HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1941-11-03REGULAR NEETING OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF T~
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the
City Hall,I~onday evening,November 3,1941.
The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock P.~[. by Mayor d-eorge W.Holston.
Councilmen, V.Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, D.~¥.Ratto.
" Absent, Councilman' Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. '¢i ere being no errors or omissions they were
approved as read.
A communication was received from The A~erican Red Cross, San iVlat~o County Chapter,stating
they are organizing a committee of Preparedness and Relief, in accordance with the National Body
of American Red Cross, purposing to establish and maintain services for which the Red Cross has
been traditionally known. The chapter asked that the city pass a resolution, similar to the county's,
asking all cit~ officials to acquaint themselves with the purpose and program of the society.
City attorney Coleberd will prepare a resolution in accoedinance with the chapter's request, for
introduction at the next meeting of the council.
The Enterprise Press submitted a statement announcing that they are preparing the an~al
Industrial-program edition of the South San ?rancisco Enterprise for the holidays, and sta~ed~
the have reserved for tDe city the usual 8 column QO inch space, and the rate would be the ~ame,
~lO0,if a~proved by the city council. Councilman Boido moved the subscription be taken as for
the past five years. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
Communications were received from the SO.S.F.Chamber of Commerce urging the construction of
the pr:~:.posed sidewalk on Hillside Bouleveard; and the construction of a road in Peck's Lots,contin-
uting westerl~ from Randolph Avenue into Paradise Valley. The City Clerk Was instructed to
reply stating the Randolph Avenue road continuation was under way and the sidewalk will be constructed
on ~ii±lsdie Boulevard as soon as the city engineer and city attorney secure the necessary rights of
wa~. ~ -
P. communication was received from The Recreation Comm. ission of this city requesting a meetir, g with
the city council before selecting a superintendent, and setting a ~ate as Wednesday evening NorS,1941.
at 7 p.m. in the council chamoers,if satisfactory . The City Clerk was instr~cted to ask the com-
mission to change the date to 7 o'clock Thursday evening, November 6,1941..
Annie Oaldi ~nd Nella Lombardi applied for a business license to operatean Off Sale oeer &
Wine and liquor store at 3~..~ !.'~nden Avenue. They had been granted licenses b~ the State Board
of Equalization. Councilman ~atto moved the license be 8ranted. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Doido and regularly carried.
Pacific °as & Electric Company requested permission to extend their ~" gas mail, s in Commercial
Avenue to ser~ze seven residences,and in Drake Avenue,Paradise Valley to supply seven new resider:cea
"eferred to the Street Committee and the desired permits granted.
tlatillizer Company of California,Inc. applied for permission to operate a plant on Linden Avenue
tostore,process and pack manures obtained from the South San Francisco Union Stock Yards. LDO. Ii-
cation [aldl. oVer,o, it?' council investigates the condition of the company's other plant in ~alf-
moon bay.
An application for a business license to operate a gasoline station at John Ruggierio's place
on Bayshore Highway was received from Jack T.~cKenzie,TV Delano Street,San Francisco.Permit granted.
Fire Chief Nelte submitted the name of Leonard Packard for appointment to the 6all Forces of
the fire department. Councilman Lloyd moved the appointment be confirmed.The motion was seconded
by Councilman Ratto and regularl~~ carried.
Leal i'/_otor Lines requested permission to instalg a 550 gallon gasoline tank at their premises
on Bayshore ?~ighway in Peck's Lots. ~'ire Chief Welte reported notice had been posted for the re-
quired numOer od days. Councilman Lloyd moved the permit be granted.'~he motion was seconded by
Councilman Boido a. nd reg~:Ls~rly.
Dino Pallastrino applied for the ~:osition of g~rdener at the City Hall. Application ordered
fi leal, Druids co,
South gan ~'rancisco U./.O.D'and San ~ateo'Chapter, through secretary Joe De ~"ardi, thanked
the city of South San Francisco for its cooperation in making their 49'er Celebration a success.
Communication acce~ted and ordered filed.
'lhe State Board of Equalization,replying to the protests of the City CoUncil of the Cit~ of
South San Francisco,She Parent Teachers Organization and the Planning commission of this city a~ainst
granting Virginia Newray a beer on sable license for the Steel Bowling Alley, stated~the~.license?
was ordered issued.. In connection with the letter of ti:.e board ~,,~a~r ~lolston announced that
Board Equalization member for this district ,Dr. oeor~e ~ielly would visit this cits~ in the near
I¥[rs.~oe, 31~ Orange Avenue reported a broken sidewalk in front of her property. The matzer
was referred to city engineer ~¢~arshall.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco,~Planning, Commission regaesting the
city to clean or sweep the alleys. The matter was referred to city engineer ~arshall.
Four property owners on Oayshore ~:ighway appeared before the city council and protested
against a raise in the values of their property this year,and asked for redress. The matter
was referred to city attorney Coleberd as to the legal method of procedure.
The monthly reports of the Health Office~, Chief of Police, ?ire Chief,Cit5~ Judge,Building
Inspector,aud City Clerk for tt:e month ending October 31,1941 were submitted to the council.
Councilman Ratto moVed that the reports be accepted as read. The motion was secOnded by COunci'
man Boido and re~ularl~ carried/ RESOLUTIO~'~ N0.836.
Councilman Ratto introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco
vacating certain easements for public use in Paradise Valley Subdivision. The resolution was
adopted 'by the votes of all the m,:~mbers of the city council present, as follows;-
Ayes; Counc'.lmen,V.Boido,Geors:e W.Holston. Reese Lloyd, D.W.Eatto,
Councilmen Rod Tibbetts. Attest Daniel McSweeney,
Absent'vol.3,at page 3~4 City Clerk.
necorGeG ~n Book of Resolutions,
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San ~¥ancisco
in the matter of the vacation of a certain easement for public use in Paradise Valley Subdivis-
ion. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council present.as
follows,- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, ~eorge W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,D.~.Ratto.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilman,Rod Tibbetts. Attest, Daniel McSweeney,
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at p. age 5~5. ., u~y Clerk.
Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San ~ranzisco
in the matter of the vacation of a certain easement for public :use in Paradise Valley. Subdivision.
· they are organizing a ~ommittee of Preparedness and Relief, in accordance with the National Body
~ of American Red Cross, purposing to establish and maintain services for which the Red Cross has
been traditionally known. The chapter asked that the city pass a resolution, similar to the county's,
asking all city officials to acquaint themselves with the purpose and program of the societY.
City attorney Coleberd will prepare a resolution in acco~dinance with the chapter's request, for
introduction at the next meeting of the council.
The Enterprise Press submitted a ~.tatement announcing that they are preparing the an~al
Industrial-program edition of the South SRn ~rancisco Enterprise for the holidays, and sta~ed
the h~ve reserved for tide city the usual 8 column QO inch space, and the rate would be the ~ame,
Q~lOO,if approved b~ the city council. Councilman Boido moved the subscription be taken as for
the past five years. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
ComEunications were received from the SO.S.F.Chamber of Commerce urging the construction of
the pr~.posed sidewalk on Hillside Bouleveard; and the construction of a road in Peck's Lots,contin-
uting westerl~ from Randolph Avenue into Paradise Valley. The City Clerk Was instructed to
reply stating the Randolph Avenue road continuation was under way and the sidewalk will be constructed
on ~ii~lsdie Boulevard as soon as the city engineer and city abtorney secure the necessary rights of
way. ~-
~ communication was received from The Recreation Commission of this city requesting a meeting with
the city council before selecting a sup~rintendent, and setting a ~ate as Wednesday evening ~ov5,1941.
at 7 p.m. in the council chambers,if satisfactory . The City Clerk w~s in~tr~cted to ask the con.-
mission to change the date to 7 o'clock Thursday evening, November 6,1941. .
Annie aldi and Nella Lombardi applied for a business license to operatoan Off Sale oeer ~
Wine and liquor store at Z]~ l.~nden Avenue. They had been granted licenses by the State Board
of Equalization. Councilman ~iatto ~moved the license be ~ranted. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Doido and regularly carried.
Pacific ~as & Electric Company requested permission to extend their 2" gas ma!As in Commercial
Avenue to serve seven residences,and in Drake Avenue,Paradise Valley to supply seven new residez.ces
~eferred to the Street Committee and the desired permits granted.
~attllizer Company of California,Inc. applied for permission to operate a plant on Linden A~enue
tostore,process and pack manures obtained from the South San Francisco Union Stock Tards. LDpli-
cation laldLoVer,~itT council investigates the condition of the company's other plant in ~alf-
moon bay.
An application for a business license to operate a gasoline station at John Ruggierio's place
on Bayshore Highway was received from Jack T.McKenzie,VV Delano Street,San Francisco.Permit granted.
Fire Chief Nelte submitted the name of Leonard Packard for appointment to the 6all Forces of
the fire department. Councilman Lloyd moved the appointment be confirmed.The motion was seconded
by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried.
Leal ~Lotor Lines requested permission to instals a 550 gallon gasoline tank at their premises
on Bayshore ~ighway in Peck's Lots. Fire Chief Welte reported notice had been posted for the re-
quired numoer od days. Councilman Lloyd moved the permit be granted.'Zhe motion was seconded by
Councilman ~oido and reg~ ..... rly.
DinG Pallastrino applied for the ~osition of g~rdener at the City Hall. Application ordered
file~, Druids co,
South San ~'rancisco U.~:.O.D'and ~an Nateo'Chapter, through secretary Joe De ~ardi, thanked
the city of South San Francisco for its cooperation in making their 49'er Celebration a success.
Communication acce~ted and ordered filed.
~he State Board of Equalization,replying to the protests of the City Council of the City of
South San Francisco,bhe Parent Teachers Organization and the Planning commission of thais city against
granting Virginia Newray a beer on s~le license for the gteel Bowling Alley, stated~the~license?
was ordered issued.. In connection with the letter of the board ~ayr ~olston announced that
Board Equalization member for this district ,~r. George Eielly would visit this city in the near
~rs.~oe, 319 Orange Avenue reported a broken sidewalk in front of her property. The mat~er
was referred to city engineer ~arshall. '~
A communication was received £rom the South San Francisco~Planning Commission regaesting the
city to clean or sweep the alleys. The matter was referred to city engineer ~arshall.
Four property owners on oayshore ~ighway appeared before the city council and protested
against a raise in tDe values of their property this year,and asked for redress. ~he matter~
was referred to city attorney Coleberd as to the legal method of procedure.
The monthly reports of the Health Office~, Chief of Police, Fire Chief,City Judge,Building
Inspector,a~d City Clerk for the month ending October 31,1941 were submitted to the council.
Councilman Ratto moved that the reports be accepted as read. The motion was seconded by COunciL-
man Boido and regularly carried/ RESOLUTION N0.836.
Coun~ilman Ratto introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco
vacating certain easements for public use in Paradise Valley ~ubdivision. The resolution was
adopted 'by the votes of all the m~mbers of the city council present, as follows;-
Ayes; Counc~.lmen,V.Boido,Geor~ie W.Holston. Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,
oes,CucimeD,N ~. Absent Councilmen Rod Tibbetts. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney,
ecor~ea zn nook cz nesolutions,'Vol.3,at page 3q4 City Clerk.
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San ~¥ancisco
in the matter of the vacation of a certain easement for public use in Paradise Valley Subdivis-
ion. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council present.as r~
follows,- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, ~eorge W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,D.~.Ratto. ~
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilman,Rod Tibbetts. Attest, Daniel ~icSweeney.
Recorded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.3,at ~age 3~5. ~ O~y ulerk.
Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution of the cit2 council of the City of South San ~ran~isco
in the matter of the vacation of a certain easement for public ~use in Paradise Valley,Subdivision.
'lhe resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council present.as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido~.W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, D.~.Hatto.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen, Hod Tibbetts.
Attest, Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
nec;:rdedLin Book of Eesolutions, Vol.3,at page 3~6.
Uno. er tLe head of unfinished ~business ~ir. Crawl,rd Rill of the Pacific &as & Electric
appeared before the council with plans fo~ tLe improvement of the lighting system on Bayshore
~ighway ~etween Linden Ave.extension and the north end of the ciy. After deliberation by th.
city councilmen the plans were approved.
Councilm~n Hatto called attention to the proposed transfer of certain cit~ prgperty ~o th.
South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company in return for certain beach property, and
inquired form the city engineer tLe ~tatus of the~proposition. ~r. ~arshall stated he was wot
on the survey at the present time and would keep at it until compl~ted~
Councilman Boido brought up the matter of paying and sewering ~adrone Avenue. ~r. John~
Pieri stated he was unable to secure all the signatures to a petition to have the work done b
an order of ~he city council. It was decided to start proceedings to have the 9ork doneoun~r
the new street law, which, city attorn~y. Coleberd states, is more expensive and takes much lo
Proceedings 9ill be started at the next meeting of the City Council.
Councilm~n Lloyd called the attention of the council to the billboard situation, stating
must be compelled to pay. license tLe same as other businesses. ~ity attorney Coleber~ explain
that under the present ordinance the license fee 9ould be prohibitive and confiscatory, and
billboard men would not pay it or have to pa~ it. It was decided to amend tire ordinance to m
it workable~and all licenses collected.
Councilman Boido called the council's attention to condition existing at the Junction of
Linden Avenue Extension and Bayshore ~ighway,where the water overflows every rainey season,an
urged that t~e city'get in touch with the Highway Cowmission to work in conjunction to rectif
the system t~ere. City engineer ~arshell will begin action on the matter at once.
Mr. ~eor~e W. Williams of AmeriCan Nomes appeared before the city council with reference
his proposed annexation of Southwood au,division No. ~., asking the council to 0.E his plans
for the construction of the second unit.~ ~ouncilman Eatto was of the opinion the rolling ty
curbs and ~u~ters are more or les~ dangerous to drivers who might drive over the curbs into t
lawns~ and;.~::~hat the 3~ foot sidewalks~a~e too narrow. Mr. Williams admitted there is so
more danger ~f going over the roll curb, but stated he knew of no accidents yet. Copncil;nan~
Lloyd though~ the roll m~rb satisfactory, having seen many of them in other districts, but th
the sidewalks should he · made wider, ~ayor Eolston and Councilman Bold. considered the plan
satis~actory for the subdivision. Councilman Bold. moved the plans he accepted as submitted.
~'here was no m~c0r~d ~, ~ie m~io~,. Considerable discussion followed. ~r. Williams explained h
had spent a large amms.~t of money on the project, with the idea that as the plans were satisf
tory for subdivision,l~ accepted by the council, the same would satisfactory for subdivision
i~. .Councilman katto finally suggested that the company install 4 foot sidewalks and he would
~not oppose the roll curb. This was agreeable to the council.Councilman Boido moved the plans
accepted with the stipulation that the sidewalks be four feet in width. The motion was sec.nde
Councilman Lloyd and re~8~larly carried.
Claims in the amount of $8,~81.23 were next presented for payment;-
Belli Motor Company
Dudley Perkims
So. sa~ ~ranoisco Hospital
smu stm .o
L. Belle~
Fre~ ~u~ze
Federal Electric
Weste~ Mfg.
Olmo.Brose Coo
Unien Paving Company
· ase ~e Baker
Mutual Engineering Co
Packet. Electric 0o0
Ae Je Pacaeco
So. City Auto Service
Frank Giffra and Sons
Pat Murray
We Fe Nickel
Henx~ Be~ry
Jo ~iorontini
A. Soldaui
J. AppeX
J. Di Ben,
~. Gioffre
Fo Mandoli
H. ~clxeeining
E. Rcssi
H. led,king
L. P~ppazoni
G, Eidwell
O. Begnal
R, Spi~e lli -
1- 1942 Buick
sex-vice motorcycle
alcoholic examinations Sept.
developing pictures auto accident
envelopes - police dept.
misco expense Oct.
repairs - Lincoln Zephyr
1 siren- police dept.
1 case
1 hydrant and bury
4 burys
dredging Co1-~ Creek
crushed rock various streets
connecting spray pipes to roller
ma~zatain street lights Oct. and lamps
maintain fire system OcS.
re,airs police buick
street sweeper
" DeSoto
street equipment
materials for ele~trlo service city
" "~ police dept.
hose and couplings
survey asst~ Colma Creek Oct. ~l
surveyor Colma Creek
Blade operator E. Grand Ave.
5 d,a, ys labo~ city park tool house
Orange Ave. park
L' days pa~k labor
l~ days
12 days cleaning s~Orm ditches
# trim t,rees
attend fires' Oc~.
$ 1,10V.35
1V. 50
18 oV6
48. O0
25. O0
600 O0
4, 50
80 O0
inquired form the city e ne~ ~Le status of the proposition. Mr.' Marshall ~~'~e was wot
on the survey at the present time an~ would keep at it until compl~ted~
Councilman Boido brought up the matter of paying and sewering ~adrone Avenue. ~r. John
Pieri stated he was unable to secure all the signatures to a petition to have the work done b
an order of ~he city council. It was decided to start proceedings to have the 9ork done und~
the new street law, which, city attorney Coleberd states, is more expensive and takes ~uch lc
Proceedings ~ill be started at the next meeting of the City Council.
Councilm~n Lloyd called the attention of the council to the billboard situation, stating
must be compelled to pay. license tLe same as other businesses. City attorney Coleberd expla~
that under the present ordinance the license fee 9ould be prohioitive and confiscatory, and t
billboard men would not pay it Or have to pa~ it. It was decided to amend the ordinance to ~
it worka~le~ and all licenses collected.
Councilman Boido called the council's attention to condition existing at the Junction of
Linden Avenue Extension and Bayshore ~ighway,where the water overflows every rainey season,az
urged that t~e city'get in touch with the Highway Cowmission to work in conjunction to recti~
the system t~ere. City engineer ~arshell will begin action on the matter at once.
~r. George W. Williams of ~nmeri~an Nomes appeared before the city council with reference
his proposed annexation of Southwood Subdivision No. ~., asking the council to 0.~. his plan~
for the construction of the second unit.' Oouncilman Katto was of the opinion the rolling t~
curbs and ~u~ters are more or les~ dangerous to drivers who might drive over the curbs into 1
lawns~ and'/:~?~hat the 3~ foot sidewalks.a~e too narrow. ~r. ~illiams admitted there is sc
more danger &f going over the roll curb, but stated he knew of no accidents yet. Copncil~an.
Lloyd though5 the roll curb satisfactory, having seen many of them in other districts, but ti
the sidewalks should he .made wider, ~ayor Eolston and Councilman Boido considered the pla~
satisfact ry for the subdivision. Councilman Boido moved the plans 0e accepted as submitted.
~'here was no ~c0r~d.~ ~he m~i~'. Considerable discussion followed. ~lr. Williams explained ~
had spent a large amm~t of money on the project, with the idea that as the plans were satis~
tory for subdivision,l~ accepted by the council, the same would satisfactory for sUbdivisio~
i~. .Councilman Eatto finally suggested that the company install 4 foot sidewalks and he woul(
Inet oppose the roll curb. This was agreeable to the council.Councilman Boido moved the plam
accepted with the stipulation that the sidewalks be four feet in width.The motion was second~
Councilman Lloyd and resnlarly carried.
Claims in the amount of $8,581.23 were next presented for payment;-
Belli Moto~
Dudley Perkins
~oe sa~F~anoisco Hospital
L. Bell~
Me G~be~g's ~o~
01~no .Bl'OSe CO.
Union Paving Company
Mutual Engineering Co
Pac~co Electric Co.
Ae ~e Pa~co
See City A~e So,ice
Gr~aybarElectric Co.
Frank Giffra and Sons
Pat Murray
We Fe Nickel
Homey Berry
J. ~o~entint
A. Soldanl
J. Di ~ene
~. Gio£fre
F. Maudolt
H. S~ein~
Eo ~ssi
H. Wedeki~g
L. Pa~pazomi
Ge gAdwell
G. OXmstad
3- Bax~ey
C. Begnal
H. Sp:L~e lli
A. Sa~6~ti
V. Ulle~r
1- 1942 Buick
sex, rice motorcycle
alcoholic examinations Sept.
developing pictures auto accident
envelopes - poXtee dept.
misc. expense OCt.
repairs - Lincolu Zephyr
1 siren- police dept.
1 case
1 hydrant and bu~y
4 buoys
d~edging Colma Creek
crushed rock various streets
connecting spray pipes to roller
ma~tain street lights Oct. and 1.mps
maintain fire system 0c$.
re~airs police buick
street sweeper
# De3oto
street equipment
materials for electric service city hall
" ". police dept.
hose and couplings
survey asst~ Colma Creek Oct. 21
surveyo~ ~olma Creek
Blade operato~ E. G~and Ave.
5 d,a, ys labor city pa~k tool house
0rauge Ave. park
"~ days park labo~
12 days
12 daya cleautng s~e~m ditches
" trim trees
attend fi~es 0c$.
$ 1,10V,35
18 .?6
48, O0
27, O0
25. O0
65; O0
60. O0
60. O0
8. O0
3. Shipman
Pe Smith
J. K~itz
M. Castro
O. Hear~
E. Kozlowski
A. Johnspn
l~ry~ s 8e~ioe
P. G. a~ E.
· acific Tele. an~ Tele.
E. Ottenfiel~
American Oheckw~-it er
A. Ca~lisle
80. 3. F. Chambe~ of Oomme~ce
Po Ge & E.
Attend fires Oct.
repai~ Ohev. pick-up
repairs street equipment
repairs police dept.
street lights Oct.
misc. sex~ice Oct.
~p~one 626 ar~ Bal. on 58 & 2
s~s and SUpplies
c~eckwriter ~eplac~ment and bon~
2 tax receipt binders
a~vertis i~ Octe
~a ~ve~ i~
~inti~ O~~ce ~21~, etc~
B keys city ~1
Secy. Pl~ni~ C~ission Oct,
~talI h~t D~ Ave.
~p~ h~t ~lOe
city h~l ~ lib~ ~te~
p~ semite Oct,
fo~t~n ~ f~e ho~e & d~
hyatt rent~ Oct,
~terial fi~ de~.
~te~- p~k
~te~i~ W, P. A.
~ street dept,
~ Oo~ Ore~
Se~ce Li~ & Pi~' playg~o~
total ...........
11, O0
12, O0
14, O0
113.2 5
$ 8,5~1.23
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Lloyd moved they be
paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Ratto and regularly carried.
There being no further business before to board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn till Monday
evening, November 1V,1941, at 8 o'clock P.I'~. The motion was seconded by councilman Ratto and regularly
Time of adjournment ll.50 o'clock P.M.
'Approved ~~~. a~.~
N~ayor o~~ .' isco.
Hespectfully submitted,