The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held
in the City Hall, Monday evening~ May 6, 1940e
The meeting was called to order at 8 o' clock p. m. by Mayor Geo. W. Holston.
Roll call found all members of the council present as follows: Councilmen V. Boido~
Rod Tibbetts~ Geo. W. Holston, D. W. Ratto, Re.se Lloyd
The minutes of the previous meeting-were read. City Attorney Coleberd asked t~at
the portion of the minutes which states that ownership of land vacated or abandoned by
the Street Railway'COmpany would revert to the South San Francisco Land Co., be corrected
to read that the status of East G~and Avenue would be unchanged by reason of the ~e-
moval of the tracks.. With this correcti~Councilman Lloyd moved the minutes be accepted.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
A communication was ~eceived f~om the Women's Club asking permission to operate a
refreshment booth during the May Fiesta. Councilmen Botdo and Ratto said that the
Businessmen are sponsoring the fiesta and thought tn. matter should be taken up with
them, The City Clerk was instructed to w~tte the Women's Club to this effect and
that t~e _m-tter would be taken up Thursday evening.
A ccmanunication was received from the Business Men's Association of South San F~an-
cisco asking the members of the city council to participate in the "Golden 40's
Fiesta", May 14th to May-19, 1940, inclusive. They also asked permission to hold
street dances, a grand ball in Fraternal Hall and parade during the days of the fiesta,
also .asked the Mayor to issue a Proclamation covering, this period. On motion by
Conncilman Ratto seconded by Councilman Lloyd and regularly carried pe~ssion was
Th~ Destroyers asked permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday, May
25, 1940, from 9 p. m. to 1.00 a. m. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by
Councilman Tibbetts and regulary camried permission was granted subject to the pay-
ment of the $5.00 fee for police protection.
A c.ommuncation was received f~om Levio Raffaelli asking for any available Job with
the city. The communication was ordered filed. In this connection the council
suggested that a record be kept of all applicants for work with the city and that the
register would be available in the city clerk's office.
A communication was received from the Division of Hig~ays giving a final report
of the ~,~ State Highway funds used on the Colma Creek Bridge. The communication was
o~dered filed.
A ccnmmnication was received from the Department of Public Works transmitting the
balance due on the Colm- Creek Project in the amount of $905.21. Communication orde~-
ed filed.
The affidavit of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company showing the gross revenue
derived £~m the sale of electricity in the City of South San Francisco for the period
from Januax,y 1st to December 31, 1939, was presented. A check in the amount of
$~,134.80 was received for the citY's percentage c~ering the above period. Communic-
ation ordered filed.
A communication was received from Chief of Police Belloni asking the cancellation
of the appointment of A. Cerri as special police officer~ employed as flagman for the
Macco Construction Company. On motion my Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman
Tibbetts and duly caxTied the appointment was cancelled.
A communication was received from the Peninsula Division League of California Cities
advising the city council of the next meeting to be held in Ps_lo Alto, May 16, 1940e
The Clerk was instructed to advise the Secretary t~at tnmee members would attend.
Notice was received from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company advising the
city of its intention to terminate the maintenance of a switch in the central office
· in connection with the city's fire alarm s~stem, covered by an agreement dated July 1,~
lB15. The matter was referred to the Fire Chief.
A communication was received from the Northside Taxpayer's Protective Association
calling attention to the drainage condition between Armour and Linden Avenue and tn.
Baysnore Hign~ay. Councilman Tibbetts said that during the heavy rains nearly a truck
load of wood had gathered at the culvert which he believed may have caused the flooded
condition on the adJoining propertye City Engineer Marshall said he checked this area
and found t~t the culverts were on private property. Mayor Holston said the matter
~s~ould be looked into with a view t, remed~ng same~ so referred the matter to the Engineer.
Walter J' Kerlee, a disabled war veteran, made application to sell box lunches on
Butler Road. The matter was laid over to the next regular meeting.
A ccmmnmmication was received from the Etate Boamd of Equalization informing the city
that the license of the Rex Club, VS1 Bayshore Hign~ay, had been suspended for thirty
day. Councilman Ratto said he wished to go on reco~d as being against this action.
He said the city should ask the State Board of Equalization to revoke this license.
0ouncilmanBoido said that inasmuch as the State Board had rendered their decision he
felt that their decision should be final. The conmmunicationwas ordered filed.
Councilman Ratto ss_rd that S. Bottino of 812 Linden Avenue asked to replace the
hand gasoline pump in front of his p~ope~ty on Juniper Avenue with a new pump, but the
request'was denied by fLve cheif ~elte. He said he felt this request should be granted
sl~ce other owners were allowed to make such a change. Welte said he checked in~o the
matter and recommeded the request be granted, it being understood this was for the
newel of a pump already in place and not the installation of a new one.
__v ..-~., ~m.~* ~.xm eorr~ctid~CounCilmsn Lloyd moved the minutes be accepted.
Tbs-mo'/on was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
A communication was ~eceived from tn, Women's Club asking permission to operate a
refreshment booth during the May Fiesta. Councilmen Boido and Ratto said that the
Businessmen are sponsoring the fiesta and thought t~e matter should be taken up with
theme The City Clerk was instructed to write the Women's Club to this effect and
that the matter would be taken up Thursday evening.
A c~mnunication was received from the Business Men's Association of South San F~an-
cisco asking the members of the city council to participate in the "Golden 40's
Fiesta", May 14th to May~19, 19A0, inclusive. They also asked permission to hold
street dances, a grand ball in Fraternal Hall and parade du~Ing th~ days of the fiesta,
also .asked the Mayor to issue a Proclamation coverim~ this period. On motion by
Councilman Ratto seconded by Councilman LlOyd and regularly carried per~ission was
TB~ Destroyers asked permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday, May
25, 19A0, from 9 p. m. to 1.00 a. me On motion by Counci~m~u Ratto, seconded by .
Councilman Tibbetts and regulary carried permission was granted subject to the pay
merit of the $5.00 fee for police protection.
A cemmuncation was received f~om Levio Raffaelli asking for any available Job with
the city. The communication was ox~lered filede In this connection the council
suggested that a reco~d be kept of all applicants for work with the city and that tn,
register would be available in the city clerk's office.
A communication was received from the Division of Higmeays giving a final repor~
of the ~ State Highway funds used on the Colma Creek Bridge. The communication was
ordered filed.
A cozznunication was received from the Department of Public Works transmitting the
balance due on the Colma Creek Project in the amount of $~05.21. Communication orde~-
ed filed.
The affidavit of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company showing the gross revenue
derived f~ the sale of electricity in the City of ~outh San Francisco for the period
from Januax~ 1st to December 31, 1B3B, was presente~. A check in the amount of
$2,134.80 was received for the city's percentage c~ring the above period. Con, runic-
etlon ordered filed.
A co~nnunication was received from Chief of Police Belloni asking the cancellation
of the appoin~nent of A. Cerri as special police officer~ employed as flagmanfor the
Macco Construction Company. On motion myCouncilmanLloyd, seconded by Councilman
Tibbetts and duly carried the appointment was cancellede
A communication was received fr~m the Peninsula Division League of California Cities
advising the city council of the next meeting bo be held in Palo Alto, May 15, lB40e
The Clerk was instructed to advise the Secretary that t~ee members would attend. .
Notice was received from t~e Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company advising the
city of its intention to terminate the maintenance of a switch in ~he central office
in connection with the city's fire alarm s~stem, covered by an agreement dated July 1,'
l~lSe The matter was referred to the Fire Chief.
A communication was received from the Northside Taxpayer's Protective Association
calling attention to the drainage condition between A~mour and Linden Avenue and the
Baysnore High, aye Councilman Tibbette said t~at during the heavy rains nearly a truck
load of wood had gathered at the culvex-~ which he believed may have caused the flooded
condition on the adjoining property. City Engineer Marshall said he c~ecked this area
and found that the culve~s were on private property. Mayor Holston said the matter
should be looked into with a view t,~emed~ng same~ so referred the matter to the Engineer.
Walter J. Kerlee, a disabled war veteran, made application to sell box lunches on
Butler Roads The matter was laid over to the next regular meeting.
A. co,,wunication was received from the State Board of Equalization informing the city
that the license of the Rex Club, 751 Bayshore Hig~m~ay~ had been suspended for thirty
day. Councilman Ratto said he wished to go on recor~ as being against this action,
He said the city should ask the State Board of Equalization to revoke this licensee
Councilman Boido said that inasmuch as the State Board had rendered their decision he
felt that their decision should be final. The communica~ionwas ordered filed.
Councilman Ratio said that S. Bottino of 812 Linden Avenue asked to replace the
hs~d gasoline pum~ in front of his p~ope~y on Juniper Avenue with a new pump, but the
request 'was denied by fire cb, if Welts. He said he felt this reques~ should be granted
since other owners wer~ allowed to make such a chan~e. Welts said he checked in~o the
matter and recommeded the request be granted, it being understood this was for the
newel of a pump already in place and not the installation of a new one.
E.O.Pe~k~made a pequest for ~hededuction of penalties amounting to $60.4~ charged against
cor~ai~ portions of his holdings. City Attorney Coleberd advised ~hat ~ese charges were
made according to the city ar~inance and should be collected as charged.
The monthly reports for the month endin~ April 30, 1940 were received from the City
Clerk, City Treasurer, Librarian, Fir.Chief, Building Inspector, Chief of Polide,
City Judge, Health Officer and Poundmaster. On motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded
by Councilman Ratto and duly carried the reports were a co6pted as reade
This being the date set for the opening of the bids for the purchase of a police car,
Councilman Boido moved the bids be opened. The motion was' seconded by Councilman
Tibbetts and duly carried. Six bids were submitted as follows:
Don Lee Inc. Oldsmobile $, Model 90 Cruiser Sede_n $
less allowanc~ on 1939 Buick
1~58,§~ inc. sales tax
Belli Moto~ Co.
Buick Model 40-61 complete
less allowance on 1939 Buick
$ 1440.97 inc. sales tax
Howard Bui'ck CCc
Buick Model 40- $1
less allowance 1959 Buick
$1440.97 inc. sales tax
725e O0
Arata Motox' Sales
1940 Pontiac Torpedo Sedan
less allowance 1939 Buick
inca sales tax
Fred Je Lautze
Lincoln Zephyr Sedan - equipped
Allowance 1939 Buick
$ 1750.48-Sates tak addne
Councilman Boido recommended the purchase of a LinColn Zephyr. On motion by Council-
man Lloyd seconded by Councilm-n Boido and regularly carried Fred J. Lautze was awarded
the bid for the purchase of a Lincoln Zephyr.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco-
awarding the bid for the purchase of a Lincoln Zephyr. The resolution was adopted by
the unamimous vote of all members of the city council, as follows: Ayes, Councilme~
V. Bold% Rod Tibbetts, Geo. W. Holston, D. W. Ratto, Reese Lloyd
Noes, Councilmen, None Absent, Councilmen None .
Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3 at page 252· RESOLUTIONS756
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of tn. City of South San Francisco deo-
la~ing Indumtpia~Way as an additional stree~ of major importance. The resolution was
adopted by'the following vote:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, Geo. W. Holston
Noes, Councilmen Reese Lloyd - Not Voting-Councilmen D.W. Ratto
Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol 3 at page 2§2
In connection with the passing of this resolution Councilman Ratto said he was not lin
favor of improving Industrial Way at this time and did not want to go on record as .de-
claring it a street of major importance, for the reason that if the street was improved
the city would lose all chance of having the Brat. install Stop and Go Signals at Bay-
shore and Butler Avenue, and also that it would dive~t traffic and tend to take business
away from the business man on the Bayshoree Councilman Lloyd suggested that the matter
be laid over for further consideration.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the city of South San Fr. ancis.co .
ordering the~ abatement of weeds. The resolution was adopted by the followina vote:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, ROd Tibbetts, Geo. W. Holston, D. w.-Ratto, Reese ~.loyd
Noes, .Councilmen None Absent, Cbuncilmen None
Attest: Daniel Mc~weeney, City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 5 at page 253.
A report was rendered by City Engineer Marshall in the matter of~ streets in Town of
Baden, giving the cost of repairing the various streets in this tract. Councilman Lloyd
said there is a need for work to be done in this section and inasmucl~ as the engineer has
broken downthe total cost, that work be done as funds would permit. Councilman Ratto
suggested laying the ~_tter over and check other parts of the city to see w~at is needed
in the way of repairs. It was decided to lay the matter over to the next regula? meeting.
Mayor Holston appointed the following ccmnittees: Police Department - Boido, Chairman,
Lloyd and Tibbetts; Finance -Ratto Chairman, Boido and Lloyd; Streets - Tibbetts, Chair, s
Boido and Lloyd; Pipe Commissi_on, Re.se Lloyd, Ratto and Tibbetts; Purchasing Co.mmi.ttee,
Tibbetts, Chairman, Ratto and Boido. He also appointed A. J. Eschelbaoh to replace
himself and-Guiseepe De Nardi, §64 Grand Avenue to peplaoe Mr. Capitelli, resigned, to the
Planning Oommissiolle Councilman Ratto said that all 'members of the council should meet
and discuss the appointment of the committees. Councilman Lloyd said that the chaix~m~e~
of anyone c~ttee should not constitute the whole committee, but matters of importance
should be discussed with all comnitteemen. Mayor Holston said that was his opinion in th
matter also. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilman Ratto and duly
carried, the appointments of co~itteemen to 'the various departments were .approved as ~ead
The m_-_tter of appointments of members to the Planning Commission was. laid over to as-
cex~tain the expiration dates of the varioum members.
and duly carried,
On motion by Councilman Ratto seconded by Councilman Lloyd, weed re~f~, s were granted
the following: C. R. Bwitzer, $2.22; P. Fourie, $1.11; C. Bollazzi, $1.B§, Blanche John-
U~XSmODX'® U, MO~e' ~U ux-uxser
less allowanc~ on 1939 Buick
b2b. O0
Belli Motor Coo
Buick Model 40-61 complete
less allowance on 1939 Buick
$ 144~0.97 inc. sales ts:
Howard Bui'ck Coo
Buick Model 40- 61
less allowance 1939 Buick
1440.97 inc. sales tax
Arata Moto~ Sales
19~0 Pontiac Torpedo Sedan
less allowance 1939 Buick
Bal ano ·
475. O0
inc. sales
Fred J. Lautze
Lincoln Zephyr Sedan - equipped
Allowance 1939 Buick
$ 1730.48-Sates taxx addn,
Councilman Boido reco~ended the purchase of a LinColn Zephyr. On motion by Council-
man Lloyd seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried Fred J. Lautze was awarded
the bid for the purchase of a Lincoln Zephyr.
Councilma~Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco
awarding the bid for the purchase of a Lincoln Zephyr. The resolution was adopted by
the unamtmous vote of all members of the city council, as follows: Ayes, Councilmen
V. Boido~ Rod Tibbetts, Geo. W. Holston, D. W. Ratto, Reese Lloyd
Noes, Councilmen, None Absent, Councilmen None ·
Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3 at page 252' RESOLUTION~T56
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of tn. City of South San Francisco dec-
la~ing Industrial Way as an additional street of major importance. The resolution was
adopted by 'the following vote:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, Geo. W. Holston
Noes, Councilmen Reese Lloyd - Not Voting-Councilmen D.W. Ratto
Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol 3 at page 252
In connection with the passing of this resolution Councilman Ratto said he was not lin
favor of improving Industrial Way at this time and did not want to go on record as de-
claring it ~a street of major importance, for the reason that if the street was improved
the city would lose all cD, race of having the Bt~ate install Stop and Go Signals at Bay-
shoro and Butler Avenue, and also that it would divert traffic and tend to take business
away from the bus,ness man on the Bayshore. Councilman Lloyd suggested that the matter
be laid over for further consideration.
Cou_ucilm_e~ Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the city of South San Fr~ancis~co
ordering the abatement of weeds. The resolution was adopted bYRthe following vote':
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod TiMbetts, Geo. W. Holston, D.W. atto, Reese Lloyd
Noes, .Councilmen None Absent, Cbuncilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3 at page 253.
A report was rendered by City Engineer Marshall in the matter of~ streets in Tow~ of
Baden, giving the cost of repairing the various streets in this tract. Councilman Lloyd
said there is a need for work to be done in this section and inasmuch as the engineer h-
broken downthe total cost, that work be dons as funds would perm~:t. Councilman Ratto
suggested laying the matter over and check other parts of the city to see what is needed
in the way of repairs. It was decided to lay the matter over to the next regula~r meeti~
Mayor Holston appointed the following coz~ittees: Police Department - Boido, Ch~irm~
Lloyd and Tibbetts; Finance - Ratto Chairman, Botdo and Lloyd; Streets - Tibbetts, Chaim
Boido and Lloyd; Fire Co~ssion, Reese Lloyd, Ratto and Tibbetts; Purchasing Commi~ttee,
Tibbetts, Chairman, Ratto and Boido. He~ also appointed A. J. Eschelbach to replace
~m~elf and-Guiseepe De Nardi, 5~ Grand Avenue to replace Mr. Capitelli, resigned, to tl
Planning Commission. Councilman Ratto said that all members of the council should meet
and discuss the appointment of the committees. Councilman Lloyd said th~at the chaix~nan
of anyone committee should not constitute the whole committee, but matters of impox~tauce
should be discussed with all co~nitteemen. Mayor Holston said that was his opinion in
matter also. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilman Ratto and duly
carried, the appointments of committeemen to the various departments were ~approved as re~
The me~tter of appointments of members to the Planning Commission was, laid over to as-
certain the expiration dates of the various members.
and duly carried,
On motion by Councilman Ratto seconded by Councilman Lloyd,weed. rebuffed, s were grant..
the following: C. R. Switzer, $2.22; P. Fo~urie, $1.11; C. Bollazzt, $1.CB, Blanche John-
son $3.34.
Northbrae Feed a~d Fuel Co. of San Bruno asked permission to remove 12.500 yds, of
sand and silt from the Co1~- Creek bed~ with no expense to the city in re~ua~n fo~ the
privilege of removing same. The City Engineer was asked to looked into the matter
aS the counoi 1 was
it away,
of the opinion that the city could sell this sand rather than give
Claims in the amount of $3,01BeV3
California State Auto Assn,
Fred Brown
Louis Belloni
Ric's Service Station
Shell Service Station
Dudley Perkins
Belli Motor
A, Carlisle
California State Auto Assn.
South City Auto Service
Edward R. Bacon Cos
Flexible Sewer Rod Cos
Santini and Ro'ccucci
Chas. Bollazzi'
Knox Hale Machinery Co.
Ent e.~pl, is e Fou~ry
A, N. Bloomqui'st
So, City Lumber Co,
Me Greenbergs' Sons
American Fire Equipment Co.
V. Ullery
H. S chwe ining
South City Laundry
Paths co Electric
A. Je Pacheco
Pacific Telephone &Tele. Co.
California Water Sender Co.
D. Daly
G. De~.ordo
P, Cardani
A. Pr,scsi
S. Kish
A. Be~tolucci
M. Laufer
T. Pretzer
H. T~oxell
Bank of So, San Francisco
Enterprise Press
Patrick and
Palace Food Store
Modern Office Machines Co,
Chamber of Co~nerce
Pe Ge & Ee
So. City Plumbing Shop
Sugearman Bros,
Sprouse Reitz Co,
J. C. Penney
Royal Supply
Bpuri Photo Studio
Palace Food Store
C. W. Marwedel
Co R, ~witzer
Pe Fou~ie
C. Bollazzi
Bl~e Jo~on
were next 'presented to the council for payment:
Installing stop signs
painting traffic signs
and material
feeding prisoners & 1940 'dues
repair tire - buick
lubricate, etc."
service and repair motorcycle
repair police buick
100 legal blanks - Judge
sign mai~tenance
repairs police ca~s
" street sweeper
freight charge
BO sewer rods - 1 wrench
1 pair hip boots
1 axe
refill broom, chain belt
1 hydrant buru
1 manhole cover
1155 gals. emulsion
concret~ ~-t x
supplies recreation d ept°.
materials Pine Tex-race sidewalk
matt,rials street dept.
plaster sand- park
survey stakes
materials Randolph Ave. sewer
was #2' station April
2 hydrant stems
supplies - fire dept.
Attending fi~es April
wash #1 station April ~
replace police call system
maintain street lights April
maintain fi~e system Apr. & repairs
ohone #401 and ~626 April
install fire hydrant Poplar
service various dept.
service various parks
hydrant rental April
3 days on weed notices
1 'day labor on trees
? days labor on trees
1~ days labor on par~s
6 days labor on parks
V days labor pla, ygrounds
8 days lab o~
12 days labor streets & sewers
Apr,-May paymt fi~e truck & int.
weed cleaning notices
stapling m, chine
2 cases ~og fo od
Cleaning und6rwood- fire chief
advertising May
misc. sex-vice April
street lights April
pipe, etc. parks
1 hydraulic Jack and unit
air hose and 2 do~ gloves
office supplies - engim~er ~
supplies recreation
yard goods - recreation
weed refund
$ 33° 98
83 ° 28
27. O0
31, 50
54, O0
25, O0
Total $3 018.73
The claims ~avi~g been audited by the finance comittee, Oouncil~ Boido moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the matter of the sidewalk on Parkwsy extend-
ing over the property, it was agreed between the parties affected to leave the side-
walk as is,
The matter of the mosquito nuisance along the S. P. tracks was laid over,
The petition of the bawbers to have that section of the business o~dinance requiring
them to pay a business license repealed, was b~ought up again by 6hei~ spoke, smart. Sam
Zucoo. After much discussion re~ardin~ the matter it was decided to lay t~e matte~
Bell! -Mot ox,
A. Carlisle Co.
California S~;ate Auto Assn.
South City Auto Service
Edward R. Bacon Cos
Flexible Sewer Rod
S~ini ~d Ro~ccucci
O~s. Bollazzi
~ox H~e Machine~
~te~ise Fo~
A~ N~ Bloom~fst
~oe City L~er Co.
Supe~io~ T~~
Me GPee~e~s'
~e~ic~ Fi~ Equi~ent
V. ~lery
He S~e~i~
~outh City
Pa~ Electric
A. J. Pacheco
Pacific Teleport. & Tel.. COs
C~ifo~ia Water Se~ee
D. Daly
G. DeZo~o
Pe O~i
A. ~egosi
S. Kish
A. Be~olucci
M. La, er
T. Pretme~
B~ of Bce S~ F~cis~
Enterprise ~ess
Patri~ ~
Pa~ce FOo~ Store
Mo~e~ Office Ma~ines Co~
C~e~ of C~e~ce
Pe Ge ~ Ee
3o. City Pl~i~ Shop
Bpro~e Reitz Cos
J. C~ Pe~ey
Roy~ Supply
Sp~i Phote StOic
Parc. Food Store
C~ ~ M~edel
C~ R~ ~itze~
Pe Foci.
O. Bollazzi
Bl~e Jo~on
~rep~r police buick
100 legal blanks - Judge
sign mai~t enance
repairs police ca~s
" street sweeper
freight charge
50 sewer rods - 1 wrench '
1 pair hip boots
1 axe
refill broom, chain belt
1 hydrant bury
1 manhole cover
1155 gals. emulsion
concrete,-1 x
supplies recreation d spt,
materials Pine Tex~race sidewalk
matt.rials street dept.
plaster sand - park
survey stakes
materials Randolph Ave. sewer
was #2 station April
2 hydrant stems
supplies - fire dept.
Attending fi~es April
wash #1 station April '
replace police call system
maintain street lights April
maintain fire system Apr. & repairs
chon. #401 and ~626 April
install fire hydrant Poplar
service various dept.
service various parks
hydrant rental April
3 days on weed notices
.1 'day labor on trees
7 days labor on trees
ih days labor on pa~ks
6 days labor on parks
V days labor pl.aygrounds
8 days labor
12 days labor streets & sewers
Apr.-May paymt fire truck & int.
weed cleaning notices
stapling machine
2 cases ~og food
Cleaning ur~6rwood- fire chief
advertising May
mis c. sex-vice April
street lights April
pipe, etc. parks
1 hydraulic Jack and unit
air hose and 2 do~ gloves
office supplies - engineer
supplies re creation
yard goods - recreation
weed refund
15. ~
27. O0
54. O0
25. O0
The claims having been audited by the finance conmittee. Councilman Boido moved
they be paide The motion was seconded by Councilman TibSetts and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the matter of the sidewalk on Parkway extend-
ing over the property, it was agreed between the parties affected to leave the side-
walk as is.
The matter of the mosquito nuisance along the S. P. tracks was laid over.
The petition of the barbers to have that section of the business ordinance requiring
them to pay a Business license repealed, was b~ought up again by ~hei~ spoke, sman~ Sam
Zucco. After much discussion regarding the matter it was decided to lay t~e matter
ove~ to the next regular meeting.
The matter regarding the extension of Eucalyptus Avenue over the Southern Pacific
t~acks was diSCussed and Mayor Holston said if there was nO objection he would
get i~ touch with M~. Jordan of the S0. P. Co. regarding same.
The Clerk repox~ed no answer from the .Manufacturers inviting them to meet with the
city council regarding the employment of ~esidents of the city and the young graduates.
Councilman Ratto asked Enginee. r Mar ~shall regarding the fire house survey. Mr.
Marshall said he would get at it as soon as the g~ound had dried.
Under the head of n~w business Major Hols$on said 'that Swift and Company asked about
the improvement of the dirt ~oad. below the S. P. Company. City Attorney Colebe~d advise(
that this is not a dedicated street, but felt that the Land Co, would give a deed to same,
Councilman Lloyd suggested t~at if the road is improved that it be made a one way road
for north bound traffic only.
Councilmam~ Ratto read from an article in 'the E~terprise the amount of fines paid
by speeders in the city limits and said from all indications the faster the ~speeder went
the less the fine. Councilman Boido said that fines are set according to the number
of offenses and asked Oouncilman Ratio to acquaint himself with the various cases before
forming an opinion.
Mr. A. J. Eschelbach appeared before the council and discussed the extending of
Randolph Avenue over th hill. He said this would be a great help to residents of Pe~k's
Lots and to the children going to the Martin School to facilitate their going out on the
Bayshore Highway. The council agreed that this would be a worth while improvement.
Engineer Marshall said the city could grade the rQad with the city equipment. Mr.
Eschelbach was assured the matter would be taken under advisement.
Mr. Gutterson 'addressed the meeting regarding the progress on the Library extension,
and reported the w~tter is moving right along. He said he believed the city coul~ad-
vertise for bids in about ten days.
Councilman Lloyd discussed the C~lma Creek and the smell eminating therefrom, and
suggested t~at Dr. McMills get in touch wtth the County Health Officer and the hog
ranch owners with a view of abating this nuisance. Councilman Ratto said abatement
proceedings should be started against the ranchers. Engineer Marshall said he in-
vestigated this matter andthat there is no water coming from the hog ranches, but
believes it is coming from the creek near the duck ranch.
There appearing no further business before the council, Councilman Ratto moved to
adJoua~n, the motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and duly carried that the council
adJoux~to Thursday event~ May 9, 1940, at v:30 o'clock p. m.
Time of adjournment 10.3§ p. m.
Respectfully submitt ed
Mayo~ of
Daniel McSweeney City' Clerk
By~ ~ deputy
Francis co