HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-12-04REGULAR MEETINO OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITt OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY,DECEMBER 4,1939. The regular meeting of t!e city council of the 8ity of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall,Monday evening, Dec~:-~%er 4th,1939. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P .~. by ~ayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod ~ibbetts. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. In the matter of t?e deed of the South San Francisco ~and & Improvement Compnay to the City of South San Francisco of the east 30 feet of Lot No.3?, Block No.?, City Sark Addition$~ minutes were ordered corrected to read the deed would be accepted when the State Railroad Com~ grants permission as to the right of way. So ordered. An application for a business license was received from pool hall at 104 Grand A~enue. On motion by Councilmsn Boido,seconded by Councilmsn Tibbetts regularly csrried the license was granted. A communication was received from the So.S.F.Land & Improvement Company relative to the request for some land values. Laid over till the next meeting. Mrs. Blanche Johnson ,41~ Grand Avenue, requested a refund of ~1.1~ , charged a~ainst he~ property for the cutting of weeds by the city,claiming she keeps her weeds clear herself. Lai~ over for investigation when all t~es are collected. A.& P.Fourie,4~8 Baden Avenue, also claimed a refund of ~1.11 charged against their prop~ for the cutting of weeds by the city,stating that their weeds were cut before the city cutter~ along. Laid over for consideration st a later date. San ~ateo County T~berculosis Association submitted a Christmas Seal Bond,~he Crusade of Double Barred Cross. at the price of ~lO.O0,to ~e'devoted to the tuberculosis health fund of county. ~(ayor Eschelbach asked the opinion of the city attorney as to ~he legality of the s~ tion. The city attorney stated the subscription would not be legal. The monthly reports of the Buildin? Inspector,Chief of Poli6e, Poundkeeper,Ctty Treasure~ Chief, City Judge, Lealth Officer and auditor for the month ending November 30,1~39,were rece! ~oved by Councilman ~atto,seconded by Councilwoman ~inucciant that the reports be accepted. ~ot~ regularly carried. RESOLUTION NO.~4~. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of Sou~h San Fra~ authorizing modification of the lease between the ~ity of South San Francisco and G.H.Thomso~ principal owner of the South San Francisco Sign Caompny. The resolution was adopted by the v¢ of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilme, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, N.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilman,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney The agreement was submitted and signed. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page ~34. Claime in t~e amount of ~11~.36 were next presented to the council for pay ment;- So.S.F.Land & Improvement Co. for deed to E.30' lot ~Biock'~,City ~ark Add ~100.00 Sout2~ City Lumber & ~uppl~.- Company ,t tt tt ~ tt tt Californis Water Servi~e Co ti ,! tt Charles £ churk A. Johns on E .Kozlowski J.Penna ~e Berry's Service ti ,! itudley Perkins fl ,t ~ike Laufe r R. Quinlan Alva Schaffer Porta's ~arage Cook's Oil Company Keystone ~'ietal & Plating Wirks Highway Blacksmith Knox-~ale i¥iachinery Co., Ferry-Morse Seed Company SO.S.F.L.& L.CO., Belli Motor Co, Wade H.Clay Louis ~elloni A.Carlisle ~ Company, A.J.Pacheco J.G.Walker Andrew Hynding Ames *- ' ,narr~e,Nevelle Co., Union Oil Co., Recreation ~agazine Sprouse Reitz & Company G.~enna sledge handlea, etc ping pong tables glass-concrete etc, playgrounds water November h~drant rental " attending' fires " tt t9 ,t tt tt tt rep~iring fi~e chief's car" gasoline November brake cables spark plugs,etc, park labor repairing streets transportati on November Sepairing street machines burner oil railings sharpening tools refill brooms~ seeds wash fire ho.No.1 repair,police car November 3.54 6.81 16.99 V9.42 ~29V ..4V 1.co 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.co lO.94 1.36 V. 15 49.50 S.V5 16.75 6.95 41.CO 13.75 41. ?0 26.68 7.96 13.75 services as acting judge for judge Dinning October 14,to Oct. 31,39 ~ 63.88 photo development,stamps etc, $ 4.64 legal article for judge hardy ~ 49.5V ~Caintain fire alarm,rep conduits etc ~,~ 43.01 " li~:hts & material,Nov. ~$104.55 salary sec.~lannin~ Com~nlssion Nov. bond of tax collector burlap I tube,police car ma?azine park ms terials ~ lO. O0 $ 75.00 34.5v ~ 3.91 $ .9'2, ~i~ .84 ~115V.36 The claims havf:-:g been audited by the finance com~.ittee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. robe ~otion was seconded by Councilman Boido ~nd regularly carried. Under the head: of~unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported it would be necessary to s an easemant from the South S.F.Land &. Improvement Company to prevent waters from entering the property of Eugene Kozlowskt. City Engineer [~;arshal] reported the work would cost aprroximately ~!~65. ~e was instructed sec~?e the required easement £rom the land company. Sewer easements for : Swift's and companl,United Z~acking Co.,Armour & Co., and American City of South San Francisco of the east 30 feet of Lot No.3~, Block No.~, City ~ark Addition: minutes were ordered corrected to read the deed would be accepted when the State Railroad Co~ grants permission as to the right of way. So ordered. An application for a business license was received from tisy L.~eyer, to open a billiard pool hall at 104 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded by Councilman Tibbett: regularly carried the license was granted. A communication was received from the So.S.F.Land & Improvement Company relative to the request for some land values. Laid over till the next meeting. Mrs. Blanche Johnson ,417 Grand Avenue, requested a refund of ,~1.19 , charged a~ainst h~ property for the cutting of weeds by the city,claiming she keeps her weeds clear herself. La'. over for investigation when all ts~es are collected. A.& P.Fourie,4~8 Baden Avenue, also claimed a refund of ~l.ll charged against their pro~ for the cutting of weeds by the city,stating tLat their weeds were cut before the city cutte: along. Laid over for consideration st a later date. San l~iateo County T~berculosis Association submitted a Christmas Seal Bond,~he Crusade o' Double Barred Cross. at the price of $10.O0,to :~e'devoted to the tuberculosis health fund of county. ~./~ayor Eschelbach asked the opinion, of the cit~ attorney as to ~he legality of the .. tion. The city attorney stated the subscription would not be legal. The monthly reports of the Buildin~ Inspector,Chief of Poli6e, Poundkeeper,City Tres. sur~ Chief, City' Judge, Lealth Off..e_~ and auditor for the month ending November 30,1939,were rec~ 2.~oved by Councilman natto,seconded by Councilman Minucciani that the reports be accepted. Mot regularly carried. RESOLUTION NO. 742. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of Sou2h San Fr~ authorizing modification of the lease between the 5ity of South San Francisco and G.H.Thoms( princiPal owner of the South San Francisco Sign Caompny. The resolution was adopted by the ~ of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilme, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, I~i.l~inucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilman, None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney The agreement was sUomitted and signed. City Clerk. Recorded in ~:ook of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 934. Claime in t~e amount of ~1157.36 were next presented to the council for pay ment;- So.S.F.Land & Improvement Co. for deed to E.30' lot 32',Block'S,City ~ark Add ~$100.00 South City Lumber & Suppl~,' Company ~! t! . ~ t! tt California Water Servi~e Co Charles $churk A. Johnson E .Kozlowski J .P enna De ~erry's Service Ludley Perkins Mike Laufe r R. Quinlan Alva Schaffer Porta's ~arage Cook's Oil Company Keystone ~letal & Plating ~irks Highway Blacksmith Knox-_~ale ~lachinery Co., Ferry-Morse S~ed Company SO.S.F.L.& L.CO., Belli Motor Co, Wade H.Clay Louis ~elloni A.Carlisle ~ Company, A.J.Pacheco J.G.Walker AndreW Hynding Ames,Harrie,Nevelle Co., Union Oil Co., Recreation ~agazine Sprouse Reitz & Company G.Penna sledge handles, etc ping pong taDles glass-concrete etc, playgrounds water November h2drant rental " ,, attending fires tt tt ~t tt It ~t repairing fi~e chief's car" gasoline November brake cables spark plugs,etc, park labor repairing streets transportati on November Sepairing street machines burner oil railings sharpening tools refill brooms seeds wash fire ho.No.1 repair~police car November 5.54 6.81 16.99 79.4~ ~227 ..4~ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 .oo 10.94 7.15 49.50 8.75 16.75 6.95 41.~0 13.75 41.~0 ~6.68 13.75 services as acting judge for judge Dinning October 14,to Oct. 31,39 ~ 63.88 photo development,stamps etc, ~$ 4.64 legal article for judge hardy ~ 49.57 ~a~.ntain fire alarm,rep conduits etc ~ 43.01 " li!:hts & material,Nov. salary sec.~lsnnin.[i Co~mission Nov. bond of tax collector burlap i tube,police car ma~'azine park ms terials ~104.55 10 · O0 75. O0 34.57 3.91 ?'. 00 .9g .84 ~115 V · 36 The claims havi'~g been audited by the finance co~rittee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid.. ~be motion was seconded by Councilman Boido ~ud regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported it would be necessary to ~ an easemant from the South S.F.Land &-- Improvement Company t8 prevent waters from entering the property of Eugene Kozlowski. City Engineer ~arshal] reported the work would cost aprroximatel~ ~65. ne was instructed secrete the required e~sement from the land company. Sewer easements for · Swift's ~nd compan,~,,United ~acking Co.,Armour ~..~ Co., and American ~,~arble & ~v~osaic Company were not yet ready. The committee on a proposed 5, acht harbor site discussed the subject with the council and Engineer l~arshall suggested that the steel from the ~]rand Avenue Y~ailroad might be suitable in I ~onstructton of a w~arf. Gilbert "azzari volunteered to test the depth of mud at a site e favored, for a distance of ~bout 400 feet . ?~o site was definitely agreed upon. Engineer ~arshall will consult a dredging company on the cost. ~'~e salary of ~¥~re ~±avernor, cdvic center nurse for the recreation division was stated to be .~90 ~ .... month, to be oaid by the city for one month during a period of suspension by the ?~,?A. The council~was agreed On the subject. ~r.£alany it was requested that a survey be made for sidewalk purposes ~n the area on the west side of Bayshore ~y from Chapman Aven~e to Armour ~.venue.The city engineer will look into the matter. The storm and sanitary sewer condition at the ~utter of Gardiner Avenue and Bayshore Eighway was referred to Council,man 'iibbetts. City attorney Coleberd stated the sum of ~63.88 was due Judge ¥,,~ade H.Clay for services rendered the city while acting city judge for Judge Dinning. Amount ordered paid. There being no further business before the council, councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn untill ~onday evening, December 18th,1939,at 8 o'cloc~ P.~i. Time of adjournment 9;50 o'clock P.b[. Approved '"ayor of South San Francisco. Respect ~fully submyted, ×Clerk.