HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1943-08-24REGULARLY A~0DR~ ~.'~EEiIi'~C~ 0F T~[E CITY
~' '~',,T T}-E
A regularly adjourned meeting of' the city council of the City of South San francisco
was held in the City hall, Tuesday evening, August ~4,1943.
This meeting was called to order st V;30 o'clock P.~o by ~ayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll call found ~he following members of ~:he council present;-
Councilmen,Victor Boido, George W.Holston,M..~(inucciani,L.W.Ratto.
" Absent, Re,se Lloyd.
~he reading of tt:e minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
A communication was received from the South San ~rancisco Unified School District,Presi~
Charles Ledwith, stating he had written before ~e~,~!n~ the city to remove certain concret~
chippinf,~ which the school board hsd allowed to b~plaCed: on their school property a ~ew ye~
ago , and further stated rodents are now infesting ~he premises and wanted the city to remo~
the debris. ~iayor Ratto stated the city had always intended to build a children's playg:
on the school property, but was unable to secure the materials for the constr~ct~on of the
amc on account of t~e w~r situation. ±..~e clerk was instructed to reply stating the engine~
an5 health officer would inspect the premises and report back at the next meeting of the
Sociedad f~utualista ~ilexicana ~.,!ORELOS,Inc., ~sked permission to hold a Concert ~. Dance
Fraternsl ~all, 5unday,Sevtember 19,1~9,~3 from ~. 0~1oc2 ~.~'i to 1~ ~'J,in commemoration of ~h
Anniverssry of ~he Indenpendence of [exixo, and invited t~e city council to attend. Chief o.
Police Belloni recommended tinct two ~olicemen be in a~tendance for ti~e occasion· Councilman
Lo]ston moved t?e permit be granted,and two policemen stationed at tL.e perfor~ance and danc~
The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
~ Carlo .2. onino ~ade a~plication for a business license to operate a vegetable ~tand on
lots 15 and 16 in Block 14V, o~, the propert, y of Alfred Medica, on the mayshore l~ig?way,on ti
east side between ~iiller a Lux Avenues. After considerable discussion the matter was referl
to the chief of police.
A strong letter of protest a~minst t~e
tax business interests one dollsr a head per'annum for all employees in their service over
persons, was received from the ~i[anufacturers Association of South San ~'rancisco. ~.Yr. E..W.St~
Chairman of the Board of Directors was present,and smoke for the association. As there was
not a f~ll board in attendance discussion on the ordinsnce was ~ostmoned until the next me.'
Tuesday,September V,!943,at 8 o'clock
~otice was received from the State Boar5 of Equalization of the applicatio~'of Carmen
Salcedo for an on sale beer ~ wine license and a distilled spirits license. Chief of molic~
Belloni reported the iady ~oes not live here, and her husband,not a citizen, would be runni:
the business and recommended the city object to the issuance of the license. ~ccordingly
Councilman Holston moved the city notify the S~ate ~oard of Equalization of the city's obje.
to the issuance of the licenses. 2he motion was seconded by councilman ~'~inuccia.ni and regul
A communication was received from ~'he Labor [erald, asking the city to take an add in '
Labor Day edition of the papar advertising South San ~'rancisco , at the same figure as last
year,~5.0~ Councilman hols~on moved the city take the add.~he motion was seconded by councl
~'~inucciani and re~larly carried..
'"ayor Ratto, received a letter from Eugene i~.Levy,a collector of certain data, stating
had written the Chief of P~lice and the City Judge,asking for data in connection with the c~
of ~]arion ~cLaughli.n, but received no reply from either. Chief of Police Belloni explained
ttey received ~ir. Levy's letters,but i~nored t!.em for reasons, and stated the ~!entleman cou
the data by calling at police headquarters at any time. 5he City Clerk was instructed to so
wrlte Er. Levy.
A communication and some blank resolutions were received from the Burlingame Chamber ,
Commerce advocating a proposition to move the present Bayshore Highway approximately ~400 f.
westerly from the present entrance to t~e San Francisco Airport. Em~ineer Klassen stated
Division of highways intimated the additional cost of t~is change would be around:$V00,000,~
d~d not think the co~mission was in i'avor of the add, 5 expense. City attorney Coleberd?~o[
of the re&olutions and will ma~e a study of it and remort back at the ne~t meeting~
Growers Rice ~iillin? Company submitted a state~ent stating a depolrable condition exis
in the channel alongside their mill snd warehouse,etc. Engineer Klassen will confer with ]
Andersonof the ~iaritome Co~mission snd endeavor to sveed up the ~overnment's attention to
The State Compensation Insurance ~und submitte5 a statement s~owin~ the city's earned
premium to be ~14~8.87 for the period commencing ?ovember 19,194~,and ending November 1~.19.
and congratulated the city on its safety program. ~he ~heck accompanied the communicatton~
~as accepted, cit~
The Division of Yii:hways submitted its. memorandum of agreement between the'and the Sta
in triplicate,to provide for t~e exmenditure of ~he ~ cent gas tax fund on Streets of major
importance in t~e City of South San Francisco,to~ether with a proposed resolution for the
execution of the ~greement. Councilman Boido moved the
was ado?ted by the following vote;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.moido,Heorge \'~.~:iolston,M.~;inucciani,D.~.Ratto.
1;oes, Councilmen,None.
Absent, Councilman Reese Lloyd. f'.ttest L~niel NcSweeney
City Clerk
RESOLUTION 'N0.gll, Recorded in book of Resolutions, Vol 3, at page 395.
Engineer Klassen submitted a copy of' "A~ A~LICAt'ION ~0R AUt~-i0RIi~ 20 BEGIN CON&.TRIiC'
to ,:;.ave a portion of Hillside Ooulevard and to construct a sidewalk on the west side of Sou:
Linden Avenue. ~io~ice accep.ted and filed.
Proposd ordinances on amending the billboard ordinance and taxing workers a dollar a h.
per annum in the industries were postponed until the next regMlar meeting on September Vth,
at 8 o'cloc$
The personnel board wished to know at what salary to start policemen and firemen to b.
taken from the civil service list for appointment. After discussion councilman ~inucciant ~
the starting salary should be ,t~q00 for both policemen and firemen ,t,~-~t.a~-~Dt, t~,'and after
months t~eir pay would reach the p~esent salaries of the resp~gtive dep~:rtments. The motion
was seconde~ by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Engineer Elassen reported that five houses out on Grand Avenue being built ~y the Holly.
Building Company would be too low to take connection from Grand Avenue and a s~wer Should '
. ~ .W.Ratto.
Councilmen,Victor ~oido, Geor~'e W.Holston,~] .i'~'inucciani ~
" Absent, Reese Lloyd.
~'he reading of tie minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
A communication was received from the South San ~rancisco Unified School District,i-~res
Charles i. edwith, stating he had written before ~e~,~t!u~ the city to remove certain concre
chipping? which the school board ~-sd allowed to b~ placed on their school, property a ~ew y
ago , and ~rther stated rodents are now infesting the preu~ises and wanted the city to rem
the 5ebris. ~,iayor Ratto stated ~.he city had always intended .to build a children's play
on the school property, but was ~.ns. ble to secure the materials for tt~e constr~ction of the
sa~e on account of t~e w~r situation. 'zhe clerk was instructed to reply stating the engin
sn~ health officer woul~ inspect the premises and report back at the next meeting of the
Sociedad 1V!utualista ~¥[exicana ~.~ORELOS,Inc., ~sked permission to hold a Concert ~. Danc.
Fraternal ~all, Sunday,September 19,19~3 from ~ O~lock ~.~. to 1~ ~,in commemoration of ti
Anniversary of ~he Ind~npendence of [exixo, an~ invited the city council to attend. CLief ~
Police belloni recommended t~at two oolicemen be in a~tendance for tle occasion. Councilma~
Lo]ston moved tle oermit be granted,and two policemen stationed at the perfo~ance and dan~
The motion was seconded by councilman hoido and re~_ls, rly carried.
' Carlo ~onino ~ade avplication for a business license to open, ate ~. vegetable Ltand on
lots 15 and 16 in Block 14V, o~ the propert, y of ~lfred I~iedics, on the ~ayshore l'.ig?way,on ~
east side between killer (~ Lux Avenues. After considerable discussion the matter was refe~
to the chief of police.
A strong letter of protest a~'ainst the Dssa~e of a proposed business ordinance which
tax business interests one dollar a head per. annum for all employees in their service ove~
persons, was received from the l;~anufscturers Association of South San ~'rancisco. ~r. E..W.St
Chai~an of ~he Board of Directors was present,an~ smoke for the association. As there was
not a full board in attendance c]iscussion on the ordinance was most~oned until the next mee
Tuesday,September 7,1943,at 8 o'clock P.~I.~.
Notice was received from the State hoard of Equalization of the application of Carmen
Salcedo for an on sale beer ~. wine license and ~ distilled spirits license. Chief of Dolic
melloni reported the lady ~oes not live here, and her ~usbanc~,not a citizen, would be runni
the business and recommended the city object to the issuance of the license. ~ccordingly
Councilman ~olston moved the city notify the S~ate ~oard of Equalization of the city's obje
to the issuance of the licenses. 'zhe motion was seconded by councilman ~linucciani and regul
A communication was received from The Labor herald, asking the city to take an add in
Labor Day edition of the papar a~vertising South San l~'rancisco ~ at the same fibre as last
year,~5.0~ Councilman bols?on moved the city take the add.~he motion was seconded by counc:
l¥~inucciani and rea~larly carried.
'"ayor Ratto, received a letter from Eugene ~.Levy,a collector of certain data, stating
had written the Chief of Police and the City Judge,asking for data in connection with the c~
of I¥larion ~cLaughlin, but received no reply from either. Chief of Police Belloni explained '
tley received ~r. Levy~s letters,but i~nored tLem for reasons, and stated the f'entleman cou[
the data by calling at police headquarters at any ti~e. '~he City Clerk w~s instructed to so
write ~ir. Levy.
A communication and some blank resolutions were received from the ~urling~e Chamber
Commerce advocating a proposition to move the present Bayshore Highway approximately ~400 f~
westerly from the present entrance to t?e San Francisco Airport. EK~ineer Klassen stated t~
Division of highways intimated the additional cost of t~:is c~.an~e would be around ,.,~VOO,OOO,s
did not think the commission was in ~avor of the adde~ expense. City attorney Coleberd~o~
of the re&olutions and will ma~e a study of it and reDort back st the ne~t meeting~
Growers Rice l~illinf· Company submitted a state~ent stating a depolrable condition exist
in the channel alongside their mill and warehouse,etc. [Engineer Klassen will confer with
Andersonof the l~iaritome Co~mission and endeavor to sDeed up the ?overn~ent's attention to th
The State Compensation Insurance ~nnd submitte~ a statement s~owin~ the city's earned
premi~ to be ~14~8.8V for the period commencing l~ovember 19 ,19 4i ,and ending November 1~.194
and congratulated the city on its safety program. Ihe check accompanied ~he communication~
~as accepted, cit~
The Division of ~:i~Jhways submitted its memorandum of agreement between the'and the Stat
in triplicate,to provide for tl~e expenditure of ~-he ~ cent gas tax fund on Streets of major
importance in ~h~e City of South San ~rancisco,to~ether with a proposed resolution for the
execution of the agreement. Councilman Boido moved the a~option of the a~reement and the
was ado~ted by the following vote;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.moido,~eorge ~'~ .~olston,I~i.l~inucciani ,D.W .Ratto.
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent~ Councilman Reese Lloyd. Attest ~niel McSweeney
City Clerk
RESOLUTION 'NO.gll, Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol 3, at pa~e 395.
Engineer Elassen submitted a ~,.opy of~ "Ai~ API~LICAI!ON ?OR ~.Ut~ORIi~ iO BEGIN CO1W~:~TRbCT]
to ~?ave a portion of P~illside ooulevard and to construct a sidewalk on t~e west side of Sout~
Linden Avenue. ~'~o2ice accep, ted and filed.
Proposd ordinances on amending the billboard ordinance and taxing workers a dollar ahes
per annum in the industries were postr~oned until the next regular meetinf on September ~th,
at 8 o'cloc$ P.I~'!.
The personnel board wished to know at what salary t~ start ~olice~en and firemen to be
taken fro~ the civil service list for appointment. After 5iscussion councilman ~inucciani mo
the starting salary should be .~00 for both policemen and firemen ,~~~D~,'and after si
months their pay would reach the pDesent salaries of the respective dep~.rtments. The motion
was secohde~ by councilman Boido and re~larly carried.
Engineer Elassen reported that five houses out on Orsnd Avenue being built ~y the Hollycr
Building Company would be too low to take connection from Grand Avenue and a sewer should be
built in the ally for a distance of ~06 feet, which would cost about ,~350. Councilman ~inucci
moved the engineer proceed to construct the the necessary sewer, ihe motion was seconded by
c~uncilman Boido and regularly carried.
'ihere being no further business before the board councilman }!olston moved to adjourn
until September Vth,1943 at 8 o'clock ?.~'[. The motion was seconded by councilman ~l~:.ucciani and
regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 8;50 o'clock P.~.
~iayor of South San Francisco
Respectfully submitted,