HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-09-05REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD TUESDAY, SEPTE~BER 5TH,1939. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Tuesday evening, September 5th,1939. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all the members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts~ M.Mtnucciani. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions Were approved as read. i Pacific Gas & El~ctric· Company apolied_ for permission to install a 2".j gas main in the ~outherly sidewalk area of ~ircle Court,b~tween Orange and Eucalypyts Avenues. Referred to $ouncilman Tibbetts and the desired permission granted. ~ A communication was received from Ernesto Marcelli, ~ farmer, near the So.S.F.Union Stocl yards, stating he had written the city council some time ago calling their attention to the alleged destruction of $1200 of his lettuce cr~p by dust from the Blasting and shoveling oper of the Macco Cocstruction, near his ~farm. He stated he had not heard from the Macco company s he wrote the city council. The City Clerk explained that he had written ~,he Maco Company's bonding firm informing them of the complaint of Mr. Marcelli, received no reply, and then Mr. Gove of the bonding company, who said he had received the city's letter O.K. and had writ ~he Maco ComPany at Los Angeles o£ the circumstances of the ~arcelli claim, and received no reply. Mr. ~arcelli stated the city council had gone on record as intending to protect the property owners suffering from the alleged depredations of ~aco's blasting operations, and aS that action be taken in his behalf. ~ayor Eschelbach stated that under the law damage done t people's property by Other people can be settled ony by resort to the courts, that the city h no jurisdiction in the matter, but that he would assist in every possible legal way to secure a just settlement of the claim. The Cit~ attorney stated that is the law. Councilman Hatto believed that the city i~ in a position to force the Macco Company to settle claims in a fa and reasonable manner. He claimed the ~aco trUcks are given preference at the crossing of Eas Grand Avenue~and the new road to Mills Field,city machines having to wait for the trucks to p He also clai~ed the roadway of East Grand Ave,is being torn up,and probably with overloaded t Afl. er considerable discussion City Attorney Coleberd was instructed to get in touch w ~he Travelers Indemnity Company-concerning the matter, and the ~ity Clerk offered to write th Company at Los Angeles and state the case to them in person. A cormnunication was received from Attilio Ratto,10Z2 Grand Avenue,applying for a job gardener in the city service. Councilman Tibbetts stated there were no positions open at pres and the application was ordered placed on file. . Complaint was made in writing by A.B.Russo,proprietor in p~rt of the Tasty Sweet Shop a nuisance is carried on by a religious sect in front of his place of business, by shouting large crowds appearing there , thereby interfering with his business. The police department~ instructed to request the society to move over to the bank corner. Societa di Mutuo ~occorso Colombo,Inc., of Colma,California,reque~ted permission to h ~ celebration of the landing of Columbus, at Swift's wharf,October 1,1939,at ~ o'clock P.M.,w a parade following to the county line to Daly City. Also permission was asked to hang a banne across Grand Avenue, and request was made to the city to decorate the city streets with any Flags or decorations the city might wish to.' Councilman Hatto moved that permission be grant ~hatever decorations are at the city's disposal be used in the celebration. The motio~ was seconded by.Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Mayor Eschelbach received a communication from the Pacific Coast ~uilding O~cials Conference,Los Angeles,~alifornia, requesting t~at the city send Su!lding InspectOr Welte to annual convention to be held in Oakland,October ~rd,to 8th,next. Inspector Welte stated he would be unable to attend this year. A communication was received from the San Mateo County Fair Association urging the c cooperation .in making the fair a success, and requesting to know how many envelop~ stickers t city could handle. It was dec~ded to ask for 2000. ~ San~ateo Count~' ~o~e~t~SerVice~iwr0te~Pir~C'hief~Nelte, through Chairman Werder, aski .~or financial assistance in the sum of SZ~ to aid in giving the ladies of t~e Pacific Coast ?ire Chief's convenient in San ?rancisco,~September 17 to 19,a sightseeing tour of th~/bay re some *00 to ,500 ladies being expected to attend. City attorney Coleberd ruled that city mone ~his purposa could not be used,and the communication was ordered filed. A Jommunication from the American Legion Auxiliary of Bernard McCaffrey Post~55, in ~he mayor a~d city council to atten~ the installation of officers of the oost at the Grand an Linden Aven~e Club rooms Monday evening, September ll,l~3~,~was?r~cetved. .... Communication and invitation accepted and ~laced on file. A 6ommunication was received from ~he Department of Public Works, enclosing State 3ontroller'~ check in the sum of $~6~7~92 in payment of ~stimate No.l,covering expenses incur in connecti6n with the cleaning of Colma Creek. ~ balance of ~8~1.99 was indicated, t6 be pal ~he city on completion of the field audit. Accepted . Th~ monthly reports of the Health Officer,Poundkeeper,Police Chief,Judge,Fire Chief, ~uilding InSpector and ~ity Clerk for the month ending A~gust Jl,l~9, were received.~0n moti by Councilm~n Ratto,seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularl~ carried the reports were accepted as'read. Councilman Hatto asked for the reading of another letter, which was not in the clerk folder. Engineer ~arshall stated he'had the letter . It was fro~ Fontana Food Products Compan and stated ~hat their plant is still ~eing sha~en bythe blasts of the ~aco Constructi6n Comps and while n6t nearly ~o severe as when they were on the higHway~ it is apparent that large sh ~ere being ~ent off. Councilman Hatto stated that all communications must remain in the fi until the p~oceedings of the meetings begin. 4ayor Es~helbacH sta~ed he handed the letter to city en~ineer, with the best of intentions, after reading it~ and reminded Councilman~natto t ~o quot~~, t~ere are are other honest members on the board besides yourself~ Engineer ~arshall~was instructed to visit the operations of the ~aco company~and in~ gate the ma~ter. A 6ommunication was received from the Pacific Fire Extinguisher Company protesting ~he opening of bids for the purchase of a fire engine, for numerous and various reasons. The ~ommunicati6n was laid on the table. Codncilman Minucciani moved t~at the bids for the purchasing of a pumping'engine fox City of South San Francisco be opened. The motion was seconded by Codncilman Hatto a~d reguls .~arried. The following bids were then opened;- ~.~.~ ~.~ ~ ~'~'~, ~Iba~,'~ '~'~" ~a~to, Rod Tibbett s ~ M. Minuc ci ani. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions Were approved as read. Pacific Gas & El~ctric Company applied for permission to install a 2" gas main in the Southerly sidewalk area of 8ircle Court,between Orange and Eucalypyts Avenues. Referred to $ouncilman Tibbetts and the desired pe~mission granted. A communication was received from Ernesto Marcelli,.farmer, near the So.S.F.Union Sto ards, stating he had written the city council some time ago calling their attention to the lleged destruction of $1200 of his lettuce cr~ by dust from the blasting and shoveling ope Of the Macco Cocstruction, near his farm. He stated he had not heard from the Macco company he wrote the city council. The City Clerk explained that he had written ~he Maco Company's bonding firm informing them of the complaint of Mr. Narcelli, received no reply, and then ph. 'Mr. Gore of the bonding company, who said he had received the city's letter O.K. and had wri~ ~he Maco ComPany at Los Angeles o£ the circumstances of the ~arcelli claim, and received no replye Mr. ~arcelli stated the city council had gone on record as intending to protect the Property owners suffering from the alleged depredations of Maco's blasting operations, and a~ that action be taken in his behalf. ~ayor Eschelbach stated that under the law damage done people's property by Other people can be settled ony by resort to the courts, that the city ~ no jurisdiction in the matter, but that he would assist in every possible legal way to secur~ a just settlement of the claim. The Cit~ attorney stated that is the law. Councilman Hatto believed that the city is in a position to force the Macco Company to settle claims in a f~ And reasonable manner. He claimed the ~iaco trUcks are given preference at the crossing of Ea~ Grand Avenue'and the new road to ~llls Field, city machines having to wait for the trucks to ~ He also clamored the roadway of East Grand Ave,is being torn up,and probably with overloaded ~ After considerable discussion City Attorney Coleberd was instructed to get in touch m ~he Travelers Indemnity Company concerning the matter, and the ~ity Clerk offered to write tk Company at Los Angeles and state the case to them in person. A communication was received from Attilio Ratto,10Z2 Grand Avenue,applying for a Job gardener in the city service. Councilman Tibbetts stated there were no positions open at pres and the application was ordered placed on file. . Complaint was made in writing by A.B.Russo,proprietor in p~rt of the Tasty Sweet Shop ~ nuisance is carried on by a ~eligious sect in front of his place of business, by shouting a large crowds appearing there , thereby interfering with his business. The police department~ instructed to request the society to move over to the bank corner. Societa di Mutuo ~occorso Colombo,Inc., of Colma,California,reque~ted permission to h. a celebration of the landing of Columbus, at Swift's wharf,October 1,19Z~,at ~ o'clock P.M.,wl a parade following to the county line to Daly City. AlSo permission was asked to hang a bannel across Grand Avenue, and request was made to the city to decorate the city streets with any Flags or decorations the city might wish to.' Councilman Hatto moved that permission be grant. Whatever decorations are at ~e city's disposal be used in the celebration. The motio~ was seconded by ~Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Mayor Eschelbach received a communication from the Pacific Coast Building O~cials Conference,Los Angeles,~alifornia, requesting that the city send Building InsPectOr ~elte to ~nnual convention to be held in Oakland,October Jrd,to 8th,next. Inspector Welte stated he would be unable to attend this year. A communication was received from the San ~ateo County Fair Association urging the c~ cooperation ~in making the fair a success, and requesting to know how many envelop~ stickers t~ ~ity could handle. It was ~ecided to ask for 2000. '~ San.~ateo Count~' Fore~t.~SerVice'~wr0te~P~ir~Chief~Welte, through Chairman Werder, aski~ for financial assistance in the sum of ~Z~ to aid in giving the ladies of the Pacific~ Coast ?ire Chief's convenient in San ?rancisco,~!September 17 to 19,a sightseeing tour of thc/bay re~ some ~00 to.S00 ladies being expected to attend. City attorney Coleberd ruled that city money ~his purpose could not be used,and the communication was ordered filed. A 6ommunication from the American Legion Auxiliary of Bernard McCaffrey Post'~SS, inv ~he mayor a~d city council to attend the installation of of~mc~rs of the Dost at the Grand and Linden Aven~e Club rooms Monday evening, September ll,19Z~,~waS;~r~ceived..~ Communication and invitation accepted and placed on file. A 6ommunication was received from ~he Department of Public Works, enclosing State .~ontroller'~ check in the sum of $~6~7~9~ in payment of Estimate No.l,covering expenses incurr, in connecti6n with the cleaning of Colma Creek. A balance of ~641.~ was indicated, tO be paid Ohe city on completion of the field audit. Accepted . The monthly reports of the Health 0fficer,Poundkeeper,Police Chief, Judge,Fire Chief, ~uilding in~pector and ~ity Clerk for the month ending August Jl,l~J9, were received.~0n motio~ by Councilm~n Hatto,seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularl'~ carried the reports were accepted as'read. Councilman Hatto asked for the reading of anot~er letter, which was not in the clerk': folder. Engineer ~arshall stated he'had the letter . It was fro~ Fontana Food Products Company~ and stated that their plant is still ~eing shaken bythe blasts of the ~aco Constructi6n Compan] and while n6t nearly ~o severe as when they were on the highway, it is apparent that large sho~ ~ere being ~ent off. Councilman Hatto stated that all comm~nications must remain in the fil( until the p~oceedings of the meetings begin. ~ayor hs~helbach stated he handed the letter to tt ~ity engineer, with the best of intentions, after reading it~ and reminded Councilman'natto ths ~o quote,"there are are other honest members on the ~oard besides yourself~ Engineer ~arshall'was instructed to visit the operations of the ~aco company~and inves gate the ma~ter. A 6ommunication was received from the Pacific Fire Extinguisher Company protesting age ~he opening of bids for the purchase of a fire engine, for numerous and various reasons. The =ommunicati6n was laid on the table. Codncilman Ninucciani moved that the bids 'for the purchasing of a pumping'engine for City of South San Francisco be opened. The motion was seconded by Co0~ucilman Hatto a~d regularl .~arried. The following bids were then opened;- EXT.COM. Mack International Motor Truck Company,Type 1, $10,9V5.00 " ~:" " " " Type 9, $10,000.00 The Ah~ens-Fox Fire Engine Company. Model E-C, $10,4V1.00 and for Model I-C,$13,67b. Pacific Fi American-La France-Foamite Company $ 9,~44.00 The Seagrave Corporation $ 9,834.50 The Four Wheel Drive Company $10,590.b0 'ihe council decided to take the bids under consideration and meet informally Monday evening, September ll.1939,at V o'clock p.m. This being the legal date set by 1sw for adopting the tax rate for the ~ity of South San Francisco, Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco adopting the following rates on all propoertywithin the original corporate boundaries of South San Francisco~for~ithe fiscal 2ear beginning Jul~ 1,1939 and ending June 30,1940~ as follows;- General fund 1913 Sewer bonds Libra~ Fund 1919 ~uni.Imp.Bon~s Park ~nd Librar~ Building Fund $.90 $.0~ $.10 $.06 $.15 $.03 Total $1.26, And, on al~ property contained within the boundaries of the land annexed to South San Francisco by a special election held March 13,1916, as follows. General fUnd Library fund 1919 Muni.Imp. Bonds Park fund Library Building ~nd Total $.90 $.10 .'06 ~.15. .03 The resolution was adopted by the votes of ail the members of the 'City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto,Rod. Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page ~30/ Claims in the amount of $3,066.88 were next presented to the council fo~ paymer~: Walter Marci ~ McGraw Wm. Whipple ~oe Bildhauer Chas. Robinson Nello Lazzari A. Martin A. Terragno V. Bianchini LouisBelloni Brunton's Automotive Service Dudley Perkins Mario's Texaco ServiCe Louis Belloni Patrick and Co. S. Barney E. Rossi V. Ullery A. Robinson E. Kozlowski 0. Begnal ~.. S churk G. Olmstad. R. Spinel. Ii S. Di GiOrgio Me Castro Huntington A. Johnson G. Gamba C. Rinehart A~ndtts Dept. Store National Pure Drinking Water Co. Eo. City Laundry & Linen ~upply ~. Welte The Ohio Chemlcal & Mfg. Co. California ~tate Auto Assn. T. Pretze~ F. Mandoli M. Regalia Me Laufer Kelly' s Welding Shop P$~a' s Garage W. L. Hickey and Son So. CityuLumber Co. 36 42 44 53 60 61 105 185 9 loads manure $ 32 h~s extra duty- Swift strike ti II It II II II t~t . ti ~1 ti , ,, ,1 . . ,, ~t I~ I'1 II Ii tube for police radio ," repairs & parts motorcycle 4 tires - 2 tubes police car meals prisoners Aug. motorcycle plate supplies - police dept. Attending fires Aug relief driver fire dep. 8/14 to 31 3 curtains - 1 table cover 5 gals distilled water wash fire dept. - Aug. exp.. to convention San Francisco 900 ga~s oxy.mix- f~',e dept. 300 " s.ign maintenance A~ days painting street Signs 12 days labor trim trees 12 days ~ebor 0range Ave. Park. l0 days labor "and City Hall repair pedestrian sign add scraper blade welding street dept. ~aterlals crushed rock supplies for sewers supplies - fi~e dept. materials - recreation dept. 27.00 23.36 26.28 30.66 32.12 38.69 43.80 48.19 76.6B 155.40 5.43 7.43 90.25 2.45 8.08 1.00 2.50 2.50 S. O0 3. O0 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 6.00 6.00 V.O0 46.00 92.00 4.41 .62 8.61 30.00 18.54 4.12 4.06 20.25 54.00 54.00 45.00 2.50 1.50 3.00 2.16 9.29 25.74 2,27 6.04 as General fund 1913 Sewer bonds Library ~und 1919 ~uni. Imp.Bonds Park ~Und Library Building Fund $.90 $.02 $.10 $.06 $.15 $.o3 Total $1.26, And, on all property contained within the boundaries of the land annexed to South San Francisco by a special election held March 13,1916, as follows. General fund Library fund 1919 Muni.Imp. Bonds Park fund Library Building P~nd Total $.90 $.10 $ .'06 $. 15. · $.o3 $1.24 The resolution was adopted by the votes of a~l the members of the 'City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto,Rod. Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page q30/ Claims in the amount of $3,066.88 were next presented to the council for paymer~: Walter Ma~ci Wm. Whipple Joe Bildhauer Chas. Robinson Nello Lazzari A. Martin A. Terragno V. Bianchint Louis Belloni Bruntonts Automotive Service Dudley Perkins Mario's Texaco ServiCe Louis Belloni Patrick and Co. S. Barney E. Rossi V. Ullery A. Robinson E. Kozlowski 0. Begnal ~. S churk G. Olmsta~ R. Spinelli S. Di Giorgio M. Castro J. Huntington A. Johnson G. Gamba C. Rinehart A~ndt ~ s Dept. Store National Pure Drinking Water Co. So. City Laundry & Linen Supply ~. Welte The Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co. California State Auto Assn. T. l~etzer F. Mando li M. Regalia Me Laufer Koll~'s Welding Shep Psx~a' s Garage W. L. Hickey and Son So. City Lumber Co. Highway BlackSmith Shop 36 " 42 " " " 44 ,i ,~ . 53 " " ~ 60 # " ,i 61 " " " 105 " ,i ,, ,~' ,~, . 185 . . 9 loads manure $ 32 h~s extra duty - Swift strike tube for.police radio repairs & parts motorcycle 4 tires - 2 tubes police car meals prisoners Aug. motorcycle plate supplies - police dept. Attending fires Aug , relief driver fire dep. 8/14 to ~ curtains - 1 table cover 5 gals distilled water wash fire dept. - Aug. exp. to convention San Francisco 900 ga,l,s mix- fire dept. 300 oxy,, ,, s~tgn maintenance 4~ days painting street signs 12 days labor trim trees 12 days ~abor 0rar~e Ave. Park~ l0 days labor "and City Hall repair pedestrian sign add scraper blade welding street dept. ~aterials crushed rook supplies for sewers supplies - fire dept. materials - recreation dept. 1 b~mdle lath sharpen and repair tools 27. O0 23.36 26.28 30.66 32.12 38.69 43.80 48.19 76.~5 155.40 5.43 7.43 90.25 2.45 8.08 1.00 2.50 2.50 S. O0 3. O0 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 6.00 6.00 7.00 46.00 92.00 4.41 .62 8.61 30.00 18.54 4.12 4.06 20.25 54.00 54. O0 45.00 2.50 1.50 3.~0 2.16 9.29 25.74 2.27 6.04 .76 14.00 Industrial City Lumber Co, Ent erpris e Foundry Kmox Hale Machinery Co. A. N. Bloomquist Roy' s Service Sprouse Reit-. Co. Ray Penticost San Mateo T~,-~s Spiro's Inc. The Enterprt se Tri City Blue printing Co. Walter Ottenfield Howard Adler A. Carlisle, Co. Bank of South San Francisco J. G. Walker Shell 0il Co. Standard 0il Co. Corner Grocery p. G. & E. Pacific Telephone &Tele. Co. California~-~ater ~ex-~tee California Water Service Hallawell Seed Co, . materials fire dept. " street dept. " recreation dept. , 1 m~_~hole cover and frame 1 refill broom 770 g~s. road oil 2 retread tires chev. pickup labor and materials st. imp. _w~__terials recreation dept. labor cutting threads horseshoes 2000 cards - recreation dept. 1 set baseball bases publishing res. ~31, copies of Ord. #203-204 500 requisition blanks blue prints 3 days - cit~ survey supplies box rent to. 6/26/40 Secy Planning Comm. Aug. 318 gals. gas l~ ton tank t~uck 50 gals gas supplies city hall misc. service Aug. street lights Aug. phone #626 playground service library service ' sex, ice at city dump repairing hydrant hydrant rental Aug. fountain and fi~e house service city hall service Seed Total .... 2,27 14.10 27,65 1,76 16.48 20.60 55.51 11.50 68.69 2.68 2,00 5.15 5.10 13.50 5,15 15.45 .78 12. O0 6,00 8.93 3.85 10,00 49.29 15Q,O0 7.75 14.42 106.29 ?02,07 2.50 300,01 26.26 1.25 12.48 205,75 6.97 42,12 15.91 $3066,88 The claims having been audited by the finance co~uittee, Councilma~Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. ORDINANCE NO. Councilman Boido introduced an ordinance of the City'Council of the City of South Francisco entitled "AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING TPiE OPERATION OF AUTOMOBILES FOR IiIRE AND TP~ TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS THEREIN WITHIN TPE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO", which h~d its title readin~ and was laid over to come up at the next regular meeting of the City Council. Under the head bf unfinished business the matter of the claim of Gerth-Knollin Adw tising Agency for advertising South ~an Francisco was taken up. The minutes of the Council meeting of June 27,1938 showed that the city agreed to subscribe for advertising from Gerth- knollin Advertising Agency in the sum of ~1200~ for a certain period of time. As but $600 h: b~en paid the company Councilman Minucciani move~ the the city pay the balance due at the rat. of $100 per month. ~he~motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. City attorney Coleberd reported that he had the bond of Walter A.C.Ryan , owner of the jitney servoce. On the subject of the repair of sidewalks, reported by city engineer ~arshall to be much need of the same, City Attorney Coleberd stated he was looking up the law on the subject On the new itinerant vendor law reported by the State, city attorney Cole~erd repot that South San Francisco would not be affected by the statute. Councilman Ratto reported that the Safeway grocery store company was piling boxes of freig~ht high on the sidewalk in front of their place of business, tLe trucking of the same in~ fering with pedestrian travel, and also that much refuse was scattered on the sidewalk and st~ It was stated that other firms have more or less commodities on the sidewalks, and no action ~ taken. Councilman Ratto stated that some of the~ city's equipment had been used out of to~ ~ayor Eschelbach replied that the city was trying to make a good trade for the benefit of th. public, and the act was a friendly and good business gesture~ and that he told the councilman the impending trade. There being no further business before the council Councilman Tibbetts move to adj. until Monday evening, September 18th,1939.The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani an. regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;45 PY~. Prrooved gayor of South SannFrancisco. Hespectfully submitt~d~ ~