HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1944-04-17Ll
AP~IL 1V, 1944.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of So~th San Francisco was held in l
Cit'~ Hall, ~ionday evening~;:~.April 1V,1944.
The meeting was called to order at S o'clock P.I~.. by l',-a.7or D.'~V.Ratto.
Roll call,
Roll call found all members of the council present;as follows;-
Councilmen; -
~ R D .W .Ratto
V Boido, ~-eor~.~e W.Holston, eese Lloyd,~,.~ i~,~inucciani,
The minutes of the previous mee. tin~! were read. There being no errors or omissions the]
~ere approved as read.
A co~auunication from the ~ank of Lmeric$ wished to know if the city wished to continue
# .,0746
the stop payment order in force against checks o, 5008,A.Oorruccino, ,i~60. 11/1~8, '~ Sh~
0il Co, $V8.O~4, 10/18/t~)3V;Bank of So.San )'~rancisco, ~8731. Au[ust V,1941, .~150;-#33848,
Galvin i;anufacturin~ Company, October 18,1~43,.~538.51 and~33849, Same Co.,same date, ~$14.48~
~6690, R.Tibbetts, /~ugust 31,1940, ,~30.00. it was decide~ to continue the stop-payment ord~
~.~otice was received from the State ~oard of Equalization of the application for an ON S~
Beer ~: ~;~ine License by ]uilio Danati D::.~ J~.Donati, ooo Lux Avenue,to be transferred from
A!vira ~arsuglia. There were no objections to the transfer.
An offer of ~$3~5 was made by '~illiam R.~.~cKnight. 114 First Street,~aden, for 'the West 5(
~f~ lots19,~1,03,05, Block lo, and ~150. for the center 05' of Lots,l~,Ol,O3,o5, Block I~,T¢
of :.aden. Referred to the new board of councilmen, 'ihe city' taxes due on both Oieces amount
,!~5V8 and the amount offerea: for t! em is ~i~475, difference ~103. "~/~/-~
Leslie ?~ayne offered to submit a figure to spray the citytr~es wit~'~ his preparation if
desired. Communication file~.
~he Division of Highways submitted a set of una-~proved preliminary plans for the impro~
ment of a portion of the Bayshore Freewaywithin the city li~:it of t!e City of South San
Francisco .oetween the nort erly city limits and a half a mile south of the South San Francis~
TLe District Right of Way of the Division of ~i[ighways submitted several requests for
cancellation of taxes on the bayshore Highway property they are takin? over. ~zt~, attorney
Coleberd advised that tt~ey submit the complete list of all the property the State has acquir~
for their wideninf/ p~rposes~ after which action will be taken on the State's request for can~
L cor:~munication ~ram Lenry Dostwick,Lanager ~acific ~as ~ Electric Co.,stating the stu¢
of the street lighting :,urnin;~ schedule for the city Las been completed,and advised the Spec~
Scedule be continued April Lay and June. Accepted.
Fire Chief '~Jelte submitted the namesof Peter Cognacci and Domnic Oreco and Albert Que.,
for ai?pointment to the Call Forces of the Fire Devartment. C~'uncilman ~:olston moved the appo~
ments be confirmed,-w&~D~-~~a~&~-g~.-~-~.The motion was seconS, ed '~oj councilman
Boido and regularly carried.
~h~ef of Police Belloni su:mitted the names of ~,~uriel 01iver,l~iary L.Lewis,:f~endeline
L.Rupp and ~errmann Grider for appoint~ ent as guards st the '~Testern Pipe & Steel 7Jorks.Counc:
Holston moved t e a]cpointments be conformed without remuneration from the city. '~he motion w~
seconded by councilman Lloyd and I regt~larly Earried.
T ' stating they would
A comm~nication was received from the So.San Francisco rans]_t Co., ~:. .
unable to attend the meetin~ of ~he cit~' co~:ncil this day, owing to the fact that ~'ir.Ryan
his way to i;.ew York to ~:urchase a new bus and would, not be back in time for the meeting'. Acc~
A communication was received from i~'rs. Allen Anderson ask!nc; permission to open a chu. r~
known as the Pentec~.stal Church, Inc.,atS03~ Linden Avenue. City' attorney Co].e~:~erd advised ti
no permit was necessary~ so no further action was taken.
Chief of Police ~elloni requested the cancellation of the appointments of the followin~
named persons from the special police guard roll;- Louis Richard Griffin,~illiam G.Hider,
~ona:_d ~.Smith,Ziarry ]~laine Garman.0 Frederickson.W.E.Potter.A!b~
I-iarrF, b. Clark,_~oyd Braden, ~
E.~urphy,Ray ~Viorlan. So ordered.
Pacific ~as L Mlectric Company submitted a statement and check in the sum of ,i~4qo4.69.
showing gross receipts for electricity for the year and the amount due ti e city under its
franchise. Communication accepted and -ihe the c?:eck r~ceived~ by the City Clerk. ,
~arrett ~ Lilp again protested against ]i~aying the Possessory Interest %ax on ~elair
Shipyard in the sum of .~;170'9.61, and Western I-'ipe ~..~ Steel ~,,'orks again protested a~ainst th. eli
paying Possessory !nt.~rest Taxes .n their plant. Protests ordered filed.
Engineer Kl~seeu"submitt~d numerous copies o~' letters addressed to the Co~manfsnt,Tw~
i~aval Dis~rict,/C~gtF attorney Coleberd,Architect ~[oyer and Louis Stocklmeir ~:ertaining to the
problem at ~a~foran,San ~runo,and ~outh San Francisco. Copies ordered filed-.
The mghthly rems?ts of the Cit~(~Sreasurer,£'oundmaster,Librarian,. anitary inspector,Ch!
of f'olice,Ci/ty Judge ,' Fire Chief,.2uil~ing inspector and ~ity Clerk for tt~e i~on~th of ~iarch,19,
were submitted and accepted.
-~.~e ~a~ae~e~b-~e~wee~- ~e-~& &~ - e ~'-~e~_- ~a~-~Pa~e ~ ~ ee- ~-~e-De~-D'e.--
Under t!:e head of unfinished business c~'.uncilmen iV!inucciani reported that in the matt~
of the request of the recreation department to ~lace signs in the city park showing ,~chedule:
of games it was not intenE!ed for t)'e cit~ to ~ocure tl'e signs,but the city's permission to
erect them.
I~.[r. De z.~asilio suggested that the city ~lan to erect s monuraent to the young soldiers
South San Francisco who lost their lives in the cause . Councilman ~',inucciani stated there
movement to construct a ~emorial ii. all in the large cities of the co%~nty, including South San
Francisc~ Fire Chief Welts, Laving ct arge of thw ?o~tor Roll for the City of South San
Francisco, was instructed to ascertain the numoer of. causalties to date.
Claims in the amount of ~3379~.~8 were next p~esented to the council for payment;-
Mrs. J. Pless
G. Saynelli
Joe Galli
John Tocci
Joe Ferrario
A. Ferrario
F. Mandoli
V. Ciarrochi
J. Souza
A. *aletto
M. Laufer
Re c. workez~ ,~8 .~6
Park Labor S7.62
Str. "
" " 5 7.72
P ark " 5 ~. 62
" " ?4.4?
" ~ 81.75
Str. " 74.4?
Janit or 30 ~80
P ark " 68' 64
Park " ~1.84
A communication from the Dank of Americ~ wished to know if the city wished to continue
the stop payment order in force against checks ~3008,A.Corruccino, ~360. !!/1~38, ~0" ~46,Shel
Oil Co~ ~78.~4, lO/l%/193V;~.ank of So.San ?rancisco~ 28731. Auf[ust V,1341, ,~150;-~33848,
'~ '~ ~ Same Co. same date ~$14 48
Galvin i',an~facturin~: ~.~ompany, October 18 ,1:~43 ,.[;638 .51 and.~?3384;), , , .
~6690, R.Tibbetts~ /ug~ust 31,1940, ~30.00. it was decided to continue the stop-pa~ent order
Yotice was received from the State ~:osrd of Equalization of the application for an ON Sal
Beer ~ .~ine License by ~]uilio Danati D~ ~ [:.Donati, ooo Lux Ave:aue,to be transferred from
Alvira ~arsuglia. There were no objections to the transfer.
An offer of ~3~5 was made by ~illiam R.~',cKnight. 114 First Street,Baden, for the West 50'
~. o5 Block l~,To~
05 Block lo and ,:~150 for the center 05' of Lots,l~,Ol,O3, ,
~f lots19,01,03, ,
of L:.aden. heferred to the new board of councilmen, The city t~xes due on 'cobh Vieces amount to
.~578 and the, amount offere:~ for ti em is ~475, difference ~103. ~j./;
Leslie ..:ayne offered to submit a fif~fure to spray the city tr~es with bls preparation if
desired. Communication file~.
.. ~he DLvision of Highways submitted a set of una. proved preliminary plans for the improve
ment of a portion of the Bayshore Freewa~ithin the city limit of t!e City of South San
Francisco Uetween the nort~ erly city limits and a half a mile south of the South San ~anciscc
The District Right of Way of the Division of Eighways submitted several requests for
cancellation of taxes on the bayshore 1-:[ighway property they are takin~ over. Cit~,, attorney
Coleberd advised that ti:ay submit the complete list of all the property the State has acquired
for their widening p~rposes,~ after which action will be taken on the 8tateWs request for cance
L communication [~rom l~enry Eostwick,i~,:anager ~acific ~as : Electric Co.,statin~ the stu~
of the street lighting Jurnin~ schedule for the city Las been completed,and advised the Specie
Scedule be continued April Lay and June. Accepted.
Fire Chief Welte submitted the namesof Peter Cognacci and Domnic Greco and Albert Quest
for ai:pointment to the Call Forces of the Fire Department. C~":uncilman Eolston moved the appoin
manta be confir~ed,-w~9~-~~ag~9~-g~9~-%&~-~2~.The motion was seconSed
oj councilman
Boido and res~larly carried.
Chief of Police Belloni su:mitted the names of ~v:uriel Oliver,Iv[ary L.Lewis,~;~endeline
L.Rupp and ~errmann Grider for appoint:'ent as ~ards at the Western Pipe ~.: Steel '~Jorks.Counci]
Holston moved t e appointments be conformed without remuneration from the city. '~he motion wa~
seconded by councilmen Lloyd and '~regt:larly married.
A co~nunication was received from the' So.San Francisco Transit Co.,stating. th~y would be
unable to attend the meetin~ of the cit~' co::ncil this day, owing: to the fact that ~¥';r.Ryan w~ s
his way to New York to purchase a new bus and would not be back in time for the meetinf~. Acce~
A communication was received from i~rs. Allen Anderson asking pe~ission to ope~ a churc~
known as the Pentec~:,stal Church, Inc.,atS03~ Linden Avenue. City attorney ColeL:~erd advised the
no permit was necessary~ so no further action was taken.
Chief of Police ~alloni requested the cancellation of the appointments of the following
named persons from the special police guard roll;- Louis Richard Griffln,~illiam G.~!ider~
Harry, B.Ctark,-,oyd Braden, Donald B.Smith,Harry ~laine Garman.O Frederickson.W.E.Potter.A!be~
E.~urphy,Ray ]'~orlan. So or~iered.
Pacific 5as & Electric Gompany submitted a statement and check in the sum of ~4~o4.6~.
showing gross receipts For electricity for the year and the amount due tl'e c~ty under its
franchise. Communication accepted and lhe the cLeck received by tl~e City Clerk. ,
marrett ~ lf~ilp again protested against ~:aying the Possessor~ Interest Tax on ~etair
Shipyard in the sum of ,~;17~'9.61, and Western I"ipe ~:: Steel ~,:~orks again protested a~ainst their
paying Possessor~ !nt.~:rest Taxes .'.:n their plant. Protests ordered filed.
Engineer K~~--submitt~:d numerous copies o:~ letters addressed to the Co~:~anfsnt,Twe]
i'laval Dis~rlct,~tF attorney Coleberd,Ar~hitect l,[oyer and Louis Stocklmeir pertaining t
Droblem~at Ta~oran,San ~runo,and 8outh~San Francisco. Copies ordered filed.
- ~he m~t~y reports of the Cit~-~lreasurer,Poundmaster,Librsrian,. ~nitary tns~ector,Chi~
of Police,C~--~g~,~Fire Chief,:3uilding inspector and Cit~ Clerk for the i~o~th
were submi2ted and accepted.
-~e ~a~Pee~ea~-~e~wee~- ~e-gi~ -e ~-~e~- ~a~-~Pa~e~ ~ee-~-~e-~e~-~e ~--
e~ec~ ~e~.
movement to construct a ~emorial mall in the large cities of the co,ntT, includin~,; South San
Francisc~ ~re Chief V~elts, Laving clarge of thw ~:o::or Roll for the City of South San
~ancisco, was inst~cted to ascertain the n~ber of~causalties to date.
Claims in the amour of ~337~.28 were next presented to the council for pa~ent;-
Mrs. J.Pless Rec. workez ~98.56
G. Baynelli Park Labor 5V.62
Joe Galli Str. " 74.47
John Tocci " " 57.7~
Joe Ferrario Park " 5V.62
A. Ferrario " " 74.47
F. Mandoli " ~ 81.75
V. Ciarrochi Str. " 74.~9
J. Souza Janitor
A. Galetto Park " 6~64
M. Laufer Park " ~1.84
A. Soldani Clean Streets 5.83
i. Pacheco Main. Fire Alarm 54.40
Evelyn ~c~ills
F. Casagrande
May Spindler
Virginia Cs~eron
clerk ~98.80
Str.eet labor 69 .?.V
Rec. ¥'~ ork 61.36
Red. Work 45.91
The following people received ~!0.00 ea. as election officers amounting to a total
of ~500.00
Anita Zucco, Dora McEarn, Freda ~roy, V. Certiberi, Jennie Schultz, Helen Siebecker,
Hazel Church, Lena Casper, Ruth Osborne, M. Hendel, Julia Dietsche (91 Mary Bloomer
Florence Pierce, Cecil Painter, 0.~. Headlee, Alma Doak, Kate Maynard, Lena Forbes,'
Mrs. I.m. Dots0n, A. Petroni, Norma Guglielmetti, Nelli ~gresti, E. Hernan, Anita
Kelly, Wilma Schmidt, D. ognela,
Pera, H. Cavassa, Vey Fe~ron, ~R~n~ Ringue, E~a T
~ e Nell! Riccomi, Pearl Nicolino'
P2uline Gratterol~, Clara Rowe, Ca2herine Welt ,
I. Bottino, Charles Locattelli, 2ora Sturn, Nary Lonati, M. Laufer, Antionette
Kozlowski, Edna Dinning, Marie Imprecia~ Harriet Blank, Josephine Rosett~ Francis
Bono, Giovani Corso, Pauline Gratterola, Alice Sellic$,
Texaco Serv. Tire repair police
Union 0il Co. Seat covers - tire service
~atrick & Co. ~ reams yellow sheets
Sloes & Glikburg repairs p~lice studebaker
Bunton's Automotive overhaul police car
Dr. M. Wertheim
Crawford Type Co.
E. ~i. Werder
So.S.F. Kospital
Kaar Eng. Co.
R.V.M. Carbon Co.
F,S, & ~oW, Hirsch
Ohio Chem. Co.
~Berry ' s
Graybar Ele c.Co.
Kelly' s Welding
Fred J. Lautze
Superior Grinding
So .Cit~ Laundr~
A. Zangrando
So/City L~ber Co.
~ed Brown
Fred J. Lautze
Do,ore s Ferrari
Calif. Water Serv.
Royal Supply Co.
Pacheco Elect.
Pac. Tele.& Tele.
San Mateo Co.Title
New Lincoln ~kt.
Jack Hickey
R.A. Klassen
Linde Air P~od.
" Buick
Sobriety tests
overhauling underwood
Install transmitter & receiver
Sobriety tests
i reciever & holder
Supplies fire dept.
Supplies polic~
Supplies tax ~llector
clutch toggle, gear & bushing
wash Feb. & Mar.
labor & material install carb.
grease job fire dept.
l~ batteries, fire dept.
repairs fire truck
mhke wrench
5 gals. distilled _water
repairs fire truck
wash, Nar-. fire dept.
install galss panel
Supplies Street Dept.
labor on election booths
tire repair
rec. work
fire house, playgrounds serv.
3 hanks card & I lock
supplies, fire dept.
lights- repairs
phone 6~6
Dog food
Engine ering
Elizabeth 0ttenfield Stamps ~: envelopes
W. Minucciani repair toilet
L.C. Smit~ plant mix
L.C. Smit~ blade on So. Linden Ave.
Blomquist 0il Serv. road oil
Rototiller Tractor parts for rototiller
Frank Giffra & Sons ~ shovels
Enterprise Foundry
Baden Auto [~epair
David B. Hill Co.
Hallawell Seed Co.
Enterprise p~ess
f! ~t
11 ,I ?
sump grate
lawn mower
repairs fire dept.
repairs st. equipment
grass seed
names of elec.officers
~000 labels
Notice Planning Comm. hearing
4000 letterheads
13 .~6
48. O1
64 .~6
18 ."~
1~ .30
" " legal bids for constr. Mayfair sewer 51.00
So. City Lumber Co. box dog pound o, 5.V3
,, Total .$33V~,/9~8
The claims having been audited b~' t_: e finance co~znibtee councilman ?.,~inucciani moved tt'ey be
paid. The ~etion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. 'there 'ceing no f~rthe
bu~iness ~'~ore the board councilmen ~'~inucciani moved, to adjourn until TUesday evening, April
~h,e motion was seconded 'by councilman LloYd and regularly carried.
18,1944,at';V;30 o'clock P.~.~.
.Tt~ie.of adjournment, 10.0'Clock
'" ' Re spe ¢:~t frilly submit te~,
Approved '
}~iayor of South San Francisco.