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Minutes 1942-02-16
)~EGULAR ~:~zETIl~.~'J OF 'ILE CITY OL~uIL 0~' T]~E Ci~5:. O~~ ,.OLI~. SA;~ F~A~(CISCO, HELD Tke regular meeting of the citv counc~_l of the C$t~ of South San Francisco was held in Cit~ Lall ~...onas~ evening, ~eoru~rV 16th,194o ~he meeting ~as called to order at 8 o'clock ~.iL. by i,.iaVom George W.Holston. ROLZ CALL. ~oll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen,V.~oido,deorje W.i(olston, Reese Lloyd, O.W.Ratto,Rod ~ibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting' were read. Zhere being no errors or omissions were approved as read. Communications were received ~-rom A~our ~. Company and ~<etal ~ Thermit Company, calling attention to a survey made by Chief of i-olice ~elloni and Councilman ~ibbetts on ~ast Grand Avenue checking up the li~:hting arran.[:ements on that thoroughfare of heavy business and manufacturing. ~ihey asked tt,e city to sSopt the findings of this con:mettee in installing an~ correcting the system f'or the 'benefit t ~ tl.:e protection to the ~ig companies and the city ita:elf. Councilman ~ibbetts will submit a list of the improvements to ~e made and installe. R.O.Clifford a Company,~den Station and vicinity suomitted a long statement of the damaf-~e 5one to their property by the iuaevy rains coming down and across ti:e E10amino and ~nto their property. After :~uch discussion it was decided to meet:be owners the next da~,,and confer with them or re--re: entatives of the property, with a view to takinZ question of water ~flow fro~ the hills to t?e west ,with tie Board of Supervisors, the Sta Highway Co~ission and the State ~eclaimation acrvice. The League of California 5ities and the auditor of the C!_ty of ~erkeley submitted a co~ of a telegram received from the Secretary of Conference of Defense in New 5ork, and one fro~ the Auditor of ~dunicipal ~=inance Officers' Association,Boston, kass,ad'~isin[[, tl'e city to in our Senators and Congressman to vote a~:'ainst a promosed measure in the congress to tax outst J~onds and future bond is~:ues for federal taxes. ~h.e cmty clerk was mnstructed to so wmre our ~enators and Congressman by niAht letter. ?.r. Lester Imme~mn, ~anager of t]_e atate Theatre , wrote the city statin~ his companF secured ~5 feet of land on ~aden Avenue and '140 feet on Linden Avenue f::r ~mrking purposes,and would let ti e public have tl"e use of tle same ~.~-~a~k~,~-~s~s-~rom 10 o'clock ~ to 6 o'cl. the nex~ night if the city would grade aud put tl.e lot in order. It was believed t~e city mig] . ave to take a lease on the premises if ans~ work was done by tLe city,and the matter was refer'. to the city attorney. Tke application ~'or a busine~-.s l~cense of Virginia ~ewray was granted. Standard 0il Company submitted an amended price for gasoline to meet the price of hich. field oil Co. Approved by the city council. South Cit~, Lu~ber and Supply Co requested permission to increase their :~asoline storag, capacity to 4000 gallons,having posted notice for the required number of days. Pe~ission grant. ~endo Papini and Joe d. alli applied for tLe position of watc~an at the city d~p~. I~[ay, Eolston aske city' attorney Coleberd if tl-_e city could make an agree~ent with a person to take o the work of a watc~nan~without salary for valuable material that might be collected from the du~ 'lhe city attorney will report on tt,e question at the next meeting of tLe council A communication was received from ~.E.Chapman,~i~/ision Superintendent of _he Electrical ~epartment of the Pacific ~as ~ Electric Com~:.any, stating t.Lat owin[ to tLe ~ifficulty in secur: rubber covered wire,lead cable and conduit for t!.e changeover incidental to tt-~e removal of pole on Grand Avenue by the residents on that s?enue and also by tLe company1/ itself, they would ~ave ask tLe city to take some steps to postpone tt~e removal of tLe ~ooles uutil after the present emer~ency is over. City attorneF Coleber~[ steted ~he orSinance would have to be amendea to con witt: the Situation. John E.Skeggs, Distric~ Engineer of this district in tke Division of P[ighways replied to city's letter requesting that S'i'0~- ~ GO signals be installed at the intersection of E1 Camino a~ Orange, stating that under the circumstances tl~e installation cannot be made,anc~ gave many reasons for it. Communication filed. ~re Chief Welte s~bmitted the name of ~ane A.Davis for appointment to' the call forces of Fire Department. Councilman Lloyd ~'ove~J t]~e appoint~ent be confirmed. '~?e motion was seconded by Councilman Boido an6 rey, ularly carried. A co~r~unication-from the Peninsula Division of tt~e League of California Cities anno~'nced the next meeting of t~e division wo~ld, be held in Sunnyvale,~zhursday evening, ~eb~ary 19,194~, the Cit~ Hall at 6;50 o'clock P.L., an5 invited all city officials to attend, five city offici. si;~.nified tt'~eir intention to attend,and ti_e clerk was instructed to so inf'orm tLe City Clerk of S~.nnyvale. t~olice Chief ~elloni submitted the namesof the following men for appointment as watchmen tLe various plants;- Louis ~:.btone,?~illard hatliff,?./alter .,ill!m~ Seibert,i-larry Stringfield, ~-rank Flaherty,m~$, Dan LfcCsrthy, iLanuel eesink Costa, ,,alter A.Smith,~on.kcLellen,~arl Jo' n D. Ronald R.Babbitt,Sam Ruster, and enry C.~chumacher. Council~ran ~ibbetts moved the appointment con~'irmed. ~he motion was second_ea:~ bF councilman ~oido s. nd~reg~larly carr.~ed. i~.Onthly reports for the month of 0anuarz~ ,19~° were received from the Recreation Commissio: City k'reasurer, and puolic library. ~lhe reports were accepted as read. Councilman i~atto asked i.~ the sewer o?f.,~osit, e ~at: a~ and company had been reoaired._ City -larshall, the mayor and other c~.ty officials stated th. ey had not ?ear~ of its bein[- out of orde mt was the cpi :ion of the council t!.lat t!-~.e Cit~:' of San ~runo should be responsible for its reo ~) e cit~ engineer will look int~:: the case. ~ir. ~ I~rs. Rug~jiero appeared before tke council and requested that ti_e cit)- construct a ir front of their property on ~ayshore ighway~ being ta3payers on the prcT~erty for many years. attorney Coleberd stated they are entitled to a sewer under the bond issue. C~ty- engineer ~,,arsh reoorted that the sewer would have to be constructed sohtherly to meet tlc Z~eginning of p'~-ssent sewer, and t; e eost would ap~:roximate ~450. Councilrran Ratto moved the sewer be constr' Councilman Boido seconded the motion and it was carried without dissent. Council~an Lloyd reported a Yery unsanitery condLtion in the vicinity of the United ~ackin Company's plant and urged that immediate steps be taken have the place cleaned up. Inspector Sc~ was instructed to go there in tie ~orning and order the place cleaned and made sanitary. Claims in the amount of ,~09'~.V9 were next y, resente~ to the council for payment;- Railway Express a~-!ency freight ' -~ ~:i~ q.13 De Oerry's Service Pacific Railway Si nal Co · ,~ank Pariani 'lick's Service wash Buick i ~'ross fuses ~epairing B~ick f'iash Bvicl; eta ~.~ 1.50 · .~ 30.30 ,~ 18. O3 <~ 4.00 ,~; were apProved"~'~~ r'e-s'd, Communications were received ':'rom Armour ~ Company. and ~v~etal ~ ~it~_ermit ~or~ m..pa.n~, callin~ ~ .] attention t'o a survey made by Chief of t-olice ~oelloni and uouncm..man Tibbetts on ~ast Gran( Avenue checking ut~ the lighting arranyements on that thoroughfare of heavy business and ~r:anufacturing. 'ihey asked tie city to ~opt the findings of this co~rm~ettee in installing correctin~ the s~stem f'or the 'benefit &L t].~e protection to the ~ig companies and the city ita~elf. Councilman 'libbetts will submit a list of the improvements to oe made and install, R.G.Clifford a. Company,~den Station and vicinity suomitted a long statement of the da~'a~?e ~one to their property by the Laevy rains coming down and across tls E1 ~amino and into their property. After rm~ch discussion it was decided to meet'~be owners the hex' das~,and conf'er with them or re~re~entatives of the property, with a view to takin~ q~estion of~water ~fiow from tls hills to t~e west ,with t?e Board of Supervisors, the highway Co~ission and the State i~eclaimation service. The League of California 8ities and the auditor of the C~ty of B~rkeley submitted a c~ of a telegram received from the Secretary of Conference of Defense in New l~ork, and one fr~ t~e Auditor of ~unicipal Finance Officers' Association,Boston, Lass,ad'gisin~f tl~e city to our Senators and Congressman to vote a~:sainst a proposed measure in the congress to tax outs' i{~onds and future ~' ~ ] oonc is~ues for federal taxes. ~ihe city clerk was instructed to so wire our ~_~enators and Congressman by ni~ht letter. i..r. Lester Imme~mn, ~+anager of t!~e itate Theatre , wrote the city statin~' his compan] secured qq8 feet of land on ~aden Avenue and '140 feet on Linden Avenue f~:r rmrking purposes,an~ would let t~ e public have t}-e use of t~ e same ~.~-Da~kl~-~p8ses-from 10 o'clock' . to 6 the nex~ night if the city would grade and put ti~e lot in order. It was believed tls city mi~ ~ave to take a lease on the premises if an~~ work was done by the city,and ti~e matter was refe~ to the city attorney. The application for a businesses l~cense of Virginia ~ewray was granted. Standard 0il Company submitted an amended price for gasoline to meet the price of Ric] field oil ~Co. Approved by the city council. South Cit~ Lumber and Supply Co requested permission to increase their ~jasoline stora~ capacity to 4000 gallons,having posted notice for the required number of days. Pe~ission gran' Bendo Papini and Joe dalli applied for the position of watc~an at the city d~p~~. Holston aske city attorney Coleberd if the city could make an agreement with a person to take the work of a watchman without salary for valuable material that might be collected from the d~ ~ihe city attorne~ will report on the question at the next meeting of the council A co~unication~was received from P.E.Chapman,Li~ision Superintendent of ~he Electrical ~epartment of the Pacific oas ~ Electric Oompany, stating t~Lat owin~L to ti~e ~ifficulty in secu~ rubber covered wire,lead cable and cond]~it for tls changeo~er incidental to t];L~e remove! of on Grand Avenue by the residents on that a?enue and also by the company itself, they woUld ~aw ask tls city to take some steps to postpone tls removal of tls poles until after the present emer~?ency is over. City attorney Coleber~ steted hhe ordinance would have to be amended to cci witi~ the Situation. ~ohn E.Skeggs, Distric~ Engineer of this district in ti~e Division of Hig~.~ways replied to city's letter requesting that STOl ~ G0 signals be installed at the intersection of E1 Camino a~ Orange, stating that under the circumstances tt~e installation cannot be maCe,and gave many reasons for it. Communication filed. ~lre Chief Welts submitted the name of Duane A.Davis for appointment to the call forces o Fire Department. Councilman Lloyd ]~ove~J t~e appointment be confirmed. ~]~e motion was seconded bi Councilman Boido an6 reyularl~ carried. A cor~unication~from the Peninsula Di~Jision of the League of California Cities anno~nced the next meeting of t~e division wo~ld be held in Sunnyvale,~lhursday evening, l'eb~ary 19,19~9 the Cit~ Hall at g,~0 o clock P.it., and invited all cit~~ officials to attend, i~ive city of ftc si~nified tt~eir intention to attend,and the clerk was instructed to so f~nf'o~ the City Clerk S~nnyvale. l~olice Chief Oelloni submitted the namesof the following men for appointment as watchmen the various plants;- Louis ?.a~tone,~illard katliff,~'Jalter .illiau~ Seibert,i~arry Stringfield, ~cC~rthy, i~]anuel ~esink Costa, -~alter A.gmith,~on.l'~.~cLellen,Carl Jo'~ n ] ~rank Flaherty,mAm$, Dan ~ Ronald R.Babbitt,Sam Ruster, and enry C.~cbumacher. Councilman i~ibbetts moved the appointmen~ confirmed. '~he motion was seconde~~' b>~ councilman ~oido and reg~ larly carried. ]?onthly reoorts~ for the month of Januar$~ ,19~© were received from the Recreation Commi~' City ~'reasurer, and pu01ic library. 'ihs reports were accepted as read. Councilman ~atto asked iL1 the sewer o?posite ~ati a~ and company had been repaired. 3ity .... arshall, the mayor and other city officials stated .they had not ?ear~ of its being, out of ord~ it was the cpi ~i0n of the council ti;at %~he City of San .~runo should be responsible for its re~ · Le city engineer will look into the case. i~r. o ~rs. Rug~jiero appeared before tt~e council and requested that tl~e city cOnstruct a s~ ir~ front of their property on ~ayshore ighway~ being taxpayers on the property for many years attorney Coleberd stated they are entitled to a sewer under the bond issue. Cf~ty engineer Mars] reported that the sewer would have to be constructed sottherly to meet tlc l~e~ginning o'..=sent~.. ~ sewer, and t~e cost would aoL>roximate~ ~450. Council~an Ratto moved the sewer be const~ Councilman Boido seconded the motion and it was carried without dissent. Councilwoman Lloyd reported a very unsanitery condition in the vicinity of the United ~acki] Company's plant and urged that immediate steps be taken h~ve the place cleaned up. Inspector S( was instructed to go there in tle n~orning and order the place cleaned and made sanitary. Claims in the amount of '$~09~i.V9 were next ~::~resente5 to t?'.e cot~nc:il for payment;- Railway Express a~,ency freight ~.-' ,i!~ q.13 De Oerry's Service Pacific Railway Si.nal Co ~ank Pariani Lick's Service Superior Laundry So.City L~ L. co American Fire E~t.Co hanuel Castro wash ]~uick 1 ~ross fuses ~epairing B~ick ?~'ash B~.icl et~ wash ~ire house wash " fire ext.fluid watchin~i ace bedding fire ~$ 1.50 ,~ 30.30 ,~ 18.03 ,$ 4. O0 ,i; 4.01 5.88 ,$ 10.09 ,~ 5.50 Expenditures continued;- Arthur Johnson ,t A, i% ~ rario J .Galli A. Fierent ini i,1. Lau fer J. Appel A. S oldani Frank ~ifFra ti tt Miliie i~,inuc ci ani So.City t"lum0ing Shop tt ~ototiller Co. £o. ity Land ~ Imp.Co i~¥ank Vagni ~' ohn F. Leinen launders Construction Co Linde Air iroducts Co Watch AceBed~ing fire 14 da~s placing lights Street ~abor labor Colma~Creek ti tl pa~k labor sack barley .. ~ sacks coal 14 pieces pipe m~terials i drinkin~ fountain hose 4 days use tractor tea~ hire Colma Creek chemicals pilin(~ brick remove sand Colma Creek o×y~,en 5.50 14.00 66.00 33.oo 33.00 33.00 33.00 68.75 71.50 4.10 4.64 o34 60.00 18. O0 ,:~lO0. O0 90.00 lO.6o E.£;.Haas ~ Co '-~?_ o, 05.610 tons as~halt Union Pavmn~. Co, ~ Ribinson-DDuggist dev .prints Ind~oendent Pne~atic ~ool Co., rep marts VYPA. Cara~ al Dlue i~rint Co. blue v~rints' ~0tH Centur~ Zluepri~t Co blue prints Enchor '~ru[~ Co 3ooks Oil Co W.A.iiill Org. E.Ottenf£eld Jas E. ~,,ioore Viking" ~ ~rc~ery A. Zangranda f.L. :arnsworth 'excavating in Linden Ave.ditch ,-,~130.01 Films stove oil rep tire · ~:~i s c. supplies WPA Labor supplies archery building blackout cit~~ hall " pLme booth recreation expenses civilian de fence " to i,~isc, services ~an streets li&~ts Jan. expenses to Stat~ Board Equalization Conv. Oakland park ~_asoline asoline Uan. " ~e cember motor oil ,otice dept " " Street Lept supplies ~urro~,l'-~-.,s Addin;: ~achine Co mair. tenance ~acifin ~as ~. Electric Co. ti fl Dan ~;~cSweeney Standard Oi~ Co. ti tt Graybar !ectr~c Co Pacific 'let (I :~el Co. pLones ~,.o L lO3 Ro~,al. ~, Supvly_ Co recreational materials SO.CITW_ L..R.~ SUPPLY CO. park materials " " " " crus] e5 rock " " " ,TPA concrete " " " " ~ ~-terials Colma Creek Total '.~"e claims havin~i been audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. 'i']-,e motion was seconded b7~ councilman ~oido and regularly carried. ':here being no Ju;tha;r business before the council councilman Boido moved to adjourn until tuesday,I~ebruary -q4,194q at 7 o'clock P.i,,~. TiLe motion was seconSed by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment,lO.lO o'clock P.i,i. Layor o~.. F.rancisco Resp~ctfu!ly submi~ted,