HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-11-20REGULAR MEETING OF TYE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTP~ SAN FRANCISCO, PELD NOVEMBER ~0tk, 1939. The regular meeting of the city council of tke City of South San Pranci~co was held ir, the City Hall, ~onday evening, ~ovember ~oth,1939. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows,- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, ~l.}~'iinucciani,£.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions,the were approved as read. A communication was received from the Women's Club of South San Francisco stating they heard that the city council was considering the enactment of an ordinance regulatthg, bi¢ b~affic in the City of South San Francisco~ The City Clerk was instructed to write the clu~ stating that there fs an ordinance in existance now, prohibiting the riding of bicycles on s~ walks. The number t~, passed January, 1909. Pacific Gas & Electrfc Company applied for permission to extend their ~" gas main in northerly sidewalk area of Parkway from Poplar to a point 80' feet westerly therefrom. %he application ~as referred to Councilman TibOetts and the request granted. Tippecanoe Tribe lll, ImpPoved~. Order of Redlhen, applied for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Thanksgiving Eve, November ~, from 9 o'clock P.~. to i A.N..On motion by Councilman Ratto, Seconded by Councilman ~inucciani, and re~ularll~,carried,the desired permis.~ was 8. ranted. A communication was received from Orrick,Dah!quist,Neff & Herrington, enclosing a olaf in the sum of ~$100 for services rendered in connection with proceedings for the calling of a bond election in September, 1938. Councilman ~inucciani moved that the bill be paid. The was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. A communication was. received from the South San ~rancisco Land & Improvement Company stating'~that they had filed in escrow with t?e Bank of South San Francisco a deed 'conveying t the city thirty (30') feet of lot numbered 3q, in Block ~, City Park Addition, for the purpo,, of providing a road way into City Park Addition from Commercial Avenue, providing for the cm uation of Eucalyptus Avenue to the 8ity property~ the Oank of South San Francisco to release deed to the city unon payment of the sum of ~$100. CoimmulaTC~at~bn~ a%c~%e~d~ and pya ment ordered ~r. C.R.Switzer,owner of lot west half of 15, in Olock i~o ~ll8 and the east half of same block,submitted a communication saying he woul~ pay the taxes under protest,,!$~.~9 being charged to him for the cleaning of weeds, which he stated he cleaned kimself in the spring later in the summer~ and asked for a refund. Communication accepted and filed and set aside f~ investigation. Engineer ~'~arshall submitted figures for the construction of a six inch sanitary sewer in Third "ane, between Grand Avenue and °aden Avenue,westerly f~rom Laural Avenue to Chestnut Avenue, to relieve drain water pressure from Lot ~8,in block va, the L.Vincenzini residence, an estimated cost of ,~389.00. ~oved by councilman Ratto, seconded by councilman }~inucciani and regularly carried, that the engineer proceed with. the work. In another communication the city engineer stated that the firm of Western Pipe & Ste~ 8ompany proposes filling in of the bay north of Wildberg Brothers ~efining Company, that said lng in will close off from discharging of ti~e sewers of the Wildberg Company into the bay on account of the elevation lO.O0,whereas the elevation at Wildberg is 8.00. The estimated cost of the project was given as ~34.50. The engineer stated the best and cheapest way is to con~ a 19~" diameter sewer to intercept Wildberg's seven sewers and carry the line west to a discha: into the slough between the property of the Western Investment Company and the So.S.F.Ld & Im! Mayor Eschelbach asked the city attorney if the city could legally participate financial in the improvement. The city attorney said yes. ~'hereupon Councilman ~inucciani moved that t~ city obligate itself to the amount of ,~1000 as its share of the project. She motion was secon, by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. City engineer Marshall submitted a communication stating that in order to provide a sew, gang necessary to keep t~e city's sewers in order it will be necessary to secure an additional small dump truck, be stated that the State !~ighway Commission at Sacramento has such a truck sale ,a 1936-six cylinder Chevrolet with a one yard dump body, at the pti, ce of ~,,~9~50.00. Councilman Ratto moved to offer the State the sum of ,$9~50 for the truck. The motion was second, by councilman ~ibbetts and regularly carried. - RESOLUTION RECOM~ENDING T~E APPOINT~,~[ENT OF PER~,'!ANENT IhTER*COUN~£Y TRA~PORTATION ~ I~;PROVEi¥~;NT C0~',~,Ii~mE. 739 Councilman Minuccian~ introduced a resot~tion of tt%e City Council of the City of South San Francisco recormmending~ the aooointment of s oerm~nent inter-county trancportation improve: committee, the committee to be appointed by t~..e-Several legistative bodies of San Francisco C San 'Mateo County, northern Santa C[~ra County,various chambers of commerce,etc. The resolut was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Counci~lmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweene[ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions. Vol. 3,page 233. Under the head of unfinished business city attorney Coleberd reported on the request of Eugene Kozlowski to take care of waters draining into his lot, that the matter was not a publ 'one~.~ but would go over the ground with city engineer ~arshall to see what could be done. Councilman Tibbetts reported that his men had cleaned the gutters~in that vicinity. City Councilman Tibbetts reported that the cracks and holes in the city streets had bee taken care of.He also reported he was investigating the bid of Industrial City Lumber 5ompany to furnish grass seed at .19 cente per pound. The city attorney reported it was O.K. t~ accept a deed from the So.~!.F.Land & Imp.Cp. the east 3Oft of Lot 3~, in block ~,City Park Addition, for the sum of ~lO0. City Councilman Tibbetts re ported made to the sidewalk at Poplar Avenue near Grandona and the curb and gutter at Juniper & Linden Avenues. Claims in the amount of ~lg?.l~were next presented to the council for payment;- Pacific Gas & Electric Company ~ cost of installing electroliers in City park Additi ,~ ~4.00 The minutes of the previous meeting:were read. 'l~aere oemng no ~.-~-~-o ~- ~ .......... ,___ ~ were approved as read. A communication was received from the Women's Club of South San Franc.!~co stating that they heard that the city council was considering the enactment of an ordinance regulating btcyc: ~raffic in the City of South San Francisco. The City Clerk was instructed to write the club stating that there ~s an ordinance in existance now, prohibiting the riding of bicycles on side walks. The number t4, passed January, 1909. ~acific ~as ~: Electric Company applied for permission to extend their ~" gas main in th northerly- sidewalk area of Parkway from Poplar to a point 80' feet westerly therefrom. 2he application ~,~as referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the request granted. Tippecanoe Tribe lll, Imp~ovedL Order of Redmen, applied for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Rall Thanksgiving Eve, November .o,~, from 9 o'clock P.~. to I A.N..0n motion by Councilman Ratto, Seconded by Councilman ~v~inucciani, and re~mlarl~,carried,the desired permissic was 8~ranted. A communication was received from 0rrick,Dah2quist,Neff & Herrington, enclosing a claim in the sum of .~$100 for services rendered in connection with proceedings for the calling of a bond election in September, 1938. Councilman ~inucctani moved that the bill be paid. The mo~ was seconded by Councilmen Ratto ~nd regulerly carried. A communication was~ received from the South ~an ~rancisco Land & Improvement Company stating' that they had filed in escrow with t?e ~ank of South San ~'rancisco a deed ~conveying to the city thirty (30') feet of lot numbered 3o~, in Block ~, City Park Addition, for the purpose of providing a road way into City Park Addition from Commercial Avenue, providing for the cont~ uation of Eucalyptus Avenue to the 8it~~ property~ the Oank of South San Francisco to release $1 deed to the city uDon payment of the sum of ~i$100. Co~mul~i~Rtfb~~ a~c~p~ce:da and ~'a~ent orderedo~ ~r. (~.R.Switzer,owner of lot west half of lB, in block ~o ~ll6 and the east half of 16,! same block,submitted a comnunicatlon saying he woul~ pay the taxos under protest,.~.~o~ being charged to him for the cleaning of weeds~ which he stated he cleaned himself in the spring an later in the summer~ and asked for a refund. Communication accepted and filed and set aside for investigation. Engineer ~'~arshall submitted figures for the construction of a six inch sanitary sewer in Third "ane, between Grand Avenue and °aden Avenue,westerly f.rom Laural Avenue to Chestnut Avenue, to relieve drain water pressure from Lot ?8,in block VS, th~ L.Vincenzini residence, ~ an ea~timated cost of ~389.00. Roved by councilman Ratto, seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried, that the engineer proceed with the work. In enother communication the city engineer stated that the firm of Western Pipe & Stee] 6ompany proposes filling in of the bay north of Wildberg Brothers ~efining Company, that said ~ lng in will close off from discharging of tLe sewers of the Wildberg Company into the bay on account of the elevation 10.00,whereas the elevation at Wildberg is 8.00. The estimated cost of the project was given as ~)9934.50. The engineer stated the best and cheapest way is to cons1 a l~" diameter sewer to intercept Wildberg's seven sewers, and carry the line west to a dischart into the slough between the property of the Western Investment Company and the So.S.F.Ld & Imp ~iayor Eschelbach asked the city attorney if the city could legally participate financiall in the improvement The city attorney said ~es Thereunon Councilman ~inucc~ani moved that th. city obligate itself to the amount of $1000 as its share of the project. ~he motion was second by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. City engineer ~tiarshall submitted a communication stating that in order to provide a sewe gang necessary to keep tie city's sewers in order it will be necessary to secure an additional small dump truck, be stated that the State !iighway Commission at Sacramento has such a truck f sale ,a 1936-six cylinder Chevrolet with a one yard dump body, at the prZce of ~i~750.00. Councilman Ratto moved to offer the State the sum of ,$M50 for the truck. The motion was seconde by councilman fibbetts and regularly carried. RESOLUTION REC01'~ENDtNG T~E APP OIN.TS,~EI~T OF PERI~'iANEi~T ILTER-x-COUN'kY TRANSPORTATION .:i [f~PROVEi~:,Ei~T CO~,~,,I I TreE. 739 Councilman Minuccian~ introduced a resol~tion of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco reco~mmending the aooointment of ~ permanent inter-county trancportation improve~ committee, the committee to be appointed by tlev several legistative bodies of San Francisco C( San '~tateo County, northern Santa C~ra County,various chambers of commerce,etc. The resolut~ was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Counci.lmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,N.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Ti~betts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~IcSweeney City Cltrk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions. Vol. 3,page 233. Under the head of unfinished business city attorney Coleberd reported on the request of Eugene Kozlowski to take care of waters draining into his lot, that the matter was not a publ · one;:~ but would go over the ground with city engineer ~iarshall to see what could be done. Councilman Tibbetts reported that his men had cleaned the gutters"in that vicinity. City Councilman Tibbetts reported that the cracks and holes in the city streets had bee taken care of.He also reported he was investigating the bid of Industrial City Lumber 6ompan~ to furnish grass seed at .19 cente per pound. The city attorney reported it was O.K. t6 accept a deed from the So.~!.F.Land & Imp.Cp. the east 30ft of Lot 39, in block ~,City Park Addition, for the sum of ,$100. City Councilman Tibbetts re ported made to the sidewalk at Poplar Avenue near Grandon~ and the curb and gutter at Juniper & Linden Avenues. Claims in the amount of ~lgV.l?were next presented to the council for payment;- 1 Pacific Gas & Electric Company ~ cost of installing electrol~i, ers in City park Addit ,~ ~4.00 Brunston's Automotive ~ervice reps to radio South S.F. Hospital intoxication reports ~ 9.50 Belli hotor-Ga~ma~---Company reline brakes,etc f~ 40.63 Texico Service was police car, etc ~ 3.00 I 9O Disbursements continued;- Frank ~ariani, repairs carburator ~ 4.50 Louis Belloni 15 days sal for '39 Vacation ~ 100.00 DeBerry's Service wash grease police car ~ 3.00 Standard 0il Co., i bbl motor oil ~ 93.58 A.Welte miccallaneous purchases ~ 3.96 Shell 0il Co gasoline August ~ 170.66 South City Auto Servi~.e Seagrave materials So.a-~.F.L&L.Co.~, wash fire Ho.No.1 October Hercules Equip &; Rubber Co., i outside cylinder American Fire EqUip.Co., turn out pants, etc.$ A.Guistetti cleaning Colma Creek J. Gal 1 i " " Martin ~oro " " F.Parenti " " Jas .Narlow " ~ Frank Dieu road labor R. E. Pullen " " .~ C. ~ardi son " " ~iL~e Laufer park la or $ Ray Quillan street labor So. City Plum.~ing Shop self closing basin cock,S one fountain Harron Rickard & ~cCune Co.l-$Wheel Roller Ric's Service Station gas & oil Chas Bollazzi 1 sledge ~mer handles A.C. Johnson street labor DeBerry's service tires tubes,gasoline 15.47 11.76 2.39 16.53 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 99.50 54.00 5 .~0 92,11 16.80 .77 15.75 38.8~ Orrlck,Dahlquist Neff & Herrin~ton,bond search 100.00 . Pacific Tel & Tel Company city phones ~ 103.41 Enterprise Press 2 doz c~:eck books ,$ ~0.00 Burroughs Adding ~¢~achine Co 1 type ribbon ~ .77 'J.0.Weatherspoon labor with engineer,city ~$ tl.00 Elmer's Floral Shop floral piece, Judge Dinning 10.30 San Francisco Peninsula ,Inc., advertising November ~ 100.00 State COmpensation Ins. Fund, Ins.to Nov.1940 ~$1963.30 Enterprise Press certificates of inspection U.S.Marshall trip to Savctc,to inspect truck So.City Lbr.& Supply C~o., concrete mix tt tt ti tt Ind. City Lbr. Co., 10 gals ~uchralyptum !' " 9 quarts paint " " ~ O, trowls,i border shears " " " recreational materials Total 7.73 19.45 18.08 49.44 94.79 3.15 7.96 3 ?. 46 197.19 The claims having been audited by the finance committee,councilman Tibbetbs..! moved they be paid. The mo~ion was seconded 0y councilman~idO, and : regularly carried. APproved mayo~---~r o~ South San Francisco until Monday evening, November 97,1939,at V o'clock p.m. matte and regularly carried. Time of adjournment. 10;10 o'clock P.~%~. Respectfully submit t~d, 'C~tf Cl'e-rk; ~ Under the head of new business Paul Chapman of the Pacific ~as & Electric Company, and Fred Wight of the Pacific Tel & Tel Company, appeared before the City Council with reports on the proposed set back of polos on Grand Avenue,from ~a~le to Division Street. Mr. Chapman explained that the cost to individual owners would not be over ~40 per lot. He stated some are now connect- ed to the company's wires in the alleys. Further study will be given the problem at the next meeting. Mayor Eschelbach stated the council had not yet arrived at a figure in the matter of salary t'° be paid Judse Clay for services rendere~ when Judge Dinning was sick. To be taken up at the next meeting of the board. ~ayor Eschelbach reported that boya have been breoking ~lants,fountains ~.laygrounds,etc, in Martin's School Park. It was suggetsed that a plain clothes man be appointed for a few weeks to catch, them. Chief Belloni su~gested the school teachers and principals be requested to take action in the schools, notifying the boys that police action will be taken if any more depred~ tions are committeed. T?~e chief stated Peck's lots boys are also implicated in these disturbances. Councilman ?:~inucciani advised the council that ~[re Chief Welte' would be in need of about ,i$700 worth of tools and necessary articles for the fire truck,and wished permission to purchase the same. There was no objection~ by the council;and so ordered. Logan Pranklin asked that the city be lit up for the Christmas holiday's. Be was supported 6y a committee consisting of Joe Quinlan,Andy ?!ynding,Joe Rodondi and others, who requested the city to put Grand Avenue in Christmas holiday attire,calling on all merchants to assist, and that at least three bloks 0e decorated. Co~ncilman Ti0betts was delegated to, ascertain the cost of the lighting of the streets from ~'~aple to the Depot. I~'ayor Eschelbach stated 'the merchants should gc 50-50 on the cost. The matter will be taken up at an adjourned meetin~ on November o~7. Councilms.n hatto announced that this would be a ~ood opportune time to acquire some beach property, Eow that the buildinf of ships is under way tl~e prospects are bright, that the city could also acquire a yacht harbor, and could trade in some of the i,.iartin School park property for beach or yacht harbor property. The city council agreed to take the matter we at an adjourned meeting ~onday evening, November ?V,1939,at 7 o'clock p.m. There being no further business before the board councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn The motion was seconded by Councilman