HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1943-07-19REGULAR ~EETING OF Th~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTt~! SAN FRANCISC0,EEL~ I~0NDAY JULY 19TH, 1943. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South ban Francisco was held in the City hall,~onday evening, ~uly 19,194~. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.~i. by ~ayor D.~.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the c~uncil present,as follows;- Councilmen,V..~oido,~eorge ~.Holston,~eese Lloyd, N..~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. i'be minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication from Piombo Bro. stated they hold State License No5575q0 dated April 15 l~4Z,from the Department of t~-e Interior,U.S.~overnment, to possess,~'uae, etc, exrlosives, and under that aut~ority they would proceed to blast in South San Francisco. Engineer Elassez was instructed to contact the company and h~dle the matter. Fire Chief Welte sub:~itted the name of Joseph A.~iasat for appointment to the call force~ of the Fire Department. Councilman ~olston moved the appointment be confirmed. ~he motion wa~ seconded by councilman ~oido and regularly carried. A communication was received from the Division of highways,State of California,relative to the removal of a waitin~~ station on the ~ayshore Highway at Belair Company's. road from present position to a point further northward about 100 feet, stating that under our encrouc~ merit agreer~eut the City of South ~an Francisco COuld deal directly with. the shipyard company. Councilman [$t~ton moved the city grant thle ~elair Company t?e desired permission.~'he motloz was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. A complaint was received from Alfred ~;edica,owner of lots 18 and ]9,mlock 146,on the sho~e ~ighway,stating that tin cans were ~iled on his property without his knowledge or cons~ and wished to have the lots cleaned up. Councilman Lloyd stated the truck shoul~ be sent the~ to remove the cans. S~~ ordereo and the clerk instructed to write the owner of the lots and inform~ him of the city's action. An application was received from Bearl Sprott to operate s Cafeteria in ~estern Pipe & Steel plant. Councilman Holston moved the application ]-~e grantea.The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Gordon Rowe Company wrote stating they would be ready to proceed with the ~ ~-. extra budget work,as of former years,for the same amount,~q~5. Councilman Lloyd moved the work be ordered done,for tt~e price charged as of ott~er ~'ears,,~q~5. Councilman ~inucciant seconSed t~ motion, which w~s regularly carried. South San Francisco Land &Improvement Company re?lied to the city's letter asking per- mission to lease part of city parkland for the raising of vegetables, stating the city could so for the year l~4~,and if permission is wanted for further permission for 194i to contact the land company, but that in no case could the city consider or construe the permission to be a waiver of the terms of agreement of the sale of this property. Pacific ~aS & Electric Company asked for ~ermission to open trenches at Highland &Hill~ ~ouleva~d,Highland & Grove and 01i~e & Armour.Referred to councilman ~inucciani Chief of Police Oelloni submitted the names of $;lmer Edward hines,~len Clovis Campbell, -~Bertram York and Ray J.Sieber for appointment as special policemen at the ~estern Pipe & Si Works..Councilman ~inucciani moved the appointments be confirmed without remuneration from th~ city.The motion ~as seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Findings of t?~e Boar~ of Beview ,$ersonnel Ooard of the City of South San ~rancisco,~.o~ the 14 charges against U.S.~arshall,City Engineer of the city, w~r~ submitte~ to the city cour with the recommendation that U.S.~arshall be relived of his duties as City Engineer of the C~ of South $~n Francisco. Councilman ~inucciani moved that the city accept the verdict and recommendation of the ~.oard of Review of the City of Louth San brancisco and that U.S.~arsha] ~D~relieved of his duties as city engineer of the City of South San Francisco. The motion was sec~ded by Councilman LloT~d. 'qouncilman Boido stated he considered the action wrong,that a i ~ ~as~being discharged for 'some work somebody else had done,that Colma Creek was e~gineere~ · -Rob~-~t Klassen when he was city engineer,that the two-channel course cost the city ~le,000,tt lumber surfaced on both sides was used in rough work,that the pipe ~sed in Pa,radis Valley cai basin was .the wrong size,that he could find plenty more wrong in ~r~'Kl~ssen's work,that th~ had it'in for Nr.Narshall,a good engineer.who completed a $7,000,000 job for U.S.Government coming back here. ~ayor Ratto asked why he did not stay there. Councilman ~inucciani stol Er. Narshall had as fair a trial as onyone ever had. On roll call Councilmen,Reese Lloyd, E.Ninucciani and D.W.Ratto voted Aye to dismiss,and Councilmen V.Boido and George W.Holston Voted No~ In the report of the Personnel ~oard of Review recommendation was made that the city cc abolish the position of City Engineer. City attorney Coleberd stated the city could have a service engineer if they want to. Nayor Ratto asked if the city wanted one. Councilman Boido stated the city should have a steady engineer with a good salary,that I~ir. Klassen was an engd for seven cit%es ~ i~ad much private work and cannot atteMd to the city's business. It was su~Eested'a city manager be employed,to take care of all the city's business.This matter will taken up a~ain. Ordinance No. an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REJULATING Tt E CONDUCT OF EINORS ~TREETS AND IN PUBLIC PLACES AND FIXING !~ ~ RESPONSIOILITY OF PARENTS AND GUARDIANS TEEREOF" had its first reading and was laid over to come up at a later meeting, introduced by counciln ~inucciani, ORDINANCE N0.229/ / Ordinance NO ~9, Entitled "AN 0RDINAN<~E REGULATING ~1~ USE OF TRAILERS.OR C. ANP CARS IN' THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO" had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance , ~ the City of South San Francisco by tl:e following vote;- ' Ayes,Councilman Victor Bdido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,M~Minuccian~,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None , Absent, Councilmen,No~e.Attest ~aniel McSw~eney ~. City'Clerk. ,~eeorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol.~,at page~ Zq4-Z~5. RESOLUTION No.907. A resolution of the city council of the ~ity-~-f ~SoUth San ~ancisco, amending the established ~ersonnel Rules and Regulations of the City of South San Francisco was introducec by councilman Holston. The rssolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the C~ ~ouncil,as follows;- Ayes,Councilme~,V.boido,Geoege W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,N.~linucciani,D.W.~ Noes,Counci~m~n,None, ~ Abeent,councilmen,None. Attest Daniel N cSweeney City Clerk. approved as read. A communication from Piombo Bro. stated the7 hold State License No537590 dated April 15 1943,from the Department of tbs interior,U.S.~i~overnment, to possess,'use, etc, ex?]osives, and under that aut?ority they would proceed to blast in South San Francisco. Engineer Elasse was instructed to contact the company and handle the matter. Fire Chief Welte sub;~itted the name of J~seph A.~asat for appointment to the call force of the ~'ire Department. Councilman holston moved the appointment be confirmed. ~he motion wa seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. A communication was received from the Division of Highways,State of California,relative to the removal of a waiting' station on the ~ayshore ~ighway at Belair Company's road from i present position to a point further northward abot~t 100 feet, stating tha~ under our encroucl ment ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~rec~eu.. the City of South ~an Francisco COuld deal directl~ with. the shio~rd comoany Council,,an Eolston moved the city grant the ~elair Company t?e desired permission.[he motlo: was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. A complaint was received from Alfred i~edica,owner of lots 18 and ]9,mlock 146,on the ma' sho~e Highway,stating that tin cans were ~iled on his property without his knowledge or cons. and wished to have the lots cleaned up. Councilman Lloyd stated the tru~k shoul~ be sent the: to remove the cans. So orderers, and the clerk instructed to write the owner of the lots and inform him of ~he city's action. An application was received from Bearl~Sprott to operate s Cafeteria in '~;estern Pipe & Steel plant. Councilman Holston moved the application be grantea.The motion was ~econded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Gordon Rowe Company wrote stating they would be ready to proceed with the .~ .-~ e~tra budget work,as of former years,for the same amount,~5. Councilman Lloyd moved the worx be ordered done,for the price charged as of otl~er years,~08. Councilman ~Jlinucciani seconded t! motion, which was regularly carried. South San Francisco Land &Improvement Company replied to the city's letter asking per- mission to lease part of city parkland for the raising of vegetables, stating the city could so for the year 1943,and if permission is wanted for further permission for 1944 to contact the land company, but that in no case coul~ the city consider or construe the permission to be a waiver of the terms of sgreement of the sale of this property. Pacific ~as & Electric Company asked for ~ermission to open trenches at Highland &Hill~ Douleva~d,Nighland & Grove and Olive & Armour.Referred to councilman ~inucciani Chief of Police oelloni submitted the names of ~lmer Edward hines,~len Clovis Campbell, -~Bertram York and Ray J.Sieber for appointment as special policemen at the ~estern Pipe & S~ Works.Councilman Minucciani moved the appointments be confirmed without remuneration fro~ the city. The motion ~as seconSed by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Findings of t?-e Boar~ of Beview ,$ersonnel ooard of the City of South San ~'rancisco,':o~ the 14 charges against U.S.~arshall,City Engineer of the city, w~e submitte6 to the city couK with the re~ammendation that U.S.Narshall be relived of his duties as City Engineer of the Ci of South/S~n Francisco. Councilman ~inucciani moved that the city accept the verdict and recommendation of the Loard of Review of the City of South San i~rancisco and that U.S.~rshal ~-~o~_~_relieved of his duties as city engineer of the City of South San Francisco. The motion was seconded by Councilman Llo?~. ~ouncilman Boid~ stated he considered the action wrong,that a i ~.ma~ ~as'being discharged f~r 'some work somebod~ else had done,that Colma Creek was e~gineered · 'Rob~t Klassen when he was city engineer,that the two-channel course cost the city ~l~,O00,th lumber surfaced on both sides was used in rough work,that t~e pipe ~sed in Pa,~radis Valley cat basin was ~he wrong size,that he could find plenty more wrong in ~r~Kl~ssen's work,that the had it~in for Mr.Narshall,a good eng~neer~who completed a ~,000,000 job for U.S.Government b coming back here. ~'~ayor Ratto asked why he did not stay there. Councilman ~inucciani st~t Yr. Marshall had as fair a trial as onyone ever had. On roll call Councilmen,Reese Lloyd~ ~ M.Minucciant and D.W.Ratto voted Aye to dismiss,and Councilmen V.Boido and George W.holston Voted No, In the report of the Personnel ~oard of ~eview recommendation was made that the city co~ abolish the position of City Engineer. City attorney Coleberd stated the city could have a c service engineer if they want to. Nayor Ratto asked if the city wanted one. Councilman Boido stated the city should have a steady engineer with a good salary,that ~r. Klassen was an engi~ for seven cit~ies~ ~ad much private work and cannot attend to the city's business. It was su~ested"a city manager be employed,to take care of all the city's business.This matter will taken up a~ain. Ordinance No. an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE RE~ULATING T~ E CONDUCT OF ~iINORS Oi STREETS AND IN PUBLIC PLACES AND FIXING il ~ RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS AND GUARDIANS THEREOF" had its first reading and was laid over to come up at a later meeting, introduced by councilm~ Minucciani~ / ORDINANCE NO.~9,/ ' Ordinance No ~9, Entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING 5mile USE OF TRAILERS .OR C. ANP CARS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO" , had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance [ the City of South San Francisco by t~:e following vote;- Ayes,Councilman Victor Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,N~Ninucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None , Absent, Councilmen,None.Attest ~aniel ~cS~,~eney City'Clerk. .aeeorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol.~,at pages 3~4-3~5. RESOLUTION No.907. A resolution of the city council of the 8ity'o-f South San ~ancisco, amending the establ~s~]~d ~ersonnel Rules and Regulations of the City of South San Francisco was introduced by councilman Holston. %he r~solution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the Ci~ 8ouncil,as follows;- Ayes,CouncilmeD,V.~oido,Geoege W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,N.~inucciani,D.W.E~ Noes,Counci%r~n,None, Absent,councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~ cSweeney City Clerk. R®~orded in Book of Resolutions, /ol.Z,at pages ~9~-595. RESOLUO:YO~ N0.908. FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF ~ CENT GAS TAX FOR STATE HIGHWAY. Councilman soido introduced a reselution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco approving ME~:0RANDUN OF AFREEMENT for expenditure of ¼ cent gas tax allocated for State highways. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all t~e members of the city council,as follows.; Ayes,Councilmen,V.Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, M.Einucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noe s, C o ~.~nc i lmen, None, Absent, Councilmen~None. Attest Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk. ~ ~iecorded in .sock of Resolutions, Vol.$,at page bg~. RESOLUTION N0.909. FREEWAY AGREENiENT .~ETWEEN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND T?E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ,LV-SN*68~SSF. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco approving an agreement between the State and the City of South San Francisco for a Freeway in t?is city. T~.e resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,~s follows,- Ayes, Councilmen,Victor ooido,George W.Holston, Reese Lloyd, ~¥~.~/!tnucciani, D.W~Ratto.Noes, Councilmen,NOne. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest~ ~aniel McSweeney, City Clerk. aecorded in Book of Resolutons, Vol.Z,at page ~94. City attorney Coleberd was instructed tO procure the oond of Piombo ~ros. for blasting. City Clerk NcSweeney reported American "~arble Co owing back license of ~1~.7~ and D. Colombo ,'~55.00. :'.ayor ~atto stated that in hearings before the personnel Board some action ae taken to have the city represented by an attorney to take care of the city's case,and defendants not allowed an outside attorney,City attorney Coleberd stated the city could have their attorney nresent, but defendants also are entitled to an attorney. Councilman Lloyd asked if someone outside the city service made charges against a city employee could the city attorney be required to prosecute the case.Mr. Coleberd said he presumed he could. In the matter of the requests of many city employees for a raise in salaries, Councilman ~,;inucciani moved that the salaries of A.$chmidt and Rober, t ~iss~o be raised ~J5.00 each per month a~d all other employees be 61ranted a raise of l0 ~ /o oer month~ andt .O-ack ~ic].;ey be ~romoted to ~aher's position of assistant Superintendent of Streets at ~;~198.00~, CO~ncttm~n ~lo~f~:stated raise of 10)"~ would olace Chief of Police ~elloni's salary below that of Fire Chief Welte's,as ~.the Police Chief was ~ot receiving a raise on the ,i$~0 a month allowed for car maintenance,and thoughz the two chiefs shouid have the same salary. After d~scussing the matter considerably it was agreed that the ~$$0 a month ma_~ntenane for the chief's car be withdrawn and the chief paid ~Z0~.~0, the same as the fire chief's salary. Fire chief Welte stated first assistant fire chief Schmidt should be further raised in salary to compare with other raises,and that fireman ~isagno should also be entitled to the full raise of 10%,and that their jobs are as dangerous as policemen in the same rank.Augie err~gno protested that his job is 'more danFierous on account of being on a two wheeled machine.Pete ~airani also protested in not getting more t~an the 10~ raise in the adjt~stment,stating a certain cut was made ~uri~ depressiOn and never was restored,that he has not had a ~ay off in many week~ and that a 10 per cent raise amounts to little. Fire chief ¥~elte stated the department is shor; of help,that the men are paid extra for extra d~ty and that t:~ete knows the circumstances as well as ~e. Charlie Lema made a plea for a raise in pay,stating he works nights,tends the machinery after work,has to wear special underwear and heavy clothes on account of the cold nights. Councilman ~inucciani stated he thou?~ht all were being trea!ed f~irly and if ~r. Lema were satisfied. Charlie s~id be was.Councilmen Boido thou~ht Judge hardy sho~]8 ~ ~a!d ~ salar~ or %1.~0 a month, stating~n0~judge on the~-P~ninSdla.is~.paid~such~a s~all salary~that.~e~brings in! go&d. rekesue~.in ~ne~:and~deser~es~'o~t~er,p.a~,:~e.!~move.d the sa~sry'~of thai judge be~:~atsedt:to:$150 a month. The motion was seconded by councilman Holston. On ~otion being put ~':ounci]men Lloyd,I~finuccisni and Ratto voted N~, and councilman'~oido and Holston voted AYE. Councilman ~,~inucciani then called for a second to bis motion to raise all salaries of city employees lO'/~ except A.Schmidt,R.Bisagno and Louis Belloni, who, were %ranted special raises. Councilman Soido seconded the motion which carried without opposition. Councilman Boido referred to the illness of Pireman Cameron,citing he had been out of work for several months, had no vacation and should be paid for two weeks ~acation pay. Councilman ~!inucciani moved that two weeks pa~ be allowed fireman Cameron.'Zhe motion was seconded b~ councilman ~:~oi~o and regularly carried. Claims in the amount of ~$q0~6.6q were next presented to the council for payment;- clearing away weeds $ 4~.95 Allen ~utler Frank ~cCarn ~.,.~i ke Laufer John Tacchi F.Parenti John Colombo J. Gellepses J. Fe rrario Frank Casagran~e Luig~ Penna Joe '~alli Felix l~andoli Antone -erratic Emma Bianchini ~¢~odel Appliance ~: F.Co., S0.S.Y.Hospital Dudley Perkins park labor clearing weeds street work weed cutting . park labor weed cutting str.work,Ind.Way ?t ti park labor matron service tubes Alco.Examinations rep mo.cycle 68.48 66.87 68.48 56.87 6~ .67 68.48 63.98 63.~8 68.48 77.19 74.99 68.48 10. O0 ~ .5~ 40¥00 5.9. 3 ~as. Bollazzi, oup~±mes .~ ~o.ob " " $ 12.98 Fashion Clothing Co. Blandini suit ~ 70.81 ~Iike Lamuth extra labor ~ 8.96 Louis Belloni prisoner's meals~box re~nt ,$ V.43 Arndt's Denartment Store towels :~ ~n ~ NO .909. ~EEWAY AGREEMENT u. ETWEEN T?iE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND %~E CIT~ OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ,LV-SM*68"SSF. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco approving an agreement between the State and the City of South San Francisco for } · a Freeway in t~.'~s city. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows,- Ayes, Councilmen,Victor ooido,Oeorge W.Holston, Reese Lloyd, ~.~!inucciani, D.W;Ratto.Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest~ ~aniel McSweeney, City Clerk. kecorded in ~ook of ~esolutons, Vol.3,at page 394. City attorney Coleberd was instructed tO procure the oond of Piombo ~ros. for blasting. City Clerk McSweeney reported American '"arble Co owing back license of ~13.V5 and D. Colombo .,~55.00. I'..ayor Ratto stated ti'at in hearings before the personnel Board some action ~e taken to have the city represented by an attorney to take care of the city's case,and defendants not allowed an outside attorney,City attorney Coleberd stated t~:e city could have their attorney oresent, but defendants also are entitled to an attorney. Councilman Lloyd asked if someone outside the city service made charges against a city employee could the city attorney be required to prosecute the case.Mr. Coleberd said he presumed he could. In the matter of the requests of many city employees for a raise in salaries, Councilman ~'!inucciani moved that the salaries of A.Sehmidt and Robert ~iss~ro be raised %5.00 each per month ~mloyees be granted a raise of l0 a~d all other e,,.~ /o ~er month, and'lJ Jack ~!ickey be ~romoted to ~aher's position of assistant Superintendent of Streets at ~i~198.00, CodncitmAn Llo~8~:stated the raise cf 10~ would place Chief of Police ~elloni's salary below that of Fire Chief '~elte's,as~the Police Chief was not receiving a raise on the ~i~50 a month allowed for car maintenance,and though: the two chiefs should have the same salary. After discussing the matter considerably it was agreed that the ~50 a month ma!ntenane for the chief's car be withdrawn and the chief paid ~30~.50, the same as the fire chief's salary. · Fire chief ~elte stated first assistant fire chief Schmidt should be further raised in salary to compare with other raises,and that fireman ~isagno should also be entitled to the full raise of lO%,and that their jobs are as dangerous as policemen in the same rank.Augie Terragno protested that his job is'more dangerou~ on account of being on a two wheeled machine.Pete Mairant also protested in not getting more than the lO~ raise in. the adjustment,stating a certain cut was made duri~g depression and never was restored,that he has not had a day off in many week~ and that a l0 per cent raise amounts to little. Fire chief ¥~elte stated the department is shor; of help,that the men are paid extra for extra duty and that Pete knows the circumstances as well as he. Charlie Lema made a plea for a raise in pay,stating h~ works nights,tends the machinery after work,has to wear special underwear and heavy clothes on account of the cold nights. Councilman ~,~inucciani stated he thou~!'ht all were being treated fairly and if ~r. Lema were satisfied. Charlie s~id be was.Councilmen Boido thou~:ht Judn'e hardy should :~e ~aid a solar~' o~ .~SlaO a month, stating.no'judge on the~.peninSOla.isopaid!suchra s~all sat~ry~2hat.:heebrings in!gobd, re?esue'~:.In ~e~::and'deser~es-'.b6tter, p.a~,.~eli.~0ve, d the sa'~ary'~of th&!:j~dge be!~?atsedcto~lS.0 a month. The motion was seconded by councilman [els,on. On motion being put (ouncilmen Lloyd,NIinucciani and Ratto voted No, and councilman'Boido and Holston voted AYE. Councilman ~inucciani then called for a'second to his motion to raise all salaries of city employees 10~:~ except A.Schmidt,R.Biaagno and Louis Belloni, who were ~.ranted special raises. Councilman Boido seconded the motion which carried without opposition. Councilman ~oido referred to the illness of Fireman Cameron,citing he had been out of work for several months, had no vacation and should be paid for two weeks ~acation pay. Councilman ~linucciani moved that two weeks pay be allowed fireman Cameron.The motion was seconded b~ councilman ~:~oido and regularly carried. Claims in the amount of ~0'/6.69 were next presented to the council for payment;- clearing away weeds $ 4Q.95 Allen Butler Frank NcCarn Mike Laufer John Tacchi F.Parenti John Colombo J.Gellepses J.Ferrario Frank Casagrande Lui~i Penna Joe 6alli Felix ~andoli Antone ~errario Emma Btanchini Model Appliance & F.Co., S0.S.f.Hospital Dudley Perkins park labor clearing weeds street work weed cutting ,. park labor weed cutting s tr.work, Ind.Way park la,or matron service tube s Alee .Examinations rep mo. cycle 68.48 66.87 68.48 56.87 6~.67 68.48 63.78 63.28 6s.4s V4.~9 10.00 ~ .5] 40':,00 5 12.98 Fashion Clothing Co. Mike Lamuth Louis Belloni Arndt's Department Store Universal Tool & Yfg Co. Superior Laundry Blandini suit extra labor prisoner's menial.box rent towels repair register wash jail ,,~ fire hos. - ~.~ .~ ..,: '![ ':,I ~*; ...... :. - .~-~ ~;,~ $,~c ~..,. ~ ,... 70.81 8.96 7.43 10.46 15.38 3.45 3.96 Expenditures continued;- Joe Ladinig cutting weeds South City Laundry' ~ L.S.Co. wash fire No. l, A.Schmidt, R~JSisagno A. Conzi ani, P .~airani Oaber's Body Shop Robins on-Druggi s t tt ti California Water Service Co t! ~t Pac.Tel & Tel C., ~5.41 $ 4.6V extra duty ,$~ lV.30 " " ,!~ ~ ~. 81 " " ~ 14.80 " " ~ 14.80 8-range to Fregosi car ~ 6.3V sub,plies tax coll ~ ~,.6O, " fire dept ~ ~0.5V playgrouns ~,cr ,ice ~169.03 hydrant rental ~qlV.~8 Service July ~lo,6.OV N.Minucciani S.N.County Title Co, Joe. Quinlan P.~!. New Lincoln ~arket Addressograph Sales Agency, Royal Su?ply Co., Wm.Minucciani John Schlacter Subway Service Chas Oerg ~aden Auto Repairs Chas Lema Fred J.Lautze tl L.C.~mith South City L.~ B. Co., ~f tt tt expenses League dinners~ 11.o,5 dai~ly reports June printing envelopes dog food, ~lates ~ frames screws 3 tees ~4 yrd fertilizer 3 tires sprocket reps street trucks sweeper expenses reps street equipment 1.50 15.55 4.50 8. V8 .62 7.80 4s.oo 30.06 4.97 43.08 o,.95 .6.19 " fire chief's car ~ 14.Vo, setting drain tile ,~ 8.o,o t night latch ~ 1.V9 su~,plie s St~, Depa rtment,~lo,O., 91 ~ 15.99 Total ~90'76.62 The claims having been audited by the finance committee,councilman Boido ~oved theF-.be: The]~ot~an~asi~se~o$~ed ~y ~o~uncilma,n Minue,ciani ~.amdl reEutA~ty~arried~ ,Ztier~ being no~ furthe: ~dsine~sJ~efore the board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until ~'~onday,July ~6,1943 at 7;30 ~he motion was seconded by councilman Holston and regularl carried. Time of adjournment, 9~;45 o'clock P Approved Nayor of South San Francisco. Respectfully submitted,