HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1945-01-15 The regular meeting of the cit~ council of the City of South San Francisco was held in
the City hall, ~onday evening, January l~th,19~.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.E. by ~ayor George.W.Eolst~n.
Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;-
Council~n V~ctor Boido,Charles K.Elder,Ivan ~.Hays,George ~.Holston,~.~iinucciani.
Claims in the amount of $$,666.~9 were next presented to the council for
Howard Buick Co.
Joseph Quinlan
Patrick ~Moise Klinkner
Belli Motor Co.
A. L. Powers
So. City Lumber Co.
Price Furniture Co.
Harry Hill
A. Carlisle Co.
S o. C i ty Laundry
Superi or Laundry
repair police buick $
2900 envelopes'- police dep.
2 daters "
~ remms mi.meograph paper fire dep.
repairs police Buick
tire, tube and repairs police dep.
supplies police dept. and park
3 pads, 80 cOvers police dep. - i garbage can
plating headlights fire dept.
supplies fire dept.
laundry fire dept. Dec.
Latnan Company repairs fire engine
Pac. Coast Assn. FireChiefs dues 1945
Arndt's Dept. Store 8 pillow cases fire dept.
Royal Supply Co. I gal chro.matone and 18 bolts
Royal Supply Co. supplies street dept.
Rockaway Quarry Crusaer run
A. L. Young Machinery Co. l0 bales broo.m core
So.S.F. Tire Co. repairs street sweeper tires
Baber's Body Shop ,.
Ed. R. Bacon Co.
W. Minuc ci ani
Hallawell Seed Co.
Papps Bros,
P. G. & E.
Enterprise Press
Tablet & Ticket Co.
Paramount Pest Control
E.merson Mfg. Co.
Pacheco Electric Co.
Charles T. Brougaton
Shell Oil Co.
F. Mando li ·
Dan Lomb a~-di
A. J. Pacneco
John Souza
Joe Galli
F. Casagrande
T. C iu~anni
F. ~,~ando li
A. Perrario
supplies fire dept.
repairs Chevrolet
st.sweeper broom filling machines and supplies
supplies - park dept.
seeds "
trees "
street lights Dec.
miscellaneous service Dec.
insurance pre.m, misc. policies
legal notice to taxpayers
honor roll strips
Service Sept. to Dec. 1944, incl.
I silk cord and tassel
maintain street lights and repairs
De cemb er Eng inee ring
gasoline December
park labor
radio phone operator police dept.
fire alarm maintenance Dec.
janitor recreation dept.
street labor
pa~k labor
park labor
park labor
9 '68
66 ~6
2 O5
4 61
!9 5,4
2.5 11..
!4 45
56 64
6 O0
12 ~8
5 99
~ 2O
28 50
5 O0
4 55
16 67
14 O0
206 64
B 08
2 O5
17 O0
150 74
lO 8zt
2':5 58
3B 8'3
907 79
20,4. 56
702 75
4 O0
60 O0
2 8&
:~8 65
99 O0
61 88
82 50
67 O0
32 O0
'72 8O
72 80
72 80
80 08
72 80
%'he claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Elder moved
they be paid.The motion was seconded by councilman ~ays and regularly carried.
Copies of the minutes of the previous meeting having been forwarded to all members
of ti:e council Aayor holston asked if any errors or omissions were noted. Leafing none the
declared the minutes adopted as submitted.
Notice was received from the Peninsula i-~v~sion of the League of almfornma Cities,
stating' the next dinner meeting would be held on ['hurs8$y,~anuary qSth, 19~5~ at 6;45 o'clock
P.k. ih ~eresford Country Club,at the westerly end of 20t~,Avenue off E1 6amino heal,San
~ateo,California, and asked how many' representatives of South~San Francisco would Oe in
attendance. On inquiry bN Mayor Holston nine city officials signified their intention of
attending the meeting.
"~n application was received from Saul [,ronfeld for a permit to hold dances in Fraternal
Hall every SatBrday evening for a period of one year, starting ~anuarN 00,1945. On recommendation
of Police Chief oelloni the permit was grante~ to Saturday,?~arch 3,1945) only.
An application was received from J'E. ~uller, an honorably discharged soldier, for a
6tee license to sell produce to consumers in the city. His application was accompanied by a
statement from tLe Adjudication Officer of the American Legion to the effect that ~[r. Euller
entered the Enited States ~iilitary service in 1918 and was Bonorably discharged in 1919.
Councilman Lays moved the free license be sranted. 5[~e motion was seconded by. councilman
Einucciani and regularly carried.
Philip A.Hess and Arnold J.~(oss a~ain applied for a license to sell lumber and building
~aterials on parcels 9 and 34, zone "Cw, land of tNe South S.P.Land ~ Improvement Company.
Councilman kinuccis, ni moved the application be denied. 2he motion was seconded by councilman hays
and regularl~ carried, in connection with this application Ohief of Police ~elloni reported
that the applicants were dumping lumber f'ro~: trucks over the banks into the land of South City
Lumber a Supply Company. ~ayor lolston instructed the police, health and fire departments to
investigate the situation.
State ooard of Equalization of the application of Eugene
Notice was received from the
~ilani for the transfer of an on sale b$~r and wine and a distilled spirits license from Pietro
~-alfatti and Eugene ~iilani to Eugene ~iilani,the ~ea Cave hestaurant on oayshore highwa~. %here
were no objections by the city council.
Andrew Rocca,Chairman of the city's Planning Commission,submitted a copy of a letter
sent to ~.ir. P .J.Shaw, ~enaral ~v~anaser of the South San Francisco ~and & I~provement Company ,
which stated that the land upon which Hess & Ross wished to start a lumber yard, ~ parcels ~,
$$ and ~, in Zone "C", P~ck's Subdivision, i~ in the residential zone of this city. Accepted
and filed.
An application was received, from t~e Fraternal Hall Association of this city for
permission to stage a show to be know as the High Jinks of '~8, for a period of nine days, in
Fraternal hall. ~he co~munication stated that their committee would secure some of the Nest
Coast's best vaudeville entertainers, and ?eature other entertainments for the event, which is
to raise funds ~or the improvement of their hall, ~nd requested the council to waive licenses.
Councilman Hays~ moved.the desired permission be granted. ~he motion was seconded by councilman
Ninucciani and regularly carried.
Chief of Police Belloni submitted the name Nora ~ae Duprez for appointment as guard at
the ~estern Pipe & Steel Works. Councilman Elder moved the appointment be confirmed,without
remuneration fro~ the city. The motion was seconded by councilman ~inuccian~ a~d regularly
A reply was received ~rom County Executive Prederick Pet~rson to the city's letter
u~ging that his department t~ke up the matter of procuring ambu!~6e service f~r the north
end of San ~ateo County. ~r. Peterson's reply stated he has been advocating the acquisition
of better ambulance service before man~ legal bodies of the county, for some time, including
the Board of Supvervisors, City ~anager W.D.Soule, Dr.Charles C.Gans, the California Highway
~a~rol , the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce and the City of Burlingame, and enclosed copies of
letters written to the various~ bodies on the subject, and repliers to the same. Accepted and filed.
Referring to the city's letter calling attention to the hog stench from affluent washed ~
down ~aden and Colma Creeks from the hills into South San ~ancisco, County Executive Peterson
assured the City of South San ~¥ancisco that h~s letter of instructions to CouDty health
Director Charles C.Gans on the subject would be closely followed up until~ some definite action
is taken, kr. ~eterson enclosed a copy of the letter written the ~'~ealth Officer. Accepted
and filed~
County Clerk Augustus answered a communication of Chief of Police Bel~oni with
reference to improved ambulance service in the north end of San kateo County. ~r. ~ugustus
stated the Doard of Supervisors had, on January ~, l~, appoihted Supervisor Thomas L.Hickey
a one man committee to ~eet with the city councils and chiefs of police of San ~runo,DalN City
and South ~an Francisco on the subject. Communication accepted.
~'he monthly reports of the ~anitary Inspector, City Treasurer and Poundmaster for the
month ending December $1,1~, were read and accepted.
Under the head of new business-councilman Hays brought up the subject of retirement for
~ city employees. ~rnished with a copy of the estimate of Co~ts ~ ~erforth on the retire-
ment s~stem for the City of South San Francisco, Er.Bays advScated that a study of the matter
be made oy the city employees, now under civil service, but with no oension system, in
conjunction with the city attorney as to the amounts to be paid by'the city and the employees.
It was agreed that the cit~, employees appoint a committee to secure data n$cessary t~ubmit to
ti~e city attorney and the city council. Cit~ attorney Coleberd expressed his desire to wo~ ~:
in conjunction with t~e committee to that end.
~ayor Lolston stated he was always in favor of the retirement system, he advised the council
to take into considerati~,n the costs to the city, a tax rate to conform with tee undertaking,
and possi01y the hold. in~! of an election for the sanction of the public. City attorney Coleberd
su~gested ~r.Ledwith 0e calledin as an expert in figurin~: out the ~cale of rates to be submitted,
and councilman ooido suggested the employees co~m~ittee call in ~r. atein of the county service
for assistance.
/[uestion of the Possi0ility of raising additional new taxes the ensuing year came up. It
was suggested trailers in trailer~camps'might stand some burden of taxes. Councilman Elder
thought household furniture might be assessed. Other councilmen thought the cost of collection
would be greater than the revenue. All agreed that to adopt the retirement system would be a
benefit to the workers, but would entail a~ditional taxes~ and a special election should be
called to vote on the subject.
Councilman boido called ~ins-~-~ector Schlaam'attention to the condition of the Giffra building on
Cyoress Avenue, the removal of which had not been complied with,as ordered. ~r. Schlaam stated he had
been so very busy in other parts of the county he was unable to attend to it, but s~id he would
be better fixed for time in about a week.
Councilman Joido moved that the salary of Police Clerk Arthur R~d. ondi be raised to ~0~
per month, stating that the young man had been working overtime many hours, and never put
in a claim for extra services~. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eays and regularly
~ayor ~olston instructed the city clerk to write the firms of Simon Rotor Company,
A.Chelini and Charles Ross, requesting tham to clean up their premises of refuse, rubbish,
junk and other unsightly materials within a matter of two weeks, under penalty of prosecution.
fhere 0eing no further business before the council,councilman Elder moved to adjourn ur.til
~ionday,~ebruary ~th,1945, at 8 o'clock P.~i.
regularly carried.
Time of adjgurnment~ 9~ o'clock
Approved ~u~t~
~.ayor of So co.
'lhe motion was seconded b.y'councilman Hays and
~e spe~fully submit ~d,
Ci~~ Clerk