HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-01-19 REGULAR I~';EEEII'~G 0.b' ~±hE CIT'z COL~NCiL 0t;
ZONDAE, JA~T'0ARE 19,194~.
The regular n eeting of the cit~ council of the Ci ],. of South San ?rancisco was held in the
City ~all,~.:londs. y evening, 0anuary 19,1949.
1he meetin~ was called ~o order at 8 o'clock P.!~.[. by l~iayor Geor~e W.Holston.
Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;-.
Councilmen,V.Boido,Oeorge W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, D.;?.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. ,~.ere being no errors or omissions they were
approved as read.
A communication was received from the~.~=,,~a~..~ ftreet Railway Co~sny stating their Special ':z~
offfv~r ~(eyer met with Chief of ~:~olice ~elloni recently,aha conferred ~n the matter of making
0rang6 Avenue a full stop in'both ~]irections where it crosses their private right 0f way, and
that 8ff~cer ~(eyer was advised bi, officer ~elloni t! at a su~:gestion to that effect mi~.ht be
addressed to the City Council. The company requested the city to erect ~11 stop signs in
both 5irectigns on Orange Avenue. City attorney Coleberd stated Orange Avenue is an open
5edic~ted street and ti.:e railway compan has no right 0f way over the thorou~_hfare, tt was revealed
~e wi~ wag so~.etimes gets out of order and tee cars run past the street regardless of tra~l
and p~y no attention to sounding warnings whatever. It was decided to place no stop signals up~
and t~ notify the company to order their cars slowed down to a minimum of speed at the crossing.
~ank of America wished to know if the city wished.to c:ntinue stop-pa~ent of checks,O3008,
A.Cor~uccini,~360, Check.Noi96690,R.'libbetts,<~30, Check98"~'31, ~ank of So.San Fra~cisco,~150.00,
and cLeck O0~46,.[hell 0il Co,.~78.o4. It was decJ. ded to continue the stop-pa~ent notice,and the
clerk was instructed, to so notify the bank.
A communication was received from the So.S.~.Flanning Con:mission stating they were calling
the attention of the City Council tothe alleged insanitary condition of chicken houses and rabbit
hutches in the Cit)' of South San z"rancisco~ and resmectfully asked that the health officer look
into the matter. ~eslth Officer ~ielvin Schlaam was [:~resent and stated he would be please~to ca'll
at the places affected when given the addresses. '~he cit~ clerk was instructed to secure the add-
resses fro~~'. tk:e l:lanning Commission.. 0['ficer Schlaam renorted there should be a chicken ordinan6e ~ in effe~tto enforc,s an order requard-ng the cafe of chicken and rabbits.
~xeferrin~:~ to a proposed trane:f er or trad2of some city park land for some beach property,
wi-~ich proposition i-:ad been referred to the Planning Co~ission for an opinion,the co~ission
reported that owing to the ',iar Emergency existing at the present time and for some time to come,
~he present is no time to consider the expendit~re of money,not absolutely necessary,for the
improvement of park sites or recreational grounds. ~he reoort stated '~hat ~4r.Rocca~moved ti:at
in the opinion of the Planning Co~ission and the Recreation Commission the Park site north of
the ~,iartin ~chool and the site at ~liller and Acacia s~ould not be disposed of at this time.The
motion was secood~ed by ~'~r. ~'.P ~
~ .,~auffn~ann and carried unanimously. Councilman l~atto asked if
there was a representati~e of the cit~; counc'~l at the meeting.l;e' stated t]~ere was to b.~ no mone~
expende5 ~-~ ~he proposed transaction, zt was to be a transfer of parcels of land,ownership.
In another co~'~unication ,.he Planning Com~:ission rsked wLat progress was bein~ made
on a new p~osed ~oning ordinance. City attorney Coleberd stated the reclassification cf land
had not yet~ -b~en concludes. 'ihe matter was referred back to the city attorney.
En~i~.aer Larshall su~mitte~ a~ copy of a bill sent to the county of San kateo for their
share of the work done to control the waters of Colma Creek, in the su~-~ of ~6VV~. The clai~:: was
approved by the-city council.
Pacific Gas ~ Electric Company requested permission to extend their ~ gas main in Orange
Avenue,a:outhwood, a distance of approximately 800 feet to sopply 15 residences,and t~ eir ~ and 3
mains in Fairway Drive between ~noll Circle and Southwood Drive,Southwood, a distance of approximately
460 ?eet to supply 4 new residences, iieferred to Councilman Tib'oetts and the ~esired pe~ission
'lhe City Plannin~ Con, mission submitted a co=~unication stating t~ ey had approve~ a blue
print of an additional 60 lots Iv~r. Williams intends to add to holdings adjoining Southwood No.1.
Laid over for consideration.
A communication .:,as received from i¥1rs. Garbarino protesting against a.?eed charge of 91 cent
against her property,l~44 Sayshore highway,, stating her 'siedwalk is cement, heferred to the eng-
gineer's office for investigation. ~?illlam ~arren of the Ace oedding c.o protested s.gainst a charge
of ~1.35 for weed cleaning on his lots 16 and 17, San ~runo Road tract. ~eferred to the city engineer.
G.Lavezzo p~otes'.ed against the pa~ent of a weed charge against his lot,No.34,Block 8
~own of Oaden.[~eferred to the engineer's office, harry 7~T~itehouse protested against the charge
of 41.83 for weed cleani.n~ on his lot i in block 94. ~eferred to the city engineer's office.
.4 report was received from the hous~ng and sanitary ~nspector showing the premises at
458 Tamarach Lane to be in a -?er~ insanitary condition.~eferredto city attorney Coleberd and
the inspectors.
'ihe monthly report of the librarian for. the month ending December 31,1941 was received
a:~d acce~:ted~. ,
Councilman Tibbetts moved the gasoline bids be opened.The motion was second, ed by coun-
ci'lman boido and regularly carried.
'~he following bids were then o~:ened. Stand, etd Oil ~o~ .1185,.10~o .09~f3,Richfield Oil
Co. .ll~5, .lO and .09V3,Rio Grande, ,~.1185 , .lO~, nd .0973, Shell Oil CO.,~.1185 , .lO~
.09~3, 'lexa~o, .15, .13 and .l~, ~,ilmore Oil Co., .llgO, .10~,.09~F3, Signal Oil Co. .1~99.
.1099 and.09~9, Associated Oil f~o. .1185, .lOO~ and ..0973~U:~ion Oil Co. .1~98. .1098 and no third
Richfield Oil co, was the lowest bidder and was given 8 months ,and Standard,the next lowest bidder
:~.wning property in South San ?rancisco was given 4 months sales/
C:ouncilman i~atto requested that the road approach to Orange Avenue Park from Circle
Cou~t be made permanent to allow for tra~zel through. Cit~ engineer ~arshall wil~ take care of tle
t:ostmaster Joe Quinlan appeared before the council and stated mail could be delivered to
Saradise Valley if a sidewalk were constructed ~rom:Llnaen to Arden Avenue,as there are suffici~t
residences in the tract to enti~.le residents to free delivery. 'As to the 'iown of ~aden, t.e stated
the inspectors had v:~sited the village and found there were not enough rosideqts there to entitle
them to free delivcry. Le stated also t]~at Zouthwood ]ad ~sxed for ~:a i delivery service, and ~_e
request is taking tLe regular course..
'ihe suoject of a st~o and [~ signs] for the intersection of E1 Oamino ~eal and ?~est Orange
Avenue was brou~:?t to the attention of the c uncil. It was decided that the cit~. and ~eorge
W.Williams of Southwood should jointly petition the State ~:~i~hway Commission for the installaticn
of the si~:;nsl.
~,_elvin Schlsa~r~, sanitary inspector,re~':orted ~e had inspected the room Of the Op?:enheimer Casf',~,~
Co. and ~.ad found no offensive smell. Ze asked oermission to purchse a sack of barle~ ~o poisom ·
rabs~with,Pe~ission granted.
A communication was received from the ~arkat ~treet Railway Co~sny stating their Special
offi~/~r Keyer met with Chief of Police Lelloni recently,aha conferred in the matter of making
Orange Avenue a full stop in~ both ~irections where it crosses their private right Of way, and
that 6ffioer Keyer was advised b~ officer ~elloni t) at a su~]gestion to tkat effect m~ht be
addressed to the City Council. The company requested the city to erect full stop si~ns in
both directions on Orange Avenue. City attorney Coleberd stated Orange Avenue is an open a~
~edic&ted street and ti~e railway compan has no right 0f way over the thorou~hfare. It was revealed
t~at ~he wig wag so~etimes ~ets out of order and the cars run past the street regardless of travel
and p~y no attention to soundin~ warnings whatever. It was decided to place no stop signals up~
and t~ notify the compan~~ to order th~ir cars slowed down to a minimum of speed at the crossing.
~ank of America wished to know if the city wished.to c~ntinue stop-pa~ent of checks,OJ008,
A.CorPuccini,~J80, Ch~ck.Noi~$6~0,R.Tibbetts,~J0, Check~87~l, ~ank of So.San Fra~cisco,~l~0.00,
and check *07~6,.ahell Oil Co,~VJ.*~. It was decided to continue the stop-pa~ent notice,and the
clerk was instructed to so notify the bank.
~ communication was received from the So.S.~.~lanning Con,mission stating theF were calling
the attention of the City Council tothe alleged insanitary condition of chicken houses and rabbit
hutches in the Cit2 of South San ~rancisco~ and respectfully askea that the health officer look
into the matter. H~alth Officer Nelvin Schlaam was present and stated he ~ould be please~to call
at the places affected when given the addresses. %he cit~ clerk was instructed to secure the add-
r~sses fro~~' the Plannin~ Commission.. 0~ficer Schlaam re~orted there sLouid be a chicken ordlnan6e
~ ~ :.~. :~. in effe~tto enforc~ an~ order requard~ng the care of chicken and rabbits.
~eferriny to a proposed tran:~fer or tradaof some city park land for some beach property,
wl':ich proposition ?:ad been referred to the Planning Co~ission for an opinion,the commission
reoorted that owing to the '~ar Emergency existing at the present time and for some time to come,
She present is no time to consider the expenditure of money,not absolutely necessary,for the
improvement of park sites or recreational grounds. T~e reoort stated that ~'Ir.Rocca'moved that
in the Opinion of the Planning Co~_ission and the Recreation Commission the Park site north of
the ~:artin ~chool and the site at ~..:iller and Acacia s~ould not be disposed of at this time.The
motion was secoo~:ed by ~':r. E.P.Kauffn-ann an~ carried unanimously. Councilman natto asked if~
there '~'~'as a representative of the cit~ counc:l at thee meeting.Re' stated t?ere was to b~" no mone~
expende~ ~-~ ~-he proposed transaction. ~t was to be a transfer of p~rcels of land,ownership.
In anmther co~"~unication the Planning Commission ::sked wLat progress was bein~ made
On a new p~osed soning ordinance. City attorney Coleberd.stated the reclassification of land
had not yet~ 'been concluded. ~he matter was referred back to the city attorney.
En:~iJ.~:er Larshall submitte~ a. copy of a bill sent to the county of San kateo for their
share of the work done to control the waters of Colma Creek, in the sum of ,:~8~V~. The clai~: was
approved by the ,city council.
Pacific Gas ~:. Electric Company requested permission to extend their ~" gas maiu in Orange
Avenue,~outhwood, a distance of approximately 800 feet to s~pply 15 residences,and ti eir ~ and
mains in Fairway Drive between .:nell Circle and Southwood Drive,Southwood, a distance of approximately
~80 feet to supply ~ new residences. ~eferred to Councilman TibOetts and the ~esired pe~ission
'lhe Cit~~ Plannin~ Commission submitted a communication stating t~e~ had approve~ a blue
print of an additional 60 lots l'~:r. Williams intends to add to holdings adjoining Southwood No.1.
Laid over for consideration.
A communication .,",as received from l¥"~rs. Garbarino protesting ag'.ainst a.?eed charge of ~l cent
against her property,l~ 8ayshore Lighwa~,, stating her 'siedwalk is cement. ~eferred to the eng-
g~.neer's office for investigation. William Warren of the Ace oedding ac protes~ed against a charge
of ,~$1.~5 for weed cleaning on his lots 16 and 1V, San ~runo Road tract, neferred to the city engineer.
O.Lavezzo p~otes ed against the pa~ent of a weed charge against his lot,No.Z~,block 8
Town of Oaden. Referred to the engineer's office, harry l~T~itehouse protested against the charge
of ~1.8~ for weedmcleani.n~ on his lot i in block 9~. ~eferred to the city engineer's office.
A report was received from the housing ~nd sanitary ~nspector showing the premises at
~8 T~arac~ Lane to be in a ver~, insanitary condition.~eferredto city attorney Coleberd and
the inspectors.
qbe monthly reoort of the librarian for. the month ending December 51,19~1 was received
aud accer:t,e~,
Council]ran Tlbbetts moved the gasoline~bids be opened.The motion was secon:~ed by coun-
cilman boido and regularly carried.
'lhe following bids were then o:cened. Standard Oil ~o~ .1185,.10°P .0975,Richfield Oil
Co. .1175, .10 and .0975,~io Grande, .~.1185 , .109~, nd .0975, Shell Oil Co.,~$.118~ , .lOeP a~
.09?5, Texa~o, .1~, .1~ and .1~, Oilmore Oil Co., .1190, .t099,.0973, Signal 0fl Co. .lo99.
.1099 and ~ As .....
.09,9, sociated Oil :30. 118~, .10o9 and .0975~U:ion Oil Co. 1~98 10~8 and no third
Richfield Oil co, was the lowest bidder and was given 8 months ,and Standard,the next lowest bidder
~:wning property in South San Francisco was given ~ months sales/
Councilman i~atto requested that the road approach to O~ange Avenue Park from Circle
Cou~t be made permanent to allow for tra~/el through. Cit~ engineer karshall wil~ take care of tl:e
l:ostmaster Joe Quinlan appeared before the council and stated mail could be delivered to
~aradise Valley if a sidewalk were constructed from:L~nden to Arden Avenue,as there are sufficient
residences in the tract to enti:le residents to free delivery. As to the 'iown of ~aden, l~e stated
the inspectors had v::sited the village and found there were not enough rcside~'~ts there to entitle
them to free delivery. Le stated also tLat aouthwood ~ a~ ~sxed for ~:a:l delivery service, and ~_e
request is taking the regular course..
'ihe s%:bject of a st:~ and ~.~ signs~ for tke intersection of E1 Oamino ~eal and ~.~est Orange
Avenue was brou~ht to the attention of the c unci!. It was decided tha~ the cit~o, and ~eorge
W.Williams of Southwood sh. ould jointly petition the State ~i~:hway Co~ission for the installaticn
of the signal.
?:elvin Schlsa~, sanitary insvector,re:':orted he had inspected the room of the Op::enheimer
Co. and k~ad found no offensive smell. ~e asked permission to purchse a sack of barle~ to poiso~
rats~with,Pe~ission granted.
Council::.an l~atto reverted the sewer at Oas~shore and California Avenue probably out of order
and requested the engineer to look into the matter. He ::~oved that ~he salaries of laborers working
the day be raised to ~.80'a day.~he motion was seconded by c~.m:ncilm~n~2 sad redularl~ carried. '
~lhe ~aise to commence on January ~0,1940. ,'~
Claims in the amount of $5,850.34 were next presented to the council for payme~b:
Pete Que stoni
California State Auto Assn.
Dudley Perkins
Baber's Body Shop
F. W. Woolworth Co.
Mrs. Emma Bianchini
B. F. NcDonald Co.-
Patrick & Noise Klinkner Co.
Railway Express Agency
Schwabacner Frey Co.
Union 0il Co.
Bx~Luton's Automotive Co.
Research Publishing Co.
Belli Notor Co.
Kelly,' s Welding Shop
California Electric Supply Co.
Linde~ Avenue Garage
Universal Tool & Mfg. Co.
So. City Laundry
Superior Laundry
Ora[bar Eleotric Co.
D. J. Daly
Burroughs Adding Machine
P· G· & E.
California Water Service
Jos. D. Sheedy Drayage
Pacific Telephone & Tele. Co.
Ente~prt se Press
M..~ Laufer
A. Soldani
J· Appel
J. DIBene
J. Gioffre
Ae C· Jonnson
A. SarEenti
A. Johnson
A. Buenler
M. Castro
A. Scnmidt.
T. L. Farnsworth
The. Examine r
National Recreation Assn·~
A. Ca~lisle
Crawfo~d Typewriter Co.
New Lincoln Market
Robt. T. Davis
Cardinal Blue Print Co.
Gus A. Gehlert
Union Paving Co.
So. City Lumber Co.
wash Buick
service motorcycle and parts
repairs Buick
225 whis~es
matron se~ices
liens - fire dept.
supplies - police dept·
frei ght
cash book
wash snd lubricate police car
I radio
repairs radio
ti f!
1 book Juvenile laws
repai rs Buick
repairs to traffic sign
welding street dePt.
duplex lead and wire
repairs fire car
12 cartridges
laundry Dec. fire house
" " "#2
supplies polioe dopt.
air raid siren
balance due October bill
labO~ & material blackout city Hall
1 set casters
street lights Dec.
misc. service Dece
Xmas lights meter
misce service Dece
playground service Dec.
hydrant rental Dec.
hauling polie for siren
phone service
2eoo envelopes city clerk
19 sheets cardboard - defense
4000 police dept. receipts
248 arm bands imprinted
500 license notices
5000 circulars Ord. #217
printing 0~d. bo oks 215- 216-217
5 days park labor
13 days park labor
12~ days "
12 days labor Linden Ave. sewer
12 days street labor
A days labor scout house
lA days setting out Grand Ave.lights
I day removing Xmas lights
2 days "
3 days "
6 days "
i day extra_ fireman duty
ex~,. civilian defense
recreation dept.
" recreation dept. anddefense
add for desk, etc. recreation dep.
services and sub. to magazine
1 book recreation dept.
ribbon- engineer's office
ribbon police dept·
i doze~bottle~s bleacnine water
~ days labor
24 blue prints
2 cutting tips
Bal. due E. Grand Ave. paving
incendiary bomb ssmpl~
concrete W·P.A·
$ 1.50
11.5 9
5. O0
15. O0
3. O0
15. 00
50. O0
65. O0
60. O0
10. O0
15. O0
5. 66
60. O0
10. 90
2 522.80
TLe claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman ~iatto moved the~' be ?ai
The r-.ct!on was seconal, ed by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
In tLe atter of hospits, lity house for sol6iers i'~irs.i¥~arf.aret YVeller sooke of the pos
bili~ty of securi~r the aervices of the cit~, to act as sponsors.~¥~.ayor Holster explained the c
is ai~heady in so. ~?~n> ~nti',?ties it could not spare furti:er time for this purpose, but wou
f::lad to-epproVe,~t~is laudable work, which could be taken up b~,~ tbn various lod~;es, clubs, so
associations,auxiliarie'S, the exoense to be met by v,~'~lt~ntary sub~.ription.ikis was sati~:fact
all concerned.
~ihere being no fu~'-ther business before the board Councilman 5ibbetts w~oved to adjourn un
I'/onday, February o,l.~49,,at ~ o'clock p.m..~he motion was seconded b>~ councilman ~,oido and reg
carried. Time oZ~adjournment,.10;~5 o'clock ?.k. "hesp~ctfull>~ submitted.,
Union 0il Co. wash and lubricate police car 3.15
B~nmton's Automotive Co. I radio 83.59
" repairs radio 15.00
" " " 16.02
Research Publishing Co. 1 book Juvenile laws .74
Belli Motor Co. repairs Buick 27.16
" " 221.6 9
Kell~,'s Welding Shop repairs to traffic sign 2.25
welding street dept. 3.00
California Electric Supply Co. duplex lead and wire 97.68
Linde~ Avenue Garage repairs fire car 3.38
Universal Tool & Mfg. Co. 12 cartridges 26.68
So. City Laundry laundry Dec. fire house 7.86
Superior Laundry " " "#2 4.97
Grab, bar Electric Co. supplies police dept. 64.46
air raid siren 2.06
" balance due October bill V.V4
D. J. Daly labO~ & material blackout city Hall 104.55
Burroughs Adding Machine I set casters 10.30
P. G. & E. street lights Dec. 844.63
" misc. service Dec. 151.36
"~ Xmas lights meter 3.50
California Water Service misc. service Dec. 14.75
" playground service Dec. 9.7§
" hydrant rental Dec. 176.00
Jos. D. Sheerly Drayage hauling polie for siren 15. 00
Pacific Telephone & Tele. Co. phone service 151.37
Enterprise Press 2e00 envelopes city clerk 50.00
" 19 sheets cardboard - defense 6.18
,~ 4000 police dept. receipts 43.26
~ 248 arm bands imprinted 12.36
, 500 license notices 11.59
;i 5000 circulars Ord. #217 27.55
printing Ord. books 215-216-217 83.43
M...Laufer 5 days park labor 25.00
A. Soldani 13 days park labor 65.00
J. Appel 12~ days " 62.50
J. DiBene 12 days labor Linden Ave. sewer 60.00
J. Gioffre 12 days street labor 60.00
A. C. Jonnson 4 days labor scout house 20.00
" 14 days setting out Grand Ave.lights 14.00
A. Sar~enti 1 day removing Xmas lights 5.00
A. Johnson 2 days " 10.00
A. Buehler 3 days " 15.00
M. Castro 6 days ,i 30.00
A. Sc~midt . 1 day eXtra~ fireman duty 5. 66
T. L. Fa~nsworth
. ex~,. civilian defense 6.17
recreation dept. 4.72
" " recreation dept. anddefense 60.00
The]Examiner add for desk. etc. recreation dep. 4.24
National Recreation Assn., sez~ices and suB. to magazine 5.00
A. Ca~lisle 1 book recreation dept. 5.35
Crawford Typewriter Co. ribbon - engineer's office 1.03
" ribbon police dept. 1.03
New.Lincoln Market 1 dozembottles bleacnine water 1.90
Robt. T. Davis ~ days labor 2.50
Cardinal Blue Print Co. 24 blue prints 10'; 90
Gus A. Gehlert 2 cutting tips 7.34
Union Paving Co. Bal. due E. Grand Ave. paving 2 522.80
So. City Lumber Co. materials 14.15
. 8.09
~ incendiary bomb sample~ 5.04
,~. concrete W.P.A. 350.32
" .36
............. total '~50..34
The claims hatting been audited by the finance committee councilman Hatto moved they be
Ti:_e ~:otion was seconded, by councilman Lloyd and re[ularly carried.
In tLe after of hospitality house for soldiers i,~:rs.i;'~arf'aret Weller smoke of the possii
bil~L~y of securi~ tLe ~ervices of the cit~ to act as sponsors.~¥~ayor Holston explained the city
is ali~ady in so. ~'~n~? sctiv-~lies it could not s!oare furtler time for this purpose, but would
j. lad to'epproVe~ht~is laudable work, wi:ich could be taken up b~ ~ various lodges, clubs, socie
associations,suxiliarie-s", trhe expense to be met by v~'~lL~ntary sub~. ription.fhis was satiafactory
all concerned.
There being no fu:-ther business before the board Councilman ~ibbet. ts moved to adjourn until
Ifonday, leoruary o,194~,at S o'clock o.m..~he motion was sec~onded by councilman-~.oido and regula
carried Time o~djournment.-lO:55 o'clock ?.k.
'~o~r o[ South San Francisco