HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1940-01-15REGULAR I,~iEETINi~ OF T}!iE CI~IY COUNCIL OF THE
I~iONDAY, JANUARY 15,1940 .
The regular meeting of t~e city council of the City of South San ~rancisco was held in
City Hall, ~,ionday evening, January 15th,1940.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.~i. by ~;layor A.J.Eschelbach.
Roll call found all the members of the council present, as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.~v~inucciani,~.W.RATTO,Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the meetings of December ~8,January'~and January 8th,were read. There beir
no errors or omissions they were approved as read.
John E.Eughes and Audrey Hughes applied for a business license to operate a cleaning and
dy~ing and laun~r~w "office~ at o,o~0 ~laple Avenue. On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded by
Mfnucciani and re~ularly carried the license was granted.
Announcement was received from Geo.M.Stout State Liquor Administra?or, that the State's
against Antonette Gambero, ~51 oayshore Highway, had been continued to January 1Vth, 1940, at
clock P.~(., dated Sacrameato,California,January 11,1~40. The City Clerk was instructed to wr~
the Board of Equalization askin?~ the result of ~he hearing.
A reply was received from the South San ~rancisco ~'and ~,~ Improvement Company to the ci~
letter asking at what price per acre t?ey would sell tide land lots ~nd solid ground acreage
tract proposed for a city beach. The company statement'~is as follows;~based upon the city's v~
"Zone H.---Parcel ~1- ~ow rate- 6.00 acres,~$08 per acre ~0~0.00, 30~4 basis , "hard gro~
100~ basi? ~10,100
Zone H-Tide Land Lots 5,6~V~ Sec.~3. 49.V0 acres @.~39.~4 per acre,._~1950.O0 30%ha. sis
100~ basis ,~6500.(
Total based on city valuation ~16,~
}[owever, in order to cooperate with the city we are willing to make a concession in th~
property and are willing to sell the entire acreage to the city ata price of ~iM,O00,
is ~4600 under the appraisal, So.S.F.Land &: Imp Co."
City engineer ~arshall was instructed to ascertain how much acreage was required to ma~
proper approach to the beach, it being the understanding of the councilmen that six acres wou]
not realy be required to make the approach. He will report back to the board at the next meet~
A communication was received from the Martin Primary P.T.A., recommending the the pre~
W.P.A Recreational project as conducted by Mr. Alva Shaffer, be continued, and the contract f¢
1940,be renewed. Councilman Ratto ~oved thet t~e contract be re-written. The motion was secoz
by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Mr. Scaffer, director of the recreational
activities requested tbs city to purchase V boy jackets !or the use of the recreation leader~
at the price of ~3.00 apiece. On motion by Councilm~:n ~inucciani, seconded by Co~ncilman Ratt¢
was authorized to make the ~::urchase. Judge L.G.Hardy, Chairman of tls Recreation Committee
submitted a lengtky statement, co~mending the cit~ council on t]~eir splendid co-operation and
'tsupport of recreational activities in the city, and attached a set of rules and regulations
to be adopted by the city for use in handling the children and prventing nuisances from occur~
T) e letter was accepted by the city counciland the rules adopted.
A com~unication was received from the City of ~erkeley notifying this city that city
employees are now subject to the payment of federal income tax, the same as all other persons
earning the required amount on which taxes are paid. Accepted and placed on file.
The Monthly reports of the health Officer and City Treasurer for the month ending December
1939 were received and on motion by Councilman hatto,seconSed by Councilman Minucciani, and
regularly carried,accepted as read.
The bond and agreement of R.O.Clifford for the construction of the Hillside Sewer were
submitted to the city council and accepted.
The affidavit of the posting of notice of vacating a portion of Olive Avenue was submit
by, city engineer Marshall and filed.
Claims in the amount of ~89~.8~ were next presented to the council for payment;-
Brunton's Automative service
Belli Notor Company
Shell Oil Co
Price t~rniture Co.
Hockwald Chemical Co
Robinson Drug Co.,
Walter k~artin Signs
American 'Fire Equip Co.
Superior Laundry
Spuri Photo Studio
Pacific ~el ~ Tel Co.
Sprouse Reitz Co.,
G .Penna
Roy's Service
Hazel Taverner
Enterprise Press
A .~ iller
P .Cincelli
R .Be~tuccelli
Frederico Lombardi
C. Francisco
B. J.Sendner
C. Longho fer
l,lart in ~'~o ro
'lcd Pritzer
R.E .Pullen
R. Quinlan
Den Daly
police radio tibes ;i~ 4.21
repairs police Buick ~ ~0.~3
wash lubricate police car ~$ 4.50
mattress ~J cover police dept ~ 9.V3
1 gal spray,city hall
police supplies
build inspector ledger
fire depL supplies
letterin~ fire chief~car
parts,fire dept
wash fire ho.l';o.~ Dec.
photo finishing recreation
phone 6~6 ~ mos
recreation sup}:,'lie s
reoairs street truck
hecre ation secretary
500 recreate, on sheets
500 ~;~ost cards, city clerk
500 post cards police dept
planting trees
ti t,
ti tt
tt tt
street & sewer labor
clesnin~ east ,~rand Ave
repairing streets
pa.r.k labor
4. O~
V8 .o, 1
11. ~5
18. O0
36 · O0
18. O0
~yeing and laundr~ office~:: at q?O ;,':ap!e Avenue. On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded by
Minucciani and reo'ularly carried the license was granted.
Announcement was received from Geo.f'~.Stout State Liquor Administralor, that the State'.
against Antonette Gambero, 751 mayshore Highway, had been continued to January 17th,1940, at
clock P.~(., dated Sacrameato,California,January 11,1940. The City Clerk was instructed to w:
the Board of Equalization askinf ~he result of the hearing.
A reply was received from the South San T~rancisco "and & Improvement Company to the c~
letter asking at what price per acre t?ey would sell tide land lots and solid ground acreage
tract proposed for a city beach. The company statement.-is ss follows,-~based upon the city's ~
"Zone H.---Parcel ~1- 1,ow rate- 6.00 acres,~505 per acre .~3030.00, 30~.~ basis , "hard gr~
100~0 basi.~ ~10,100
Zone H-Tide Land Lots 5,6,7~ Sec.~3. 49.V0 acres @.~39.~4 per acre,~:~l~50.55 30%basis
100~ basis ,~6500.
Total based on city valuation ~16i
However, in order to cooperate with the city we are willing to make a concession in t~
property and are willing to sell the entire acreage to the city ata price of ~1~,000~
is ~4600 under the appraisal, So.S.F.Land &: Imp Co."
City engineer ~arshall was instructed to ascertain how much acreage was required to m~
proper approach to the beach, it being the understanding of the councilmen that six acres woz
not realy be required to make the approach. He will report back to the board at the next mee~
A communication was received from the Eartin Primary P.T.A., recommending the the pre
W.P.A Recreational project as conducted by Mr. Alva Shaffer, be continued, and the contract
1940,be renewed. Councilman Ratto moved the, the contract be re-written. The motion was sec¢
by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Mr. Scs,,er , director of the recreational
activities requested the city to purchase V boy jackets !or the use of the recreation leadez
at the price of ~3.00 apiece. On motion by Councilm:in ~inucciani, seconded by Councilman Rat,
was authorized to make the ~':urchase. Judge L.G.Hardy, Chairman of t~e Recreation Committee
submitted a lengtky statement, commending the cit? council on t~eir splendid co-operation
support of recreational activities in the city, and attached a set of rules and regulations
to be adopted by the city for use in handling the children and prventing nuisances from occur
T) e letter was acce~ted by the city counciland the rules adopted.
A con, unica,ion was received from the City of merkeley notifying this city that city
employees are now subject to the payment of federal income tax, the same as all other persons
earning the required amount on which taxes are paid. Accepted and placed on file.
The Monthly reports of the health Officer and City Treasurer for the month ending December
1939 were received and on motion by Councilman hatto,secon~ed by Councilman Minucciani, and
regularly carried,accepted as read.
The bond and agreement of R.G.Clifford for the construction of t?~e Hillside Sewer were
submitted to the city council and accepted.
The affidavit of the posting of notice of vacating a portion of Olive Avenue was submi
by. city engineer ~arshall and filed.
Claims in the amount of ~89~.8~ were next presented to the council for payment;-
Brunton's Automatlve service
Belli Notor Company
Shell Oil Co
Price t~rniture Co.
Hockwald Chemical Co
Robinson Drug Co.,
Walter martin Signs
American Fire Equip Co.
Superior Laundry
Spuri Photo Studio
Pacific ~el ~ Tel Co.
Sprouse Heitz Co.,
Roy's Service
Hazel Taverner
Enterprise Press
P .Cincelli
R .Be~tuccelli
Frederico Lombardi
C. Francisco
B. J. Sendner
C. Longho ,er
Martin }~(o re
~cd Pritzer
R .E .Pullen
R. Quinl an
Den Daly
M. Lau fe r
Standard 0il Co.
police radio tibes ;~ 4.~1
repairs police Buick ~ ~0.~3
wash lubricate police car ~$ 4.50
mattress ~ cover police dept ~ 9.V3
1 gal spray,city hall
po ice supplies
build inspector ledger
fire depL supplies
letter~.n~ fire chief car
parts,fire dept
wash fire ho.l~o.~ Dec.
photo finishing recreation
phone 6~8 ~ mos
recreation sup?:lie s
reoairs street truck
i~ecreation secretary
500 recreate, on sheets
500 ~:.ost cards, city clerk
500 post cards police dept
plant~.ng trees
~ tt
street ~:~,: sewer labor
clesnin~ e~st ,::rand ~ve
repairing' streets
park lobor
~:~eoline Dec.39.
4. OR
78 .ql
9g. O0
11. ~5
18. O0
36. O0
36. O0
18. O0
18. O0
Disbursemant continued;-
Industrial City Lum~er Company
tt ~,
tt tt ft It
,I f, tl ti
t, i't It ,'
street ~aterials ;~S 8.45
park materials ~ 33.~
city hall materials .~ 10.36
recreational materials 83.~V
fire dept " ~ 4.38
The claims having been approved b? the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they
be ps~.d. The motion was seconded .by Councilman f~oido and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business city engineer Narshall stated there was no change
in the situation in the matter of the proposed construction of a sidewalk on the west side of
ayshor, Hi~hway betv/een Armour and Chapman Avenues.
In the r,:atter of securing safe passage across Oaysh re highway at Butler Road Mayod
Eschelbach reported that he had contacted members of the State li~hway Commission regarding
stop and go signals at that point. ~e stated le was not impressed favorably with the attitude
of the office toward granting the city the desire¢:~ per~ission. ~:e was of the opinion t? st an
unSerpass is the best solution of the problem.
~uf'h ~ci(ellis stated a petition containing some 400 names was submitted to the city council
a few months back,asking the council to endeavor to secure Stop ~:: Go signals at the interseczion,
and that several hundred more na~oes can be secured in a short time. ~ James Spuri concurred ~ith.
I'~ayor Eschelbsch that s subway was the only solution o. the pr, oblem.'~Citv attorney stated that
the State ~e~?islatz~re had ?ranted t~e State ~ighwa~- Commzss~.o~ regulate roads and that li?hts
could not be had without the permission of the commission.
Councilman ~atto proposed that the city ask the co-operation of all peninsula newspapers
includf~ng the local newspaper in securing better and safer tr~ff~c conditions on the Bayshore
~ighway. Logan ?ranklin siad ~;~e w~s in line to ~elp in any way,and su~'~ested that the San
Traffic Safety Commission be contacted with a view to working in conjunction with them..
~City Engineer ~arshall t~ought the city might do well by widening the Industrial ~¢,'ay zo
40 feet to oermit travel to East Grand Avenue. He stated conditions will be much worse when the
shipyards get busy in the very near future. Chief of Police Belloni was delegated to take
the traffic toll st Butler Road and the highway,in t~'e near future, hie stated t~at the toll
taken at the last cot~nt was ~9,000 daily. ~is ~en will count fro 6 a.m. to 6.p.m.
?egardin? the overflow of the sewer at the plant of bnited packing Company, the
engineer and .councilmen contacted ~'~r. Freeman of the company and demanded a showdown on his Lack
of effort in controllin~~ his sewer. I'~.,~r. Freer~sn state5 t~e waters from the hills washed down
into the sewer csrr]~in~: Defuse oi' all kinds before it. He agreed,k, owever to build a wall st
the back of his prooerty to prevent the waters from enterin~ his corrals. The c~ty engineer
stated ?_:e would send the packin~:~ company a bill for ~soor in clearin~ the manure and refuse :?rom
Esat Grand Avenue whicD flowed fro~_ tt~e Freeman prooerty.
In the matter of the advertfsinff si?n boards,postponed,no conc!~sion was reached.
m~cRelbach suf;~:~ested that possibl~ tl,e city could ado'ot a ~:raduating scale in licensing the boards,
and asked the city attorney if there was ~u~h a s~;stem in any ~citz~ in California. [v!r. Coleberd
stated he .:~id not know of any, but it would be confiscator~ anyhow. Ted Pretzer suggested that
the city assessor levy a heavier tax on t[!.e pro-~erty Loldin~' s~ns and charge a license for each
board operated The city attorney stated it would be le:;,'sl but wot~ld not resume I'i e nu~nber o-~
billboards in the city, whic~ is tlc ~im of tLe city council. '~.l.e Oiilbos, rd interested parties
stated the selling' of and built, lng of :.~omes on property automatically removed the si~yns.
Councilman ~,.linucciani believed the si~;~ 'en removed the boards to other property. ~i~e cit], co~ncil
stated no reduction in the rate is cont~ 'olated. 'iTc case to be continued ~ntil the signmen offer
sometking reasonable.
Under the head of' new business i~ayor kschelbach said the vending machine men wis? ed s re-
duction in thier license from ~$5.00 to ~0.50 per annum. Councilman Ratto stated they were only
paying 40 cente a month for the machines and it was cheap. Ail councilmen opposed the reduction
and it was not ~ranted.
Hu~h ~;icNellis of Pack's Lots appeared before the council and requested ~:hat i;:~aple trees
be set out repl: cin~ Acacia trees. ~e was advised tlat t?ey shed their leaves in winter and are
not so sigi tly as ti~ e ever?:reens. ~e' was advised by l¥~ayor ~scLelbach that t~e ~yca~.ore tree does
well i~. thi~,: climate and ~skes a ~'ood showing.~e will confer w~th tie authorities on the ~stter.
:-!uildin~ Inspector ¥~elte asked that a permit be ?ranted S.Bottini to make sn adSition
to ?.~s store at ~.!nden ~ Juniper Avenues~ at an estimate¢~ cost of .:.~1500. Councilman ~oido moved
t~at the permit be zranted. The motion was second, e~ by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried
Cit]f attorney Coleberd req~.ested t~at a Chase's Code be p~rchased for Juds:e Hardy.
Councilman i~atto moved t~:e code be ourchased. The motion was seconded 'by Councilman i',~inucciani
and re~,ularly carried.
City attorne]f Coleberd reported that a new precinct kap of South San Francisco was being
constructed by the County Clerk and would be delived to the city soon for use at the April election
There being no further business before the board Councilmaff ~'~inucciani moved to adjourn
until the next re~ular meeting, ~/.onday, l~'ebr~ar.~-~ 5th,1940, st 8 o'clock P.~,'i. The motion was second
ed by Councilman Ratto and regularlF carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;35 o'clock
~espect fully su0mi tt e.~d,~
~',.ayor of South San Francisco.