HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-10-16REGULAR N~EET.LNG OF TIlE C IS:Y COUNCIL OF T~iE
16TH, 1939.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in
the City Hall Monday evening, October 18th,1;~39.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach.
Roll call found all members of the city council present,as follows;-
Councilman V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,~.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Councilman Minucciani stated there was
a mistake in his vote on the calling for bids for the purchase of a Three Wheel Road Roller,
stated he did not vote at all, the motion was carried so fast, but would have voted NO, where
he was q~oted as voting AYE. Correction was made and the minutes approved as corrected.
An application was received M.J.Bregante, C~airman of the dance and entertaimment Commi
of the ~:utcher's Local 508,A.~C.& B.W.OF N.A., Swift & Company er~ployees, for the benefit oft
Children'S Christmas fund,to be held in ~Taternal hall,Oatur~ay evening ,~etober Rl,l~39~ On
motion by councilman natto,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried ~he desired pe~
was granted.
A communication was re ceived from Charlie Rossi. stating that he has been setting prun:
branches on the curb edges,etc,for sometime, and ~o city trucks have been picking up-the refu
which, he stated consisted only of light branches. He intimated that if something was'nt done
about it he would remember it on election day. Councilmen explained that rubbish on the stre
is pick~up for a period of two weeks in the spring of the year, the city advising householder
to prepare for it, but not ~uring the rest of the year,and it is a misdemeanor to deposit rub'
on sidewalks or streets at other times of the year.
The city will probably set another two weeks date for convenience of householders at a
later date.
Applications for the position of Cit~ Judge were received from L.O.hardy and James C.
Healey. Action postponed until a future meeting.
A communication was received from Alfred Johns , 48 Randolph Avenue, Peck's Lots,stati:
that a dead tree lies in front of his house, and that he would appreciate the city removing
same and planting another tree/ Referred to councilman Tibbetts for action. Councilman Ratto
reported that the street at Naple and Walnut was sinking, and requested that co~ncil~an ~ibbe'
also look into that matter.8o ordered.
An answer was received from the Railroad Commission of the State in answer to the city
letter inquirin~tbe amodh~ al~ow~d~to char~.by' Pacific Oas & Electric Company for installini
three electroliers. The Commission stated ~16.00 per pole is the amount allowed under the
schedule, and not $~0 as was reported. Accepted and placed on file.
A communiCation was received from the ~niversit~ of California stating that under a new
copies of printed matter,mimograped matter and processed book,p~mohlets,re~orts, bulletins,
other publications issued at the expense of the city government be se~t the Berkeley Univers:
of California and one to the University of California at Los Angeles. Co~unication accepted
and placed on file.
This being the ~te set for the opening of bids for the purchase of a ~hree ~heel Road
Roller,councilman ~D~e~ i moved the,bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Councilma:
Boido and regularly ce. tried.
Four bids were submitted, as follows;-
Bid of Harron,Rickard & ~cCone Co. Used ~iodel YA,'~ to te~o ton .~$V50.00
Ouerin Bros. Austin-Winston lO-l~ ton ~500.00
J.~.Hackley Equipment Co., Austin,3 wheel ten ton gasoline road roller ~9~5.00
Knock-hale achinery Co.,,t Austin -Western used l0 ton ~ wheel Roller ~95.00.
After consultation it was decided to inspect some of the rollers and repo~t to the court
on Wednesda~j evening, October 18,1,3Z9.
Frank Walters of the Seagrave Company submitted an offer to deduct the amount of ~35 ea
for two fire extinguisl-ers in case tie cit~ did not require them. t~r. Oenson of the La Fran.
Company also made the same offer, and the matter was Dostponed until Wednesday evening, Octob.
18,1939, in or~er to give the city attorne)~ time.to draw a~reementto award the contract to th.
France Company.
Claims in the amount of .$1894.85 were next presented to the council for payment;-
Andy Wilson, p~rk labor ~$ ~2.50
Fred J.Lautze repair police car ~ 3.00
Patrick Moise-Klinkner police carbon papers 3.~1
Dudley Perkins maintain motorcycle $ ~.00
Brunston's Autom ~!erVice police radio tube ~ q.35
Industrial City Lbr. Co., supplies fire dept. ~ ~.~
Chas. Bollamzi fly spray,fire dept ~ 8.04
De Berry's SerMice 1~ volt battery Fire De~ 5~.68
M.Greenberg's Sons kydrant packing ~ lO.14
So. City Lbr. & Supply Co., concrete ,cement ~ 9.6~
Standard Oil Co. motor oil $ ~3.19
Standard ell'Co.,
Cook's Oil Co,,
Kelly's ~'elding Shop
Geo.H.~errill Co
~ssociated E~uip. Co
Enterprise Press
oil & grease ~. 18.V1
110 gals oil ~ V.65
labor & material Strs.~ R5.~5
l~ used steel drums ~ 3.00
gutter s~eel brooms ~ 33.48
replace halyard on pol~ lO.O0
~00 dup.P.P.bills ~ 10.04
Gilmore Oil Company
S.F.Peninsula Inc.
Pac. Tel& Tel Co.,
Sprouse Rietz Co.,
Wm. Minucciani
N. Byrnes
" Inv. Seal Propos Road Roller
repair flag
600 gals gas
advertising OctoOer
phone 6~6
peal'tine cleanser
recreation sup.~ lies
labor & ~v~s. terial
cleaning ditch
3. O0
38 .~5
· ~u~ vm~m zu~,~ 'a-- memoe~s 'oF the city CoUncil present,as follows;-
C~ouncflman V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,i~.~inucciani, D~W.?~atto, Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Councilman ~inucciani stated there wa
a mistake in his vote on the calling for bids for the purchase of a Three Wheel Road Roller
stated he did not vote at all, the motion was carried so fast, but would have voted NO, whe
he was q~oted as voting AYE. Correction was msde and the minutes approved as corrected.
An application was received ~v~.J.Bregante, C~airEan of the dance and entertaimment Co~
of the ~utcher's Local ~08,A.~C~.& B.W.0F N.A., Swi ?t & Company e~ployees, for the benefit o
Children'S Christmas fund,to be held in ~Taternal hall,Oatur~y evening ,~etober Rl,193~ ~
motion by councilman natto,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried t. he desire~ p
was granted.
A communication was re ceived from Charlie Rossi~ stating that he has been setting pr~
branches on the curb edges,etc,for sometime, and ~o city trucks have been picking up-the re
which, he ststed consisted only of light branches. He intimated that if something was'nt del
about it he would remember it on election day. Councilmen explained that rubbish on the st~
is pick~up for a period of two weeks in the spring of the year, the city advising household.
to prepare for it, but not ~uring the rest of the year,and it is a misdemeanor to deposit ~u
on sidewalks or streets at other times of the year.
The city' will probably set another two weeks date for convenienCe of householders at
later date.
Applications for the position of Cit~/ Judge were received from L.J.hardy and James C~
~ealey. Action postponed until a future meeting.
A communication was received from Alfred Johns , 48 Randolph Avenue, Peck's Lots,stat
that a dead tree lies in front of his house, and that he would appreciate the city removin~
same and planting another tree/. Referred to councilman Tibbetts for action. Councilman Rat~
reported that the street at Naple and Walnut was sinking, and requested that co~?ncil~an qib~
~lso look into that matter.Re ordered.
An answer was received from the Railroad Commission of the State in answer to the ci~
letter inquirin~t[e amotht al~ow~d~ to char~$.by ~acific ~as & Electric Company for install~
three electroliers. ~'he Commission stated ,i$16.00 per pole is the amount allowed under the
schedule, and not SM0 as was reported. Accepted and placed on file.
A communication was received from the bniversity of California stating that under a ne
copies of printed matter,mimograped matter and processed book,p~mohlets,reDorts, bulletins,
other publications issued at the expense of the city government ~e~ Sent the Berkeley Univer
of California and one to the University of California at Los Angeles. Co~unication accepte~
and placed on file.
This being the ~te set for the opening of bids for the purchase of a ~hree ~i'heel Road
Roller,councilman ~e$~~ moved the~bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Councilm
Boido and regularl~ carri®d.
Four bids were submitted, as follows;-
Bid of Harron,Rickard & McCone Co. Used ~odel YA,'i to ten ton .$750.00
Guerin Bros. Austin-Winston 10-1~ ton ~500.00
J.S.Hackley Equipment Co., Austin,3 wheel ten ton gasoline road roller ~9V5.00
Knock-~mle ~achinery Co.,,i Austin -Western used l0 ton $ wheel Roller ~67~.00.
After consultation it was decided to inspect some of the rollers and repo~t to the cou~
on Wednesda~ evening, October 18,1~39.
Frank Walters of the ~eagrave Company submitted an offer to deduct the amount of ~35 e
for two fire extinguisl-ers in case tl~e citN did not require them. ~r. oenson of the La
Company also made the same offer, and t~e matter was postponed until Wednesday evening, Octo~
18,1939, in or.:~er to give the city attorne~ time.to d?aw a~reementto award the contract to ti
France Company.
Claims in the amount of ,~1894.85 were next presented to the council for pa~nnent;-
Andy Wilson, p~rk labor S ~.50
Fred J.Lautze · repair police car ~ 3.00
Patrick Moise-Klinkner police carbon papers 3.V1
Dudley Perkins maintain motorcycle $ $.00
Brunston's Autom [erVice police radio tube ~ ~.35
Industrial City Lbr. Co., supplies fire dept. ~ ~.4~
Chas. Bollaazi fly spray,fire dept $ 8.04
De Berry's Service 1M volt battery Fire De~ 5~.68
N.Greenberg's Sons ~ydrant packing ~ 10.14
So.City Lbr. & Supply Co., concrete ,cement .~ 9.6M
Standard 0il Co.
Standard 0il 'Co.,
Cook's 0il Co..,
Kelly's Welding Shop
Geo.H.~errill Co
Associated E~uip. Co
Enterprise Press
motor oil $ 23.19
oil & grease S. 18.T1
ll0 gals oil ~ 7.65
labor & material Strs.~ 25.25
l? used steel drums ~ 3.00
gutter s~eel brooms ~ ~3.48
replace halyard on pol~ 10.00
?00 dup.P.P.hills ~ 10.04
C. Landu cc i
Gilmore 0il Company
S .F .Peninsula Inc.
Pac. Tel& Tel Co.,
G .penna
Sprouse Rietz Co.,
Wm. Ninucciani
M. Byrnes
" Inv. Seal. Propos Road Roller
repair flag
600 gals gas
advertising 0cto0er
phone 626
pea~line cleanser
recreation sup:,lies
labor & Ivlatertal
cleaning ditch
tt ti
park la;or
3. O0
38 .~5
Expenditures continued-;
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce
J.G .Walker
H. L .Haaker
Bank Of America
Lillian Laufer
Superior laundry
miscellaneous service Aug to Sept,S119.41
street lights " " ~V03.21
advertising October $ 95.00
secretary Planning Commission Sept~$ 10.00
insurance P.L. $16~.35
salary Gordom Rowe Co.,auditore
to September 30,1~)~9 ~150.00
l~bor on tax bills ~ 47.25
wash fire house No.~ Sept ,~ 5.21
The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman
The motion was seconded ~y Councilman Ratto and regularly carried.
Total .~,~1894.85
~linucciani moved they be paid.
Councilman l¥Iinucciani introduced a resolution of condolence on the death of City Judge
W.H.Dinning, who died on the 13th day of 0ctober,1939.
The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the cit~ council,as follows.-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach. M.~Iinucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod 'libbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest, Daniel ~'~cSweeney,
City Clerh.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 3,at page 731.
Under the head of unfinished business City attorney Coleberd announced that'he would have
a lease prepared for the LazZari hall on the Northeast corner of Fourth Lane & Maple Avenue~ at
the next meeting.
The resolution of tLe City Council of the Oity of South San Francisco endorsing the action
of the Burlingame Chamber of Commence in fighting for improved transportation down the peninsula
will be ready for the next regular meeting of the City Council.
In the matter of a proposed easement from Circle Court through Lot 32,Block ~, City Park
Addition, ~ayor Eschelbach reported that the land company asked ~i~?00 for the same. %he price being
co~sidered too high for the portion of the lot the ~ayor was requested to try~again for lower £igure.
Under the head of New Business Mr. B.J.Rodondi reported a hole in the street at ~agnolia
and Tamarack Lane. Referred to city engineer Marshall.
~r. Hugh F.~cNellis requested the permission of the city council to use the city council
chambers for a Ham & Egg meeting Friday,October ~7,1939. Granted.
Co,~ncilman Ratto brought up the subject of the difficult crossing of the Bayshore highway
opposite Peck's Lots, about RandOlph Avenue, believing a white strip across the highway, between
two white lines would be effective in slacking up the fast drivers. ~rs. Johns stated it is
almost impossible to walk across the big road at the peek hours of tr~vel, and believed the city
should do everything to secure safety for the citizens and residents in that section of ~he city.
~r. Johns, Er. NcNellis and others voiced the same sentiments. James Spurt expressed the opinion
that an underpass would solve the problem, commencing at Butler Road and running into Peck's Lots.
Police Chief Belloni stated he had been in conferonce with Nr, Holbrook of the ~tate Highway
who believed there was nothing the state could do in the matter at the present time.
Councilman Ratto reported many cracks with grass growing in the city streets,and stated
1hey should be filled. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts. Under the head of NEW Business,and
referring to the vacancy in the city judgshi~, Councilman Ninucciani proposed tLat the :
city attorney be appointed judge, combing the two offices for convenience and efficiency, and
with an additional salary of ~60 per month. ~r C oleberd thanked Councilman Minucci~ni for the
honor, but was of the opinion that he could not handle the two offices e~fectively,~
owing to the various characters of business to contend with, and declined to accept t~e
position. Councilman Ratto thougl-t the same as ~ouncilman ~inucciani, and stated the Job o~id
too much, that about ,~60 per month, would be fair for the amount of work to be done, and this salary
would reduce the number of candidates. Councilman Boido believed that ,~ll0 was only a fair salary
and that the city would get good service for that amount and poor service for anything less.
Councilman Tibbetts and ~syor Eschelbach were of the same opinion, and believed a city judge ~
should have fair compensation'for his services. TLe matter was laid over to come up Wednesday evening,
October 18,at 7 o'clock P.~. -
Referring to the trade deal of a motor patrol bel~ing to the city and a steam shovel
belonging to the Adams Construction Company, for work in making a fill on the Orange Park grounds
Councilman Ratto wanted to know how much the city had to gain by it. ~r.~arshall stated that .i~
for the first six days of the job the city receives the use of the shoMel tree. After six days
the city will pay seven cents a yard for the loading of trucks. For trucks owned by the Adams Con-
struction, owners of the steam shovel the city will pay ~3 cents hauling charge.At the end of six
days the charge will be elevated to 30 cents a ~ard to include the loading which no longer is
affected through the barter of equipment arranged by ~ayor Eschelbach with the Adams firm.
Councilman Ratto staed he quessed the matter was alright but it was handled in an irregular manner
throuhout. ~ayor Eschelbach stated he had informed the council many months ago of the propos-
ition to make the fill, and stated he could secure the soil for nothing, get a good price on the
hauling and steam shovel work, through an arrangement, and said he spoke to members of the counoil,
including ~r. Ratto, some time bsok, had a chance to complete the agreement between meetings and
took advantage of it for the city's benefit, which is now proving a success.
T~.ere being no further business before the meeting councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn
The motion was seconded by Councilman
until Wednesday evening, 0ctoOer i8,1939 at 7 o'clock P.~.
Boido and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;55 o'clock P.M.
~or of South San Francisco.
Re spe ct fu~ubmit~, ~