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Minutes 1944-05-22
REGULARLY A~JOU~ ~EETIN9 0~ ~HE CItY C0IU~CIL 0F THE CItY 0F o0U~ aAH FRANCISCO HELD ~ ~ I'fAY OOyD 1944. !~O NDAY, .... , A rea~larly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in t]'~e City Hall,~,,.~onday evening, I~;ay ~o,1944. ~his meeting was called to order at ~;30 o'clock P.~i. by ~iayor George W.Holston. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present,as follows-; Councilmen,Victor Loido, Clarles K.Elder, Ivan ~.~ays,George ~J~.Holston. " Absent, l~.~.iinucciani. Copies of the minut~S..of the previous meeting havinf~ been submitted to the various councilmen, ~.~ayor tiolston asked if there were any errors or 5miSsions.iiearing none he declare~ the minutes adopted as submitted. A communication was received from Maria Ghiorsi stating .she dim not agree in having a curfew law on bo~s of tl.e age of 16 and over. Co~unication accepted. Acknowledgment was received from th~ Department of i~otor Vehicles of the State of California of~the receipt of the city's letter advisind th. em that the special census of the United Stated Government certified that the popolation of South San Francisco was 1].,406. Co~unication accepted and filed. Pacific Gas ~' Electric Company advised that the new 400 CP.PB Street light unit was in ed on the east side of Industrial Way, and the existing ~50 CP.~¥[R.unit on the west side of Industrisl Way was ~emoved. Communication accepted and filed. Chief of Police ~ellonl requested the cancellations of the names of ]erman Grider, Walter J.Gilliam, t'~enry George Ritto,Edna !nes Doyle,Howard .~len Gray and ~arry Tipton, as guards at the various plants. Councilman Hays moved the names be striken from the roll.The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. Orville E.Poe a?plied for a permit to operate a Barn ~ance Show permanently every ~atur day evening till one A.~'~.Councilman Hays moved he be given a pe~it~ for 60 days. The motion was seconded by councilman Doido and regularly carried. Engineer Robert A.Klassen submitted his final report and accounting of the Special Census made by the bnite~ States Government in ~he cities of San Carlos,~,elmont and South San ~ancisco. In the recapitulation of the cost l~(r. Klassen showed the sum of $i~.46 was due him of the ~9.07 monetLorder deposited with the 6i~y of South San Francisco. Councilman ~oido moved that the amod2 be returned to Mr. Klassen. T'~e motion was seconded 0y councilman Hays and regularly carried. In a separate co~.:~er engineer Klassen enclosed a co?y of a letter sent ~lr.C.E.batchelet, Bureau of the Census,~ashington,D.C.,regsrding the annexation limes of Sout~:wood No. 1, Southwood No.~, and about which there appears to be a doubt as to the correct description. ]'~.~ayor Ho!ston advised that the matter be looked into, and set,led. City attorney Coleberd stated annexation proceedings could Se institued, and ti:e proposition placed upon the ballot at the ~ovember election; it was decided that this shou~_d be done, in order to avoid some legal test at some future time, when the territory might all be built upon. A comminication was ,ecei~ed from t~e South San Francisco Planning Co~ission contain the text of a resolution passed and adopted b~~ the~C[t~, Council of the City of South San Fra~ cisco on the ~lst day of ~arch,1944,referring to the Planning Commission of the City of Sou San Francisco a proposition to amend 0rdinsnce ifo.13V of this city, to change a certain secti from a business district to a residential section to pe~it the erection of 6V homes. The Planning ~ommission report stated that due notice was given of the their intention to meet a~d discuss the matter of the proposed amen~ent,and that, at said meeting no person opposed t!.e 'oroposition to amend the ordinance,l~o.13V, and they ~-.hereupon recommended that the city council pass and adopt the proposed a~:endment. Councilman Charles K.Eldgr then introduced C~,DI~.,~ A~,.~E, ~I ~i~EI~',f. CE i~0 137 ~AN O~_DII<ANCE ESTABLISHING O~.~I~A~Cm No. entitled, · INDUSTRIAL, ~3USINESS A~?.D RESIDENTIAL ~.S'=RICTS 0R ZONES IN INE CiTY 0F SOUTH SAN ~ANCISC0 0h~,I~Ai~CE N0.11V TEE CITY OF SOUTH SAi~ ~ANCISC0~PASSED' ~ND. ADDPTE Ai~D EXPRESSLY REPEALING ~ ~' ~'~AY 4TH,19e5~ The ordinance had its first reac]ing and will come up at th.e next re~lar mee of the city council. Councilman Chairman Elder of the Street Co~-~:ittee reported the city has F. lisht standard can be Placed in the civic center,requested oy the safety committee-when arrangements are m the ~ire Chief and the Pacific sas & Electric Company as to the exact location. According to .:c~edule the Curfew Law came u~} for discussion, called for by }~ir.Alfred ~rgess,representing a num0er of p&~rents who wis+' ~.he law changed to lower the age stipulatio ~lthar~_es Ledwith,President of the ooard of School 'irustees of the ~chool distr~ct,apoeare before~ the city council,and spoke in favor of the pre~ent statute, which, he declared is not perfect, but is better than one reducing{ ti e age limit. ~e stated allowind~ boys and a~]-°"ris be t?e ages of 16 and 18 more liberties would tend to create more delinquencies than there are now and there are plenty now,according to the police blotter. He Urged parents to help to kee their children more at home and g~ve them more home trainini. i¥~rs.Ledwith spoke for the conti uation of 'he present curfew, also. Er. Chick Surgess spoke in favor of lowering the age 1 stating the boys will be going away soon to the a~y or navy and while iere the~j should be granted all reasonable liberties possible, some work and Lave little time to dig to shows on account of the 10 o'clock restriction, and otluers can~':~ot a?tend basket ball games or go swimm Others also spoke for a reduction in the age. I!ayor !]olston stated the ordinance !~as bee force a long time and no complaints sf. ainst were t:eard in the city council 0efore. . ~ a~am~t ~he sale of oicture R~.verend Curtright spoke before the cit~; council and protested ~ '~ of nude women to small children in the Arca<~e. }~e exhibited some to the city council and chie of police, w!~ich }~e stated he tad obtained from the children. The Chief of Police was i~struc put a stop to the sales to children. ~ and Soido were of tl~e opi'nion an hour cut in ti~e curfew law would Councilmen Elder,.sys would not bring about too b~:d results. Councilman Elder stated he was willing to ,zo~:e to make that much clangs for tie parents Sesiring it, pro~ided that Sections 1 and o be changed to delete the words "or other adult ~erson". it a~'}pears t} ese words have been used by improper persons,thereby causing much trouble ~or the police department. It appearing the council was agreeable to making the change in the age in tl:e or~:inance_councilman Elder so moved, the mot was seconded by councilman Soido and regularly carried. City attorr~ey Coleberd was instructed draw uo the necessary amendment to the ordinance. 2'~.ere being no ::urt_~er business before the board, Councilman Elder moved to adjourn unt~ I~,{onday,June 5,1944,at 8 o'clock P'.i~. The motion was seconded by councilman ~ays and regularly carried. ~ime. o{wadj~urnment, ~S;S0 o'clock P.k. Res~ec-~l~~ submitted,p Councilmen, Victor Loido, ~l~.rles ~[.Elder, ivan I'~!.hays,~eor[~e ~?~.~;otston. " Absent, ~i .~.!inucciani. Copies of the minutes oi the previous meeting havin~~ been submitted to the various councilmen, ~,[ayor Lolston asked if there were any errors or ~missions.?[~aring none he declare t)~e minutes adopted as submitted. A co~unication was received from i',~aria Ghiorsi stating she dim not agree in having a curfew law or~ bo~s of tie ag~ of 16 and over. Co~unication accepted. Acknowledgment was received from th~ Lepartment of [~.[otor Vehicles of tt~e State of California of. the receipt of the city's letter advising7 them that the special census of the United Stated ~overnment certified that the popolation of South San ~rancisco was 11,~06. Communication accepted and filed. Pacific Gas ~' Electric Company advised that the new ~00 CP.PB Street light unit was ed on the east side of Industrial 'f~ay, and the existing 950 CP.~',[R.unit on t!;e west side of Industrisl ~ay wes ~emoved. Communication accepted and filed. Chief of Police ~elloni requested the cancellations of the ns. mas of ] erman Grider, Walter J.2illiam, ~[enry George Ritto,Edna Ines Doyle,Howard .i-lan Gray and harry Tipton, as g. uards at the various plants. Councilman Hays moved th8 names be striken from the roll. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. Orville ~.Poe a?plied for a permit to operate a Barn ~ance Show permanentl~ every ~atu~ day evening till one A.~'~_~.Councilman Hays moved he be given a pe~it' for 60 days. The motion was seconded by councilman boido and regularly carried. Engineer Robert A.Klass~n submitted his final report and accounting of the Special Census made by the bnite~ States Government in ~t~e cities of San Carlos,z, elmont and South Sa~ ~ancisco. In the recapitulation of the cost I¥[r. Klassen show~d the sum of ~19.~6 was due hin of the ,~-~9 07 mone~Lorder deposited with the 8i~y of South San Francisco. Councilman coido moved that the amo~% be r~turn~d to [~ir. Klassen. ~'be motion was seconded oy councilman t[ays carrled and regularly ' ~ . In a separate co~;~er engineer Klassen enc]_nsed a co?y of a letter sent ~r.C.E.batchelet, Bureau of the Census,%~ashington,L.C.,reg~rding~ the annexation lines of Soutl~wood No. 1, Southwood Ne.Q, and about which there appears to be a dou0t as to the correct description. ]'~,~ayor Holston advised that the matter be looked into, and set,led. City attorney Coleberd stated annexation proceedings could ~e institued, and the proposition placed upon the ballot at the ~ovember election~ It was decided that this shou~.d be done, in order to avoid some legal test at some future time, when the territory might all be built upon. A comminication was ~eceived from the South San Francisco Planning Co~ission contai~ the text of a resolution passed and adopted b~~ the~Clt~, Council of the City of South San Fr~ cisco on the ?lst day of ~arch,1944,referring to the Planning Commission of the City of San ~ancisco a proposition to amend 0rdinsnce ~o.l~V of this city, to change a certain sect~ from a business district to a resident~al section to pe~it the erection of 6V homes. The ~lanninc~ 8ommission report stated that due notice was given of the their intention to meet a ~d diecuss the matter of the proposed amen~ent,and that, at said meeting no person opposed t~ e 'oroposition to amend tee ordinance,~o.15V~ and they ~hereupon recommended that the city council pass and adopt the proposed a~endment. Councilman Charles K.Eld~r then introduced Oi~:LI~A~CE No entitled,"AI~ CLDI~A~CE ~.~E ..~I~ (RLI~:~A~[CE ~0.1~7 ~AN OY~DINAYCE ESTABLISHING 2~LUL~RIAL, EUSI~ESS A~,~'D RZSIDE~.iTIAL L'iS2RICTS 0R Z0]~ES IN 5HE CiTY OF SOUTI~ SAN ~A]~CISCO Ai.~ ~XPR~SIY ~t~P~ALING 0t~_,I~.~A~CE ~0 llV.0~' ~!--..~ CITY 0~~ SOUTH SAi~' FR~NCISC0~PASSED' ~i,:~. ADDPT~ I~iAY 4Tt{~19~5~ R'h.e ordinance had its first rea~iny and will come up at the next reeler mae of the city council. Council,.an Chairman Elder of the Street Co~ittee reported the city has ~ light standard can be placed in the civic center,recuested oy the safety committee-when arrangements are the fire Chie~ and the Pacific ~as & Electric *"~ ~ ' j . ~on:~snx as to the exact location Aqcording' to schedule the Cur~ew ~aw came u!o for discussion, called for by ~r.Alfred ~rgess,representing a number of p~:rents who wis~' *he law cha~-~ged to lower the age stipulatic .~.har.~es Ledwith,President of tt~e ~oard of School '~rustees of the ~;chool ~;istr~ct,appeare before~ tee city council,and spoke in favor of the pre~ent statute, which, he declared is not perfect, but is better than one red6cing t.l e a$~e limit . ~e stated allowing, boys and girls t?e ages of 16 and 18 more l~berties would tend to create more delinquencies than there are now and there are plenty now,accordin2; to the police blotter. He Urged parents to help to kee their children more at home and g~ve il:em more home trainin~. I~.irs.Ledwith spoke for the conti uation of -he present curfew, also. Er. Ct-;ick ~urgess s.~0oke in favor of lowering the age ] statin~ the boys will be going away soon to the army or navy and while i.ere the~ should be granted all reasonable liberties possible, some work and ;.s~e little time to ¥o to shows on account of the 10 o'clock restriction, and oil_ers can:',ot at. tend basket 'ball games or go swi~' Others also spoke for a reduction in the age. I..iayor !~olston stated the ordinance bas bee force a long time and no complaints sf. ainst were heard in the c~ty council .;~efore. Reverend Curtright spoke before the city council and protested against ~he sale of picture of nude women to small children in the Arcaae. he exhibited some to the city council and chic of oolice, which he stated he !.ad obtained from the children. The Chief of Police was ihstruc put a stop to the sales to children. Councilmen Elder,i s~s and ~oido were of ti'e opinion an hour cut in ti e curf~w law would would not bring about too b?d results. Co~ncilman Elder stated he was willing to ,~o~e to make that much change for ti e parents ,~-~ ' " ~j' _. _. ..,smr~n~ it, Grey, ideal that Sections 1 and o be changed to delete the words "or other adult ~erson". it a~",pears ti ese words have been used by improper persons,thereby causing much trouble "or the police department. It appearing the council was agreea~ole to making the change in the age in tl;e or~.insnee council,.an Elder so moved, the mot was seconded by councilman Soido and ref?olarly carried. City attor~ey Coleberd was instructe5 draw uo the necessary amendment to the ordinance. 2' ere being: no .further business before the board, Council~::an Elder moved to adjourn unti ~,'~onday,June 5,1944,at ~3 o'cloc]~ i~.i~[. The motion was secondeC by councilman ~-ays and regularl~ carried. ~ime of .adjourn~ent, 5;YL'~ o'clock l'.k Re~?ecl~lll, subm.tted,~ ~.;~ayor of Sou c~sco City C~rk ~ -- 46_9 REGULAR ~']EETiNG OF ~;' CIT~_ zl::.~ COUi[CIL 07 IY!E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD ~',[0NDAY, JUNE 5,1944. The regular meeting of the city council of the Cit~~ of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, ~.on'~:~ay evening, JUne 5th,1944. 'ih.e meeting ~as called to order at 8 o'clock P.I'~[. by ~!ayor George W.Holston. t{0LL CALL. Roll call found the followin~:j~ members of the council present;- Councilmen,Victor Boido,Charles E.Elder, Ivan ~(.Hays, ~eor~:e W.Holston. " A0sent, Councilman ~',~.~f, inucciani. Copies of the minutes of the previous meeting having been Forwarded to all members of tie city council, i~ayor ~olston asked if there were any errors or omissions noted. 'i:Here were none, and he accordingly declared the minutes adopted as submitted. County Tax Collector ~cArthur s~itted a statement declari~:g he had been offered co in ~lock 1~ and ~400 ,~o00 each for lots 10 and 18,in ~]lock lO,West o5, of Lots ~0, ~,~4,o6 , for the N.E.50' of Lots ~0,°o, .o4,o6, ,in Block l~,Town of ~ac~en~ and aske~ if the bid meets with the approval of the city council. There is a total of .~V88. 95 city taxes against tlc property. 'ihe city council decided to inspect ~he property before acceptin~ the bid. A oetition signed by 44 property owners on Commercial Avenue in blocks V00 and 800, requested the c~ty to place lights in tLose blocks, claiming ~here are no li,~]~.hts within 1000 feet of each other in that section, lieferred to councilman Elder. A communication was recei~:ed from the Recreation Commission advising that Ilar. Floyd ~'[.Hunter be employed as Recreation Director on a full time basis from June 15,1944 to Au~st 31,1944, at a salary of ~'.~q00 per n?onth; ~hat Joe Pless be employed as a recreation leader at ,~1.00 per h~r for~ as many hours as the co~mission deems necessary erom 0't~ne 1~,1944 to August .31,1944;-that two ].i~[.h school boys be employed as recreation werker assistants at ~.V5 cen~ .per hour ,not to exceed eight hot, rs per day, frov~ June 1~,1944 to August 31,1944, and that four adult recreation workers be employed at .~.85 cents per hour,not to exceed eig}~t hours per day, from June 1~,1944 to August 31,1944,provi0ee it is poasib!e to obtain qualified personnel. Councilman Elder moved the recommendations be acce~ted and t~e appointments ce au ~orzzed. ~ihe motion was seconded by councilman Bays and regularly carried. The Jivil her?ice fersonnel ~oard su:.>mit~:ed a statement declaring that the position of Superinten:lent of Streets should be mad~ from an eligible list,~hat there is no list extant and ?hat ~e s.-pointmen~, of l(o~an l[ynDing io the mosition was in violation of the civil service ordinance . The~bosrd advised that ?.~e matter be corrected to confo~ with the ordinance. Cit~ Attorney Coleberd stated the appointment was only a temporary one. A communication was received from Itr. Andrew Rocca,Pre~'ident of t?~e South San Francisco ~hs~ber~ o~? ~o'merce," ~ cdvising that owin~ to t~e /:rowt~ of t~'~e c?amber's activities h.e wou~d_ recommend that the city's appropriation of .jO5 monthly be increased to ,~50 mon~:hly. Cooncilman ~ays move~ that the amount asked for be ffranted. 'i'Ye motion was seconded by councilman 13oi5o s. rd regularly carried. En.y~ineer E.A.Ktassen of Redwood City sub~itted a statement of the cost of mai~ainin~([', Colma Creek witLin tt:e ~ity of So~/tb San ?rancisco fror~ i~-ay 1,1943 to i'~[ay !, 1944, 'and s~owed the County of San i¥[ateo owed the City of South San Francisco ~be sum of ,~iqvg.og. k~ yor ~iolston instructed the City Clerk to write the county billing t?.em for the amount. ?~ine residents of City 'ark Addition submitted a co~olaint to the city to the effect that w]~en they boug-bt their homes t]~ey were g~.ven to ~nderstend t~at ~he trains would not run on the o]~ ........... spur track in t?e rear of t~e~r ~.~laces,_ b~t ~'~af'~ ..... tt-~e~,,, ~o run,and ~1~o ~-t~e tracks are used for storable purposes Dy old sn5 s~aF~N railwa~~ cars ]~a~jor ~lston stated he had visited the offices of the company in an endeavor to induce ~hem to withdraw the onjectTona:3!e equipment. City attorney Coleberd state~ the tra~ks were there before t}e ~? ~ivision was opened, hence a r-~?vt~_~ to use t)e road. %he clerk w~ .... ~ iastr~cte~ ~o write t?e ~omnany,_ .~ about the sit~atfon, ~,fter ~ayor ~olston said. heT~eft word with t?em to attend to the matter. ................ ~otice was receive~ from the State record of'Equalization that Ernest Piwald t~:ad a-?plied for an off sale and distilled spirits license for the hobinson-Drug[_ist Store,and asked if t) e city had any objections ~o tlc issuance of th~.e same.There we?e none. Super:~n~endent of Streets Norman [yndin~: submitted s'list of matters for the council's consideration, ~. as follows;-R~esvrfacing of 0-ranc~ Ave,; vavin~ of l~i!lside ~oulevard; re surfacing of all small openin~.'s for the California. ~.qa~er Service Company st 50cents a square foot, by a~ a~[reement wit] t~e corn?any; }Jand rail on sity hall steps, only bid for the work was I(e!]y's Weld:ins Shop,,~lVd.00; Li~fhts in. the Civic Center;- Estimate cost of revair and maintens~nce of street ~epartment equipment,~n p~-'esent use, .~;llq~ for !© months,exclusive of gas d~ oil.~ And reco~ends that a full ~-f~e mec?snic be e~p!oyed to ta~,:e care of the city eqz~ipment. "eferred to the street com~.ittee. Ordinance No.O34, an ordinance amending ordinance No.13V to allow for t~e construction of homes ~ ' had its second reading ~ in a section of the ind~_strial Cistrict of the City of South ~an Franczsco, and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of t?e Ci1'y of South San t,:rancisco 0y the following Vote, Ayes,~.o~_ncmlmen,V.Boic~o,Oeorz'e W.Holston,Ivan ~,.~.~ays,Charles K.Elder; l~7oes, Councilmen,Lone. Absent,Councilman.i~.:l.~¥.inucciani. Attest-~- Daniel ~fcSweeney, Recorded in kook of0r~,~n~.nceo,~ ~ ~ Vol.O, at .... oa?~'e 330. City Clerk 0RDi.~ Ai~m N0. Councilman Elder introduced an ordinance re[(u!atin[~7 the conduct of minors on ?~blic n.!sces an~ public streets,an~ repealing ordinance Zo. ~.~0 of the Citl~ of South San >~ancisco. The ordinance had its ;~irst re=.dzn~ and was laid over to come up at the next reg~ lar meeting of the board. ~he mont]~ly reports of the po~ndmaster, Sanitary i~spector, City Judge,Chief of t~olice, ~uilding~ inspector and fire c~ief ~or the month endinj~ i',,s.y ~1 19~4 were submitted ~d accepted Culligan ~ Conway submitted plans ~i~ Specifications for tl~e construction of 6V hor~s in tle nmw subdivision of ~ ~ ~,~ CI'I'Y V~]~A~E. Councilman Lays moved the plans and specifications be accepted, khe motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regulari~ carried. ~nder the t:ead of unfinished ~-~z..~iness councilman ~lder~ stated the pound is now in n~uch better condition than it was,and the city will f'~et slonff with it :?or awhile. Pnder t_he ]'ead of new business Councilman ~ays moved that Charles T.Brouf!hton be appoi~.ted t ranc .... co t a tory of ~100 per month, and reasonable Works Engineer of the City of South San '~ -~o a sa .. fees on new work, the salary to be retroactive to June 1,1944. '±'he motion wa~ seconded bw councilman ]:!oido and re~fular!~ carried. ~ Councilman !.~oido~ moved the salarT, of City Judf.~e. [[iardy ~e raised to ,~000 per month, retroactive to June 1,1i_~44.~he motion was seconded b.~ councilman ~svs ~na~ ~ re~'~'~l~l~ n~~_ ___, -_~v.. .... ~.. ~oa~ ~x '=n~re were any error~ or omissions noted. Tt~ere were none, a~d ~e accordingly declared the minutes adopted as submitted. County Tax Collector ~'~cArthur submitted a state~ent de.~larm~.~: he had been offered ,~,;o00, each for lots 10 and 18,in Zlock lo,West o5' of Lots o0,oo,,~4,o6 in Block lo, and ~400 for the N.E.50' of Lots ~0,°o, .o4,~6,in Block lq,Town of ~aden, and asked if the.. bid meets with the approval of the city council. There is a total of ,~788. 95 city taxes against the property. 1he city council decided to inspect the property before accepting] the bid. A ~:,etition signed by 44 property owners on Comm~_:rcial Avenue in blocks V00 and 800, requested the city to place lights in tLose blocks, claiming there are no li,?~ts within 1000 feet of each other in that. section. [teferreo. to councilman ~lder. A communication was recei':ed from the Recreation Commission advisinf:j that i;lr. P'loyd I;~.Hunter be employed as Recreation Director on a full time Oasis from June 15,19,~ to Au~st 31,1944,at a salary of ;~00 per u~onth; that Joe Pless be employed as a recreation leader at q;1.0O per h~r for as many hours as the commission deems necessary e~om June 1~,1944 to .~'ugust. :: .31,1944;-that two ki~[,h school boys be employed as recreation worker assistants at .~.V5 cen~ per hour ,not to exceed eight hot, rs per day, from June 1~,1944 to August 31,1944, and that four adult recreation workezs be employed at -~.85 cents per hour,not to exceed ei~f!~t hours per day, from June 10,1944 to Au~st 31,1944,provioe5 it is po~si01e to obtain qualified personnel. Councilman Elder moved the recommendations be acce~ted and t]:e appointments ce aut~orized 1he motion was seconde~ by covncilman Bays and regularly carried. The ~]ivil Serxrice l~ersonnel h~osrd su:~mitted a statement declaring that t~e position of Superintendent of Streets should be ~ad~ fr~m an eli[:ible list, that there is no list extant and that ~be a':.pointment of Yo~an ilyn~ing ~.o the mosition was in violation of the civil service ordinance . The'board advised that the matter be corrected to confo~ with the ordinance o' Attorney Coleberd stated the appointment was only s temporary one. A communicatio~ was received fro~ ~ ~ ~r. Andrew Rocca,Pre~'ident of t~e South Lan Francisco Chamber cC ~,o merce, ....... ~ng teat owin[, to t~e [[rowt~~ of the c[~amber's activitY_es he wou~d recommend, that t~e ciiy's appropriation of .:~e5 mont!?ly be increased ~o ~:~50 mon%hl[. Councilman na~s move~ that the amen. n2 asked for be g'ranted. 'l'be molion ~as seconded by councilmen ;~oi~o a~d regularly carried. En[Tineer R.A.Klassen of ~edwooo~ ~_ty submitted a statement of tbs cost oe mai~ ~eininT. Colma Creek wit,,in tls 8it7 of So~ft~ San Prancisco fror~ ~'-ay 1,194S to [~ay !, 1~4~, '~end allowed the County of San Lateo owed the City of South San [~rancisco ~be sum of ,~1~79.o9. ke yet ~olston instructed the City Clerk to write the county billing t) em for the amount. ~iine residents of City ~ark Addition submitted a complaint to the city to the effect that wken they boug'~t their homes t]~ey were given to ~nderstend that the trains would not run on the o~s. ~ ~p~r ....... tr~ck in tke rear of tbe~.r ~laces, b~t +~-~at the~ ~o run,and else. tbs tracks are used for stor~e purposes by old and sha~[.~y railway cars. ~a~or ~clston stated he had visited the offices of the company in an endeavor to induce t~e~ to withdraw the o~jecti~ons~!e eqvipment. 0ity attorney Coleberd stated the tracks were there before t) e ~u q~ivision was opened, hence ~ad a r~.~?t to use t( e rood. 1he clerk w~-'s ~.nstr~cte~ to write tls company about tbs situation, ~fter ~.ayor ~olston said he"eft word with t~em to attend to the matter. .............. ~otice was receive~ from the State ~oard of Equalization that Ernest Piwald had ad, plied fcr an off sale and distilled spirits license for the kobinson-Drug~ist Store~and asked if t~~ e city had any objectio~s to tls issuance of the same.There we?e none. Superintendent of Streets I~.[orman Hynding submitted a'list of matters for the council's consideration, as follows;-R~esurfacin~ of Oran~ Arq; pavin~ of ~illside ~oulevard; re surfacing of all small p~ ' '~'~ .. o ~-,nmn~ o for the California V~a~er Service Company at DOcents a square foot, by an agreement wit[~ tke ...... ~ .....· .... ~,.,..~,~, Land rail on sity hall steps, only bid for the work was Ke!]y's Weldfng ~ ~' ~ ~.c~0 ~_ ~ Shop,.~l[~ ~ ; Li;hts in the Civic Center;- mstimete cost of reoair and mainten~nce of street ~epartment equipment,in present use, .j;lle~ for !0 months,exclusive of gas 6 oil.~ And reco~w~ends that a full ~-.[~-~e ~ec]'enic be emv!oyed to ~e care of the city eq~ipment · ~eferred to the street comr:~ittee. 0RDf~OA[~CE NO .q~4. Ordinance No.O~, an ordinance ~men~ing ordinance No.l,~7 to allow for the constru~tmon of homes ~in a section of the industrial ~istrict of the Cit~j of South San Francisco, had its second reading and was passed a~-:d adopted ss an ordinance of tke City of South San P~rancisco 'by t~-~e following Vote,- Ayes,Councilmen,V.Boi~o,Geor~[e ~Y.Holston,Ivan ~"~.~[ays,Charles K.Elder; ~[oes, Councilmen, L~one. Absent,Councilman.i~,'..Zinucciani. Attests- Daniel ~fcSweeney, Recorded. in ~ook of Ordinances, Vol.0, st pa~.['e ~S0. City Clerk Councilman El~er introduced sn ordinance regu!atin~[ tke conduct of minors on public ~ ~ ~ , ~o ....~0 of the Cit[~ of South San ~Tancisco. ~laces ~no public streets,and repealing~ ordinance "* o'~ The ordinance had its f'irst reading and was laid over to come up at the next reg~ lar meeting of the board. ~ke montkly reports of t~e poundmaster, Sanitary inspector, City Judge,Chief of t~olice, Building inspector and fire chief for the month endin~7 Lay ~1 ~9.~, were submitted ~d accepted. suomztted plans & Specifications for tie construction of 67 homos in Culligan ~. Conway ~ ~ ' tt~e new suodzrzsion of ~ ~u~ Ci'fY ~,;l ~AOE Councilman Lays moved the ~lan. s and specifications be accepted. 1he motion was seconded by councilman Elder and reg~uls, rl~ carried. Cnder the head of unfinished business councilman Elder stated the pound is now in ~uch better' conditiontnan~ it was,and the city will ~'.et alon~ with it for awhile. Under the ]"ead of' new buSiness Councilman ~ays moved that Charles T.Brou~i~hton be. appointed Works Engineer of the City of South San ~;~rancisco ~t a salary of ~ilO0 per month, and reasonable ; fees on new work, the salary to be retroactive to June 1,1~44. 2he mo~ion was seconded by councilman , ~!oido and re~zular!~ carried. Councilman Doido' moved the salar:,, of City Jud[e~ i~iarOy .>e raised to ~00 per montl~::, retroactive · to June t,l~44.~he motion was seconded_ by councilman ~ys ~na ~ ' re~:ularl~,~ cS. rried. ~ Inspector ~,(elvin Schlaam re~orted, the Ora:~d ~otel now in good condition and a license may be · issued for it at an~ time Report accepted. Ct~ief of ?olice melloni reported that no docs are ,oeing taken up in the city by anyone, L~rs. Hernan re;:orted t?a.t so:-:e dog bit a child in Southwood,and the residents were unable to locate the animal.Andrew Rocca favored an ordinance to keep all dogs under control . Councilman ~iays believed that the owners of al]dogs should pay a license,and that no dc be a,!lowed upon the city streets~ without proper leash.. Engineer }-ark L~rwood suggested tiat new mays for the c!t? be furnished. ~'e sta~ s~o~f;, San !;¥ancisco Land ~ Immrovement Company or the co~nty would pay. one t~ird of the cost, ........... ~ ~ t) ird, if t~e Oity of ~.outh San Francisco wo~ld pay t~e ot]~er third, of approximately ,i~600,t~ He was s~thorized to order the new maps. Claims in the amount of ,,~4~;~.3.98 were next submitted to the council for payment;- F.M. Hunter,Extra time, E. McMills, C.A. Sanders, R.N. Murphy M. ~muth L~uis Belloni S. ~tagnaro D ~Ferrari M. Spindler Mrs. J. Pless A. Pacheco F. Mandsl~ A. Galletti M, Laufer F. Casagrande A. Ferrario V. Ciarrochi J. Souzz~ A. Soldani J. Galli L.R. Lovi L. Baldt A. Gustetti J. Tacchi McElrath Shell Set. Wm. J. Sweeney Pete Questoni Emma Btanchini Dr. M. Wertheim ' Baber' s Body Shop Associated 0il Co., Gurley-Lord Tire Co. Kelly's Welding Shop Kelly'~ Welding Shop Pac. Gas & Elc. Co. Pac. Gas & Elc. Co. Wilson Sporting Goods T~e Enterprise Press Mrs. Ethel~.~Unroe Mrs. May Spindler R. Goold & A.E.Dower Calif. Water Serw~ Royal Supply Co. Royal Suppl~ ~o. · RoyaI Suppl~ Go. Edw. Bacon CO., A.L.Yotmg Mach. Co. Clerical Clerical Extra Duty Extra Police Duty Extra Duty Rec. Work. I! tl ~ Fire Alarm Par~ Labor Str. Labor Park Janitor Str. Labor II 11 I! Park Labor Service ~ar #371 Repair Stud. Lub. Buick #370 Matrom Serviae Tests R~A~g DeSoto Car Gasoline etc. Valve Stem etc. Labor & Repair Mower Repair Sign, Bay.& Baden Accounts Str. Lighting Equipment Supplies Rec. Dept. Equip. Supplies,Rec. Center For Paving Breaker City Water Supplies, Park " etc. St. Imp. tt " Gene Parts Repair & Refill Broom Cores ~I~il~$ie Tow Sweeper Ric & Al's Serv. Repair Tire Enterprise Eng.& F. Co. Manholes E~w. Barx-y Co., 1 Binder Goodyear Service Tire & Tube ~$.S~.~.Chamber of Comm. Adv.for May C. Rinehart Attending Fires E. Kozlowski " " $ 85.77 6.40 :,16.80 41.80 41.84 27.24 17.60 58.68 68.20 70.38 54.40 112.91 96.05 68.64 95.2V 102.08 102.81 43.90 9.11 101.35 100.39 21.82 21.82 55.33 5.71 14.06 3.00 5.00 45.00 14.25 124.50 2.59 3.00 4.50 168.9V 812.25 10.17 2.31 ~13.83 1.93 120.00 700.96 55.05 4.OO l.VO 15.38 70.47 4.50 3.40 113.06 6.38 16.15 25.00 3.50 9.00 u±alms in the'~-~oUnt of ~4633.98~were next su'omitted to t?'~e co~ncil For payment;- F.M. Hunter, Extra time, E. McMills, C.A. Sanders, R.N. Murphy M. I~uth L~uis Belloni S. Stagnaro D .Ferrari M. Spindler Mrs. J. Pless A. Pacheco F. Mandsl! A. Galletti M. Laufer F. Casagrande A. Ferrario V. Ciarrochi J. Souzza A. Soldant J. Galli L.R. Lovi L.Baldt A. Gustetti J. Tacchi McElrath Shell Set. Wm.J. Sweeney Pete Questoni Emma Bianchint Dr. M. Wertheim Baber's Body Shop Associated 0il Co., Gurley-Lord'Tire Co. Kelly's Welding Shop Kelly'~ Welding Shop Pac. Gas & Elc. Co. Pac. Gas & Elc. Co. Wilson Sporting Goods TAe Enterprise Press Mrs. EthelL~unroe Mrs. May Spindler R. Goold & A.E.Dower Calif. Water Serw.~ Royal Supply Co. Royal Suppl~o..~ Roya1 Edw. Bacon CO., ~.L.¥oung Mach. Co. Clerical Clerical Extra Duty Extra Police Duty Extra Duty Rec. Work. Fire Alarm Par~ Labor II ft la Str, Labor fl fi ti U Sex~ice ~ar #371 Repair Stud. Lub. Buick #370 Matrom Servime Tests RspA~g DeSoto Car Gasoline etc. Valve Stem etc. Labor & Repair Mower Repair Sign, Bay.& Baden Accounts Str. LigAt lng Equipment Supplies Rec. Dept. Equip. Supplies,Rec. Center For Paving Breaker City Water Supplies, Park " etc. St. Imp. Parts Repair & Refill Broom Cores ~d~$~e Tow Sweeper Ric & Al's SeN. Repair Tire Enterprise Eng.& F. Co. Manholes E~. Bar~y Co., i Binder Goodyear Service Tire & Tube ~$.S~.~.Chamber of Comm. Adv.for May C. Rinehart Attending Fires E. Kozlowski " " A. Johnson " " R. Spenelli " " $ 85.77 6.40 !,16.80 41.80 41.84 27.24 17.60 58.68 68.20 70.38 54.40 112.91 96.05 68.64 95.2V 102.08 102.81 43.90 9.11 101.35 100.39 21,82 21.82 55.33 5.71 14.06 3.00 5.00 45.00 14.25 124.50 2.59 3.00 4.50 168.97 812.25 10.17 2.31 13.83 1.93 120.00 700.96 55.05 4.00 1.70 15.38 70.47 4.50 3.40 113.06 ' 6.38 16.15 25.00 3.50 9.00 2.50 10.00 464 Expenditurs Con. ~. WedeE~ng A. Galli W. Minucciani R. Colombo A. Fregosi J. Dias J. Nios~t D. Cognocci ~S. Norgard P. Cagnacci D. Greco A. Questoni Cliff Begnal V. Ullery Angelo Zangrando SubWay Service Sta. Galvin Mfg. Corp. A. Terragno Louis Belloni Price Furn. Anchor Drug Co. Bellt Motor Co., A. Carlisle & Co. Angelo Zangrando Calif~ Water Service Co., The Enterprise Press So. City Lbr. & Sup. Co.. So. City Lbr. & Sup. Co. Pa~checo Elec. Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Attending Fires !! 1! ti II # Extr[ Duty Labor &-Material(flooring~ Repairs etc. Tubes (Metal) AttendinE F.B.I. School Expenses etc. Chest Suu~lies ( books ~ Repairs Buick Bond Stationary Install Plate Glass Windows Hydrant Inst. Copies of L. & Envel. Park Supplies Str. Imp. Supplies Maintain St. Lights etc. Telephone ,, serVice Phone'# 1071 $ 2.00 14.00 3.50 4.00 14.00 2.00 8.00 V.O0 10.00 10.50 9.00 11,00 8.14 7.69 2.75 10.34 4.32 20.97 10.52 19.80 1.15 182.10 1.15 4.50 38.86 160.49 5.90 28.44 94.09 3.10 1i .6o 6.33 Total $4633.98 The claims hssving been aud:i ted- by the finance co~',,:ittee council~r~an ~.oic~.O moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularl]~ carried. There being_" no f~rther business before the c, oard co~_~ncilman kays n~oved to adjourn until the next regular meeting of the cot~ncil, i~onday,J~.~ne 19th,1944,at 8 o'clock P.~. '!he motion was seconded by counci!~an i.oido snd regularly carried. Time of adjournment~ 9;30 O'clock "ayor cz oout , 'ianCisci "espectfully submitted, ,, OdtYrClerk