HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-07-14REGULAR MEETIN~ OF THE CITY COU~'CIL OF THE
5~0NDAY, JULY 17,19~9.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in
the City Hall, Monday evening, July l?,lgS9.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by }~ayor A.~.Eschelbach.
Roll call found all the m~mbers of the board present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach.~.~inucctani, D.N. Ratto, Rod Ttbbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions th
were approved as read.
An application for a permit to hold a benefit show and dance for John Casagrande under
the ausoices of the South San Francisco Druids,the ~ocieta Operaia and the Societa Lombarda,
the eventr~g of ~aturday, August 12,19S9, from 8 o'clock P.~. to one o'clock A.M., was
received from General Chairman John Tacchi. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Co~
man Boido and regularly carried, the desired permission was granted.
~ociedad ~utualista ~exicana "MOREL0S" Incor~,orated, applied for a per~,it to hold a
at the Grand Avenue School Auditorium and a dance in the Fraternal ~all on Saturday,Septemb.
9th,19~9, in commeoratlon of the CXX~IV 12gth, anniversary of the independence of
Mexico, admi~ssion to be free. On motion by councilman Ratto, secosded by Councilman }~inuccia]
and regularly carried, the desire~ permit was granted.
Charles Mercks , Chairman of the Dance Comm_~ittee of the Bethleham Baseball Team, appli~
for a permit to hole a dance in Fraternal Hall, ~aturday evening, July 29,19~9. ~oved by
Councilman Hatto, seconded by Councilman Minicciant that the permit be granted. The motion
regularly carried and the permit ordered issued.
Pietro Uccelli applied for a business license to operate a vegetable store handling
products from his farm, at the junction of Grand Avenue and Oak Avenue. City at orney Colebe~
advised that the district mentioned is in the residential zone, which prohibits business
enterprises, and the permit was not granted.
~rs. Kate ~aynard ,90~ Grand ~venue wrote the city council protesting the granting of
business license to Er. Pietro Uccelli, on the grounds that the location is in the residenti~
zone, and its operation there, as a shack,would tend to Aepreciate the value of her property.
Communication accepted and filed.
Notice was received from the League of California Mun~cipalit~es , calling the council'
attention to the annual meeting of the league, in Oakland, '~eptember 18-21,19S9. The convent]
Headquarters are to be in the Hotel Oakland, where all hotel accom~odation~~ reservations caz
be made through the league secretary or the hotel direct. ~ayor ~{schelbach announced that th~
Hotel Oakland is close to South San Francisco no reservations will be m~de by the city.
Warren & Wight, Ace ~attress and Furnituse company a~plied for a peri, it to operate a ss
store at Sgl Grand Avenue. Granted.
A communication was received from the American Brotherhood of the Bl~nd, asking permiss
to hold an annual FLOWER Sale in South San Francisco on the first or second Saturday in Aug~
19~9. Councilman Boido moved the requested permission be givenj The motion was seconded by
councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried.
Pacific Gas & Electric 0~ompany replied to the city's letter requesting them to meet wit]
the city council in the near future to confer regarding a movement to remove the poles in th~
streets of South San Z~rancisco to the alleys,stating the company would have a representativ,
here at the second regular meeting of the council, on August 21st,19S9. The City Clerk wa~
instructed to ~rite the company stating the date was acceptable to the city.
A communication was received from Walter A.Lawrence,400 Dolores ~treet, San'~rancisco,
stating he was contemplating the construction of a dwelling on Lots, 4~,~6,47 and 48,Block
the Southeast corner of B.& Second Streets, Twon of Baden,and asked for a permit to keep a p~
horse on the premises., kfter discussion it was decided to postpone action until '~ednesday,
July 19,19~9. at 1G o'clock A.M.
Under instructions of the city council Chief of Police Belloni submitted a report of th~
number of arrests made by officers Terra~no ~nd ~artin during the last six months. Officer
Terragno made 268 arrests under ~aliforniaVEHICLECode Nc.S, and officer ~artin made SS4
arrests under California ~ehicle Code No.4. Officer Terragno was appointed July 1,19S0 at
a salary of 9150 per month. In six months he ~as raised to $160 per month. At the end of six
months more he was raised to $17~ per month, and on December 1,19S6 was raised to ~190 per mc
Repozt accepted and placed on file,
HESOLUTIO~ N0.728. ~
Councilman Minucciant introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South
San Francisco changing the names of Gardiner Avenue to Butler Aven~e, Butler Avenue to
Madrone Avenue,The Highway known as Butler Road to Butler Avenue ,~ Braden Avenue to Gardine
Avenue and Ashton Avenue to Willow Avenue. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all tE
members of the city council,as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani,D.W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
~oes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen,NOne. Attest, Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. S,at page226.
An ordinance a~ending section 4 of Ordinance No.202 of the Cit~ of ~outh San Francisco
entitled "An ordinance regulating blasting operations in the City of South San Francisco
and providing for licensing the same"adopted June 1B,19S9. was introduced by Councilman Tibbe
had its first reading and was laid over to come up at the next regular meeting of the City Cc
Two bids were received for screen covering of the Neon signs at the city limits,
The Mutual Engineering Company bid the sum of $2~8.00, according to specifications.
Kelly Welding Shop bid the sum of $187.78. " " "
On motion by Councilman Ratto seconded by Councilman Minucciani, and regularly carried
Roll call f0~nd all the members of the board present,as follows;-
Councilmen, ¥.Boido, A.J.EschelbachA~.~inucciani, D.N. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omission~
were approved as read.
An application for a permit to hold a benefit show and dance for John Casagrande
the ausDices of the ~outh San Francisco Druids,the $ocieta 0peraia and the Societa Lomba~
the evenir~g of Saturday, August 12,1939, fro~ 8 o'clock P.~,~. to one o'clock A.M., was
received from General Chairman John Tacchi. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded b~
man Boido and regularly carried, the desired per~ission w~s granted.
Sociedad Mutualista ~'~exicana "MORELOS" Incor~,orated, applied for a perch, it to hold
at the Grand Avenue School Auditorium and a dance in the Fraternal ~all on Maturday,~ep~
9th,1939, in co~meoration of the CXX~IV 129th, anniversary of the independence
~exico, admission to be free. On motion by co~ncilm~n ~atto, seconded by Councilman ~Tinuc
and regularly carried,the desire~ permit was granted.
Charles Mercks , Chairman of the Dance Committee of the Bethleham Baseball Team, ap
for a per.it to hols a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, July 29,1939. ¥oved by
Councilman Ratto, seconded by Co~ncil~n Minicciani that the per~it be granted. The moti
regularly carried and the per.it ordered issued.
Pierre Uccelli applied for a business license to operate a vegetable store , handl
products fro~ his farm, at the junction of Grand Avenue and Oak Avenue. City attorney Col
advised that the district mentioned is in the residential zone, whic~: prohibits business
enterprises, and the per.it was not granted.
Mrs. Kate ~aynard ,903 Grand ~'~venue wrote the city council protesting the granting
business license to Mr. Pietro Uccelli, on the grounds that the location is in the reside~
zone, and its operation there, as a shack,would tend to ~epreciate the value of her prope~
Communication accepted ~nd filed.
Notice was received from the League of California Municipalit~es , calling the
attention to the annual meeting of the league, in Oakland, ~epte~ber 18-21,1939. The conw
Headquarters are to be in the Hotel Oakland, where all hotel acco~,odation~ reservations
be made through the league secretary er the hotel direct. ~ayor !~schelbach announced that
Hotel Oakland is close to South San Francisco no reservations will be m~de by the city.
Warren & Wight, Ace ~attress and Furnitume company a~plied for a per~it to operate
store at 381 Grand Avenue. ~ranted.
A communication was received from the American Brotherhood of the Blind, asking per~
to hold an annual FLOWER ~ale in ~outh San Francisco on the first or second ~aturday in ~
1939. Councilman Boido moved the requested permission be given.~ Th~ motion was seconded
councilman ~,~inuccicni and regularly carried.
Pacific Gas & Electric Oompany replied to the city's letter requesting them to meet
the city council in the near future to confer regarding a ~ovement to remove the poles in
streets of South San ~¥ancisco to the alleys,stating the company would have a representa~
here at the second regular meeting of the council, on August 21st,1939. The City Clerk
instructed to ~rite the company stating the date was acceptable to the city.
A communication was received from Walter A.Lawrence,400 Dolores Street, SanFra~cisc(
stating he was contemplating the construction of a dwelling on Lots, 4~,~6,47 and 48,Bloc~
the Southeast corner of B.& Second Streets, Twon of Baden,and asked for a permit to keep
horse on the premises.. ~fter discussion it was decided to postpone action until ~Vednes~
July 19,1939, at l0 o'clock A.M.
Under instructions of the city council Chief of Police Belloni submitted a report of
n~nber of arrests made by officers Terra~no ~d ~artin during the last six months. Office
Terragno made 268 arrests under ~aliforniaYEHICLECode No.3, and officer Eartin made 334
arrests under California Vehicle Code No.4. Officer Terragno was appointed July 1,1930
a salary of ~l~0 per month. In six months he was raised to ~160 per month. At the end of s
months ~ore he was r~ised to $17~ per month, and on December 1,1936 was raised to ~190 per
Repemt accepted and placed on file.
Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of Sou
San Francisco changing the names of Gardiner Avenue to Butler Average, Butler Avenue to
Madrone Avenue,The Highway known as Butler Road to Butler Avenue ,~ Braden Avenue to Gard
Avenue and &shtcn Avenue to Willow Avenue. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all
members of the city council,as fellows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.~oido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani,D.W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen,N~ne. Attest, Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,at page228.
An ordinance amending section A of Ordinance ~o.202 of the City of South San Francis~
entitled "An ordinance regulating blasting operations in the City of ~outh San Francisco
and providing for licensing the same"adopted June 12,19Z9, was introduced by Councilman Ti~
had its first reading and was laid over to come up at the next regular meeting of the City
Two bids were received for screen covering of the Neon signs at the city limits,
$2~.00, according to specifications
The Mutual Engineering Company bid the sum of $187.7~.
Kelly Welding ~hop bid the sum of " " "
On motion by Councilman Ratto seconded by Councilman ~inucciant, and regularly carrie
the award was made to Kelly's Welding Company.
Claims in the amount of $476.26 were next presented to th~ boara for payment;-
Roy Pentecost 14 horse GORDON shoes
San Eateo Co. Title Co., daily reports June
Tri-City Blue Print Co.,, maps engineer
Price Furniture Company mattresses,police dept
So.City Lumber & Supply Co., cement
Dudley Perkins MO cycle reps
Kelly's Welding Shop pedestrian signs
" " rep street Dept.apparatus
I~ndustrial City Lbr. Co.,
Enterprise Press
Roy Smith
Mutual Engineering Company
Union Oil Co.
J. Gioffre
Bank Of America
So.City Plumbing Shop
Frank Gamba
M. Laufe r
I ax handle
materials park dept.
brooms & enamel ~ 6.91
· materials recreationDept~ 33.05
2000,clai~ blanks ~ 2S.95
1 tirn-out coat ~. 10.00
one cold chisel
materials police dept
park labor
Cordon Rowe' audit A/C
tees & nipples , parks
relief driver
park labor
~150. O0
~5. O0
Pete ~ue~,toni wash-grease Buick car
So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce July advertising
Belli Eotor Co., reps to Pol Buick
committee, Moved by Councilman Ratto that the claims be paid.
Minucciani and regularly carried.
. 25.00
$ 18.65
$476.26 .Having been audited by the finan
The motion was seconded by Councilman
Under the head of unfinished business Engineer Marshall reported that engineer Larabee
of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company would be in the city Tuesday morning and go over the districts
in the city in need of improved lighting.
City attorney Coleberd reported that he had not heard from the Union Paving Company's
attorney in the matter of the city proposal to complete the resurfacing of Linden Avenue South,
Under the head of new business Councilman ~atto suggested thatbetter lights be installed
at But~er Avenue and at Orange Avenue. The city engineer will 'call the attention of the lighting
company's engineer to these points when he arrives on Tursday.
The City Clerk reported the amount paid to the Gerth-Knollin Advertising Agency was
~600. Councilman Ratto moved that no further contributions be made. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
~anuel Castro reported a tree belonging to a next door neighbor was overhinglng his Lot
approximately 30 feet, and asked the city council to have it trimmed to the confines of the owr,er's
lot. City attorney Coleberd eNplained that the city did not have jurisdiction over the tree,
being a matter to settle between the owners of the lots. It was decided to leave the m~tter to
Councilman Tibbets to confer with the owners with a view to making a settlement.
Fire Chief Welte submitted an application of Jack Hickey for a permit to erect some ~mp-
rovements in the rear of his radio store,at an estimated cost of ~500. Councilman Ratto moved that
a permit be granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Yinucciani and regularly carried~
Hugh ~,~cNellis of Peck's Lots appeared before the council and asked for the use of the
Council Chambers in the city hall for Thursday this week or Thursday next week, for the use of the
California 230 a week pension plan. Permission granted.
Ye.McNel~is asked city engineer "arsha!l if the Nacco Construction Company was goir.g
to leave the rim around the ground where they had been excavating , and if any provision is going
to be made to control the winter rains, and also reporteS, that Chapman Avenue is in bad condition
from excess hauling heavy loads over it by the construction company. Yr.¥arshell stated he believed
the Yacco Co. had comDleted their contract in Peck's Lots satisfactorily, and as to the damage d.Gne to
Chapman Aven~e C'e~n~ilman Tibbetts and he would go over the street and advise what could be do~e.
Fire::Chief Welts advised the council that he has secured several sets of specificaticns
of fire engines, any of which would be suitable for the city's needs. Councilman Minucciani
moved that the City Attorney draw up an s. dvertlsement for bids in conjunction with Fire Chief
Welts for a new fire engine for the city. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly
The City Clerk announced that the sum of ~7300 was received from the ~o. San Franciscc
Land and Improvement Company,as a portion of their share in the construction of a main and storm
sewer in the South Industrial Area. The ~alance due is ~500.
There being no further business before the Council Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn
until Wednesday morning, July 19th,1939, at l0 o'clock A.M. The motion was seconded by councilman
Boido and regularly carried.
Hespectfully submitted, /~
Mayor of South San Francisco.