HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-03-06REGULAR I~{EETtNG 0F TNE CITt' COUI~CIL OF r'ITV .... 0F SOUT~] SA~iJ FRANCI~0, HELD [~,'[ONDAY, I¥[~]qC~ 6,1939. the regular meeting of t~'~e Cit.~ Council of the City of South San Francisco was held ir. the City Hall, ~,.'[onday evening, i',larch6 ,1939. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. 'by A'[ayor A.J.Eschelbach. [~OLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Esch~- lbach,i,;[.~[inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. The minotes of t~e two previous meet~.ngs were read. There bein~ no errors or omissior. they were ag. proved as read. A co~munication from Jacob Specht,~ Peck's Lot~ stated his house was badly damaged blasting of ~,iacco Brothers in that tract,and asked the city to see to t?~e matter of securin.~ damages from the company. The City Clerk was instructed to answer the letter ~:tating the brothers Bond would be held until all settlements hsd been made. The Presto-Lite Company submitted a statement to the council stating that s~'~me time the city engin-?er lowered the street level along the ~ront of their property,cutting back street line, underming some of the fo~mdation and about ~00 feet of their fence. The commun~ tion stated that the city engineer said a sidewalk would be constructed and the property f~ p~otected. Referred to City Engineer i~iarshall. An application for a permit to l~old a prade and dance Saturday and Sunday, April ~9 April 30,was made by the Santo Christo Society. On motion by Councilman Ratto,seconded by C¢ man Boido and reFula~rly carried, the desired permission was granted. City Engineer Warshall submitted his report on the procedure and distribution of cost in co.nnection with the removal of the San Jose City street car track~'rails. He stated the belong to the Southern Pacific 0o';,t~,e City of San Jose s~onsored a W,'P.A. project for t~ removal of the rails,leavin~ the ties in,and repaved the trenches., that the Southern PacifY~ gave the city tlc rails and contributed nothin~ toward the cost,and San Jose sold the for junk. I!is fibres on the cost of the removal of the Grand Avenue tracks under the sort asreement San Jose entered showed that South San Francisco would be the looser by ~o,, ~37.9( Accordingly Councilman ~linucciani introduced a re~:olution of the Cit~ 8ounoil of the City of So~th San Francisco sponsorin? to the WORKS PROfRESS ADMINISTRATION the project of removing the street railroad tracks from Grand Avenue in the City of South San Francisco an~ paving the portions of siad Grand Avenue from which, such tracks may be removed,and designat~ the '"aoyr of South San Francisco as the Sponsor'S Agent. ~ihe resolution was adopted by thi votes of all the members of the City Co~ncil,as follows;- Ayes, Co~.~ncilmen,V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,~[.[~,[inucciani, Rod Tibbetts~D.W.Ratto. I,i:oe s, Councilmen,None. Absent, aouncilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweene~L ~,.~ City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolution, Vol.3,at page M16. RESOLUTION N0.~/16. A communication was received from the Ci2y ~ lanning Commission, stating that two meetis were held duriu? the mont of February,at which discussion took place concerninf'~ the wideni: of the Bayshore Highway, the Bill Board and sign problem, Colma Creek,property ownership restrictions,etc. These matters will be disposed of and reported at a letsr date. ~epor' accepted and filed. Mr. John Colombo reported that on ~',~arch 4,1939, his wife ~,irs. Angelina Colombo, fell oi sidewalk in front of 4~1 Lux Avenue in this city,and sustained injuries requirin~~ the aid o: a doctor, he stated the sidewalk ~as broken at the point where his wife fell. Referred to C man Tibbetts for investigation. A copy of the Final Report predated by the Division of [ighways covering its expenditu for the construction of a reinforced concrete bridge across ~iocho on Oayshore ~iighway,Route 68,this city , was received,and accepted. The total cost was ,:~o~018t,54,of which ~7,500 wa secured from tLe ~ cent ~;ss tax State Lighway funds. This bridge is otherwise known as Co1~ Creek Bridge. 'lhe February mo~thl~, report~ of the City [-]ealth 0fficer,Cit~ J~d~e, Chief of Police, Building Insoector, Fire Chief,Po~mdmaster,City Treasurer and City Clerk were submitted. Co' man Ratto moved t?at the reports be accepted. T?~e motion was seconded by Covncilman l¥~inucci and regularly carried. Claims in the amount of ,~89.~3 were next submitted to the council for [~ayment;- Lohis Belloni feeding prisoners,carfare,etc,~ Roy's ~ervice tires,~CE dept. ,~ ~9.42 Highway ~ransport, freight,fire dept Louis Degan Automotive Elec.4 circuit reg.~.~300.00 Clark Cooper Co., Solenoid Valve,f'ire dept $ V0.00 Uni.versal Tool & I2fg.Co.remount ~ey telegraph bakelite,S 6.~0 " " " i uniform time contact relay, $ V~.10 Sup~rior Luundry wash fire house ~. ~'eb. South City Ldry " " " l,., ~ ~$ 6.0~ R.Smith attendin~ fire " ,~ 1.00 S.Barney " " " ~$ 1.00 Sout? City Lbr.~.~ 5:u¥:.p],l~ Co., ~ateria~s,Fire De~srtment~ 8.44 " " " " " tool house $ 66.1~ ~' " " " " " street dept. $ ~0.94 " " " " " "sidewalk,nr.school ~$ ~0.99 Knox ~ale ~achinery Co.,refill of brooms,rear 8~ gutter~ 43.~/8 Golden ~Jest Quarry 6.10 ton Crusher Run ~ 4.7~ Hi ghway Blacksmi th Shop red/t oo] s, str. dept. R.R.Sharkey Secretary Planning Cc~. Feb..~ 10.00 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. street lig~ta Feb. they were approved as read. A coz~unication from Jacob Specht,~ Peck's Lot~ stated his house was badly damaged b.~ t blast,no of 1,1acco Brothers in that tract,and asked the city to see to tt'.e matter of aecuring damages from the company. The City Clerk was instructed to answer the letter ~tating the broth]ers ±~ond would be held until all settlements h~d been made. The Presto-Lite Company submitted a statement to the council stating that s~.me time ag the city engine?er lowered the street level along the ~ront of their property,cutting back t street line, underming some of the fo~mdation and about 200 feet of their fence. The communi tion stated t~st the city engineer said a sidewalk would be constructed and the property fr p~otected. Referred to City Engineer Marshall. An application for a permit to bold a prade and dance Saturday and Sunday, April 29 an April Z0,was ~ade by the Santo Christo Society. On motion by Councilman Ratto,seconded by Co man Boido and regularly carried, the desired permission was granted. City Enginoer ~arshall submitted his report on the procedure and distribution of cost in connection with the removal of the San Jose City street car track~ rails. ~ie stated the t belong to the Southern Pacific Co~,t~e Cit~, of San Jose soonsored a W.~P.A. project for th. removal~ of the rails,leavin~ the ties in,and repaved the trenches., that the Southern Pacifi gave the cit~. the rails and contributed nothin~ toward t~e cost,and San Jose sold the'"~ils for junk. I-~is figures on the cost of the removal of the Orand Avenue tracks u~der the sort a~reement San Jose entered showed that South San Francisco would be the looser by Accordingly Councilman Einucciani introduced a re~:olution of the Cit,! 8ouncil of the City of So~th San Francisco sponsoring to the WORI~S PROfRESS AD~INISTRATION the project of removing the street railroad tracks from Grand Avenue in the City of South San Francisco and paving the portions of siad Orand Avenue from which, such tracks may be removed,and designat~ the ~-aoyr of South San Francisco as .the Sponsor'S Agent. The resolution w~s adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Co~ncil,as follows;- Ayes, Co~ncilmen,V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,~I.~inucciani, Rod Tibbetts,D.W.Ratto. l<loes, Councilmen,None. Abeent, Councilmen None. Attest Daniel l~cSweene~ City Clerk t~ecorded, in Book of Resolution, Vol.Z,at pa~e 216. RESOLUTION N0.V16. A communication was received from the City ~lanning Commission, stating that two meetin were held durin? the mont of February,at which discussion took place concernin~ the widenin of the Bayshore Highway, the Bill Board and sign problem,Colma Creek,property ownership restrictions,etc. These matters will be disposed of and reported at a letar date. ~eport accepted and filed. Nr. John Colombe reported that on b~,arch 4,19Z9, his wife ~rs. Angelina Colombo, fell on sidewalk in front of ~l Lux Avenue in this city,~nd sustained injuries requirin~ the aid of a doctor, he stated the sidewalk ~as broken at the point where his wife fell. Referred to Co man Tibbetts for investigation. A copy of the Final Report prepared by the Division of ?Tighways covering its expenditur for the construction of a reinforced concrete bridge across ~ocho on Oayshore Highway,Route 88,this city , was received,and accepted. The total cost was ~,0181,84,of which ~',$7,~00 was secured from the ~ cent ~?as tax State ~ighway funds. This brid?e is otherwise known as Colm~ Creek Bridge. '~he February,-monthl~~ report~ of the Cit~' ~iealth 0fficer,Cit~ JUdge, Chief of Police, Building Insoector, Fire Chief,Poundmaster,City Treasurer and City Clerk were submitted. Cou~ man Ratto moved t?at the reports be accepted. 5:!~e motion was seconded by Covncilman I~ilnuccia~ and regularly carried. Claims in the amount of ~$~89.43 were next submitted to the council for y~ayment;- Lo~is Belloni feeding prisoners,carfare,etc,~ Roy's ~ervice tires,~,~CE dept. ~ V~.42 ~ighway ~ransport, freight,fire dept Louis Degan Automotive Elec.4 circuit reg.~.~J00.00 Clark Cooper Co., Solenoid Valve,~ire dept ~ 70.00 Uni~versal Tool & ~fg.Co.remount key telegraph bakelite~ 6.70 " " " I uniform time contact relay, ~ ~.10 Sup~rior Luundry wash fire house 2. ~'eb. South City Ldry " " " 1, " R .Smith at tendinF- fire " ,~ 1.00 S. Barney ~ " " $ 1. O0 Scut] City Lbr.~.~ ~u':,p),y Co., ~ateria~s,F~re De~ertment;i~ 8.44 " " " " " tool house $ 66.1~ Q,' " " " " " street dept. $ ~0.94 " " " " " "sidewalk,nr. school ~ ~0.99 Knox Hale Machinery Co.,r~fill of brooms,rear ~ gu~tter~ 4S.V8 Golden West Quarry 6.].0 ton Crusher Run $ 4.~ Highway Blacksmith Shop reo/aoo]s,str.dept. R.R.Sharkey secretary Plannin~ Cm Pacific Gas & Electric Co. street lig~ta Feb. " " " miscellaneous lights San ~'ateo Co.'~itle Co., daily reports,Feb. ~ t0.75 Feb.,~ 10.00 ,~;V 45.03 Feb. $1~8.1'8 1. o Disbursements continued;- Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Biancchini r~hone 6?6 Feb.~ 9.50 California Water Service Co.,water various parks, Feb ~ 19.35 " " " " dump s, library, ~ fountain, fire house ~$ 15.57 " " " hydrant s ~37 V. 00 ~m.~inucciani labor-~terial '~ .P .A. Job. ~ ~. 75 A.J.Pacheco maintain fire ala~,& cons~'~ction,new $1~.$~ " " " e lec .wirings, fi re dept ~$ 15.5~ B .Papini ~ .Laufer John P .Broder maintain street lights,traf sigs83.09 labor Oran?e Park, ~ 18.00 " " " ~ ~0 .~5 m~s~c recreation dept., Sprouse-Reitz Co., recreational supplies ~ ~.0~ Total The claims h~ving been audited by the finance committee Counc'lman Ratto moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd stated that the pro- ~osed trailer and checken ordinances were under way. Walter A.C.Ryan ,aPplicant for a jitney service license, stated that he was willing to furnish a bond in the amount of $~5,000. The matter will be given the further attention of the city attorney. In the matter of the hog effluent from the hills in the vicinity Colma, entering the City of South San Francisco Cit~ Attorney Coleberd stated be would, secure the hames of the raisers from City Engineer ~arshell. Councilman Boido moved that the city attorney be instrucved to begin action against l0 hog raisers in the northwest section of the councty to compel them to abate the nuisance . The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Fire Chief ~¥elte made reeuisition for 30L~ feet of fire hose and a typewriter. Councilman t¥linucciani moved that the articles be purchased as per the request. '±'he motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and re~ularl~ carried. Councilman Ratto reque~ted that the fire hose be purchased, through a local .merchant. So ordered. There bein? no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts move~ to adjourn until the next regular meeting, ~londay, karch ~0.1939,at 8 0' . The motion was seconded by Council~a~ Boido and regularly carried . Time of adjournment, 9;~0 o'clock P.~¢~. ~pproved~,~ ~?yor of South~an Francisco~ ~espect fully submitted, .... C~t~: Clerk