HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-11-06 REGULAR Y. EETING OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY 0F SOUT~ SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1939. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San ?rancisco was held in the City hall, Monday evening, November 6th,1939. The meeting was called to order at ~3 o'clock P.~i. by ~v'ayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,~..Minucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod r±ibbetts. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There bein~j' no errors or omiss: ~hey were approved as read. An application for a permit to hold a dance Saturday evening November 11,1939, was received from ~ario Vincenzini of th.e Ramblers Club. On motion by Councilman Ratto,seconde, by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. ~5 for extra police protection accompanied the application. A business license application to operate a second hand auto sales business at Baysh. and Butler was received from Ed. Lund,Daly City Auto dealer. A communication of consent wa~ received from A.C.~anfield,owner' of the pr~:.:~posed second hand auto site, stating there woul. objections to the enterprise locating there provided no wrecking or auto repairing was don. the property and that the fence and office would not be a detriment to the vicinity, i~.~ove. by Councilman ~'iinucciani that the permit be granted . The motion was seconded by Councilma~ Tibbetts and regularly carried. J.J.Jordon, Superintendent of the Southern Pacific Lines submitted a communication ' council relating to the proposed tearing up of the tracks of the ~arket Str~.et Railway. requested that the city see to it that the crossing of the Southern Pacific tracks and the i~iarket Street Railway tracks adjacent to the S.P.Depot be completed as soon as possible. TI matter was referred to the city engineer: and t?e clerk instructed to so notify the S.P.Co A commmn~ati, bn'/.was'~e~eived/from Chief of Police ~elloni stating that special offi !~'red Brown is no longer working for the ~iaco Construction Company and ~ asked the counc: to cancel his appointment. Co~nunic,a~cepted and the appointment aancelled. Mayor J.E.Cooper of Menlo Park extended an invitation to Mayor Eschelbach and the C: Council of Sout~ San Francisco to participate in their armistice Day eelebration and parad. on November ll next. Communication accepted. A communication was received from the Industrial City Lumber Compauy offering to the city approximately one ton of lawn seed for ~.19 per pound. Referred to Councilman Tib~ ~-eneral ~anager P.J.Shaw of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company of re' deed the City of South San Francisco a parcel of land at the intersection of Orange Avenue Circle Court, triangular in shape,running V~, feet along Circle Court to the east line of numbered 8Z,in block numbered ~,, the west boundary having a width of ~ feet, the city to tain the same as a part of its park system. ~.fter consi~eration by the council council~an s moved that the city accept the offer. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and r. ly carried~b~i, the votes of all the members of t~e city council. A co~nunication was received from the Division of Highways stating that the Depart~ of Public Works has determined a distinctive ROADWAY ~ARKINd, as provided by ~recent legisl prohibiting left driving past any state markings, etc. E~ty engineer ~arshall stated thi would not affect this city, and the communication w~s ordered filed. A co~m~.unication w~as received from South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company o to deed to the city the east ~0 feet of lot numbered Z~, in block numbered ~,City ~ark Ad, for the sum of ~!$100, provided that the street be constructed at no cost to the adjoining owners, and that the property will forever be maintained as a street. Referred to the cit' attorney. Engineer ~arshall submitted a statement showing ~7~8.O6due the county on Colma C~ · ~ · card on moti)Logan ~ranklmn of ~he Enterprise submitted a communication to the council offerinfj ~.~n~c~c~e~ublish t~:e"G00DWILL AND C~'RIST~,/:AS EDITION" of ~he Enterprise , the same as last year, C.~ib~tt~ the regular fee of ~100. The date of issue was stated as December 10. On motion by Counci Reg. Car~ Boido,seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried by the votes of all the member the city council, the offer was accepted. A communication from ~ettimo Bottini,Linden & Juniper Aves. , stated that the curb [:utter at that ooint had sunken about two inches and asked that the street department take of it. heferred to councilman Tibbetts. In a statement to the council Joe f!randona, 553 Poplar Avenue, said that the sidew in front of his premises had raised a little over an inch,due to the growth of trees, that several persons had stumbled over it, and otis. er portions of the sidewalkon Poplar Avenue , reques~ted that repairs be made. Referred to councilman Tibbetts. Fire Chief Welte submitted a request for a raise in salary of ~$50 per month, citin. that he was filliu.~ the ~osition of building Inspector without 'pay, that the office of bui~ Inspector previoulsF had paid ~150 per month,plus gasoline and tires, which is now saved city, that he collects approximately ,i~100 ~er mOnth in~ fees,to which item no attention was paid before, that the duties and resvonsibilites of the two positionshave increased greatl' with the growth of the city and that salaries for Fire Chiefs run as high as ~MV5 a month the peninsula. Councilman Minucciani stated he was in favor of a raise of ~!~5 a month fol [ire Chief and .i~15 a month for the other ~iremen. Councilman Tibbetts favored a raise of ~onth for abe ~.re Cb~ef,b~t thouf~,-t the other firemen were paid a fair salary. Councilman though~.all(firemen well paid now. mayor Eschelbach ~t~ted there would be an election next that other city employees were seekin~' raises and it might be a good idea to place the ition on the ballot and let the poeple vote'~u it. Councilman Tibbetts su~igetsted that th. chief be given a raise of ~5 a month on account of his extra duties. Councilman ~inuccian asked Councilman Tibbetts if he wished to put the suggestion in the form of a motion. Coun Tibbetts said he would. Councilman Ratto h~d previously favored a raise of ~5 for the and ~15 a month for the other fireman. Accordingly Councilman Tibbetts moved th~tt?~ salar the Fire Chief be raised ~5 a month. Councilman ~'iinucciani seconded the motion an5 and al members of the council voted for it. 'lhereupon Councilman ~iinucciani moved that the~ ssla the other firemen be raised ~15 a month. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and on ro Councilmen Eschelbach,Boido and Tibbetts voted NO,and Councilmen ~!inucciani and Ratto vote~ A card of acknowledgment and thsnks for the city's floral tribute to t~e late Judge Dinning was received from ~rs. Dinning. Acceoted and placed on file. Chief of Police Belloni submitted the name of Ray ~¥edeghint as special police office the city to act as flagman for and to be paid by t~e Maco Construction Company. Councilman Ninucciani moved that the appointment be confirmed. The motion was seconded by Councilman and regularly carried. City engineer Marshall instructed the city clerk on November 3,to write the Pacific ~lectric Comoanv and reouest them to ack,eat t.~e ~w~.~tf~ ~.~. ~1~1~ ~ ~.f~ An application for a permit to hold a dance ~atur~ay evenmng ~ovemoer ~,m~o~, was received from Marlo Vincenzini of the R~nblers Club. On motion by Councilman Ratto,seconde( by councilman Tibbetts and re~uiarly carried the desired permit was granted. ~5 for extra police protection accompanied the application. A business license application to operate a second hand auto sales business at ~aysh. and Butler was received from Ed. Lund,Daly City Auto dealer. A com~nunication of consent wa received from A.C.Oanfield,owner~of the pr~posed second hand auto site, stating there woul~ objections to the enterprise locatin~J there provided no wrecking or auto repairing was don~ the property and that tLe fence and office would not be a detriment to the vicinity, i~iove ~ Councilman ~iinucciani that the permit be granted . The motion was seconded by Councilmsl Tibbetts and regularly carried. J.J.Jordon, Superintendent of the Southern Pacific Lines submitted a commu~ication council relating to the proposed tearin~ up of the tracks of the ~'¥~arket Str~.et Hallway. H requested that the city see to it that the crossing of the Southern Pacific tracks and the IV~arket Street Hallway tracks adjacent to the S.P.Depot be completed as soon as possible. T m~tter was referred to the city engineer, and t?'~e clerk in~truote~ to so notify the S.P.Co A commmn~ati~n~was' reeeived~'from Chief of Police Oelloni statin~ that special offi l~red Brown is no longer working for the l~iaco Construction Company and , ~sked the counc to cancel his appointment. Com~nunic,a~cepted and the appointment aancelled. Mayor J.E.Cooper of Menlo Park eztended an invitation to Mayor Eschelbach and the C Council of South San Francisco to .varticipate in their arm~,istice Day eelebration and parad on November 11 next. Communication accepted. A communication was received from the Industrial City Lumber Compa~y offering to se the city approximately one ton of lawn seed for ~$.19 Der pound. Referred to Councilman Tib ~-eneral ~ianager P.J.Shaw of the South San Francisco L~nd & Improvement Comp~ny of re deed the City of South San Francisco a parcel of land at the intersection of Orange Avenue Circle Court, triangular in shape,running V~ feet along Circle Court to the east line of 1 numbered 53,in block numbered ~, the west boundary having a width of ~4 feet, the city to tain the same as a part of its park system. J'fter consi~.eration by the council council~,an s moved that the city accept the offer. The motion was seconded bN councilman Boido and z ly' carried~b~i, the votes of all the members of the city council. A co~mnunication was received from the Division of Highways stating that the Depart of Public Works has determined a distinctive ROAD~J~'AY ~IARKING, as provided by ~Jrecent legis ~rohibiting left driving past any state markings, etc. Eit~· engineer I~iarshall stated thi would not affect this city, and th.e communication was ordered filed. A co~m~.unication ~as received from South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co~pany ¢ to deed to the city the east 30 feet of lot numbered 3~, in block numbered ~,City ~ark Ad for the sum of $100, provided that tt~e street be constructed at no cost to the adjoining ~ owners, and that the property will forever be maintained as a street. Referred to the ci~ attorney. Engineer ~¥~arshall submitted a statement showing ~6.66due the county on Colma C oamd on moti)Logan ~ranklmn of ~he Enterprise submitted a communication to the council offerin~ ~n~c~c~8~e~ublish t~:e"G(~0DWILL AND C~iRISTI?AS ~,~DITIOi~" of ~he Enterprise , the same as last year, C,~ib~tts~ the regular fee of $100. ~he date of issue was stated as December 10. On motion by Counct Reg. Car) Boido,seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried by the votes of all the membe~ the city council, the offer was accepted. A communication from ~ettimo Bottini,Lin~en & Juniper Aves.,sts. ted that the curb ~ ~_utter at that ooint had sunken about two inches and asked that the street department tak~ of it. Referred to councilm~an Tibbetts. In a statement to the council Joe '~i!randona, ~53 Poplar Avenue, said t~mat the side~ in front of his premises had raised a little over an inch,due to the growth of trees, that several persons had stumbled over it, and other portions of the sidewalkon Poplar Avenue ~ reques~ted that repairs be made. Referred to councilman Tibbetts. Fire Chief ~elte submitted a request for a raise in salary of 05~0 per month, citi~ that he w~.s filliu~ the uosition of building Inspector without ~pay, that the of 9ice of bu.~ Inspector previouls~ had paid ~lS0 per month,plus gasoline and tires, which is now saved t cit~~, that he collects approximately ,~100 ~er month in fees,to which item no attention wa~ paid before, that the duties and resN~onsibilites of the two positionshave increased greatl with the growth of the cit~· and t?.at salaries for Fire Chiefs run as high as ~V$ a month the peninsula. Councilman ~inucciani stated he was in favor of a raise of ,!~5 a month f~ ~ire Chief and .i~15 a month for the other iremen. Councilman Tibbetts favored a raise of month for ebe ~Mre Cb~ef,b~t thou.~-~,~t the other firemen were paid a fair salary. Councilman though~ all ~firemen well paid now. ~a~or Eschelbach ~t~ted there would be an election nex' that other city employees were seekin~J ~aises and it might be a good idea to place the ~r ition on the ballot and let the poepla vote'~n it. Councilman Tibbetts su~?getsted that ti chief be given a raise of $2~ a month on account of his extra duties. Councilman ~inuccia~. asked Councilmen Tibbetts if he wished to put the suggestion in the form of a motion. Cou~ Tibbetts said he would. CoUncilman Ratto h~d previously favored a raise of ~$ for the and ,~15 a month for the other fireman. Accordingly Councilman Tibbetts moved th~tt~?~ sala the ?ire Chief be raised ~5 a month. Councilman ~inucciani seconded the motion ao.8 ~nd a members of the council voted for it. ihereupon Councilman ~iinucciani moved that the ssl the other firemen be raised .~18 a month. The ~otion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and on r ~ouncilmen Eschelbach,Boido and Tibbetts voted NO,and Councilmen ~inucciani and Ratto rot A card of acknowledgment ~nd th~nks for the city's floral tribute to the late Judge Dinning was received from Mrs. Dinning. Acceoted and placed o~ file. Chief of Police Belloni submitted the name of Ray ~¥edeghini as special police offic the city to act as flagman for and to be paid by t)e I¥~aco Construction Company. Councilma Ninucciani moved that the appointment be confirmed. ~he motion was seconded by Councilma and regularl~ carried. CitN engineer Marshall instructed the city clerk on November 3,to write the Pacific Electric Company and request them to connect the existing three electroliers in City Park · tion, at the agreed price of ,$16.00 per electrolier. No objections. The monthly reports of t~Je Cit~2 Heslth Officer, ~uilding Inspector,Poundkeeper, Jud for the city, Chief of police, Fire Chief, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending October 31,1939 , wet submitted to the council, and on motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Minucciani,and regularly carried, accepted and ordered placed on file. Claims in the amount of ~4,505.85 were next presented to the board for payment;- Mrs .W ~:'H.. Dinning Ercola Lazzari rent Lazzari hall ~ 9.04 R.E.Pullen labor ,'.-J'rading Butler road ~ 15.V5 ,, W.W.Weatherspoon"" Ea~ot Linden"Auenue $ 6.V5 C.W.Eardison " # " " " S 6.V5 F.Dieu " " " " " ~ 1~.50 R. Quinlan " " " " "etc ~ 81.00 A.Guistetti " cleansing Colma Creek ~ 4~.~5 J.Galli " " " " S 4~. 75 Jas. ~¢~arlow " " " " ~ ~. V5 Martin Moro " " ~' " F.P ~renti " ~ " " S 4~. V5 Denny Daly " " street ~: park labor..$ 58.50 Mike Laufer " " ~ 31.50 A.Milani " " S 81.00 A.C.Johnson street labo~ 16.41 W.L.Hickey ~ Son labor ~ ~;ateriais streets ~ ~9.65 ,~.Fambrini attending fires ~,$ 1.00 S.Di Giorgi " " $ 1.00 R.Spinelli " " ~ ~.~0 E.Kozlowski " " $ 9.50 C .Begnal " " ~ ?/.50 V.~llery " " ,.$ 3.00 ~.Castro " " S 3.00 P.Smith " " $ 3.00 F.~amba " " $ 3.00 A.Robinson " " ~ Z.00 J.Huntington " " ~ 3.~0 G .Olmstad " " S ~.00 S, Barney " " S 4. O0 A .Johnson " ~ S 4.50 Louis Belloni misc.expenses ~ 17.3~ Belli k'.otor Co., rep police Buick Union 0il Co supplies ~_ol.dept ~ $.~1 The Recorder Print & Pub.Co. i set code,judge~ 3.09 Brunton's Autom Service police tube ~ ~.~5 A.Terragno, extra police duty ~ ~.~ N. Laz zari " " " So.S.F~Hospital intoxication re efts .$ 7.$0 Calif. State Auto Asso., [~edwood sign post ,~ .87 Shell 0il Service wash,grease police ear S 3.00 ~ario's ~axacao ser. one police tire ~ 10.8~ Patrick-Moise-Klinkner Co .R type pol.ribbons.$ ~.06 Dudley Perkins service motor cycle ~$ ?.00 A.J.Pacheco, fire system maintenance ~161,83 " " " street li~-~hts " .~ ~8.13 Roy's Service labor,material ~treet dep~,~$ ~8.15 port salary Judge Dinning .$ 46.1~ Kelly's Weldin!~ Shop weld tank ~I~ 18.?~5 " " " rep jas tank~ 4.50 " " ~" rep grass sheaths 8.90 Fred J.Lautze,tube etc str trucks 8.85 Roy's ~er.reps fire dept ~$ 5.0~ So.Cit~ Lbn. Co materials cityPK~ ~1.98 ~ ~ " "Bal due Oct 11,39 ~ .53 Chas Bollazzi i perculator fireD,!$ 1.3~ Superior Laundry,wash fire ho.~,~ 4.61 Railway Exp. agency F.DEP. Freights 1.83 So.City Plume Shop rep sinkF.D. ~$ ~.50 ~antini & Co,6 s~eets F.Dept ~ 6.18 American Rubber Co 500'hose ~348.45 Kauffmann, Bros. freight ~ .V5 Ymox-~ale Co.,refill crown ~,~ 23.1V So.City Plumb Co 'park materials~ V.42 So. S. F .C. 0F C. NOV. advert, ~$ ~5.00 DR.J.0.McNills phones,June to Sep~tl3.00 P.G.& E. Misc. service,Oct. $118.50 " " " corrected bills $1~ .88 " " " street lights Oct ~V83.85 A.L.Shaffer ~raveling expenses ,$ 16.V3 i~(anuel Castro hauling soil ~ ~0.00 Sprouse Reitz Co. recreationals ~ M.V9 Shernan Clay Co., tune piano RECKS 5.00 Calif Water Ser~:~.~o.,water playGs 95.61 " " "hydrant rental ~$~05.V5 " " " water city hall ~ ~9'.0V " " " "fountain & fire hous~ 5.58 " " " library water ~ 18.0V " " " re-instal hydrant ~ 9.08 Chas Bollazzi ball twine .~ .40 J,J,,~earne lease lots 10-11,135~ 60.00 Pac.~el & Tel Ce.phones 401-6~6 .,~ 5.00 A.Carlisle J:~ Co.,steel file & guides ~i~ 77.44 Ro~insonpDrug~ist supplies TaxCol 3.~5 J.G.Walker clerk planning' Cpm ~ 10.00 The Enterprise. notice to taxpay~ 9.00 Enterprise Press courtesy permit l~.3V Central Bank Of Calavaras for Russel Adams ,i~;489. ~ County of San i~iateO Share of expense account Colma Cre.~V?6.66 Total ~,,~4.505.8~ The clam ms having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularl? carried. Mayor Eschelbach announced that Councilmen Minucciani and Ratto did not 0.K.the claim of Russell Adams for the hauling of ldam,and so~e Fasoline shovel work in connection with a lille,in ~nange Aj~enue Park. At a previcus meeting of the~city council councilman Ratto announced that,~?~oul&~'~o~ O.K. the claim of R~ssell Adams for the work in question. The amount w~s ~489.00~and was assigned to the Central Bank of Calavaras. Under the head of unfinished business city engzn~er ~!arshalI reported he had seen P.J. Shaw of the land company in connection with the installation of elec~rolier connections in City Park Addition, and the company agreed to pay half the cost, or $94.00. Moved by Councilman Minucciani that the offer be accepted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Councilman Ratto inquired from the engineer as to the cost of repairing the street at ~ Pine Terrace ~: Maple Avenue. ~r. ~arshall stated the cost would be about 445. He was instructed to proceed with the work. On the application of Eugene Kozlowski to have the city preven~ the waters from the hils entering his property, the city engineer stated the land around his ~l~t is not ~ity property, and consider therefore,t~e city would not be liable for any damage done. The city attorney will render a decision at the next meeting. Councilman Hatto re~'~orted that the cracks in the city streets had not yet been taken care of. Referred to the city engineer~ and councilman Tibbetts. ....... Under the head of new business City Attorney Coleberd reported that the time of year has arrived for the appointment of a co~mmittee on Christmas celebration. Yayor Eschelbach asxed ~fr. Coleberd if he would serve again this year, and the cit~ attorne~ said he would. AccordinglF the Ma~or appointed him Chairman of the committee. Mayor Eschelbach called attention to the board that it was an oversight of his in not making some arrangement to pay Judge Clay for his services while acting for Gudge Dinning dur- ing his illness,and preceding the appointment of Judge ~ardy,and stated the matter would be taken up at the next meeting of the council. -~ There being no further business before the board Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until 'Monday , November ~0th,1939,at 8 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regular. ly carried, Time of adjournment, l0 o'clock P.M. Approved Mayor of South San Francisco. Re ~t fully s~it~d, .....