HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1943-11-01EEGULAR ,V=~:~ ~:~J_~.~.~ 07 TIE ~IT!~ COU,.!ciiI OP~ T~ CITY OF gOUT? S~.~ ?RANC!SCO,}]£LD ?!CNDAY, The re~lar meeting of the City Council of the Cits~ of South San ~rancisco was held in the Clapt >iatl f'~onds~T ~venin~, November ~,1.9~$ The meetin~ was called to order ar Roll call fox, nd the fo!]ow~.n ...... ~bers of the counc~.l oresent;- Cor. ncilmen,~eorge W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, ~'[.?f~nucciani,D.W.Rstto. " Absent, Councilman Victor l~,oido. The minutes of the previous meetinf were read· Tbere beinfj no errors or omissions tb. ey were apl::roved ss read. i'layor Eatto received a com~unic~t~om fro~ A[:nes I,',aRr ['/iccffkowski offerinf~ her services t ~}'e c~ty instructin~ '~ ~ . . f' e ,__~ .. ~ram~ar &,c~oo! boys ~nd girls Communication ordered A communication was received from .,ordon m.~rdge recu:es~.nc, t?ze e of' ~)e Cit7 Park Recreation field for light football practice f'or t~e ~outh C~t~ batons footbs!l team.~eferred to the ?~ecreat~on Commission. A comru~nication from the itecreatian Cor'~r~ission ennoun:'ed that th.e telemhone in the recreation of~'ice is no longer in use on account of tee installation of a phone in tLe recreat ~enter,and the same maF be released. 'ihe city clerk was instructed to have t~ie phone comp~n~ tt.e phone in tlc office..discontinued. ~ communication from tk:e Paramount i est Coptrol Service offerind~ to de the set?ice work of rat control at the So.S.?.dumps for t?e su'- of .~15,00 per month~ was received. Councilman Holston moved the cit>~ accept, the offer o6 t~-,a company.'l'he ~otion was seconSed by councilmam I and re_~.larly carried. ~.Y.Bloomqvist submitted e :-:id,to construct a five (5) foot side~mlk a!on!~' tLe westerly side of South Linden Avenue from Railroad Avenue to Dollar Bvenue,3800 lineal feet, for the su of .~;950,the mater~a! to be one inch Compacted t:'lantmix. Co~nci!m~n Ilowd ~:ove~ lhe motion was secoDded by co~.,na~lman llinuc~.ieni end remtlarly carried~ A co~unication from the ~{am~ond Aircraft Company exoressed sincere appreciation of the assistance given them by Fire Chief We]..~e ~n tra~n~nr~ their fire brigade..qo~municatfon acceo~ Councilman Lloyd called t~e attentio of the council to what be csl!ed ~:e to~ excessive speed of the fi~,e truc!:s (~o~nff' to fires. )-e stata~ ~be s~eed attained m~:~-t be 50 miles an hc in so'-'e cases,that it was w:ry dan~erous to :rio s:o,t~at peoole backinz' out into otsce slightest chance for li~e ~e ome of the c~tTM Fire truc],:s hits ~h. em,while s~eeq~in? to e fJre "'ayor Ratto remarl~ed that a human life ca?~not be brought ~ack, but a machine can be fixe~. ?ire Chief We!re was inst~cte~ to or~er his ~en to drive with less speed. The r~ecreation Department, throu~jb Chairman ~leibecker enclose~ a co~.U of a letter of resignation written by i~iss __~.aret ~.TcUu!ty, recreation leader, and rec~:~mend~d the resigna b accepted. So ordare~. Fred Grumm,sssistant gtate ~:igbway .:~n~_neer, submitted notice that tLe constructio of access road to the ~:~sstern Pi e ,~ gteel Company ,Industrial bay,had been completed, and ti-at accordin~2 to agreement,t):e c~.t? now must m. aintain tie road.. /ccepted and fl!ed. President kobbins and Chai~n ~'rankl_n of ,he Transmortation Column. frae remorted on *hei investigation o~ ~?e trans-:ortion ~roblem. %'be~ hsd met ~:~s. ns~ers oe the :[]re~:~boun5 lines San ~iateo - ourlingame 'iransit Co., and man~j civic !~odies on the subject . The..ls. rf~jer ~rsnspc ation companies doinf~ business outside the city,~ are in contact with t~.~e~'~ ~tate aai!road Core, is in the matter,snd ~hey f~ave concern to the local transportation operator, i'..~r.~'~sn, and sub- ~itted six recommendations for the a~ncil's consiOeration. After discussion with ~,~r. Ryan the committee and council it was decided to ?ive i'm'ir. ~yan a temporary permit to ~ap out a sck, of operation for about a month,and sut.~it bis fin:inffs to ~he citu co~:ncil st the end of tho? time,after which, t~-~e citl,~ an~ l.~r. Ryan w~ll ]CHOW if the ~rop~':sition is f'e,' A met!tion ~'~f'ned by 19 ~ersons ree~ested ~:he alty to rock the road ,~ ~ to the beach be the winter rains set in , as th ere are m~..n, more o U boatmen tLere now owin~ to their constrU6t~ of additional moorings. Engineer Klassen ~'tsted s portion of the roadway was stresdy rocke5 He was instructed to go over the ~j[round and esc~-~rts, in what woulO be needed, to pre-ent the dri way from becomminf? muddy,and report back st the next meeting· 'i'he City of San Francisco wished sn assurance from the Cit? of South San Francisco that a re,nd of .~40.~3 would be refun6ed ~o tbe~ w~en t~eo' ?~ay their taxes on a portion of their water l~nes wk:ere construction work was sssessed ~o them i~ error. Cit~ Attorney Coleberd look up the le~.l status of the m~tter. Chief of Polf ae be!loni submitted the n~::~es of Emil E.Palk and 1 arry' riordon So~fe as special policem~n at the Western Pipe t Steel Company. U~nc~]msn ~olston ~oved ~be a~ppint~e~ be conff~ed without r~munerat~.on from ~be city.The ~otion was se~on4ed by Lloyd and regular~ carried. T~e monthly reports of the Pounfmaster,City Judge, Recreation Co~'~mission, F!re Chief, l~!lding Inspector,C~_ef oe Police and Cit~' Clerk were s~b~fftted for the month ending 0ctobe 31,1943. The reports were accepted and ~-~laced on file. A RESOLUTI0~] A~PROYING SUEDIVISION was introduced by councilman holston. The resolution was adopted :~y tlc votes of all the memh of the city council mresent~as follows;- Ayes,Councilmen,Geor~.e W.Hdlston,Reese Lloyd, l',(.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman,Victor ~oido. hecorded in ~ook of resolution Vol";~3,at page 39V. A.RESOLUTION, N0.91b, APr ROVING SbmDIVISI0i.~ M~'DESIGNATED "SOUEhR~00D i¥~AP N0.3, SOUTH SAN F!:tANCISC0,CALII;~0RNIA" , was introduced by councilman I'.,'~nucciant. 'lhe resolution was adopted :::y the votes of all the of the city council present,as follows; ' Ayes; Councilmen,George W.Yolston,Reese Lloyd, l...lv:iAucciani,Dt~i.Ratto. Noes~Councilmen,none,Absent, COun6ilman Victor ~oid~,. Recorded in boo]~ of resolutions,Vol.3, at page No.39V. Previous to the adontion of the above res~.lut~ons some discussion was had on the advisl of accepting the roll type of curb,I¥~ayor r~atto contending there is as ~ab ~ossibility of dam of injury on a roll curb as there is on thes~qu~re~ curb. As -exolained~ by Lo[ion Franklin and l~ir. Williams of t!e subdtvisign,tt~e residents there appear to prefer the new or roll .~,sn~ there was no f~rther critic,.sm on ak~e subject. Engineer Klassen reported h~ had conferred with ii'Ir. YcCaba of ~eSen '~n an~ effort to induce him to stand mart of the r~construc~,ion of a ~ortion of ~,~ Street, of vital interest tc the builder, but !...r. ~cCsbe refused ~o contr:o~te any mart of the cost,w] ich en~'~neer Klsssem " Absent, Councilman Victor toido. The minutes of the previo~s ~eetin~ were read. 'z~ere bein(' no errors or omissions they ~ere e.p~[',roved, ss road. ~-ayor harts received a co~mttnic~tffo~ fro~ A['nes l,'.ahr :.'icc2kowslci of f erin[1 her services ~ra!~ar . bows ~ . f?e ~ty inst ~ ' ,' ~-,cbao! nd ~irls Communication orJ~ered A communication was received fro?~ ']ordon ::htrd.ze request!n:~ t?e use of t:e CitU Perk s. ecreation field for light football practice for t~e ~outh City Satans footbs!l team.~eferred to the ~-~ecreat~on Commission. A comr~nicat~on from the ~ecreatiau _~o~r~mssion snnoun' ed that the telephone in the recreation off,'ice is no lon[~.~er in use on account of the installation of a phone in tLe recreat center,an~ the ss.me mau be released. '~he city clerk wes instructed to have the phone comp~"nb, t~ e obone in t):_e office..discontinued. ~ communication fro~: t?:e Paramount ~est Co~tro! Sar?ice offerind, to 6:~. the set?ice work of ret control at tt~e So.S.Y.duz~ps for t?e su of .~18.00 per month~ was received. Councilman Ho!ston moved the cit? accept the offer ~ t~-e co~pany.~_:e ~otion was seconded by councilma~ and re.~.larl~,- carried. ~.i./.Bloom~st submitted s bid.to construct a five (~) foot sidev~alk n!on~' the westerly si~e of South Lin6en Avenue fro~r. Railroad Avenue to Dollar Avenue,~800 l~neal feet, for t~e su of .:980,the material to be one inch Compactec] tlantmix. Co~ncf!~n Ilo~d r:oveS +he bi~ be sac '~ ~'~ ~m~l~rly carried~ !he mot~ ~,n w~s secoDded b3~ co~'na~ l~an l.,_n .... eni end A communication from the Eamn-~ond ~_ircraft Company e~oressec~ sincere appreciation of t~.e assistance ?iven .... them by Fire Chief ~,~,~e ~n firstn~n:" their f~e bri?ade. ~'.o~munmcatff~ ' on acce~ Cot~ncil~sn Lloyd called, tt'e sttent~o ~ of the council to what be celled ~k~e tn~,, excessive speed of the fi~,e tr~c~-s ['.~o~n2· to fires. )-ests. t~d ~.e s~eed attained, m~:~'t be 50 ~i!es sn ho in so'~'e cases,e~st it wes w~ry dangerous ~o :2o r:o,t~-~at peo~!e bsckinz' out into place bsv~'~t sli:rhtest chance for life ie one of t~e c~t,~ Sire trucl:s kits ~h. ew~,while snee4in?' to ~ fire · "ayor Ratto remar]red that a human life caunot be brought Sack, but a machine can be fixe~. ].,ire Chief ~?~elte was inst~cted to or~er k,~s.~, ~en to dr~ve with less s_~,~.,ed. ~ ~'k~e r~ecreation Dep,art~ent, throu:jb Chairm~n Seibecker enclosed a co~,?' of a letter of resignation written by i'iss ~"arfis~et i[cUu, lty, recreation leader, and rec~',~ended the resigna b accented. So or~ered. Fred O~mm ~nsineer, submitted notice that the constructio of an ,sssi-stant State ?i.?~way ~'~ ' access road to the ~estern Pi"e ,: a:teel Company ,Industrial bay,had been completed, and t~-at accordin~ to agreement,t?:e c~t~ now must maintain tie road., fccepted and f~!ed. President B~ooomns end Chai~sn ~¥anklin of ~he 'lrans~ortation Committee re~ortec] on +hei ~.nve~tigati. on., of. ~be transport!on nroblem.., The~ ba~ met ::'s. nsyers of the :2re~bound~ lines end ~lan ~,.ateo - ~url~ngame 'iransit Co., and man~- civic bodies on the s~t ~ject . The larj~er trsnspo at, on companies doinj~ business outside the c~tv., are in contact with the State aailroad Co~is in the matter,end they ~.ave concern to the local transportation oparsts, r, i',.,r. Rysn, and sub- mitte~ six recomw, endations for the a~ncil's consideration. After Oiscussion with ~r. Ryan an th.e committee and council it was decided to~,'~ve~ iV.r. ~.an a temoorsr¥_ ,, permit .... to ~p out s sch c .... ~cml st the end of that of operation for shout a month,and susmit bis fin~,inr~s to the city ~ ' time,after which- t)-~- cit~,~ sn~ l,.r R~ren w'll ]enow ~e ~be vron,'~sition i~ ~"e"~'~]..,~ ~.. net!t~on ~'~[?ned by ].9 oersons ~oc~ested~ ~ the ~-~*~. ~,~. to rock the road ':.'-to the beech be the winter rag_ns set in , as th ere are many ~ore boatmen t?.ere now owin~[: to their construbti of additional moorings. En.Fineer Klassen r'tsted e portion of the roadway was stresdy rocked He was instructed to go over the (:round and ssc~rta!n whet would be needed to pre-.'ent t~e dri way from becomminf,' muddy,and report back s.t the next meeting. ~lhe City of San Francisco wished sn assurance fro~ t~e City of South ban Francisco that a re.nd of ,~40 ~ w~uld be ree~nded rio them w~en they '~'e ' ~ir . _ ~...} the taxes on a nortion of their water l~nes where construction work was assessed to them i'a error. Cit~ Attorney Coleberd w look up the le~_l status of the mgtter. Chief of Polffae ~e!loni submitted the n~es of E~il E.Pslk and ! arry '2ordon So~fe as special policem~n at the Western Pipe ~ Steel Comp~ny.T~nc~]msn ~oiston ~oved the a~ppint~en' be conff~ed without remuneration from ~:he city.The ~otion was seconded by Lloyd and ref~_lsrl carried. T~e monthly reports of the PounJmaster,City Judge, Recreation 6o~.mmssion, W~re Chief, ~u!lding Inspector,Cb!et o~ Police and City Clerk were s~b~tted for the month ending 0ctobe: 31,1943. The reports were accepted and ~-~!aced on file. A RESOLUTI0~:[ A~PR0¥ING SU?DIVISION ~,'[AP DES=.~ "~NA~ED .... "SOUT~$W00D i¥.AP .i~0 .o, SOUTt:I S~?~ ~Y~'~iCI 8S0, CALI i~Ri~IA'~ ~,.~,.~9.' was introduced by councilman holston. 'l'he resolution was adopted r~y t)~e votes of all the memb~ of the city council ~resent-,as foIlows;- Ayes,Cot~ncilmen,Oeor~'e ~ H61ston,Reese Lloyd, k.I~_znuccianff., D.¥~ Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Counciln~sn,V'ictor z'oido, hecorded in mook of resolution: Vol. 3,at page 39~. A.itESOI.~U~ I~,~ ,~'~ N0.91T,.. APr ROVING Sbni)IViSiOL M~ DESI?N=.ATED "SOUTh2r~00D I¥TAP NO.3, SOUTH SAN FAANCISC0,CALII;:ORNIA'' , was introduced by councilr:an t.,.~inucciani. The resolution was adopted ~':y the votes of all the m~ of the city council present,as follows; Ayes; Councilmen,George W.Polston,Reese Lloyd, ~, .i¥~inucciani,L'.'~'.Ratto. Noes,Councilmen,none,Absent, Councilman Victor ~:.oido. '-~ Recorded in boo~,: of resolutionr,,Vol.3, at page i~o.39V. Previous to, the adoption of the s. bove resolutions some disc~ssion was had on the advisi~ of accepting the rs]_], tyne of curb,I~'syor r, atto contending there is as ~.~cb nossibility of d. an~ ~_ s ~ curb. As ex~!a~.ned by Lor~an Franklin and of injury on a roll curb as tber~ ts on the ~qu~.re ' . .... l~,!r. Williams of t?e subdivisign,tt:e resff, dents there appear ~o prefer tLe new or roll ~yps,snd there was no f~rther critic~ss~ on +Ye subject. Engineer Klassen reported be h.ac] conferred with l~r. YcCabe of b~en "n an-effort to induce him to stand_ ~srt of the reconstruction of a ~ortion of ~, Street, of vital interest to the "-~u~.lder, but ~' r. ~cCsbe ref~sed fo contr~b~te~n~,/ vart a~ .... the cost,w}'~ch en?'~neer Kl~ssen estimated at ~;~900 for about ~o~ feet..Councilman Lloyd op!0sad t?e expenc]~ture off city ~oney.~' in t~is manner, claiming if i~ is done fin z~ad. en other parts of t~e city will call upon the for ~tm~rovement work also. After further disc~ssi~.n it was decided to ma ke the repairs. 1414 Referrin? ~o street matters engineer Ktassen was instructed to make some, improvement on ~adrone Aven~e,residents of which street made many requests for some repairs,in the past· Inspector Schlaam made a verbal staten~ent of conditions as he found them in the ~arious a alleys and downtown streets v:here re!h~se had been dumped by certain er~ons for so~e months past. ~'~ir. ~chlaam stated he an~ ["ire C) ief "Welt~ made -oersonal visits to stores and asked owner~ to ':,e ~ore careD~l ab:~ut leaving any t~flammable ~terials laying( around t?~eir Dremises, and to throw noth~.n0~ f,n the alleys or streets· he s~ated that he he visited all the places later and noticed an improvement in clean up. The inspector ~eclared many owners disclaimed aoF knowledge of how ref~se was left at their back doors,and were not res~'-.onsible for the pres- ence of the junk. Chief of Police Belloni reported that P!omba ~ros.~.ad pro~ised to place a watchman at the 3ran~ Avenue crossing with the road to the hills oein~T graded· ~,"..r. Cecil Jones o.f Industrial Village appeared before the city' council and requested assis:. tance in erecting a shelter for some 75 school children who take the bus at about 0ranFe Avenu~ and. B Street, statin~ the wet ~eather is near ~t hand. ~e was ~ranted the necessary amount of lumber and nails to construct the station,wit~ the assistance of volunteer help fro~ the neighbors. En~.neer Klassen will attend to the further details· City attorney Jo~n W,Coleberd was ~'ranted ler~ve of absence to league the ~tate to attend a convention of the National Institute of ~dunicipal Law Officers at ~'otel Stevens, Chicago, Illinois, November 1943. Claims in the amount of ~'i~0t54.03 were next prasented to the council for payment;- A.Soldani street labor ;$ 5.81 John Souza janitor service :t~ 30.80 Frank ~ass,,'rsnde street labor ,:~ 69.81 A. Perrario park " ,~ V4.~9 floe Ferrario Street " ~ 66,18 ?elix Aandoll " " ~ 80.10 Joe Galli " " ~ 74.~9 Jo~ Tacchi " " 4~; 69.~0 IVi. Laufer, " " .~ 65.57 C. ~e. hal Ex~ra dut~ .~ 35.86 Pete i~irani v~cation p~y ~:~ 39.1~ A. 0 onzi sni " " " ~ 114.03 R, Bi s agno " " " ,~;148.64 A1.0 .Wolfe " " " ~1~ 1. O0 i~an ~Cc~weeney " " " 4 ~.58 L~uis ~elloni extra A.J.Pacheco fire alarm ~sin~ensnceOct ~ 51.~0 P.Pare~ti street labor ,;~ 74.~9 A.3a!]i attendin~ fires q; 1V.O0 . ,edeka:~ng . R.~ pinelli " ,$ o0.75 C.'eard " :!; 3.50 E.UO!om~o " ~ 10.00 A.fref~osi " ,:~ 00.?5 J.Dias " .~; 4.50 J .~',~;s s st " ~ 18.75 ~ ' 4 18.75 P. ,. mm th G. Olmstad " q; 4.50 E.Rossi " S 1.00 A.Johnson " <~ 5.50 E .~$zlowski " ,~;1S.~5 C .Rinehart " d; l°.°5 V.Ullery " .;~10.~5 L.C.hardy Exoenses ~o Sacrs~ento COnV,~ 50.00 .~, '?oleberd .B 5n.o0 Reese Lloyd " .~ 50,00 ;eo.U.P,~lston " 4; 50.gO ~an },,{cSweeney " .~ SO.O0 30.38 q/V9 60.00 5. O0 1o .00 · j8.07 ; 4. O0 ; qO O0 · ~; 30 ~90 ce. City Lumber L [-up. Co'. ..:red J'. La~mtze Pioneer P_ioe Co. Alfre.d J.01mo Ch~,~ s. ,-'e-:'-2 L Co. Rockevca~; ,2uarry Co 'i t'} e }amewe I1 J'oe t:q&rne South S.P.C of C. John Ous'lielmetti The EnterpPise Press ~,liche~l Prod Brown New !,Jneo!n ?erket CallsFhan { Co. &hell O!.]_ Co. park materisIs street " muffler -:itc, ','! oe casinj drayage sbrocket chrush, er run register paper p la}~:round lease Octo')e r advert film careers ePintinn orals.ere Interoreter rer~o'~;e lock doS food Russell Vol ~!aso!ine ~allI Concrete ~rodt~.cts ~o concrete z~'_~e P~::fie ,..ueatoni iaIdssseroni --Jeweler SubwsF ~er ~ce Co Corn':remoter Co Antoinette 5mith ~ac.'Zel L ~el Co. Lo,ia 5~llonf P.S.c W'.W.Hirsch ?'eeatr tire end'rave ;5 e? enaes ~'aer oil ~rental rep e ~ eo~ip " si&ns alePical work cit? ehone s expens to Con v.Eto~ cylinder sssemb!y ,~ 66.47 ~l-~e ,'stroh ,::i 5 O0 manila envelopes ~:. ink.J; 10.81 ........... ' ............. ~. 'amber and nails ~o construct 2he s2a~ion~wi2b the assistance of volunteer En~:_neer Klassen will attend to toe further detalls C1~ a22orney John W,Oolebe~d was ~ran2ed loave of absence 2o l~.~:e the ~tate 2o attend a convention of the National Znsti2ute o[~ },:unic~pal Law Officers a2 Fore! S2evens, Chics. fo, Illinois~ November 1943. Claims in the amount of ~,,~154.0'3 were next presented to t~e council for payment;- A.Soldani street labor ;i~ 5.81 John Souza janitor s, erv!ae ,~ 30.80 :r~.n ~ass~rsnde street labor ,l; 69.81 A.Ferrario parM " ,~ V4.~9 Joe Ferrario Street " ,:~ 56,18 Pelix Aan~oli " " ~ 80.10 Joe Galli " " ,~ V4.~9 Jo~ Tacchi " " ,~ 69.~0 ~,i.Laufer, " " ,~ 65.5V C.~e,:nal Ex~ra ~ut~ .$ 35.86 Pe~,e I{~irani w cation pay" ~' $ 39.1q A. C onzi ani " " " ~$114.03 R, Bi s agno " " " ,;~14~. 64 AI.O .Welte " " " ~lql.00 Dan N~cbweeney " " " 4 ~.58 l. ou~s oellonf extra Cuty pay d q6.ql A.J.Pacheco fire alar~ mai~tenanceOct ,~ 51.q0 P.Paremti street labor ,;~ 74.~9 A.~a]?t attendinr' fires ,;; 1V.00 ~.Wedekaing " ,;~ 19.)5 R.L~inelli " ~ °0.75 C.2eard " .i; 3.50 ~A. ~0 !credo " ~F 10.00 ?'ira .};.~ nt~ ccian~ " ,~; 1.00 A.fre&osi " ,;~ o0.75 J.Oias " .~ 4.50 J.i(ssst " ,~ !8.75 ' ' ,~ 18.75 F. ,..mm th G.01mstad " .,;4.50 ~ .~ossi ;fl~ l. O0 A.Johnson " ,:~; 5.50 E .[~bzlowski " ~;~; 18.q5 C.kinehart ,, .~;1o o~ V.Ullery " <~ 10.~5 L ~].Nardy Exoenses ~c ~ . oa~rsmento C0nw~ 50.00 ~.B'.'3oleberd " ~ 50.00 Reese Lloyd " ,~ 50,00 ~eo.~?.P. olston " ,$ 50.00 t. an ~,{cSweeney " ,~ ~0.00 co. Cit7 Lumber L 2up. Cd. ~t .red J.Lagtze Pioneer Pi~e Co. Alfred J.0lmo Chas.,-'er.r~ L Co. Rockewa~y quarry Co ihe lamewell i'o O'Oe l~fr~e South S.F.C of C. John Gu21ielmetti ~he Enterprise ~ress L(icbeal Ocohoa Fred Brown New !incoln }~ srket Calls?Nan Co. ~hell Oil Co. park materiels ..i~ V.59 street " ,'; 1V.15 muffler i~tc, ,:~ 30.38 -,'~i'oe casin$' .,; o8.70 drayage .,:; 1. V5 sprocket q; V .38 ch rusk, er run .~;9.94 ragister raper q~ ~/79 playgro~md lease .~;60.00 ~cto,er ~dvert .~;o5 00 film camera ,,;o.07 vr~mtLnr' ords.etc ,~ ~l.mO Interoreter q; 5.00 reFo ye lock ,$ 5.00 do2 f~od u; 14.85 Russell Vol No.4 -i;10.00 f'aso!ine .:~ Calif Concrete rrodncts Co concrete ~'~'~e P,~:te v,uest ialdasseroni --Jewe]er Flo.Td }/~. ~un.ter Subws.~ ~er".!ce Co Com~tometer Co Kemble's ',,elc_in,I Shop Antoinette Smith ~ac.iel L Tel Co. Lo,ia ~lloni P.S.~ W'.W.Hirsch E~ Bi anchini ?'ees~.r tire e'~'reve 3 tro~h!e,~ -aer oil ~rents! rep m r~ eouip " si(ns q!erical c!t~/ nBone s cylinder ssseF - <)lice a 'ffron ,, ,,~"~"r'~--.' 'i?~, ~anila entre!ones ink.t; 10.81 ~' " ' . o~si iS4.03 - , by the finance committee councilman Lloyd move~, theF The claims havinZ been audited :De Daid.lz~.e r2otion was econderl b ~o,'~lman !.]inucc: bo'('ore tl~e board councilman ~.'n?coion! moved to ed,~ ~ ntil i',]onday, i~ovember tSth,1943,at ~ o'clock 'ihe motion was secondec by council~sn Lloyd sn5 reg~:larl}7 carr.iedo T~.me of afijourn~ent, 10;$~,~ o'c!ock,k.l.~ .... ~espectf_~!!y submitted, Appr0?ad