HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1941-12-22 REGULA[qLY ADJ'0U~(NED ~[EETING OF T?iE CITh COUNCIL OF
~,,~.NDAY, DECEi¥[BER ~2nd,1941.
A r~gularly adjourned meeting of th~ city council of the City of ~outh San ~anclsao,
was held in th~ City Hall, ~gonday evening, D~c~mber
This meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock P.1~[. by i~ayor ~eorge W.Eolston.
Roll ~all found all members of the council present,as follows;-
Councilmen,~.Boido, George W.Holston,R~s~ Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tkbsetts.
~he reading of the minutes of th~ two pr~vious m~etings was dispensed wftL.
City attorney Coleberd reported he had
regard to th~ proposed r~striction of traffi~ on certain streets about industrial plant~.
~iir. :_nderson to,him that his associates were not ~et ready to make r~co~endations amending the
raffi~ ordinance T~e city attorney reported also that he had s~en the pric~ a~inistrator
i: r~gard to the ceiling p:~ic~ allowed on st~l rails,and was info,ed that th~ price
gross ton~ to cons~ers. Engineer karshall reporled the city could have the rails d. eliv~red to
th~ consumers for about ~l.00 or ~1.~5 a gross ton., and will investigate the situation.
Th~ city attorney advised securing booklet copies of the Blackout 0rdinanc~ print~d.
Chief of polic~ B~lloni will have 15000 pamphlets~on raid precautions mimographed and distrib-
uted throughout the city.
~,arine ~i~agnesium Products ::orporation~
W.P.P~ller d~ Company.: .~.J.Jordan,Southern Pacific Co,and So.S.F.Land a Improvement CompanF
reported tLel~, would close the road tesding off from East Grand AVen~e...placing guards there for
~4 hours a day to keep out tress'~:'assers, if the cit~- Lad no objections. There were no objections
by the cit~~ council. :he guards will be required to reg~.ster with the city.
'ihe ~aden Improvement Club of gouth San Francisco of!ered their services to the city
in the emergency in any ca~':acity the city mig[ t require them. %k~e city clerk was inst~.cted to
write in re~[:~: thank:ng them,and advising them to come to the city hall and register accordingly.
City en:~ineer ~Larshall reported a sewer neces: cry o:~ the west side of Linden Aven~e in the
sidewalk area, from the north line of ~mont Company north to the property of Korinek COmpany ,
550 feet, at sn estimated cost of :~550, Korinek to pa~ ,;~Q00 f::r their, share~ th:s to be an 8"
sewer. Councilman Ratto gored the en?ineer be empowered to proceed wit]: the work.%he motion was
seconded by Co~:ncilman Lloyd and re:ularl~ carried.
There 'being no further business before the board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until
[~onday evenin January 5th,194~,at o'clock P.~L. %he motion was seconded Uy co~:ncilman Ratto and
regularly carried. '~ime of adjournz:~ent, 7;40 o'clock
~ayor of S~t1~ San Francisco.