9,7TH, 1939.
A regularly adjourned meeting of the City, Council of the City of South San Francisco w
held in the City Y, all,~onday evening, February ~Vth,1939.
This meeting was called io order at 8 o'clock P.M. by i~ayor'A.J.Eschelbach.
Roll Call.
Roll call fo~.d all members of the City Council ~resent,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, i¥~.I'~Iiuuccisni, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
The reading of tt-~e minutes of the pre~ious meetin~ was dispensed with.
A communication was received from John Pieri,l?,6 Braden Avenue, Peck's Lots, protestini
against the blast.lng operations of i~arco Brott.er~ in his n~ighborhood, claiming his buildinl
was being badly damaged. The City' Clerk was instructed to write to him explaining that the
pang is under ~lO0,O00 bonds, which will be held until all damages caused by the blasting
have been liquidated.
The Jewel Tea Cpmpany of Barrington, Illinois applied for a license to sell tea and co.
from house to house. On motion by councilman ~'¥~inucciani, seconded by Councilman Eatto and
regularly carried the desired permit was granted. Being a nation wide concern they are opera'
under the interstate cemmerce law, and not subject to a peddler's license.
A communication was received from the lViarket Street Ratlway Company with reference t,
I~atvaging their rails on Grand Avenue,in answer to City Engineer ~larshall's inquiry and offe:
to them to secure W .P.A. assistance in performing the work. The company agreed to accept tl
offer, tl~ey agree to remove the rails,repaying the strip ar~ leaving the ties in place, to
furnish all equipment,incl~din? air comoressor's,concrete cutt!n~ ~uns,trucks, derrick and
Work cars, and furnish the necessary materials in excess of that furnished by the city and
W.P.A. Also to remove the trollu pomes where the same are not jointly used by the Pacific
~ Electric Company and the Pacific Tel Tel Company. Councilman Ratto believed the rails to
be worth considerable money, and t~ ought the company might be getting too much the best of t]
'bargain. EnFineer ~,iarshall stated the _~ron was worth about ~6600. After discussion it was
cided the city atiorney should inquire from tk, e City of San Jose as to the terms under which
rails in South ~irst Street were taken up, and report to the next meetin~ of the council.
A communication fromCity Engineer '"arshall ahowin~ abe cost of improving a road leadi~
wes~',:erly from Linden Avenue South, toward the dog track~ would be about~$1OM5, was received.
'Councilman ~¢Iinucciani stated ~-?~e road was undedicated and lead only to the ~oy track~ and wa~
a private road. Councilman Tibbetts and the engineer will look further into the matter.
q:he city engine-er reported Industrial ~ay east of Southern ~acific Tracks and connecti~
~ayshore Highway with Grand Avenue in poor condition~ and estimated that at a cost of ~943
road could be put in fair condition. Taken un~er advisement.
In the ~atter of t e extension of the six inch santtary..~sewer line on Ashton Avenue n~
from the manhole at the intersection of Cun~ings, City Engineer l~larshall reported that the
to the city would be about ~95.50,with Joe hestani ~oing he excavating and backfilling.
Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the engineer.
A communication was re~eived from the county Board of Supervisors inclosing a copy of
letter written by them to the District attorney in anseer ~o this city's letter informing
that civil action will be be~nn a~einst the county and landowners west of this city for perm~
hog effluent from the hills to flow into this city. The con~unication was ordered filed, and
Attorney Coleberd was requested to confer with District Attorney Farrell.
A bid for the sale of wire fencing , steel and galvanized fabrication material was rec~
from the California Wire Cloth Company~ The Company has a branch factory in th~s city, and
clerk was instructed to file the communication for record.
Claims in t~ e amount of ~4,19,7.9,8 we re next presented to the council for payment;-
Postmaster J.P.Quinlan, emvelopes $ ~.88
" " " " ~ 9.30 ~
/~~way Express agency freight ~ .69
Bru~kon's AutomotiVe Service m~tor ~ol.radio ~ 10.7i.
Belli~otor Co., reps to vol~ce Buick ~ 5.45 ~..
J.C.Re~ey Co., ' 16 curtai~s fire dept.j ~ 11.34'
Arndt's~,?ept. Store i blaket, '" "~'~ ,~ 4.07 '
South Cib~ Auto Service reps Seagrave T~ck ~ 30.67 ~
Western i:fpe & Steel Co., culvert & couplings ~$ 88 45 ~
" " ~, " ~ couplings . $ 49 [44~
C.Landucci,Tsilor rep.fla~ .~ ~ ~ ~.00 ~
Fra~ Robinsom~ supplies clerk s of ice .~ 3.44 .~
'aCific Tel & T$t Co Feoruary ohones ~ 71.77~
So.City Lbr. a sU~l~/· Co.,pine lattice for flag ~ ~.~V.~=.~
" " " '~. top sand'cement ~ 6.~4'
" " " ~.~ redwood? st~es ~ 30. Vl~
.... ,~. mate.rials tool house ;~16.03
SProuse Reitz Co., .... ,,supPlies,recreation dept ~ .M6
So.S.F.Chamber of Eo~erc$']~[~reps t~ mimo mac, ne $ 5.00 ~
Delasco Si~ Co., ~/~e~e. to Neon signs $ 9~.81~~
Ymox-Hale ~achinery CO~ bal.~d~ on swee~er,A~stih$3~58.30~ /
Walter ~¥iartin Signs ~' let~erf~ motor cycle $ V.50 ~
W.Y.D:~nning ~/' city jud~e~postage ~; 9.80~ /
~zzari ~ ~on ./~ dog~ food '~ ~ 4.53.' /
gO.S.Y.~amber?gommerce February adveri',%~ ~. ~ ~5.00
~'~ labor in park ~"~ .
~,'i .Laufe r / ~ ~ 18.00 /
~,'~.~,linuccian~~ council E~s to ~¥TuffL. Conv$ 3.75 /
St~dard 0I~ Co. gas & frease ~',~ ~lO0.V3
BurrohghF Addzng ~,,ach].ne Co. ma~nt, enan~e 6 mos ~;$ 5.55 /
Fred BE.6wn f~lin2' saws ~, reps,city K~ 3.10 /
San ~teo County Title Co., daily reoorts ~ ~'%~0 /
Ba~ord Smith '~ ~ountfn~ ma~s ~~ $ 90.7~,
~ ................... ~ ...... /~ Total ~~-V-~
The claims having been audited by the finance zommtttee~' Oouncilm~ Tihbetts moved the]
Boido and reF%~larly carried/
be paid. The motion w~(s seconded by Councilman
Roll Call fOUnd aii memg~s of the City Council Dresent,as follows;-
Council~'~:en, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, i,;[.~4i~.uccisni, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
~he reading of tl~e minutes of the pre~zious meetin~ ";as dispensed with.
A co~unication was received fro~ Jo~ ~ieri,126 Braden ~venue~ Peck's Lots, protestin~
~ainst the blastin~ operations of I~arco ~rotl~ers in his n~i~hborhood, claiming his building
was being badly damaged. The Cit~ Clerk was instructed to write to him explaining that the c~
Dany is under ~100~000 bonds, which will be held until all d~ages caused by the blasting will
have been liquid,ted.
~e Jewel Tea Cp~y of Barrington, Illinois applied for a license to sell tea and cof~
fro~ house to house. 0n motion by councilman I~inuccian~, seconded by Councilman Eatto and
re~larly carried the desired pe~it was ~ranted. ~eing a nation wide concern they are operat~
under the interstate c~erce law, and not subject to a peddler's license.
A co~unication was received from the l~iarket Street Railway Company with reference
salvaging their rails on Grand Avenue,in answer to City Engineer Marshall's inquiry and offer
to them to secure W .P.A. assist~ce in perfo~ing the work. The co, any agreed to accept
offer~ they agree bo remove the rails,repsving the strip a~ leavin~ the ties in place~ to
~rnish all equipment,including, air comDressor's~ ,concrete c~.~ttin? ~ns,t~cks, derrick and
Work cars, and ~rnish the necessary materials in excess of that ~rnished by the city and th~
W.P.A. Also to remove the troll~ poles where the s~me are not jointly used by the Pacific Ga~
~ Electric Company and the Pacific Tel ~ Tel Company. Co, clean Ratto believed the rails to
be worth considerable money, and ti ought the company might be getting too much the best of the
bargain, Engineer ~¥~arshall stated the iron was worth about ~6600. After discussion it was de
cided the city attorney should inquire from the City of San Jose as to the te~s under which
r~ils in South ~irst Street were taken up, and report to the next meet~.n~ of the council.
A co~unication fromCity Engineer ~'~arshall showin~ abe cost of improving a road leadin~
wesIJerly from Linden Avenue South, toward the dog track~ WOuld be about~$~i025, was received.
Councilman ~t~ucciani stated the road was undedicated and ~ead only to the ~o~ track~ and was
a private road. Councilman Tibbetts and the engineer will look ~rther into the matter.
q~he city engine-er reported Industrial m~ay east of Southern ~acific Tracks and connectin~
Sayshore Highway with Grand Avenue In poor condition, and estimated that at a cost of ~943 the
road could be put in fair condition. T~en un,er advisement.
In the matter of t e extension of the six inch sanitary~sewer line on ~shton Avenue nor
~' ' City Engineer ~arshall re~orted that the co~
from the ~nhole at the intersection of ~amngs,
to the city would be about ~$9~.50,with Joe hestani ~oing he excavating and backfilling.
Referred to Counci~an Tibbetts ~d the engineer.
A co~uni cat ion was re~eived from the county Board of Supervisors inclosing a copy of a
letter written by them to the District attorney in answer ~o this city's letter info,ns the
that civil action will be begun a~einst the co~ty and l~downers west of this city for pe~it
hog effluent from the hills to flow into this city. The co~ication was ordered filed, and
Attorney Coleberd w~s requested to confer with District Attorney Ferrell.
A bid for the sale of wire fencing , steel and galvanized fabrication material was recei
from the California Wire Cloth Company~ The Company has a branch facto~ in th~s city, and th
clerk was instructed to file the co~unication for record.
Claims in tie ~ount of ~4,1~V.~8 we re next presented to the council for pa~ent;-
Postmaster J.?.Quinlan, emvelopes $ ~.88
" " " " ~ 9.30 ~
~-~. ~.Ho spitaI aicotio~c ~X~r~.u~i~on ~ ,~
/ Ra~lway Express agency freight ~ .69
B~n's AutomotiVe Service ~$tor ~aol.radio ~ 10.T1.
Bell~otor Co., reps to oolice Buick ~.' ~ 5.45 ~
J.C.Re~ey Co., ' 16 curtaims fire dePt.(~ ~ 11.34
Arndt's',.~ept. Store 1 blaket, · ' ..~" .~ 4.0V- '.
South Cit~ Auto Service reps Seagrave T~qM~J ~ 30.6V ~
Western i~i~e & Steel Co., culvert & coupli~s ~ 88.45:~
,, ,, 'x , ~ couplings .~"' ' $ 49.44?~
C. Landu~ ci ,Tailor rep. fla~ ~ ~ $ ~ .00
'acific Tel & T~i Co Feoruary ohones ~ 71.VV~
~o.City,,Lbr. t_ S~i~ Co.,pine lattice for flag ~ ~.~7
~ 'x top sand'cement ,~ 6.44
~ " " " xx.. redwood~' st~es ~ 30.Vl~
..... x~ mate.~ials tool house ',~216.03 ~ i
Sprouse Heitz Co., ~x~s~pplies,recreation dept ~$ .26
So.S.F.Chamber of go~erce~reps t~ mime mac, ne $ 5.00
Delasco Si~ Co., /'re~e. to Neon signs $ 92.8~.'
P~ox-Hale ~achinery Co ...... bal.~ on sweeoer,A~stih$3?58.30-
Walter ~,~artin Sign~ ~,~- letter{~ motor~ cycle $ V.50
W.~-~.D~nning /. city jud~ postage :~; 9.80: /
~ ~ dog~ food '~ ~ 4.53 ~' /
~zzari ~ Son
~ g(),S.~.~amber ,g~erce February adver;x~ ;~ ~5.00
L.kinuccian~ council E~s to L~un~iwConv$ 3.V5
' St~dard 0,~l Co. gas & f-tease ~%~ ~100.V3
Burrohghs/Adding ~achine C0. maint, enance 6 Eos ~$ 5.55 /
Fred Br.~Wn filing' saws ~ reps,city H~3.10 /
San ~eo Co~nty Title Co., daily reports ~ '~"~0
Ba~Tord Smith ~ mo~ntin~ maps /~~ ? ~.~
~ ........................................... / To tal ~ ~
The claims havin.c been audited by the finance ~ommittee Councilm~ Tihbetts moved they
be paid. The motion w s seconded by Counci~an Boido and re~larly c~rried/
Mayor Eschelbach called to the board's attention t~e fact that the office of SuperintendeK
of streets of the city was held by the city engineer, and asked that the aopointment be made.
Council~an Tibbetts moved th. at tLe office of Superintendent of Streets be declared vacant
[ 4o
The motion w~s second~:d by Councilman Boido and re~ularly carried. Councilman ~oido moved that
city engineer ~arshall be appoi, nted Superintendent of Streets. The motion was seconded by Councilman
'l'i~°~e~bs and regularly'"c~'r~.ed.
Referring to the applica~tion of Walter A.C.~yan eor an exclusive license to run a
service from South San Yrancisco junction to the industrial center,City Attorney Coleberd
explained that the city could not grant such a license. In the matter of a 0ond for this
sort of carrier service ~r. Ryan stated other communities had accepted ~0,000 i:~o~ds from
j~.tney bus owners. ~'he cit~ attorney will secure a copy of ordinances of other cities
affecting this industry and report to the city council.
City Engineer ~arshall reported a sewer out of order at the Ar~.our plant. City attorney
Coleberd stated the city would be obliged to secure an easement for a sewer right of way in
that ~,~icinity, and would attend to it.
The opening of a serviceable street from Oaden Avenue ~hrough Oak Avenue to the E1 Ca~ino
heal, and a road from Bayshore Highway to the E1 Camino were suggested. The city engineer will
furnish an estimate of the cost.
CounciLman Boido requested that maps belonging to the Cit~ of South San ~'rancisco at the
office of George ~(neese in ~edwood City be returned to the city. ~ayor Eschelbach state,~',
t~at the cit2/ attorney would attend to the matter.
There being no further b~siness before the council, Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourr_
until the next ze?ular meeting, ~'ionday, ~arch 6,19~. ~t b o'clock P?~¥i. The motion ~as second
ed b,~~ Councilman ~o~!Io and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;o~ o'clock p/~'~.