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RE,dI~I.:_RL~ ADJObRi:,ED ~,'J~ETti'~G O? T~E CI'i~
CObNCIL Of' 'l:[h~ CITk OF ~OU~ - SAt
A regularly, adjourne~ meeting of the oit~ council of the' City of South San P~rancisco was
held in the Oity Ball, WednesdaF evening, A~gust ~0, 1945.
This meeting was called to order at 6 o'clock F.k. by ka~or George W. Holsto~.
Roll call found the following members of the city council present;-
Councilmen ~ictor ~oido, Charles K.Elder and .~eorge W.!~olston.
" Absent, councilmen,Ivan ~.~ays and ~.!~inucciani.
The reading o~ the minutes of the previous meeting was 5ispe~sed w~th.
An estimate was received from the ~f~orks Engineer of this city, testif/ing that the ~ost of
Sanitary and Storm Sewers, fncludin~ ~'~anholes, in Brentw~od, would be ~$~9,754, and the cost of
paving, curbs,gutters and concrete sidewalks woul~ ~e .~41,6~8.50~ a total of ~V1,64~.50.
Councilman ~oido introduced a resolution of th~ city council of the City of South San
~ancisco accepting a deed from Perry Liebman and ~sabel Liebm~n, his w~fe, conve?in[t to the Cfit~
of South San Francisco, an easement for the construction, reconstruction,repair and maintenance
of ~anitary Sewers and storm water sewers in ~nd through all those certain tracts of parcels of
land situate i~ ~)'e Cit~~ of South San ~ancisco,~ounty of San l,~ateo:, State Of California, and
described b~~ a deed, submitted. '~'
I hereb~ certif~ t~at the foregoing resolution v,~a's ~;f'~larl~ introduced and adopted by the
City Councilcf the City of ~outh San i~rancisco, this ~ day of August,l~45, by the foltowin~ vove[~
~yes, Councilmen, Victor ~oido, Charles K.Elder,~eorge W.Eolston.
No~ s ~ ' l~on~.
Absent," Ivan ~[.~ays, and ~.~.~'[inuccia~-~i. ~[ttegt ~an~el ~icSweeney~Resolution
Cit~- Clerk No. 1041.
hecorded in ~c.ok of ~esolutions, Vol.4, at page Fo.6.
RESOLbTiON [~0. 104~.
Councilman ~Jilder introduced a resolution of the cit~ councfl of the Cit~~ of South c~an ,ran~is~o
adoptin~"Plan~ and Specifications for the ~s.tructi~n of improvements'in the tract of land
known as ~rentwood Subdivision No.1~ submitted by Charles ~:.Erou~hton, Works Engineer of the cizy
The res~:lution was adopted b~'~ the votes of all the members of the city council present, as
follows; -
Ayes, Councilmen,Victor Boido, Charles K.El~er, ,~eorge W.Holston.
Eoas, Councilmen,None.
AbSent Councilmen,Ivan L.l[ays and ~.I.,~inucciani. Attest
decorded i~ Zook of Resolutions, Vol.4 at page
Dani'e 1 EcSweeney
'Cit~ Clerk
.'. If~'El(~ ION NO .1043
Councilman Z~:oido introduced"~ resolution of the City Co~mcil of the City of ~:outh S~n
Francisco declaring its intention ~o improve the streets of t~e Subdivision ~' 'in said City
of South San ~ancisco ~own as ~rentw~.od .
The resolution was adopted by the votes of all t~e ~:embers of the city co~Hcil present,as
follows; '
Ayes, Councilmen,Victor Boido, Charles K.Elder, ~-eor~e W.Eolston.
NoeS, Councilmen,None.
Absent,Councilmen Ivan ~.'[~.E~:~ys,and ~i.~'iinucciani. Attest Daniel ~cSwe~ney
Cit~ Clerk
Rec-rde~ ir'. _:ook of hesolutions, '~.'ol.4, at page 7.
R?SOLU"I'IO~( NO. 1044, .~eq~ '
Council~:.an Elder introduced "A resolution of t}~e City Council of the City of
Francisco consolidating elections to be held in said city on the 31st day of August, 19~'~~.
%he resolution was adopted b}~ the votes of all ~:t:e men-hers of the City Oouncil -sresent,as
Ayes, councilmen,Victor Soido, Charle~: i:.Elder., ~eor~::le W.i.olst:n.
~,~oes, councilmen, :.( one.
Absent councilmen, Ivan~..r','.Ila~s and i~,, .?,inucciani. Attes2~. Daniel I',icSweene[
City Clerk.
Recorded in Loo? of Resolutions, Vol. 4, at p~fle 8.
introduced ~ ~ESOLLii~N ¥0.1045.
Councilman Loido~A resolution of the city council of the Cit~ of South San ~:raucisco,
entering into an agreeme~t with the l:nite~ States of America, wherein said [;nited States of
America, ss vermitt~r,ma~~ ~t~'ive to said city oe~issior., to construct,reQonstruct,mai~tain and oper-
ate a ~V inch diameter reinforced concrete force main sewer upon the prop~ty described in the
proposed for~ of a~reement,a co?y of w~ich is annexed hereto and made a part bereof'~
'l'he resol~ion was a~opted by the votes of all the members of the city council present,
as follows;
Ayes, council=en, )/~:Ctor Loido, Charles K.Elder, Georze W.Eolston~.
J~foes, councilmen. None.
Absent,councilmen,Ivan tf.ha~s,and ~.~.:inucciani. Attest Daniel McSweeney
Cit7 Clerk
~lecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 4, st oaf.je 8.
Previous to t~e acceptance of the deed fro~ Dr. Liebman,' and his wife Isaoel Liebman,
~,ir. Liebman was sworn in b~ the cit~ clerk, and gave testimony satisfactory to ~r. Coleberd. ~e
also suOmitted a waiver of provisions of special assess~zent investigation's,limitation and majority
protest act, for filing.
~ir. Coleberd was asked b~f i¥~s~-or ~or[e ~.l~olston to inquir~ ~:s to whether the money derived.
from .the sale of Lot 50, in Block 133,Buckingh~'s Sub, ca~ be PrSrated'~ betw~ the
There bein[~j no further business before the board c'~ncilman. Zoido moved to adj'ourn until T~esday,
September 4,1945, at 8 O'clock P.l~i. T~:e motion was seconded hy councilman Elder and regularly carried.
Time of ad~rnm~~O o'clock P.k. ~espect~ll~ ~Smitted,
~'~ap~.or of~th ~an ~,'rancisco