HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1940-04-01REGULAR },F,'srl'iN} 0P TI'iE nI%Y~ OOi.}~C!E 0f T'NE 01%'! 0F SOUTIi SAN FRANCit~C0,NELN },{ONDA!, APRIL 1Si , 19{0. ~he reeler meeting of the cit:/ council ,'~f the Cit? of South San Prancisco Was held in t Cit~ hall, Honday eveninL, April lst,1940. k'he meetim was called to order at 8 o'clock ~.m. by !?~ayor A.J.~schelsach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,as fol].ows, !~.~'~inucci~n~, D.W.Ratto,Rod. Ttbbetts. Co ~ncilmen, V.~oid o, A. J.Eschelb~ ch, %he minutes of the previous meeting were read. ?he.re being noerrors or omissions they approved as read. Frank C~iffra appalled for an alteration permit to place a tar ~nd gravel roof on a place PourtL Lane. Councilman hoido advised, that but ~ ~0 ~ pe~ cent improvement could be made requested that an investi~ation be made. So ordere~. i{abel ~ose~hine ~mller,?' 1~ Randolph ..... Avenue, a~nlied for a ~osition on ti~e elect'ion board case some one c?nld not serve. ~here was no known 'zacancy. Sociedad Nutualista ~'~'iexicana Ivlorelos,Inc., applied for permission to hold a Con~ Saturday e~.?enin~~, Lay 4,1-~40~at the ~irand ~v~ue School Auditori~,and dance in Fraternal from 8 o'clo'ck p.m. to ~ A.}?.,in commer~tion of the ?8 I:nniversary of the %f~T!,N 0:~~ PUiLL0,w~ ?}ermis sion ~re% .... .. O~ ~motio~ by councilman i,~inucciani,seconaied by Councilman ~iatto and re~ularly, earrie~ permission was ~iven. A conma~nication wss received, from l,i!tian E..~lker, statin.S she claimed dama~les to the amo~nt of .~5D d~ne to h. er vronerty on Aspen Avenue b,r the b!astin~-' cf },'acco Construction Cc earticularly to the house at el0 ~spen Avenue. 'l'he City Clerk explained that he had already notified the' construction company ~nd f~rwarded a clai~ ~.n the amount for }~lrs. Walker. A com~_nicati n was received from the ~-acific ~Zelenhone ~ lele?raph Company,slimed by ~'~r. Fred '~¥ri[?ht,~.'~anajer, expressim! on h. ehs!f of his company, rincere thanks and appreciation for t?e excellent and efficient manner in which t e South. San }'rancisco Fire ~epartment hand] .~a fire Tuesday evenin6 in the hotel sbo~?e the telephone office, addinZ that Pire Chief f~elte and his ef~'icient department are to be comp].imented highly for protectin~l the property and preventing ihterference or interruntion of the customer's service. Communication accepted and filed.A state ant was received b,2 2ire Chief ~elte from Drs. ~artlett-2{usselman-01iva,regardi ~e conditioh of Peter i¥lairani,firemen, lurt some months a{~o, s.a}~.in~ he is able to work in h~ arden an.'~ suffers ver~2 little discomfort., and t}.eU saw no re~son wry be should not return tc work at his regu!~r occupation of 2ireman truck driver. Commt~nication accepted and filed. Acknowled~me~'~t was received from Foste~ ~'~:{leiser Compsny to the city's let{er recuestir them to remove their si~n on the E~ayshore Li/hway near V0S on that .street, statiny .they had arrangements with the owner of the property and the tenants oecu~}yins the business at VOS, t{ their mutual' satisfaction. Accepted and filed. A co~nicatio n was received from the Chai~!an of the ~'h]nic~pal Finance Officer's Assc tion request'inS t}.~e city clerk to join the association for the benefit ~nd knowledge to be r~ ed at their conferences. ?he dues w~s stated to be glO per ~m~um. The clerk stated he would appreciate being m,_ae a member of the association Accordingly 'cmmcilman ~iibbetts ~oved th~ the city clerk.s.~dnes ~of ~10 be paid to the association for his membership. ~lhe motion w~s s~ ed by.. conncilm~n ~oido and reg~larly carried. Pacific ~as ~- Electric Comeany aeolied for per_fission to o~en ~:? trench to reelace ~ det~ rated-pipe ih Pirst ~ane betwee~ points ~9' and 98' west of the westerly line of ~'~a2{r-Folia Aw Referred to Uouncilm~.n Tibbetts and the ~gesired pe~.ission, granted, Another request from t} gas company asked r~ermiss~on to extend their ~ras main in the northerly line sidewalk area Circle Court,S6~ feet east of t~le easterly line of Et~calypt~.s Avenue. aeferred to C~ouncilmar Tibbetts and ~.~e desired permission sr~nt4. A communi '-' at ~ on w~s rece~ved from Jesse A Nolbrook rnm~esting permission to u~se the ci council cha~oers for a meeting of the Townsend Club, Wednesday eveninR April S,1~40 at 9 0'{ p.m. Pe~ission granted . AcknoWled?'ment was re ~,a' ~ ~ ce.~z.,.d from r~.L.Cove,adj~rter of the Traveler'~ Insurance ,~omean~ '~ ~ letter and the let+er of ?~'rs Li!lisn '~alker referring to Nor of the reee~_Bt of tk~e e~t,~'s claim for data,res in the amount of ,~S0 to her house st e]O .~.seeh Avenue. Communication ~cce~ and ordered Filed. ~ The }i~rtford' Inde~it~? Company submitted a statement of their interview with ~"s. bel Wood,S17 Chapman Avenue,who was hurt by slippinP~ on rocks while walkin~i across Ch~ Avenue ~iarch' %,1e%0. The statement was accepted and filed. The iShsinessmens AssoCiation applied for a dance permit to hold a dance on ~r~.l fron-~ 9 P.N. ~o 1;00 A.~ii. Permit yr~nted. Notice was received from the State !}card of Equalization of the application of Charle~ Jones for an~ on sale b~}er license~ at ~{S ~rand. Avenue~a different location from ~6V 0rand and asking the cit~? if th{~,.re was an? object!ons%o the transfer. There were none. ?~!r. Y~tch Stelling s~.bmitted a request t~ the c~t'~ council to be the honored quests the opening game of t~e of {he se~:son of ~he Sethleh~m steel employees ~aseb~ll Cl~b~,'~arch lee0,at e;00' o~c!ock P.15i. Invitation acaepted. ~ A co,unfelt!on was received from the Pacific Gas ? Electric C0~ pany relative to cert~ street li~.hts requested to be placed a!on{{ {}rand Avenue. }ir. Councilman Tibbetts reported th~ they had not'-tel been installed,thou&h the company st,%ed they had agreed to place t em immediately.?. ' .~he clerk ,;,as instructed to phone them to ~et busy. Etate~ Senator LaFry L.Par~an reelied to the eity~s request for his influence with th~ State }li~{~hway Departmen~ to place stop $ ?-o Si?hals at the intersect!on of !2utler Avenue and t].e ~yshore Nighway~stating that ue to thst thee he received no repl}~ to his recuest for but would keep at it until he received an answer. Accepted. A oom~uni cs ti on was r' oeived from South ~ ~an Pranoisoo ~and % !mp. Co.~relstive to a resurrect,, of ~ parcel of 18nd adjacent to the i]~gh School property ~'~. rent~nL~' on Par~ay. ?ir mana?'er, stated that the sur~e~ shows that the sideealk, constructed b,<;~ the_ city encroaches the land compan}~s property approximately 9 feet. ize wished to know if ti e city will claim an~ ris-ht~ t~tle or interest in the proeerty d~e to the error in constructing a p}~blic sidew~ upon private property without obtaAn~n8 fee title. Referred to the City Attorney. The monthly reports of the librarian~ ~ealth 0fficer,Poundkeeper~suilding Ins~:ector~ ChiefPolioe Chie~'~ City Judo,e~City Treasurer and C~ty Clerk were submitted to the council accepted as read. A RESOLUTION E~iPLOilN ~ ~'~R~ H ~UiI~ENSON AS ARCEI'iECT POR ADDITION TO PUBLIC LIBRARY~ was introduced by councilm Ivlinucciani. The .resolution Was adopted .~}y the vote:-- of all the ~mbers of the boaard,as~follO' Ayes,Councilmen~ V.Boido, A.J.~chelbach, . .',,.nuccmanm,D.~'.Ratto,Rod I~.~betts. Noes, Councilmen, None. ....... .~ ~ v~ ~=v ~v.~v~o ,,.~x~ ~*e ~*ea~. wnere oe~ng noerrors or omissions the~ approved ~s read. Frank qiffra aD:~lied for an alteration oermit to place ~ t~r ~nd gr~vel roof on ~ plac~ Pourth L~ne. Coun~:ilm~n ~oido ~dvi~e~ that but ~ ~0~ ~ pe~ cent improvement co~ld be ~ad~ requested that ~n investi,2~tion be ~ede. So ordere~. ~.,;~abel Josephine ~i].ler,l'~ Randolob Avenue, a~?lied for a '~osition on t?e election bo~rd case some one c?~ld not serve. 'ihere was no know~ vacancy. Sociedad ~.~utualista I'~'~exic~na !,~crelos,Inc., applied for permission to hold a Cot g~turdsy evenio~~, ~ay ~,l-~O~at the ~;rand ~vaue School Auditori~,and dance in Fraternal from 8 o'clock o.m. to O ~1. r~.~. ,in co~smer~tion of the ~8 ~nn~.versar~ of the ~¥gTT.E O~. Onmotio~ by councilman ~.inucciani,secon{led by Councilman ~stto snd re2ularly carried permission was given. A con~a~nication w~s received from l.i!!ian E.~lker, statin~l sPe clsimed ds. maces to the ame~nt of .~SD~ done to her property on Aspen Avenue by the blasting{ of ?,'lacco Construction narticularlw to th.e house at OlO Psoen Avenue. 'l'he City Clerk e:~olaine~ that be had notified the construction company ~nd f~rwarded a claiu~ ~a the amount for }~'{rs. Walker. A con~unicati, n was received from the ~acific '~elenhone ~' '~ele?raph Company,si~'ned by ~r. ?red ~-~rilo~ht, ...... _ - , ~'~ana'rer, exoressins on l~e!'~!f of his cou~pany, rincere t}'anks and aooreciatfc for t}e excellent and efficient manner in which t e South San ~'rancisco i,'ire ~epartment hand .~a fire %uesday evenin~ in the hotel ~bo-e the telephone o~fice, addino' that ?ire Chief 'f~elte and his ef~?icient department are to be complimented __~mg~ty for protectin~l the property and preventing ihterference or interruvtion of the customer's service. Co~munication accepted fited.A state ~nt was received by fire Chief ~elte from Drs. ~artlett-Zlusselman-Oliva,re{-~ard ~e conditioh of Peter !~.~airani,firemen, ?u. rt so~e mont~s a~'o, ~ ..... .. sa?inr~ }.~e is able to work in arden and suffers ver~j little d.~.seomfort, an~l the~ saw no resson w}~y be s?.ould not return t work at bis regular occupat~on of ~ireman truck driver. Comr~unication accepted and f~led. Acknowledgment was received fro~ FosteD ~'~ ~lileiser Con~psny to the city's letter reouesti them to receive their si~n on the k~ayshore Li.~hway near 70S on that .street, stating .the}~ had _ ' o~iness at 70S, t arrangements with the owner of the oroperty and th.e tenants o,-'cuvymns the '~ ~ their mutual- satisfaction. Accepted and fi~ed. A co~nicatio n was received from the Chairman of the ~q~nic~pal ?insnce Officer's Ass tion rec~esting the city clerk ts join the association for the senefmt ~nd knowledge to be r ed at their conferences. ~'he d. ues w~s stated to be .,~10 per ~nuum. The clerk stated he would appreciate being msde a member of the association. Accordingly 'co~ncilman 'libbetts moved the the city clerk"s-d~es ~of ,16t0 be oaid to the association ~ r ?~is me~,"~ersb~.p '~he motion w~s s ed by co~:ncilmsn ii'olde and reg~!arly carried. Pscific ~-as &~ Electric Company snell.ed for pe~ission to ooen ~. trench to reolace ~ der r~ted-p!pe ih Pirst ~ane between points q~' and ~8' we~t of the westerly line of ~'~a~{~-Dolia Av heferred to Councilm~.n Tibbetts and the ~esired peFmi, ss!on~granted, Another reouest from t gas company asked oermiss~on to extend their gas main in the nortDerly line sidewalk srea o Circle Court,~6e feet east of the easterly line of Eucalyptus Avenue. ~eferred to C'ouncilma Tibbetts and .... ~ desire~ permission .2r~nt~ A communi,~.at~on w~s received from Jesse A ]~olbrook req~esting permission to u~se the c council chambers for a meetin? of the Townsend ClUb, Wednesday evenin? April S,!.~z~O- at 8 O' p.m. Permission granted . Acknowled~-lment w~s received from ~.L.!~ove,adj~rter of the Traveler'~ Insurance Compan of the reeei~t of t}_.e city's letter snd the let+er of !ors. Li!lian Ualker referrtn~l to ~er claim for da~a~es in t?e amount of ..~60 to her house st ~]0 ~.soeh Avenue. Communication ~cce and ordered filed. ~ ~'he hhrtford' Inde~it}? Compsny subm~_tted a statement of their interview with N~.rs ~"abel Wood,S17 Chapm~n Avenue,who was hurt by slippin?~ on rocks while walkin~l;' across Ch Avenue ~'{arch %,1e%0. TLc statement was accepted and filed. The lsusinessmens AssoCiation aero. lied for a deuce permit to hold a dance on ~orll oO 1 froP-~ '} P .... ~o 1;00 A.%l. Permit yr~nted. i~otice was received from the State .Losrd of Equalization of the a~?lication of Charle Jones for an~ on sale boer license, at ez~S [~rand Avenue,a different location ~;rom e87 Orand A and asking the city if the. re was any objectionsto the transfer. 'i~bere were none. ~dr. ]~tch Stelling submitted~a request to the c~t~ council to be the honored quests the opening game of t~e of {he se~son of the Oethlehsm'steel employees ~aseb~ll Club,'"arch le{O,at e;O0' o~c!ock P.]~i. Invitation acaepted. ~' A co~unic~t!en was received from the Pacific Gas &. Electric CO' pany relative to cert street li~hts reeuested to be placed alon[K Grand Avenue. [~lr. Councilman ~ibbetts reported th~ they had not' -~e{ been instatled,thou~h the company stated they had agreed to o!ace t~ em immediately.~L . ' . "¥'e clerk v, as ~{nstructed to phone them to ~-et busy. ~tate' Senator ~.arry L.Par~an replied to the city's request for }~is influence with th. State Ei~{~hway Department to place stop & r-o si~'nals at the intersection of 'Jutler Avenue and t~e ~yshore tlighway,stating thst ~ to tb~t t~me he receive~ no reply to his recuest for ac' but would keep at it ~nti] ;~e received an answer. Accepted. A com~.uni cs ti on wss r'~ceived from South San Prancisco ~and &Imp. Co.,relstive to a resurvey of a parcel of land adjacent to the l]i{'?~ School property 2rontin2' on Par~ay fir mana~'er stated that the sur~e[. shows that the sidewalk constructed by the city encroacbes u~ the land company's property approximately 9 feet. Le wished to know if ti e city will claim an} right, title or interest in the property d~e to the error i-a constructing a public sidew~ ootazn,.ng fee title P~oferred to the City Attorney. upon private property without ~ · . The monthly reports of the librarian, =ealth Officer,Poundkeeper,suildin~'~ Inscector, ChiefPolice ChieF, City Jud~'e,City Tress~.rer sn{~ City C!~rk were submitted to the council ~n{ acceoted as read. ARC~I'~ECT F',:~R ADDITION TO PUBLIC LI~ARY~ was introduced b~ councilm~ Yinucciani. The resolution Was adoT~ted ~.>y t?~e voter~ of all the members of the boaard,as ~follo~ Ayes,Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.E~chelbach, l.~I.I~inucciani,DJ~V.Ratto,Rod Ti~betts. iioes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Council~;~en, None. Attest ~_ ~aniel ~¥~c~weeney City Clerk. Recorded dn ~ok of Re,solutions, Vo. $, at page Woman's Club of South~an $'r~ncisco so~lied, for ~ oerm~ to const~ct a .$~00 club house ~ 18,block 116. Pe~it ~ranted. 'Claims in the amount of ~2610. 43 were next presented for payment: Fred Brov~n labor painting traffic zones W. P. Fuller Co. paint Ca!ifo~-nia State Auto Assn. installi~u stop signs Brunton's Automotive Service repairs radio Ric's Service Station Louis Belloni Dudley Perkins Union 0il Co. Modern Office Machines Co. So.S. Francisco Tire Co. Eagleson Co. 2acheco Electric A. J. Pacheco Bay City Grill So. City Laundry G. Carey S. DiOiorgio R. Spinelli W. Locatelli J. Fambrini ,,~. Kidwell J. Huntington J. Perma F. Gamba C. Schurk P. Smith M. Castro Universal Tool Co. Rice Service Station A. Johnson E. Rossi Shell 0il Co. So. City Lu~ber Co. ~ S ~!arshal! Tri City Elue Print T. Pretze? i~,. DeZordo ~ Caldaui g. ~,{arque s D. Daly H. Troxell Fred Laut ze Cresta Bros. Fred Laut ze American Push ~ ~ American Bit~uuls Co. J. ~-. Walk er Louise Rostoni ?rances Rinehart Enterprise Press 11 S chwabacher Frey Municipal Finance 0fficer's H. L. Haaker Bank of So. S. F. Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. R. Tibbetts Sprouse Reitz Co. A. L. Shaffer So. City Plumbi~ Sho.~b Jennings Pharmacy Sherman C lay Co. A. Ratto and Co. H. V. Carter Co. Smatini and Roccucci California Wire Cloth Corp N. Clark-and Sons J. Andrews R. ?~oon 5 gals ~as p. o. box rent - meals prisoners maintenance motorcycle wash, lubricate police car type ribbon fire chief 4 tires - fire dept. 6 turn out pants fire <? ept. maintain street lights maintain fire system and repairs coffee and do nuts for firemen wash -fl house mar. attend fires ~ar. II II 11 11 II 11 II 11 Il II II repair fire alarm register 1 fire alar~ box complete !0 globes fire dept. atte~ fires mar. att end " 1 bbl. motor oil mater!sis for sewe~ " O~ Ave. sewer "street dept. ~ ~o ~~o in ~e Co~ D~ch b luepri nt s S ~s truck rent !~ days labor on streets days labor on streets " 1S days l<bor 0r~e Ave. Park " " battery - street dept. I bear~g " re'oairs street tr~ck ~ do z push ~7 gals bit~uls sal. secy. p!annin~f co~m. March 7 days t~ etc. on ballots 500 ~i~v~ o~ ~o~e~ ~b oooies ~ precinct ~e ballots, precinct cards and envelopes notice cf appt. elsction oficers election supplies ~ues for city clerk to '=/!/~1 prem. city ~ ?~ ~_d~ bond prsm. La: rancetruck claim of 0ordon R~,ve Co. phone ~2~ - Parch Lea:.~e dinner Burlin~'ame supplies recreation dept. transporation recreation dept. ~ar. repairs lavat o~ pipe, etc. ball par~ mate~ia!s for park records - recreation dept. al hr. labor on spri~.~klers~ washers, valves 2 rain coats and 2 rain 100' fence - 12 lbs. v~ire !00 ties modeli~7 clay 1 day labor street ~ days labor " Total 45.00 20.85 43.78 28.5V 5.2v 15.7,'7 °85 2.03 2.51 4.90 1.03 ~9.21 41.72 33.05 101.05 2.50 5.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3'00 3.00 3.50 3. O0 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.50 101.46 6.70 5.00 2.50 19.82 ~ 38 9.85 4!.VO 10.~9 15.55 1.42 o~' 40 54. O0 ~o 25 1!.25 1!.2~ 22.50 54. O0 54. O0 2'7. O0 54.00 3.V9 31.87 12.01 20.39 30.00 10.00 31.50 31.50 12.57 c!~.42 74.27 18. O0 8~. 17 10.00 25.00 31'7.16 150.0'0 3.30 1.70 10.53 1S. 41 o~.03 9.2'7 1.50 31.50 13 !. 1,~ 15.09 Or/ .,¢ r3 1.55 4.50 9.00 ~!0 .'~3 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts noved they be paid. '~he. motion wss seconded by Councilman ~oido and re,~,ularly carried. Under the head of unfinished bus, ness City Engineer I~arshall reported to ~-ad written the Southern Pacific Company for a right of way from their tracks to Eucalyptus Avenue extension, if ext- ented,but received no answer. ~od~-n-Off~ Machines Co, So.S, Frsm, cisco Tire Co. Eagleson Co. Pacheco Electric A. J. ?acheco Bay City Grill So. City Laundry G. Carey S. Di©iorgio R. Spinelli W. Locatelli J. Fambrini ~' Kidwell J. Huntington J. Penna F. G~ba C. Sch~k P. Smith M. Castro Universal Tool Co. Rice Se~ice Station A. Jo~,s on E. Rossi Shell 0il Co. So. City L~ber Co. n~. S. }.,larshal! Tri City Blue Print ~,. DeZordo o Ca!danf D. Daly ~ O OB H. Troxel! Fred Laut ze Cresta Bros. Fred Laut ze A:::e~ic~ ~sh Broom ~erican Bit~muls Co, J. ,~-. Walker Louise Rostoni Prances Rinehart Enterprise Press Schwab ache r '2roy M~icipal Fin~ce 0fficer's H. L. Ha~er B~ of So. S. F. Pacific Tole. & Tole. Co. R, Tibbetts Sprouse Reitz Co. A, L. Shaffer So. City Pl~bi~ Sho:b Jennf~s Pha~acy Sherman Clay Co. A, Ratto ~d Co. H. V. Carter Co. S~tini and Roccucci California Wire Cloth Co~ N. Clark. ~d Sons J. Andrews R. Hoon type ribbon fire chief 4 tires - fire dept. 6 turn out pants fire opt. maintain street lishts maintain fire system and repairs coffee and do nuts for firemen wash :~1 house mar. attend fires ~ar. It ti Il 11 II II I! II II Il II repair fire alarm resister 1 fire alar~n box complete !0 globes fire dept, atterd fires mar. att end " 1 bbl. motor oil materis!s for sewer " Oak Ave. sewer "street dept. recr~ ........... trip to Sacrmmento in re Co!ma Ditch blueprint s S hfs truck rent !~ days labor on streets l~, or streets o.~- days on 2~ " 12 days l'~bor 0rau~e Ave. Park 12 " 6 12 " battery - street dept. I be ar~?_g re~airs street truck 9. dos push brooms $~ gals bitumuls sat. secy. p!annin~ co.,~u. March ? days tv~~ etc. on ballots 500 a£f~davits of so!ider 25 copies of precinct re,listers ballots, precinct cards and envelopes notice cf appt. election oficers election supplies ~ues for city clerk to ~=//!/41 prem. city jv. dje bond. prom. LaFrancetruck claim of ,Gordon R~,ve Co. phone 626 - 2larch Lea~,e dinner Burlin~ame supplies recreation dept. transporation recreation dept. ~[ar. repairs lavatory pipe, etc. ball ~a~k_ materials for park records - recreation dept. 41 hr. labor on park sprinklers; washers, valves 2 rain coats and 2 rain hats 100' fence - 12 lbs. wire !00 ties modelir4z clay 1 day labor street 2 days labor Total The claims having been audited by the finance committee 1.03 39.21 41.V2 33.05 10!.05 2,50 5, 50 2..50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3,00 3.50 3. O0 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.50 101.4-6 ~.VO 5.00 2.50 19.82 3.38 9,85 4.!,VO !0.~2 15.55 1.42 o~ 40 54. O0 38.25 1~ 05 1!,25 22.50 54. O0 54. O0 27. O0 54.00 9.v9 31.87 12.31 20.Z9 38.00 10.00 31.50 31.50 12.57 '7, 4.2"7 1,.~. O0 86.17 10.00 25.00 31v.16 150.0'0 2.50 3.30 1.VO 10.53 18.41 34.03 9.2'? 1.50 31.50 la 1. ! 15.09 o~, zt2 1.55 4.50 9.00 {)2510.43 Councilman Tfbbetts noved they be paid. '~he motion was seconded by Councilman Bo!do and re?ularly csrried. " Under the head of unfinished bus~ness City Engineer A. iarshall reported to }-ad written the Southern Pacific Company for a right of way from their tracks to Eucalyptus Avenue extensfon, if ext- ented,but received no answer. The Chamber of Commerce reported working' with the };itssion Trails Association to set a South San Francisco ~ay at t Treasure Island this summer.. Referring' to the reported hog smell in the Colma and ~aden Creeks areas engineer stated the odor was there O.K., but the heavy reins washed the same away. ~.~ir. ;lbert Yreeman of the United Packing Come, any a~peared before the council in referenc. to an alleged n~isance at his ~:lace of. business. ~'e contended there was no n~:isance there, that cattle manure was odorless, that the heavy rain washes down the slo'oes of his property, natura'. oringin~ the colored water to the gutters,and possioly some overflow to the street. ~'e wanted t~ know who made the complaint to the cit~' co~ncil.~e was told the ~,~anufacters association reporte~ t]-~e condition. On question by counci-lman Boido ~r. Freeman admitte5 he dumped the manure on hi; own property,which he claimed he had a ri~i"t to. Councilman Boido stated this condition never happened before. I~r Freaman adnitted this,and for two reasons,he stated,lst h.e di5 not own the property , and seco?~!y, the land has since been graded. Called upon Dr.J.O.$c~'lflls stated he was in conference with the State Board of Health, whose members stated he could declare the place a nuisance any time he saw fit~ to which Mr. Freeman stated that the health Officer would have to prove it. ~'~r. Freeman stated other intere. he believed , were making the complaints, and were tryinf~' to make it tough for him. No further action was taken. City attorney Coleberd stated the plans for an addition to the library were not yet rea, the resolution employing [~r. Outterson having to be adopted first. The City Clerk reported the agreements submitted to the property owners on the west si. for signature had not all been returned. Zn the matter of mosquitoe abatement, health officer ~c~ills reported that the county _-h~rnishes the labor annually, and t)~e city furnishes the Diesel oil for the work. Councilman ~inucciani requested cit~ attorney Coleberd to investigate as to whether cities are charging 80cents or ~8 cents p~r square foot to billboard companies. He state~ he would confe w~h Albert i~.~ansfield of nedwood City. ~here being no further business before the counci Councilman Tibbetts moved to ad~ourn until the next re~ular meeting, ~onday,~pril l~t~,lg~0. The motion was seaonded by co~nc~lm~n Boi~o and re~Iarly carried. Approved ayor of South San Francisco. Approved ~ayor of Sout~-~-San Francisco. ~e spe ctfully submitted, _