HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1941-11-14REGULAR ~,~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE
i'JOVE~,~!~ER 1V, 1941.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in
vhe City Hall I¥ionday evening, i~ovember 1Vth,1941.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.~i. by ~'layor George W.Holston.
Roll call fouled the followi~g members of the council present,as follows;-
Cou.~'~cilmen,V,Boido, George W,Rolsto~,Reese Lloyd, ~.¥~.Ratto.
" Absent, Councilma'.~ Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of t~e pre~ious meeting' were read. There being no errors or omissions they
were approved as read.
A communication was received from B.J.Rodondi asking for the return of a deed from Sumner
Harry Kain to the City of South San Francisco to two lots, Nos~l and ~ in Block D.Peck's Sub-
division,intended for playgrounds if the city wis~ ed to enlarge the present area. .~ouncilman
Ratto moved that the deed be returned as requested. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido
and reg~larly carried.
The South San ~Tancisco Recreation Commission submitted the name of T.L.Farnsworth for
appointment as Recreation Superinte~dent at a salary of ~186 per month, with the council's
assurance of one year's work, if possible,as ~ir. Farnsworth would be resiging a good position
if employed. Councilman Ratto moved ~r. Farnsworth be appointed, with the understanding that he
employed for the one year period. It was agreed also that Nr. Farnsworth would be allowed gas
and oil for his car while using it in the city's business. Th~. motion wa s seconded by Cour~cilm
Lloyd and unanimously carried. It was understood that ~Ir. Farnsworth would assume his duties
~ecember 1,19~l. ~rs. Carl Weller of the recreation commission strongly endorsed the new super
intendent, and thanked the city council for selecting him.
A communication was received from the ~ani< of South San Francisco calling the attention
of the city council to a tax bill of ~.9~ against theeasterly ~0 feet of lot 3~, in Block No.M
City Park Addition, deeded by t]~e South San Francisco Land ~ Improvement Co. to the City of
South San Francisco for street purposes. The city had not re~orded the deed, awaiting permissi
or right of way from the State Railroad Commission to cross over the Southern Pacific Tracks
into tile lot. Referred to the cit~ attorney t~ ?rocure the necessary rigger of way.
Walter F.~i~ickel,an engineer employed ay the city engineer's department of this city laid
claim by lawsuit a~,ainst the city for the sum of ,~l, alleging that he was employed by city
engineer ~iarshall at the rate of ~'~ a day, Out was paid at the rate of ~0 per day. ~r ~arshall
.stated ~ir. ~ickel was employed at a ~ rate of.~9 a day on some technical work and .~6 a day on uns
ed work,and notified the claimant when the rate was changed. City attorney Coleberd advised th
oity council that the claim was not a valid one. Accordingly councilman Boido moved the claim
rejected. The motion was seconded by councilman Ratto and regularly carried.
A communication was received from the Community Baptist Church of Brisbane stating they
strivin~d to erect a church in that section of the count~ and asked for some financial assistan
to help construct the church . City attorney Coleberd advised the council that it would be unla
to donate money for private purposes and the city clerk was instruced to so notify the reveren
.~Ir. Smith.
The Pacific Gas &~ Electric Company replied to the city's letter of August ql. last reque
ing the installation of street li?hts on West Orange Avenue,stating the lights were installed o
3ctober ~9,1~l. Communication accepted and filed.
In another communication the Pacific Gas & El.~ ctric Company stated thetthey would remove
wood ~oles from Gra nd Avenue between Spruce Avenue and the Southern Pacific Company's right
of way, and by a verbal ~.greement made with the city council at the meeting of Novem'oer $,19~1,
in the city hall, would rearrange the lighti~g s~stem on Grand Avenue from Spruce westerly to
the t~ission Road, at some additional cost per month, which figures were submitted,and would
amount to $~.96 per month for the propose~ new uniform system. Councilman Boido moved, the comp
be authorized to proceed with the work. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lloyd and regular
The gas company also proposed a new lighting s~stem for parts of the Bayshore Boulevard.
l~ey proposed to install 1600 candlepower lights at Dayshore Boulevard and Butler ~?~enue at an
additional cost of ,.~10.~l per month, and inst~ll 1-1~00 candle power light at ba~,sLore Boulevar
and Linden Avenue, to cost ~$.~1 per month. Councilman Lloyd moved the proposition be accepte
and the company authorized to proceed with the improvement. TLe motion was seconded by council
Ratto and regularly, carried.
Tippecanoe Tribe Nc.ill,improved o~der of hedmen,applied for a permit to hold a dance in
Fraternal hall,Wednesday evening November 19,19~1 , from 9 o'clock p.m. tillo'clock A.~., an~
~mclosed a $~ check i~payment for extra police protection. Councilman Ratto moved the desired
permit be granted. ~e motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularl~ carricd.
~reston Bornes ~ Corli<iord applied for a business license to sell Christmas trees and oi~
ts on Lots l~,18 and 19, in Block No.l~6.on ti~e Bays~ore ~ghwsy. The city council granted pe
mission if the license were paid in advance,,i~10 ~ day and ~$~ a day for ex! ra help.
Notice was received from the State Compenaation Insiuance Fund,:~ ~ and a binder of insur~
together with a statement of amount due b~ ti~e cit~.Co~nunicatton accepted and ordered filed.
~r. Arthur Ryan of the ~ederal Works Agency of Nort~ern California invited the city...counc
to participate in the annual recreation group and tours of inspection ,commencing in San Nateo
3ivic Center ~uditorium at ~;$0 o'clock P.N~. Wednesday e~ening, November 19,19~1. ~¥iayor ~olstc
requested as many councilmen to attend as ~ad tie time,and tLe invitation was accepted.
Acknowledgment was received from the Pioneer Flag 6 Decorating Co~.pany of t~e city's or~
for decorations for 61 Electrolie~ Standards. Accepted. ~
3nitedTextile Company bid t?e sum of ~14.'i5 per gross ton for tLe city's steel rails,on the
Er~und.in South San Francisco. After discussi~ it was decided to ascertain tile ceiling price
as placed on steel by tt~e U ~ Government
A communication was received fro~ O.Carl Weller~ of the South can Francisco Junior-Senio~
~igl' School, stating he heard of a proposed sale or transfer of tile lands of t~e ~.~srtin School
Park of 4.6~ acres, and suggested the school authorities be advised of the matter in view of t~
fact of the development of population in the north section of the city, if the city does inteK
to convey t~is park or portions of it to other i~terests. ~ayor Lolston volu~teered to-advise
school department of any proposed cLanges in the city's interests in the property.
~ayor t~olston received a communication from Terrell ~icKenzie,State Director ,Public ¥¥ork
Reserve, and copies of a brief summary of the objectives and ~.~'Ld operation of the PUblic Work
..~eserve program. The communication requested t~,at tLe City- of South San Francisco participat'e
in the nation-wide progra~ created to establish a reservoir of useful public projects to absor~
post-defense unemployment, by the appointment of an official to coordinate the su~omission of ~
individual pr'oject prospectuses ~rom the several ~epartments, and t!at action be taken at the
..... ~ .._~-v ~-v~. -A-nere being no errors or omissions t
were approved aS~ ~a~;
A communication was received from B.J.Eodo~di asking for the return of a deed from S
'Harry Kain to the City of South San Francisco to two lots, Nos31 and 3o~ in Block D.Peck's
division,intended for playgrounds if the city wis~J ed to enlarge tle present area. ~L~ounci
Ratto moved that the deed be returned as requested. The motion was seconded by counci~an
and regularly carried.
The South San ~T~cisco Eecreation Co~ission submitted the name of T.L.Farnsworth f~
appointment as Recreation Superinte~dent at a salary of ~18~ per month, with the council's
assurance of one year's work, if possible,as ~lr. Farnsworth would be resiging a good posit~
if employed. Councilman Ratto moved ~r. Farnsworth be appointed, with the understanding th~
employed for the one year period. It was agreed also that Yr. Farnsworth would be allowed ~
and oil for his car while using it in the city's business. The motion wa s seconded by Cou~
Lloyd and unanimously carried. It was understood that ~ir. ~arnsworth would ass~e his dut~
~ecember 1,1941. Nfs. C~rl Waller o~~ the recreation co~ission strongly endorsed the new ~
intendant, and t~anked the city council for selecting him.
A co~unication was received from the han~ of South San Francisco calling the atten~
of the city council to a tax bill of ~.94 against theeasterly 30 feet of lot 3~, in Block
~Dity Park Addition, deeded by t~e South San ~ancisco Land ~ Improvement Co. to the City oI
South San Francisco for street purposes. Ti~e city ~ad not red-ordeal the deed, awaiting peE
or right of way from the State Railroad Co~ission to cross over the Southern Pacific Trac
into tle lot. Referred to the cit~ attorney t~ ?rocure the necessary r~of way.
~alter F.i'lickel,an engineer employed oy the city engineer's department of this city 1
claim by lawsuit ag~ainst the city for the s~ of .~1, alleging that he was employed by cit~
engineer ~larshall at the rate of $~ a day, Out was paid at the rate of ~6 per day. I¥lr ~J~arsh
.stated ~r. ~.~ickel was e~ployed ~t a ~rate of~9 a day on some ~echnical work and .~6 a day on
ed work,and notified the claimant when the rate was changed. City attorney ColeOerd advise
~ity council that the claim was not a valid one. Accordingly councilman Boido moved the cl
·rejected. The motion was seconded by councilman Ratto and regularly carried.
A co~unication was received from the Community Baptist Church of Brisbane stating t'~
Btrivin~ to erect a church in that section of the count~ and asked for some financial assi
~o help construct the church . City attorney Coleberd advised the council that it would be
~o donate money for private purposes and the city clerk was instruced to so notify the raw
~Ir. Smith.
The Pacific Sas &L Electric Company replied to the city's letter of August ~1. last
trig the installation of street li~hts on West 0rang~e Avenue~stating the lights were install~
Dcto~er ~9,1941. Co~unication accepted and filed.
In another co~unication the Pacific Sas & El~ctric Company stated thetthey would rem~
wood ~oles from Bra nd Avenue between Spruce Avenue and the Southern Pacific Company's rig~
of way, and by a verbal ~greement made with the city council at the meeting of November 3,19
in the city hall, woul~ rearrange the lighting system on Grand Avenue from Spruce westerly
the I~ission Road, at so~e additional cost per month, whic~ figures were submitted,and would
~ount to ~54.9~ per month for the propose~ new unifoH~ system. Councilman Boido mo~ed the c
be authorized to proceed with the work. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lloyd and reg~
~he gas company a~so proposed a new lighting system for parts of the Bayshore Bouleva
l~he~ proposed to install lB00 c~ndlepower lights at ~ayshore Boulevard and Butler f~venue at
additional cost of ~;~10.41 per month, and inst~ll 1-1500 candle power li~.ht at Da~.sL:ore Boule
and Linden Avenue, to cost ~S.?i per month. Councilman Lloyd moved the proposition be acce
and the company authorized to proceed with the improvement. Ti~e motion was seconded by court
Ratto and regularl~~ carried.
Tippecanoe Tribe Nc.ill,improved oeder of he~en,applied for a permit to hold a dance
Fraternal nail,Wednesday evening November 19,19~1 , from 9 o'clock p.m. tillo'clock
emclosed a ~5 check i~pa~ent for extra ?~)olice protection. Councilman Eatto moved the desired
permit be granted.. TLe motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularli~ carried.
~reston Bornes ~ Corl~ord a?plied for a business license to sell Christmas trees and
ts on Lots 1V~,18 and 1~, in ~lock ~o.145.on tl~e Bays~ore ~ighwsy. The city council granted
mission if the license were paid in advance,.~10 ~ day and ~ a d~y for ex~ ra help.
Notice was r~ceived from the State Compensation Insiuance ~nd'.~ ~ and a binder of ins~
togetler with a statement of ~ount due b? tile city.Communication accepted and ordered filed.
~r. Arthur Ryan of the i~e~eral ~Vorks Agency of Norti~ern California invited the city.~.co~
~o participate in the annual recreation group and tours of inspection ,co~encing in San Mate
~ivic Center fLuditorium at ~;30 o'clock P.~. Wednesday evening, November 19,1941. ~iayor ~o1~
requested as many councilmen to attend as lad tie time,and tLe invitation was accepted.
Acknowled~ent was received from the Pioneer Flag ~ Decorating Company of tie city's c
for decorations for 61 Electrolie~Standar~s. Accepted.
~nitedTextile Company bid the sum of ~14.~8 per gross ton for tLe city's steel rails,on the
gr~und in South San lJ~rancisco. After discussi~ it was decided to ascertain tile ceiling pric
as placed on steel by tt~e U.S.~overnment.
A co~unication was received fro~ O.Carl Weller, of the South can Francisco Junior-Seni
!~igi.: School, stating he heard of a proposed sale or transfer of tt~e lands of t~e ?~srtin Scho
?ark of 4.69 acres, and suggested the school authorities be advised of the matter in '~iew of
fact of the development of population in the north section of the city, if the city does iht
to convey t~is park or portions of it to other iuterests. ~ayor Lolston volunteered to advi
school department of any proposed cLanges in the city's interests in tl~e property,
~ayor holston received a co~unication from Terrell ~IcKenzie,State Director ,Public ~¥or]
Reserve, and copies of a brief s~ary of the objectives snd ~::-'~d operation of the Public Wor]
Reserve progr~. The co=~unication requested t~,at tLe City of South San f'rancisco participa~
in the nation-wide program: created to establish a reservoir of useful public projects to abso~
post-defense.unemplo~ent, by the appointment of an official to coordinate the su~omission of
individual project prospectuses [~rom the several ~epartments, and t!at action be taken at th~
next m~eting of the council. In accordance with the request i~-~ayc~r ~ olston ap~ointed Al.~Jf~elt
to tLe position and asked the city council's approval. Councilman Lloyd moved the appointment
Fire Chie~, Welts be confi~ed. Tt:e motion was seconded by councilman Bo~_do and rsgul~rly carl
Under provisions of Ordinance No.213 of South ~an Francisco l~a~or ~olston aDpointed
~he following named citizens on the Local Defense Council,and asked the board's approval;-
G.W.P~olston, Chairman of the Commission,
Dan ~cSweeney, Clerk of the Commissibn,
A .J.Welte
Louis Belloni
U. S .Iviarshall
~ayor ~olston's communication stated he would be plessed to add any other names
suggested by the council,including members t~ereof.
Council~an Ratto moved the appointments be confirmed. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Nr. ~arshall reported tLat County Chairman Wilsey
will speak at the meeting Wednesday, Movember
Nonthly reports for the month ending October 31,19~l,were received from the City Pound-
keepr, Cit~ Treasurer and Librarian. Councilman Ratto moved the repotrs be.accepted. The motion
was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
D]SCO~TI]iUE PARK LAND, No .839 , 'was introduced by
councilman hatto. Councilman Boido voiced opposition to abandoning any city land untill some
arrange~ents could be made to secure park site la:~.d in place of the land proposed to be traded.
it was explai::ed the resolution of intention to abando~ ~id not mean abandonment until a deed was
voted by the councilmen. On roll call 'councilman Doido did not ~ote. 5ouncilmen,Rolston,Ratto
and Lloyd vited Aye, with Councilman Tibbetts Absent. Recorded ia Book of ResolutiOns,Vol.3,
at page 327. Attest, Daniel ~cSweene~ , Cit~y Clerk.
Cou~cilman Lloyd intorduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San
Francisco, NO.~O,of intention to abandon and discontinue Park Land,near Eucalyptus Avenue in the
City of South~ San Francisco. Councilman Boido announced he would not vote to abandon any city lznd,
and on roll call the following vote was cast;-
Ayes, Councilmen, George W.~olston, Reese Lloyd, D.W Ratto.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Not voting,Councilman V.Boido.
Absent, Councilman Rod Tibbetts, Attest Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.5, at page 3~8.
I~ayor Holston asked if there were any objectors to the proposition to anti, ex Southwood No.O,~here
were none. ORDINANCE NO.
was introduced by council~,.an Boido,had its first title reading and was laid over to come up under
the regular order of business at the .next regular meeting of the cit~ council.
Under the ~ead of new business City Attoraey C~leberd a~ ounced that it woulC be in order for
the ~'[ayor to a~?oiat the chairman to oversee the Christmas ~estival activities. Accordingly
~ayor Holsto~ . a.~pointed.Er, Cotsb~rd: Chairman of the coming events, with power to appoint the
usual assistants for the work.
On question the city attor ey stated ¢it~might without further notice, accept tt'~e high
bid of the United Textile Compan~ of ,~14.V5 for the city's steel rails. It was learned that the
government was placing a ceiling o~ commodities of this character. It was decided to inquire if
the ceiling inclu~ed this class of goods.
Sanitary Inspector ?~.:lvin ~chlaam reported many rodents in evidence in the city and suggested
they be controlled, he volunteered to secure the poison. Re was requested to secure the address
of Annie Cunningham on ~iiller Avenue,where, it was reported, the rodents had appeared.
Louise Cattania applied for a permit to Building Inspector Welte to make alterations to
the' Sani & Lucchesi Building on Lot 18 in Block 140 in the amo~.nt of SROOO.There were objection,,
from councilman Llloyd on th ground the ordinance does not permit alterations in this zone of
over half the value of the building. Councilman Boido thought it unfair to refuse the applicant
on account of so many others having been granted permits to improve their property under the
same circumstances. After much difference of opine_on it was decided the council would visit the
location and see the situation, it having been reported the building was being remodeled without the owner~
having first secured a permit.
Councilman Ratto reported the Ratilltzer Fertilizer Company had with~raWn"-~the~ir application
for a permit to conduct a business on South Linden Avenue.
Building Inspector Welte re?orted the na~e of a peat products company operating on South
Linden Avenue to be the Hyland Peat ~oss Products Co, co~nected with the Union StockYards of
this city.
City engineer ~'~arshall reported he coul~ use the ~an~erman Lot on the corner of Grand Avenue
snd ~agnolia Avenue , to be occupied by tb~ WPA.for their meterials,b~ spending approximately $~.00
twenty-five)for fill. He was authorized to ~]~oceed with the work.
Claims in the amount of $6,499.87 were next p~esented to the council for payment:
Levins Auto Supply
Belli Motor Company
So. 'San Francisco Hospital
So. City Laumiry
M. Greenberg' s Sons
Ventu~i & Baldi
Universal Tool & Mfg. Co.
Bay City Grill
M. ~aufer
J. Gioffre
J. DiBene
F. Mando li
A. Soldani
J. Appel
Henry Berry
Pat Murray
Wm. Muller '
Tom Williams
United Roofing ~ Siding Co.
Standard 0il Co.
Starulard 0il Co.
H. L. Haaker
Address.graph Sales Agency
State ~ Compensation Insurance Co.
San Mate. County Title Co.
Spt.use Reitz Co.
Swift and Co.
So.B.F. Bakery
Palace Food Store
M. M. Chandler
Ente~pris e Press
Roy' s Service
Gra~bar Electric Co.
Union 0il Co.'
Shaxmac Company
Ama.ur and Co.
We Ge M~kel~m Co.
Linde Air Products Co.
W' Minuc ciani
Bloomquist 0il Co.
Cardinal Blue Print
Associated Equipment Co.
Gu. tin Bros.
J./S. Baker
Scheid Hear~ Co.
Ee T. Haas
E.H. Edwards 0o.
So. City Lumber
Addres sograph Divisi on
Supplies Police dept.
repairs - 42 Buick
· alcoholic examinations
wash #2 house Oct.
wash #1 house Oct.
12 hydrant gaskets
3 tires am~ tubes - fire dept.
1 f_ire alax~i~ b~x, etc.
~a2 ~A~-g~:l~ coffe and snails
4 days labor Orange Ave. Park
13 days labor cleaning storm sewers
1~ days "
12 days trim trees
1~ days labor park
13 days truck driver park
roller operator trench fire alarm system 21.00
~, days survey assr Colma Creek 16.25
9 days surveyor "
1 day operate compressor Linden Ave.
repair roof, install cat walk
~ case cup grease
gasoline Oct.
premium Hardy bond
prem. transfer from Lincoln to Buick
1 cabinet
2731 plates
1 graph, type
prom. to 11/19/42
repOrts Oct.
supplies recreation dept.
33 doz cups ice cream
36 doz cookies
supplies recreation dept.
2 cases dog foo~
snail killer, ant cups
42 copies of sales 836-V-8
repairs choy. pick-up
supplies fire alarm system
supplies fire dept.
police dept.
supplies city hall
1 gal. solvent police dept.
1 blade wiper
3~ h~s. rental dragline
material Apr. 1- Colma Creek
parts for grader
acetylene ~linders
mate~2~ls - street dept.
road oil
Blue prints
1 broom core
rent roller to 11/21/41
rock fUrnished W.P.A. Job
blacksmith tools
installing ~ewer Peck's Lots
55' steel for Armour drainage ditch
repair Randolph Ave.
10 ~als euchrelyptum
aterials park
electric address.graph
25. O0
1 893.92
14. !0
iV. 24
total $6,499.87
The claims having been audited by the finance 'committee councilman Ratto moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the council councilman Ratto moved to adjourn
until the next regular meeting of the council, Monday December 1,1941,at 8 o'clock P.D~. TLe
motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 105 15 o'clock P.M.
Approved ~ '
Mayor of South San Francisco.
Respectfully submitt~