OCTOBER 2nd,1939.
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the
City Hall, Monday evening, October 2,1939.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Eayor A.J.Eschelbach.
Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.~schelbach, N.Minucci~ni,D.W. Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions,they
were approved as read.
A communication was received from city engineer ~arshall calling attention of the City
Council to the fact that Butler Avenue has a paved width of ~4' on the south side, while the north
side of 26 feet is unpaved, both for a length of 550 feet, and advised that the north side be paved.
with shale of 6 inches thickness and an armour coated surface a width of 14 feet, the cost to be
approximately ~400. He also advised that the power grader be used to'level off the west side of
Industrial Way between the main line of the $.P. and the fence of the Bethleham Steel Co's
property fro~ Butler Ave,south 400 feet. Also that the extension of ?utler Avenue east of Railroad
crossing be graded on both sides for a~ded -' roadway width, and to be done by city equipment,
citing the coming shipbuilding activities in that section of the city. Councilman Tibbetts moved
that authority be given the engineer to undertake the work. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Boido and regularly carried.
k communication was received from the manufacturers association of Scut h San Francisco,
stating that a resolution was passed st their last meeting requiring the secretary to address
a co~vmunication to the city council expressing their appreciation of the efficient manner in
which the council is handling city affairs, noting that the tax rate is held to.~l.26. The
3~o. on aGO cunt
communication stated their increase of ta~es over last year would be approximately
of new improvements. Eayor Eschelbach thought this estimate too high, and that there would be no
increase on those of the manufacturers who did not make improvements. He requested the cit~ clerk
to look into the figures.
The Burlingame Chamber of Commerce submitted copies of two resolutions~ado~ted by ~he
various bedies of the"Good Neighbor" meeting recently ~eld in that city urging improved trans-
portation facilities between San Francisco and the Peninsula, and requested to adopt the same
similar resolutions. Referred to the city attorney, who took the copies under advisement.
Henry L. Schwering,$outh City Auto Co., applied for the positio~ of auto ~echanic to take
care of oll city machines and if necessary to act as e'ergency driver in the fire department,
citing he has over two thousand dollars worth of new and up to date equipment which the city can
h~ve the use of wothout cost other than salary. Aprlication placed on file.
Communications endorsing the ~'orthiness of the So,grave pumpers were received from the
Chief of the ?ire Department of Oheonix,~rizona,San Diego and~the ~0th Century Fox Film Corporation,
Beverly Hills, California. Co~munications accepted ~nd ordered placed on file.
A communication was received from the Railroad. Co~ission of the State of California relative
to the matter of cost of installing street lighting in City Par~ addition, tccepted and filed.
A letter of th~nks and appreciation was received fro~ the United Ancient Order of Druids
for the city's cooperation in ~aking a success of their A~ericanism Program, held ?riday,Septe~ber
~9 last. Co~unication accepted and Dlac~d on file.
The ~onthly reoorts of the Health. Officer,Building Inspector, Chief of ~lice, Ooundmo. aster,
~ire Ch~e~,Aeting City Judge , Tree. surer and City Clerk for the ~ onth ending September 30 ,1939 ,were
subH~itted, and on ~.otion by Co~L~ncil~an Hatto,seconded by Councilman ~:~inucciani ', accepted as read.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San
Francisco calling for bids for bids for a Used~three~wheel road roller. Council~an Ratto was in doubt
~s to the advisibilit~ of purchasing one. ~e stated the city streets and roads are about all taken
care of, Rnd thought the investment unnessary. City engineer l'arshall stated there is ~uch need
for one , there being many projects yet to be taken into consideration,such as the i~ast Grand
Avenue one, and continuous street repairing and rolling.
The resolution was adopted by the following vote;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.!~schelbach, Rod Tibbetts, ~'.~iuucciani
Noes, Councilmen, None
Not voting, Councilman D.W.Ratto,
Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney
City Cl~rk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥o1.~, ~t page R30. p.~.
Bids to be opened on ~onday, October 16,1939,at ~ o'cLock'in the ~ouncil Chambers of the
Cit~ Hall.
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of ~outh ~an
Francisco adopting budget and approving ~emorandum of a~reement for expenditure of ~ cent ~as
Tax allocated for streets of major importance in the City of South San Francisco.
The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the ~embers of the city council,as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, ~.Minucciani,D.~'.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweene2.
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 229.
Claims in the amount of ~1478.23 were next presented to the council for payment;-
Federal Laboratories finger prints $ 7.17
car.~m~ 17.07~
Belli ~..~otor Co.,
Dudley Perkins
Louis Belloni
Union Oil Comoany
Fred J. Laut ze
Calif. State .~=u' to Ass'n
~uml~er. C ~)o. 1
A. J.Pacheco
repairs Buick
repairs to motocycle c 14.83
service" " ~ 2.00
misc. expenses ~ 5.89
repair police tire ~ .60
repairs & storage of ca 11.58
sign replacement ~ 7.53
glaze and sash & ~,76
2 copper ~reens ~ 3.54
Sock,cement,sewer pipe~ 10.14
maintain fire al aystem 62.23
A com~unication was received from city engineer ?arshall calling attent'ion of the City
Council to the fact that Butler Avenue has a paved width of f4' on the south side, while the north
side of 26 feet is unpaved both for a length of ~0 feet and advised that the north side be paved.
with shale of 6 inches thickness and an armour coated surface a width of 14 feet, the cost to be
approximately ~400. He also advised that the power grader be used to-level off the west side of
Industrial Way between the main line of the $.~. and the fence of the Bethleham Steel Co's
property fro~. Butler Ave,south 400 feet. !leo that the extension of Putler Avenue east of Railroad
crossing be graded on both sides for aaded ~' roadway width, and to be done by city eguipment,
citing the coming shipbuilding activities in that section of the city. Councilman Tibbetts moved
that authority be given the engineer to undertake the work. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Boido and regularly carried.
i communication was received from the manufacturers association of Scut h San Francisco,
stating that a resolution was oassed et their last meeting reguiring the secretary to address
a co~unication to the city council expressing their appreciation of the efficient m~nner in
which the council is handling city affairs, noting that the tax rate is held to.~'~l.26. The
S~o. on account
communication stated their increase of tab<es over l~st year would be approximately
of new i~prove~ents. ~ayor Eschelbach thought this estimate too high, and that there would be no
increase on those of the manufacturers who did not make improvements. He requested the cit~ clerk
to look into the figures.
The Burlingame Chamber of Commerce submitted copies of two resolutions, adopted by ~he
various b~dies of the"Goo~ Neighbor" meeting recently held in that city urging improved trans-
portation facilities between 9an Francisco and the ~eninsula, and requested to adopt the same
simflar resolutions. Referred to the city attorney, who took the copies under advisement.
Henry L.~chwering,~outh City Auto Co., 'apPlied for the positio~ of auto mechanic to take
care of oll city machines and if necessary to act as e'ergency driver in the fire department,
citing he has over two thousand dollars worth of new and up to date eguipment which the city can
have the use of wothout cost other than salary. Application placed on file.
Communications endorsing the ~:orthiness of the Seagrave pumpers were received from the
Chief of the ?ire Department of Oheonix,.~rizona,~an Diego andthe P0th Century Pox Film Corporation,
Beverly Hills, California. Communications accepted and ordered placed on file.
A communication was received from the Railroad~Con'mission of the State of Galifornia relative
to the matter of cost of installing street lighting in City Park addition. Accepted and filed.
A letter of th~nks and appreciation was received from the United Ancient Order of Druids
for the city's cooperation in ~aking a success of their ~ericanism Program, held ?riday,~epte~ber
~9 last. Communication accepted and plac~d on file.
The ~ t
~on hly reoorts of the Health Officer,Building Inspector, Chief of ~'~lice, oundm, aster,
Fire Chi~f,A6ting City Judge , Treasurer and City Clerk for the : onth ending Seotember 50,19SS,were
submitted, and on motion hy Co~mcilman Ratto,seconded by Councilman }finucciani , accepted as read.
Councilman Tlbbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San
Francisco calling for bids for bids for a used~threelwheel road roller. Council~an Ratto was in doubt
ss to the advisibilit$ of purchasing one. Ue stated the city streets and roads are about all taken
care of, and thought the investment unnessary. Cit~ engineer [~arshall stated there is ~'uch need
for one , there being many pro~ects yet to be taken into consideration,such as the i~ast Grand
Avenue one, and continuous street repairing and rolling.
The resolution was adopted by the following vote;-
Ay~'~s, Councilmen, ¥.Boido, A.J.~{schelbach, Rod Tibbetts, ?~.]~iuuccisni
~oes, Councilmen, None
~ot voting, Councilman D.W.Ratto,
Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney
City Cl~rk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.3, at page ~S0. p.m.
Bids to be onened on ~fonday, 0ctoher 16,19ZS,at ~ o'clock'in the oouncil Chan~bers of the
City Hall.
Councilman Botdo introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of 2outh 9an
Francisco adopting budget and approving ~;.emorandum of a~reement for exnenditure of ~ cent ~as
Tax allocated for streets of major importance in the City of South San Francisco.
The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the ~embers of the city council,as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, 5~.~';inuCciani,D."~.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel NcSweeney,
C i ty Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.S,at page 2F9.
Clai~s in the amount of ~1478,~ were next presented to the council for payment;-
Federal Laboratories finger prints ~ 7.1?
Bolla l{otor Co., repairs Buick car.~ l?.0?
Dudley Perkins
Louis Belloni
Union 0il Comoany
Fred J. Laut ze
Calif. State ~uto Ass'n
so.cit ~ 1
A. J.Pacheco
Lewis Dagan
repairs to motocycle ~{! 14.8~
service" " ~ 2.00
misc. expenses ~:. 5.89
reoair police tire ~ .60
rerairs & storage of ca 11.58
sign replacement ~ ?.5~
glaze and sash & t,76
2 copper 9~reens ~ ~.~4
~ock,cement,sewer pipe~ 10.14
maintain fire al aystem 62.2S
" stret lights Sop
2 rheostats ~, 1~.06
attending fires ~ 1.00
Disbursements continued;-
Arthur Johnson,
Felix Mandoli
Ted Pretzer
M.Greenberg's Sons
attending fires,September $ 2.00
" " ".~ 2.50
" " "v 2.50
" " " $ 3. O0
" " "~'~ 3.00
" " " $ 3.00
" " "~ 3. §0
" " " ~ 4. O0
" " "~ 4.00
" " " ~ 5.00
reli§f drive~ " ~ 21.00
park labor .~.' 36.00
trimm~ing trees ~ 49.50
painting stre~ signs $ 58.50
6 hose bushings $ 1.85
~ 33.48
Associated Equipment Co.,street
Knox-Hale Company "
Chas. Bruening Co.,
sweeper equipment
i 18.54
" " 15.59
hauling 1100 gal tank 10.00
surveyor's helper , 8.00
" drawing paper,lamp ^
,:, 15.40
dog food ~ 4.99
Pacific Tel & Tel Co., phone 401-66September ? 8.10
California Water Service Co., various services Sept $1~2.81
" " " hydrant rental ~ept 8205.75
" "b " Water city hall "
" " '" " fountain fire house
" " " " library
~atrick-~oise Klinkner Co., tax rate stamp
WooIridge Sales Corp'n
Kelly's Welding ~hop
Kauffman Bros.
So. City ~lumbing ~hop
"tax rate stamp
1-1100 gal-truck-tank
repairing street sweeper
repairs in city hall
" drinking fountain
" basin ~ 16.~?
Mnterprise Press electric & fi~e permits .: 28.33
" " prin~ing Ord.~05 ~ 32.00
" " " 200 certs of Registr~ 7.15
" " 1000 envelopes tax bills ~ . 30.81
Price Furniture Co 2 shades for city hall ~ 12.26
C.Robinson extra police d~ty ~ 5.84
L. Bildhauer " " " ~ 13.14
~.E.Whipple " " " ~ 16.06
N.Lazzari " " " ~ 18.25
A..Martin " " " ~ 26.28
A.Terr~gno " " " ~ 33.97
V.Bianchini " " " S 43.80
~ 6
Louis Belloni " " " ~12 .00
Total 81478.25
The claims havim been audited by the finance committee councilman Yinucciani moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleb~rd reported that sidewalks
can be repaired under city direction, with property ownere having the right to pro,est sho~
they consider the prices unreasonable. City Engineer ~arshal will proceed with the'underta~
The matter of awarding the contract for a fire truck was laid over till a future mee~
The proposed renting of Lazzari Hall by the city for recreational purposes brought ~
information by Councilman Ratto that Mr. Lazzari had ended renting agree~ents with the Pen~
tal Church Gospel, and the hall could be secured by the city if wanted. ~%yor ~schelbach s
he also had seen Mr. La~zari, who informed him the city could have the h~ll, and requested
the city attorney to draw up a lease, for one year,having the consent of the city council.
Under the head of New Business Councilman Minucciani reported that many stray and lc
dogs are roaming around the city. Councilman Tibbetts replied he had heard rumors to that e
and would look into the matter and get the ooundkeeper~busy if he had overlooked this duty.
Mayor Eschelbach reported that an easement from Circle Court through lot 32 to the
grounds was necessary for convenience and entrance to the grounds from that direction on ac
of the proximity of the corporation yard. The city attorney will look into the matter of se
the desired easement, perso
Councilman Ratto brought ~p the subject of some city equipment being loand to'outst
the city limits and stated he ~as not satisfied with th, way it ~?as done, that the attentio
the council was not c~lled to the propos~d t~ansact~on,that so~e members of the council did
know wh~re the machinery went,how ~uch work was done and how ~uch to expect in return. ~a
Eschelbach stated~e did not have the opportunity to call the council together, the transa
had to be completed'in a hurry, it was done with the best of intentions,&that the city will
a goodly sum of money when the time comes to use the steam shovel in our creeks and ditches
Councilman Ratto reported that the city engineer was doin~ work for persons or fir
in this city,such as ~estern Pipe & ~teel Co., The Airport,the Land Co,etc, but was hired b
city as a full time engineer. ~ome ~members of the council b,lieved l~r. L~arshall had the ri
to do some outside work if he had the time. Councilman.~atto c~lled for the record~ of the
at which Mr. Marshall was hired, February 6,1939. This record showed th~t~thel~ayor advoca
a full-time engineer, for the purpose of reducing the engineering costs,and called for a mo
to vacate the office of city englneer."Councilman~Tibbe~ts moved that the office of englnee
declared vacant. The motion c~rried by the votes~Councilman~ Tibbetts,Boido aud !~schelbach,
Council~en Minucciani and Ratto voting NO. Councilman Boido thereupon Yove~ moved that U
Marshall be appointed City Engineer at a salary of ~2§0 per month. On Roll Call Councilme
Boldo ~chelkac~ ~nd Tibbetts and Councilmen Einucciani and Ratto vO~ed N0~
'~yor ~s~e~ac~ theban c~ AfoYEr' a motion to allow engineer Marshall to accept outs~
F. Gamba
Felix Mandoli
Ted Pretzer
M.Greenberg's Sons
relief drive~ "
park labor
trimming trees
painting stre~ signs
6 hose bushings
Associated Equipment Co. ,street supplies
Knox-Hale Company
H. Sanders
C. Schurk
Chas. Bruening Co.,
+ 36.00
'i 49.50
58. B0
~ 33.48
sweeper equipment ¥~ 18.54
" " $ 15.59
hauling 1100 gal tank ~ 10.00
surveyor's helper ~ 8.00
" drawing paper,lamp '~
~1 1~$40
dog food $ 4.99
~ 8.10
Pacific Tel & Tel Co., phone 4~l-66~eptember ,.
California Water Service Co., various services Sept $1BY.el
" " " hydrant rental ~ept~.205.7~
" "b " Water city hall "
" " "' " fountain fire house
" " " " library
~atrick-~?oise Klinkner Co., tax rate stamp
Woetridge Sales Corp'n
Kelly's Welding Shop
Kauffman Br o s.
So. City ~lumbing ~hop
"tax rate stamp
1-1100 gal-truck-tank
reoairing street sweeper
repairs in city hall
" drinking fountain
" basin ~ 16.57
Enterprise Press electric & fi~e permits ~ 28.33
" " prin.~ing 0rd.£05 ~ 32.00
" " " 200 certs of Registr$ ?.1~
" " 1000 envelopes tax bills ~~ 30.81
Price Furniture Co 2 shades for city hall
,i- 12.26
C.Hobinson extra police d~ty ~ 5.84
L. Bildhauer - ,, w ~ 13.14
~.E.Tfnipple " "
,~ 16.06
~.Lazzari " " " ~ 18.25
A..Martin " " " $ 26.28
A.Terragno " " " ~ S3.97
V.Btanchint " " " ~ 43.80
LoUiS Belloni " " " $1~6.00
Total $1478.23
2~. 96
1~. 08
The claims havin~ been audited by the f~nance committee councilman Ninucciani moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported that sidewalks
can be repaired under city direction, with property ownere having the right to pro,est shou
they consider the prices unreasonable. City Engineer ~.~arShal will proceed with the~undertak
The matter of awarding the contract for a fire truck was laid over till a future meet
The proposed renting of Lazzari Hall by the city for recreational purposes brought
information by Councilman Ratto that Mr. Lazzari had ended renting agree~ents with the Pent
tal Church Gospel, and the hall could be secured by the city if wanted. ~'ayor '~schelbach s
he also had seen Mr. La~zari, who informed him the city could have the hall, and requested
the city attorney to draw up a lease, for one year,having the consent of the city council.
Under the head of New Business Councilman Minucciani reported that many stray and lo
dogs are roaming around the city. Councilman Tibbetts replied he had heard rumors to that e'
and would look into the matter and get the poundkeeper busy if he had overlooked this duty.
~iayor Mschelbach reported that an easement from Circle Co~rt through lot 32 to the
grounds was necessary for convenience and entrance to the grounds from that direction on ac,
of the proximity of the corporation yard. The city attorney will look into the matter of se,
the desired easement, perso~
Councilman Ratto brought up the subject of some city equipment being loand to'outsi,
the city limits and stated he ~as not satisfied with th, way it as done, that the attentio~
the council was not called to the Oropos~d t~'ansaction,that so~e members of the council did
know wh~re the machinery went,how much work was done and how ~uch to expect in return.
Eschelbach stated'~e did not have the opportunity to call the council together, the transa~
had to be completed'in a hurry, it was done with the best of intentions,&that the city will
a goodly sum of money when the time comes to use the steam shovel in our creeks and ditches,
Councilman Ratto reported that the city engineer was doin~ work for persons or fir~
in this city,such as ~!estern Pipe & ~teel Co., The Airport,the Land Co,etc, but was hired b~
city as a full time engineer ~ome members of the council b.a,S, eyed Yr l~arshall had the ri~
to do some outside work if he had the time. Councilman. P~atto c~lled for the record~ of the
at which Mr. Marshall was hired, February 6,1939. This record showed~th~t~the ;~a2or advoca~
a full-time engineer, for the purpose of reducing the engineering costs,and called for a mo~
to vacate the office of city engineer."Councilman~Tibbetts moved that the office of enginee~
declared vacant. The motion c~ried by the votes~Councilman Tibbetts,Boido aud !~schelbach,
CounCilmen ~!inucciani and Ratto voting NO. Councilman Boido thereupon ¥ove~ moved that U.
~ ·
Marshall be appointed City .~ng~neer at a salary of ~250 per month. On Roll Call Councilmen
Boido E~chel~ach ~nd Tibbetts A~YE and Councilmen Minucciani and Ratto vO~ed N0~
"~yor ~sbbel~ach the'~n cVa~% ~or'a motion to allow engineer Marshall to accept outsi(
employment provided the city's business was taken care of first. Councilman Tibbetts there~
moved that city engineer U.~.L~;arshall be allowed to accept ~mmtside employment provided that
city's business is taken care of first. Councilman Boido seconded the ~otion, Eayor Eschelbach
asked all councilmen in favor of the motio~ to say AYE asd all against the motion to say NO.
Councilmen Bo!do,Tibbetts and ~seh~l. bach voted ~.'?, and Councilmen ~inucciani and Ratto voted
NO. The ~ayor declared the"ayes have it~and the Motion carried".
There be£ng no further business before the board Councilman Ratto moved to adjourn.
The motion was seconded by Councilman ~:~inucciani and r~gularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;55 o'clock p.m.
Respectfully wubmitte~d,
~ayor of South San Francisco.