HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-04-17 REGULAR ~,~EETING OF TYE CI~' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUT~T SAN FRANCI~CO,FELD ~,~!ONDAY, APRIL 1Vth,1939 o The regular meeting of the city council of the Cit?.' of South San Francisco was held in the Cit~ ~!al!,~ionday evening, April 1Vth,1939. The meetin~ was called ~co order at 8 o'clock p.m. by ~¢~ay~r ~.J.Eschelbach. ~OLL ~ Call. Roll call found all members of d-he city council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.mommo,A.J.Eschelbach, M.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tfbbetts. The minutes of the two mrevious meetings wore read. In the minutes April 3, in a communt- cation from the businesmens Association, t~e amount of receipts from busines licenses was read as ;~350,000, which should have been ~35,000. Ordered corrected and the minutes of both meetings adop ~e d. The South San Francisco Railroad d~ Power Company ~,s~bmitted a statement showing the amount of ~$69.08 d~e the city on its frauachises from April ['~ ]1939 io December 31,1939 , and asked 'the city's acceptance of tle same. On motion by Councilman ~:inucc~ani,seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the city a::cepted t~e statement. Pacific Gas ~.~ Electric Company requested permission to' install a ~" main in the westerly sidewalk area of Palm Avenue,near ka?nolia Ave, and a two inch main extension in Armour Avenue opposite iJickory Lane. Referred to ~o~ncmlmsn Tibbetts and the requests granted. A communication from Henry ~.Gutterson ; architect of the library addition, was received by the Librar]/ ~:oard and read to the City Council. ~¥1r. Gutterson stated tlc application to the Federal Government by .this city for a PWA grant to construct an addition to the present library was duly presented as requested, and ~roved to be entirely satisfactory to the local PWA Office, and was forwarded to their office in ?~sshington,D,C. I~ was declared afterward. tLat all funds of the PWA were entirely exhausted, l~:avin~' many projects dormant. Be stated that there is still a chance that new funds will be voted by the congress on account of the general demand throu~,~ihout the country for this aid for publ~ c work, and that all elements sho';~ld z~r~e their con~'ressmen ~nd senators to support a mess~re tendin~ to a revival of PWA. ~,,ayor Eschelbach reeue~.ted the ~,hsmber of Commerce and q~tF Clerk to wr~te ~ongressman ~nderson requestin': him to'all in his power to aid tt,e passage ~ measures to complete all projects ~ndertaken under kWA. City attorney Coleberd-was ~nstructed to draw up a resolution for t~e next meeting to t~e se~¢effect. A communication was received from t) e Hartford FireInsu?-.ance Company,attachin_~ a refund check in the sum of' ~$9~64.18, cancelling flat policy No-SA-3~o9~66, the premium of wb_ich was included in ~olicy No.~[PC-!163V1. Councilman Ratto requested the clerk to look t~_~e matter up. The City Council received an invitation from abe Sociedad iv~utualista l¥~exicana "l~'lorelos,", Inc, to attend a Great Concert and Dance at the Orand Aven~e School Auditorium, Saturday,may 1939,beinF in commemoration of ~he VVth arm~_versary of ~he Battle of Puebla,i~iexico. ~he ~.nvitation was accepted ~nd the clerk instructed to so communicate to t~e society. A copy of a communication sent to chief of volice Bellont in answer to the letter he wrote to the Division of Highways regarding the State's request ~ to change the sequence of our signal at ~ayshore and Grand Avenue, to R~D--GREEN--~LLOW--RED. 'ihe Skaggs letter stated tLat while the expense of installing the cable is considerable, it is justifiable, and requested that the change be made. Laid over till Louie returns. ~. communication was received from the Library Board calling the cit,7 co~nacil's attentio~ to what t~'ew stste~ ~s the imperative need of ~d~itional floor space i~ t?'e library. The con, nUbia ation was accepted and 'ordered placed on file. Notice was received from the State Board of Equaliz ation statinn that ~andsll I Johnsom had applied for beer,wine and distilled spirits licenses,and asked if the city had any objectibns to t~ e issuance of ~}-e same. The location is 718 Bayshore ~ouleverd. T?~ere were none. A co~municatio~ was received from John Blanchard , i:eck's Lots , showing estimated damages to his property in that section to be .~$100. The claim was ordered submitted to the Travelers Indemnity Company for payment or adjustment. The Treasurer's and The ~o~ndkeeper's revort for t~:e month of ?/arabwere received ~nd accede, ted. An s?reement covering police alarm si?ual ~-o~eration-exist~ng installation of relay on subscribers pre,rises between the Cit~ of South San Francisco and t?~e Pacific Telephone and-- Tele~raph Compan}? was submitted for the council's consideration. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of tLe City Council of the Cit~ of South San ?rancisco favorin~ the agreement. She resolution was adopted by thee votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Co~mcilmen, V.Boido, ~..J.Eschelbach, ~'f.~,'in~cciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Oounc~ l?'en,i{one ~ttest _. ..... D._an_i~.~' ~ ~' - · . ..... ,',!~ ~.~we e r~p.y ,. ...... Cit~- Clerk. Resolution ~ . ho. V17, necorded in Book of Resolutions, Vo,3,at _oases olV and o18 Claims ~n tl'~e amot~nt of ~,iVO.?9 were next presented to ti e council for paymentj So. S. l,'.Hospital Union 0il 0omoany Roy's Service Fire Engineering Arndt's Separtment Store Electrical Communi cations Standard 0il Co., So.City Auto Service Universal 'Tool ~.Jfg Co, Superior Laundry So.City Ldry ~i Linen Sup.Co. F.S.& W.W.Yirsch Tempograph Sales Co., Robinson Dru?gist Enterpress Press The Enterprise · Pac.Gas Electric Co Wobbers, Inc. Tidewater Associated Oil Co }~ .L .Haaker Gerth-Knollin Adv. Co., sobriety tests, ~$ 15.00 supplies.police ~$ 3.57 repair pulvizer ~$ 11.80 repairs fire truck ~ 50.00 ~ yrs maf-azine ~ 3.00 6 sheets,fire house .~ 9.76 1~ switch Board lamps ~,~; 6.06 oi1, grease,etc, fire d. ~ 3.38 repairing Seagrave ~i~7~.36 ~00 glasses ,f~ re alarm ~$ 8.94 labor,material, fire alarm~ 8.79 wash fire bo.f~ ~ 7.10 wash fire ho.~l, ~ar~ 5.?V parts for fire engine 1 lb.temp ink ,. ~ 1.39 supplies fire dept ~ ~.68 ~000 ~.imeoyraph sheets ~ 5.15 printing ordinance ~900 ~ 8'.00 misc. services Mar ,!~134.'4! street lights ~"arch ~$V45.36 recreational materials ,$ 4.94 ~?asoline Yarch ~$146.39~ ~udit 8/o~/38 to 9/~0/39 ~105.~4~ premium Dinning,. Judge boi~$'M5.00 A/C S.F.Pen. Inc., add ~155.06 The South San Francisco Railroad. ~ Power Com~::.any ..submitted a statement showin~ the amount of ~6~.08 due tlc city on its fr~nchzses from Aprzl ~]193J io December 31,1939 ,~'and asked the city's acceptance of tlc same. On motion by Councilman i'..:inucc~ani,seconded by Councilman ~'ibbetts and regularly carried the city a~.cepted t)'e statement. Pacific Gas ~., Electric Comr~any requested permission to~ install a ~" main in the westerly sidewalk area of Palm Avenue ,near ?,.aFnolia Ave, and a two inch main extension ~n Armour Avenue opposite hickory Lane. kef'erred to Co~ncilman Tibbetts and the requests granted· A communication from ~!enry H.Gutterson ; architect of the library addition, was received by t~e Library Board and read to the City Council. ~..(r. Outterson stated tl-e application to the Federal Government by ~this city for a PWA grant to construct an addition to the present library was duly presented as requested, and ~oroved to be entirely satisfactory to the local PWA Office, and was forwarded to their office in ~,~','ashington,D,C. It was declared afterwarc]. t~at all funds of the PWA were entirely exhausted, l~:avin~' many projects dormant. He stated that there is still a chance that new funds will be voted by the congress on account of the general demand throughout the country for this', aid for publ~ c work, and that all elements sho?ld z~rr~e their con?'ressmen and senators to suooort a meas~re tendin~ to a revival of PWA. i',,ayor Eschelbach reez~e~ted the Chamber of Commerce and 2~tF Clerk to wr~te ~ongressman ~nderson requestin'; him to~all in his power to aid the passage cE measures to complete all projects ~ndertaken under PWA. Cit~ attorney Coleberd-was ~nstructed to draw up a resolution for t~:e next meeting to t~e ss~eeffect. A communication was received from tl'e Hartford FireInsu~-,ance Company,attachin~ a refund check in the sum of' ~64.18, cancelling flat policy ]'~o-SA-3~9~66, the premi~.m of wb~ich was included '? in Policy No.~PC-!163V1. Councilman Hatto requested the clerk to look t~:e matter up. The City Council received an invitation from ~?~e Sociedad Mutualista l~i'exicana "l~'[orelos, , Inc, to attend a Great Concert and Dance at the 0rand Aven~e School Auditorium, Saturday,~ay ~, ~ 1939,beinF~ in commemoration of the V7th anz~iversary of ~he Battle of Puebla,lviexico. ~'he ~nvitation was accepted ~nd the clerk instructed to so communicate to the society. ~. copy of a communication sent to chief of oolice Belloni in answer to the letter he wrote to the Division of Highways regarding the State.'s request ~ to change the sequence of our signal at Oayshore and Grand Avenue, to R~D--GREEN--~.~LLOW--R~:D. The Skeggs letter stated that while the expense of installing the cable is considerable, it is justii~iable, and requested that the change be made. Laid over till Louie returns. ~ communication was received from the Library Board calling the city co~mcil's attention to what t~'ev ?rated ~s the imperative need of ~d~itional floor space i~ t~_e library. ~±he conuuU~ie ation was accepted and ordered placed on file. Notice was received from the State Board of Equaliz ation statin~ that ~?and~ll I Johnson had applied for beer,wine and distilled spirits licenses,and asked if the city had any objectibns to t} e issuance of t}-e same. The location is 718 Bayshore ~ouleverd. T?'ere were none. ~, co~municatio~L was received from John Blanchard , ~-eck's Lots , showing estimated damages. to his property in th~at section to be J~.~100. The claim was ordered submitted to the Travelers Indemnity Company for payment or adjustment. The Treasurer's and The po~ndkeeper's re~ort for the ~onth of ~'/arabwere received ~nd accel.ted. An s?ree~ent covering police alarm signal ~-o~eration-ex!st~ng installation of relay on subscribers premises between t?~e City of South San Francisco and the Pacific Telephone a~d-- Telef,'raph Company was submitted for the council's consideration. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the Cit;f Council of t~e Cit~: of South San ?rancisco favorin~ the a?-reement. ~he resolution was adopted by t~e votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.j.Eschelbach, ~'f.~,inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, '~ouncilu,~en,i(one Attest . Daniel ~ ~ City Clerk. Resolution No.71V, ],~ecorded tn Book of Resolutions, Vo,Z,at pages ~iV and O18. Claims ~n t?e amo~nt of ~,170._*,~ were next presented to ti e council for payment. So.S.F.Hospital Union 0il Comoany Roy's Service Fire Engineering Arndt's Separtment Store Electrical Communi cations Standard 0il Co., So.City Auto Service Universal Tool ['~fg Co, tt ,t Superior Laundry So.City Ldry ~i~ Linen Sup.Co. F.S.& W.W.Yirsch Tempograph Sales Co., Robinson Dru?~ist Enterpress Press The Enterprise · Pac. Gas Electric Co tt Wobbers, Inc. Tidewater Associated Oil Co P~ .L. ~-aaker tt ,, Gerth-Knollin Adv. Co., So.~ .F.Chamber Comme~ce ~. S. Baker Dr. J.O.NcMills ~ ennings Pharmacy sobriety tests, ~ 15.00 supplies.police ~$ 3.87 repair pulvizer ~!~ ll.80 repairs fire truck ~ 50.00 ~ yrs maf:azine ~ 3.00 6 sheets,fire house .~ 9.76 1~ swit ch Board lamp s ~$ 6.06 oil,grease,etc,fire d. ~$ 3.38 repairin~ Seagrave ~$ 7~.36 *,00 glasses ,f~ re alarm .$ 8.24 labor,material, fire alarm~ 8.79 wash fire bo.f~"~ ,S 7.10 wash fire ho.~l, Mar~ 5.~7 parts for fire engi,,ne i lb.te~p ink ~ 1.39 suoplies fire dept ~$ M.68 ~000 ~imeoFraph sheets ~ 5.15 printin? ordinance ~200 ~$ 8~.00 mi sc. services Mar ~134.'41 street lights ~"arch ~$745.36 recreational materials ,$ 4.94 ~'a soline Yarch ~146.37~ ~udit 8/q/38 to o,/~0/39 ~105.4~ premium Dinning,. Judge bo$ '25.00 A/C S.F.Pen. Inc., add Q$155.06 ad April ~ ~5.00 hauling motor patrol S. B~lO0.O0 phone Jsn, Feb.?;ar. 1938 ;$ 9.7~ s~pplies,cl~rk's office ~ 10.65 Payments continued;- S.M.County Title Co, Ind... Ci.t.y Lumber.. Co. t' t, tt , ~ t! tt M. Laufer ~'. Troxe 1] ~. ~re~ tas A,N,~loomeoist ~i~hway Blacksmith Shop Round CaliFornia Chain Co, Dertuccelli Nannini dailF reverts ~ 1.80 su.p. plies,ball park $ 3.68 s~pplies,recreational ~ept~. o8..93 " fire dept labor in p~rks " tree s " p i ay ground s Z50 ~allons bit~muls sh~ rpen~n~' tools 9lbs, PBB tools,etc, q .63 18. O0 9. O0 10.75 .9'7 43.5V · ~ r, '~ ~. ...... ~Qts$,~lTO .... ,On mot. q o.~ o~_cflman Lin~cci _~/o~ ,~o~ncl!~ ~a~o anm re~?umar~z carrmem, ~r~e c~a~.ms were ormere~. aec°nde~/Uhder the head of unfinished bus~iness City EnFineer ~,.~arshell reoort~d on the hog effl situation that six ranchers have established reservois and are p~ping the efficient through sprinklers on the adjoining land. ~T~e en~:'ineer Stated the other ranches were al.So installing the system. ~he ~slter A.q.Ryan application For a jitney license was continued. City Attorney Coleberd an,':m:nced Le would have the billboard ord~nance ready,'iuesday evenina~,April 18,1939. The apo!i cat!on or tt'~e Western Wrecking'- and Salvaf. e Company was lsi~ over ~endi. n~ the submission of the plans for the buildings. Concernin~ certain i~orove~,ents recor~mended by ~lva och.~af'er of t~ e recreational division Counci~an Tibbetts reported the improvements were under way. Under the head of new business ~Iayor Eschelbacb a~ounced that t)e city t~cks will haul away all ~rass a~t by property o~ers for a Der~.od of two weeks, preview, s to t~'-.e ct~ttinff weeds by the city. ~e ~ayor also anoounced that the ,~chool boys and firs would take over the adminfstr t~on of +he Ci. ty'~ affairs on .-ednesday, Apr~.l 06, and administer all city affairs for the The C~t~ Clerk was !nstructer~ to co~.~nicate with tiealth Officer }~e!~..lls notifying h that there are too many trailers in the t. rs:iler c~ps on the E1 Camino Real. ReferrinF to the claf~s of residents of Pack's Lots Inspector Welte ~eoorted that th a5jf~ster bad b~en o~_~t to visit orooerty owners several times, that he wo~!d settle with all wb were as~-~n~ reasonable amounts ~or dams~:~es, :~t t~~t the adjuster stated tYere were some who were ssk~no' ~ore than the amount of d~sges done~ but be wo~ld keep tryinf~ to make settlements ~ir. Emelio Cortesi stated he had been'in conference w't~ the Indemnity Company's adjuster, but could co~e to no te~s with him and was gi~ing him until Wednesday to ~ettle, an not settled then he would take the company to the courts, John Fa~undes of i eck's Lots inquired as to whether the l~lacco Company hsd bonds up ~ f the city Is responsible for damages done. City attorney Coleberd atated bonds are vested an on file in the cft~ hall t~e ~lso ._nlormed Mr ~gundes the city city Is not resoonsible for d~,~a~, es done, ~ ~' that the bondin~ come,ny is responsible on the~.r bond to the cit~y,representing N Brothers. Councilman Boido su~ested that there m~st be some way to ~+~t the citizens whose were d~s~ed by the blasting; that ~n investigation should be made.,by~a compentent co~ittee oonsistinr~' of t~e Bonding Convoy's representatice, the city building inspector and others whc would ~ive the city a good. ides of the situation. Cit~ Attorney Coleberd stated the City Bull Znspector, the C~t~ Engineer, a contractor and the bon~in~ company's adjuster. Councilman Tib~ as~zed the claimants if thelz would accept the estimate of a an-outside unbiased building contra q'here seemed to be unwillingness on t~e part of the claimants to accept the proposition of Councilman Tibbetts, and continued to request assr. stance. Mr.. s-'~ndes he spent ~S~O00 on the and declared it was ~not .worth ti e ori~nst price of .~1~00 now~ that the blsstin~~ had ruined th premises. Others from l-eck's Lots were pDesent and requested the cit~ to aid them in securi the pro, er ~ount of damages . mayor ~schelbach requested all complainants to file a state~ of the amount of damage done wit}~ the city. [fter consultation with tLe other members of the he stated no more contracts would be ~ranted. kacco ~rothers until all claims were settled satl orily with the claimants,and that no bonds would be accepted from the Travelers Indemnity Comp by the city until restitution is made: to residents of Peck's Lots whose property was d~aged b blasting. This was ve~ ro*~lctory to al~ complainants ~or d~aFes, realizinp- that the nit is doing' all possible to sec~,~.re.:.m just and equitable settlement~for them. Counci~an iv. inuccisni sug~ested that Firem~ Bob Bisagno be placed on the monthly pay roll, in v~ew of the fact that it is uncertain when Otto Bisset might return. If Otto she return he would be reinstated. Asked. if he wished to ~-.~t ti'is in the form of a motion Council~ Minucciani stated he would,and formally moved tbe adoption of ~he su~&~est~on. The motion was seconded by Co~ncilman Rstto and re~larly carried. City Attorney Coleberd announced that a musical recital and travel talk would be hal at the Grand A~enue Audi orium Friday even'Lng,April ~8~ and invited, the city officials to atte Accepted.. There being no further business before the boar:. Cooncilmsn Ratto moved to sdjonr~ The motion was seconded, by Co~'~.uci~a until Tuesday evening:, April 18,1939, at 7 o'clock P.Y. i.inucciant and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;35 o'clock Approved ~?ayor of South Can ~¥ancisco. Respectfully sub~t ed,