HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-06-01REG~i~LAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE
JUNE lst,1942.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in
the city hall, Monday evening, June 1,194~
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by mayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll ~all found all councilmen present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,George W.Holston, Reese Lloyd, M.Min~cciani,D.W.Ratto.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. In re the situation at the Cliffor~ property the
minutes were corrected'to ~ead "Mission Road"in front of the Cliff~rd property ~instaed of"Vi~init-yM & Adopte¢
Notice was received from the State Board of equalization of the application of William
Simon for a beer and wine license and a distilled spirits license,both on sale, to be transferred
from John Prata,733 ~ayshore Highway. There were no objections to the change.
Notice was received from the secretary of the Library Board of the termination of the terms
of Mrs. E.I.Bartlett and Miss Rue Clifford on the library ~oard, as June 30,194~. Laid over for
Pacific Gas & Electric ~ompany applied for permission to extend their 2. and 4"' mains in
GrSve Avenue,Franklin Avenue and Hillside Boulevard,a distance of approximately 990 feet, and
their 4" main in Orange Avenue west of Fairway Drive Southwood Sub.No.2. approximately. V00 fee~
to supply 15 new residences. Referred to the street committee~ and permission granted.
A communication was received from American Homes in reference to Subdivision No.~, Southwood~
stating they had not recorded the tentative map submitted to'the city in January for the reason
that uncertainty existed regarding securing priorities. This map contained 60 lots, having been
reduced to that number,and approved by the city council. Mr. Williams stated he subsequently
secured priority rating on about half the lots which were to be s~bdivided, and requested the city
council to allow him to install street work improvements~ on onYy those lots upon which he had
secured a priority rating, and that the city council took no action on this reqlA~st. Referred
to city engineer Klassen.
Thomas L.Farnsworth, Coordinator, submitted a communication certifying that .~lex. J.Welte
had been appointed property custodian for all material having to do with ~ivilimn Defense within
the City of South San Francisco, that he is bonded in the sum of $5000, and is well qualified
for the responsibilities of the office. Councilman Boido moved the appointment be confirmed. The
motion was seconded by Councilman L'inucciani and regularly carried.
In a report on Civilian Defense Mr. Farnsworth requested ratification of the employment of
Mrs. Evelyn Collins of 749 Baden Avenue as secretary in the office of Civilian Defense and
Recreation Department at a salary of ~l~0 per month~ commencing June l, 1942. Ratifitcation of the
appointment was made by the city council. The coordinator recommended among other things tl~a~ the
city send a representative to the Civilian Protective School at Stanford University,as a student,as
no one in his dep~rt~ent has the time to attend. Attorney Dolwig addressed the council and advocated
the sending of some Personnel from this city to attend the classes. Mayor Ratto designated Mr.
Dolwing and coordinator Farnsworth to handle the situation. The report was ~ccepted and filed.
A communication was received from the Market Street Railway Company in answer to thee city's
letter requesting them to clear the sidewalk and rails from their right Of way between the 01d
~ission Road and their main line tracks at South San Francisco~Junction, stating they would do so,
and suggested the city buy this piece of property after which it could be dedic~ed as a street
and paved. The Board of Supervisors had not replied to the city's.letter on the same subject
and the city clerk was instructed to confer with Supervisor Hickey for the county's cooperation.
The affidavit of the posting of notices to destroy weeds in the City of South San Francisco was
received from the street departz~ent and placed on file.
S.K.Robbims ,Chairman of the hecreation Commission, reported that the playground which the city
started to improve on school property on West Grand Avenue is not yet ready for occupation and
activities, and recommended that the city take action to place it in condition. He was informed that
'~he city will go ~head as fast as po~sible. The Recreation Commission also recommended the
appointment of Richard Williams at a salary of $100 per month,Betty 0ttenfield at $80 per month,
Betty Bloom at $80 per month and Blanch ~orres at ~80 per month to carry on the summer recreational
program, commencing June 15,1942,continuing the employment during the vacation period provided the
program succeeds and the attendance warrents it. Councilman Minucciani moved the appointments be
aade. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
City Engineer Klassen submitted a report on the estimated cost of the improvement of Madrone
Avenue in Peck's Subdivision. His report showed he had written to all the property owners fronting
on the proposed work, indicating~!~ the amount each would have to pay if a majority of the property owners
signed for the work. The average cost for eacl~ 25 X 100 feet lot was estimated at $143.72 and the
approximate~i~.cost of lateral se~ers $18.,total ~161.VY. He received 4 replies, one for tie work and
three against the work. Report accepted.
Mr. M.C.Thompson applied for a refund of $31.50 of taxes,claiming he was assessed tooo high.
~equest not granted. ~
Mrs. B.H.?ortune applied for a permit to move a house from Brisbane to lot 25,block "C",Peck's
Snbdi~ision,this city. Request denied.
Councilman Holston received a letter from the War production Board,Washington,D.C. stating%hat
the Oppenheimer Casing Company of South San Francisco had appealed to them asking permission to
erect a new building in which to transfer their casing business,and also stating that the city
of South San Francisco had objected to the presence of their plant at ~ Pine Avenue,in this city.
lhe'WPB asked the health department of the city to be as tolerant as possible with the casing plant
~ntil they can m~ve to their new quarters .Councilman Boido advised the ci~y council to let the
company stay until their time is up, June 30,194~. ~!'~e matter was laid over.
Chief of Police Belloni submitted the following names of persons to serve as special policemen
at the Western Pipe & Steel Norks ;- Robert S.Stumm,James Stout,Donald Lowe,Henry M.Ertman,Paul Joesp
Beale, Walter Talmage Hively,Peter ~lbert Humbert,Elbert L.Eskin,Chan Howell,Fred 0ppe~zo,Robert
E.Craft,Wm.Lencioni, James William Storey,, and for the Bethleham Steel Corporation,Clarence Dalziel,
i~alph 0ney, andJoseph Loule Labus. Councilman Holston moved the ~ppointments be confirmed. The
motion was seconded by councilman Soido and regularly carried.
City Clerk McSweeney a~ed T~r ~ leave of ~bseuce to leave the state to attend a conventio~ of
bhe Municipal Finance Officers Associatton&of~theL~Uni~ed.~tates and Canada at Buffalo, New York in
June of this year,and a fair allowancefor traveling expenses. Mayor Ratto suggested the city clerk
take ~.~ a vacation, and time over two weeks be deducted from his salary. Councilman Minucciani moved
bhe request be denied. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd~ who remarked "McSweeney's g,t
a vacation all the time,Jin't he".Mayor Hatto said "he gues~ed so." Council man Boido stated
~cSweeney was entitled to a leave of absence to leave the state if he wants ~o go on his ow~ t~.~e.
i~ayor Ratto sAt~ NO. The city clerk then stated all heads of departments were granted leaves~f~.
~bsence in the past with traveling ex~en~e~! .a~ accused Mayor Ratto of having a hostile attitude.
N~t~ce was received ~0m~ne'o~a~'~=~a~'~e~m'~=~"~~~~. ~
Simon for a beer and wine license and a distilled spirits license,both on sale, to be transferred
fro~ Jo~ Prata,~ Bayshore Highway. There were no objections ~o the chan~e.
Notice was received from the secretary of the Library Board of the te~minatio~ of the te~ms
of ~rs. E.I.Bartlett and Miss Rue Clifford on the library Board, as June ~0,1~. Laid over for
Pacific Gas & Electric ~ompany applied for pe~nission to extend their ~ and ~" mains in
Grave Avenue,~ra~klin Avenue and Hillside Boulevard,a distance of approximately ~0 feet, and
their ~" main in 0range Aven~e west of Fai~ay Drive Southwood Sub.No.~. approximately~ ~00 fee~
to supply 18 new residences. Referred to the street committee~ and per-mission granted.
A communication ~as received from American ~omes in reference to Subdivision No.~, Southwood~
stating t~ey had not recorded tee tentative map submitted to~the city in ~an~ary for the reason
that uncertainty existed re~arding securing priorities. ~his map contained 80 lots, having been
reduced to that n~mber,and approved by the city council. Mr. Williams stated he subsequently
secured priority rating on about half the lots which were to be s~bdivided, and requested the city
council to allow him to install street work improvements~ on on~y those lots u~on which he
secured a priority rating, and that the city council took no action on this request. Referred
to city engineer Klassen.
~homas L.Farnswort~, Coordinator, submitted a communication certifying that Alex. J.~elte
had been appointed property custodian for all material having to do with ~Ivilien Defense within
the City of South San F~ancisco, t~at ~e is bonded in the s~m of ~S000, and is well qualified
for the responsibilities of t~e office. Councilman Boido moved the appointment be confirmed. ~he
~otion was seconde~ by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried.
tn a report on Civilian Defense Mr. Farnsworth requested ratification of t~e employment o~
~rs. Evelyn Collins of ~ Baden Avenue as secretary in the office of Civilian ~efense and
Recreation Department at a salary of ~1~0 per month~ commencing June 1, 1~. Ratifiication of the
~ppointment was made by the city council. ~e coordinator recommended among other thin~s t~a~ the
city send a representative to the Civilian Protective School at Stanford University,as a student,as
no one in his dep~r~ent has the time to attend. Attorney Dolwig addressed the council and advocated
the sending of some Personnel from this city to attend the classes. Mayor Ratto designated Er.
Dolwing and coordi~ator Farnsworth to handle the situation. The repeat w~s ~ccepted and filed.
A communication was received from the Market Street Railway Company in answer to t~e city's
letter requesting them to clear the sidewalk and rails from their right Of way between the Old
~ission Road and their main line tracks at South San Francisco~Junction, stating they would do so,
and suggested the city buy this piece of property after which it could be dedic~ed as a street
and paved. The Board of Supervisors had not replied to the city's.letter on the same subject
and the city clerk was instructed to confer with Supervisor Hickey for the county's cooperation.
The affidavit of the posting of notices to destroy weeds in the City of South San Francisco was
received from the street departu~ent and placed on file.
S.K.Robbims ,Chairman of the hecreation Commission, reported that the playground which the city
started to improve on school property on West Grand Avenue is not yet ready for occupation and
~ctivities, and recommended that the city take action to place it in condition. He was informed ~hat
the city will go ~head as fast as possible. The Becreation Com~nission also recommended the
~ppointment of Richard Williams at a salary of $100 per month,Betty Ottenfield at $80 per month,
Betty Bloom at ~$80 per month and Blanch ~orres ~t $80 per month to carry on the summer recreational
program, commencing June l~,lg~,continuing the employment during the vacation period provided the
~rogram succeeds and the attendance warrents it. Councilman Minucciani moved the appointments be
~ade. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
City Engineer Klassen submitted a report on the estimated cost of the improvement of Madrone
Avenue in Peck's Subdivision. His report showed he had written to all the property owners fronting
on· the proposed work, indicating,~ the amount each would have to pay if a majority of the property owners
signed for the work. T~..e average cost for eacl. 25 X 100 feet lot was estimated at $143.V2 and the
approximate~,.cost of lateral sea, ers $18.,total ~161.~2. He received 4 replies, one for t~e work ~nd
three against the work. Report accepted.
Mr. M.C.Thompson applied for a refund of $31.50 of taxes,claiming he was assessed tooo high.
Request not granted.
~rs. B.H.?ortune applied for a permit to move a house from Brisbane to lot 25,block "C",Peck's
Subdivision,this city. Request denied.
Councilman Holston received a letter from the War production Board,Washington,D.C. stating %hat
the Oppenheimer Casing Company of South San Francisco had appealed to them asking permission to
~rect a new building in which to transfer their casing business,and ~tso stating t~at the city
of South San Francisco had objected to the presence of their plant at q Pine Avenue,in this city.
lhe WPB asked the health department of the city to be as tolerant as possible with the casing plant
~ntil the2 can m,ve to their new quarters .Councilman Boido advised the ci~2 council to let the
company stay until their time is up, June 30,19~. ihe matter was laid over.
Chief of Police Belloni submitted the following names of persons to serve as special policemen
at the Western Pipe & Steel Works ;- Robert S.Stumm,James Stout,Donald Lowe,henry M.Ertman,Paul Joesp
Beale, Walter Talmage Hively,Peter Elbert Humbert,Elbert L.Eskin,Chan Howell,Fred Oppemzo,Robert
L.Craft,Wm.Lencioni, James William Storey,, and for the Bethleham Steel Corporation,Clarence Dalziel,
Ralph Oney, andJoseph Loule Labus. Councilman Holston moved the appointments be confirmed. The
mot~ on was seconded by councilman Soido and regularly carried.
City Clerk McSweeney as~e~ e~-r ~ leave of ~bseuce to leave the state to attend a convention of
the Municipal Finance Officers Assoc~ation~of~the~United-~tates and Canada at Buffalo, New York in
June of this year,and a fair allowancefor traveling expenses. Mayor Ratto suggested the city clerk
take a vacation, and time over two weeks be deducted from his salary. Councilman Minucciani m~ved
~he request be denied. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd~ who remarked "McSweeney's got
~ vacation all the time,~in't he".Mayor Hatto said "he guessed so." ~Council man Boido stated
~cSweeney was entitled to a leave of absence to leave the state if he wants to go on his ow~ time.
~ayor Hatto sAi~ NO. The city clerk then stated all heads of departments were granted leaves~f~
~bsence in the past with traveling ex~enses, and accused Mayor Ratto of having a hostile att~tude~
~oward him~ Councilman Boido then moved that the city clerk be granted a leave of absence O~ two
weeks to leave the state.The motion was seconded by councilman Holston and carried.
The city clerk asked the press to publish the record of the councilmen's vOte~and~state-
ments to show the people what sort of a board of councilmen we have with regard to his appli-
cation for leave of absence and expenses to a municipal finance officers' convention.
The monthly reports of the librarian, Poundkeeper, Fire Chief,Building Inspector,City
Uhief of Poltce,~Sanitary Inspector and city clerk for the month ending May 31,194~ were submi
and acce~ted.
.~ ~ ~ ~ · In the matter of the request of R.G.Clifford to take
oare of the flow of water into their premises, according to their statement, city attorney
~oleberd reported the city owes no obligation to make repairs there.
In the matter of the engineer's estimate Of $880. to relieve a portion of the Town of Bad
of flood waters in winter time by making changes in the flow the engineer was authorized to
proceed ,.~ . with the construction..
Disposition of the application of Leo Brown for a license to operate an amusement cOn~es
at the Steel Bowl, was taken up. Mr. I.Scharlin of the steel bowl spoke in favor of the
license being granted on the ground the machines do not come under the head of prohibited oneN~,
that they are not gambling machines in that they do not pay money,that he does not own them and
they are not run in'violation of any law. Councilman Lloyd moved the application be denied. The
motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and carried.
--'~RESOLUTION N0.855.
~ ' : ..... To abate weeds,194~
............. MinucCtani
.-' .... Councilman ~' '~. introduced a resolution of the city council of the 6itY of South San
Prancisco ordering the abatement of weeds. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the
members of the-council, as follows;-
Ayes, Councilman, V.Boido,Geor~e W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto, M.Minucciani.
Noes, Councilmen,None. ·
Absent, Councilmen.None. ~ttest, Daniel McSweeney,
City Clerk.
Hecorded~ in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 3~A.
~-~.J.Rodondi asked for a period o~~ ~en days grace in order to give him time to cu~ the
weeds of the property of South San Francisco ~and & Improvement Company. Granted.
Councilmen Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South
San Francisco that this city enter into an agreement for MUTUAL Aid, with fire fighting equip-
ment,with the County of San Mates and the fire districts of ~ayshore, Brisbane, Colma, Lomita
Park, Millbrae, Belmont,Menlo Park, Woodside, Half, son Bay, ~aly City, San Bruno, Burlingame,
San Mates, hillsborough,San Carlos, and Redwood City. The resolution was adopted by the votes
all the members of the city council,as follows;-
Ayes,Councilmen,V.Boido, George W.Holston, Heese Lloyd, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
~ecorded~in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at pages 3,~,3~5,3A6.
Councilman Minucciani asked that a liglht ~e placed in the 6~0 block about the middle of
the block in Maple Avenue. So ordered.
Mr. Heber of Paradise Valley requested thatashed be erected on city property in Paradise
~alley to house a trailer with fire hose for the protection of residents in that vicinity
~gatnst air raids during the emergency. Councilman Holston moved the request be granted. The
motig~ was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly c~rried.
~Counctlman B$ido asked the mayor regarding ~Payi.o~ taw~e~s~...~ employed to try and break ~
~he 'city's civil serviee law,Ordinance No.~16. mayor natto replied the city would not be'held u
$ouncilmen ~oido and Holston stated they will go on record to pay none of the taxpayers money
to attorneyS attempting to break the city's civil service law. City Clerk McSweeney declared he
would aid to prevent the expenditure of city tax money to lawyers hired by certain councilmen
~o have ordinance ~16 declared illegal.
Councilman Lloy~ asked for a leave of absence to leave the state. Leave was granted,
with no strings on the lengtl~ of his absence, or threats agminst his salary.
Claims in the amount of ~3.073.49 were next presented to the council for payn_~ent.;-
Joseph P.Quinlan, ~ost~aster, envelopes, recreation dapet $ q3.60
South City Auto Service
Louis Belloni.
James Spuri Studio
Pac Tel & Tel Co.
Dietrich Post Co
American Fire Equip Co.
National Fire Protection Asso
Latham Co.,
Carl Rinehart
extra service police dept
attend school expsea
extra hours duty police $
films Scott ca~e & accident $
phone 1~6 $
i compass & bar,fire chiefdep$
axes & bars " " $
4 turn-out pants " " $
~0 copies per Mo.Volunteer FrS
repair fire truck
attend fire May
t! tl
tt t~
tt ft
~ .50
of ~l°°~"'~'~ :i~'::w~' ~'i~bY~4ki~'g ~han~S-in'the flow the engineer was authorized to
proceed ;,; .~ with the construction..
Disposition of the application of Leo Brown for a license to operate an amusement cOn~e
at the Steel Bowl, was taken up. Mr. I.Scharlin of the steel bowl spoke in favor of the
license being granted on the ground the machines do not come under the head ofprohibited one~
that they are not gambling machines in that they do not pay money,that he does not own them an.
they are not run in'violation of any law. Councilman Lloyd moved the application be denied. Th
motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and carried.
members of the council, as follows;-
Ayes, Councilman, V.Boido,Geor~e W.Holston,Heese Lloyd, D.W.Hatto, M.Minucciani.
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent, Councilmen.None. ~ttest, Daniel McSweeney.
City Clerk. '
Hecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 344.
~-~,,B.J.Rodondi asked for a period o~' ~t~en days grace in order to give him time to
weeds of the property of South San Francisco ~,and & Improvement Company. Granted.
....................................... -~RESOLUTION N0.855.
To abate weeds,194~
Councilman ,.~'"~ introduced a resolution of the city council of the ~itY of South San
?rancisco ordering the abatement of weeds. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all th.
cu~ the
Councilmen Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South
San Francisco that this city enter into an agreement for MUTUAL Aid, with fire fighting equip.
ment,with the County of San Mateo and the fire districts of Bayshore, Brisbane, Colma, Lomita
Park, Millbrae, Belmont,Menlo Park, Woodside, Half, con Bay, ~aly City, San Bruno, Burlingame,
San Mateo, hillsborough,San Carlos, and Redwood City. The resolution was adopted by the votes
~ll the members of, the city council,as follows;-
Ayes,Councilmen,V.Boido, George W.Holston, Heese Lloyd, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
~ecorded-in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at pages 344,34§,346.
Councilmen Minucciani asked that a light ~e placed in the 680 block about the middle of
the block in Maple Avenue. So ordered.
Mr. Heber of Paradise Valley requested thatashed be erected on city property in Paradise
Valley to house a trailer with fire hose for the protection of residents in that vicinity
~gainst air raids during the emergency. Councilman Holston moved the request be granted. The
motig~ was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly c~rried.
~-Councilman B6ido asked the mayor regarding ~Payi~of law~ers~..~ employed to try and break ~
~he city's civil service law,Ordinance No.~16. mayor natto replied the city would not be'held ~
~ouncilmen ~oido and Holston stated they will go on record to pay none of the taxpayers money
zo attorneyS attempting to break the city's civil service law. City Clerk McSweeney declared h~
would aid to prevent the expenditure of city tax money to lawyers hired by certain councilmen
to have ordinance ~16 declared illegal.
Councilman Lloy~ asked for a leave of absence to leave the state. Leave was granted,
with no strings on the length of his absence, or threats against his salary.
Claims in the amount of ~3~073.49 were next presented to the council for payment.;-
Joseph P.Quinlan, Post?aster, envelopes, recreation dapet ~ q3.60
South City' Auto Service
Louis Belloni.
James Spuri Studio
Puc Tel & Tel Co.
Dietrich Post Co
American Fire Equip Co.
National Fire Protection Asso
Latham Co.,
Carl Rinehart
extra service police dept
attend achool expsea
extra hours duty police $
films Scott case & accident $
phone 19,~6 $
i compass & bar,fire chiefdep$
axes & bars " " $
4 turn-out pants " " $
o. 0 copies per Mc.Volunteer FrS
repair fire truck
attend fire May
t, ti
,t tt
tt ~t
~ .50
$. ~'.04.50
Expenditures continued:-
W.Bryant attending fires Lay
R.Smith ~ " "
D.Davis " ~ "
V.Ullery " " "
A.Johnson " " "
A.Welte Attending bomb school
Anehor Drug Co alcohol
W.P.Fuller & Co.paint
Highway Equipment Co.~lades with bolts
" parts
Fred Lautze repairs to machines
So. City Lumber &v Supply Co. supplies
A.Buehler painting zones
Chas Bollazzi I bucket
" " weed cutting supplies
$0006 o O0
~ 6.50
$ '7.00
~ 30.8f~
$ 34.35
$ 48.96
$ 58.50
$ s.4v
A.Johnson posting weed notices $ 16.50
J.Fior. entini destroying weed hillside $ 63.q5
R. Ferrario park labor $ 16.50
M.Guistetti park labor $ 30.25
M.Laufer- " " $ 33.00
F.Mandoli- park " $ 63.~5
Joe Galli- " " $ 63.~5
A.Ferrarto- " " $ 63.55
J.Gioffre- " " $ 63.25
A .Milani- sewer labor $ 63.25
R.Quinlan- " " $ ~6.00
J.DiBene ~ . Street Labor $ 63.24
H.~ruxall- " " $ 63.25
$ 42.08
$ 60.45
West Disinfecting Co, sewer poison
Old Reliance Garage repairs to trucks
A.J.Pacheco maintain fire alarm sys &
new installations
Pacheco Electric street maintenance May
& new work
Fairchild Aerial Surveys prints , etc
Hickfield Oil Company Gas May,
Standar~ Oil Co ~as, ~ay
" " floor dressing
1 pitchers plate
salary,Sec. Planning Co~.
Chamber of Commerce So.S.F.adv,May
Bank So.San Francisco ~ar. Apr. May.
prin.tnt, fire truck ,Bal $ V74.95
Frank Giffra & Sons park supplies $ 13.54
Addressograph Sales Agency supplies $ 16.48
Enterprice Press, Ord.No.223 $. 8.00
David B.Hill Co.seeds $ lOl.05
M.M.Chandler snail k&ller $ 41.20
H.L.Haaker clerk bona prem. $ 5.00
Highwy2 ~ransport, Co. express ~ .53
Hyman-~ichels Co. claw bars tongs $ 12.00
Total $3073.49
The claims having been audited Oy the finance committee councilman Holston moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the council councilman Holston moved to adjourn
until the next regular meetin g, Monday, June 15th,1942, at 8~o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded
by councilman Boido and regularl~ carried.
Mayor of South San Francisco.
He sp~~~~m~~~