HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-07-0564
Monday, July 3,1939,the first Monday of the month, was the regular meeting day of the
City Council of the City of South San Francisco. This day was declared a legal holiday by
Governor Olson, on account of its proximity to the Fourth of July, and the regalar first
meeting of the month was held on WedneSday, July 5,th,1939, '~
Mayor Eschelbach called the ~eeting to order at 8 o'clock P.M.
Roll call found all the members of the city council present,as follows;-
Counctlmen,V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,M.Mlnucctani',D.W.Ratto,Rod Tlbbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being:-no errors or omissions they
were approved as read.
A communication was receive& from Poster & Kleiser Company, stating they had removed
an outdoor advertising structure from the property adjOining the coffee shop of Randall J.
Johnson, owner of lot 4, in block 151, at the request of the city council. Communica~ion
accepted and placed on file.
The State Board of Equalization reported the applications of Louis Glffra for an off
sale for a beer and wine license, and A.B. & F.L.Russo for an Off Sale Distilled 2pirits License.
The city council voiced no objections to the granting of these licenses by the State.
An application for a building permit to construct a lubrtcating!.iroom of steel material
was made by R.Venturi, on the South West Corner of ~aden & Linden Avenues.-~e~m&t-g~a~eAw at
anestlmated cost of $1800. Permit granted.
A communication was received from Macco Construction Company listing objections to certain
restrictions in the recently adopted blasting ordinance, and requesting that an amendment be nade
to the same, allowing more leeway in the matter of the hours of shooting, on account of damp ground
c~nditions and hard rock.blasting. City Engineer Yarshell believed that if certain hours were
not set for the blasting it would e~tail the presence of the engineer on the ground, or a depu:y,
aany hours of the day waiting for the company begin operations. After a long controversy i:
was decided that the company would get in touch with the city engineer in ample time for him
or a representative to check the blasting.
A communication was received fro~ William R.Lawson,Admintstrator of the Works Progress
Administration of Northern California;advising the city council that his office is revising
the mailing list of applicants for federal assistance and wished to kn~w if this city wishes 'ts
name to be kept on the list. City Council believed it should and the ayor instructed the
City Clerk to reply st once :in the affirmative.
In the matter of constructing screens to cover the Neon signs at Bayshore & Randalph,
E1 Camtno Real & Orange and 01d ~isston Road & E1 Camino Real, engineer Marshall received bu~ one
bid, and was requested to see other bidders.
A communication was received from the Manufacturers Association, accompanied by a petition
requesting the city to ask the 2rate Highway Conmtssion for permission to run the city STOP & GO
signal at Bayshore Highway and Grand Avenue 24 hours per day,including Sundays, on account of
the many deaths and accidents occurring there. No action taken, and the co~-~munlcation ordered
The monthly reports of the Poundkeeper, Health Officer,City Judge,Chief Of Police,Fire
Chief, Building Inspector, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month of June were submittted.
On motion by councilman Ratto,seconded by councilman Ttbbetts and regularly carried the reports were
accepted as read. 42cents
Claims in the amount of $652 ~were next presented to the council for payment;-
Pac. Tel& Tel Co,Bal due phone 806~ June $ 6.50
Bellt ~otor Co., rep police Sick $ 14.95
Lo,:is Belloin Misc. expes June ~ 7.17
J.Perre attending fires June ~ 1.00
S.D. Giorgi - - ~ 2.00
J.Fambrini - " ~ 3.00
W.Locatelli - - $ 3.00
L. Savares " " ~
,~, 3.00
R. Sptnelli - - ~ ~.00
C.~egnal - - ~ ~.00
J.Huntington - - ~ 5.50
Carl Rinehart - - ~ 7.50
P.Gamba - - ~ 9.50
A. Johnsom - - ~ 10.~0
J.Penna - - $ 13.50
Knox Hale ~achtnery Co., refill sweep brjne~ 99.23
A.J.Pacheco maintain fire alarm Sys
Enter~rise Fou~dr$~&)new construction ~ ~
H.L.Haaker insurance on sweeper
Dr.J.0,McMills health office phone
9. Z?
S.Hynding Ins.on LicColl Bond $ 25.00
S0.S.F.Hospital Alco '~zaminations$ 2E.50
Patrick Moise Klinkner docket sheetsS. 67
Ru~.stamp Tax Ooll ~ 1.00
att.flres June ~ 1,50
- - - ~ 3.00
- - "~ ' 3. )0
- " "'-'*' 3 )0
" " " $ 3.50
- " "~ 5. O0
- - " $ 5. ~0
- - ",~.~, 6.50
,' - - $ 7.50
~relief driver 4 day,~ 20.'30
Mannuel Castro attend fires 11.30
,Amer Fire Eq,Co 5 straps,fire hos~ 4.64
Universal Tool Erg Co.rep fire AlS 6.~0
Union 0il Co gasoline ~ 93.31
Pacheco Electric Co m~intain Lhts~
J.~onti 1 tire flap & tube®,,-, ?.~9
Crests Bros
John Figoni
materials 2 pins ~ 2.?4
cleaning hall winds$ 31.30
clerk(s sal,Plan Corns 10.30
Bender MOSS Co. 1939 Supp Mcquillin Law Book~ 15.45 Total $652.4~
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman ~tnucciani moV~d they be
paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularlym, carried.
Under the head of unfinished business City attorney Coleberd stated Attorney Wilson did not
get in contact with the Union Paving Co on ~ngineer Marshall's estimate to partly resurface Iinden
Avenue for the sum of $1~0, and settle the claim, but expected to hear from him the coming week.
Engineer'~,~arshell reported that the board of supervisors of San ~ateo Co.had agreed to pay the city
~6.020, due on the Colma Creek project. He stated Er. Jones of the $~ate Flood Control would, be here
soon. The engineer's report on city highway lights at the city li~its favored the old lighting
system temporarily on account of the uncertainty of the change in street and road lines by tke
Highway Commission. He was requested to secure further information on the costs of the lighting.
There being no further business Councilman Ninucctani moved to adjourn until Monday,July
10,1939 at ? o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Ratto and regularl~carried.
Roll call found all the members of the city council present,as follows;-
Councilmen,V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being, no errors or omissions they
were approved as read.
A communication was receive~ from Noster & Klelser Company, stating they had removed
an outdoor sdvertising structure from the property adjoining the coffee shop of Randall J.
Johnson, owner of lot 4, in block 151, at the request of the city council. Communica~ion
accepted and placed on file.
The State Board of Equalization reported the applications of Louis Ciffra for an off
sale for a beer and wine license, an~ A.B. & F.L.Russo for an Off Bale Distilled ~pirits License.
The city council voiced no objections to the granting of these licenses by the State.
An application for a building permit to construct a lubricating~.;room of steel material
was made by R.Venturi, on the South West Corner of ~aden & Linden Avenues.-~e~mi%-g~a~eA= at
anestimated cost of $1800. Permit granted.
A communication was received from Macco Construction Company listing objections to certain
res~rictions in the recently adopted blasting ordinance, and requestinF that an amendment be nade
to the same, allowing more leeway in the m~.tter of the hours of shooting, on account of damp ground
conditions and hard rock.blasting. City Engineer I<arshell believed that if certain hours were
not set for the blasting it would e~ail the presence of the engineer on the ground, or a deputy,
~any hours of the day waiting for the company begin operations. After a long controversy i~
was decided that the company would get in touch with the city engineer in ample time for him
or a representative to check the blasting.
A communication was received fro~ William R. Lawson,Admlnistrator of the Works Progress
Administration of Northern California;advising the city council that his office is revising
the mailing list of applicants for federal assistance and wished to know if this city wishes ~ts
name to be kept on the list. City Council believed it should and the ayor instructed the
City Clerk to reply ~t once ~in the affirmative. ~
In the matter of constructing screens to cover the Neon signs at Bayshore & Randalph,
E1 Camino Real & Orange and Old ~ission Road & E1 Camino Real, engineer Marshall received bu~ one
bid, and was requested to see other bidders.
A communication was received from the Manufacturers Association, accompanied by a petition
requesting the city to ask the ~tate Highway Commission for permission to run the city STOP & GO
signal at Bayshore Highway and Grand Avenue ~ hours per day.including Sundays, on account of
the many deaths and accidents occurring there. No action taken, and the co~munication ordered
The monthly reports of the Poundkeeper, Health Officer,City Judge,Chief Of Police,Fire
Chief, Building Inspector, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month of June were submittted.
On motion by councilman Ratto,seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly c~rried the reports were
accepted as read. ~2cents
Claims in the amount of $652 ~ were next presented to the council for payment;-
Pac. Tel& Tel Co,Bal due phone 806~ June
Belli ~otor Co., rep police Sick
Lo~:is Belloin Misc. expos June
J.Ferre attending fires June
~.D.Ciorgi " "
J.Fambrini " "
W.Locatelli " "
L. Savares " "
R. Spinelli " "
C.~egnal " "
J.Huntington " "
Carl Rinehart " "
F.Gamba " "
A.Johnso~ " "
J.Penna " "
South Oity Ldy,& Lin Sup. Co wash h9 ~
Knox Hale ~achinery Co., refill sweep broom:
A.J.Pacheco maintain fire alarm Sys Jne!
Enterprise Foundr~aA)new construction
H.L.Haaker insurance on sweeper
Dr.J.O,McMills health office phone
?. 5O
S.Hynding Ins.on LicColl Bond $ 25.00
SO.S.F.Hospital Alco 'Ezaminations$ 2E.50
Patrick ~,~oise Klinkner docket sheets5.6?
" " Rule.stamp Tax toll ~ 1.00
att.fires June
" " " ~ 3.90
" " " '~ 3.00
" " " '~ 3.30
" " " $ 3.50
" " " ~ 5.30
. . . ~ 5. ~0
" " "~ '7.6' 5050
relief driver 4
Mannuel Castro attend fires ~ 11.30
Amer Fire Eq,Co 8 straps,fire hos~ A.6A
Universal Tool ~fg Co.rep fire Al~ 6.)0
Union 0il Co gasoline ~ 9~.~1
Pacheco Electric Co m~intain Lhts~ 4~.
J.~onti I tire flap & tube $ '7.E9
Crests Bros
John Figoni
materials 2 pins ~ 2.'74
cleaning hall winds$ 31.30
clerk(s sal,Plan Com$ 10.~0
Bender MOSS Co. 1939 Supp McQuillin Law Book~f~ 15.45 Total $65~.4E
The claims having been audited by the finance co~m',ittee Councilman ¥inucciani moved they be
paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business City attorney Coleberd stated Attorney Wilson did not
get in contact with the Union Paving Co on Engineer Earshall'$ estimate to partly resurface linden
Avenue for the sum of $150, and settle the claim, but expected to hear from him the coming week.
~ngineer-]~arshell reported that the board of supervisors of San ~'ateo Co.had agreed to p~y the city
$6.020, due on the Colma Creek project. He stated l~r. Jones of the $~ate Flood Control would be here
soon. The engineer's report on city highway lights at the city li~its favored the old lighting
system temporarily on account of the uncertainty of the change in street and road lines by tte
Highway Commission. He was requested to secure further information a~ the costs of the lighting.
There being no further business Councilman l~inucciani moved to adjourn until Monday,July
10,19S9 at ? o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by
Time of ~dJournment. 9;15 o'clock p.m.
Approved-- -
f~ayor, of South San Francisco
councilman Ratto and regularly~carried,
RespeCtfUlly sub~te~
City Clerk