HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1944-05-15 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of ~outh San Prancisco was held in the City I-iall,~onday evening, ~,iay 15th,19%4. The meeting- was called to order at 8 o'clock P.i~{.. by ?,~ayor Geor&;e W. Holston. R01I CALL. Roll cai1 found all mem.oers of the council present, as follows;- ~,~ Ia .... George W.Eolston,~,~.Linuccisni. Victor Boido, Charles K.Etd. er, Ivan ~ .... Councilmen b_~ving receipted copies of the last meeting of the council and there appearing no errors or omissions Layor Wolston asked if there were anl;~ corrections to~ be~mads.Ti.e~e were none, a~'~d he de¢~:lared +be minutes ~proved as au pmitted. A eo~unicationrequeste~ the city council to place a !i~ht in the Civic Center Park,near the walks leading up the the churches from t~ e city hall,wlere the bushes are thick, on account of men assosting women in the zicinity. Referred to councilman Elder. A corrm~unication from tlc South San ~,rancisco Plannin27 Commission stated that at a meeting of the commission held ~ ay 10,19~ a resoluti:~'~n was unanimously adopted approvin~j the plans anc. specifications of Culligan a $onway for the erection of 67 homes in South City Village, on the site which was to be used 'oy Bohan~an ~ Chamberlain. As the property has to be rezoned for residential purposes action was postponed-until t!e next re~;ular meeting .of the co~ncil. The plannin! co~r~ission s~bmitted for appointment to their board the name of S.K.Robbins,local r~anager of t~e Pacific Oas b Electric Company. The request was granted on motion by councilman Laysl seconded ~.~ councilman Elder and regularly carried. This addition fills the Roster,as follows;- Andrew i~Locca,Chaiman, D.W.L~noan, AdolpL Sani,~.J Eschelbach,~ Dinar~i,E l.~z, artlett,S.K.Robbins~ E.P.Kauf~ann,A.J.Welte. Joseph G.Walker,Secretary. 0n recommendation of the Planning commission councilman Elder moved t~'e city su'.~scribe to s ,:f8 me~rbership in the American'Pla~ning & Civic Association,of Wsshington, D.C. The motion was seconded by councilrr:an ~,]inucciani~.and regularll; carried. Notice was received fro~ the Peninsula Division o? tP, e League of California Cities t.i at the next meetinZ of the leaT~'ue would be held at the ~ o~ntain View ~{asonic Hall,opposite the Nigh School, and ~sted how many city officials would, attend, i'{ayor t[olston counted four, and the number re-:~orted to ~]' e lea?ue by the'C~t~ Clerk Nr.,loi'n Fellows reported to %. e city council that one of t!:e city t~cks broke a door and window in the county warehouse in Colma wren taking out election supplies and asked that the city pay the damages, about .~10. -'lhe clerk wes requested to ret'crt the case to the insurance carrier. :~uildi:z~j inspector L~eil_te presented sn ap[~lioation of the U .... Employment Office to convert a ~.!orzst shop into additiona~ office room on a portion of Lot o6 in r~lock 1o~ o].L~ Linden Aven~e. Permission granted. zacifi6 Oas ~ Electric gompany requested permission to o)~en a trench across Orange Avenue for the installation of a q" main into ~fayfair Uillage. Referred to councilman Elder of the Street committee. _ ot~eet,~an Prancisco, was grantee permission to r~n The ~'{id-West- Jake l',~.Jones,199 V~ctoria ~ !{illibilly SLow in Praternal hall,baturday evening~Nay 1~,1'9~. It was decided to sign no more [e~its ~:~efo ~meetings. Reichhold ,;hemicals,Ga~p~--. Inc.,applied for permission to install one g~asoline storage tank and pump at their place on L~nden Avenue, under all municipal re~iu!ations. 0n report of Fire Chief Welte that notice had oeen posted on kay 5th,19¢~,the ~esired permission was [!ranted. ~ollycraft ~uilders replied to the city's letter notifyinS them that they had ma* with their ~&reement and pro~'osal to install lawns,shrubbery,flowers , etc in front :' of:.%be buildings they were given a permit to construct in ,_,z_~a city. 'zhe~ stated the~z had not a~reed to. install lawns., but voluntarily stated, they woul~ install Ianascaping and shru3bery, and that they have done so~ and were endeavoring to induce the tenants to enter some arrangement to install some kind of a lawn. ~z].,e company said they wouldz appreciate it if the city could secure some person for them who would assist them in plantinp-t~e lawns.. 1h.e clerk w~s instructed to write them agaLn impressing t}e importance of makiny these homes presenta-.~le, as ~er their agreement, and would furnish the n~mes of any lawn contractors~ if available. A communication from the Oivisiom of Eighways on the m~tter of submitting a tabulation showing the estimated apport~1onments~ of the 1/& cent gas tax allocations under sections 19~ an~ o05 of t~e Streets and Highway Code,for ~he 19&& and 19¢5 fiscal years. Referred to the Superintendent of Streets. A request; was made by Anselo L~onetini for an increase in salary as poundmaster,, stating he was under heavy expense wi~h his car and receiving only q~7o.50 from the city per month. i;e stated repairs to t~is car, n~w in a ~israge,would be .~100. Laid over to the next regular ~et~ng. ~:ui!ding Inspector ~.,'elte mu'bmitted plans for the alteration or completion of the rooms in the Peter Dress 0uilding on :3rand Avenue,and 0.K'L the s~e. Councilman ~oido moved the ~e~it be granted,The motion wa~ sec.'~nded b~ counci-lmen i~ays and regularl~ carried. - ~ ed f rom . . , . ~ A communicatio'n was r?cez-'..z 2 _ A.}.Olic~an.'Zraffio Counselor, on behalf of ~he tellow Cao Company of South San r~ra~isco,and referring to t~e application of John Carters Le Maderios of South San Francisco for a pe~it or license to operate a %axi-Oab service in .this ~ity. Nr. Glic~an cited, the law &overning the issuance of licenses to 'zaxi Cab businessmen, and .... "~ecause tNe nu~e'r pe~aitted the present contended no ! ~cense can be issued in thi~. instance,.~ license holder, five, had nob been in use, and therdfore' ~no more state licenses would ,.~e granted under the Certificate of ~Var 'zfecessity. City attorney Coleberd ruled ti.e statement out of line, unfair and a detriment to the expansion of busi~ss. 'ihe matter was laid over till the next meeting of the board, z,,r~" . C~rrera De }Jaderios t'~ad aent, ative permit to-operate,si.rned~ by the ,ronsz ered further. councilmen, but will defer c~mcncement until tNe prote, st is ~ 'd Nrs.S.J.Browning.~0So Lusk Street,Oakland, California,entered a stron[{ protest a&ainst alleged Condition of the South ~ S;F. pound, . and appealed to the council, for the sake of humanity, to improve matters. Communica~ ion filed. ~e~ss~on ~'ir. J.Perrari of the Local ~o~ Scout %roop i.1o.80, requested'to }~old a special service on ~~ Friday evening, ~tay o6,1[)%¢, at which time a Flag_ Presentation and various prizes are to be presented to various members of t}e troop. 0n motion .Y councilman Elder,seconded zy councilman Lays and regularly oarPied the permission was granted. Chief of Police Bellohi submitted the name of *'arry F.Trainor for appointme~t as special policeman at the H~mond Aircraft Co. Councilman Elder moved the appointment be cenfi~ed without remuneration from the city.The motion was seconded hy councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. ~he monthly reports of the City Treasurer, ~'~undmaster and Librarian for the month ending April 50,19~,were submitted and accepted.. Return rec:eipts for registered mail to Fra~ A.Jordan,Secretar~ 0f State,and E.~'ioCoy, of the State Division of Nighways for the city's report on the city's population were received. amd he declared the A con~unicationrequested the cit~ council to place a !i,!'ht in the Civic Center Park,near t2. e walks leading u~ the the churches from t e city hsl!,w~ere the ~shes are thick, on account of men assost~n~' women in the ~icinity. [~eferred. to councilman Elder. A com~unication from l}e South San .'rancisco Planninff Commission stateO that at a meeting of the comn~ission'beld ~ ay 10,1944 a resoluti:~:n was unanimously adopted approvinfj~ the plans and specifications of Culligan ~ $onway for the erection of 6V homes in South City Village, on the site which was to :.)euse~ ~,_~ by Bohannan ~ Chamberlain. As the property has to be rezoned for residential purposes action was postponed until ti e next ref~ular meeting .of the cov~ncil. ~ ~, The plann!nj co~?~ission s~bmitted for appointment to their board the name of S.K.Robbins,local ~,anager of the Pacific 'uas g; Electric Co~ipany. The reqz~est was granted, on motion by councilman Laysl seconded ~F' councilmam Elder and re~]ular!y carr~e~. ~his addition fills ~-he Roster,as fo][!ows;- Andrew [-',occa,Chaiman, D.W.L~ancsn, Adolph Sani,f'.J.Eschelbach,G.Dinardi,E.i.s~artlett,S.K.Robbins~ E.P.Kauf~ann,A.J.Welte. Joseph .~-.Walker,Secretary. On recommemdation of the Plannin[;j cor~mission councilman Elder moved t~'e city su'~scrfbe to a ,;~5 membership in the American'Planning d~: Civic Association,of Washington, D.C. The motion seconded by councilman i,;inucclani,~and regularly; carried. }~otice was received fro~ t~.e Peninsula ~)ivision o~~ the League of California Cities ~]. at the nexis, meeting of the league would be held at the ~ o~:ntain View i',']asonic Hall,opposite the I.]igh School, and asked bow many city officials would attend, i'?[ayor ~[olston counted four, and the number re'::orted to t~. e lea~rue b~~ the'C~t.~, Clerk ~?;r. Jo~n Fellows reported to t. e city council that one of t}e city t~cks broke a door and window in the county warehouse in Colma w~en takinf:~ out election supplies and asked that the city pay the damages, about .~10. .'lhe clerk was req~ested to re.~ort the case to the insurance carrier. ~;uildi~;~:2 inspector L~elt;e presented an ap?lication of tLe U.~ .Employment Office to convert a florist s~op into amaztzona~ office room on a ~2ortion of Lot o6 in ,';lock 1o4, 0].3 Linden Avenue. Permission granted. ~acifid .Jas ~i: Electric Company requested permission to ou. en a trench across Orange Avenue for the installation of a q" nmin into ~fayfair Village. Referred to councilman Elder of the Street c or'mi t t e e. Jake k. Jones,l?9 Victoria Street,~an Prancisco, was granted ]:~ermission to r~n The ~viid-West- ]~il!ibilly Si-;ow in ~raterna! hall,Saturday evening,l?;ay 13,1944. It was decided to sign no more ~e~its ':~efo meetings.~:~eichhold ~;hemicals,gem~a~--. Inc.,applied for permission to install one gasoline storage tank and pump at their place on Linden Avenue, under all municipal rej. ulations. On report of Fire Chief We!re th. at notice Lad seen [;sated on kay 5th,194q,the desired permission was ~?ranted. [~ ollycraft ~uilders replied to the city's letter notifying the~r~ that they had roe co~v]~e~ with their s.~ireement and pro~-~osal to install lawns,shrubbery,flowers , etc in front ;. of! 2he buildings _~ _ .,~_~,-~ city. ~ihe~, stated they had not s~:reed to-install laWns., they were given a nermit to construct in t~' ,~ but voluntarily stated the~' would install landscaping and shru,:bery, and that they have done so~ and were endeavorinf~ lo induce the tenants to enter some arrans;e~ent to install some kind of a lawn. ~i~.~e company, said the[ would': appreciate i~ if the city could secure some person for them who would assist ~hem in planting-the lawns.. E:b.e clerk w?s instructed to write them a~(a~n impressing ~Le importance of makiny ~hess homes presenta:.::.le, as per their a~'reement, and would furnish the names of any lawn contractors' if available. A communication from the ~ivision of Highways on tb.e mt~tter of submitting a tabulation showing the estimated a-/?ortionments' of the 1/4 cent gas tax allocations under sections 194 and °03 of the Streets and Highway Code,for 2he 1944 and 1945 fiscal years. Referred to the Superintendent of Streets. A request, was made by Angels },1onetini for an increase in salary as poundmaster,, stating he was ~:nder heavy ey~-:.ense_ wi2h his car and receiving only ,.~;VO.50 from the city per month. Ee stated repairs to Lis car, n:~w in ~ ~.arsge,would be ..~!00. Laid over to the next regular ~et:~ng. muitdin(,' Inspector ~'elte ~ubmitted plans for the alteration or completion of the rooms in. the Peter Dress Ouilding on :3rand Avenue,and O.K'L the s~e. Councilman holds moved the me,it be granted,~he motion wa~ sec'~nded b~ co~nci-lmsn }~ays and regularl~ carried. A com~unicstio~n was recei-:'ed from A.}J ~lzc~an,iraffzc Counselor, on 'behalf of ~he tellow Ca:~ Company of South San ?ra~isco,and referring~ to the a~:,plication of John Carrera Le Maderios of South San Francisco for a pe~it or license to operate a 'laxi-Cab ser'~.'ice in ,this city. f~'_r. Glic~an cited, the law governing the issuance of licenses to 'zaxi Cab businessmen, and contended no license can be issued in th. if i:,~stance,because the nu~e'r perraitted the present license holder, five, had no~ been in use, and thercfore' no more state licenses would se granted under the Certificate of ~s.r '~i'ecessity. City attorney Coleberd ruled tle statement out of line, unfair and a detriment ~o the expansion of busi~ss. 'ihe matter was laid over till the next meeting of the board, i'~.~r. C~rrera De I[aderios had a (entative permit to operate,sir:ned bN the councilmen, but will defer c~s~encement until tt:~e prot~:~st, is oonsidered further. ~,[rs.S.J.Browning.403°, Lusk Street,Oakland, California,entered a ~'tron~'~_ ~rotest::. sg~ainst alleged Condition of t):e South . S,F. pound,, and appealed to the council, for the sake of humanity, to improve matters. Comrm~nica~ion filed, pe~ission ~'~r. J.Ferrari o~' the Local ::,oy Scout ~roop ?~'.o.80, requested'to ~-old a special service on _~ ~,h~~ Friday evening, 1'~ay °6,1[~44, at which lime s Flag Presentation and various prizes are to be presented to various members of t!:e troop. On motion ::y councilman Elder,seconded :y councilman Lays and regularly carried ~he permission was granted. Chief of Police Belloni submitted the name of '~arry F.Trs~inor for appointment as special policeman at the H~.mond Aircraft Co. Councilman Elder moved the appointment be cbnfirmed without remuneration from the city.~i~he motion was seconded hy councilman I~[inucciani and regularly carried.. 'ihe ~onthly reports of the City 'lreasurer, ~'sundmaster and Librarian for the month ending April 30,1944,were submitted and accepted.. tieturn re~-~eipts for registered mail to ~ra~ ~'[.Jordan,Secretar$~ 5f State,and E.kcCoy, of the State Division of ~fighways :flor the city's report on the city's population were received. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd reported progress on the proposed ordinance on t-.ousinf~',roominf:, houses,vacant buildings,and other premises bein[ used for habitations. / The bid of ~r. I~cKnight of ,;~4V5 for two pieces of property in B~den was acceoted. , / Councilman Elder,6~airman of t~.e Park 6om~_~ssion,re~orted he ham instructed ~r.Floyd/~,f. ?unter of the recreation department to make repa. irs ~nd installations recom, mended b~, the ~ecreation Commission. Councilman Elder,chairman of the pound committee reported havin[~, vistied the Daly City pound,together with councilmen.V_inucciani and l-ays, and thorouf[hly investi~j:'ated its faciliti~ ~ihe committee believed tt~is ci.y should b~ld a similar one, with some improvements over the ~aly Cit~~ one, and so recommended. ~hey favored a site in Orange Avenue park. ~hey were emmo~ to proceed further, to call for plans and specifications, and have a further report at the n~ meeting of the city council. ~he estimate of the cost ~o construct a suitable mound was ~4,0( lfo report was received on the pro~osition to construct a new roo£ on t,'ire i_ouse No.?. ~.nSer the bead of new business *~he city clerk requested t. at a phone be ~nstalled in ti Collector's Office. So ordered. ~ihe clerk also requeste~ that the windows of the clerk and tax colle,-.tor's ~ffices be frosted to prevent too many '~allers,with no business there, and that a system of signs with hands pointing to the respective offices on the main floor be installed~ as none exist at present, and most callers at ~he city hall, if strangers, call at the wrong office. Councilman i'inucciani was instructed to attend to the slgn. s,etc. Councilmen Elder and Boido reported there will be ~ meeting on tbe subjec~ap?ointing an ena~ineer for tk, e city. ~anitary Inspector Schlasm reported a sidewalk broken at .~;~ ~and c ~aFshore,near Alphons~ place.Referred to the street committee. Mr. $chlaam also reported V horses in an enclosure in one part of the city and one in a~ with no ordinance to compel them to vacate,or abate the nuisance. Jit[ attorney Colebers sta' that in order to control the situation an ordinance should be passed specifying a zone for tl animals mentioned. ~.r. ~chlaam stated ]~e would not sign a complaint a~_iainst certain viola' because tle documents would be i~i. nored. Councilman Boido stated ?e was supposed to do l"is ~ut~' w? ett-er the aomplaints were ignored or n~.~t,as ~e was paid for his work. l;~[r.C)~ick Burgess appeared before thee council and advocated a chanfile in the ordinance f~ the boys who obey the 10;00 o'clock ordinance b~ lowering the ade fro~ lC3 to 16 years~ atat~ many arc preparing to enlist soon and there sl,ould.be allowance for them while 'still here.[~f~ muc]~ discussion amon~:~ the councilmen, it was decided to postpne any action at tits meetin~f' t~ parents and guardians to be heard on the subject. ,'-ayor Eolston was of the opinion qt~ick jud~ taken ;_n the matter might cause ill feeling.: by t]_e majorit~~ of the people who have. not been ~ in. the case~ that th.e whole countl? of' man ,,~ateo collaborated in framin.f., the law, and it was to be sound. The matter will come up at the next meeting. L,r.0tto DietscLe of Paradeis Valley asked for the repair of Hillside ~oulev~rd from ] to Arden Avenue,with oil macadam or ~_~iled and paved, and that a li~:ht be placed in that sect~ Referred to the street committee~ as to priorities,etc., Cov~acil~mn ooido asked Oanitary inspector Schlaam as to the ~tatus of the Grand Yote[ ~he inspector reported the place is ~_radually beinf~ claaned up. Claims in the am:'.unt of ~49~4.09 were next presented to t?~e council for pa~ument;- See pace 460 of I 46O A.J.Pacheco V. Ciarrocchi Antonio Ferrario Frank Vasagrande ~eltx ~'ando li Joe Ferrario ~ike Laufer Joe Galli John ~acchi A.Cailetti John Souza Adolph Soldanl Evelyn fire alarm maintenance April street labor park l~bor tt t~l tt ,t street laLor park labor Street labor park labor s.treet labor clerical labor DePartment LTotor Ventricles license Walker Trailer Superior' ~aundry ~ash fire house ~acific Coast ~.:~uildin~ 0ffic~ls Conference I~es American La France Corporation clutch place Frank P ariani Wil lie ~finucciani i r~nk Rust Couth Cit~ LHnudry Tidewater Asso.0il Co. Hi~hway Transport Charles W.Carter L. C. Smi th C .W. ka r~ve de 1 Royal Supply Co. ~:campini ~: Zanetti Robinson-Druggi st Edward R.oacon Company E.T.Haas Subway Service Stat~_ n H.V.Carter L.. Co. Kell~,'s Wel~inf Shop ,, A. J.Pacheco Pacheco Electric Co San i;;ateo Ce.Title Co. Patrick )~.oise Klinkner Co So.S.'~.Ch. amber of Commerce A.Carlisle L,: Co R.A.Klassen Howard Auto Co So.San Francisco b'l',,(. J. Swe eney Louis ~-~e lloni Srunton's Auto Ser. ~ac.~el b: Tel Co Repair fire truck repairs fire house repaiin~:~ fire pump wash g:asoline c~ct, fre i~ht ~';'asket plant mix Bras s MS 50 ' hose 5 gals specialoil supplies supplies rent of trencher 0il etc., carborundum welding ,, Lait streets Lif, hts ~raffic maintenance daily reports stencils,fire dept. supplies build dept adverti sing ;,,arch election supplies engineering' ~epairs sobriety tests repairs ~tude clock repai lng battery closing bill ~564 South Cit~ LumMer ~. SupplI Co. katerials " " supplies So.S.[;'.Land ~ imp.Co ~nd Install~ent _,each Land American Planning ~ Civic Assn., dues 51.oo 73.06 73.06 66.56 76.79 19.63 3q. 76 67.60 30.50 5.46 5.15 30.00 o7.90 3.80 ' .53 16.0V .50 1.00 35. V7 6. O0 3.00 9 ~. ~3 65 ~.55 ~5.00 55.00 15.60 5.0~ ~9.0~ ,~147.27 460.07 5.00 T'otal ,i~49q4.q9 'lhe claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Minucciani moved theF be ;:aid. Ttoe otion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board councilman ~!inucciani moved to .~.~. ~he motion was seconded by . ~ adjourn until i~Londay, ~ay oo,,,1944,at 7;30 o'clock P ~ ~ councilmen i:~oido and regularly carried. ~ime of adjournment, 10;15 o'clock P.~,: . Approved ~ ~ ~7or ~?~an'Fr~cisco. ffit~ Cle rkj