HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-04-20 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF
The regular ~eeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the
City Hall, Monday evening, April 20th,1942.
The meeting-was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by mayor Ueorge W.Holston.
Roll call faund all members of the cauncil present,as follows;-
Councilmen,M,Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. 5here being no errors or omissions they we~
approved as read.
A communication was received from the Golden State Theatre .& Healty Corporation requestin~
action upon a revised lease submitted for the use of their property , the ~98 X 140 feet on
the southeast carnet of Linden & Baden Avenues. It was decided to have a conference with Mr.
Immerman on the .subject at the next meeting of the council, ~ay.4,1949.
A communication received from .the State Board of Equalization stated that Louisa Cattaneo
had applied rotan ON sale Beer & Wine and license and anlon sale distilled spirits license.
There were no objections by the city council to the state granting the licenses.
A co~plaint ~as received from Horace N.Clark,?4V Grand Avenue,stating that the rear of the
lot west of his.premises is used for a dumping ground, and has been more or less for the past
three years. Referred to the health department.
San Mateo County Blood Bank wrote the city expressing thanks for the $100 donation to the
association. Accepted and filed.
A communic~.tion wa~ received from the Commomwealth Club of California, enclosing a copy of
a resolution pertaining, rolL,the segregration,collection and salvage of rubber, metals, paper,
rags and other materials essential in the manufacture of guns,battelships, airplanes and othe
implements of war,and urged that immediate action be taken to correct the situation. The locs
newspaperma~.~e-®®mm~$ was requested to give extra publicity to the matter in all publicati
get in contact with the committee in charge and urge them to greater efforts. Mayor Holston
volunteered to assit in any way with the activities of the committee.
Notice was ~eceived from the War Prodution Board,Washington,D.C, calling attention to the
necessity for a .conservation progra~by all institutions, keeping equipment and machinery in
repair to the bast possible state,including office equipment, such as typewriters,adding and
calculating machinSs, ~imographs,etc, and keeping all well greased, inspected thoroughly, and
proper maintenance continued. The communication was accepted and filed. ~,
Bank of America inquired if the city still wishes to keep on '~stop payments on checks 2300
A.Corrucctni,NoM.11.1938 $360, No.20V46,Shell Oil~Co..lO/18/3V.#28~31,Bank So.S.F,V/V/41,$150,a
#26690, R.Tibbetts,V/31/40.~30.O0. ---- ($V8.24) .... The board decided to order the
stop-payment kept',in force.
Fire Chief~elte submitted the name of Ambrose Galli for appointment to the call forces o
the fire department. Councilman lloyd moved the appointment be confirmed. The motion was secon
Ratto and regularly carried.
Chief of PQlice Belloni submitted the Following names for appointment as special police ~
the various industries,- George A.McDonald Washington W.DunnJonathan E.Levy, Christian Manzoni
Jack E.Martin,He~ry M.GreenHalph Hudson and ~homas Despot, and Daniel J.Daly as Auxiliary ~o~i
man in ~efemse ~ork. Councilman Boido moved the appointments be confirmed. The motion was~
seconded by Councilman Tibbette and regularly carried, and the ciSy,~
City engineer Marshall submitted a statement showing a credit due WPA~by the South City'
Lumber & Supply ~ompany of 261 barrels of cement of a total value of$4VY.40~ and the city own
260 sacks of cement storedin the Henry J.Haiser plans or warehouse. Communication ordered fil
City Engineer Marshall submitted a~other statement dealing with the quantities,contribut
and credits invo. lved in the paving of East Grand Avenue and the removal of rails and paving o~
trenches in ~es~ Grand Avenue. His statement showed a credit of gasoline tax money on deposit
with the State Highway Commission of $12VV3.07, acctur~ulated since the last remittance, and whi
will be distributed upon propert request. Mr. Marshell was requested to attend to it.
Referring ~to the balance of steel rails on hand the engineer stated the steel compny had
rejected some,o~t there were still some good one wLich the Union Paving Co.Wo~ld take at $19.0
per tSn. He stat. ed there are approximatel~ 1~ ton of 80 pounds 6Oft rails~ on hand. Councilman
Boido moved the Dffer of the Union Paving Company of ~19.00 per ton be accepted. The motion
was seconded by ~councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
The monthl~ report of City ~reasurer Kauffmann for the month ending March 31,was read and
Engineer ~a~shell submitted a request for a leave~of absence ata~ing he had been cmlled t
service as an engineer of the War Department Project at Flagstaff, Arizona, that it was tmpoPt
national work ~nd he felt obligated to go. Councilman Ratto stated Mr. Marshall's work was
not satisfactory, that no inspec.tions were made,no costs accounted for,no reports submitted, an
~tha~.~he was a~ful~$ime employee but did outside work for others. Councilman Tibbetts moved
the request be gr. anted, The motion was seconded by councilman Boido. On motion being submitted
Councilmen Tibbe~ts, Boido and Mayor Hotston voted Aye, a~d councilmen Ratto & Lloyd voted E
Hepresentatlyes of the Edwards Mire Works,Western Pipe & Steel C~.and Wildberg Bros Smelti
Co,~NAa~m~,S~mk~e,Lart and Wildberg, appeared before the city council and made request to have
oit~ repair Butl.er Avenue. They stated the road was in a deolorable condition, dangerous with
holes and almost, impassable, and made a plea to have something done to improve i~. They also
declared, the pa~ing arrangement is lax and requested more police be employed to handle the tr
Mr.Wildber$ stated the water pressure at his plan~ was inadequate and asked if something
could be don@. ~ was informed his onl~ resource was to induce the~ water company's i~stall
~b larger Water'~ins. After long discussion the council agreed to meet all concerned Thursd
afternoon at 3 o'clock in the council chambers in the city hall. ~
Engineer Me, shall reported he had an interview with the Southern Pacific Hailroad Compan~
with~egard, to t~e imp~ove~ent of the crossing at Butler Avenue and the S.P.Tracks. The compan
stated~they woul~ confer with the city in tile matter of costs, and if no agreement ie reached,
they would ask t~e city to take the matter up in writing and the company would take it under
On the city?s request engineer Marshall contacted mr. Sheegs of the State Highway Commiss
and asked for th~ installation of a blinker caution light at E1 Camino Heal and Orange Avenue.
Mr. Skeggs said ~p would reply in a short time.
Daniel J.Da~y apPeared b~fore the city council with reference to a proposed soldiers and
honor ~ roll placard to be placed in the city hall lobby. He said one 39 x 5~ inches ~ould
$120~ to contai~ 3~0 names. Councilman Lloyd ~oved the city order one. The motion was ~econded
by Councilman Bo~o and regularly carried. ~ '~
Claims in the amount of $2413.80 were next presented to the council for payment;-
action upon a revised lease submitted for the use of their property , the ~25 X 140 feet or
the southeast carner of Linden & Baden Avenues. It was decided to have a conference with
Immerman on the ~subject at the next meeting of the council, May ~4,1942.
A communication received from _the State Board of Equalization stated that Louisa Cattane¢
had applied foran ON sale Beer &~ Wine and license and anion sale distilled spirits license
There were no objections by the city council to the state granting the licenses.
A co~plaint was received from Horace N.Olark,~4V Grand Avenue,stating ttiat the rear of t~
lot west of his~premises is used for a dumping ground, and has been more or less for the pas
three years. Referred to the health department.
San Mateo County Blood Bank wrote the city expressing thanks for the ~lO0 donation to the
association. Accepted and filed.
A communicg~ion wa~ received from the Commomwealth Club of California, enclosing a capy ¢
a resolution ~taining tO~the segregration,collection and salvage of rubber, metals, paper,
rags and other materials essential in the manufacture of guns,battelships, airplanes and
implements of war,and urged that immediate action be taken to correct the situation. The lc
newspaperme~J~e-e®mm~$ was requested to give extra publicity to the matter in all publics
get in contact ~ith the committee in charge and urge them to greater efforts. Mayor Holston
volunteered to assit in any way with the activities of the co~nittee.
Notice was ~ecetved from the War Prodution Board,Washington,D.C, calling attention to
necessity for a ~conservation program~by all institutions, keeping equipment and machinery
repair to the bast possible state,including office equipment~such as typewriters,adding an~
calculating machinSs, ~tmographs,etc, and keeping all well greased, inspected thoroughly,
proper maintenance continued. The communication was accepted and filed.
Bank of America inquired if the city still wishes to keep on "stop payments on checks
A.Corruccini,No~.ll.19~8 $360, No.20746,Shell Oil Co..10/18/3V.#28V~l,Bank So.S.F,?/V/41,$15£
#26690, R.Tibbetts,V/31/40.~30.00. ---- ($V8.24) .... The board decided to order the
stop-payment keDt~in force.
Fire Chief~elte submitted the name of Ambrose Galli for appointment to the call forces
the fire department. Councilman lloyd moved the appointment be confirmed. The motion was sec
Ratto and regularly carried.
Chief of PQlice Belloni submitted the following names for appointment as special police
the various industries,- George A.McDonald Washington W.DunnJonathan E.Levy, Christian Manz¢
Jack E.Martin,Henry M.GreenHalph Hudson and ~homas Despot, and Daniel J.Daly as Auxiliary
man in ~defemse ~ork. Councilman Boido moved the appointments be confirmed. The motion was~
seconded by Councilman Tibbette and regularly carried, and the ciSy,~
City engineer Marshall submitted a statement showing a credit due WPA~by the South Ci~
Lumber & Supply ~ompany of 261 barrels of cement of a total value of $4VY.40~ and the city ¢
260 sacks of cement storedin the henry J.Haiser plans or warehouse. Communication ordered
City Engineer Marshall submitted a~other statement dealing with the quantities,contrik
and credits invQlved in the paving of East Grand Avenue and the removal of rails and paving
trenches in Wes~ Grand Avenue. His statement showed a credit of gasoline tax money on depos
with the State Highway Commission of $12~V3.07, accumulated since the last remittance, and
will be distributed upon propert request. Mr. Marshell was requested to attend to it.
Referring ~to the balance of steel rails on hand the engineer stated the steel compny
rejected some,o~t there were still some good one wLich the Union Paving Co.Would take at $19
per t~n. He stat. ed there are approximatel~ 1~ ton of 80 pounds 60ft rails~ on hand. Council~
Boido moved the Dffer of the Union Paving Company of ~$19.00 per ton be accepted. The motioz
was seconded by ~ouncilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
The monthl~ report of City Treasurer Kauffmann for the month ending March 31,was read
Engineer Ma~shell submitted a request for a leave~of absence Stating he had been c~lle~
service as an engineer of the War Department Project at Flagstaff, Arizona, that it was imp¢
national work and he felt obligated to go. Councilman Ratto stated Mr. Marshall's wor~k w~
not satisfactory, that no inspections were made,no costs accounted for,no reports submitted,
.... tha~he was a ~ful~$ime employee but did outside work for others. Councilman Tibbetts move~
the request be gr. anted, The motion was seconded by councilman Boido. On motion being submit~
Councilmen Tibbe~ts, Boido and Mayor H0tston voted Aye, and councilmen Ratto & Lloyd vote~
Representatlyes of the Edwards Nire Norks,Western Pipe & Steel C~.and Wildberg Bros Sme~
Co,J. NAa~m~,S~mk.e,Lart and Wildberg, appeared before the city council and made reques~ to
oity repair Butler Avenue. They stated the road was in a deDlorable condition, dangerous wi~
holes and almos~ impassable~ and made a plea to have something done to improve i~. T~ey else
declared the pa~ing arrangement is lax and requested more police be employed to handle the
Mr.Wildber$ stated the water pressure at his plan~was inadequate and asked if ~somethiz
could be don~. ~ was informed his onl~ resource was to induce the~ water company,s install
~a larger water~~ins. After long discussion the council agr~eed to meet all concerned Thux
afternoon at 3 o.'clock in the council chambers in the city hall. ,
Engineer M~rshall reported he had an interview with the Southern 'P~cific Railroad Eomp~
with~egar& to t~e imp~ove~ent of the crossing at Butler Avenue and the S.P.Tracks. The com~
stated~they would confer with the city in the matter of costs, and if no agreement ie reach~
they ~ould ask t~e city to take the matter up in writing and the company would take it unde~
On the city?s request engineer Marshall contacted mr. Sheegs of the State Highway Comm~
and asked for th~ installation of a blinker caution light at E1 Camino Heal and Orange Aven~
Mr. Skeggs said ~p would reply in a short time.
Daniel J.Da~y appeared b~fore the city council with reference to a proposed soldiers az
honor ~ roll placard to be placed in the city hall lobby. He said one 39 x 55 inches ~ou~
$120, to contai~ 3§0 names. Councilman Lloyd ~oved the city order one. The motion was ~secon~
by Councilman Boi~o and regularly carried.
Claims in the amount of $2413.80 were next presented to the council for payment;-
~acific Railway Signal Co.
Peter Que stoni
Brunton's Automotive Service
South City Auto Service
i gross fusees
~ gals gas - police
relign -' Buick
repairs fire grucks
ll. O0
South City Auto Service
Frank Pariani
Union 0il Co.
Railway Express Agency
0· W. Smith
M. Greenberg's .Sons
Ric's Service Station
Robinson- Druggist
American Fire Equipment Co.
Ric's Service Station
Universal Tool Co.~
So. San Francisco Land Co.
Enterprise Press
J. G. Walker
J. Colombo
F. Mandoli~
Ray Quinlan
J. Gioffre
A. Ferrario'
J· DiBene ~
A. Soldani'
M. Lauf~r~
A. Duehler
N. Castro
$. Lamuth
Chas. Bollazzi
Betty 0ttenfield
Melvin NcC arn
A. C. Johnson
Kath~en: Chelini
Mae Fagundes
Emma Oliver
Ruby Pache
Lillian Cavassa
Hazel Shipley
Joe ephine Scampini
Maud Rix
Antoinette Kozlowski
Wilma Stiremau
Blanche Johnson
Nary Dinning
Stella A. Smith
Margaret Yrazabal
Mildred Ferrari
Margaret Taboda
Kathe tine' C o~t a
Frances Bono
Mary Galli
Kate Maynard
Antonio Perazzo
Anna Barker
Rose Warren
Esther Herber
Eda Bissett
Anthony Panagopoulos
Josephine Rosetti
Emma Kelly
L. Gianneccnini
A. Peraz zo
H. A. Cavassa
F. Parenti
R.~ Roccuci
E. Bottino
M. Be. llone
Pacific.Tele. & Tele. Co.
Chas. Berg
Porta's Garage
Wilme s Co;
Poole Transfer Co.'
Ed. R. Bacon Co.
Associated Equipment Co.
20th Century Blute Print Co.
Kelly' s Selding Shop
So. City Lumber Co.
Royal Supply C o.
U. S. Marshall
Rod. Ttbbetts
repairs Buick
lubricate, ~ash Buick
repair desk pen - police
expr e s s
2 books - police dep.
2 Calif. Peace 0ffice~s books
12 spanner wrenches
grease, oil, etc," fire car
i Journal - civil Defense
12 spanners
gas - fire truck
$ 40.43
28,2 V
1 fire alarm box- cartridges 101.97
56 hours use tractor 105·00
1000 gas '& elec. permits 35.02
100 quarter cards -defense 6.70
2000 claims - 3000 envelopes 32.97
expense S.F.Bay Region meet 3.50
ll days,plant trees 60.50
12 66.00
12 " 66.00
12 park labOr 66.00
12 days " 66.00
12 days repair streets 66.00
13-~-days truck driver 74.25
6 days park labor 33.00
3 days painting zones . 19.50
" ' 19. §0
1 extra day 5.83
7 flags- string 3.61
clerical work ~ 10.00
assist erecting booths 24.50
erect election booths, etc. 32.17
election services Apr.14 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" !0.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" !0.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
· " 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 1~.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10. O0
rent ~ara?e election 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" 10.00
" ~ 10.00
service April 1~8.14
repair lawn mower 8.60
tow engineer's car 2.50
20 sector signs 3.09
hauling rail to Steel Co. 234.62
1 grill installed compressor 33.99
labor install broom core 9.00
blueprints 5.25
welding 15.50
materials - street 49.97
" park 6~.22
" g ~ne ral 8.41
5 lawn r~ces 5.67
materials recreation 13. SO
materials - street 14.83
shells - cartridges l~olice 13G.83
materials mmuole covers 29.24
materials fire dept. 4.89
1 sprayer- civ. defense .93
sal. engineer 4/1 to 4/21/42 175,00
sal. councilman " ~21.00
total - $2 413.80
So. San Francisco Land Co.
Ente,r, prise Press
J. G. Walker
J. Colombo
F. Mandoli.
Ray Quinlan
J. Gioffre
A. Ferrario
J. DiBene ~
A. Soldani'
M, Lauf~r~
A. Buehler
M. Castro
~. Lamuth
Chas. Bollazzi
Betty 0ttenfield
Melvin McCarn
A. C. Johnson
Kath~en ~ ahelini
Mae Fagundes
Emma Oliver
Ruby Pache
Lillian Cavassa
Hazel Shipley
Josephine Scampini
I~aud Rix
Antoinette Kozlowski
Wilma Stireman
Blanche Johnson
Mary Dinning
Stella A. Smith
Margaret Yrazabal
},iildred Ferrari
Margaret Taboda
Katherine Costa
Frances Bono
Mary Galli
Kate .Maynard
Antonio Perazzo
Anna Ba~ker
Rose Warren
Esther Herber ·
Eda Bissett
Anthony Panagopoulos
Josephine Rosetti
~a Kelly
L. Gianneccnini
A. Perazzo
H. A. Cavassa
F. Parenti
R.~ Roccuci
E. Bottino
~. Be.llone
Pacific.Tele. & Tele. Co.
Chas. Berg
Porta's Garage
Wilme s Co.
Peele Transfer Co.
Ed. R. Bacon Co.
Associated Equipment Co.
20th Century Blute Print Co.
Kelly' s Selding Shop
So. City Lumber Co.
Royal Supply Co.
U. S. Marshall
Rod. Tibbetts
56 hours use tractor
1000 gas '&elec. permits
100 quarter cards -defense
2000 claims - 3000 envelopes
expense S.F.Bay Region meet
I1 days plant trees
12 "
12 "
12 park lab°r
12 days "
12 days repair streets
1~>~-days truck driver
6 days park labor
3 days painting zones
i extra day
7 _~lags- string
clerical work '-
assist erecting booths
erect election booths, etc.
election se~ices Apr.l~
rent garage election
service ADril
repair lawn mower
tow engineer's ca~
20 sector signs
hauling rail to Steel Co.
1 grill installed compressor
labor install broom core
we ld ing
materials - street
" park
gene ral
5 lawn rakes
~m~.t erials recreation
materials - street
shells - cartridges ~olice
materials manole covers
,,materials fire dept.
66. O0
66. O0
S. 60
9. 00
~ .41
!3S. 83
1 sprayer- civ. defense .93
sal. eno~ineer 4/1 to 4/21/42 175,00
sal. councilman " '~ 21.00
total -i~2 413.80
The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Boido moved they be pai,
The motion was.seconded by councilman Ttbbetts and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the board councilman Boido moved to adjourn until
Tuesday evening, April ~l,1942,at 8 o'clocl P.M. The motion was seconded by councilman Ratto
and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment. 9;55 o'clock P.M.
Mayor o ~an Francisco.
Hespect fully submitted,