HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1945-05-14REGULARLY ADJO[i~.ZD ~,.~'.,~IN:~ O? ~E CIT~ COUNCIL
~i(ONDAY, ~ 1~T~,1945
A re[~[ularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the Cit.~. of South San Francisco
was held in the Cit~ Eall, i'¥[onday evening, '"ay 14th,1945.
~is meet~n.(:, was called to order at V~30 o'clock P.i~,.. by ?,'.ayor ~eorge W.Holston.
Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;-
Councilmen,¥ictor ~oido, Charles W.Elder, Ivan ~..~.ays, George ~.Eolston , ~i.~iiniccianf,
The minutes of the previous meetin~ havin~ been forwarded to all members of the City ~
Council, ~.~.s~or tolston asked if any one had gOund anythinf' wrong with the minutes,as submitted.
Hearin~i no objections be ¢~eclared the min~.:~tes adopted as submitted.
A letter was received from ~.ayor holston which he received from the Twelfth "~aval Districv,
stating as follows,in part,"Reference is made to m~ letter of the ~ ikarch, 1945,file Noi~Di~-80-
ba 836.,Serial 1938~,in which you were advised that the nav~ did not consider the joint sewage
disposal project as designed under your sponsorahip to be adequate for the cities of South
San Francisco and 3an Bruno and the U.S.i(av[ Advance ~ase Personnel Lepot. ~ou are advised tt:a~
because the original design is not considered to mrovide tl'e required facility,,, the Commandant
would be un~illing to recommend Navy participatioh in the in the cost of the joint sewage
Subseq~nt to my letter of ~o~ ~arch,1945,joint studies have been made by the two cities
and th.e ~;avy and it is considered that the plans as proposed will be changed to ~rovide those
facilities considered necessary as outlined i~-~ m~: letter of o, of Lay,1945 , file ~'~Dl~-80-ba o36
Serial 31309".
EaJon ~ Smith were on hand to protest against the ruling of t~e city. Judfe hapsey of
San C. runo did not assent to the substantial c~,anges offered. Eaton ~ ~:.mith said they were only
~ o another 3-o3 inc?~ pump and one other one
toilet facilities, meanings/i,1500 ~allon p~mp, ,, .. .
/._fret muci', other dism~sslon on t~e su~ect, lkayor ~_olston stated the matter would be brought
uo again at the next meetin.~' of t?e Cit~~ C(~ncil, i~ondsw~ ni~ht,~_ "-ay °l , 1~45, at eight o'clock
A communication was received from the A~. South Sa~-.~ Francisco Sign Co, enclosing ~!.~100 fee
to be paid for the ~?rvey m~ de by .~!all ~. i~regnoff recently on the South. ~ San Francisco Sign
Company's property. Accepted.
~.~eeting notice was received from the Peninsula Division of tY.e League of California
Cities, .~tatin~. that the next meetinf~ would be ?.eld at Eawaafan Gardens, [:an Jose, California,
'ihu. sday evening, ~a~- 1~',1945, at V o'clock P.~'. Eight persons volunteered to be in attendance.
A com~nunicatio'~ was received from ~ Ivan l~.~.Eays, Cit]'. Councilman,askin~ for a leave of
absence from civic d~ties of 60 days, effective from l~ay ~,1945. he stated he was in illness,
and believed he would be in anot~er State for an operation, such ss is required. "e was granted
the re[:'ular leave ~ absence,of 60 days.
Claims in the amount of .~3~0.~5 were next presented to t~e council for payment;-
Dan Lombardi
'~incent ~[ager
Joseph A.Pless
Leah Lobertson
~2ay xpindler
Dee J.ghehtanian
salary ,~ 78.40
salary ~$ 63.03
" ~,~ 61.70
" ~ 0~.66
" ~ ~.66
" ,~ V1.80
Total ~3o, 0 .~5
Councilman t'~:ays mo~:~ed tLe claims be paid.
and regularly carried.
~he motio~ was secanded by councilman Elder
There bein no ~urt.~.er b~.sines before :~.e board of councilmen,councilmsn ~(inucciani
~' .~,.~. %he motion was seconded by
moved to adjo~.rn until ~.'!onday, ~ay °1,1945, at 8 o'clock P ~
councilman ~.oido and regularly carried.
Time of adjournr:ent,
8.o0 O'clock P
~-ayor of South gan Francisco~.~
Re spe ct fully submitted,
~/i~f Clerk