HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-06-26REGULARLY ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE 0ITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD ~ONDAY, JUNE 26,1955. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South Ban Francisco was held in the city hall, Monday evening~June 26th,1959. This meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor A.J. Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all the members of the city council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,M.Minucciani,D.W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from R.N.Clark,?4? Grand Avenue, stating the lot on the west side of him is being used for a dumping ground for rubbish , and requested that something be done to abate the nuisance, Councilman Tlbbetts was requested to have the lot cleaned off and NO DUMP* ing signs i ' placed thereon. Louis Giffra was granted a permit to construct a fruit stand and Beer & Wine establishment on his lot No.£. in Block 152, on the Bayshore Highway, next to the Eagle Hotel, the same to be constructed of steel. On motion.by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regul- arly carried the desired permit was granted. A communication was received from the California Water ..~.~e.~vice Company in answer to the city's request for a reduction in hydrant rentals, stating there'S, duce the double.hydrants,~from0. $2.00 to ~1.2§, and the Single hydrants from $1. B0 to $1.00, monthly, this being a saving to tke city of $15~, a year. Moved by Councilman Minucciani that the offer be accepted. The motion ~as seconded by Councilman Ratio and regularly carried. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the company of the city's acceptance. A petition signed by a number of commuters,property owners and citizens, requested the city to make application to the State Highway Commission for a 24 hour service at the intersection cf Grand Avenue and Bayshore Highway, citing numerous accidents and deaths occurring from speeding ~'achines on th~ highway. The city having authority already from the State Highway CommisSion to continue.~a l? hour service, from 6 A.~. to ll P.M., at the intersection,the Chief of Police was tn- structed~lace this service in operation for the full l? hours. The petition requested that the Stop and"~o signals be operated on Sundays as well as week days. This part of the petition w~s not acted upon. R.Fakkema. 125 Braden Avenue, Pack's Lots, notified the city in writing that damages to the amount of~100 had been done to his dwelling at t~he' above address , ~$~.the blasting of ~,~acco Brothers in his vicinity. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the ~r~velers Indemnity ~ompany of the communication and complaint. City ~ngineer ~ar~.shall submitted. ... a lengthy statement of figures affecting the reconstruct~o~of Limden Ave, South. The engineer cites that for the sum of approximately ~150 a light seal coa~ of asphalt and rock chips in.places where ~he armour coating is weraing,and advised that this amount be withheld to do the work. City attorney Coleberd will con,er with Attorney WiLson on the matter. The P.G.& E. submitte~a statement showin ? 0.~ d th t ~ espied. Claims in the amount of ~1,542.55 were next p~~e~o ~e. ~ ~ou~i~b~~' Ac merit: T. Pretzer Prest-O-Lite California State Auto Assn. Chicago Medical Book Co. Marlo Volonte James Spuri Emma Bianchini Frank Gamba Robert Castro Robert Rinehart M. Castro J. Huntington R. ~ptnelli A. Zangrando A. Polzoni W. L. Hlckey and Son John D. Haley Tempograph Sales COo Sprouee Reitz Co, Union 0il Company Standard 0il Co. Roy's ~ervice Old Reliance Garage Kelley's Welding Shop International Harvester Co. Bertucelli and Nannini Eaward R. Bacon Co. Mutual Engineering Co. ~wift and Co. Rio's Service ~oe Pamtaleoni Cook's Oil Co. Crests Bros. A. Cerri M. ~aufer F, Mandoli J. Masciovecchio H,-Troxell labor with bla~e $ acct, gamage to fence Si~maintenance Apr.. fingerprint books tires- tubes, police dap. 24 photos of man found in car police matron Murphy case 4 days relief driver fire dap. 5~r days burning grass 5 " ? - 9 "1 hr. burning grass 10 days 5 hrs. ' 10~days 5 hrs. " repairs fire house #2 ? days 5 hrs. bu~ing grass rejairs fire house 5 wiping rags 1 lb. tempo ink - fire dep. " " e~c. recreation dap , material recretation d~p. 446 gals. gas Jxme 8 and 15th 5?? " ~une 5 and l?th 54 gals. motor oil R. P. M. Chassis grease 56.00 40.00 2.14 4.50 51.57 ?.00 5.00 20.00 24.95 14.05 51.50 A1.05 4?.75 47.75 17.80 9. ?0 6.'/0 1.56 8.21 1.55 69.1Z 58.44 25.56 2. ~ repair Chev. pick-up 1.?0 "street truck and motor grader 41.77 repair Char, repair motor patrol repair Ford truck repair pavement heater ' parts for metor patrol 6 hoe handles & 1 gal oil can 1 hand spray for Aeroil dist. 12 scarifier tee~ § sacks salt gasoline heavy duty retread and casing 54 gals oil parts - motor patrol 6 days cleaning storm sewers 5 days labor Orange Ave. Pmrk . $ ~a~, watering trees 6 days pulling up tracks Swift A. 27.00 6 days " " 31.50 .50 40.00 59.65 5.25 16.55 7.67 25.24 57.08 4.55 ?.25 16.48 3.76 15.63 2?.00 22.50 40.50 A communication was received from R.N.Olark,?47 Grand Avenue, stating the lot on the west~ side of him is being used for a dumping ground for rubbish , and requested that something be done to abate the nuisance, Councilman Tlbbetts was requested to have the lot cleaned off and NO DDMP* ing signs i - pleced thereon. Louis Giffra was granted a permit to construct a fruit stand and Beer & Wine establishment on his lot No.2. in Block 152, on the Bayshore Highway, next to the Eagle Hotel, the same to be constructed of steel. On motion.by Councilman Botdo, seconded by Councilman Mlnucciani and regul- arly carried the desired permit was granted. A communication was received from the California Water .~e~r~vice Company in answer to the city's request for a reduction in hydrant rentals, stating the~duce the double.hydrants,from $2.00 to $1.2§, and the Single hydrants from $1.50 to $1.00, monthly, this being a saving t6 tko city of $1599~:~ a year. Moved by Councilman Mlnucciani that the offer be accepted. The motion ~as seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly, carried. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the company of the city's acceptance. A petition signed by a number of commuters,property owners and citizens, requested the city to make application to the State Highway Commission for a 24 hour service at the intersection cf Grand Avenue and Bayshore Highway, citing numerous accidents and deaths occurring from speeding machines on th~ highway. The city having authority already from the State Highway 0ommission to continue:a l~ hour service from 8 A.~. to ll P.M. at the intersection,the Chief of Police was in- structed~place this service in operation for the full l~ hours. The petition requested that the Stop and ~o signals be operated on ~undays as well as week days. This part of the petition w~s not acted upon. H.~akkema, 128 Braden Avenue, Peck's Lots, notified the city in writing that damages to the amount of~100 had been done to his dwelling at ttLhe" above address , ~$~.the b~asting of ~acco Brothers in his vicinity. The City Cl~rk was instructed to notify the ~ravelers Indemnity ~ompany of the communication and complaint. City ~ngineer ~ar~shall submitted · ~. a lengthy statement of figures affecting the reconstruct~oWof Limden Ave, South. The engineer cites that for the sum of approximately ~150 a light seal coa~ of asphalt and rock chips in.places where ~he armour coating is weraing,and advised that this amount be withheld to do the work. City attorney~Coleberd will con,er with Attorney WiLson on the matter. The P.G.& E. submi~e_.~Mt~tement showin ? 0. Claims in the amount of~_.___.__ were next p~~e~o ~he. ~ ~ou~i~a~~.~ Accepted. merit: T. ~retzer Prest-O-Lite California State Auto Assn. Chicago Medical Book Co. Marlo Volont e ~ame8 Spuri Emma Blanchini Frank Gamba Robert Castro Robert Rinehart M. Castro J. Huntington R. Spinelli A. Zangrando A. Polzoni W. L. Hlckey and Son ~ohn D, Haley Tempograph Sales Co, Sprouse Reitz Co, Union 0il Company Standard 0il Co. Roy's ~ervice Old Reliance Garage Kelley's Welding Shop International Harvester Co. Bertucelli and Nannini Edward R. Bacon Co. Mutual Engineering Co. Swift and Co. Rio'e Service ~oe Pantaleoni Cook's Oil Co, Crests Bros. A. Cerri M. Laufer F. Mandoli J. Masciovecchio H. Troxell Industrial City Lumber Co. labor with blade acct. gamage to fence Si~ maint enance Apr.. fingerprint books tires- tubes, police dep. 24 photos of man found in car police matron Murphy case 4 days relief driver fire dep. 5~ days burning grass B - ? - 9 "1 hr. burning grass 10 days 5 hrs. " 10~days 5 hrs. " repairs fire house #~ 7 days 5 hrs. hurting grass re,airs fire house 505 wiping rag8 1 lb. tempo ink- fire dep. " " e~c. recreation dep , material recretatton dep. 448 gals. gas ~une 8 and 1Bth 5?7 " June ~ and 17th 54 gals. motor oil R. P. M. Chassis grease $ 38.00 40. O0 2.14 4.50 ~1.57 7.00 5.00 20.00 24.75 14.0~ ~1.~0 A1.0B 4?.?5 4?.?5 17.80 34. ~5 9.70 6.70 1.36 8.21 1.53 69.1~ 58.44 23.~6 2.7~ repair Chev. pick-up 1. ?0 "street truck and motor grader 41.77 repair Chev, . ~0 repair motor patrol 40.00 repair ~ord truck 59.63 repair pavement heater 5.25 "parts for mator patrol 16.53 6 hoe handles & 1 gal oil can 7.67 1 hand spray for Aeroil dist. 25.~4 12 scarifier teeth 37.08 5 sacks salt 4.5S gasoline ?. 25 heavy duty retread and casing 16.48 54 gals oil ~. 76 parts - motor patrol 1~.6~ 6 days cleaning storm sewers 27.00 5 days labor Orange A~ve. Park ~ 2~.50 ~ da3, s watering trees 40.50 6 dmys pulling up tracks Swift A. 27.00 6 day s " " 31.50 materials street dept. 3~58 supplies recreation dept. 56.5? supplies " ~.01 EnterPrise Press Patrick &Moise Elinkner Co. Dani el McSweeney Bchwabacher Frey Co. Pac. Tole. and Tole.Co. Chamber of Commerce 500 mimeOgr, aph sheets-recreation print Or. ~20~ and 100 copies " del. tax list ~&15 tax bills -1939-40 1000 punched mimeo sheets repai r numbering maohix~e stamps - box rent. etc. to 6/30 A index sheets to del. roll phone service June advertising June Total ......... 1.55 39.09 108. O0 182.99 5.15 3.51 13.40 3.81 82.10 25,00 The claims having been'audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved t~/ey be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. / On the advice of the city ~ttorney the c~aim of Prest-O-Lite of~40 for damage done their front property line was ordered paid. Referring to Ban Francisco Peninsula Inc. advertising, City Attorney Coleberd stated attended their meeting at Burlingame, and found the organization working well, and he thought was doing good for the peninsula. He stated the peninsula films were very good. Logan Frank~ also attended the meeting. He said while they are doing good for the Peninsula ~outh ~an Francisco is not receiving enough advertisement~does not receive sufficient space in the be letts for the amount spent on advertising. ~?ayor Eschelbach suggeted that the Chamber of Comm land the real estate men of the city get together agree upon a setup of demands and procedure Isubmit it to the Pe~gnsula Incorporated. The~Clty Clerk was instructed to ring up Foster & Kleiser and notify them of a sign obscuring the view of Johnson's Coffee Shop on the E1 Camino Real. Councilman Tibbetts requested that the salary of ~am Severini, gardener, be raised f~ $130 per month to ~lA0 per month, commencing J~ly 1,1939, and on motion regularly carried the raise wa~nted. Councilman Boido moved that Nello Lazzari be appointed to the regular police force, served the required six months probationery period, and that his salary be raised accordingl~ ~l?§ per month. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Mr. Wight of Peck's Lots, inquired as to whether the bond of ~aeco Construction Comps for the new work now going on was up.' City attorney Coleberd informed him tha$ the company is still responsible to the property owners under the old bond, that the blasting ordinance is yet in affect', but would be on July 12. Wight stated the blasting in the new district is damaging property in Peck's Lots. Co~ncilman Ratto explained the~e should be mo blasting u~ the bond is up end the permit given to the Nacco Company, there being no protection unAer the present arrangement. He stated the company should be curbed in their operations for the dama~ caused~ and moved that the police chief be required to'stop all the company's machines carryi mn overload of material. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani. The City attorne~ advised that this Would ~et be necessary for the short time to elapse before the ordinance takes effect, but the chief of police could warn the company against overloading, under penalt Mr. Emelio Cortesi of Peck'~ Lots stated blasting operations w~re going on four years, ~ith no regard to powder charges and the damage done. There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts moved to ~djourn the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, l0 o'clock P.M. ~pproved Mayor of South San Francisco. Respectfully s.~u~mit ted,/~ /City C lerk.~ Chamber of Commerce advertising June Tot al - - - - ..... 82'10 25.00 The claims having been'audited by the finance committee CounCilman Minucciani moved t~'ey be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. ~ On the advice of the city ~ttorney the claim of Prest-0-Lite of $40 for damage done to their front property line was ordered paid. Referring to Ban Francisco Peninsula Inc. advertising, City Attorney Coleberd stated h attended their meeting at Burlingame, and found the organization working well, and he thought was doing good for the peninsula. He stated the ~peninsula films were very good. Logan Frankli also attended the meeting. He said while they are doing good for the peninsula ~outh 5an ~ra nctsco is not receiving enough advertisement~does not receive sufficient space in the boo letts for the amount spent on advertising. ~'ayor Eschelbach suggeted that the Chamber of Com~e land the real estate men of the city get together agree upon a setup of demands and procedure a !submit it to the Peninsula Incorporated. TheiOity Clerk was instructed to ring up Foster & Klelser and notify them of a sign obscuring the view of Johnson's 0offee Shop on the E1 Camino Real. Councilman Tibbetts requested that the salary of Sam ~everini, gardener, be raised fro $150 per mont~ to $140 per month, commencing July 1,1959~ and on motion regularly carried the raise w sa~nted. Councilman Boido moved that Nello Lazzari be appointed to the regular police force, hs served the reqUired six months probationery period, and that his salary be raised accordingly, $175 per month. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tlbbetts and regularly carried. Mr. Wight of Peck's Lots, inquired as to whether the bond of ~acco Construction Compaz for the new work now going on was up.' City attorney Coleberd informed him tha$ the company is still responsible to the property owners under the old bond, that the blasting ordinance is nc yet in affect, but would be on July 12. Wight stated the blasting in the new .district is sttl damaging property in Peek's Lots. Councilman Ratto explained the~e should be.mo blasting un~ the bond is up ~nd the permit given to the Nacco Company, there being no. protection unAer the present arrangement. He stated the company should be curbed in their operations for the damag~ caused~ and moved that the police chief be. rsquired to stop all the company's machines carryi~ an overload of material. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani. The City attorney advised that this Would ~et be necessary for the short time to elapse before the ordinance takes effect, but the chief of police could warn the company against overloading.under penalt] Er. Emelio Cortesi of Peck'S Lots stated blasting operations were going on four years, with no regard to powder charges and the damage done. There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts moved to ~djourn ~ the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, l0 o'clock P.M. ~pproved Mayor of South San ~rancisco. Respect ful~ly s~_u~mit ted,~ /City C lerk.~