HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1941-05-19216 REGUIER }: bET!N? 0F fi}E Ci%~t ,30UNCIL OF lie ~?¥ OP SOUT! SA[{ PRANCiSC0,tiELD ]'~{ONDP~Y, kal le,l~41. ~he regular meeting of the city- council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City hall, l~londay evening, f, lay 19,1941. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.i~. by ks}or George W.Nolston. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen V.Boido,Geo~ge W,Holston, Reese L~lo~.~d,_.,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. ~The minutes of the two previous meetingz were read,There;being no errors or omissioDs tl~ey were appro as read. A statement was received from the Division of highways of the State of California,~6%~'~John k.Skeegs, in answer to tie city's letter of April O~,l~l, relative to the' development of a plan to relieve the traffic co~di~ons throught South San Francisco . ~lr, Skeggs outlinem in his statement, accompanied by prints of map indicating the proposed improvement, an apparently feasible ranner of reducing the number of accidents occurring in the city. Ne stated the cost would be approxmately .i)lV000.00. 'll:e cit~ clerk was instructed to inquire from }~.'r. Skeggs if the State pa~s the cost. ~etal and Thermit Corporation ~ubmitted a statement to the city council in re their contzi- bution toward the reconstruction of a portion of East Grand Avenue, in front of their propezty~ together with a chec&of .~599.o, 2~, for their share. In tl-e statement, the manager, E.E.Anderson, intimated that if any floOd waters should again overflow their lands or otherwise damage their property the City of South San ~¥sncisco would be held in strict accountability for it. The City Council and city attorney did not feel that the check should be accepted under the inference that the city would be liable for any damage done to the property of the company by the elements and instructed the cit~ clerk to withhold the check from deposit until a better understanding is reached and agreed upon. A communication was received from the Cit~~ Planning Commission relating to their investi- gation of the application of Poetsch ~ Peterson f'or a permit to construct a tannery in South Industrial Area. She commission reported that a committee of their number had visited the firm's plant At Army ~,treet in San Francisco and :ound no obnoxious odors in the plant. They unanimousl~ recommended t'hat the city council grant tls company the required license, and stipulated that all plans and specifications be submitted to the council,including plans and specification of their method of disposing of the sewage. A communication was received from Sam "'ateo Count::~ Historical Association, requesting the Cftc. of South San Francisco to take a ~;~10 a ~/ear memoership in the organization~ as a sustaininf~ member. Councilman Ratto moved the cit~' take out a membership. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tlobetts and regularly carried. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company submitted a list of things that should be done in the various playgrounds and parks and buildings to protect t} e city by installing rails,otc, to prevent accidents. Referred to Councilman Ttbbetts for action. A reply was received from Senator Rarry L.rarkman to the city's letter requesting hl~ tc oppose' A.G.i6P~6 and vote for A.~.No.O~5V3, stating he would give these two measures his earnest consideration in 'oehalf of the cltF when they come before the Senate. Communication accepted and placed on file. I{r.J.J.Jordan Superintendent of the Southern Pacific Company , answering the city's letter addressed to South San Francisco Belt Railway,requesting the sum of ~95.36 toward the expense of improving Industrial Way, stating he wo}.ld look into the matter and communicate with the clty later. Chief of Police Louis Belloni submitted tho name of Ormond H.Nelson for the city council approval,having appointed him a special policeman of the city~ to be stationed at Western Pipe a:St&el Co. Councilman Lloyd moved the appointment be confirmen. %he motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Pacific Gas a Electric Company applied for permission to extend their ~" gas main in Commercial Avenue west of Eucalyptus approximatel~ 4~' to supply five new residences. Referred to councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission granted. Rue R.Clifford,Secretary to t?e Library Board, wrote the city council suggesting that rails or other protection be placed in the rear of the li~rar~, where the bank is so steep that children might 0e hurt at play. Referred to councilman 'liObetts and the street committee. ~lrs Graf Oessoni and Alex Graf applied for a lic~nse to sell box lunches,fruits,candies and eats from from an auto or truck at ti~e entrance to Western Pipe ~ Steel Co., Laid over. Pacific Gas ~ Electric company submitted a statement showing the amount due the City of South San Francisco for gas under ordinance No. 19V for the year l~40,as ~948.~1, and for the~Lectrical franchise for the same period ~e410.dV. Checks were attached to the company's stateme~n$~s for the amounts specified. ~lonth,!y reports for the month of April were submitted by the health officer, Librarian, and citN treasurer. Councilman Ratto moved they be a cepted and filed. The motion was seconded ~y councilman'~loyd and re~ularly carried. City engineer I{arshell filed the affidavit of the posting of notices to destroy weeds. Accepted and filed, ~ Councilman Ratto introduced a resolution of the city council of tie City of South San ~ancisco ordering the Abatement of Weeds, le41. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,D.W.Ratto.Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent Councilmen,None. Attest 'Daniel HcSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.S, and page o~8. Cit2~ Clerk. Resolution No.809. Df.Charles C.Gans , ~ealth Director of the County of San Mateo submitted a full and complete report of the health survey made b~ his department of the condition of the Cit} of South San Francisco, from a sanitary point. The document was ordered placed on file in the city clerk's office. Claims in the amount of .l~MOSO~.14 were next su0mitted to the coUncil for payment;- painting zones ~ 66.00 rent power shovel {~o~94.~8 supplies police dept.~ 8.8~ ~ points ~ 6.P~l I simplex jack WPA 1-~ wheel truck ,i~4.V~ oxygen ~ acet~'lene $ ~0.19 A.~uehler L. C. Smi th Unio 0il Company Electric Steel Foundry Edward R ~acon Co. Linde Air Products ~ .t! t! improvement, an apparently feasible ~anner of reducing the number of accidents occurring in the city. he stated the cost would be approxmately ~lVO00.O0. ~e city clerk was instructed to inquire from ~.ir. Skeggs if the State pa~s the cost. ~etal and Thermit Corporation ~ubmitted a statement to the city council in re their contri- bution toward the reconstruction of a portion of East Grand Avenue, in front of their propezty~ together with a chec~of ~i~599.~?, for their share. In t~e statement, the manager, E.E.Anderson, intimated that if any flood waters should again overflow their lands or otherwise d~mage their property the ~ity of South San ~¥~ncisco would, be held in ~trict accountability for it. The City Council and city attorney did not feel that the check should be accepted under the inference_ that the city would be liable for any damage done to the property of the company by the elements and instructed the cit~ clerk to withhold the check from deposit un~il a better understanding is reached and agreed upon. A communication was received from the Cit~ Planning Commission relating to their investi- gation of the application of Poetsch ~ Peterson for a per~it to construct a tannery in South Industrial Area. The commission reported that a committee of their number had visited the firm's plant At Army atreet in San Francisco and ~ound no obnoxious odors in the plant. They unanimously recommended that the city council grant the company the required license, and stipulated tLat all plans and specifications be submitted to the council,including plans and specification of tl~eir method of disposing of tLe sewage. A communication was received from Sa~ ~ateo Count~ Historical Association, requesting the Cit~ of South San Francisco to take a ~lO a uear membership in the organization~ as a sustaining member. Councilman Ratto moved the city take out a membership. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tiobetts and regularly carried. The Hartford Fire ~nsurance Company submitted a list of things that should be done in the various playgrounds and parks and buildings to protect t~e city by installing rails,etc, to prevent acci~ents. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts for action. A reply was received from Senator Harry L.rarkman to the city's letter requesting hi~.~ tc oppose A.d.16?6 and vote for A.B.No.95V$, stating he would give these two measures his earnest consideration in behalf of the city when they come before the Senate. Communication accepted and placed on file. ~r.J.J.Jordan Superintendent of the Southern Pacific Company , answering the city's letter addressed to South San Francisco Belt ~ailway, requesting the sum of ~95.~6 toward the expense of improving Industrial Way, stating he would look into the matter and communicate with the city later. Chief of Police Louis Belloni submitted tha name of ~Ormond H.Nelson for the city council's approval,having appointed him a special policeman of the city~ to be stationed at ~estern Pipe aSt~el Co~ Councilman Lloyd moved the appointment be confirmen. ~he motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Pacific Gas a Electric Company applied for permission to extend their ?" gas main in Commercial Avenue west of Eucalyptus approximatel~ 445' to supply five new residences. Referred to councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission granted. Rue R.Clifford,Secretary to the Library Board, wrote the city council suggesting that rails or other protection be placed in the rear of the library where the bank is so steep that children might Oe hurt at play. Referred to councilman ~iobetts and the street committee. ~rs Graf Oessoni and Alex Graf applied for a lic~nse to sell box lunches,fruits,candies and eats from from an auto or truck at tLe entrance to Western Pipe ~ Steel Co., Laid over. Pacific Gas & Electric company submitted a statement showing the amount due the Cit~ of South San Prancisco for gas under ordinance Ho. 197 for the year 1940,as ~948.?1, and for the,~lectrical franchise for the same period ~9410.67. Checks were attached to the company's statemg~s for the amounts specified. ~onth,!y reports for the month of April were submitted by the health officer, Librarian, and cit~ tr~esurer. Councilman Ratto moved they be a cepted and filed.The motion was seconded ~y councilman~oyd and regularly carried. City engineer ~arshell filed the affidavit of the posting of notices to destroy weeds. Accepted and filed, Councilman Ratto introduced a resolution of the city council of t~e City of South San ~ancisco ordering the Abetement of Weeds, 1941. The resolution was adopted by the votes o~ all the members of the.city council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,D.W.Aatto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Abeent Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel EcSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.Z, and page 998. Cit~ Clerk. Resolution ~o.809. Df.Charles C.Gans , health Director of the County of San Nateo submitted a Dull and complete report of the health survey made by his department of the condition of the Cit~ of South San Francisco, from a sanitary point. The document was ordered placed on file in the city clerk's office. Claims in the amount of ~20~.14 were next sui~mitted to the council for payment;- painting zones ~ 66.00 rent power shovel ~994.Z8 supplies police dept.i~ 5.87 ~ points ~ 6.91 1 simplex jack WPA 1-~ wheel truck ~24.79 oxygen ~ acetylene $ 20.19 A.~uehler L. C. Smi th Unio Oil Company Electric Steel Poundry Edward R Oacon Co. Linde Air Products Disbursements continued;- Jas S.Baker hauling dirt from east Grand Ave J.D.Adams grader bolts & blades ~achinery & Drill Steel Company,lo gads ,! q asphalt cutters Jus A.Gelhert, '¢~A,project ~ cutting tips Highway blacksmith Shop repair tools,etc ~.P.~ller c Co., traffic paint ~ Thinner ~anders Construction Co., i mo rental compressor Kelly's Welding Shop ~.P.A.Proj.welding Santini a Roccucci Cook's 0il Co f;.P.A.Proj. Enterprise Press ,t ti ~enturi ~ baldi ~- tt '! South City Plumbing Shop South S.F.~ospital Joe Lombardi James Spurt Gall, AUto Association California Water Service. Co San ateo County Title Co RoyaI Supply Co. rubber ~oots ~. rain coats ll gals oil legal notices police blank forms 5 gals~gas gas & ~il for wpa Compresaor set up sprinkler on roller intoxications emses wash lubricate lincoln photos auto accidents signs installing hyd ant ~outhwood daily reports April ~ keys ~$495. O0 13.~9 33.99 7.27 15.75 11.33 ,$175. O0 47. V5 38.4~ V.T1 45 .oo qV.60 .78 7.48 10.5? 15.00 6.45 .50 33.16 6.36 1.50 .50 J.G.Walker Walter 0ttenfield Howard Adler ~anuel Castro Mike Laufer V.De Lucca A.Soldani John Appel J.di Bene A.Ferrario T.Pretzer W.Mott kanuel Castro A.C.Johnson Pacific Tel ~. Tel Co salary secretary Planning Commissionl0.00 salary ::osting weed notices' park labor ,! tt I! ,t ,, l! street labor ,! placing and removing flags z phone service to l~a7 ll, South City Lumber & Supply Co., supplies ,! ~t tt ~t S.M.Count~ Listorical Asso. one years d~_~'es,sustain~ng dues Total 7.5o V.50 3.75 95.00 60.00 60,00 60.00 60.00 .,~; 15. O0 ~ 60.00 .~ 5.00 .~ 15. O0 4 ~108.70 ~ 47.71 ~2039.14 The claims havind been audited by the finance co~Jnittee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ooido and regularly carried. The matter of awarding the c:vJntract for the purchase of ~000 cubic yards of ~.usher Run Rock for a base in the improvement of East Grand Avenue,laid over from the last meeting, was taken. Nr. ~ames Baker contended that his red rock stands the S~ate of California test for the purpose of road building. Considerable argument ensued as to its merits. Councilman Boido was of the opinion tt~at if the red rock stood the test the local man, being a tax-payer, should ' ~:iet the awar~, it developed that the rock should be crusher run,as per the specifications. After much discussion it was decided to have the Baker Red Rock tested, and to meet again Tues ay 90,1941 at 7 o'clock P.M. 'Councilman Lloyd moved that that the salary of' the two assistant fire chiefs be raised from ~$160 a month to ~170 a month, and the other threefiremen from ~160 to ,i~165 per month, retroactive from may 1,1941.Councilman Boido seconded tLe motion , which carried unanimously · Councilman Boido mo~-ed that the salary of V.Bianchini be raised from &l~5 per month to ~185 ~ , .00 per month, retroactive from riay 1,1941~ and that the salary of 'ike amuth be raised to the regular policeman's salary, .i~l?5 per month,having served his probationery period. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tkbbetts and regularl~ carried. I~a2or'Holston appointed on the new Recreation Commissioner Board,under Ordinance ~i~, the following citizens;- · ~l~a Sellfck, ~..argaret D.Weller, Antionette Kozlowski, S.K.Robbins, ~ ~aPion Wagstaffe Ers. William Siebecker, ~ichael Einucciani. They will be instructed to meet and select their Chairman, vice-cLairman and secretary, at tkeir earliest opportunity. There being no further business before the council councilman Boido moved to adjourn until Tuesday evening, ~iay ~0,1941, at V o'clcok P.[. T'he motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, @;45 o'clock P.M. Approved, ~~;:/~/~ ayor of South San ~ranc · 194~ at 8 o'clock p m kay qg, · . Aooroved ~~~.-~ isco Respectfu~ ly ,sub~t e~ l'uesday evening, ~,:iay q0,1941, 7 O'Clock P.k. No quorum being present ~ayor Holston ordered adjourument until Thursday evening, Re spe ctf~l~' submit te~, , Cook's 0il Co 'f~'.P.A.Proj. Enterprise Press ,! tf ~enturi c, ivaldi South City Plumbing Shop South S.F.Hospital Joe Lombardi J~'ame s Spurt *alif AUto Association Cali~ornla Water Service Co San ate. County Title Co RoyaI Supply Co. J. O .Walker Walter Ottenfield Howard Adler ~anue i Castro Mike Laufer V.De Lucca A. Soldant John Appel J.di Sene A .Ferrari. T .Pretzer W .Mott kanuel Castro A. C. Johns on Pacific Tel ~_~ Tel Co rubber ~oots ~ rain coats 11 gals oil legal notices police blank forms ~ galsgas gas & ~il for wpa Compresaor set up sprinkler on roller intoxications emses wash lubricate lincoln photos auto accidents signs installing hyd ant ~outhwood daily reports April ~ keys salary secretary Planning Commissionl0.00 salary vosttng weed notices' park labor street labor placing and removing flags z phone service to may ll, South City Lumber & Supply Co., aupplies tf ti ti tt S.~'i. Count~ Listorical Ass.. one years d~..es,sustain~ng dues Total 7.50 7.50 3.75 4 ~5.00 ~i1~ 60.00 ~'~ 60,00 .;~ 60.00 ~ 60.00 ,,~ 15.00 ~ 60.00 ~ ~. O0 .i; lS. O0 ,~108.70 ~ 47.71 ,~ 4.04 ~ 8.58 .oo ~2 032.14 The claims havin[ been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded 0y Councilman ooido and regularly carried. The matter of awarding the c~ntract for the purchase of ~000 cubic yards of Run Hock for a base in the improvement of East Grand Avenue,laid over from the last mee' was taken. Mr. James Baker contended that his red rock stands the SYate of California t~ the purpose of road building. Considerable argument ensued as to its merits. Councilman was of the opinion that if the red rock stood the test the local man, being a tax-payer~ ~iet the awar~. It developed that the rock should be crusher run,as per the specificat~ After much discussion it was decided to have the ~aker Hed Rock tested, and to meet aga~ y ~0,1941 at 7 o'clock P.M. , 'Councilman Lloyd moved that that the salary of the two assistant fire chiefs be from ~$160 a month to ~lV0 a month, and the other threefiremen from ~160 to .~165 per mon retroactive from ~.ay 1,1941.Councilman Bold. seconded the motion , which carried unanim¢ Councilman Boido moved that the salary of V.Blanchlni be raised from &l?5 per mc to ,185.00 per month, retroactive from ~ay 1,1941/ and that the salary of ~iike Lamuth be to the regular policeman's salary, .i~175 per month,having served his probationery period. motion was seconded by Councilman Tkbbetts and regularly carried. Mayor~Holston appointed on the new Recreation Commissioner Board,under Ordinance the following citizens;- ~a Sellick, ~argaret D,Weller, Antionette Kozlowski, S.K.Robbins, ~arion Wagstaffe krs. William Siebecker, ~ichael ~inucciani. They will be instructed to meet and select their Chairman, vice-cLairman and secretary, at tkeir earliest opportunity. There being no further business before the council co~mcilman Bold. moved to adj¢ until Tuesday evening, ~ay ~0,1941, at V o'clcok P.E. The motion was seconded by council Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;45 o'clock P.M. Appr° red-a~~ ~ h~~S af~ra~nc i sc0 Respect fu~ly ~suh~t e~ Tuesday evening, l~ay q0,1941, 7 O'Clock P.iv~. No quorum being present kayor Holston ordered adjournment until Thursday evenint ~ay ~M, 8 o'clock p.m. Approved ..... ~ayor of South San ~ancisc'~ RespectfUl2~ submitted, REG~,.LARLY ADJOURNED i~EETING OF SEE CITY ~ COE~NCiL OF Tt~'. ii'ii OF SOUii SAN ~Rfd,~CISCO EELD THURSDAY,I'LAY q~, 1941. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of t~e City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall thursday evening, ~ay ~,lg&l. This meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M., by ~'~ayor George W.Holston. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the city council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,~eorge W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,Rod ~ibbetts, The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. The matter of the awarding of the contract to furnish ~000 cubic ~ards Of c~usher Run Roc~ for base pavement on East Grand Avenue ~ss ta~?en up. Engineer ~arshall stated that }'~e had tests made of both the ~aker Red shale rock and i the Guadalupe Quarry rock, and that both had stood the test.for hardness~ according to the specifications, he stated , however, that the shale red rock is not as as good for roadbuilding as the lead rock. Councilman Boido said he rang up the company who tested the rock and that the red rock had tested the best. ~r. ~arshall said that could be so, but the shale will not last like-the white rock. Councilman Lloyd stated he saw Cheney who stated that the red rock tested harder tlan the white rock, and was in favor of giving the award to ~aker , to lay 5-5 pavement instead of 4-4 pavement, and moved to that effect, provided that the crusher run ia accordin?i to the specifications. The motion was .~ seconded by Councilman Boido. It Laving developed that the Baker bid ?~as not bid according to apecifications, in that it would not be crusher run, Councilman Lloyd w~thdrew his motion and moved to reject all b~s,~and call for new specifications calling for crusher run leadm rOC~ crusher run whiterock and crUsher'run red rock,and to meet again Frid~aN ~ay q~1941, at ~;~Q.~.. o'clock P.;~.;. to adopt new specifications and make a call for new bids. The motion was seconded by Council.~an Boido and regularly' carried. Time of adjourmr~ent~ 8;~0 O'clock P.~'~. San ~'rancisco. · ~espe~lly submitted, /7 'C~y C/Igrk. ~