MONDAY, MAY 4th, 1942.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the
Oity Hall, Monday evening, May 4th, 1942.
The meeting was called to order at $ o'clock P.M. by Mayor D.W. Ratto.
Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;-
Councilmen, V. Boido, George W. Holston, Reese Lloyd, D. W. Ratto, M. MAnucciant.
&! communication was received from the Housing AuthOrity of the City of South San Francisco.
enclosing a check for the sum of $2000 loaned to them b~ the City of South San Francisco, and
thanked the city for its support of the projectS Commumin~tion accepted and filed.
A' communication from San Mateo County Civilian Defense Council congratulated the city on
its progress in bringing the community from lowest place inCivilian Defense to a position near
the top. Communication accepted and placed on file.
Golden State Theatre & Realty Company renewed their application for a lease covering the
use of their lots on the southeast corner of Linden & Baden Avenue for public parking purposes
certain times of the day', providing the city makes certain improvements in the way of grading
and levelling the premises. Referred to city. engineer Klassen for inspection and report.
Chief of Police submitted the names Willard E. Wilson, Jesse Luke, John Wallwork, John Brad~
Eaurice E. Breeze, Allen F. Wilson, Burton A. Mason, J.H. Dalton,Henry'L. Perry, and Floyd F. 0glo for
appointment as special policemen at the Western Pipe & Steel Company, and Roscoe Walbridge at
Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Councilman Lloyd moved the appointments be confirmed, at no
expense to the city. The motion was seconded by councilman Holston and regularly carried.
~communication was received from Lillian Lynch, Secretary of the Peninsula League of
California Cities, announcing that the next meeting of the league would be held in South San
Francisco, as per agreement at the previous meeting, on the 21 day of May, 1942, and asked the
city as to the name of the meeting place and about how many members of the city government would
Be in attendance. 0livers was selected as the meeting place and it was estimated that about 14
n~mbers of the city's personnel would atte~. -
John H. Skeggs, Dtvison of Highways Engineer, replied to the city's letter reques~ them to
install yellow flashing Caution signals at E1 Camino Real and Orange Avenue~ Southwood addition,
~tating this type of signals is for use only where travel is fast and at important intersections
znd where the element of sm~prise is involved. Mayor Ratto stated the city might try and
secure this type of installation at Butler Avenue and Baysho~ec Boulevard. Chief of Police Belloni
stated this was tried sevePal times but the city was always turned down, partly on account of
Lack of material. Mayor Ratto advised to write the commission and ask again. So ordered.
-Leo E. Brown applied for a license to operate an amusement game headquarters at the Steel
Bowl, consisting of Aircraft, Gin-Ball, Practice, Hockey, drive-wheel phonograph. Councilman Boido
moved to postpone granting a license until the matter was investigated. The motion was seconde~
by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
A communication from the Railroad Commission of the State of California was received
advising ways and means for the protection of passengers on railroad trains, cargoes and other
property against sabotage. Referred to the Police DepartIent.
R. G. Clifford contracting Company again wrote the city council with reference to an alleged
inadequate culvert approaching their yard, and asked that the city council take the matter up
and relieve the situation. The city council decided on going to the premises Saturday afternoon
at 2 o'clock E.M. with the city engineer and investigate the problem.
I~ire Chief A1.J. Welte submitted the name of Ray Sartori for appointment to the Call Forces
of the Fire Department. Councilman Holston moved the appointment be confirmed. The motiOnwas
~econded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
A petition signed by ~ personswas submitted to the city council protesting against the
Operation of the Oppenheimer Casing Company'at Pine Avenue & Division Street, and requested the
city to revoke the license. Attorney Dolwig appeared for the casing company, and stated the
company is willing to comply strictly with city health laws and the orders of the city council.
it was considered doubtful whether the company could have their new establishment completed by
June ~0, the time limit placed by the council in granting an extension of ~0 days. The city
council de.cided to request the plant to move immediately. Attorney. Dolwig stated he would request
2~is client to begin moving at once, which was agreeable to ~ city council.
A card of thanks was received from Mrs. A. Quaresima f~ the floral token and message of
~ympathy sent her, by the city on the death of her husband. AcCepted and filed.
The monthly reports of the Sanitary Inspectors, Schlaam, Collins & Stein, Librarian, Buildir~
inspector, City Judge, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Poundkeeper, and City Clerk for the month ~
ending April 30, 1942 were submitted. The sanitary inspectors report cited a very bad condition
¢,f the premises at 415~ Commercial Avenue, occupied by tenant O. Avants, as unsanitary toilet,
~irty floors and rooms, children naked, and house filthy, and recommended the place be conder~aed.
Referred to City attorney Colbberd. Councilman Minucciani moved the reports be accepted. The motion
~as seconded by Councilman Boi~o and regularly carried. Mrs. Helen Siebecker resigned as a member of
~he Recreation Co~m~tSsion, term expired. Councilman Minucctani moved that'she, Antionette Kozlowski,
Margaret D. Weller and S. K. Robbins, terms exp~ed, be re-appointed, ~econded C. Lloyd & reg. Carried.
An ord. was introduced prohibiting the discharge of rifles, revolvers of pistols in the C~ty of
South San Francisco over or upon the waters of the ba~jof San Francisco. The proposed ordinance had its
first reading and was laid over to come up at the next~ regular meeting of the city council...
~Ity Engineer Klassen reported he had conferred with the South City Lumber company with regard to
a supply of city cement in the company's warehouse, and the company reported some of the same
had become hard and unusable,~but they would go over the material and ~ender the city a credit m~mo. Accepte~
· Claims in the amount of $4,622~20 were next submitted for payment,-
Manuel Castro painting traffic zones $ 52.00
H. Truxall'
Ray Quinlan'
J. DiBene~
F. Mandole
Joe Gallt
M. Laufer~
John Colombo
A. Ferrari
A. Soldani
J. Gioffre
Pete Questoni
Mrs. Emma Bian~ahini
Louis B~lloni
~.City Auto Service
repairing streets $
. . $
. . $
planting t~ees $
labor ball park ~ $
park labor
gasoline $
police matron $
i police off. guide,feed pris.$
rep dump truck
seat covers
ten fire engine
~he top. 0ommunicatio~ accepted and place~ on ~e.
Golden State Theatre & Realty Company renewed their application for a lease covering the
use of their lots on the southeast corner of Linden & Baden Avenue for public parking purposes
certain times of the day', providing the city makes certain improvements in the way of grading
&nd levelling the premises. Referred to city. engineer Klassen for inspection and report.
Chief of Police submitted the names Willard E. Wilson, Jesse Luke, John Wallwork, John Brad~
Eaurice E. Breeze, Allen F. Wilson, Burton A. Mason, J.H. Dalton,Henry'L. Perry, and Floyd F. Ogle for
&ppointment as special policemen at the Western Pipe & Steel Company, and Roscoe Walbridge at
Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Councilman Lloyd moved the appointments be confirmed, at no
expense to the city. The motion was seconded by councilman Holston and regularly carried.
~.communication was received from Lillian Lynch, Secretary of the Peninsula League of
California Cities, announcing that the next meeting of the league would be held in South San
Francisco, as per agreement at the previous meeting, on the 21 day of May, 1942, and asked the
city as to the name of the meeting place and about how many members of the city government would
be in attendance. Olivers was selected as the meeting place and it was estimated that about 14
z~mbers of the city's personnel would attend.
John H. Skeggs, Divison of Highways Engineer, replied to the city's letter reques~ them t¢
install yellow flashing Caution signals at E1 Camino Real and Orange Avenue, Southwood addition,
~tating this type of signals is for use only where travel is fast and at important intersections
&nd where the element of s~eprise is involved. Mayor Ratto state~ the city might try and
secure this type of installation at Butler Avenue and Baysho~. Boulevard. Chief of Police Belloni
~tated this was tried sevePal times but the city was always turned down, partly on account of
Lack of material. Mayor Ratto advised to write the commission and ask again. So ordered.
Leo E. Brown applied for a license to operate an amusement game headquarters at the Steel
Bowl, consisting of Aircraft, Gin-Ball, Practice, Hockey, drive-wheel phonograph. Councilman Boido
moved to postpone granting a license until the matter was investigated. The motion was seconde~
by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
A communication from the Railroad Commission of the State of California was received
&dvising ways and means for the protection of passengers on railroad trains, cargoes and other
property against sabotage. Referred to the Police Department.
R. G. Clifford contracting Company again wrote the city council with reference to an alleged
inadequate culvert approaching their yard, and asked that the city council take the matter up
&nd relieve the situation. The city council decided on going to the premises Saturday afternoon
&t 2 o'clock E.M. with the city engineer and investigate the problem.
Fire Chief A1.J. Wolfe submitted the name of Ray Sartori for appointment to the Call Forces
ortho Fire Department. Councilman Holston moved the appointment be confirmed. The motion was
~econded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
A petition signed by §~ personswas submitted to the city council protesting against the
Operation of the Oppenheimer Casing Company~at Pine Avenue & Division Street, and requested the
city to revoke the license. Attorney Dolwig appeared for the casing company, and stated the
company is willing to comply strictly with city health laws and the orders of the city council.
it was considered doubtful whether the company could have their new establishment completed by
june 30, the time limit placed by the council in granting an extension of ~0 days. The cit2
council decided to request the plant to move immediately. Attorney. Dolwig stated he would request
2.is client to begin moving at once, which was agreeable to f~he ci~y'council.
A card of thanks was received from Mrs. A. Quaresima f~ the floral token and message of
~ympathy sent her, by the city on the death of her husband. AcCepted and filed.
The monthly reports of the Sanitary Inspectors, Schlaam, Collins & Stein, Librarian, Buildir~
inspector, City Judge, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Poundkeeper, and City Clerk for the month
ending April 30, 1942,.were submitted. ~he sanitary inspectors report cited a very bad condition
¢,f the premises at 419~ Commercial Avenue, occupied by tenant 0. Avants, as unsanitary toilet,
Cirri floors and rooms, children naked, and house filthy, and recommended the place be condemned.
Eeferred to City attorney Col~berd. Councilman Minucciani moved the reports be accepted. The motion
~as seconded by Councilman Boi~o and regularly carried. Mrs. Helen Siebecker resigned as a member of
~he Recreation Commission, term expired. Councilman Minucciani moved that' she, Antionette Kozlowski,
~argaret D. Weller and S. K. Robbins, terms exp~ed, be re-appointed, Secomded C. Lloyd & reg. Carried.
An ord. was introduced prohibiting the discharge of rifles, revolvers of pistols in the C~ty of
South San Francisco over or upon the waters of the b~,of San Francisco. The proposed ordinance had its
first reading and was laid over to come up at the next regular meeting of the city council...
~Ity Engineer Klassen reported he had conferred with the South City Lumber company with rog&rd to
c supply of city cement in the company's warehonse, and the company reported some of the same
had become hard and unusable, but they would go over the material and render the city a credit memo. Acce~ted
Claims in the amount of $4,622,20 were next submitted for payment;-
painting traffic zones 52.00
Manuel Castro
H. Truxall '
Ray Quinlan
J. D1Bene
F. Mandole
Joe Galli
M. Laufer -
John Colombo
A. Ferrari
A. Soldani
J. Gioffre
Pete Questoni
Mrs. Emma Bian~ini
Louis Be lloni
So.City Auto Service
Dudley Perkins
repairing streets . .
. .
planting t~ees
labor ball park
It ~t tt
park. labor.
police matron
1 police off. guide,feed pri~.$
rep dump truck $
seat covers
rep fire engine
reps motorcycle
;5;5. O0
,.55, O0
2'7 ,~0
66. O0
66. O0
66. O0
Expenditures continued;-
Sears Roebuck & Co.
. .
Standard Shoe Co
ED.R.Bacon Co.,
Seagra~e CorpN
W.P.Fuller. & Company
Bethleham Steel Co.,
Western Traction Co.
Freda Troy
Wilma Schm_idt
Carl Rinehart
E. Rossi
Manuel Castro
M.Greenberg's Sons
Ohio Chemical Co.,Mf'g C°.,
Superior Laundry
Chas Bollazzi
Universal ToQ1 & MFG,C~,
Gamewell Co.,
Rochaway Quarry
Associated Equipment Co.,
Bank of So.San Francisco
2 defense gas lanterns $
trailers ~itches,etc
gasgets for sewer pump
grader blades
shanks & points
engine parts
paint & thinner
paint buckets
steel bars Colma Creek
grader caps.
24. 6
placing emblems on helmets 13.75
" # " " $ 13.75
attending fires April
1 fire hydrant
April wash
park material
hoee nozzles
$ 5.00
5 .oo
5 .oo
repair fire alarm movement
crushed rock
labor on brown core
extended coverage
rent night depotitory
San Mateo County Civilian Defense Council, 487 helmits
Chas R.Hadley
California Water Service Co.
.A.Carlisle & Co.,
Crawford Typewriter Co.,
Corner Grocery Store
Minucciani & Bertolizzi
Angelo Zangraddi
',San Mateo Co. Title Co
~A.Carlisle & Co.
Ace. Mattress & Furniture Co.
Elmer' s Floral Shop
PaCific Tel & Tel Co.
Pache co Electric
· .
J.C'.Penn~ Co.
Hazel Tavenor
Frank Rust
Poole Transfer Co.,
~o.Ctt~ Lumber Co.
Adolph Buehler
air raid warden ~.eports S 9.01
hydrant rental $ 176.00
miscellaneous s,~rvice $ 15.~9
playgrounA water service $ 13.32
~ lb.rubber ~ands $ 1.49
April election supplies $ 139.36
rep 2 underwoods $ 44.86
city hall supplies $ 23.28
painting phone booth $ 6.00
Recreation Hall~ 333.00
repairing " " $ 361.42
Salary,Sec.Plan Com. Apr. $ lO.O0
daily repor~ $ 1.50
civilian d~fense supPltes$ 3.45
blackout shades S 103.00
Joe Quaresima's floral PCS 10.30
phone service ~ 13.28
maintain street lightsAP.$ 68.88
" fire alarm system
electric wiring Rec.Hall $ 16.35
c~etonne wos & thread $ V.74
add.duties rec.dep. $ 20.00
replace gas heater Rec,Ha$ 6.50
hauling steel rail $ 174.54
materials $ 37.92
" $ 5.38
" $ 5.68
painting traffic zones ~ 52.00
Total $4630.90
The claims having been audited by the finance Committee councilman lloyd moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Holston and regularly carried.
Under the hea~ of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported that on the appli
of G.W.Williams of Southwood for permission to construct only a part of the s~eet work in
Sub~ivtsion No.2,on account of lack of materials, that the work automatically has to cease ~
the reason'given by Mr. Williams~ and is now tied up.
On the city's request for a set of~plans and specifications of the San Francisco Wat
department for the raising of the water pipe line in Orange Avenue ~ark, City Engineer Klass
reported he had seen George Davis and found the plans not yet definite.
On the request of the State Theatre to grade some lots on the southeast corner of Linde
& Baden Avenues,belonging to the company, for the use of~¢itY parkers part of the day, under
lease, engineer Klassen was instructed to make a survey and estimate of the cost to the city
of putting the lot in shape.
Under the head of of New Business Councilman '~Minucciani moved that Gino Ballistrtni be
appointed head gardener for a period of 90 days at ~175 per. month,commencing Monday,May ll,
Councilman Boido objected to the appointment on the ground the man had never worked ~or the
before, was going over the heads of other gardeners who started at low salaries to begin wit
and were promoted accordinsto ability. Councilman Minucciani stated he would press his moti
and include in it the following raises in salaries, Police Department,~.Lamouth,f~Mc~raw,
Joe Bildhauer,N.Lazzari, WjWhipple and Frank Oertucelli from $17~ per month to ~$185 per mont
Gamba Dianchini from .~i~185 to $195 and August Terragno from $190 to $200 per month,and
Clerk Arthur Hodondi from $1~5, to $135 per month/
Freda Troy placing emblems on helmets 13.75
Wilma Schmidt " # " " $ 13.75
C.Heard attending fires April $ 5.00
Carl Rinehart " " " $ 5.00
E. Rossi " " " $ 5.00
W.Sryant " " " $ 5.00
J. Fambrini ." " " $ 5. O0
V.Ullery " " " $ 5.50
P .Smith " " " $ 5.50
C,Bagnal " " " $ 6.00
A.Johnson " " "$ 8.50
Manuel Castro " " " $ 10.50
J.Hood " " " $ 5.00
A?LaRochelle " " " $ 5.00
M.Greenberg's Sons 1 fire hydrant $ 165.57 i
". 2" " ~ $ 14~.35 ~
Ohio Chemical Co.,Mf'g Co., oxygen $ 3.09
Superior Laundry April wash $ 4.32
Chas Bollazzi park material $ 8.03
" "~ hoee nozzles $ ~7.76
Universal ToQ1 & MFG,C~, repair fire alarm movement 5.50
Gamewell Co., Pedestal S 59.17
Rochaway Quarry crushed rock $ 58.73
Associated Equipment Co., labor on brown core $ 9.00
D.R.Volonte , extended coverage $ 36.60
Bank of So.San Francisco rent night depotitory $ lO.O0
San Mateo County Civilian Defense Council, 487 helm_its ~1003.22
~ Chas R.Hadley air raid warden .~eports $ 9.01
California Water Service Co. hydrant rental $ 1V6.00
" " miscellaneous s,~rvice $ 15.29
" " playgroun~ water service $ 13.32
.A.Carlisle & Co., ~ Ih.rubber bands $ 1.49
~ April election supplies $ 139.36
Crawford Typewriter Co., rep 2 underwoods $ 44.86
Corner Grocery Store city hall supplies S 23.28
Minucciani & Bertolizzi painting phone booth $ 6.00
" " Recreation Halls 333.00
~ Angelo Zangraddi repairing " " $ 361.42
~'.. J.Walker Salary,aec.Plan Com.Apr. $ lO.O0
~. San Mateo Co.Title Co. daily repor~ $ 1.50
~.Carlisle & Co. civilian d~f~nse supplies$ 3.45
ACe. Mattress & Furniture Co. blackout shades $ 103.00
Elmer,s Floral Shop Joe Quaresima's floral PCS 10.30
PaCific Tel & Tel Co. phone service $ 13.28
PaCheco Electric maintain street lightsAP.$ 68.88
" " " fire alarm system $ 107.27
" ~ electric wiring Rec.Hall $ 16.35
J.C'.Penn~ Co. ceetonne wos & thread $ V.74
hazel Tavenor add.duties rec.dep. $ 20.00
Frank Rust replace gas heater Rec,HaS 6.50
Poole Transfer Co., hauling steel rail $ 174.54
So.Cit~ Lumber Co. materials $ 37.92
" " " $ 5.38
" " " " $ 5.68
Adolph Buehler painting traffic zones ~ 52.00
Total $4630.90
The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Iloyd moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Holston and regularly carried. ~
Under the heaA of unfinished business City Attorney Cole~erd reported that on the applic
of G.W.Williams of Southwood for permission to construct only a part of the street work in
Subdivision No.~,on account of lack of materials, that the work automatically has to cease F¢
the reason given by Mr. Williams~ and is now tied up.
On the city's request for a set of~plans and specifications of the San Francisco Wate
department for the raising of the water pipe line in Orange Avenue ~ark, City Engineer Klasse
reported he had seen George Davis and found the plans not yet definite.
On the request of the State Theatre to grade some lots on the southeast corner of LindeZ
& Baden Avenues,belonging to the company, for the use of.~oitY parkers part of the day, under
lease, engineer Klassen was instructed to make a survey and estimate of the cost to the city
of putting the lot in shape.
Under the head of of New Business Councilman Minucciani moved that Gino Ballistrint be
appointed head gardener for a period of 90 days at ~175 per. month,commencing Monday,May ll,~
Councilman Boido objected to the appointment on the ground the man had never worked ~or the ¢
before, was going over the heads of other gardeners who started at low salaries to begin wit~
and were promoted accordin~jto ability. Councilman Minucciani stated he would press his moti¢
and include in it the following raises in salaries, Police Department,~.Lsmouth,fH~McSraw,
Joe ~ildhauer,N.Lazzart, ~Whippl~ and Frank Dertucellt Nrom $175 per month to ~185 per mont~
Gam~a ~ianchini from ~i*185 to $195 and August Terragno from ~190 to $200 per month, and
Clerk Arthur Rodondi from ~1~5, to S135 per month/
Fire ~epartment;- A.Schmidt from $1V0 to ~185,~ob olsagno,from $170 to ~lS0,A.Conziani,Pete Mairani
and W.Cameron ~'rom ~16S to $175~ Streets and Parks, Mark maher, from $165 to $180,Charlie Lema,
Id.Watson,Jack Hicke2 and Remo Raffae!li from $1§0 to $160,and A.Mutti from $95 to $105 per month,
~nd also to appoint A.Soldani to .the~monthly roll at $160 per month.
Councilman Boido, on call for action on the motion, objected to creating a foreman's job for Mark
Maher,~satd he was not doing any work and it was a new jo0,stated he was never consulted on the
hatter of salaries, raises,appointments,etc by the majority members of the board. Councilman Lloyd.replyin~
stated his side was never consulted on city matters b~ the majority members of the board in his two~
2~ars service either. Councilman Hotston objected to this,saying in the past two years not one meet-
ing was held in private by the majority menbers of the past board. Councilman ~oido stated Mr. Lloyd
was not a taxpayer of the City of South San Francisco, and could move in short notice if he lost his
Job. After considerable more discussion councilman ~inucciani's motion was seconded by councilman ~
Lloyd and carried. The salary raises referred to are to begin retroactively to May 1,194~.
Under the head of Good & Welfare Ted Pretzer stated he did not notice his name among those who
received raises in salaries. ~ayor katto ~tated 1.e did not know why,and councilman Minucciani stated ..
Ted was not working.
Mayor Ratto requested the engineer to place boards on the Martin School bridge to prevent children
£rom falling over.
Councilman Holston 'recommended that the road fromm Old Mission Road to South San Francisco
junction ~e opened for traffic, that the supervisors o£ the county be contacted for thief share
of the construction cost, and the Market Street Railway Company be requested to take up the rail~
out to their tracks so that busses and traffic can reach the main line. Referred to the city engineer.
Mayor Ratto announced that all heads of departments shall secure requisitions from purshasi~.g
agent Minucctani when ~oods are needed.
T~e matter of s~ Central Garbage Dumping Ground was taken up by the city council and health
~fficers of the county, together with the local garbagemen. The county would propose to include
San Bruno,Daly City and South San Francisco in a Joint project to control the disposition of garbage
in this area. It was stated the burning of garbage at night would be prohibited. City attorney
~oleberd will look up the ordinance in the mat~er and report to the city council at the next meeting.
A representative of Southwood appeared befpre the council and stated her constituents did not hear
~he last blackout signals~ and requested that m$re b® installed. It developed that in severa~.~pLaees
in town the air raid alarm was not heard. The city will install some more.
Emilio Cortesi of Peck's Lots appeared before the counc~l and stated that waste material, from
workers at the shipyard was being thrown around in the vicinity of his store, and suggested ti~t the
city place a garbage can there. Councilman Boido said there was one at his place not needed and reques-
ted Mark Maher to have it transferred to the Peck's Lots district. So ordered.
There being no further business before the board councilman Holston moved to adjourn until the
next regular meeting, Monday, ~ay 18,194~, at 8 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by councilman ~'.
Lloyd and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 10:15 o'clock p.m.
Respectfull),~ submitted,
Mayor of South San Francisco.