HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-02-02274 REGULAR ,-,~:',~'~._~:.~ OF *~t:~ CITY COii~iCIL 0]? ZEE CITY 0F $0UTt{ S.~N FRANCISC0, ]-.ELD LONDAY, YEBRUAflY The r~gular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the C~ty lJall,~'ionday evening, February The mee.ting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.l',.i. by i~iayor Oeorge W.Holston. ROLL CALL. Roll tall found all members of the council present,as follows]- Councilmen,V.Boido,George W.holston,Reese Lloyd,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omi~:.sions they were appro~.ed am read. Pacific Gas ~, Electric Company applied for permission to extend their ~" gas main third Lane between Linden ~: 1,~'~aple Avenues 60' to sipply a store building. ReTerred to Councilman Tibbetts and the demired permission granted. In a -communication Count~' Clerk stated he had forwarded the su~v Of ~$66~3.o, 8 to ~ity engineer ~¥iarshall am the county's share of the cost of the drainage work done in Colma Creek. Accepted. County Engineer Grant wrote the city council in answer to their letter requesting him to construct ~houlders on Hillside Boulevard, a county bond road,as the same were being washed away, stating it was not the fault of the county if the waters from ' he hil~lside washed away the road. City engineer karshall stated t~e road is being paid for by county bond issue and the county is · responsible for damage done there, it was decided to take the matter up with Supervisor Rickey. Frank ~[elly,owner of Lot ~5 in block 141 requested that a few loads of rock be dumped in the alley of S~cond Lane to allow admittence to his garage.-Councilma~ Ratto objected stating it was up to the property owner to take care of his entrance. As there was required but a few loads of waste roctc or ~irt engineer ~,iarshall and councilman Tibbetts-reported there was some waste mater- Jar being moved at present and there were no ['urther objections to placing some on Second lane. t,,!aster Curley and his Tune Twisters Star & Radio Nigi:t Clubs applied for a permit to hold a dance im Fraternal liall February ~1,194~, and asked for ~:olice p~'~otection. Permission granted. Charlie Bertoldi applied for a couple loads of some brich being taken up from the United Railroad tracks. 'l'he city decided to sell some at i cent each,after the city laid aside most of them for thc ci.ty's use~ an~ t]~e request was laid over until arrangements can be made to separate them. W.J.~rtin Company ap!:lied for permission to ;~,-ake alterations to their store on Lot 8 Block' l~S,known ~s +he ol~] Cavassa Drug gtore~ in the amo~nt of ,..~600. Permission y~ranted.- PaciDic '~elephone ~ ~ielegraph-Company asked permission to make alterations to their offices at 004 Grand Avenv~e in tl. e sum of ~o~000. ~rmission granted. A communication was rece~--?5 ~'rom tie Division of iiighways stating they had overlooked in their .omm~nication of December 15 their intention to request approval of replacements by them on E1 Camino Real, as well, and asked for the city's approval of this item. Councilman Lloyd moved the city approve of the replacement. ~lhe motion was seconded by Councilman ~atto and regul- arly carried. A con'~unication w s received from city engineer ~/~arshall in tt-,e matter of the enlargement of the 6'-6" wide 3'-6" high concrete culvert at the lower and uppe~ ends under the Oa~:shore Eighway betwee Armour and Linden Avenues. he stated, the State claims th~-~'e is no obligation on their part to do anything wi~atever to remedy the defect, tlc gave an estimate of ~?00 as the approximate sm.cunt it would cost if the city chooses to do the work. Councilman Lloyd moved the engineer be authcrized to proceed~ with tlc improvement. -~ihe motion was seconded by councilman Boido and re[~.ularly carried. This amount would include city labor. >~[r. ~¥arshall also stated that the cause of the water backing up on Linden Avenue just west of Dayshore was due to the lack of capacity of tLe entrance pipe to the culvert under the Bayshore Eighway whic~ causes water to raise on the land west of' i~ayshore Highway. ~.E.Cor.Pine C-eorff~ Nielson a~:plied, for a business license to o~erate a service station at- ~'~ and Oayshore ilighway. Councilman ,Uatto moved t~e ai~?lication be granted. %he motion-was seconded by councilman Llo~d and rs~f;ularly carried. Chief_ of Police Zelloni submitted the following names for appointment as watchmen at the various plants on t!e city;-Earold A.Jackins at bestern Pipe i. Steel 6o.,Oohn ~lelain W.P.P~ller ~. ~ Co., Joe Ra~be,~ethleham Steel Corp'n., A.R.~[ansen,-'oethleham Steel Corp'n.,Arthur Rudd Western Pipe Steel Co.,~ Councilman fi'ibbetts moved t:~e a~?ointments be confirmec]. %he motion was seconded by councilmar~ ~oido and rejularly carried. A con'~munication was rece.1~ved from the Recreation Cow~..ission of South San i~'rancisco recom~end- ins that the city approve the Works Project 7'dministration Contract,whic~ entails no additional e~ense to-the city, and also reco=~nended the a[~point~-ent .~f kr. 2.L.l,:arnsworth Superintendent of ~,ecreation to be Co-sponsor's Agent. Council~.an ~atto move5 the recommendations be accepted, ~be contrsmt si~ned and Superintendent 2?arnsworth appointed Co-sponsor. The motlo~: was seconded by councilman. Tibbetts and regularl2: carried. Chairman Robbins of tile recreation CO~l?~ission recoup, mended t,~at some !morovements be made to the ?,ecreation Center building, statinf a new floor was needed., steps and~.'moOf repaird and some painting done. A three year lease, was su~.gested before spending money on the owner's property. 27~:e owner will be approached for a three ?ear lease and inquiry ss to ~what rent would be acceptable. Detailed r~ports of the activities of the recreation commission were submitted~recommendations were made ihat park and playground areas be laid out or nrovided for in all new subdivisions proposed to be annexed to ti e city. The comr~ission i'~'~et on Wednesday,Oanuary 1~,1940, and adopted "ARSICLES OF 0h..ANIZATiON"which were submitted ~o the co~ncil for approval The monthl~ reports of the Poundkeeper, city judge, chief of police, building inspector,fire chief,sanitar~ inspector and city clerk for the month ending January 31,194~ , were submitted, and,on motion by council::an Eatto seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularl~~ carried, accepted as read. Cit~ e~gineer Marshall submitted an estimate of the cost i of t~e construction of a four foot sidew$1k, curb and g~tter on the NortL side of ~iillside Boulevard between Linden and Arden Avenues,together with plans and specifications for the work. 'lhe estimale is ~1735.~0, to be borne by the pro~erty owners most benefited. RESOLUTION ii0.8~, ~ Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council Of the City of South Sa~ Fran- cisco adoptinf~ plans and specifications for tt~e construction of a four foot sidewalk on the North side of Ei~lside Doulevard between Linden Avenue and Arden Avenue in Paradise ~alley. %he resolu' tion was adopted by ~e votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, xV.~oido,~eorse W.i!olston,Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilman,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. ~ Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at paf/e 3~9. ~, ~arshall au t~e county's share of the cost of the drainage work done in Colma Creek. Accepted. County Engineer Grant wrote the cit~' council in answer to ti~eir letter requesting him to construct ~shoulders on }~illside Boulevard, a county bond road,as the same were being washed away, stating it was not the fault of the county if the waters from he hil~lside washed away the road. City engineer karshall stated the road is being paid for by county bond issue and the county is ~. responsible for damage done there, it was decided to take tile matter up with Supervisor t-~ickey. Frank ~ielly,owner of Lot 95 in block 141 requested that a few loads of rock be dumped in the alley of S~cond Lane to allow admittence to his garage.-ConncilmaA Ratto objected stating it was up to the property owner to take care of his entrance. As tLere was required b~t a few loads of waste rock or dirt engineer l, larshall and councilman libbetts- reported th. ere was some waste mater- tar 'being moved at present and there were no ~urther objections to placing some on Second lane. ~?'~aster Curley and his Tune Twisters Star & Hadio Nigi't Clubs applied for a permit to hold a dance irt Fraternal Hall February ~1,194o~ and asked for ~-~olice p~otection. £ermission granted. Charlde Bertoldi applied for a couple loads of some brich being taken up from the United Railroad tracks, i'he city decided to sell some at i cent each,after the city laid aside most of them for th~ city's use~ an~] t~e request was lald over until arrangements can be made to separate them. W.J.~rtin Company applied for permission to ~?ake alterations to their store on Lot 8 Block J l~,known ~s ~he old Cavassa Drug Store~ in the amoL~nt of .i~600. Permission Eranted.- Pacifdc ~Zelephone ~ ~ielegraph-Company asked permission to ~ake alterations to their offices at 004 Grand Aven~e in tl. e sum of ~$o~000. r~rmission granted. A communication was rece~vod ?ro~ t!e Division of Lig}~ways stating they had overlooked in their -omm~nication of Decembe~ 15 their intention to request approval of replacements by tl~em on E1 Camino Real, as well, and asked for the city's approval of this item. Councilman Lloyd mo~ed the city approve of the replacement. 'lhe motion was seconded by Councilm~n ~atto and regul- arly carried. A co~'Eunication w~s received from city engineer Larshall in tl~e matter of the enlargement of the 8'-6" wide 3'-6" high concrete culvert at the lower and uppe] ends ~nder the oayshore Eighway betwee Armour and Lincm~en Avenues. Le stated the State claims th~.~ is no obligation on their part to do anything wi'~atever to remed~ the defect. ~ie gave an eatimate of ~?00 as the approximate amount it would cost if the city chooses to do the work. Councilman Lloyd moved the engineer be authcrized to proceed~ with tlc improvement. ~he motion was seconded by councilman ~oido and regularly carried. This amount would include city labor. ~¥[r. l¥.arshall also stated, that the cause of the water 0acking up on Linden Avenue just west of ~ayshore was due to the lack of capacity of the entrance pipe to the culvert under the Bayshore Lighway wh~ict~ causes water to raise on the land west of ~ayshore ~ighway. 0eorg~ Nielson a~plied, for a business license to o~erate a service station at-?J.E.Cor.Pine and ~ayshore ~ighway. Councilman ~atto moved the a~?lication be granted. The ~otion-was seconded by councilman Llo~d a~d rsgul~arly carried. Chief-of Police ~elloni submitted the following names for aDpointment as watchmen at the various plants on t?e city;-Earold A.Jackins at b'estern Pipe ~. Steel '~o.,John ~elain W.P.Yuller ~. ~ Co., Joe Ra~be,~ethleham Steel Corp'n., A.R.~Jansen,~ethleham Steel Corp'n.,Arthur Rudd Western Pipe ~. Steel Co.,~ Councilman .Tibbetts moved t?e aDpointments be con£irme~]. ~he motion was seconded by councilmar~ ~oido and re,lularly carried. A co,v~munication was _~eceived from the Recreation CowEission of South San i~rancisco recommend- in~J that the city approve the Works Project Admiaistration Contract,which entails no additional e%~ense to~ the city, and also recommended the ai~point~.~ent ~f i~,~r, i.L.i?arnsworth Superintendent of %~ecreation to be Co-sponsor's Agent. Council~an ~atto move8 the recommendations be accepted, the contrs~t si~!ned and Superintendent ~srnsworth appointed Co-sponsor. The motioN~ was seconded by councilman~Tibbetts and regularly, carried. Chairman ~obbins ~of tile recreation Co~?~ission reco~mended that some !~Drovements be made to the i.~ecrea~ion Center building, stating: a new floor was needed~ steps and:.'roOf repaird and some painting done. A three year lease, was su~-~gested before spending money on the owner's property. ~-e owner ~ill be approached for a three ~,ear lease and in~uir~ as to what rent would be acceptable. Detailed r~oorts of the activities of the recreation commission were submitted~reco~mendations were made that park and playground areas be laid out or r~rovided for in all new subdivisions proposed to be annexed to t;~e city. The comr~ission Let on f.'ednesday,~anuary l~,lS4O, and adopted "ARTICLES OF 0h.~.NIZAT10N"which were submitted to the co~ncil for approval The monthly reports of the Poundkeeper, city judge, chief of police, building inspector,fire chief,sanitar~ inspector and city clerk for the month endingi January 31,194~ , were submitted, and,on mot%on by council:'an Ratto seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried, accepted as read. City e~gineer Marshall submitted an estimate of the cost ~ of t~e construction of a four foot sidew$1k, curb and gu'tter on the NortL side of ~illside Boulevard between L~.nden and Arden Avenues,together with plans and specifications for t?:e work. 'ihe estimale is ~1V35.30, to be borne by the property owners most benefited. RESOLUTION ~0.84~. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South Sa~ l~Tan- cisco adoptin~ plans and specifications for tt:e construction of a four foot sidewalk on the North side of [i.~lside Boulevard between Linden Avenue and Arden Avenue in Paradise ~alley. lhe resolu~ tion was adopted by ~e votes of all the members of the city council,ss follows;- Ayes, Councilmen,,~V.~oido,oeor~[e W.liolston,Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilman,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. ~. hecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at pajJe ~79. RESOLUTION NO .843 Councilman Tihbetts introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco granting permission to the.owners of land fronting on the nertierly side of P~ll- side Boulevard between Linden ~ Arden Avenue, to construct sidewalk curb and gutter upon thei~ side of hillside ~oulevard, and designated the scale of wag':es to be paid. the resolution wa~ adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council;as follows;- ~ Ayes,Councilmen,V.Boido,deorge W.Holston. Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. ~ecorded in Book of resolutions, Vol.3, at pages 330 and 331. ~ESOLUTION N0.844. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South fTancisco authorizing application to the Fi:DEHA~. WOkKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS AD~:INISTRATION NORTHERN CALIFORi~IA COi'~!~iUNITk' SERVICE, for such service as said agency may be able to f~rnish tk~e 5ity of-South San ~rancisco. 1he resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city-council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,George W.Eolston,Reese Lloyd, D.~.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen. None. Attest Daniel I:,icSweeney, City Clerk. RESOLUTION N0.845. Councilman Boid. o introduced a resolution of the city council of the Cit~ of South San Fr~ cisco Approving tLe map of "SOUTh!WOOD NO.~SOUT}! SAi.~' FRANCISCO",CALI~'ORNIA". The resolution was adopted,by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes'Councilmen,V.boido,Geor;e W.Holston,Reese lloyd,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent.Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel l~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book. of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 331. RESOLUiION NO. 846. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of' the cit~~ council of the Cit~, of South San Fr~ cisco appro¥ing the form of a deed to be given to the City of South San Francisco by the~City San Francisco for a right., of way or easement for a roa~.way in Southwood ~o.1 ~ . The resolution adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.boido,Geor.:.e W.Lolston, Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~..~cSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 33~. Claims i6 the amount of $5,672.49 were next presented to the council for payment: R.,,N.. Murphy Henry Kneese Pat~.ick & Molse Klinkner Co, 3o.~,F, Hospital Dr~ T. Co Doak Ancn. or Dz~zg Co. Bz~mton' s Automotive Service Hazel Terragno Louis Bel loni W. C. Whipple A. Terragno M, Lemuth F, Bertucelli V. Bianchini A. Rodondi J. Fambrini J. Kritz C. Schurk E. Rcs si E. Kozlowski G. 01mst ad C. Heard C. Be gral G. Carey V. Ullery L. Pappazoni H. Wedeking R. Spinel li P. Smith A. Sargent i ~'~ A. Johsnon M, Castro . A. C. Johnson ~ M. Laufer J. Gtoffre J. Appel J. DiBene .. A, ~oldani .California ~'ater Serivce Tel. op. pol dept. bal. Dec. " " January ti II refill for stapler~- police sobriety tests Nov. & Dec. " Jan. supplies police dep. radio service - police cars repairs police radio matron services misc. expense Jan. no day off Jan 4 I day extra duty Jan 5-6 no day off Jan 5 2 days extra for McGraw 3 days extra" extra duty Jan i to 4 no days off Jan 4 to ll -4 ex. hfs per da Jan I to 1V attend fires Jan ., ., , ,i 14 days setting out lights Grand Ave. 5 days labor park l0 days street labor ll days park labor 12 days repairing streets 14 days park labor mis c. s ervi ce jan. hydrant rental Jan. park servi~e Jan. 25,77 50,00 100,00 1,55 12.50 V,50 1,91 6.35 6.88 2.50 9.06 6.6V 5.83 6.34 11.66 17.49 18.48 43, 68 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 3.50 4.00 4. O0 4. O0 4.00 4.50 4. 50 4.50 5.00 6. 00 14.00 27.50 55,00 60,50 66,00 77.00 14.75 1V 6. 00 12.25 .... ; - ..... City Clerk. hecorded in Book of resolutions, Vol.J, at pages JJ0 and iIESOLUTION N0.844. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South S~ ~Tancisco authorizing application to the P~%DERAf. WOHKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADEINISTRATION NORTHERN CALIFOR]~IA COi~iUNITk SERVICE, for such service as said agency may be able to f~nis~ the ~ity of-South San PYancisco. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city-council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.~oido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, D.~.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. ~oes, Councilmen,None. Absent~ Councilmen. None. Attest Daniel 4!icSweeney, City Clerk. RESOLUTION N0.845. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San ~ cisco Approving tlc map of "SOUT~OOD NO.~SOUT~! SAL' ~RA~CISCO ,CALIFORNIA". ~he resolutioz was adopted,by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes,Oouncilmen,V.boido,Oeor~e W.Holston,Reese lloyd,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None.. . Absent.Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book. of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 331. ~ RESOLU~IOY NO. 846. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the cit~' council of the City of South San F~ cisco approying the form of a deed to be given to the City of South San Francisco by the~Cit~ . ~o.1. The resolution San Francisco for a right of way or easement for a roa~way in Southwood ~ adopted by ~he votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,Oeorje ~.Lolston, Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Ab~ent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.Z,at page $~9. Claims i6 the amount of $5,672.49 were next presented to the council for payment: Henry Kneese Pat~.ick & Moise Klinkner Co~ So.~.F. Hospital Dr. T. ~. Doak Ancn. or Drug Co. Bx~mnton's Automotive Service Hazel Terragno Louis Bel loni ,, W. C. Whipple A. Terra.ac M. Lsmut~x F. Bertucelli V. Bianchini A. Rodondi J. Fambrini J. Kritz C. Schurk E. Rossi E. Kozlowski G. 01mstad C. Heard C. Beg~l G. Cagey V. Ullery L. Pappazoni H. Wedeking R. Spinelli P. Smith A. Sargent i ~:~x~ A. Johsnon M. Castro , A. C. Johnson ~ M. Laufer J. Gioff~e J. Appel J. DiBene . A. Soldani ~Caltfornia ~ater Sertvce Pacheco Electric Co. . A. J. Pac~eco~· // ..... Tel. op. poi dept. b~. Dec. " " January II Il refill for s~apler.~- police sobriety tests Nov. & Dec. " Jan. supplies police dep. radio service - police cars repairs police radio matron services misc. expense Jan. no day off Jan 4 1 day extra duty Jan 5-6 no day off Jan 5 2 days extra for McGraw 3 days extra" extra duty Jan 1 to 4 no days off Jan 4 to 11 -4 ex. hfs per da Jan 1 to 17 attend fires Jan ,, ,, ,i ,! 14 days setting out lights Grand Ave. 5 days labor park 10 days street ~labor 11 days park labor 12 days repairing streets 14 days pa~k labor mis c. s ervi ce jan. hydrant rental Jan. park servi~e Jan. electric wiring for siren maintain street light s Jan., etc. "fire alarm Jan and repairs 25.77 50.00 100.00 1.5B 12.50 7.50 1.91 6.35 6.88 2.50 9. O6 6.67 5.83 6. 34 11.66 1V.4 9 18.48 43, 68 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 3. 50 4.00 4. O0 4.00 4.00 4.50 4. 50 4.50 5.00 6. O0 14.00 27.50 55.00 60.50 66. O0 77.00 14.75 176. 00 12.2 5 140.62 194.10 95.92 27f; Pacheco Electric Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co. J. G, Walker Enterprise Press So.S.F. Chamber of Commerce M. Castro A. Buehler Peters and Wilson Roy' s Service . 20th Centux-y Blue Print Co. San Mateo Co. Civilian Def. Council Sar~ateo Co. Title Co. Kelly's Welding Shop ,, Fer~y Morse Seed Co. Frank Pariani Linde Air Products Roy Taboda Swift and Ma chinery & Drill Steel Co. Mutua I Engineering A. Carlisle Bloomquist 0il Service Union Paving Co. Gladding McBemn Charles W. Carter Co. Associated Equipment E d, R, Bacon Cee American Fire Equipment American Rubber Mfg. Grab, bar Electric Co. Royal Supply Co. So. City Lumber Co. Ele ctric wit ing city hall for underground service $ phone 3026 Dec. & Jan Sal. Secy. planning comm. Jan & 19~1 expense 2000 envelopes printed city clerk 5000 complaint affidavits Judge 24 check books letter heads and 2nd sheets P1.Com. January advertising mAllz~ days,,labor on siren rose bushes repairs street equipment ,, blueprint s 24 9 arm bauds reports Nov. and Dec. welding seeds repairs Buick oxygen W.P.A. Job 25 hrs. operating bulldozer 3-~ gal. cases liq. soap__ rental compressor to 8/5/41 reaming hole in pavement breaker 1 book recreation comm. legal forms city Judge road oil bal. due on final payment Col. Cr. sewer pipe 1 shift lever labor on broom refill 16 bales broom fibre rent compressor 1/13/42 to 2/12/42 bolts for pavement breaker parts 1 siren 2000' fire hose mat e ri als ~up~lies recreation 11 materials street concrete W.P.A. materials.- siren " Linden Avenue sewer 561.90 4, 50 20°00 12.14 45. 99 25.44 9,27 2 5. O0 7.50 7.50 65.41 13.20 V. 60 2.09 19. 22 3o 00 9. 50 3. 00 4.64 17,41 32. 91 3V.50 1~.60 150.00 2.50 6. OV 9.57 57.68 100.00 497.00 3.45 9. O0 194.46 300.00 12.36 6 9.68 79.83 406.63 672.66 31.12 9.82 .87 72.50 5. 92 20.96 2.66 40.07 58~.28 7.8 9 ' 53.18 total ........ $ 5 672.49 The claims having: been audited by the finance co~_~ittee councilman ~ioido moved they be paid., ~ihe motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. kr. Longa Lucc,q~esi. appeared before the council and re'~orted bad traffi~ condition~ in the alley between l\~lap]_e ~ Linden Avenues and Daden c Grand Avenues,stating the pavemen$ is badly-cut up and u'firepaired,co~.tractors materials blocking the passage way through-, and also the condition of Grand Avenue in front o, 'msiness houses was very bad~ the street being torn ~p,mudd~' and unrepaired, and preventing herr:al business conditions. City engineer ~iarshall stated tlle water covpan~, lad dumped rock and gravel in tLe torn up spots, and were waiting to la~ concrete pave~ent s soon as all connections were made from their water line to the buildings. Co~u~cilman Boido inquired ~s to the status of tLe civil service law, and when the civil service~ould be appointed. Councilmen Ratto and Lloyd stated they would not vote Tor the appoiatment of a coN~nission un~er t~e present form of the civil serwice law,believing the measu.e should ha~e been voted on ,by the electorate. Councilman Lloyd asked if the cit~' council could employ more help' or lay off employees under tLe present law. Mm. City Attorney Coleberd stated ther could ~e nothing done in this re?ard until the co~mission was appointed, It was also revealed that to repeal the law an election would have to be Lel~ as some new legislation on the subject controlled the matter. ~Counc~lm~n Hatto stated the waters ['rom tl~e up~er reaches of Colma Creek were- flowing ? over Linden Avenue and backing up into the Oaltrami property. Cit~' engineer ~,arshall stated the city is not responsible for tLis condition. ~ayor kolston suggested the city counci-1 visit the premises at l0 o'clock in the morning and investigate the conditions. There being no further business before tt:~e council councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until .~': e motion was seconded by councilman Boido and i'~.~onda~, February 16,194q,at 8 o'clock P ~. regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10; 40 o'clock p.m. Approved ~espe ctfully sub~ itted, City C~rk. 20th Century Blue Print Co. San Mateo Co. Civilian Def. Council SanMateo Co. Title Co. Kelly's Welding Shop ., Ferry Morse Seed Co. Frank Pariani Linde Air Products Co. Roy Taboda Swift and Co. Ma chine~y & Drill Steel Co. Mutua I Engineering Co. A. Carlisle Co. Bloomquist 0il Se~ice Union Paving Co. Gladding McBemn Co. Charles W. Carter Co. Associated Equipment Co. E d. R. Bacon Co. American Fi~e Equipment Co. American Rubber Mfg. Co. Grab, bar Electric Co. Roy.a, 1 Supply Co. So. City Lumber Co. ~-repatrs street equipment blueprint s 24 9 arm bauds reports Nov. and Dec. welding seeds repairs Buick oxygen W.P.A. Job 25 hrs. operating bulldozer 3-5 gal. cases liq. soap rental compressor to 8f5/41 reaming hole in pavement breaker 1 book recreation comm. legal forms city Judge road oil bal. due on final payment Col. Cr. sewer pipe 1 shift lever labor on broom refill 16 bales broom fibre rent compressor 1/13/42 to 2/12/42 bolts for pavement breaker parts 1 siren 2000' fire hose mat eri als ~p~lies recreation II materials street concrete ~.P.A. materials ~- siren " Linden Avenue sewer 13.20 V.60 2.09 19. 9~ 3.00 9.50 3. 00 4.64 17.41 32.91 37.50 13.60 150. O0 2.50 6. 07 9.57 5V .68 100.00 4 97.00 3.45 9. 00 194.46 300.00 12.36 6 9.68 79.83 406.63 6V2.66 31.12 9.82 .87 72.50 5. 92 20.96 2.66 40.07 58.~.28 7.8 9 ' 53.18 total ........ $ 5 672.49 The claims having' been audited by the finance committee councilman ~oido moved they be paid.~ ~lhe motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and. regularly carried. kr. Longs LuccRhesi appeared~ before the council a~d re'Jotted ba'd traffic condition~ in the alley between ~aple ~: Linden Avenues and Daden ~ urand Avenues,stating the pavemen$ is badly, c~t up and u~drepaired,co~tractors materials blocking the passage way tb rough-, and also the condition of Grand Avenue in front o, ~usiness houses was very bad~ the street being tort. ~p,mudd~' and unrepaired, and preventing ~, nor~al business conditions. ~ity engineer ~larshall stated tLe water co~,pan~, lad dumped rock and gravel in tLe torn up spots, and were waiting to ].a~ concrete paver ent :s soon as all connections were made from their water line-to t~e buildings. Councilman Boido inquired as to the ~tatus of tLe civil service law, and when the civil servic~ woul~ be appointed. Councilmen Ratto and Lloyd. stated they would not vote for the appoiatment of a con~nission un~er t~e present form of the civil service law,believing the measure should ha~e been voted on by the electorate. Councilman Lloyd asked if the cit~' council could employ more help' or lay' off employees under tLe present law.'Nm, City Attorney Coleberd stated tker could oe nothing done in this re~ard until the co~mission was appointed. It was also rovealed that to repeal the law an election woula have to be Lel~ as some new legis~lation on the subject controlled the matter. ~Counc~lman ltatto stated the waters f'rom the upi:er reachcs of Colma Creek were-flowing over Linden Avenue and 'backing up into the ~altrami property. Cit~, en[!ineer ~.arshall stated the city ~s not responsible for tkis condition. I,;ayor kolston suggested the city counci-1 visit tke premiees a'~ l0 o'clock in the morning and investigate the conditions. ~here being no further business before tt-~e council councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until ~'~onda~, February 16,194~,at 8 o'clock P.~. TZe motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. ~ime of adjournment, 10; 40 o'clock p.m. '~ . ~'~aY6r o~ .San Francis co. ~espectfully sub~ itted, City C~rk.