HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-12-04REGULAR MEETINO OF TEE CITY COUNCIL
The regular meeting of t!e city council of the 8ity of South San Francisco was held in
the City Hall,Monday evening, Dec~:-~%er 4th,1939.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P
.~. by ~ayor A.J.Eschelbach.
Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod ~ibbetts.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read.
In the matter of t?e deed of the South San Francisco ~and & Improvement Compnay to the
City of South San Francisco of the east 30 feet of Lot No.3?, Block No.?, City Sark Addition$~
minutes were ordered corrected to read the deed would be accepted when the State Railroad Com~
grants permission as to the right of way. So ordered.
An application for a business license was received from
pool hall at 104 Grand A~enue. On motion by Councilmsn Boido,seconded by Councilmsn Tibbetts
regularly csrried the license was granted.
A communication was received from the So.S.F.Land & Improvement Company relative to the
request for some land values. Laid over till the next meeting.
Mrs. Blanche Johnson ,41~ Grand Avenue, requested a refund of ~1.1~ , charged a~ainst he~
property for the cutting of weeds by the city,claiming she keeps her weeds clear herself. Lai~
over for investigation when all t~es are collected.
A.& P.Fourie,4~8 Baden Avenue, also claimed a refund of ~1.11 charged against their prop~
for the cutting of weeds by the city,stating that their weeds were cut before the city cutter~
along. Laid over for consideration st a later date.
San ~ateo County T~berculosis Association submitted a Christmas Seal Bond,~he Crusade of
Double Barred Cross. at the price of ~lO.O0,to ~e'devoted to the tuberculosis health fund of
county. ~(ayor Eschelbach asked the opinion of the city attorney as to ~he legality of the s~
tion. The city attorney stated the subscription would not be legal.
The monthly reports of the Buildin? Inspector,Chief of Poli6e, Poundkeeper,Ctty Treasure~
Chief, City Judge, Lealth Officer and auditor for the month ending November 30,1~39,were rece!
~oved by Councilman ~atto,seconded by Councilwoman ~inucciant that the reports be accepted. ~ot~
regularly carried.
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of Sou~h San Fra~
authorizing modification of the lease between the ~ity of South San Francisco and G.H.Thomso~
principal owner of the South San Francisco Sign Caompny. The resolution was adopted by the v¢
of all the members of the city council,as follows;-
Ayes, Councilme, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, N.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilman,None.
Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney
The agreement was submitted and signed. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page ~34.
Claime in t~e amount of ~11~.36 were next presented to the council for pay ment;-
So.S.F.Land & Improvement Co. for deed to E.30' lot ~Biock'~,City ~ark Add ~100.00
Sout2~ City Lumber & ~uppl~.- Company
,t tt
tt ~ tt tt
Californis Water Servi~e Co
ti ,! tt
Charles £ churk
A. Johns on
E .Kozlowski
~e Berry's Service
ti ,!
itudley Perkins
fl ,t
~ike Laufe r
R. Quinlan
Alva Schaffer
Porta's ~arage
Cook's Oil Company
Keystone ~'ietal & Plating Wirks
Highway Blacksmith
Knox-~ale i¥iachinery Co.,
Ferry-Morse Seed Company
SO.S.F.L.& L.CO.,
Belli Motor Co,
Wade H.Clay
Louis ~elloni
A.Carlisle ~ Company,
Andrew Hynding
Ames *- '
,narr~e,Nevelle Co.,
Union Oil Co.,
Recreation ~agazine
Sprouse Reitz & Company
sledge handlea, etc
ping pong tables
glass-concrete etc,
playgrounds water November
h~drant rental "
attending' fires "
tt t9 ,t
tt tt
rep~iring fi~e chief's car"
gasoline November
brake cables
spark plugs,etc,
park labor
repairing streets
transportati on November
Sepairing street machines
burner oil
sharpening tools
refill brooms~
wash fire ho.No.1
repair,police car
~29V ..4V
V. 15
41. ?0
services as acting judge for judge Dinning
October 14,to Oct. 31,39 ~ 63.88
photo development,stamps etc, $ 4.64
legal article for judge hardy ~ 49.5V
~Caintain fire alarm,rep conduits etc ~,~ 43.01
" li~:hts & material,Nov. ~$104.55
salary sec.~lannin~ Com~nlssion Nov.
bond of tax collector
I tube,police car
park ms terials
~ lO. O0
$ 75.00
~ 3.91
$ .9'2,
~i~ .84
The claims havf:-:g been audited by the finance com~.ittee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be
paid. robe ~otion was seconded by Councilman Boido ~nd regularly carried.
Under the head: of~unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported it would be necessary to s
an easemant from the South S.F.Land &. Improvement Company to prevent waters from entering the
property of Eugene Kozlowskt. City Engineer [~;arshal] reported the work would cost aprroximately
~!~65. ~e was instructed sec~?e the required easement £rom the land company.
Sewer easements for : Swift's and companl,United Z~acking Co.,Armour & Co., and American
City of South San Francisco of the east 30 feet of Lot No.3~, Block No.~, City ~ark Addition:
minutes were ordered corrected to read the deed would be accepted when the State Railroad Co~
grants permission as to the right of way. So ordered.
An application for a business license was received from tisy L.~eyer, to open a billiard
pool hall at 104 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded by Councilman Tibbett:
regularly carried the license was granted.
A communication was received from the So.S.F.Land & Improvement Company relative to the
request for some land values. Laid over till the next meeting.
Mrs. Blanche Johnson ,417 Grand Avenue, requested a refund of ,~1.19 , charged a~ainst h~
property for the cutting of weeds by the city,claiming she keeps her weeds clear herself. La'.
over for investigation when all ts~es are collected.
A.& P.Fourie,4~8 Baden Avenue, also claimed a refund of ~l.ll charged against their pro~
for the cutting of weeds by the city,stating tLat their weeds were cut before the city cutte:
along. Laid over for consideration st a later date.
San l~iateo County T~berculosis Association submitted a Christmas Seal Bond,~he Crusade o'
Double Barred Cross. at the price of $10.O0,to :~e'devoted to the tuberculosis health fund of
county. ~./~ayor Eschelbach asked the opinion, of the cit~ attorney as to ~he legality of the ..
tion. The city attorney stated the subscription would not be legal.
The monthly reports of the Buildin~ Inspector,Chief of Poli6e, Poundkeeper,City Tres. sur~
Chief, City' Judge, Lealth Off..e_~ and auditor for the month ending November 30,1939,were rec~
2.~oved by Councilman natto,seconded by Councilman Minucciani that the reports be accepted. Mot
regularly carried.
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of Sou2h San Fr~
authorizing modification of the lease between the 5ity of South San Francisco and G.H.Thoms(
princiPal owner of the South San Francisco Sign Caompny. The resolution was adopted by the ~
of all the members of the city council,as follows;-
Ayes, Councilme, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, I~i.l~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilman, None.
Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
The agreement was sUomitted and signed. City Clerk.
Recorded in ~:ook of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 934.
Claime in t~e amount of ~1157.36 were next presented to the council for pay ment;-
So.S.F.Land & Improvement Co. for deed to E.30' lot 32',Block'S,City ~ark Add ~$100.00
South City Lumber & Suppl~,' Company
~! t!
. ~ t! tt
California Water Servi~e Co
Charles $churk
A. Johnson
E .Kozlowski
J .P enna
De ~erry's Service
Ludley Perkins
Mike Laufe r
R. Quinlan
Alva Schaffer
Porta's ~arage
Cook's Oil Company
Keystone ~letal & Plating ~irks
Highway Blacksmith
Knox-_~ale ~lachinery Co.,
Ferry-Morse S~ed Company
SO.S.F.L.& L.CO.,
Belli Motor Co,
Wade H.Clay
Louis ~elloni
A.Carlisle ~ Company,
AndreW Hynding
Ames,Harrie,Nevelle Co.,
Union Oil Co.,
Recreation ~agazine
Sprouse Reitz & Company
sledge handles, etc
ping pong taDles
glass-concrete etc,
playgrounds water November
h2drant rental "
attending fires
tt tt ~t
tt It ~t
repairing fi~e chief's car"
gasoline November
brake cables
spark plugs,etc,
park labor
repairing streets
transportati on November
Sepairing street machines
burner oil
sharpening tools
refill brooms
wash fire ho.No.1
repair~police car
~227 ..4~
services as acting judge for judge Dinning
October 14,to Oct. 31,39 ~ 63.88
photo development,stamps etc, ~$ 4.64
legal article for judge hardy ~ 49.57
~a~.ntain fire alarm,rep conduits etc ~ 43.01
" li!:hts & material,Nov.
salary sec.~lsnnin.[i Co~mission Nov.
bond of tax collector
i tube,police car
park ms terials
10 · O0
75. O0
?'. 00
~115 V · 36
The claims havi'~g been audited by the finance co~rittee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be
paid.. ~be motion was seconded by Councilman Boido ~ud regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported it would be necessary to ~
an easemant from the South S.F.Land &-- Improvement Company t8 prevent waters from entering the
property of Eugene Kozlowski. City Engineer ~arshal] reported the work would cost aprroximatel~
~65. ne was instructed secrete the required e~sement from the land company.
Sewer easements for · Swift's ~nd compan,~,,United ~acking Co.,Armour ~..~ Co., and American
~,~arble & ~v~osaic Company were not yet ready.
The committee on a proposed 5, acht harbor site discussed the subject with the council and
Engineer l~arshall suggested that the steel from the ~]rand Avenue Y~ailroad might be suitable in I
~onstructton of a w~arf. Gilbert "azzari volunteered to test the depth of mud at a site e favored, for a distance of ~bout 400 feet . ?~o site was definitely agreed upon.
Engineer ~arshall will consult a dredging company on the cost.
~'~e salary of ~¥~re ~±avernor, cdvic center nurse for the recreation division was stated to
be .~90 ~ .... month, to be oaid by the city for one month during a period of suspension by the ?~,?A.
The council~was agreed On the subject.
~r.£alany it was requested that a survey be made for sidewalk purposes ~n the area on the west
side of Bayshore ~y from Chapman Aven~e to Armour ~.venue.The city engineer will look into the matter.
The storm and sanitary sewer condition at the ~utter of Gardiner Avenue and Bayshore
Eighway was referred to Council,man 'iibbetts.
City attorney Coleberd stated the sum of ~63.88 was due Judge ¥,,~ade H.Clay for services
rendered the city while acting city judge for Judge Dinning. Amount ordered paid.
There being no further business before the council, councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn
untill ~onday evening, December 18th,1939,at 8 o'cloc~ P.~i.
Time of adjournment 9;50 o'clock P.b[.
'"ayor of South San Francisco.
Respect ~fully submyted,