance came in. The city attorne~ reported he had not yet heard from Senator Parkman and. Assemblym~n Call on the city's request for assistance in installing li?'hts on the Bayshore Highway to the underpass. Cit} Engineer i','larshall reported that the W.P.A. would welcome assisting the cit~. in som~other projects essential for the development of the city, ~e stated the t~k~up ,t.ha~ar~et Streat ~e~ ~ w~y ~.ss~ st£n~,~-~l.-~.b~e-.cit~.....wo~ld be--,.-~--tittte-or~..r~-expense, that an;additional open street could be built through to the E1 Cami~o Real through Bade.n, ~iile House District, possibly over Oak Avenue. The City Council will give the projects their ~ R attention in the very near future~ and ~,,r. ?~'iarshall was instructed to get in touch with ~.P .~..~it}'.Le ~ompan~ }ir. ~lack al~peared before t~e board and stated he was attacked by a vicious dog which tried ~ard to bite' him. They are running at larFe,he stated,and naturally will do some d~nage, i~e su~?ested that something be included, in the ordinance to restrict their liberty. l'~iayor Eschelbach instructed Euilding Inspector ~"~elte to issue no more permits for the erection of billboards until the City' Council passes on the aoplications. There being no further business before the co~oncil,Councilm~an }~ii~-,ucciani moved to adjourn until ~onday evening, February 27th,1939, at 8, P~M. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and Regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10.10 o'clock P.M. Approved l',iayor of South San ~Tancisco. Respectfully submitted~