~D~ESDAY ,~"~ARCH ~4,1943.
Call and waiver of a special meeting of the City Council of the City of South San
Francisco, of which the following is a copy;-
"~he undersigned members of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco hereby
call a special meeting of the said City Council to be held in the Council Chamber in the City
Hall Of said 6ity at 7;30 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday,the ~4th day of March,1943,for the purpose
~of considering and acting upon a proposition to oppose the sale by t~e State of California,
or by the Tax Collector of the County of San ~ateo, of any~ or all of lots numbered 18,~0~38 and
40 in Block numbered V, and lots numbered 30,4~,44,46, 48 in Block numbered 6, as shown upon
that certain map entitled "Section West of Railroad of the Town of Baden", which map was filed
in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San ~ateo,~alifornia, November 30,1891,
in Volume "E" of maps at page 6~; and also for the purpose of opposing the sale by the State
of California of any other land situate in the City of South San Francisco,and for all such
business as may regularly come before said City Council; and we hereby waive notice of said
meeting and consent to 'tt~e transaction of all such business thereat as may regularly come
before said City Council.
Dated March ~4,1943.
Reese Lloyd,
~ichael Minucciani,
Victor Boido"
This meeting was called to order at V;30 o'clock P.M. by Mayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll call found the following members of the city council present;-
Councilmen,V.Boido,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent,Councilmen;-Heese Lloyd,Geo.W.~olston.
ihe reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
A communication was received from Tax Collector Ralph McArthur calling the city's attenti
to a proposed sale by him of city lots 30,4~.44,46, 48 in Block 6,Town of Baden, and lots
38 and 40 and lots 18 and o~0 in block V,Town of Oaden, at auction to 'the highest bidder on
Thursday,~arch 75,1~43 at 10 o'clock A.~. in the court house at Redwood City. Councilman
Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco opposing the sale of
said lots. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council pres
· as follows,-_Ayes,Councilmen,V.Boido, M.M~inucctani,D.W.Ratto. Noes,Councilmen,None~Absent,
Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~I c Swe e~e_y_~~
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page No. 383.
Works Engineer Klassen submitted a communication to the council stating he had had a two
hour conference with Mt.Anderson of the Maritime Commission at the Belle Air Shipyard with
reference to correctin~ the conditions in Colma Creek Channel,and the diversion channel near
the administration Bui~ding. He stated ~r. Anderson declare~l he could get quicker action if
he had more factual information to present to the commission, which would w~ean a certain
amount of field and office engineering. Mr. ~nderson stated the cost of this information
should be borne by the co~mission,and he would so r.~o~end~ t¥.~ ~t,according to Engineer
Klassen would ~be between $300 and $400. Councilman Boido~was~.of~ the opinion there should be
some guarantee that tl~e governu~ent would pay this cost. After discussion it was decided to take
the chance. Accordingly councilman Mtnucciani move that ~r. Klasses proceed with the work.
The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Engineer Marshall submitted a statement in the matter of the sewerage facilities for t~e
New Federal Housing project to be built near Tanforan Avenue and $oetsch &Peterson's plant.
He stated the existing sewers inadequate to take care of the new population, and advised
installing a booster pump at the upper end of the 18" line . No action taken.
There being no further business before the board councilman Boido moved to adjourn until~
the next regular meeting. The motion was second.ed by councilman ~inucciani and regularly carrie
Time of adjournment, 8;15 o'clock P~.~.
Mayor of South San Francisco
Re spectfully submi~tec4,