HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-01-05 RE.iULAR MEETING 0F TEE CITY JOU~'~cIL
01;' T~i~.E Ci'IY 0P SOU~tl SAN ?RANCiSC0
i-iEJ D }~i0}!DA!, JAi. iUAR~ 5TE,l{~4~.
The re~larlmeeting of ~he cit[ council of the Cit} of South San Francisco was held in
the Cit}, Hail ~londay, January
Ti~e meeting was called lo order at .~ o'clock P.I~I. b} i~layor Geor~[e W.Holston.
Roll call found all mem.':ers of the council present,as follows,
Councitmen,V.Soido,leorge '~'~.t~olston,Reese Lloyd,D.W.Ratto,Rod TiObetts.
The minut, a::s of the l.hree previous meetings were read. Tt~ere being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
Gordon-Rowe Company submitted a-financial statement of the cit}~'s finances up to Decembe
31,1941. Accepted and filed.
~hn R,,~keg~s, ~' ~' ~istrict Engineer~ of the Division of Highways repo~ted that a ~.ecent' surve
F '
in South San ranczsco revealed that a n~ber of new signs are needed on the State tlighway,an
submitted s log showing the locations and asked the city to approve the sif~ns,to cost approx
imately ~;~50~ to be defrayed from the ~- cent gas tax finds of the State. CouncilorsTM Lloyd move
the city request that the changes be made. ~he motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and
regularly carried.
In written co~munications the So.San Francisco Chamber of Co~erce recommenc~e~ that a
stop and go~signal be installed at E1 C~'no Real and West Orange Avenue In Southwood$that
le~tercarrier service be inaugurated in Bsden,~aradise Valley and Southwood, and that the
N.E.Corner of Grand Avenue E~tension and 01d Mission hoad be cut off and apprSaches made to
insure greater safety in msking the turn. l~a~or Eo~;ston explained that plans for the Paradi
~alley sidewalk are ready and ordered that proceedings be commenced to build the walk. 'As to
.z..tle value to pedestrians on account of the lack o
the ~.llsi~e ~oulevard itself being o,? '~
toe to walk.on, the 6ity Clerk was instructed to write County Engineer Grant and request that
fills be made on the boulevard for the safety, of foot travelers,the road. being a county one.
In the matter of a stop and go sisnal for entrance to Southwood the cit~, and ~,:r. ~eor[~e~W.Wil
will jointly petition the Sta e Eighway Co~ission for the safety device. The city will co
Supervisor Tom kickey in tLe matter of cutting off the N.E.Coener of Grand Ave.Extensio~ and
~ ssion Read.
The p~:lisi:ers of t?~e ~-;outh San Francisco Enterprise thanked the city 'council for'Ehe
excellent r~s?onse given in the advertising and news column of the Industrial Pro.~f?ess Editio
Published November ~6, hoping the cit~' was completely satisfied with its appearance.Co~unic
accepted and filed.
A communication was received from i~lr. ~.t-i.Thomson og the South San Francisco Sign Co.
announcing that he had received instructions to Blackout ].~is electric sign in conformity wit
precautions.being taken b~' the ~overn~ent. ~:ou:municstion ordered filed.
In a writtez~ communication i¥iayo~ ~olston appointed D.W.~can a me~,~oer of the City Pla
Co~:~:'.~ission~ ~ucceeding Jas.0.?,~c?,:ills, tern expired and not eligible for appointment, and Andrew
[iocca a member of the C.,ty Planning Cor~ission, succeeding ~.~.l~'~artmnelli,te~ ex~ired and not
resident off.this city. Councilman Ratto moved the appointments be confi~ed, i'he m~ti6n was
seconded by,Councilman Lloyd~and regularly carried
An application for a business license was received from Pete Dress.fOr the location
Grand Avenue. Application granted. The State Board of Equalization not!Tied the city council
application.of iete Dress for an 0n Sale meer~License~ at the location ~4 Grand Ave~ue; ~ltuer
were no objecti~..ns by the city council.
An application for.a.business license to operate a Sausage casing plant was received f
0ppe~hei~er.Casing Company for the location No.q Pine Avenue, in the rear of V00 d. ay~hore
In co~nect~.on with the application a communication protesting against the granting of a permi
for a sausage: casining Cleaning business at the location indicated was received from the
Enterprise .Engine and Foundry Company, and from q8 residents of tle c~ty in the vicinity an
as far north as As~en and Armour Avenues. Councilman Lloyd stated that from what be had'heard
establishmeat of this kJ_nd of business in t?e location ~entioned would be injurious to Health
Councilman Ratto stated the residents of the vicinity who signed the petitio~-~, against the pla
~:new the conductions to be bad or would not have signed it and their wishes should be reSoecte
r~Ir. KovelofE of the foundry stated flies we~brought to hLs pla~.e,and 'smell as well, ann
the help,and also stated the sews~ie in the vi-cin~ty was in bad condition. Andrew Hynding sta
i~e had seen ~the 0p~:enheimer peo~:le who sta-ted the~~ -intended to construct a larger place and w
a temporary .place now. I¥[r.Dolwig stated the place was operating before and no complai~ts we
made against it, it was on the east side of the boulevard wi, ere there are no residences an~ s
no grounds flor protest. Layor .~:olston stated k~e was inside the place'and found the usual fac
odor but outside there was none, some somt of ozone beings] in use purif~ing the a~ir.
i~'.r, l~i~icks stated that in modern plants of this kind n~ foul smells are percepti01e an
the company .expected to build or secure a larger ~ls. ce later, it was sug~dested that tee coun
might grant ~ temporary pe~it. Accordin~'ly Councilman ~oido moved that a tem~::ora~y pgrmit
granted for a r:eriod of ninet'[~ days. Councilman Tibbetts seconded the motion. Councilmen
i::olston and ~'i~betts voted for the temporary pe~it,and councilmen Lloyd and -Ratto voted No
Chief of police ~elloni su~itted the following names for appointment.as extra police f
the various industries of ~i:e cit~;- Windell F.Earold, James W.Bennet,D.BeverageChgrleg L.Bu
Howard F.Cap~s, f~oland kori, Anderson Karl Vai~homer G~bbs, Glen~ood· E~gene Joy, Dan Roberts
Jack Finger,.Clarence T.Pfaff, Louis C.Arbasetti, and Louis Vannucci. Councilm'an Ratto moved
appointments, be confirmed,without remuneration from the City of South 'San ~ancisco.The motio
was seconde~ b)~ Councilman Lloyd a:~d regularly carried.
~lhe monthly reports of the health inspector, Poundkeeper,City Treasurer,Chief of Poll
Fire Chief,Bnilding Inspector , Cit~ Judge and City Clerk for the month ending December 31,19
were received. Councilman Lloyd moved the reports be accepted as read. '~?,e motion wa~s s~cond
Councilmen Ratto and regularly carried.
Four bids from as r~any companies were receive~d to sell the cit~ gasoline for the 194q
The number oi: oic being much smaller than last wear it was decided to ~?o~tpone opening of
unti~ the next regular meeting,i¥~onday,Janusry 19,194~.
~ihe Capital Company~was ~ranted oe~ission to make alterat-ions to their st~cture on L
D1. ck 105, i~ the amount o~ ~600.
in thc matter of ~ ostal service in three sections of the city,not now serviced, ~aden,
wood and Par~d!~ Valley' Logan;'i:ran lin stated the reason for this is that t~e government do
not extend doli~r~ to sections of cities unless the tracts are built up to a certain degree
sidewalks installed. ~t~e City Clerk was requested to write the ~postmaster~ and' ask for the se
tn the matter of additional sirens ,~ity Engineer karshall advised that some might be
placed on wooden or steel towers to ~]met height, or on high points on hills. ~;ire Chief Welte
t~at th.e city ~4et some. action in tt~e case as soon as possi01e for the protection of the city'
Gordon-Rowe Company submitted a-financial statement of the city's finances up to December
31,19%1. Accepted and filed.
J~hn ~--.~keggs,£,istrict Engineer, of the Di'/ision of Highways repo~ted that a recent' survey
in South San Francisco revealed that a ntur~ber of new signs are needed on the State }~ighway,and
submitted s log showing the locations and asked the city to approve the si~ns,to cost approx-
imately ,i~§~ to be defrayed ~:=rom the -~- cent gas tax finds of the State. Council~am Lloyd moved
the city request that the changes be made. 'lhe motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto ~nd
regularly carried.
In written co:~'munications the So.San ~rancisco Chamber of Commerce recommen~e~ that a
stop and go-signal be installed at E1 Cam~no heal and West Orange Avenue In SouthwoodSthat
le~tercarrier service be inaugurated in B~den,~aradise Valley and Southwood, and that the
N.E.Corner of Grand Avenue E~tension and 01d ~¥~ission head be cut off and approaches made to
insure greater safety in m~king the turn. i~.iayor Eolston explained that plans for the Paradise
~alley sidewalk are ready and ordered that proceedings be commenced to build the walk. ~As to
the l~illsi~e Boulevard itself being o~ .ittle value to .pedestrians on account of the lack of
toe to walk.on, the 8ity Clerk was instructed to write Count~ ~ngineer Grant and request that
fills be made on the boulevard for the safety of foot travelers,the road being a ¢ount~ one.
In the matter of a stop and go sisnal for entrance to Southwood tDe cit~ and hr. ~.eorge WJ~ill~
will jointly petition the Sta e Highway Commission for the safety device. The city will con~
Supervisor Tom kickey in the matter of cutting off the N.E.Co~ner of Grand Ave.Extension and
~i s s i on Read.
The p~Lt.~siLers of tY~e ~outh San Francisco Enterprise thanked the city 'council for~Ehe
excellent rssv>onse given in the advertising and news column of the Industrial Pro~ress Edition
published November ~6, hoping the city was completely satisfied with its a~pearance.Co~nunica~
accepted and filed.
A communication was received from ~r. ~.t-i.Thomson og the South San Francisco Sign Co.,
announcing that he had received instructions to ~lackout his electric sign in conformity with
precautions.being taken b~~ the ~overn~ent. Communication ordered filed.
In a writte~ communication ~/iayo~ Lolston appointed D.W.Duucan a member of the City Plato
Co~ission~ mucceeding Jas.0.l~ci'~iills, term expired and not eligible for appointment, and Andrew
Rocca aL. member of the City Planning Cormnission, succeeding ~J~.l~'lartinelli,term ex~ired and not n(
resident o~this city. Councilman Ratto moved the appointments be confirmed, i'he motion was
seconded by,Councilman Lloyd~and regularly carried ....
An application for a business license was received from Pete Dress. for the location
Grand Avenue. Application granted. The State Board of Equalization notiTied the city council
application~of i-ete Dress for an On ~ale Oeer~License~ at the location ~% Grand Averiue~ ~lhere
were no objecti'/ns by the city council.
An application for.a business license to operate a ~ausage casing plant was received fr(
0ppemheimer.Casing Company for the location Yo.~ Pine Avenue~ in the rear of 700 S. ay~hore Eig]
In co~nect~on with the application a communication protesting against the granting of a ~ermit
for a sausage.~ casining cleaning business at the location indicated was received from the
Enterprise .Engine and' Foundry Company, and from o~8 residents of ti e c~ty in the vicinity and
as far north as /~sL~en and Armour Avenues. Councilman Lloyd stated that from what P~e bad'heard
establishmer~t of t~is kind of business in t?e location mentioned would be injurioms to Health.
Councilman Ratto stated the residents of the vicinity who signed the petitio~ against the
knew the cond~]tions to be bad or would not have signed it and their wishes should be re~oecte~.
~,'Ir. Kovelof£ of the foundry stated ~lies war, brought to his place,and ~smell as well,~, anne
the help,and also stated the sewate in the vi-cin~ty was in 'bad condition. Lndrew Eynding stat.
he had seen ~the Oppenheimer people who sta-ted they ~intended to construct a larger place and wa~
a temporary .place now. l'~!r. Dolwig stated the place was operating b,~fore and no complaiMts war.
made against it, it was on the east side of the boulevard w-~ ere there are no residences an~ sa~
no grounds f, or protest, hayer holston stated he was inside the place'and found the usual fact.
odor but outside there was none, some so~t of ozone bein{! in use purifying the git.
~'~r. Einnicks stated that in modern plants of this kind aG foul smells are perceptible and
the company .expected to build or secure a larger ~olace later, it was sug?jested that t~e counc
might grant ~ tem!~orary permit. Accordingly Councilman Ooido moved that a tem,~>orary pe~rmit b
granted for a period of ninety, days. Councilman Tibbetts seconded the motion. Councilmen Bold
holston and %'ibbetts voted for the temporary permit,and councilmen Lloyd and ~iiatto voted No.
Chief of police ~elloni submitted the following names for appointment~as extra police fo
the various industries of ~e cit?/;- Windell F.Harold, James W.Bennet,D.BeverageCha~rles' L.Bur
Howard F.Cap~os, i~oland keri, Anderson iiarl Vai~Homer Gibbs, Glenwwood· E~ugene Joy, Dan Roberts,
Jack Finger,.Clarence T.Pfaff, Louis C.Arbasetti, and Louis Vannucci. Councilm'an Ratto moved
appointments, be confirmed,without remuneration from the City of South San ~rancisco.The motion
was secondeS, b~~ Councilman Lloyd a~d regularly carried.
~i~he monthly reports of the health inspector, Poundkeeper,City Treasurer,Chief of Polic
Fire Chief,B~ilding Inspector , City Judge and City Clerk for the month ending December ~1,19~
Were receivej. Councilman Lloyd moved the reports be accepted, as read. '~he motion wa~s s~econde
Councilman Ratto and regularly carried.
Four bids from as u~any companies were received to sell the citF gasoline for the 19~o, p
The number of. bids. ~ being much smaller than last year it was decided to 7. oBtpone opening of
until, the next regular meeting,i~londay,January 1~,194~.
~lhe Capital Company was ~ranted per~nission to make alterations to their structure on Lo
Bl~ck 105, i~ the amount of ~.6600.
In th.~ matter of ~ ostal service in three sections of the city,not now serviced, ~aden,S
wood and Para'~!~e Valley, Lo~an i~ran lin st~ted~ the reason for this is that title government doe
not extend d~lm~,/~m~ to sectmons of cmtmes unless the tracts are built uP to a certain degree a
sidewalks in, tailed, kt~e City Clerk was requested to write the postmaster~ and· ask for the set
In t~e matter of additional sirens City Engineer harshall ~dvised that some might be
placed on wooden or steel towers to get height, or on high points on hills. ~ire Chief Welte
tlat the city get some~ action in the case as soon as possi01e for the protection of the city's
interests, h~ and ~r. ~,~arshall will attend to the matter at once.
In the matter of the overflow of rain waters at ~ayshore t~ Armour Councilam Boido advi
that it be attended to before~any more rains overflow the district.Emgineer I~arshall will begi
at once to correet de~'ect in the culverts.
Claims in the amount of $7~569.60 were next presented to the Oity uounc~- rot payme~.:
He McGraw
Mike Lammth
W. C. Whipple
Nello Lazzari
V. Bianchini
A. Terr agno
Louis Belloni
Arthur Rodondi
Valley Express
Bell i Motor Co.
Fashion Clothing Co'
Ric' s
So.S.F. Hospital
C ~ Bollazzi
Periat and Sons
Louis ,Belloni
G. 01mst ad
H. Schweining
H. Wedeking
G. P appazoni
P. Smith
C. S churk
V. Ullery
J. Kritz
G. Carey
E. Rosst
A. Sargenti
C · Rinehart
R. Spinelli
E. Kozlowaki
C. Begnal
C. Heard
A. Johns on
M. Castro
A. J. Welte
P. Mariani
A. Canziani
t- Cameron
A. Schmidt
R. Bisagno
J. C~. Penney Co.
Arndt's Dept. store
Universal Tool & Mfg. Co.
Americau Fire Equipmen~ Co.
P. G. GebJle
Wm. Muller
A. C. Johnson
Mrs. D. Stewart
Kelly's Welding Shop ,,
J. DiBene
J. Gioffre
J. Appel
A . Soldani
M. Lauf~r
Standard 0il Co.
F. J. Lautze
Blomquist Oilservice
Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co.
Burroughs Adding Machine Co.
So. City Auto Service
J. W. Holston
01d Reliance Garage
Wobbers Inc.~
California State Auto
C. E. Bush
Highway Transport Co,
California Electric Supply
Graybar Electric Co.
· J. G. Walker
Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co.
Pen. League of Calif. Cities
Swift a nd Co.
Edward R. Bacon
Ass ociated Equipment Co.
League of Calif. Cities
Charles Bx~xning Co.
So. City Plumbing Shop
Union Paving Co.
Bank of So.S.F.
H. V. Carter Co.
Pac~e co Electric
Ae Je Pacheoo
3 da~,s extra police duhy
overtime 12/9 to 31 & 3 days
2 carton siE~s
repairs Buicks
materials Oct. Nov.
9 raincoats for police officers.
8 qts oil police dept.
Alcoholic ex.
materials city hall
" emergency
2 -.~amp covers
mis c. expense
attend fires
3 days expense Defense School S.F.
3 d,ays overtime
4 days overtime
12 ~y~s. Ramona cloth- fire dep.
towels, sheets, etc. fire dep.
repairs to fire alamn movements
~warts for fire dept.
days W.P.A. labor
~ da~s survey W.P.A.
21 days setting out lights W.P.A.
filing cabinet
welding fire dept.
welding street dept.
16 days labor street dept.
16 days "
17 days park labor
19 days ~park labor
motor oil- street sweeper
" W.P.A.
gas Oct. and Nov.
5 gals distilled water
repair street trucks
road emulsion
phone service Dec.
maintenance 8/7/41 to 2/7/42
repa ~t~S street sweeper
5 lunches Defense Meet
repairs street trucks
mimeo paper and ink - defense
4 signs
1000 - 1 gal cans
suppli es
Sal. ~Secy Planning Corem Dec.
phone 401
contribution for expense
500 empty salt sacks
shovels and picks
1 broom core
1942 dues
i Thermometer & 50' tape
bal. due e~cavating Colma Creek
Prine and 'nt. fire t~uck to De$.1941
1 sprinkleP head
wiring Orange Ave. club house
maintain fire system & street lig~s
17.4 9
17.4 9
19. 02
4. O0
4. 00
6. 00
6. 50
6. 50
6. 50
9. 50
9. 50
3. 09
145.4 9
9. 50
85. O0
4. 90
15. 70
15.4 5
52.8 9
113. 55
So.S.F. Hospital
C; Bollazzi
Periat and Sons
Louis ,Belloni
G. 01mst ad
H. Schweining
H. Wedeking
G. P appazoni
P. Smith
C. Schurk
V. Ullery
J. F_ritz
G. Carey
E. Rossi
A. Sargenti
C. Rinehart
R. Spinelli
E. Kozlowaki
C. Begnal
C. Heard
A. Johnson
M. Castro
A. J. Welte
P. Mariani
A. C anziani
~. Cameron
A. Schmidt
R. Bisagno
J. C,. Penney Co.
Arndt's Dept. store
Universal Tool & Mfg. Co.
American Fire Equipment Co.
P. G. GebJle
Wm. Muller
A. C. Johnson
Mrs. D. Stewart
Kelly's Welding Shop ,,
J. DiBene
J. Gioffre
J. Appel
A . Soldani
M. Lauf~r
Standard 0il Co.
F. J. Lautze
Blomquist Oilservice
Pac. Tel.. & Tele. Co.
Burroughs Adding Machine Co.
So. City Auto Service
'~. W. Holston
01d Reliance Garage
Wobbers Inc.'
California State Auto
C. E. Bush
Highway Transport Co,
California Electric Supply
Graybar Electric Co.
J. G. Walker
Pac. Tel.. & Tel.. Co.
Pen. League of Calif. Cities
Swift a nd Co.
Edward R. Bacon
Ass ociated Equipment Co.
League of Calif. Cities
Charles Bruning Co.
So. City Plumbing Shop
Union Paving Co.
Bank of
H. V. Carter Co.
Pac~eco Electric
Ae Je Pacheco
Pacheco Electric
Chamber of Commerce
Alcoholic ex.
materials city hall
" emergency
2 '.~amp covers
misc. expense
attend fires
3 days expense Defense School S.F.
3 d~ys overtime
4 days overtime
lB ~yds. Ramona cloth- fire dep.
towels, sheets, etc. fire dep.
repairs to fire alarm movements
arts for fire dept.
days W.P.A. labor
5 days survey W.P.A.
21 days setting out lights W.P.A.
filing cabinet
welding fire dept.
welding street dept.
16 days labor street dept.
16 days "
17 days park labor
19 days~park labor
motor oil- street sweeper
gas 0ct. and Nov.
5 gals distilled water
repair street t~ucks
road emulsion
p~one service Dec.
maintenance 8/7/41 to 2/7/42
repa ~ld~s street sweeper
5 lunches Defense Meet
repairs street trucks
mtmeo paper and ink - defense
4 signs
1000 - 1 gal cans
Sal..Secy Planning Corem Dec.
phone 401
contribution for expense
500 empty salt sacks
shovels and picks
1 broom co re
1942 dues
1 Thermometer & 50' tape
bal. due e~cavating Colma Creek
Prin. and 'nt. fire truck to De$.1941
1 sprinkle~ head
wiring Orange Ave. club house
maintain fire systea & street lignhs
installing new lines fire & traffic
repairs traffic signal Bayshore & Linden
labor and material repair C.H. clock
Dec. advertising
4. O0
3. O0
3. O0
5. 50
6. O0
6. 50
6. 50
6. 5O
9. 50
9. 50
22. O0
22. O0
3. 09
145.4 9
21. O0
15. O0
9. 50
8 5. O0
95. O0
35. O0
4. 90
15. VO
10. O0
1 747.57
113. 55
25. O0
Peninsula Window Cleaning Co.
Bank of America
Enterprise Press
cleaming city hall windows & fount. $
Claim of Gordon Rowe Co.
publishing Ord. 216 & 21V
5 receipt books-500 cer. of appointment
200 alarm directories-5000 radio and
camera circulars & personel cards 86.87
Linde Air Products Co. oxygen and ac,etylene 19.13
A. Carlisle Co. minute book and daily reminder 18.9~
" police record & record to carry weapons 67.17
Patrick and Co. i st~np - fire dep 3.08
" 2 bottles stamp pad ink 1.75
~u vehicle and dog license tags 44.29
Roy~al Supply supplies - recreation 76.94
u sups, lies - police dept. 5.67
~ir e dept. 7. 90
So. City Lumber Co. materials sewer repair .30.08
" " W.P.A. 231. 97
" "hot house t' 26. 27
N blackout m~'terial ~...o 13.02
~ materials street °' ''~' '19.85
~ " emergency 37 4.17
~ ~# fire alarm system 17. 9~
Roy.~l Supply Co. ~ $ bolts and 1 file W.P.A. 1.26
materials- recreation 9.26
tot al- -
$7,56 9. 65
The claims having been audited b~ tle financ eommittee councilman Ratto moved they
be paid. ~ihe motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
There being no furth, er business before the council co~ncilman Tibbetts moved to adjc
until ~,~onday, January 1~,194o~, at 8 o'clocl P.~i. The motion was seconded by councilman
moido and regularly carried.
Time of adjourn;:ent, 10;10 o'clock P.E.
~a~or.~~f~ti-~ 5an Francisco.
Re spe ct fully .submitted,