HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-10-19r~EmULAR tdELTIN~) OF TEE CII! COUNCIL OP ~.E
C!T! 0F ~0[,!'ii-i SAN i~ANCiS00.,
HELD NONDA~,0CI0i3ER 19,1942.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in
the ~ity Hall, kondaN evening, October
%ke meetin~ was called to order at ~ o'clock P ~'~ by Nayor D.W.Ratto
Roll call found the following named councilme~.~present,
Councilmen ~ ~' ~
.~eor.:~e W.~olston,Reese Lloyd. ~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto.
, Absent, councilman, V.~oido. Councilman Boido appeared after roll call.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. ~here being no errors or omissions they
were approved as read.
Works Engineer Klassen submitted a copy of a letter sent' to State Engineer Skeggs statin
ne was forwarding to him tracings No .D-ilO. O, and D-1103 plan and profile for t~e improvement
of -Butler Avenue ~from the Bayshore Highway to approximately 1650 east of the easterly line of
the Southern Pacific's right of way, together with two sets of prints of three different oarcel
of land to be acquired for the improvement,and other details of s~d /'or, the proposed construc
Accepted and filed.
A communication was received from the Tres'sury Department, through the Payroll Savings Com
tee for Northern ~alifornia for the purchase af War Savings ~onds by city employees, and advoc
ed the passage of a resolution by the city council. City attorney Coleberd was instructed t
prepare the necessary resolution.
Engineer Klassen submitted a report v'~th respect to the o}oeratio~s of ~v~arrett ~ ~ilo~
contrmct~rs for the ":-elle Air S'~ioyard"referring to the ~!~ers!on channel from the tilat sloU
into b~
w.. ch the sani~ar~ sewage from thelS~uth industrial Area and the'ianforan Reception Center
m'~'~pt.~., -The drs. ina~:e channel through which t?:e waters of Colma Creek flow and into which the t
main sanitary sewer outfalls from the major part of the city and the sanitary sewer serving t
United ~ackin~ plant area empties, and other features affect:ns this region which require
a~.tention before the rainy season begins, mt was decided to write the parties affected showing
them the conditions of area before t-o late to remedy the 2aults. So ordered.
Chief of Police Belloni submitted the followin.L names for a-~pointment as sl:ecial ~ policem
at the .estern Pipe ~ Steel Company's plant;- Elmer L.Claxton,Curtis Lee dlidwell,~dolph
Alarid,J.P.Long,Philip J.Weiss,JohnW.Reynolds,deue grit 0hler, Walter Lee ~avis,Geo.A.~'adley,
Daniel P.Newell, Peter 0yhancabal,Frer~ L.Littlefield,William G.West,Geo.W.~ampton,Loren Delos
?~illiam k. Dennett,J~mes 2.Highter, and for the Belle Air Shipyard;-A!fred t~.Clark,Yorris
~iarry B.Clark,John oreen,~, .A.gchnepf, Cilbe:.t Dunn~ Prank ~.~iacGraw. Councilman Eolston ~-oved
appointments be confirmed,withoutremuneration from tko city/ The motion was seconded by counci
Aloud and regularly carried.
A oetition signed by all the property owners in Zlock "D",2adron~e Avenue, requested the
.city to replace a sewer in 'that street between chapman and Randolph Avenues,it being too high
to take the outfall of the east side. The work of installing the sower, about $00 feet, hay
been asreed upon oreviously by the cit~~ council,councilman Minucciani moved the engineer proce
with the work. The motion was seconded bl councilman Zoido and regularly carried.
~{onthly reports for the month c~ September were received from ttit:~ city treasyrer a~d ~ct
librarian. Council~an Lloyd moved they b: accounted as read. %'he motion was seconded by
~olston and regularly carried.
O~'d~_~t~.~C~ NO.
An ordinance of the City Council of t!e City of South San Francisco relating to RESTHIC
LIJNTI~G was introduced b~ co~ ncilman kinucciani,kad its first readin8 and was laid over to cc
under the regular order of business at the next regular meetinj~ of the city co~incil.
tnder the head of new business ~"ayor ~atto asked f'~e chief for some information on
propose~ Walkie Talkie machines as a sort of substit~t~ for telepl ones if there should be air
raids in the city. 'ike fire chic[~ explal'oed tkey were not in .'~eneral use yet,but it was.~ect
t?ey may be ~:~erfected so that fair communications co~ld be had ~uring the loss of 'he phones,t
~' t?:e~, are similar to tl.e two way radio sets, the prices from q~$0 to .j~00. it was decided to
tests with the instruments before anptt~in/.~ further would be done.
~ayor Ratto suggested tiat for the convenience of passengers waitin~ for transportation
there might be some wooden waiting< stations placed at various corners before the rainz~ season
be:~ins. It was reported they are being placed in other cities. Enj~ineer Hlassen was instructe~
investigate and ascertain about the cost to construct one.
The matter of dimt~ing out lights in the city was given consideration by tke coo~eil.
Councilman Doido protested against ~ li~/i, ts beinf~ cut out entirely, said they shoulm be dim~
from~ sh~w!ng upwards, but not to reduce the present number of li.{,'htingl standards. Fire Chief
was instructed to make some tests to see what effect it would have to shut off some of the
mJ~ it was agreed tLat all lights should be dim~ned from above.
Councilman Boido asked as to the status of the Civil Service law . ~dayor Aatto stated h~
'i'~!~d~- submitted the .names o~ three ~en for the personnel board and riley w re not acceptable to
~r'.~..Boido and Lr. Lolston. Councilman Doido stated the payor wanted to break the civil service
Cound~Im~n.~Hotston--.s~ta-ted"-h~ h'ad told t]e board he was agreeable to two members of the person~
list submitted but not all three,and offered to meet with the council and select a third man,
no meeting was called. 2.aFor Ratto stated, he was for civil service, but b~.. a vote of the peo~~]
on t]:e subject, and not by politics. Councilman !.o!ston stated there was no politico in his
appointment of three good men to the personnel board,,E.N.l, klurcans, ~eorge Williams and R.J.D¢
whose names were rejected by hatto,i, inucciani and Lloyd~ and discussion ender.
Works engineer Klassen reported the P~ousing Authority contractor was unable to secure
material for street construction called for in the contract with tko government, and wanted
~ ty to mse a substitut which engineer Klan:sen would not recommend. The engineer asked the auth.
ority of the city council to use a 5~ inch base rock macadam waterhound oil and screening ps.v~
Councilman Lloyd moved the necessary authority be given the engineer. 'ihe motion was seconde¢
by councilman Ilolston and regularly carried. '.
Claime ,in the amount of .~5,506.61 were next presented to the council f'or payment;-
J.Perra~io park laoor
A.Guistetti " "
J.~acchi "
F.Parenti- " "
E.Laufer- " "
A.Milani ~ " "
Felix ~.andoli~ " "
J.Gioffre " "
A.Ferrario~ ,,
' 'l'~e~'~mln~-~-~Sf'~'~'~8~'~'~'6~i~g W~re~'~ad.l~her~'~'~i'ny no errors or omissions the'
were approved as read.
?~orks Engineer Klessen submitted a copy of a letter sent~ to ~tate Engineer Skeggs sta
he was forwarding to him tracings No .D-11~ and D-1103 plan and profile for the improvem
of Sutler Avenue ~from the ~ayshore highway to approximately 1650 east of the easterly line
t~ae Southern Pacific's right of way, together with two sets of prints of three different oar
of land to be acquired for the improvement,and other aetails of s~d ~'o~the proposed const'.
Accepted and filed.
A communication was received ?rom the '~ressury Department, through the ~ayroll Savin~s
tee for iforthern Oalifornia for the ourchas~ ~:f War Sav~nys'~onds by city employees, and ad'
ed the passage of a resolution by the city council. Cit~ attorney Coleberd was instr~cte~
prepare the necessary resolution.
En~lineer Klassen submitted a report ,~'~th respect to t~e operations of ~,arrett ~ ~il~
co~trsct~rs for t~e "'elle ~.ir~'~ioyard"referring ~ the 5!~ers~on~ channel, from the tidal
into w~c~ the sani~ar~ sewag~ from the~South Industrial Area and the '~anforan heception Cent~
empt~,~.The draina[~;e channel through which the waters of Colma Creek flow and into which th~
main sanitary sewer outfalls from the major part of the city and the sanitary sewer servin~
bnited zacking plant area empties, and other featz~res affect:rig this region which requi:
al. tent!on before the rainy season bead:ins. ~t was decided to write the parties affected show:
ti'~em the conditions of area before t o late to remedy the ~'aults. So ordered.
Chief of [~oiice Belloni submitted the followin[ names for a~:pointment as s~-:ecial ~ poli~
at the ,.estern Pipe ~ Steel Company's plant;- Elmer L.Claxton, Curtis Lee ~lidwell,~dolph
.... R~alter Lee ~avis,Geo.A.~'adle~
Alarid.,J ~,~.Long,Philip J.Weiss,JohnW.~eynolds,d~'~e Crit Ohler, ~
Daniel P.lfewell, Peter Oyhancabal,?re~~ L.Littlefield,William G.West,Oeo.W.Lampton,Loren Del~
William tl.fJennett,J~mes '~.Righter, and for the Belle Air Shipyard;-Alfred G.Clark,~%rris J.;'
[darry B.Clark, JoLn oreen,., .A.Schnepf, Jilbe:..t D~nn~ f'rank ~.~[acGraw. CounCilman holston ~ow
appointments be confirmed,withoutren:uneration from the city/ TLe motion v/ss seconded by cou~
~lo)d and re~[ularly carried.
A ~oetition signed by all the property owners in Alock "D",~f~adro~e ~Avenue, requested th~
_city to replace a s.ewer in that street between Chapman and Randolph D~venues,it being too hi~
to take the outfall of the east side. The work of installing the sewer, about 500 feet,
been agreed upon previously by t!'~e cit~~ council,councilman Minucciani moved the engineer pre
with the work. The motion was seconded by cou~cilman Boido and regularly carried.
~,[onthly reports for the month c~ September were received from th~-.: city treasyrer an~ ..~
librarian. Council~an Lloyd moved tt~ey 0..- acce~ted as read. The motion was secon~e~ by
~olston and regularly carried. .
An ordinance of the City Council of t~ e City of South San Francisco relatings, to ~-~'~
LIdt:TIY~G w2s introduced by co. ncilman kinucciani,had its first reading and was laid over to
under the regular order of business at the ne~t regular meeting of the city coz~ucil.
.nder the head of new business ~'-ayor "atto aske~ f'~e chief for some information on
propOse~ Walkie ~alkie machines as a sort of substit~ for telep] ones if there should be air
raids in the city. 'lhe fire chie[' expla~oed tt~ey were not in .~;eneral use yet,but it was
tl ey ma~~ be :~erfected so that fair co~unications co~ld be had during the loss of 'he phones
t'~.e~ are similar to tt~e two way ra~]io sets, the orices from ,~350 to .,j400 it was decided to
tests with ti...e instruments before an[~,ti~i~/~ further would 'be done.
~,ayor Ratto suggested tl at for the convenience of passengers waitin~ for transportation
tLere might be some wooden waiting/ stations placed at various corners before the rain~:' seaso
be:.~ins, tt was reported tt'~ey are being:~ placed in other cities, hnjineer iqlassen was instruct
investigate and ascertain about the cost to construct one.
~he matter of dim:"..ing out lights in th.~ city was ~iven consiOeration bw tLe
Councilman ~oido protested agai~?t ~ li[']:ts being: cut out entirely, said they shoulm be di
from showing upwards, but not to reduce the present number of ti?'htinl:~ standards. ?ire Chief
was instructed to'make some tests to see what effect it would have to shut off some of the 1
m~t it was ag~/eed tLat all lights should be di~ed from above.
Councilman Boido asked as to the ~tatus of the Civil Service law . ~[ayor ~atto stated
h~d submitted the names o~ three ~'en for the oersonnel board and tl~ey w're not acceptable to
~;;r~;~-~ Boido and $;r. Lolston. Councilman Boido stated the f,ayor wanted to break the civil servi
Coun6-fIman-~l~olston--.state-d ~-~' had told tie board he was affreeable to two members of the perso
list submitted but not all three,and offered to meet with the council and select a third ~an
no meetin~ was called. [.ayor hatto state~ he was for civ~.t service, but b-~.. a vote of the peg
on t.[e subject, and not by politics. Councilman !.o!ston stated there was no politice in his
appointment of three gooS. men to the ~:ersonnel board,,~..~.?ourcans, ~eorye Williams and R.J.
whose names were rejected by Ratto,J. inucciani and Lloyd~ and discussion ende~.
Works engineer Klassen reported the P~ousing Authority contractor was unable to secure
material for street construction called for in the contract with the government, and wanted
~ ty to mse a substitut which engineer Kls~-~sen would not reco~end. The engineer asked the aut[
ority of the city council to use a 5~ incL base rock macadam wa. terhound oil and screening ps.'
Councilman Lloyd moved the necessary authority be given the engineer. 'ihe motion was second
by councilman tlolston and regularly carried.
Claime ~in the amount of .:~5,~06.~1 were next presented to the council for pa~ent;-
J.~'errario park later
A.Guistetti " "
J · ~a c chi " '
F.Parenti- "
E. Laufer - " "
A .~'iilani -- " "
Felix ..~andali- " "
J. Gig ffre " "
A. Ferrario ~ " "
E .M.koon " "
Silvio Pianca ~ridge labor,~aden
~ 18.00
36. O0
7e. O0
7~ . O0
54. O0
36. O0
$ 10.00
Disburserrents continued;-
Silvio Pianca
Joe Oalli
L. Armanino
P. Gogotses
~ .DJ Bene
Larr~ Troxell
So.City Lumber c Supply Co
[~ank Pariani
Pred J.Lautze
Pappas Lros
Dank of L.o. San ~-rancisco
Pac.&ac.d Electric Co
tf ?t tt
i',~ario Volonte
Mrs. C .Collins
California Water Ser. Co
Emelio Cortesi
Arhdt's dept.store
South City Auto Service
Walter 0ttenfield
?rank Giffra a Sons
Crawford Typewriter Co
~ atrick-Loise-Zlinhner Co
Union Oil Co.
Schawabacher Prey Co
Superior Laundry
So.,ity Laundry L.S.30
So .S. i~. Chamber Con, merce
P atrick-L oise-Xlinkner Co.
Bridge card, enter
" labor
ditch "
one hook
rep.street sweeper
" "d lawn mower
" Police ~;~ick Car
~1o, 0.00
7q. 00
78. O0
?n. oo
q. 06
rep.fire engines etc ,$5~4.91
replace sweeper wheel ~ 5.00
labor on sweeper ~ 1.50
plants ~ ~.90
payment of Pire Engine~$V6~.~6
street lights,Sept ~883.41
miscellaneous lights ,i~l~V.15
materials fire dept ~ 15.89
Defence postal cards ~ 1.00
[ydrant rental Sept, ,$179.00
dogfood ~ .65
Cloth ~ 1.03
repairs to Buick 45 5.08
clerical labor $ l~.00
street 5ept supplies ~ 3~.V5
quarterly service ,i~ 30.00
ribbons poi.dept. ~ 5.15
rubber etamp ~ 3.74
Champs,De Lux ~ 48.0V
suoplies fire dept. $ eV.14
recreational materials,~ 14.V5
wash tio.~. ~ 4.~6
" Ro.t ~ 7.7i
Septe~ber advertising ~ 05.00
dating stamp, fire dept ?.91
American LaFranceYSamite Co pipes ::. muffles
Bank of
oank of America
~Irs. E~a mianchini
So.San fTancisc: Nospital
San l,lateo Co.~:itle Co
Anchor Drud.Co.
~ 10.77
assigned claimOordonR ,i~150.00
Assigned claim of~.Wowe~O0.O0
police matron duty ,ii; 7.50
alcoholic exams {~ 40.00
daily reports Sept. ~ 1.50
alcohol For recreation~ .40
Rooert f..Klassen September costs,salary eta, .i~888.50,as follows;-
Improvement i::utler Aves Klasse, Lal..;I;24.00'iransportation ~:~4. 00 ,Prints .;~3.0~,General Expense
~i~3 .'88 ,Profit ,;~6.98.. ~lo administrationof streets, Klassen,~54.00,'iransportation'.,~16.00,General
Expense, .,~8.75 , I- ro fit ,;~15.75,; Colma Creek kaintenance .;~..las sen, ~,:~48.00, brian ~:~64.80, Ne ct-:we 11, ~lll. 00
Day,~lV.50,Dahlgreen ,~6.q5; Ahern,.i~qV.50,Guida .~.~2~.50.Corcoran,,i~30.38,Transportation ~34.00
Prints .;~5.30,Stakes,.i~19.30,.Jeneral expenses,,$48.3~, Profit,,!~86.97. Proposed Culvert ]~ission Road;
at ~aden Creek, ~Klassen,30.00,Brian .i~44.40,~ockwell,,i;6.00,Corcoran .i~3.V5,Transportation ~5.00,
Prints ,~6.06.Stakes,,i;1.93,Oeneral expenses,i~l~.14,Yrofit ,;~91.86, Survey ~. description of beach
property at tke end of L"~'~r Avenue,.;~Brian ~55.00,Rockwell,,!;10.00,Corcoran ,$5.q5 %ransoortation
.;~.00,1eneral ex~ense~,~g.18,Profit,,i~16 53 lo sis S888.50
'the claims having been audited b~w the finance committee councilman k~nucc~ani moved they
be paid. '~he motion was seconded by councilmanLlo~'d and re.~.ularly carried.
There being
until %uosday, Octooer. OV,194e, at 8 o'clock P.E.
and regularly carried.
'±ime of adjournment, 9;35 o'clock P.M.
no further business before the council, councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn
%1 e motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd
~-ayor of South San Francisco.
espe ct fully submitted,