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Minutes 1939-10-18
REGULARLY ADJOURNED ~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF SOUT~~ S~N FRANCISCO ~ELD WEDNESDAY, 0Cq0BER 18TH,1939. A regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Lall Wednesday evening, October 18th,1939. This meeting was called to order at seven o'clock P.M. by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the city council present,as follows;- Councilmen,V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,E.Ninucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. A communication was received from Cora N.Steger, owner of the premises 317 Chapman Avenue, Peck's Lots, stating her house at that number had been materially damaged by the blt of Maco Conetruction Company, that she now livss in Danville , Contra Costa County, and did know of the damage to her property or would have notified the city and Insurance Company so¢ The City Clerk assured the council that the proper report of the claim was sent to the Tra~ Indemnity Company on receipt of Ers. Steger's letter. An application was received from Charles J.Gebhardt for the position of City Police Laid over for consideration until later in the evening. A communication was received from James Spuri, commenting upon the suggestion to ap~ the City Attorney the city police judge in connection with his duties as attorney, at an add al salary of $60 per month, s~ating that if the city was financially unable to pay that sum would accept the position without pay, to assist the taxpayers, and designated the communic~ as an application for the position under the circumstances. Laid over for consideration lat~ the evening. RESOLUTION LEASING LAEZARI HALL. ~36 Cit~ attorney Coleberd submitted a resol~t~on on leasing Lazzari Hall. Councilman Ra? introduced the resolution to lease the ERC©LE LAZZARI premises for recreational purposes fo~ term of one year at a rental of ~0 per month,pabable monthly. The resolution was adopted the votes of all the members of the city council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.BoidO,A.J.Eschelbach, ~.Ninucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,~one. / Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel EcSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page ~31. City Engineer ~arshel$ submitted a statement, concurred in by Councilman Tibbetts, of the inspection of the Knox-~.ale Company's Three V~eel ~ cylinder for $6V5, stating the is not in good condition and recommedded the t~arron Rickard& ~cCone roller for ~V$O/. Bein~ satisfactory to the councilmen Councilman Tibbetts introduce(~ a resolution of the City Couz of the City of South San Francisco awarding the contract for a roller to Herron Rickard& Mc Company for the sum offeredin their bid, ~VSO. The resolution was adopted by the votes of the members of the council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod iibbetts. Noes, Councilman,None. 'Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel M¢Sweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page~3~. Resolution No. V38 RESOLU~ION NO.V37.V50 GALLON PU~PING ENGINE. Councilman Minucciani introduce~ a resolution of the City Council of the City of So~ San Francisco awarding the contract for the purchase of one 750 gallon capacity triple Combination pumping engine for the City of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopted votes of all the members of t~e council,ss follows;- ~'J.Eschelbach,M.~inucciani,D.W.Rat'to,Rod Tibbetts Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, .... Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest ~aniel McSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Res~lutions, Vol.3, at page ~3~ . The net price to the city is ~9466.01,payable ~1000 on deliver~~ & ~8~ ~an.~,l~O,19~l'19~ ~' ~EI~img in the amount of ~7.6~ were next presented to the city co~ncil for payment J.~.Baker, work Industrial Way,caterpillar & bulldozer $ ~0.00 Jos.P.Quinlan envelopes for tax bills $ 40.00 Pac.Tel & Tel Co. city phones. October ~ 78.54 E.H.Edwards Co. 100' crucible cast steel tiller rope ~ ll.18 San ~iateo Count~ Title Co., Sept. daily reports ~ 1.50 Porta's Garage welding street truck ~ ll.50 Industrial Cit~ Lbr. Co., ~aterials for recreational ~ 10.36 " " street dept ~ 16.91 '" " decoret enamel ~ 1.36 " " supplies street dept ~ 11.98 " " " recreational dept ~i~ ~.~4 South Cit~ Lbr. & Supply Co. " par~ dept ~ ~.1~ Total ~4~. 89 The claims having been audited b~ the finance committee Councilman Ninucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and ~egularly carried. In the matter of white lines on the State ~ighway,Engineer ~arshell stated he saw ~: Holbrook of th~s division , who said the white lines between White lines mean safety, but considered it sdvisable to contact Ske~gs or Hoffstetter as to some metLod of i~suring safe~ on the highway at Peck's Lots. Apoltcations for city jud~e were next taken up. ~ayor Eschelbach asked James Bpuri he was in ernes~iin offering his services to the city as judge without salary. ~r. Spuri s~ he was. Councilman Ratto stated he believed ~$80 a month was enough salary, and he believed applicant should be an attorney. ~ayor Eschelbach stated applicant ~ardy was a good and s~ able man, a man of family, well known in the community, ~as a good reoutation and can fill position satisfactorily. Councilman Tibbetts moved that Leonard G.Hardy be appointed city judge at a salary of ~110 per month. Council~an Boido seconded the motion, and on roll call Councilmen Boido,Eschelbach and Tibbetts voted "AYE, and Councilmen Minucciani and Ratto voted "NO". In voting "NO" Councilman ~inucciani stated his belief that the stated salary of ~110 is toc much for this type of work. Councilman katto in voting "NO" gave the same reason~ the salary was too much. He previously contended that a salary of ~$60 a month was sufficient for a ~udge,t¢ which Nayor Eschelbach replied that "We pay dog catchers that kind of money". Councilman Ratto again brought up the matter of the agreement between ~ayor Esc~elb~ch and the Adams Conetruction Company regarding the loan of the motor patrol to that company~in , return for the uae of a gas shovel and certain hauling in connection with a fill being made in Orange Avenue Park~ stating that he was unable to see where the city could gain 41000 or 4150 or any e~uut by the barter agreement, and wanted it noted in the minutes that the name of the contractor ~involved had not been submitted by the ~ayor, that the first he knew of the trans~ction was through the lo~al paper, that a signed agreement had never been offered to the board binding the transaction, which included the use of the city's operator on the patrol machine,that the city had not sanctioned any contractor to proceed with the work,that the price per ~ard will run the job over ~00, which required the calling for bids, that the contractor Las no cit~. license, that the shovel does not belon~ to him,that the cit), engineer stated the first six days will entitle the city to a 7 cent yard reduction in the use of the shovel, that this would inconvenience the city and run up the costs, and that he did not intend to O.K. any claims for work done in this connection. Mayor EschelbacL said the city counCil knew a year ago of the proposal to make the fill ~n ~uestion, that ~s late as a few months ago he mentioned it to members of the council, including Councilmen Hatto,that the soil alone is worth more than ~lO00,being genuine top soil, that the additional gain to the city by loaning the motor patrol to the Adams construction for six days for the use of the gas shovel for six days was worth several hundred dollars also, that be had the opportunity to make the ~rrangement between ~eetings to avoid loosing t~e chance, that everything w~s done in the best of faith, with the best of intentions for the city's welfare, that the city has gained a very material benefit, and that he had no thought that any member of the city council would doubt t~e wisdom of his action in an attempt to benefit the city. A report w~s received from Jean Kozlowski that water from the hills is coming from the lot next door to his house and filters into his land and dwelling,~nd ~sked that something be done by the citN to prevent this flow of water. Referred to City Engineer ~arshall and City Attorne~ Coleberd. There being no further business before the board councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until Monday, November 8,19~9, at 8 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly c~rried. Time of adjournment 8;~0 o'clock P.E. Approved ~ayor of South San Francisco. Respectfully submitted, ~ity Cler~