HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-08-07Regular meeting of the City Council of the, City of South San Francisco, Held Monday, Aug V,1939. A regula~ meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening AuEmst Vth, 1939. meeting was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p. m, by Mayor A. J.Eschelbach. Roll call fommlall members of t~e City Council present as follows: Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. EschelbaCh, D. W. Ratto, M. Minuccianie The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A communication was received from Ernesto Marcelli stating his desire to file a claim against the Macce Construction Company for damages to his crops in the amount of $1~OOeO0. The matter was referred to City Attorney Coleberd. A communication was. received from Pacific Gas and Electric Company for pe~- mission to open a trench at Linden Avenue ami Second Lane for the purpose of re- placing a portion of 2" gas main. The matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts. City Engineer Mamshall addressed a letter to the Council setting forth his recommendations for additional lighting in various parts of the city at amonthly cost to the city of $24.80. The city clerk was intructed to write the P. G. & E. giving them the locatiom~ of the ligh~s. Application for a business license was received fromSmith and Abrahams to engage in manufacturing and wholesale distribution of water works supplies and spelalties at 205 Cypress Avenue. The application was refered to Police Chief Bellonie A petition signed by eight residents of co-w, ercial Avenue asking the City Council to~ curb the speeding motorists on this ave~e before someone's child is seriously injured. T~e matter was referred to Police Chief Belloni. was received. The ~onthly reports of the City Auditor.Treasurer.Clerk.Fire Chief.building InsPector.~udge~ealth Officer Poun~keeper and C. hief of Police for the month of' July were received and accepted. ORDINANCE NO. Am ord~-,nce amending Sections 8.03, 8.04, 8,05, 8,20 of O~dinance Nos 171 of the City of South San F~ancisco entitXe~ "An ordinance p~oviding for licensing of business, professions, trades, callings and occupations in the City of South San Francisco~ Adopted May ?, 1~, was introduced by Councilma~/Minucciani, had its first readi~ and was laid over to come up at the next reguiarmeeting of the City Councils RESOLUTION NO. ?29 Councilma~ Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco to pay the Union Paving Company $1752.04 in full satisfaction of their deman~ for work done in improving South Linden Avenue, On roll call the following members of the City Council voted for the passage of the. resolutions Oouncilmem V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto. Councilman Ratte objected to the payment of the bill but finally voted in the affirmatives Councilman Minucciani also objected to the payment of the bill and did not vote, Attest: Daniel McSweeney City Clerk Recox~ied in Book of Resolutions Vole 3 at page 226. Bids were opened for the 75 inch Locke Triplex Power ~awn Mower, Chase Berg Company presented a bid of $675,00 delivered FeOeBe San Franciscee G. F. Bisho~ c°mPanypresented a bid for one Toro Model C Tractor with heav~ duty pnemaatic tires for the sum of $595.00, The awarding of ~e bid was ~d ~e~ fo~ ~theP considerations ~ Claims in the amount of $ 4,588,46 payment: were next presented to the Council for Louis Belloni Joe E, Pe DeBerry SOeSeFe Hospital H, H, Oaldwell Brunton's Automotive Service Dudley Pe~ S. Ba~y E. Eozl~ski A ~ Robi~on W, ~cat~lli P. Smith Me ~zzetti M, Oaat~o C, Be~al F. O, ~ch~k expense to crime cony. an~ prisoners meals July wash lubricate police ca~ Imtoxication tests June-July fingerprint file part for motorcycle radio ~epairs motor cycle ttendin~ fires July #, 3,47 3.26 22.50 100,/)0 5.59 29.02 1.00 1.00 1.50 1,50 2,50 2.50 2, 50 3,00 3,50 3.50 5,50 :/~. O0 A communication was received from Ernesto Ma~celli stating his desire to file a claim against the Macco Construction Company for damages to his crops in the amount of $1~OOeOO. The matter was referred to City Attorney Coleberd. A communication was. received from Pacific Gas an~ Electric Company for per- mission to open a trench at Linden Avenue an~ Second Lane for the purpose of re- placing a portion of 2# gas main. The matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts. City Engineer Ma~shall addressed a letter to the Council setting forth his recomendations ~or additional lighting in various parts of the city at a monthly cost to the city of $24.80, The city clerk was i~ructed to write the P. G. & E, givin~ them the locations of the lights. Application for a business license was received from Smith and Abrahams to engage in manufacturing and wholesale distribution of water works supplies and spelalties at 205 Cypress Avenue. The application was refered to Police Chief Bellonie A petition signed by eight residents of comercial Avemue asking the City Council to. curb the speeding motorists on this avenne before someone's child is seriously injured. The matter was referred to Police Chief Bellont. was received. The monthly reports of the City Auditor,Treasurer,Clerk,Fire Chief,building InsPector,JudgeP:ealth Officer Poundkeeper, and C. hief of Police for the month of' July were received and. accepted. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Sections 8.03. 8.0~, 8.05, 8.20 of Or~insnce No. 171 of the City of South San F~ancisco entitXe~ "An ordinance p~oviding for licensing of busimess,_professions, ~ades, callings and occupations in the City of South San Francisco~ Adopted May ~, 19~, was introduced by Councilma~ Minucciani, had its first rea~ing and was laid over to come up at the next regular meeting of the City Councils REB~UTION NO. 729 Councilma~ Boido introduced a resolution of the City CoUncil of the City of South San Francisco to pay the Union Paving C~mpany $1752.04 in full satisfaction of their demand for work done in improving South Linden Avenue. Om x~ll call the following members of the City Council voted for the passage of the. resolutions Councilmen V. Boido~Rod Tibbetts, A. J, Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto. Councilm~ Ratto objected to the payment of the bill but finally voted in the affirmatives Councilman Minucciani also objected to the payment of the bill and did not vote. Attest: Daniel McSweeney City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vole 3 at page 226, Bids were opened for the 75 inch Locke Triplex Power ~awn Mowe~. Chase Berg Company presented a bid of $675e00 delivered F,OeBe San Francisco G. F. Bisho~ Comply presented a bid f~ o~ To~o M~el C Tractor wi~ hea~ duty pne~tie t~ea fo~ t~ s~ of $595.00, The awar~ of ~e bid was ~d ~e~ fop ~rthep considerations Claims in the amount ors 4,5~8.46 payment: were next p~esented to the Council for ~ouis Belloni Joe I~mb~ E. Pe DeBerr~ ~Oe~eFe ~os~ita~ It. H. Caldwell Br~nton, s Automotive Service Dudley Perkins S. Barney expense to crime cony. and prisoners meals July wash lubricate police oa~ Ymtoxioation tests June-July fingerprint file pa~t for motorcycle radio ~tepairs motor cycle tendin~ fires July . 3.47 3.26 22.50 100.~0 5.59 29.02 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.50 5.50 ;~.00 j 0. Rinehart J. Hunt ingtom ipenna Spinelli A. Johnson V. Uller7 Roun~ ~alifornia Chain Co.p. Southuity Auto Service F. S. & W. W. Hirsch Pacheco Electric A. J. Pacheco Mario's Texaco Statioh Ente ~pris e l~ess Fred i J. Lautze W. L.-Hickey and Son Attending fires July $ ,~, materials fire dept. repairs Chev.& Seagrave #2 parts for f&re engine maintain street lights July -- maintain fire system July 2 tires and tubes fire chiefs ca~ envelopes - fire chief 500 mimeograph shee~s - fire dep. legal ad. calling for lawn mower bids repairs fire car work done at fire house ~2 So. C~ty Laundry & Linen ~upply wa~ fire house July Superior Laum~Ix~ " J. Galli M. ~aufer B. J. Senclner J. Mas~ovecchio F. Mandoli T. Pretzer J. Gioffre Hoy'.s Sex~tc e So. City Lumber & Supply J. S. Baker Frank Kelly John~H. Haley Co* H. Ne Cook Belting Co. Electric Steel Foundry Co. Ric's Service Station Knox Hale Machinery Co. So. City Plumbing Shop Hax~on Rickax~ & McCone Mario's Texaco Service 01d Reliance Garage Ro~ Tibbetts Modern Office Ma.hines Co. Robinson- Druggist P. G. & E. J. G. Walker D. Colombo Bender Moss Co. California Water Service San Mate. County Title Pacific Tele.& Tele. Coo U. S. Marshall Garden City P~oducts Co. Spt.use Reitz Co. C. W. Ma~vedel J. C. Penney Co. Spit.' s Inc. Union Paving Co. 2 da~ labc~.0range Ave. Park 6 ~ n n 5 d laborltrim trees 6 " "on streets 6 i~ "city hall park labor on grader- 2 tire for truck repairs fire chief..~s car repairs Lawn mower 1 fingerprint cabinet crushed rock 500' redwood stakes m. terials 16 hrs. rental caterpillar &Bulldozer repairs park truck welding on road roller welding scraper blade erecting screens on approach signs 1 bale wiping rags 5' rawhide packing 24 H &.L Points gas for grader brooms and asphalt tampers repair drink fount Martin School Park 2 ball jc~ts for grader g~ease - Ford truck repairs street ~k Muni dinners at Venetian Villa 4 typewriter twirlers 2 typewriter ribbons . street lights July m~scellaneous service July Secy. Planning Comm. July replacing plaster City Hall Revised Vol. McQuillin' s hydrant rental July service various playgrounds July various services July r,ports July ~plione service July office supplies 20 bales rice straw - 25 empty sacks Supp,l, ies recreation Dept. # 6 yds. muslin" 1 tennis racket - 4 d°z arrow tips I'~11 settlement work on So. ~Inden ~ve, 6.5~ 7.50 8.00 8'50 9,00 9.00 19.06 65.27 8.45 8.25 52. O0 34.00 15.90 1.55 6.00 .57 58.60 5.58 4.43 9.00 27. O0 54. O0 . 54.00 22.50 27.00 27, O0 50.10 5.25 1.00 12.62 12.75 20.70 2.24 64. O0 2.50 6.00 7.'00 187.75 6.70 .52 19.39 19.63 51,12 9.13 5.36 1.50 19.65 15.05 1.03 1.75 702.07 111.71 10.00 12.50 15.45 329.00 179.49 72.96 1.50 101.56 8.61 13.13 2.46 8.58 .99 4.37 1752.04 Total ........ $4588.46 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilmen Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilmen Ratto and regularly carried. There appearing no further business before the council Councilman Minucciani moved to adJour~ to Monday evening August 14. 1959, at 8 o'clock p. m. The motion was ~seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9.5o o'clock p. m. Approved Mayor of SOuth San ~'rancisco. Resp~lly ~hmi~t ed