HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-05-15REOU!,AR YdEE'i lNG OF T~-E CIT'.' COUNCIL OF !YE CITY
NAY 15TH, 1939.
The regular meetin~ of the cit}. council of the City of South San Francisco was held
i~ the City hall ~','~onday evening, I~iay 15th,1939.
The meetin? was called to order by kayor A.J.Eschelbach at 8 o'clock P.~,';.
Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~{.k:inucciani, D.~.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
%te minutes of the previous meetin.~~ were read. There bei~-,F no errors or omissions the]
were approved as read.
A communication was received from San ~Tancisco Peninsula Inc., invitin~ the city cou~
to select a member of the board to attend their director's meetings . The council selected
City attorney Coleberd, wt~o stated he would attend whenever the time allowed. The next meet:
will be held in the Burlin~ame Chmmber of Commerce on i. ay ~6,at 8 o'clock p.m.
An application for a restaurant license was rece.~ved from Frank Vollucia, ~lo Grand A~
On motion by Coz~ncilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilmen Boido and regularly carried the perm:
was Franted.
City engineer ~,arshell submitted anoffer of the Division of highways to sell the city
a CHC-O6~.,kettie for the sum of ~85 . The engineer was authorized to purchase the kettle.
James Gratterola, o~19 Lux Avenue submitted a bid to work for the city as mechanic, to
maintain ~11 city ~uto equipment, re nt h~.s ~ara~e to t he city fully eo~ped with too.Is
,~-o0 pe~ month ~nt~.l the city b~lds its own ~araFe, starttn~ at a salary of ,$140 ~er month.
Councilman [~[inucciani believed the offer should be considered and investis~ate~. Communicatio~
placed on file.
Notice was received from ~elton Nhoades , secretary of the Peninsula League of Califo:
},lun~_cipalities,statin?- t! e meet~.~~ would be P. eld at Oliver's cafe, ',¥ednesday evenin~ kay 18,
1939 at 6;30 o'clock p.m., and requested to know how many representatives from South Sen Frs:
would attend. Nine city off~c?rs si~nified their intention to be on hand, and the clerk was
instructed to convey the information to the secretary of the lea~.~ue.
Foster , Kleier Company answered the city's letter requesting them to move tbeir sig:
in front of the Johnson Coffee ~ouse on the maysh, ore hif'hwa~,, to a di~'ferent location on acc~
of its obstruction of the view of hi .s pre~ses~ stating they would make every effort to adj~
any difficulty that may exist. Acce~ted and filed.
A communication was received from ,?ongressman Anderson enclosin? a copy of a letter
addressed to the secretary of the library board of this city, referring to the application
funds under the P.W.A, for the construction of an adaition to the library. I'~[r .Anderson
stated that all of the funds appropriated by tee federal ~over~ent for this class of work h
been exhausted, he stated that it is possible that ot~er funds may be raised, for this purpos
by the present congress, and. if such happens he would be ~ilad to take up the matter again wi'
the Public Works Administration. Communication aco:~pted and placed on file.
A communication was received from the South San Prancisco Plannins Co,remission advisil
the city council that the commission had passed a resolut.~-.n endorsine the revised plans of
the State Highway Commission , as submitted to en?ineer t{arshsll, regardin~· the widenin? of
the Bayshore Ni?hway. The City Clerk wes instructed to write *he State ~-if"hwsy Commfss
statin-~ that the Plannin~ Com~niss~on of this city had aporoved and endorsed the plan2 of th.
Ki?hway eomm~,ission res'ardin? the widenin~ of' the c, ayshore Road, that the city council is hca'.
in favor of the wfdening of tb.e boulevard, but does not desire to pass an ordinance providi'.
the set back, believ~n~ that the State should immediately oroceed to p~rchase tNe prooerty n
and read, est!n? the commission to advise ~-[~.e city what procedure they w~l! take in the matter
as ms. ny ine~iries are be!n~ made by orome~*y owners who h~ve b~,_~ldin~, prospects in view on
bayshore and as to what is contemrlsted and when it will be completed.
T~e i-:ac!rfc Oas f~. Ele ctric Company submitted a statement showing the gross receipts
the year for ~:as and electricity under the franchise ordinances, and t~e amount due the city
q/~J of the receipts, ;~V89.45. 11he statement wes acce.oted by the cit~ co~ncil and the City CI.
re~orted the money received.
The monthly reports ce the city l~brsri~n and city treasurer for the month ending Ap
30,1939 w ere received and accepted.
A statement of the apportionment of April 1939 payment of ~- cent gas tax allocation
the City of Somth San Francisco for streets of major importance was received from the State
£~oard of Eoualization, and the same -~vas shown to be d1335.0~. Accepted as rendered.
Counci~an Ti~betts introduced a resol~tion of the 0itl Council of the City of South
San ~ancisco ordering: the abatement of weeds in the City of South San Prancisco,1939.
· The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as fo
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, R.l~{inucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noe s, Counc i ~n, None.
Absent,Counci~en, None. Attes~ ..... D~iel ~cSjv~3n~ff.,
City Clerk.
?[.ecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,,at pa~e OQ~.
.~,{~ ~}'ORK OP EXCAVATIN OFE C~[~NNEL OF ...OLN'~A .~.~r~a~ wes introdu
by Councilman Ratto ~d was passed and adopted b~ the votes of all the members of the Cit~
Comcil,ss follows;-
Ayes, Co~..nci~en, V.2o~.do, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.,{.1..[inucciani, D.W.hatto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Co,clean,None.
Ab~nt, Counci~en,None. Attest Daniel McSw~e_~eff.,
City Cterk.
recorded in ~ok of Resoluti~;~j~ol.3,st page ~q3.
Roll call fo~md all members of the council present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.~3oido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~:.~viinucciani, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
%t:e minutes of the previous meetins were read. 'i'here bei~-~g no errors or omissions ti
were approved as read.
A communication was received from San ~Tancisco Peninsula Inc., invitin~ the city c~
to select a member of the board to attend their director's meetings . The council selecte~
City attorney Coleberd, who stated he would attend whenever the time allowed. The next me~
will be held in the BurlinFmme Chamber of Commerce on ~,.ay 96,at 8 o'clock p.m.
An application for a restaurant license was received from Prank Vollucia, 91o Grand
On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the pe~
was granted.
C~ty engineer iv~arshell submitted auoffer of the Division of highways to sell the ci~
a CHC-.66,kettle for the snm of ~85 The engineer was authorized, to purchase the kettle
James Gratterola, 919 Lux Avenue submitted a bid to work for the city as mechanic, ~
maintain all city m~to equipment, re nt h~.s ~ara~e to t he city fully ec~oped with tools ~
~i~o0 pe~ ~onth zmtil the city b~lds its own. ~araFe, startin~ at a salary of ~140 oar month.
Councilman ~[inucciant believed the offer should be considered and investigated. Co~unicati
placed on file·
Notice was received from ~elton Nhoades , secretary of the Peninsula League of Csli~
~',.~un!cipalities,statin?' t? e meet~u~~ would be held at Oliver's caEe, ',"~ednesd. ay evenin~ I{.ay 18
1939 at 6;30 o'clock p.m., and requested to know how many representatives from South San Fr
would attend, hzne city officers si~nified their intention to be on hand, and the clerk wa
instructed to convey the information to the secretary of the league.
Foster Kleier Company answered the city's letter requesting them to move th~eir si
in front of the Johnson Coffee ~ouse on the ~ayshore hi~'hwa-', to a different location on ac
of its obstruction of the view of hi .s pre~.ses~ stating they would make every effort to ad
any difficulty that z~ay exist. Acce~0ted and filed.
A communication was received from Congressman Anderson enclosing a copy of a letter
addressed to the secretary of the library board of this city, referring to the application
funds under the P.W.A, for the construction of an addition to the library. ~r .Anderson
stated that all of the funds appropriated by the federal ~.~overnment for this class of work
been e~hausted. Ne stated that it is possible that ot~er funds may be raised for this purpo
by the present congress, and if such happens he would be ?~lad to take up the matter again w:
the Public Works Administration· Communication accepted and placed on file.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Planning Commission advis~
the city council that the commission had passed a resolut~n endorsing the revised plans o.
the State HiFhway Commission , as submitted to en?ineer ~(arshsll, regardin? the widenin~ o:
the Baysbore Ri?hway. ~he City Clerk was instructed to write *he State ?i?hwsy Commis
statin~ that the Plannin~ Commission of this city had approved and endorsed the plan~ of ti
~ighway Commission re~ardin? the wfdenin~ of the mayshore Road, that the city council is b.e~
in favor of the widening of the boulevard., but does not desk. re to pass an ordinance provid~
t'~e set back, believin~ that the State should immediately oroceed to purchase the property
and req~]esting the co~ission to advise t7~.e city what procedure they will take in the matte~
as many inequities are be!n~ ~ade by oroneray owners who ~ve b~fldin.~· prospects in view on
bayshore and as to what is contemplated and when it will be Completed.
T~e Pacific Oas & Electrtc Company submitted a statement showin? the gross receipt~
the year for ?as and electricity under the franchise ordinances, and the amount due the cit~
Q/°~ of the receipts, '.i~V89.45. ~e~ statement was accepted by the cit.~ co~.nc~l and the City C]
reported the money received·
The monthly reports ce the city l~brsrian and city treasurer for the month ending A~
30,1939 w ere received and accepted.
A statement of the apportionment of April 1939 payment of ~- cent gas tax allocation
the City of South San Francisco for streets of major importance was received from the Stat~
Doard of Equalization, and the same was shown to be ~1335.0P,. Accepted as rendered.
At~Afl_.E,W~J. OF WEEDS,1939
Counci~an Tibbetts introduced a resol~tion of the City Council of the City of Sout~
San ~ancisco ordering the abatement of weeds in the City of South San Prancisco,1939.
-The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Oouncil,as fo
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, R.~.{tnuccfani,D.W.~atto, ~od Tfbbetts.
Noes, Counci~an, None.
Absent,Counci~en, None. Attes~ .... D~iel ~cSweeneff_,
Oit~ Clerk.
?~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,~at page ~.
~/ ~,;ORK OF EXCAVATINi %}}E C~i~NNEL 0~' COLMA Ci, E~:,K~ was introdu
by Counci~an Ratto ~nd was passed and adopted b~f the ~otes of all the members of the City
Co~cil,as follows;-
Ayes, Cot~nci~en, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, H.~..[inucciani, D.W.i~atto, Rod ~'ibbetts.
Noes, Co~ci~en,None.
Ab~nt, Counci~en,None. Atte st_~ Daniel
City Clerk.
recorded in Book of Resoluti~ns;~ Vol.3,at page M~3.
Claims in the amount of ~3306.80 were next presented to ti e council for pa.wment;-
W.P.Fuller &: company traffic line paint ~:~ 33oV9
~,(orck brus}: ~v~'F'G Co 1.~ners,handels for traffic .~ 1.93
Lazel ~e~regno services ~o]ice matron ,~ 5.00
::elli ~otor Co., repairs t0 police car .,,~; ~5.61
Union 0il Co. 4 tires and wash car ~ V3.16
" " " wash,lubricate police car ~ 3.00
DudleM ierkins, re~.].i:~e motor~ cycle ~ 1.V5
's ser~r~ce motorcycle tube casin~ ~ 11.35
RoT~ , repairs to ~'rader ~ V.71
otre~t t~ck&Chev ~ 6.~4
Y:ototiller Tractor Sales ~/ Service knife and parino' tines, ,~ 16.89
Cook's 0fl Co., 154 r~s. ls burner o~.1 ;~ 9.68
Calif Cut Stone Co. sand stone ,~ 16.0V
S~.City Lbr. a Supply Co., sewer pipe ~ 84.00
" ~ 600 stakes ~ 10.09
Louis Ballon! fare to Sacramento with
~ ~ineer ~. Boido on Oolma Creeks 10.80
Corner 3rocery 1 broom ~$ .VV
" " 1 case cleansor :'~].4.73
S~mer~.or La~.ndry o w~eks wash-~ ho~se,fire ~ 4.60
~:.'o.C~t~: Idry ~: Lin S~p.Co w~b e~ ~o~.~se ~;~]. ~or~l ~$ 6.36
" ~' " " ~' jail bla~ets ,:,~ ~.40
~empo~raph Sales Co ~ qr.stenc~ls fire 5. ept ~$ V.34
J.l~.~ edberg overhaul s!ren,con.siren, ~$~34.41
De. Berry's :sso.Ser~ ce repair t~.re mol.dep. ,$ .50
So. City Pithing,' Shop : change fire horn .~; 4.~o
i~dustrial City Lbr. Co., supplies park ,~ ~9.46
recreation ',~ 7.30
" " 5 gila eucal)~t~ ,~ 1~.36
"~ " supplies ~ 18 .~3
Edward R.~acon Co., 1 Aerofl Asphalt heater ~03..1V~
Pacific ~as & Electric Company misc. services,April
" " " ~ street lights, ~746.07
John D.Haley Co., ~0 gals liquid soap ~ 15.45
J.O.Walker Aprilsalary, secretarF planning Corn, ~ 10.00
Gerth-Knollin Adv.Co., A/C Pen inc. add. April ~134.08
So.S.F.Ch~ber of Commerce ~ay advertising ~ ~5.00
State Compensation In s. ~.~d bal. due oeriod 11,19/3V to 38 ~3V8.96
San ~iateo Co.Title Co 5ally reports April ~ 1 5G~
Oslffo.r~ia Division Highways 1 used oiler ~ 85[00
Ente~rise Frees printin~' Ord. No ~01 ~ 11.00
" " notice to taxpayers ~ 3.00
J.Sis~op cuttin~ weeds ~ 40.50
J.~lasciovec chio " " 8 54.00
S.P~s cuzzi " " ~ 54.00
J.Souza " " ~ 54.00
Porte's ~ara~e repairs to stree sweeper ~ 5.~5
Cb. as. Berr~ Co 1 weed. cutter,Kelly type, ~ 1.55
~l.Laufer labor OranKe Ave.lark ~ ~.50
Standar& Oil Co. motor oil ~ lubricant Str.Dept. ~ 1~.81
Associated Eeuipment Co., 4~0 ' ft,wire for street sweeper.~ 65.58
Western Pipe ~ Steel Co strai~'~ten~n~~' scraper blade ~ 15.45
L.C.Sm~tb Co., bal.d~e Co~a ~',~e~~ contract ;$VS4..OV
Total ~3306.80
The claims having been audited hy the finance committee Counc~'lman Ratto moved they be
oaid. T~e motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and re~ularly carried.
Referrin~ to the claim of George A.Y~neese for ~314.55 for services performed on Linden
Avenue South and Industrial Way, Councilmen Ratto and ~,i:~inucciani were of the opinion the bill was
a just debt, and although some time }ad elapse~ since the last payment on it, the claim should
be paid. i~,Iayor ~schelbach and Co~:nctl,~an ~oido stated the claim was not a just one, that 'l'~'~r,
Kneese was well ~,s~d for his work, and all other work performed. '±he matter was referred to City
attorney Coleberd for a thoro~.Fh investiFation and report.
Under the head of unfinished business Chief of Police Oelloni reported he had received.
'no f~.rther information from the Dtvisdon of }ii?hwaYs~ tm the request that the State pay half
the expense of installing the sequence signal s "RED*DREEN*YELLOW*RE~, at Oayshore Highway and
Grand Avenue.
'i'he proposed amendment to the bondinc ordinance was continued to the next meeting.
The proposed chicken and traler camp ordinanc es were not yet ready.
The proposed ordinance amend~n~ the building permit ordinance was not yet ready.
qhe reoort of t]-e fire cheil on the prooos~tion to b~d a home made fire tr~ck was
delivered to the c~ty co~mcil and aooeared to be adverse to the proposal.
On the request of the Fire Chief to have the nar~es of either ~soen Ave, or Ashton /.ye.,
Braden Ave, or Baden Ave, and .~!mtler Ave or Butler Road, cban_~[ed to some other name in order
avoid confns!on of the ma-_es in case of fire, the city council referred the matter to the Planning
Commz s si~fi.
Under the head of now business Cooncil~a.n Tibbetts reported the ~ustin-Westernm Street
Sweeper,the Rototiller and the I¥~otor Grader shoul5 be insured. The City Clerk was instructed to
order th~ insurance placed.
Citer e~_ineer !'~arshall reoorted having ~one to Sacramen~to to inte~vfew ~r. Jones, ~n?tneer
in charge.. ~ of ..~lood control w~tb _~ v~ew to .~ecur~n~ the ~.~5~00. promise~ by the State as 1_ts share
toward the excava, tions of C~lma Crcek sn~ ~ts tributaries.. ~t sppeare5 there was an ob,~ection to
pay the money because the city had let the contract and began work before the State approved of
the amo~nt. ~e was of the opine, on, however, t2 at the State w_~ll eventuaIl~ pay, half of which
would ~o to the county.
Logan t;:ranklin su?'gested that in renaming some streets, consideratior_
be given the name of W.J.i',.artin, e~ther in the naming of s street or park or school or some other
lasting mon~nent. ~eferred to the plsnnin~ commission. ,~
Councilman ?~inocciani inquired if the So.S.F.Lsnd ' T. mprovement Company hsd paid their
share of the construction of thesewer work in the South Industrial area,~7800. The clerk reported
tT-~ev h~5 not m~d on ~aao~mt of come d~ma~e c]one ao st:~eet work b~; t~e ooerations of tbesewer men
Calif Cut stO~ C°. ......................... send~'ston~
so.city Lbr. ~ Supply Co.,
tt ti
Lm~is Belloni
Corner Crocery
Sv~er~. or Lm~ndry
So.C~t~- Idry ~ Lin St~p.Co
~! 'it tt
Tempo~rap~ Sales ~o
De.~e~8 ~'sso.Be~ oe
Qi~ 16.0V
sewer pipe .'I; 84.00
600 stakes ~ 10.09
fare to Sacramento with mayor
Em gineer & Boido on Colma Creek;~$ 10.80
i broom
1 case cleansor
o waeks wash-~ ho~se,fire
w~b r~'re t~ouse /,!]_ ~Dr.~l
" jail blankets
~ qr.stenc.~ls fire dept
o verhzaul s~. ren, con. siren,
repair t~_.re r. oZ.dep.
chan~e fire horn
supplies park
5 g~ls eucal~vptrum
1 Aeroil Asphalt heater
Pacific ~as & Electric Company misc. services,~.pril
" " " " street lights, "
John D.Haley Co., o, 0 gals liquid soap
J.C-.Walker Aprilsalary, secretarF planning Com,
Gerth-Knollin Adv.Co., A/C Pen inc. add. April
So.S.F.Chamber of Co~m~erce
State Compensation In s.
San ~v[ateo Co.Title Co
Oalifo.ru~.a Division H i~hways
Enterprise Press
tt tt
J .Mas ciovec chic
S .Pas cuzzi
J .Souza
Porta's ~ara~e
Chss. BerrF, Co
~i .Laufer
Standarg Oil Co.
Associated Eouipment Co.,
Western Pipe ~ Steel Co
L.C.Sm~th Co.,
~ 15.45
~ 10.00
~ 13 4.08
~ay advertising ~ q5.00
bal. due oeriod 11,19/37 to 38 ~378.96
daily reports April
1 used oiler
printinr Ord. No o~01
notice to taxpayers
cutting, weeds
repairs to stree sweeper
i weed. cutter,Kelly type,
labor Orange Ave.lark
5 .q5
,o~, .50
motor oil & lubricant Str.Dept. ~ 1~..81
490 ' ft,wire for street sweeper.~ 65.58
strai?~ten!no' scraPer blade ~$ 15.45
hal.due Colma C~ea~ contract ;$V84.0V
Total ~$3306.80
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Counc~lmsn Ratto moved they be
ps. id. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and re~'ularly carried.
P, eferrin? to the claim of George A.Kneese for ~314.55 for services performed on Linden
~,venue Soutk and Industrial Way, Councilmen Ratto and }(iinucciani were of the opinion the bill was
a just debt, and although some time had elapsed, since the last payment on it, tke claim should
be paid. i'da~.or ~schelbach and Co~:ncilman Boido stated the claim was not a ,just one, ti'mt 'kr,
Kneese was welI '~s~d for his work, and all other work performed. '±he ms. tter was referre~ to City
attorney Coleberd for a thoro~v'~h investipiation sod report.
Under the head of unfinished business Chief of Police oelloni reported he had received.
-no f~rther information from the Division of Hi?hways tm the request that the State pay half
the expense of installing the sequence ~ignal s "RED*RREEN*YELLOW*RED" at Oayshore Highway and.
Grand Avenue.
%he proposed amendment to the bondin;~ ordinance was continued to the next meeting.
The proposed chicken and traler camp ordinanc es were not yet ready.
The prooosed ordinance amending the building permit ordinance was not yet readY.
The report of tke fire cheil on t~e prooos~tion to b~ld a home made fire truck wes
delivered to the c!ty co~ncil and aopeared to be adverse to the proposal.
On the reqUest of the Fire Chief to have the nar~'~es of either Asoen Ave, or Ashton /ye.,
Braden Ave. or Baden Ave, and B~tler Ave or Butler Road, cbsneed to some other name in order
avoid con,sion of the n~es in case of fire, the city council referred the matter to the Planning
Under the head of nc~w business Co~ci~m.n Tibbetts reported the ~ustin-Wester~ Street
Sweeper,~he Rototiller and the Yotor Grader should be insured. The City Clerk wes instructed to
order the insurance placed.
City e~ineer arshall reoorted having ~one to Sacr~ento to inte~vlew ~";r. Jones, en?ineer
in ch~r~e of flood control w~tb s v~ew to ~ecur~ng the ~5~00 promise~ by the St~te as its share .
toward the excavations of C~lma Crcek sod ~ts tributaries.. It appeared there was sn objection to
pay the money because the city ~d let the contract and began work before the State approved of
the amount. ~e was of the ooin~on, howeuer, t)at the State w~ll eventuatlF PaN, ~alf of which
would eo to the county.
Logan I;ra~lin su?gested tkat in ren~ing some streets, consideratior_
be given the name of W.J.kartin, either in t~e n~ing of s street or park or school or some other
lasting monv~ment, keferred to the plsnnin~ con~ission. ~
Councilman Min~cciani inquired if the So.S.F. Lsn5 Improvement Company hs~ paid their
share of tk~e construction of thesewer work in the South Industrial ares,~7800. The clerk reported
tt~ey had not paid, on accost of some dama?e done ~o street work b~ t~e ooerstions of tPesev;er men
Councilman Tibbetts reported not much d~sc~e done, but the sa~e would be repaired in the near future.
There beins no ~rther business Councilman ~(atto moved to adjourn till the next meetir_g.
~he :motiO~ :was seconded by co~cilman hinucciani and ~ula~l~j carried. %ime o~our~t~9 ;45 ~i . 1;'~ .
ApProved~ ~ ' Respectrully ~bmitted ~~/~~
~yor of So'~ San F~ancisco - '. . . C~C'~~'~