HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1944-02-21 REGULAR MEETING OF TI~ CITY COUNCIL OF
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was hel~ in th
City ~all, Monday evening, February 91,1944.
!he meetinE was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll call-found all members of the council present, as follows;
Councilmerr, V.Boido, George W.Holston,neese Lloyd,M.Minucctani,D.W.Ratto.
The minutes ~, the previous meeting were read. City attorney Coleberd advised that in
the part of'the minutes referring to the possessory interest tax to be levied against Bart.
and Hilp andthe Western Pipe & Steel Co.where reference is made to "~Maritime Commission"
· s~me shouldLbe deleted.Mo~;tion was made and carried that these two words be eliminated/& m
sdopted as correc~e~mmunicat¢ons from the Division of Richways we~e received requesting the city to cancel
~axes on 0.86.$O~Ba~.5,Zone F.,linoth Tract,belonging to John and Adeline Ruggeri, Lots 5,6
7,Block 151,,1.960 acres,Parcel ~,Zone F.,O.080 acres Pmrcel 16 Zone F.$ Lot 91,block 150.
Referred to cit~ attorney Coleberd.
A co¢~nunication from the Recreation Co~Lmission announced that J.Dale Thompson had been
elected Chairma~ and ~r.'..Earle Hargraves vice-chairman of the Recreation Commission at the
annual meeting ~eb.16 ,1944 , Accepted.
In anothex-communication from the recreation commission it was stated that the commissior~
unanimously approved in principle the plan for providing a post-war memorial and r~creation~
building in South San Francisco. A'ccepted and filed.
A communication from ~*enr~ Bostwick,~anager of ~acific Gas & Electric Company, stated da~
would soon be furnis~ ed the City of South San Francisco on street light burning hours in this
district. Accepced. In another communication Mr. Bostwick stated the city's request to change
from 1000 lumen, to ~500 lumen lamps* on Cypress ave.between between*Armour and Orand Avenue ha¢
been completed on ~anuary o~1,1944, and that the city's request to* install a ~500 lumen lamp or~
~he west side off ~utler Road 10~5 southward in front of Bethleham Steel company's office had
been completed January o. 6,1944. Accepted.
The Department of Motor Vehicles answered the city's sixth request for assistance in the
police department of this city by ~e-installing Driver's License Sercice, stating that owing
ohe lack of ¢tnances thay were unable at present to furnish the requested and required service
~ccepted,with the mayor's suggestion that we mi~ht try again sometime.
A communicetion was received b~urCity Attorney from Lloyd's Insurance~ representative
in San Francisco in the insurance matter of the So.San Francisco Transit Company,stating the
reql~est is unmaa~l involving any Public Livery Risk and it would be necessary to place the
coverage in Lloyds,London, and would cable them.
T.N.Bloomq~ist, contractor who constructed the sidewalk on south Linden Avenue
calling for the-~5 % due him J' ~ ..~'~. ~fter 35 days,in the amount of ~$~0~.50 . Ordered pai~.
TSe South San Francisco Transit Company resubmitted his schedule of service to and from
Southwood,together with rates and additional service for Sundays. ~Morks engineer Klas~
wroteState Home Builders relative to the matter of a sanitary sewer to serve a proposed subdi~
'-on of 30 acres east of Orange Avenue,giving all details and requirements necessary for the
p~nstruction of sewers. CommuniCation filed~ together with a map of the proposed location.
Erigineer Klassen received a propostion from NOSeblEED to sell their commodity to the city
for the ~estruction of Weeds. Filed.
Off®rs to serve on the elaction board April ll, in this city were received from Ethel
Hernan~ary Lonati,Rena Ringue,Josephine Rosetti,Harriett R.Blank.Clara N.Rowe,Norma Gu~lielme~
mnd EmmaKelly. Accepted and the editor of the E~terprise ,Logan Franklin,requested to advert~
for mo~ehhelp to serve the city at the election.~.
Pacheco Electric Co. eTf-e~ed.. ' to furnish the c~ty with two desk lamps and lights for th~
Collector and Ckerk's offices~f~'~ $~Co~M~ncci~ni' moved the offer be accepted and so orders
The report of the Librarian for the month ending ~anuary 31,1944 was submitted and accept
~-~ A communication was received from the Planning Commission of this city endorsing a plan
submitted to engineer Klassen 'by Bohannon & Chamberlain,showing ~m~ proposed developmenl
35 units'consisting of 4 apartments per unit,a total of 140 apartments,to be erected on a 5.1
~ract of land in South San Francisco , boundedon the West by Linden Avenue,on the north by Sec
Lan~, on the east by Bayshore Highway and on the south by Railroad Avenue. As th~s propert~
not in tl{e residential zone the commission recommended that the zoning ordinance be amended t¢
include the 5.1 acre tr act in the residential section, having endorsed the building project.
Engineer Klassen submitted to the Planning Commission a proposition by Henr~ Dolger for
development of a tract of land to be Known as"~ayfair Village". / A sketch .' ~ was submitted wt
'~he proposition,i~ which he proposed to erect single unit residences, ihe plan as submitted w~
endors®d hy the Planning Commission. According to the Blanning Commission's latter they met
in Joint session with the Recreation Commission ,and the Verehan's Organizations and listene~
an addressb~Louis Chess on a proposed ~emorial Building for South San Francisco,and other Sar
Marco County cities,on an accumulative basis of 3 mills a year mamimum. South San Francisco's
building would cost approximately $V5.000. The joint committee endorsed tLe projects in pr~ncJ
' RESOLU~ION N0.922.
Councilman Minucciani introduce~ a resolution of the city council of the City of South
San Francisco referring to the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco a propo~
Ltion to amend ardinance 13V,the zoning ordinance of this city to include 5.1 acres now in ti
Lndustrial area in the resifential area of the city. The resolution was adopted by the vote~
all the members of the city council,as follows;-
.-. Ayes,Councilmen,V.Boido,Oeorge W.Holston, ~eese Lloyd, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
~ Noe s, Councilmen, None, ~
~ Ab sent, Councilmen, None. Attest, Daniel Mc~weeney,
~., City ~lerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at page *00.
Referring to County Tax Collector McA~thur's notice to the city that he had ~ids for th~
~urchase of tax delinquent lots ~0 in Block 8,~2,~,~8,~8 in Block 8,1~ and 18 in Block ~,&~
B~,,$ ~,all in the Town of Baden, B.J.Rodondt advised to city to consent to their salojas tho
Omld Be receiving taxes .on the property when it leaves the State's possession.Councilman Min~
~l.~;~d moved the city cohsent to t} e sale and the clerk so write the ~emnt2 Tax Collector.~ayo]
'atto requested tha~'the motion contain that the city recsi.~es its rightful share of taxes as
~he law allows. This\was satisfactory and councilman Boido seconded the motion, which was
~ regularly carried.
Mx-s.Ethel Hex~non ~f~$outhwood appeared before the council and reported she had received
The minutes~, the previous meeting were read. City attornay Coleberd advised that in
the part of'the minutes referring to the possessory interest tax to be levied against Ba
and Hilp andthe Western Pipe & Steel Co.where reference is made to "Maritime Commission"
.s~me shouldLbe deleted.Mo~.tion was made and carried that these two words be eliminated/&
sdopted as correc~e~unicat~ons from the Division of Highways were received requesting the city to cancE
~axes on 0.86.~Ba~.5,Zone F.,~'~noth Tract,belonging to John and Adeline Ruggeri, Lots
V,Block 151,,1.960 acres,Parcel 7,Zone F.,O.080 acres Parcel 16 Zone F.$ Lot 21,block l§O.
Referred to cit~ attorney Coleberd.
A communication from the Recreation Commission announced that J.Dale ~hompson had been
elected Chairman and Mr.'..Earle ~.Hargraves vice-chairman of the He~reation Commission at the
annual meeting *eb.16,1944 , Accepted.
In anothe~ communication from the recreation commission it was stated that the co~nmissi
unanimously approved in principle the plan for providing a post-war memorial and r~creatic
building in South San Francisco. Accepted and filed.
A communication from henry Bostwick,~anager of ~acific Gas & Electric Company, stated d
would soon be furnish, ed the City of South San Francisco on street light burning hours in thi
district. Accepted. In another communication Mr. Bostwick stated the city's request to chan
from 1000 lumen, to 2~00 lumen lamps*on Cypress ave.between between'Armour and ~rand Avenue h
been completed on ~anuary ~1,1944, and that the city's request to' install a ~500 lumen lamp
zhe west side cT ~utler Road 1025 southward in front of Bethleham Steel company's office had
been completed January ~6,194~. Accepted.
The Department of Motor Vehicles answered the city's sixth request for assistance in th
police department of this city by ~e-tnstalltng Driver's License Sercice, stating that owing
~he lack of ~inances thay were unable at present to furnish the requested and required sehvi
Accepted,with the mayor's suggestion that we might try again sometime.
A communicetion was received "' "o· ~
o~...ur~,ity Attorne~ from Lloyd's Insurance i. ,.: rep~esentativ
in San Francisco in the insurance matter of the So.San Francisco Transit Comparry,stating the
request is unuaaA1 involving any Public Livery Risk and it would be necessary to place the
coverage in Lloyds,London, and would cable them.
T.M.Bloomqmist, contracto~ who constructed the sidewalk on south Linden Avenue ,~,.~.'~ w
calling for the-~ ~ due him ~. ~,t: ].!~. after 35 days,in the amount of $~07.~0 . Ordered pai~.
:TSe South San Francisco Transit Company resubmitted his schedule of service to and fro:
Southwood,together with rates and additional service for Sundays. Norks engineer Kla
uroteState Home Builders relative to the matter of a sanitary sewer to serve a proposed subd
ion of 30 acres east of Orange Avenue,giving all details and requirements necessary for the
D~nstruction of sewers. Communication filed~ together with a map of the proposed location.
Engineer Klassen received a propostion from NO~#EED to sell their commodity to the city
for the destruction of Weeds. Filed.
Offers to serve on the elaction board April ll, in this city were received from Ethel
Hernan~ar~ Lonati,Rena Ringue,Josephine Rosetti,Harriett R.Blank. Clara M.Rowe,Norma Gu~lielm~
and Emma molly. Accepted and the editor of the E~terprise ,Logan Franklin,requested to adver'
for morehhelp to serve the city at the election.~,
Paaheco Electric Co. o£f~ed. 2 to furnish the c~ty with two desk lamps and lights for ti
Collector and Ckerk's offices~fcr' $S$;Co~ncci~ni' moved the offer be accepted and so orde:
The report of the Librarian for the month ending January 31,1944 was submitted and accel
~ A communication was received from the Planning Commission of this city endorsing a plan
submitted to engineer Klassen'by Bohannon & Chamberlain,showing ~e~eaeA proposed developme~
3§ units'consisting of 4 apartments per unit,a total of 140 apartments,to be erected on a 5.~
~ract of land in South San Francisco , boundedon the West by Linden Avenue,on the north by S~
Lane, on the east by Bayshore Eighway and on the south by Railroad Avenue. As th~s proper1
not in t~e residential zone the commission recommended that the zoning ordinance be amended
:nclude the 5.1 acre tr act in the residential section, having endorsed the building project,
Engineer Klassen submitted to the Planning Commission a proposition by Henry Dolger fo:
development of a tract of land to be Known as"Mayfair Village~ / A sketch .'.~'~':. was submitted
~he proposttion,i~ which ~e proposed to erect single unit residences. The plan as submitted
endorsed hy the Planning Commission. According to the Blanning Commission's latter they met
in Joint session with the Recreation Commission ,and the Veteran's Organizations and listen~
an addressb~Louis Chess on a proposed Memorial Building for South San Francisco,and other S~
Narco County cities,on an accumulative basis of 3 mills a year mamimum. South San Francisco's
building would cost approximately $V5.000. The joint committee endorsed tt.e projects in prin(
Councilman Minucciani introduce~ a resolution of the city council of the City of Scut2
San Francisco referring to the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco a prop(
Ition to amend ardinance 13~,the zoning ordinance of this city to include 5.1 acres now in
industrial area in the resifential area of the city. The resolution was adopted by the vot~
all the members of the city council,as follows;-
~ Ayes,Oouncilmen,V.Boido,Oeorge W.Holston, ~eese Lloyd, M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto.
~ , Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney.
.~., City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Eesolutions, Vol.3, at page 400.
Referring to County Tax Collector McAPthur's notice to the city that he had §ids for tk
BD~eh~e of tax delinquent lots 30 in Block 6.42,~4,46 48. in Block 6.14 and 16 in Block 4,&
~~Aall in the Town of Baden, B.J.Rodondi advised to'city to consen9 to their sale,as the
~ould!,~e receiving taxes on the property when it leaves ~he State's possession. Councilman Min
~l~,~d moved the city co~sent to tle sale and the clerk so write the 9emnty Tax Collector.~ayc
~atto requested tha~the motion contain that the city reca~es its rightful share of taxes as
She law allows. Thi~was satisfactory and councilman Boido seconded the motion, which was
regularly carried.
Mfs.Ethel Hernon of~Southwood appeared before the council and reported she had received
registration book and is rei~istering in her vicinity.
l~e City Clerk was instructed to write the gas company and request that more lights be
~- e~ in L~nden Avenue.
Claims in the amount of $3,671.70 were next presented to the city council for payment:
T. M. Bloomquist
So. City Lumber & Supply Co.
So. City Lumber & Supply Co.
Rockaway Quarry Co,
Ric's& Al's Service Station
Shell 0il Co,
Supe riot Laundry
Linde Air Products Co,
The Gamewell Company
Royal Supply.Co,
Royal Supply Co,
Standard Oil Company of Calif
Zellerbach Paper Co,
City & Co~mty of San Fran,
A. A, plating Works
P, G, & E.
California State Auto Assn.
Universal Tool & Mfg. Co.
M. Common
A. J. Welte
Fred J, Laut ze
Sloss & Gl~ckbarg
BruntOn' s Automotive Set,
L. C. Smith
Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co.
Patrick Moise Klinkner Co.
National Institute of Muni.Law
Chas. Berg Co.
Hall~ell Seed Co.
M. Laufer
F. Parenti
J. Souza
F. Mandoli
Antone Ferrario~.~
Joe Ferrario
J, Galli
C, Ciarrochi
G, Pagnelli
John Tacchi
F, Casagrande
construction So,Linden Ave. sidewalk $ 20~.50
materials - park'
crusher run
tire repair- 'street dept.
i purlat or
wash No. 2 house
push broom- street
materi als
1 cabinet- license collector
refund ove~oayment taXes
reflector silver
closing bill
removing sign
t ransmi t t e r whe e 1
repairs fire dept.
misc. purchases
mat e ri als
buick repair
rental dragline - Colma Creek
clamshell, rental Industrial Way
city ph~one service Jan.
stapler, etc.
lawn mower
park labor
park labor
street labor ..
street labor
park labor
street ~abor
street labor
V. 0V
3. 59
total .... $ 3671.70
The claims having been audited by t~e finance committee,councilm~~ HolSton moved they
be paid. ~he motion was seconded by Lloyd and regularly carried.
f'here being no further business before the board co~.~ncilman holston moved to adjourn
until Monday evening, February 28,1944, at V;30 ~'clocck P-S- The motion was seconded by
councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9;50 o'clock P.M.
A~e spe ct~fully submtt~d,
Mayor of South San Francisco.