HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-03-20REGULAR MEETING OF T}~E CIT~ COUN~YL OF CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0,tfEI.D ~,'IONDAY, ~:ARCF ~,0TH,1939. ~he regular meetin,~ of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall, ~ionday eveninff, ~arch ~0,1939. The meetin? was called ~o order at 8 o'clock p.m. by k~ayor A.JoEschelbach. ROLL Call. H°ll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~l.Y. inucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions ti'ey were approved as read. A comm~nicstion was received from ~ .~(.Wright stating that damage was done to his hom~ in Peck's Lots from the blastinF of .~,acco Brothers in that section . Councilman Ratto advi~ t~::at the indemnity company be requested to recheck on the property they had inspected befor~ blasting operations began. So ordered. Councilman ~:,oido su~o'ested th, at the clerk secure all t?~e information possible pert~i~g to the damage done to householders in tl~e subdivision and notify the company to take action to reimburse the persons whose homeswere injured. So ordered. Others who~ wrote the city council of damage done to their places were James T~ William Warren and Minnie ~endel. ih.e clerk was instructed to submit the names of the claim. ants to the insurance company. A written statement was submitted by the city engineer of the estimated cost of improvi~g East Grand Avenue, and proposed that the property owners along the avenue assist city in the work. The City Clerk was instructed to write all the property owners request~ them to meet with the city council and en~'ineer on Thursday, ~arch ~3,at 1~ o'clock in the Council C~ambcrs to confer on the subject. ~m aoDlication was received from Abelino Garcia for a soft drink and refreshn~ent li~ at South San Francisco Beach at the end of Butler Road. On motion by Councilman ~.'!inucciani, ~econded by Councilman Ratto,,and regularly carried t~e aoplication was granted. An EncroacbJ~ent Permit was receiveJ from the Division of Highways of the State perm~. t~..,e installation of a 3 inch Falvanized iron conduit at the north limit line of San Franci~ Airp~ orr. Accepted. Troop 90 of ti e Boy Scout Explorers applied for a permit to hold a dance in Frstern~ Satruday evening l~ay ~V,1939 from 9 p.m. to I A.~i. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded ~ Councilman Boido and~gularly carried the permit was granted. A building 'oermit was ordered issued to Blanche Johnson of Colma to construct a cof~ shop and bar on lot 4,block 151. 5~ Claims in the amount of ,~$~49.~. Were next p~eseuted to the council for pa~.~ent;- lubricants $ 4.00 B. Papini -labor Ora~ e Ave. supplies $ ~.06 Park $4V.~5 ~Jnion Oil COmpany' Well-worth Store J. W. Rri cke C O/. Bel!i ~,~ote~ Co Bruton's Auto Service ,! ~'! t! So. City Auto Service So. City Augo Service Universal Tool Co. blackboard ~$ 13.V7 reps to ~uick ~ 58/45 res rod police car 8.~1 motor service,fireS 98.22 repairs police car 2.21 "fire truck 533.89 repairs fire alarm ' system 7.00 Underwood Eliott Fisher Co. typewriter - fire chief 83 .SV M. Greenbergs' Sons Robinson Druggist F.S. & W.W. Hirsch Pac. Tele. & Tel. Co. Chamber of Commerce Tri City Blue Printing Tidewater Associated Co. Standard Fence Co. tennis nets & fence 1 h?~drant 8~ .40 supplies fire dep. .98 parts for fire eng. 20.~9 phone service March 91.V9 advertising Mar. ~5.00 blue prints 1.30 4~0 gals gas 65.10 furnish & erect ~ 946 .~o Gerth Knollin Ad. Agency Peninsula Welding Set. W. L. Hickey & Son Porta'$ Garage Roy ' s Service Ind. City Lumber Co. So. City l. amber Co. G. F. Bishop Co. F. C. Thomas Hallawell Seed Co. M. Laufe~ Enterprise l:~es s Spiro ' s Garden City Products G. Penna Sprouse Reitz Co. Ad. S.F. Peninsula 83.V~ making trailer hitch 3.00 materials - street 10.60 "recreation Dep. 8.96 repairs st. sweeper 4.80 build up pump - street dept. 118.50 material - fire dep .82 I gal. black enamel 4.38 material- st. dep. 1.44 supplies recreation 3~.4~ 106 Redwood stakes material recreation ll.41 "tool house ql.31 "police dep. .51 1 head gasket I gas heater -park 24.72 rollers for maps 6.VO Seed 1.13 4 d~,ys labor ~. 18.00 500 mimeograph. sheets 1.29 1000" - fire dep ~.58 1000 letter beads 9.VV materials recreat- ion dept. V.55 rice straw supplies - recreat- ion dept. " 1. Moll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions ti-ey were approved as read. A communication was received from ~:i.~i.Wright stating that damage was done to his h, in Peck's Lots from the blasting of ~,acco Brothers in that section . Councilman Ratto ad~ t~ at the indemnity company be requested to recheck on the property they had inspected bef~ blasting operations began. So ordered. Councilman ?,oido su~'ested tLat the clerk secure a[ tk~e information possible pert~iAg to the damage done to householders in t~e subdivision a~ notify the company to take action to reimburse the persons whose homeswere injured. So ordered. Others who wrote the city council of damage done to their places were James William Warren and ~'dinnie ~,endel. ~he clerk was instructed to submit the names of the claf ants to the insurance company. A written statement was submitted by the city engineer of the estimated cost of improvi~g East Grand Avenue, and proposed that the property owners along the avenue assis city in the work. The City Clerk was instructed to write all the property ownere reques them to meet with the city council and enyineer on Thursday, ~arch ~3,at l? o'clock in the Council C~amb~;rs to confer on the subject. ~m apolication was received from Abel!no Garcia for a soft drink and refreshment 1 at South San Francisco Beach at the end of Butler Road. On motion by Councilman ~;!inucciani ~econded by Councilman Ratto ,and regularly carried t)'e a. oplicat~on was granted. An EncroacbJ,~ent Permit was receive~ from the Division of Highways of the State pe~ the installation of a 3 inch ~alvanized iron conduit at the north limit line of San Franc: Airoort. Accepted. Troop 90 of t}e Boy Scout Explorers applied for a permit to hold a dance in ?rater] Satruday evening ~ay ~V,1939 from 9 p.m. to I A,~. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded Councilman Boido and ~egularly carried the permit was granted. A building r~ermit was ordered issued to Blanche Johnson of Colma to construct a co~ shop and bar on lot 4,block 151. 54 Claims in the amount of ,~$7494. w~e next p~eseuted to the council for payment;- Union Oil COmpany' lubricants $ .... 4.00 B. Papint -labor Ora~ e Ave. Well-worth Store J. ~. Rri cke C O/. Belli Mote~ Co Bruton's Auto Service So. City Auto Service So. City Augo Service Universal Tool Co. supplies $ 9.06 blackboard ~$ 13 .V7 reps to Buick ~$ 58/45 res rod police car motor service,fireS 98.22 repairs police car M.R1 "fire truck 533.89 repairs fire alarm '' s ys t em V. O0 Park Underwood Eliott Fisher Co. typewriter - fire chief M. Greenbergs' Sons Robinson Druggist F.S. & W.W. Hirsch Pac. Tele. & Tel. Co. Chamber of Commerce Tri City Blue Printing Tidewater Associated Co. Standard Fence Co. 83.8V 1 h~/drant 80,. 40 supplies fire dep. .98 parts for fire eng. fiO.~9 phone service March 91.V9 advertising Mar. ~5.00 blue prints 1.30 40,0 gals gas 65.10, furnish & erect o, tennis nets & fence 946.9o~ Gerth Knollin Ad. Agency Ad. S.F. Peninsula 83.V[ Peninsula Welding Set. making trailer hitch 3.00 W. L. Hickey & Son Porta's Garage Roy's Service Ind. City Lumber Co. So. City l.~unber Co. O. F. Bishop Co. F. C. Thomas Hallawell Seed Co. N. Laufer Enterprise lress ?f Spiro ' s Garden City P rodu ct s G. Penna Sprouse Reitz Co. materials - street 10.60 "recreation Dep. 8.96 repairs st. sweeper 4.80 build up pump - street dept. 118.50 material - fire dep .8~ 1 gal. black enamel 4.38 material - st. dep. 1.44 supplies re creation 32.4~ 106 Redwood stakes ~1.44 material recreation ll.41 "tool house ql.31 "police dep. .51 1 head gasket .VT i gas heater -park 24.72 rollers for maps 6.~0 Seed 1.13 4 d~ys labor 18.00 500 mimeograph sheets 1.~9 1000 "- fire dep ~..58 1000 letter beads 9.77 meteri~ls recreat- ion dept. rice straw supplies - recreat- ion dept. ~.78 " 1.12 .55 $0,494.54 ~'?~e claims havin~~' been audited by the finance committee Councilms. n Boido moved they be paid. ~he motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts ~nd regularly carried. ORDI~A~CE N0., An ordinance entitled "AN ORDIi~iANCE ~:hO!~IitI~ki,iG T~E Kh:,hFii, iG OF SWINE WI~Y~,: q[?~E ~II~ OF SOUTt SA~ FRANCISCO, EXCEPT 0[,~ TI;E PRE[~,riIS]~[S OF SLAU(}HTER HOUSES OR STOCKYARDS" was introduced by Councilman Bofdo, had its first reading and was laid over to come up before the City Council at the next m~eting. Under tt':,e head of unfinished business the application of Walter A.C.Ryan for a jitney license covering scheduled service, was taksn up. City attorney Coleberd stat~'~d he was studying ordinances of other cities referring to such licenses~ but thought the present ordinance miF~t be amended to made t?e bond '~ ~ 000. · Referr~n~ to the hog effluent situation t~e city~attorny stated he had been in consultation with An~elo Olc]~esi on the s~bject.of having the sewage oumped over to the but the owners of t~e Garbee property had some objection to it passin~o~ their property. On the complaint of the Presto-Lite company cancerning Linden Avenue be~n~ raised hi~her than their property and water flowin?~En~-~-~ineer i~arshall recommended that the company build their own wall,and the city could use some fill in if satisfactory to t]~e council. ~here being no further business before the council councilman Ratto moved to adjourr. until t:,'e next regular meeting, ~,,~onday, ~pril 3,1a33,at 8 o'clock P.~. '1) e motion was seconded by councilman ~',;inucciani and re~:'ularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;35 o'clock Approved_~_ .................................................... ~,~!ayor of South San ~ancisco. Resoectfully submitted,